diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index cb620acc..36fd17b8 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ manifest: mag/ maglef/ verilog/rtl/ Makefile find verilog/rtl/* -type f ! -name "caravel_netlists.v" ! -name "user_*.v" ! -name "README" ! -name "defines.v" -exec shasum {} \; > manifest && \ shasum scripts/set_user_id.py scripts/generate_fill.py scripts/compositor.py >> manifest # since the order of files returned by find is indeterminate, sort the final output by filename - sort -k2,2 -o manifest manifest + LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -o manifest manifest # shasum lef/user_project_wrapper_empty.lef >> manifest # find maglef/*.mag -type f ! -name "user_project_wrapper.mag" -exec shasum {} \; >> manifest && \ # shasum mag/caravel.mag mag/.magicrc >> manifest @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ master_manifest: echo "$$( $(UNCOMPRESS) -c $$file | shasum | awk '{print $$1}' ) $$file" >> master_manifest; \ done # since the order of files returned by find is indeterminate, sort the final output by filename - sort -k2,2 -o master_manifest master_manifest + LC_ALL=C sort -k2,2 -o master_manifest master_manifest rm -rf manifest.compressed.list .PHONY: check-env