diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/.gitignore b/verilog/dv/cocotb/.gitignore
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diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/README.md b/verilog/dv/cocotb/README.md
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index 1dcec1ad..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/README.md
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-Cocotb environment (CTN) is a dynamic simulation testing environment. It's purpose is to speed testing simulation time and get coverage data. The environment is developed using cocotb, an open source coroutine-based co simulation testbench environment for verifying VHDL and SystemVerilog RTL using Python. CTN has 2 main layers: tests and whitebox models. Tests layer contain multiple tests and sequences that can communicate with the caravel (dut) through drivers shown in read at fig 1. Whitebox models layer contain multiple models that should mimic the behavior of each main block inside caravel see fig1. Model is supposed to check if the model is working as expected, if its registers contain the expected values all the time and report coverage of features provided by this block if it’s tested or not.
-fig1. caravel testbench environment (read lines are drivers )
-- Docker: [Linux](https://hub.docker.com/search?q=&type=edition&offering=community&operating_system=linux&utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=dd-smartbutton&utm_location=header) || [Windows](https://desktop.docker.com/win/main/amd64/Docker%20Desktop%20Installer.exe?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=dd-smartbutton&utm_location=header) || [Mac with Intel Chip](https://desktop.docker.com/mac/main/amd64/Docker.dmg?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=dd-smartbutton&utm_location=header) || [Mac with M1 Chip](https://desktop.docker.com/mac/main/arm64/Docker.dmg?utm_source=docker&utm_medium=webreferral&utm_campaign=dd-smartbutton&utm_location=header)
-- Python 3.6+ with PIP
-- ```docker pull efabless/dv:cocotb```
-- iverilog or vcs
-- export CARAVEL_ROOT= \
-- export MCW_ROOT= \
-- export PDK_ROOT= \
-- export PDK= \
-run a test
- Use script verify_cocotb.py
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- name of regression can found in tests.json
- -test TEST [TEST ...], -t TEST [TEST ...]
- name of test if no --sim provided RTL will be run
- -sim SIM [SIM ...] Simulation type to be run RTL,GL&GL_SDF provided only
- when run -test
- -testlist TESTLIST, -tl TESTLIST
- path of testlist to be run
- -tag TAG provide tag of the run default would be regression
- name and if no regression is provided would be
- run___
- -maxerr MAXERR max number of errors for every test before simulation
- breaks default = 3
- -vcs, -v use vcs as compiler if not used iverilog would be used
- -cov enable code coverage
- -corner CORNER [CORNER ...], -c CORNER [CORNER ...]
- Corner type in case of GL_SDF run has to be provided
- -keep_pass_unzip Normally the waves and logs of passed tests would be
- zipped. Using this option they wouldn't be zipped
-Refer to [examples](doc/commands_example/README.md)
-Refer to [tests doc](doc/tests/README.md) for tests list
-cocotb directory tree
-├── caravel.py -> contains driving and mentoring functions for caravel interface
-├── caravel_top.sv -> testbench top level
-├── cpu.py -> contains driving and mentoring functions for wishbone when disable the cpu
-├── hex_files -> folder that contains hex files
-├── verify_cocotb.py -> script that run tests and regressions
-├── sim -> directory get generate when run a test
-│ └── -> tag of the run
-│ ├── - -> test result directory contain all logs and wave related to the test
-│ ├── command.log -> command use for this run
-│ └── runs.log -> contains status of the run fails and passes tests
-├── tests -> directory contains all the tests
-├── tests.json -> test list have all the tests, regressions and contain small description about every test
-└── wb_models -> contains checkers and models for some caravel blocks
-How to debug
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c759ccc1..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.handle import Force
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import enum
-from cocotb.handle import (
- ConstantObject,
- HierarchyArrayObject,
- HierarchyObject,
- ModifiableObject,
- NonHierarchyIndexableObject,
- SimHandle,
-from itertools import groupby, product
-import interfaces.common as common
-from common import GPIO_MODE
-from common import MASK_GPIO_CTRL
-from common import Macros
-def gpio_mode(gpios_values:list):
- gpios=[]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = GPIO_MODE(array[1]).name
- for gpio in array[0]:
- gpios.append((gpio,gpio_value))
- cocotb.log.info(f'[caravel][gpio_mode] gpios {gpios}')
- return gpios
-Carvel_Coverage = coverage_section (
- CoverPoint("top.caravel.gpio", vname="gpios mode", xf = lambda gpio ,gpio_mode: (gpio,gpio_mode) ,
- bins = list(product(range(38),[e.name for e in GPIO_MODE])))
-class Caravel_env:
- def __init__(self,dut:SimHandleBase):
- self.dut = dut
- self.clk = dut.clock_tb
- self.caravel_hdl = dut.uut
- self.hk_hdl = dut.uut.housekeeping
- """start carvel by insert power then reset"""
- async def start_up(self):
- await self.power_up()
- # await self.disable_csb() # no need for this anymore as default for gpio3 is now pullup
- await self.reset()
- await self.disable_bins()
- common.fill_macros(self.dut.macros) # get macros value
- async def disable_bins(self):
- for i in range(38):
- common.drive_hdl(self.dut._id(f"bin{i}_en",False),(0,0),0)
- """setup the vdd and vcc power bins"""
- async def power_up(self):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start powering up')
- self.set_vdd(0)
- self.set_vcc(0)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] power up -> connect vdd' )
- self.set_vdd(1)
- # await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] power up -> connect vcc' )
- self.set_vcc(1)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- """"reset caravel"""
- async def reset(self):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start resetting')
- self.dut.resetb_tb.value = 0
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 20)
- self.dut.resetb_tb.value = 1
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish resetting')
- def set_vdd(self,value:bool):
- self.dut.vddio_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssio_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vddio_2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssio_2_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda1_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa1_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda1_2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa1_2_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa2_tb.value = 0
- def set_vcc(self , value:bool):
- self.dut.vccd_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vccd1_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd1_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vccd2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd2_tb.value = 0
- """drive csb signal bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def drive_csb(self,bit):
- self.drive_gpio_in((3,3),bit)
- self.drive_gpio_in((2,2),0)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- """set the spi vsb signal high to disable housekeeping spi transmission bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def disable_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] disable housekeeping spi transmission')
- await self.drive_csb(1)
- """set the spi vsb signal high impedance """
- async def release_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] release housekeeping spi transmission')
- self.release_gpio(3)
- self.release_gpio(2)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- """set the spi vsb signal low to enable housekeeping spi transmission bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def enable_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] enable housekeeping spi transmission')
- await self.drive_csb(0)
- """return the value of mprj in bits used tp monitor the output gpios value"""
- def monitor_gpio(self,bits:tuple):
- mprj = self.dut.mprj_io_tb.value
- size =mprj.n_bits -1 #size of bins array
- mprj_out= self.dut.mprj_io_tb.value[size - bits[0]:size - bits[1]]
- if(mprj_out.is_resolvable):
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor : mprj[{bits[0]}:{bits[1]}] = {hex(mprj_out)}')
- else:
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor : mprj[{bits[0]}:{bits[1]}] = {mprj_out}')
- return mprj_out
- """return the value of management gpio"""
- def monitor_mgmt_gpio(self):
- data = self.dut.gpio_tb.value
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor mgmt gpio = {data}')
- return data
- """change the configration of the gpios by overwrite their defaults value then reset
- need to take at least 1 cycle for reset """
- ### dont use back door accessing
- async def configure_gpio_defaults(self,gpios_values: list):
- gpio_defaults = self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start cofigure gpio gpios ')
- size = gpio_defaults.n_bits -1 #number of bins in gpio_defaults
- # list example [[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value]]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = array[1]
- for gpio in array[0]:
- self.cov_configure_gpios(gpio,gpio_value.name)
- gpio_defaults[size - (gpio*13 + 12): size -gpio*13] = gpio_value.value
- #cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpio_defaults[{size - (gpio*13 + 12)}:{size -gpio*13}] = {gpio_value.value} ')
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value = gpio_defaults
- #reset
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_1_shifted.value = 0
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_2_shifted.value = 0
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_1_shifted.value = 1
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_2_shifted.value = 1
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish configuring gpios, the curret gpios value: ')
- self.print_gpios_ctrl_val()
- """change the configration of the gpios by overwrite the register value
- in control registers and housekeeping regs, don't consume simulation cycles"""
- ### dont use back door accessing
- def configure_gpios_regs(self,gpios_values: list):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start cofigure gpio gpios ')
- control_modules = self.control_blocks_paths()
- # list example [[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value]]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = array[1]
- for gpio in array[0]:
- self.cov_configure_gpios(gpio,gpio_value.name)
- self.gpio_control_reg_write(control_modules[gpio],gpio_value.value) # for control blocks regs
- self.caravel_hdl.housekeeping.gpio_configure[gpio].value = gpio_value.value # for house keeping regs
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish configuring gpios, the curret gpios value: ')
- self.print_gpios_ctrl_val()
- self.print_gpios_HW_val()
- """dummy function for coverage sampling"""
- @Carvel_Coverage
- def cov_configure_gpios(self,gpio,gpio_mode):
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] gpio [{gpio}] = {gpio_mode} ')
- pass
- def print_gpios_default_val(self,print=1):
- gpio_defaults = self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value
- size = gpio_defaults.n_bits -1 #number of bins in gpio_defaults
- gpios = []
- for gpio in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS']):
- gpio_value = gpio_defaults[size - (gpio*13 + 12): size -gpio*13]
- gpio_enum = GPIO_MODE(gpio_value.integer)
- gpios.append((gpio,gpio_enum))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- """print the values return in the gpio of control block mode in GPIO Mode format"""
- def print_gpios_ctrl_val(self, print=1):
- control_modules = self.control_blocks_paths()
- gpios = []
- for i , gpio in enumerate(control_modules):
- gpios.append((i,self.gpio_control_reg_read(gpio)))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- def _check_gpio_ctrl_eq_HW(self):
- assert self.print_gpios_ctrl_val(1) == self.print_gpios_HW_val(1), f'there is an issue while configuration the control block register value isn\'t the same as the house keeping gpio register'
- """print the values return in the gpio of housekeeping block mode in GPIO Mode format"""
- def print_gpios_HW_val(self,print=1):
- gpios = []
- for pin in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS']):
- gpios.append((pin,GPIO_MODE(self.caravel_hdl.housekeeping.gpio_configure[pin].value)))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- """return the paths of the control blocks"""
- def control_blocks_paths(self)-> list:
- car = self.caravel_hdl
- control_modules =[car._id("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]",False),car._id("gpio_control_bidir_1[1]",False)]
- #add gpio_control_in_1a (GPIO 2 to 7)
- for i in range(6):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_1a[{i}]',False))
- #add gpio_control_in_1 (GPIO 8 to 18)
- for i in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_1']-9+1):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_1[{i}]',False))
- #add gpio_control_in_2 (GPIO 19 to 34)
- for i in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_2']-4+1):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_2[{i}]',False))
- # Last three GPIOs (spi_sdo, flash_io2, and flash_io3) gpio_control_bidir_2
- for i in range(3):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_bidir_2[{i}]',False))
- return control_modules
- """read the control register and return a GPIO Mode it takes the path to the control reg"""
- def gpio_control_reg_read(self,path:SimHandleBase) -> GPIO_MODE:
- gpio_mgmt_en = path.mgmt_ena.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MGMT_EN.value
- gpio_out_dis = path.gpio_outenb.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OUT_DIS.value
- gpio_holdover = path.gpio_holdover.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OVERRIDE.value
- gpio_in_dis = path.gpio_inenb.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_INP_DIS.value
- gpio_mode_sel = path.gpio_ib_mode_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MOD_SEL.value
- gpio_anlg_en = path.gpio_ana_en.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_EN.value
- gpio_anlg_sel = path.gpio_ana_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_SEL.value
- gpio_anlg_pol = path.gpio_ana_pol.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_POL.value
- gpio_slow_sel = path.gpio_slow_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_SLOW.value
- gpio_vtrip_sel = path.gpio_vtrip_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_TRIP.value
- gpio_dgtl_mode = path.gpio_dm.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_DGTL_MODE.value
- control_reg = (gpio_mgmt_en | gpio_out_dis | gpio_holdover| gpio_in_dis | gpio_mode_sel | gpio_anlg_en
- |gpio_anlg_sel|gpio_anlg_pol|gpio_slow_sel|gpio_vtrip_sel|gpio_dgtl_mode)
- return(GPIO_MODE(control_reg))
- """read the control register and return a GPIO Mode it takes the path to the control reg"""
- def gpio_control_reg_write(self,path:SimHandleBase,data) :
- bits =common.int_to_bin_list(data,14)
- path.mgmt_ena.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MGMT_EN.value]
- path.gpio_outenb.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OUT_DIS.value]
- path.gpio_holdover.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OVERRIDE.value]
- path.gpio_inenb.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_INP_DIS.value]
- path.gpio_ib_mode_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MOD_SEL.value]
- path.gpio_ana_en.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_EN.value]
- path.gpio_ana_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_SEL.value]
- path.gpio_ana_pol.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_POL.value]
- path.gpio_slow_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_SLOW.value]
- path.gpio_vtrip_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_TRIP.value]
- gpio_dm =sum(d * 2**i for i, d in enumerate(gpio_dm)) # convert list to binary int
- path.gpio_dm.value = gpio_dm
- # """drive the value of mprj bits with spicific data from input pad at the top"""
- # def release_gpio(self):
- # io = self.caravel_hdl.padframe.mprj_pads.io
- # mprj , n_bits = common.signal_valueZ_size(io)
- # io.value = mprj
- # cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] drive_gpio_in pad mprj with {mprj}')
- """drive the value of mprj bits with spicific data from input pad at the top"""
- def drive_gpio_in(self,bits,data):
- # io = self.caravel_hdl.padframe.mprj_pads.io
- # mprj , n_bits = common.signal_value_size(io)
- # cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] before mprj with {mprj} and data = {data} bit [{n_bits-1-bits[0]}]:[{n_bits-1-bits[1]}]')
- # mprj[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- # io.value = mprj
- # cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] drive_gpio_in pad mprj with {mprj}')
- data_bits = []
- is_list = isinstance(bits, (list,tuple))
- if is_list :
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[caravel] [drive_gpio_in] start bits[1] = {bits[1]} bits[0]= {bits[0]}')
- data_bits = BinaryValue(value = data, n_bits =bits[0]-bits[1]+1 ,bigEndian=(bits[0] {data}')
- await FallingEdge(self.dut.wb_ack_o) # wait for acknowledge
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 0
- cocotb.log.info(f'Monitor: End writing {hex(addr)} -> {data}')
- """read from the house keeping registers by back door no need for commands and waiting for the data to show on mprj"""
- async def hk_read_backdoor(self,addr):
- await RisingEdge(self.clk)
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 1
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 1
- self.hk_hdl.wb_sel_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_we_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_adr_i.value = addr
- cocotb.log.info(f' [housekeeping] Monitor: Start reading from {hex(addr)}')
- await FallingEdge(self.hk_hdl.wb_ack_o)
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 0
- cocotb.log.info(f' [housekeeping] Monitor: read from {hex(addr)} value {(self.hk_hdl.wb_dat_o.value)}')
- return self.hk_hdl.wb_dat_o.value
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_tests.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c2f85f..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-from cgitb import handler
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import interfaces.caravel
-from interfaces.logic_analyzer import LA
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE, Caravel_env
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.housekeepingWB import HK_whiteBox
-import interfaces.common as common
-import logging
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from cocotb.log import SimTimeContextFilter
-from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from tests.common_functions.Timeout import Timeout
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-import inspect
-import os
-# tests
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_tests import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_tests_cpu import *
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_regs.housekeeping_regs_tests import *
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.user_pass_thru import *
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi import *
-from tests.housekeeping.general.pll import *
-from tests.housekeeping.general.sys_ctrl import *
-from tests.temp_partial_test.partial import *
-from tests.hello_world.helloWorld import *
-from tests.cpu.cpu_stress import *
-from tests.mem.mem_stress import *
-from tests.irq.IRQ_external import *
-from tests.irq.IRQ_timer import *
-from tests.irq.IRQ_uart import *
-from tests.gpio.gpio import *
-from tests.gpio_caravan.gpio_caravan import *
-from tests.gpio.gpio_user import *
-from tests.mgmt_gpio.mgmt_gpio import *
-from tests.timer.timer import *
-from tests.uart.uart import *
-from tests.spi_master.spi_master import *
-from tests.logicAnalyzer.la import *
-from tests.debug.debug import *
-from tests.cpu.cpu_reset import *
-# archive tests
-async def cpu_drive(dut):
- TestName = inspect.stack()[0][3]
- if not os.path.exists(f'sim/{TestName}'):
- os.mkdir(f'sim/{TestName}') # create test folder
- cocotb.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- handler = logging.FileHandler(f"sim/{TestName}/{TestName}.log",mode='w')
- handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter())
- handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter())
- cocotb.log.addHandler(handler)
- caravelEnv = caravel.Caravel_env(dut)
- Timeout(caravelEnv.clk,1000000,0.1)
- la = LA(dut)
- clock = Clock(caravelEnv.clk, 12.5, units="ns") # Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cocotb.start_soon(clock.start()) # Start the clock
- await caravelEnv.start_up()
- hk = HK_whiteBox(dut)
- reg = Regs()
- time_out_count =0
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- address = reg.get_addr('reg_wb_enable')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(address,1)
- address = reg.get_addr('reg_debug_2')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(address,0xdFF0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- raise TestSuccess(f" TEST {TestName} passed")
- while True:
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1)
- if (cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xFFF0):
- break
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST][cpu_drive] debug reg1 = 0xFFF0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- address = reg.get_addr('reg_debug_2')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(address,0xdFF0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 50)
- # address = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_0')
- # await cpu.drive_data2address(address,0x0c03)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST][cpu_drive] wait debug reg1 = 0xddd0")
- while True:
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1)
- if (cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xddd0):
- break
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST][cpu_drive] debug reg1 = 0xddd0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- caravelEnv.print_gpios_HW_val()
- coverage_db.export_to_yaml(filename="coverage.yalm")
-async def spi_drive(dut):
- cocotb.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- handler = logging.FileHandler(f"test.log",mode='w')
- handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter())
- handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter())
- cocotb.log.addHandler(handler)
- caravelEnv = caravel.Caravel_env(dut)
- la = LA(dut)
- clock = Clock(caravelEnv.clk, 12.5, units="ns") # Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
- cocotb.start_soon(clock.start()) # Start the clock
- await caravelEnv.start_up()
- hk = HK_whiteBox(dut,True)
- caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- # caravelEnv.configure_gpios_regs([[tuple(range(0,6)),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT]])
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x40) # read command
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # command write
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x0) # address
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x03) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- print(read_data)
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte(True) # read value
- caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- # caravelEnv.configure_gpios_regs([[tuple(range(0,6)),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT]])
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x40) # read command
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # command write
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x8) # address
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x03) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- # await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xaa) # data
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- read_data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # read value
- # caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in([5,5],1)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,40)
- coverage_db.export_to_yaml(filename="coverage.yml")
- coverage_db.export_to_xml(filename="coverage.xml")
- return
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_top.sv b/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_top.sv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3587852f..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_top.sv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
-`ifdef VCS
-`ifndef GL
- `include "includes.v" // in case of RTL coverage is needed and it doesn't work correctly without include files by this way
-`endif // ~ GL
-`ifndef ENABLE_SDF
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/sky130_fd_io.v"
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/verilog/sky130_ef_io.v"
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/primitives.v"
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hd.v"
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/verilog/primitives.v"
- `include "libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/verilog/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/sky130_ef_io.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/sky130_fd_io.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/primitives_hd.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/sky130_fd_sc_hd.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/primitives_hvl.v"
- `include "cvc-pdk/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.v"
-`endif // ~ ENABLE_SDF
-`endif // VCS
-module caravel_top ;
-// parameter FILENAME = {"hex_files/",`TESTNAME,".hex"};
-parameter FILENAME={"hex_files/",`TESTNAME,".hex"};
-initial begin
- `ifdef VCS
- `ifdef ENABLE_SDF
- $vcdplusfile({`MAIN_PATH,"/sim/",`TAG,"/",`FTESTNAME,"/",`TESTNAME , `CORNER,"-",`SDF_POSTFIX, ".vpd"});
- `else
- $vcdplusfile({`MAIN_PATH,"/sim/",`TAG,"/",`FTESTNAME,"/",`TESTNAME ,".vpd"});
- `endif
- $vcdpluson();
- `else
- $dumpfile ({"sim/",`TAG,"/",`SIM,"-",`TESTNAME,"/",`SIM,"-",`TESTNAME,".vcd"});
- $dumpvars (0, caravel_top);
- `endif
- `ifdef VCS
- `ifdef ENABLE_SDF
- `include "sdf_includes.v"
- `endif
- `endif // VCS
- wire vddio_tb; // Common 3.3V padframe/ESD power
- wire vddio_2_tb; // Common 3.3V padframe/ESD power
- wire vssio_tb; // Common padframe/ESD ground
- wire vssio_2_tb; // Common padframe/ESD ground
- wire vdda_tb; // Management 3.3V power
- wire vssa_tb; // Common analog ground
- wire vccd_tb; // Management/Common 1.8V power
- wire vssd_tb; // Common digital ground
- wire vdda1_tb; // User area 1 3.3V power
- wire vdda1_2_tb; // User area 1 3.3V power
- wire vdda2_tb; // User area 2 3.3V power
- wire vssa1_tb; // User area 1 analog ground
- wire vssa1_2_tb; // User area 1 analog ground
- wire vssa2_tb; // User area 2 analog ground
- wire vccd1_tb; // User area 1 1.8V power
- wire vccd2_tb; // User area 2 1.8V power
- wire vssd1_tb; // User area 1 digital ground
- wire vssd2_tb; // User area 2 digital ground
- wire gpio_tb; // Used for external LDO control
- wire [38-1:0] mprj_io_tb;
- reg clock_tb; // CMOS core clock input; not a crystal
- wire resetb_tb; // Reset input (sense inverted)
- // Note that only two flash data pins are dedicated to the
- // management SoC wrapper. The management SoC exports the
- // quad SPI mode status to make use of the top two mprj_io
- // pins for io2 and io3.
- wire flash_csb_tb;
- wire flash_clk_tb;
- wire flash_io0_tb;
- wire flash_io1_tb;
-`ifdef CARAVAN
-caravan uut (
-caravel uut (
- .vddio (vddio_tb),
- .vddio_2 (vddio_2_tb),
- .vssio (vssio_tb),
- .vssio_2 (vssio_2_tb),
- .vdda (vdda_tb),
- .vssa (vssa_tb),
- .vccd (vccd_tb),
- .vssd (vssd_tb),
- .vdda1 (vdda1_tb),
- .vdda1_2 (vdda1_2_tb),
- .vdda2 (vdda2_tb),
- .vssa1 (vssa1_tb),
- .vssa1_2 (vssa1_2_tb),
- .vssa2 (vssa2_tb),
- .vccd1 (vccd1_tb),
- .vccd2 (vccd2_tb),
- .vssd1 (vssd1_tb),
- .vssd2 (vssd2_tb),
- .clock (clock_tb),
- .gpio (gpio_tb),
- .mprj_io (mprj_io_tb),
- .flash_csb(flash_csb_tb),
- .flash_clk(flash_clk_tb),
- .flash_io0(flash_io0_tb),
- .flash_io1(flash_io1_tb),
- .resetb (resetb_tb)
- );
- spiflash #(
- ) spiflash (
- .csb(flash_csb_tb),
- .clk(flash_clk_tb),
- .io0(flash_io0_tb),
- .io1(flash_io1_tb),
- .io2(), // not used
- .io3() // not used
- );
- mac macros();
- // make speical variables for the mprj input to assign the input without writing to the output gpios
- // cocotb limitation #2587: iverilog deal with array as 1 object not multiple of objects so can't write to only 1 element
- wire bin0;
- wire bin0_en;
- wire bin1;
- wire bin1_en;
- wire bin2;
- wire bin2_en;
- wire bin3;
- wire bin3_en;
- wire bin4;
- wire bin4_en;
- wire bin5;
- wire bin5_en;
- wire bin6;
- wire bin6_en;
- wire bin7;
- wire bin7_en;
- wire bin8;
- wire bin8_en;
- wire bin9;
- wire bin9_en;
- wire bin10;
- wire bin10_en;
- wire bin11;
- wire bin11_en;
- wire bin12;
- wire bin12_en;
- wire bin13;
- wire bin13_en;
- wire bin14;
- wire bin14_en;
- wire bin15;
- wire bin15_en;
- wire bin16;
- wire bin16_en;
- wire bin17;
- wire bin17_en;
- wire bin18;
- wire bin18_en;
- wire bin19;
- wire bin19_en;
- wire bin20;
- wire bin20_en;
- wire bin21;
- wire bin21_en;
- wire bin22;
- wire bin22_en;
- wire bin23;
- wire bin23_en;
- wire bin24;
- wire bin24_en;
- wire bin25;
- wire bin25_en;
- wire bin26;
- wire bin26_en;
- wire bin27;
- wire bin27_en;
- wire bin28;
- wire bin28_en;
- wire bin29;
- wire bin29_en;
- wire bin30;
- wire bin30_en;
- wire bin31;
- wire bin31_en;
- wire bin32;
- wire bin32_en;
- wire bin33;
- wire bin33_en;
- wire bin34;
- wire bin34_en;
- wire bin35;
- wire bin35_en;
- wire bin36;
- wire bin36_en;
- wire bin37;
- wire bin37_en;
- assign mprj_io_tb[0] = (bin0_en) ? bin0 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[1] = (bin1_en) ? bin1 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[2] = (bin2_en) ? bin2 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[3] = (bin3_en) ? bin3 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[4] = (bin4_en) ? bin4 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[5] = (bin5_en) ? bin5 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[6] = (bin6_en) ? bin6 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[7] = (bin7_en) ? bin7 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[8] = (bin8_en) ? bin8 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[9] = (bin9_en) ? bin9 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[10] = (bin10_en) ? bin10 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[11] = (bin11_en) ? bin11 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[12] = (bin12_en) ? bin12 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[13] = (bin13_en) ? bin13 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[14] = (bin14_en) ? bin14 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[15] = (bin15_en) ? bin15 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[16] = (bin16_en) ? bin16 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[17] = (bin17_en) ? bin17 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[18] = (bin18_en) ? bin18 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[19] = (bin19_en) ? bin19 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[20] = (bin20_en) ? bin20 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[21] = (bin21_en) ? bin21 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[22] = (bin22_en) ? bin22 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[23] = (bin23_en) ? bin23 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[24] = (bin24_en) ? bin24 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[25] = (bin25_en) ? bin25 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[26] = (bin26_en) ? bin26 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[27] = (bin27_en) ? bin27 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[28] = (bin28_en) ? bin28 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[29] = (bin29_en) ? bin29 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[30] = (bin30_en) ? bin30 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[31] = (bin31_en) ? bin31 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[32] = (bin32_en) ? bin32 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[33] = (bin33_en) ? bin33 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[34] = (bin34_en) ? bin34 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[35] = (bin35_en) ? bin35 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[36] = (bin36_en) ? bin36 : 1'bz;
- assign mprj_io_tb[37] = (bin37_en) ? bin37 : 1'bz;
- // to read from mprj array with iverilog
- wire bin0_monitor;
- wire bin1_monitor;
- wire bin2_monitor;
- wire bin3_monitor;
- wire bin4_monitor;
- wire bin5_monitor;
- wire bin6_monitor;
- wire bin7_monitor;
- wire bin8_monitor;
- wire bin9_monitor;
- wire bin10_monitor;
- wire bin11_monitor;
- wire bin12_monitor;
- wire bin13_monitor;
- wire bin14_monitor;
- wire bin15_monitor;
- wire bin16_monitor;
- wire bin17_monitor;
- wire bin18_monitor;
- wire bin19_monitor;
- wire bin20_monitor;
- wire bin21_monitor;
- wire bin22_monitor;
- wire bin23_monitor;
- wire bin24_monitor;
- wire bin25_monitor;
- wire bin26_monitor;
- wire bin27_monitor;
- wire bin28_monitor;
- wire bin29_monitor;
- wire bin30_monitor;
- wire bin31_monitor;
- wire bin32_monitor;
- wire bin33_monitor;
- wire bin34_monitor;
- wire bin35_monitor;
- wire bin36_monitor;
- wire bin37_monitor;
- assign bin0_monitor = mprj_io_tb[0];
- assign bin1_monitor = mprj_io_tb[1];
- assign bin2_monitor = mprj_io_tb[2];
- assign bin3_monitor = mprj_io_tb[3];
- assign bin4_monitor = mprj_io_tb[4];
- assign bin5_monitor = mprj_io_tb[5];
- assign bin6_monitor = mprj_io_tb[6];
- assign bin7_monitor = mprj_io_tb[7];
- assign bin8_monitor = mprj_io_tb[8];
- assign bin9_monitor = mprj_io_tb[9];
- assign bin10_monitor = mprj_io_tb[10];
- assign bin11_monitor = mprj_io_tb[11];
- assign bin12_monitor = mprj_io_tb[12];
- assign bin13_monitor = mprj_io_tb[13];
- assign bin14_monitor = mprj_io_tb[14];
- assign bin15_monitor = mprj_io_tb[15];
- assign bin16_monitor = mprj_io_tb[16];
- assign bin17_monitor = mprj_io_tb[17];
- assign bin18_monitor = mprj_io_tb[18];
- assign bin19_monitor = mprj_io_tb[19];
- assign bin20_monitor = mprj_io_tb[20];
- assign bin21_monitor = mprj_io_tb[21];
- assign bin22_monitor = mprj_io_tb[22];
- assign bin23_monitor = mprj_io_tb[23];
- assign bin24_monitor = mprj_io_tb[24];
- assign bin25_monitor = mprj_io_tb[25];
- assign bin26_monitor = mprj_io_tb[26];
- assign bin27_monitor = mprj_io_tb[27];
- assign bin28_monitor = mprj_io_tb[28];
- assign bin29_monitor = mprj_io_tb[29];
- assign bin30_monitor = mprj_io_tb[30];
- assign bin31_monitor = mprj_io_tb[31];
- assign bin32_monitor = mprj_io_tb[32];
- assign bin33_monitor = mprj_io_tb[33];
- assign bin34_monitor = mprj_io_tb[34];
- assign bin35_monitor = mprj_io_tb[35];
- assign bin36_monitor = mprj_io_tb[36];
- assign bin37_monitor = mprj_io_tb[37];
-// module that has all needed macros by cocotb
-module mac;
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 = `ifdef MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 `MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 `else 0 `endif; /* number of user GPIO pads on user1 side */
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_IO_PADS_2 = `ifdef MPRJ_IO_PADS_2 `MPRJ_IO_PADS_2 `else 0 `endif; /* number of user GPIO pads on user2 side */
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_IO_PADS = `ifdef MPRJ_IO_PADS `MPRJ_IO_PADS `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_PWR_PADS_1 =`ifdef MPRJ_PWR_PADS_1 `MPRJ_PWR_PADS_1 `else 0 `endif; /* vdda1, vccd1 enable/disable control */
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_PWR_PADS_2 = `ifdef MPRJ_PWR_PADS_2 `MPRJ_PWR_PADS_2 `else 0 `endif; /* vdda2, vccd2 enable/disable control */
-reg [7:0] MPRJ_PWR_PADS =`ifdef MPRJ_PWR_PADS `MPRJ_PWR_PADS `else 0 `endif;
-// Analog pads are only used by the "caravan" module and associated
-// modules such as user_analog_project_wrapper and chip_io_alt.
-reg [7:0] ANALOG_PADS_1 = `ifdef ANALOG_PADS_1 `ANALOG_PADS_1 `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] ANALOG_PADS_2 = `ifdef ANALOG_PADS_2 `ANALOG_PADS_2 `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] ANALOG_PADS = `ifdef ANALOG_PADS `ANALOG_PADS `else 0 `endif;
-// Type and size of soc_mem
-reg USE_CUSTOM_DFFRAM = `ifdef USE_CUSTOM_DFFRAM 1 `else 0 `endif;
-// don't change the following without double checking addr widths
-reg [7:0] MEM_WORDS = `ifdef MEM_WORDS `MEM_WORDS `else 0 `endif;
-// Number of columns in the custom memory; takes one of three values:
-// 1 column : 1 KB, 2 column: 2 KB, 4 column: 4KB
-reg [7:0] DFFRAM_WSIZE = `ifdef DFFRAM_WSIZE `DFFRAM_WSIZE `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] DFFRAM_USE_LATCH = `ifdef DFFRAM_USE_LATCH `DFFRAM_USE_LATCH `else 0 `endif;
-// not really parameterized but just to easily keep track of the number
-// of ram_block across different modules
-reg [7:0] RAM_BLOCKS = `ifdef RAM_BLOCKS `RAM_BLOCKS `else 0 `endif;
-// Clock divisor default value
-reg [7:0] CLK_DIV = `ifdef CLK_DIV `CLK_DIV `else 0 `endif;
-// GPIO control default mode and enable for most I/Os
-// Most I/Os set to be user bidirectional pins on power-up.
-reg [7:0] MGMT_INIT = `ifdef MGMT_INIT `MGMT_INIT `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] OENB_INIT = `ifdef OENB_INIT `OENB_INIT `else 0 `endif;
-reg [7:0] DM_INIT = `ifdef DM_INIT `DM_INIT `else 0 `endif;
-// GL
-reg GL = `ifdef GL 1 `else 0 `endif;
-reg CARAVAN = `ifdef CARAVAN 1 `else 0 `endif;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/cpu.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/cpu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb121cd..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/cpu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-from operator import add
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.handle import Force
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import enum
-from cocotb.handle import (
- ConstantObject,
- HierarchyArrayObject,
- HierarchyObject,
- ModifiableObject,
- NonHierarchyIndexableObject,
- SimHandle,
-from itertools import groupby, product
-import interfaces.common as common
-from common import GPIO_MODE
-from common import MASK_GPIO_CTRL
-from common import Macros
-class RiskV:
- def __init__(self,dut:SimHandleBase):
- self.dut = dut
- self.clk = dut.clock_tb
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl = dut.uut.soc.core.VexRiscv
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl = dut.uut.soc.core
- self.debug_hdl = dut.uut.mprj.debug
- self.force_reset = 0
- cocotb.scheduler.add(self.force_reset_fun())
- """ """
- async def drive_data_with_address(self,address,data,SEL=0xF):
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = data
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = BinaryValue(value = 'zzzz')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = common.signal_valueZ_size(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR)[0]
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = common.signal_valueZ_size(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI)[0]
- """ """
- async def drive_data2address(self,address,data,SEL=0xF):
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][drive_data2address] start driving address {hex(address)} with {hex(data)}")
- # print(dir(self.cpu_hdl))
- dBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- iBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value
- dBusWishbone_STB = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value
- dBusWishbone_WE = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_SEL = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value
- else:
- dBusWishbone_SEL0 = self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL1 = self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL2 = self.cpu_hdl.net848.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL3 = self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_ADR = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value
- dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value = (SEL >>0 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value = (SEL >>1 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net848.value = (SEL >>2 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value = (SEL >>3 ) &1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- else:
- address_temp = address >> 2
- for i in range(30):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_ADR[{i}]',False).value = (address_temp >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = data
- else:
- for i in range(32):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI[{i}]',False).value = (data >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- else:
- # await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) & (self.cpu_hdl._id("grant[0]",False)))
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) )
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = dBusWishbone_CYC
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = dBusWishbone_ADR
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = iBusWishbone_CYC
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = dBusWishbone_STB
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = dBusWishbone_WE
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = dBusWishbone_SEL
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][drive_data2address] finish driving address {hex(address)} with {hex(data)}")
- """ """
- async def read_address(self,address,SEL=0xF):
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][read_address] start reading address {hex(address)}")
- # print(dir(self.cpu_hdl))
- dBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- iBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value
- dBusWishbone_STB = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value
- dBusWishbone_WE = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_SEL = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value
- else:
- dBusWishbone_SEL0 = self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL1 = self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL2 = self.cpu_hdl.net848.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL3 = self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_ADR = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value
- dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 0
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value = (SEL >>0 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value = (SEL >>1 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net848.value = (SEL >>2 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value = (SEL >>3 ) &1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- else:
- address_temp = address >> 2
- for i in range(30):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_ADR[{i}]',False).value = (address_temp >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- else:
- # await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) & (self.cpu_hdl._id("grant[0]",False)))
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) )
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = dBusWishbone_CYC
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = dBusWishbone_ADR
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = iBusWishbone_CYC
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = dBusWishbone_STB
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = dBusWishbone_WE
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = dBusWishbone_SEL
- data = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MISO.value
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][read_address] finish reading address {hex(address)} data = {data}")
- # return data
- return int(str(bin(data.integer)[2:]).zfill(32),2)
- # return int(str(bin(data.integer)[2:]).zfill(32)[::-1],2)
- def read_debug_reg1(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_1.value.integer
- def read_debug_reg2(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_2.value.integer
- # writing debug registers using backdoor because in GL cpu can't be disabled for now because of different netlist names
- def write_debug_reg1_backdoor(self,data):
- self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_1.value = data
- def write_debug_reg2_backdoor(self,data):
- self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_2.value = data
- async def force_reset_fun(self):
- first_time_force = True
- first_time_release = True
- while True:
- if self.force_reset:
- if first_time_force:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][force_reset_fun] Force CPU reset")
- first_time_force = False
- first_time_release = True
- self.cpu_hdl.reset.value =1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.reset,(0,0),1)
- else:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.mgmtsoc_vexriscv_debug_reset,(0,0),1)
- else:
- if first_time_release:
- first_time_force = True
- first_time_release = False
- if not Macros['GL']:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.reset,(0,0),0)
- else:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.mgmtsoc_vexriscv_debug_reset,(0,0),0)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][force_reset_fun] release CPU reset")
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- def cpu_force_reset(self):
- self.force_reset = True
- def cpu_release_reset(self):
- self.force_reset = False
\ No newline at end of file
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Binary files a/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/CTN.png and /dev/null differ
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-# tests commands
-## run one test in RTL
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx -tag uart_tx_rtl ```
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx -sim RTL -tag uart_tx_rtl ```
-## run one test in GL
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx -sim GL -tag uart_tx_gl ```
-## run one test in more than 1 corner
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx -sim RTL GL -tag uart_tx_rtl_gl ```
-## run more than 1 test
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx uart_rx -tag uart_tx_rx_rtl ```
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -t uart_tx uart_rx -sim RTL GL -tag uart_tx_rx_rtl_gl ```
-# Regressions commands
-## running all RTl tests
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -r r_rtl -tag all_rtl ```
-## running all GL tests
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -r r_gl -tag all_gl ```
-# tests and regression
-``` python3 verify_cocotb.py -r r_rtl -t uart_tx uart_rx -sim GL -tag all_rtl_and_uart_gl ```
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/tests/README.md b/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/tests/README.md
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-# gpio
-### gpio_all_i
-```configure all gpios as mgmt input using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_i_user
-```configure all gpios as user input using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_i_pu
-```configure all gpios as mgmt input pull up using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_i_pu_user
-```configure all gpios as user input pull up using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_i_pd
-```configure all gpios as mgmt input pull down using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_i_pd_user
-```configure all gpios as user input pull down using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_bidir_user
-```configure all gpios as user bidir using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_o
-```configure all gpios as mgmt output using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### gpio_all_o_user
-```configure all gpios as user output using automatic approach firmware and check them```
-### mgmt_gpio_out
-```tests blinking of mgmt gpio bit as an output```
-### mgmt_gpio_in
-```tests blinking of mgmt gpio bit as an output```
-### mgmt_gpio_bidir
-```send random number of blinks through mgmt_gpio and expect to recieve the same number back ```
-# housekeeping
-### hk_disable
-```check Housekeeping SPI disable register is working```
-### hk_regs_rst_spi
-```check reset value of house keeping registers by reading them trough the spi housekeeping```
-### hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu
-```bit bash test for housekeeping registers```
-### hk_regs_wr_spi
-```write then read(the written value) from random housekeeping registers through the SPI housekeeping```
-### hk_regs_wr_wb
-```write then read (the written value) from random housekeeping registers through the firmware but without using CPU, the SPI and system regs can't be read using firmware so the test only GPIO regs inside housekeeping ```
-# uart
-### uart_rx
-```test uart reception```
-### uart_loopback
-```test uart in loopback mode input and output is shorted```
-### uart_tx
-```test uart transmit```
-# irq
-### IRQ_timer
-```test timer0 interrupt```
-### IRQ_external
-```test external interrupt by mprj 7```
-### IRQ_uart
-```test timer0 interrupt```
-# bitbang
-### bitbang_cpu_all_i
-``` configure gpio[0:37] as mgmt input using bitbang and check them```
-### bitbang_spi_o
-```Same as bitbang_cpu_all but configure the gpio using the SPI not the firmware```
-### bitbang_spi_i
-```Same as bitbang_cpu_all_i but configure the gpio using the SPI not the firmware```
-### bitbang_cpu_all_o
-```configure all gpios as mgmt output using bitbang and check them```
-### bitbang_cpu_all_01
-```shift all the register with 01```
-### bitbang_cpu_all_10
-```shift all the register with 10```
-### bitbang_cpu_all_1100
-```shift all the register with 1100```
-### bitbang_cpu_all_0011
-```shift all the register with 0011```
-### bitbang_no_cpu_all_o
-```test disable CPU and control the wishbone to configure gpio[4:37] as mgmt output using bitbang and check them```
-### bitbang_no_cpu_all_i
-```test disable CPU and control the wishbone to configure gpio[0:31] as mgmt input using bitbang and check them```
-# timer
-### timer0_oneshot
-```check timer0 oneshot mode```
-### timer0_periodic
-```check timer0 periodic mode```
-# general
-### debug
-```use caravel in debug mode and check reading and writing from dff2 RAM```
-### clock_redirect
-```check clock redirect is working as expected```
-### mem_dff
-```Memory stress for all space of dff```
-### mem_dff2
-```Memory stress for all space of dff2```
-### helloWorld
-```hello world test```
-# housekeeping_spi
-### spi_master_rd
-```using SPI master for reading from external memory```
-### user_pass_thru_rd
-```use the housekeeping spi in user pass thru mode to read from external mem```
-### spi_master_temp
-```To be deleted```
-### spi_rd_wr_nbyte
-```try housekeeping spi Write and Read in n-byte mode ```
-# la
-### la
-```check logic analyzer input and output enable```
-# pll
-### pll
-```Check pll diffrent configuration```
-# cpu
-### cpu_stress
-```stress the cpu with heavy processing```
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/tests/update_tests.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/tests/update_tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/doc/tests/update_tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import os
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-import collections
-"""This script is for updating the README file with tests from test.json"""
-with open('../../tests.json') as f:
- tests_json = json.load(f)["Tests"]
-tests = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict()) #key is testname and value is list of sim types
-for test,test_elements in tests_json.items():
- if fnmatch(test,"_*"):
- continue
- elif fnmatch(test,"*bitbang*"):
- tests["bitbang"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*gpio*"):
- tests["gpio"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*hk*"):
- tests["housekeeping"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*spi*") or fnmatch(test,"*user_pass_thru*"):
- tests["housekeeping_spi"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*cpu*"):
- tests["cpu"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*irq*") or fnmatch(test,"*IRQ*"):
- tests["irq"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*timer*"):
- tests["timer"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*spi_master*"):
- tests["spi_master"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*uart*"):
- tests["uart"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*la*"):
- tests["la"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- elif fnmatch(test,"*pll*"):
- tests["pll"][test] = test_elements["description"]
- else:
- tests["general"][test] = test_elements["description"]
-with open("README.md", 'w') as file:
- for key, value in tests.items():
- file.write(f"# {key}\n")
- for test,test_elements in value.items():
- file.write(f"### {test} \n")
- file.write(f"```{test_elements}``` \n")
-for key, value in tests.items():
- print(key)
- print(value)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/caravel.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/caravel.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/caravel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.handle import Force
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import enum
-from cocotb.handle import (
- ConstantObject,
- HierarchyArrayObject,
- HierarchyObject,
- ModifiableObject,
- NonHierarchyIndexableObject,
- SimHandle,
-from itertools import groupby, product
-import interfaces.common as common
-from interfaces.common import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import MASK_GPIO_CTRL
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-def gpio_mode(gpios_values:list):
- gpios=[]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = GPIO_MODE(array[1]).name
- for gpio in array[0]:
- gpios.append((gpio,gpio_value))
- cocotb.log.info(f'[caravel][gpio_mode] gpios {gpios}')
- return gpios
-Carvel_Coverage = coverage_section (
- CoverPoint("top.caravel.gpio", vname="gpios mode", xf = lambda gpio ,gpio_mode: (gpio,gpio_mode) ,
- bins = list(product(range(38),[e.name for e in GPIO_MODE])))
-class Caravel_env:
- def __init__(self,dut:SimHandleBase):
- self.dut = dut
- self.clk = dut.clock_tb
- self.caravel_hdl = dut.uut
- self.hk_hdl = dut.uut.housekeeping
- """start carvel by insert power then reset"""
- async def start_up(self):
- await self.power_up()
- await self.disable_csb() # no need for this anymore as default for gpio3 is now pullup
- await self.reset()
- await self.disable_bins()
- common.fill_macros(self.dut.macros) # get macros value
- async def disable_bins(self):
- for i in range(38):
- if i in [3,4]: #CSB and SCK
- continue
- common.drive_hdl(self.dut._id(f"bin{i}_en",False),(0,0),0)
- """setup the vdd and vcc power bins"""
- async def power_up(self):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start powering up')
- self.set_vdd(0)
- self.set_vcc(0)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] power up -> connect vdd' )
- self.set_vdd(1)
- # await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] power up -> connect vcc' )
- self.set_vcc(1)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 10)
- """"reset caravel"""
- async def reset(self):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start resetting')
- self.dut.resetb_tb.value = 0
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 20)
- self.dut.resetb_tb.value = 1
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish resetting')
- def set_vdd(self,value:bool):
- self.dut.vddio_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssio_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vddio_2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssio_2_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda1_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa1_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda1_2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa1_2_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vdda2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssa2_tb.value = 0
- def set_vcc(self , value:bool):
- self.dut.vccd_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vccd1_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd1_tb.value = 0
- self.dut.vccd2_tb.value = value
- self.dut.vssd2_tb.value = 0
- """drive csb signal bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def drive_csb(self,bit):
- self.drive_gpio_in((3,3),bit)
- self.drive_gpio_in((4,4),0)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- """set the spi vsb signal high to disable housekeeping spi transmission bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def disable_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] disable housekeeping spi transmission')
- await self.drive_csb(1)
- """set the spi vsb signal high impedance """
- async def release_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] release housekeeping spi transmission')
- self.release_gpio(3)
- self.release_gpio(4)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- """set the spi vsb signal low to enable housekeeping spi transmission bin E8 mprj[3]"""
- async def enable_csb(self ):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] enable housekeeping spi transmission')
- await self.drive_csb(0)
- """return the value of mprj in bits used tp monitor the output gpios value"""
- def monitor_gpio(self,bits:tuple):
- mprj = self.dut.mprj_io_tb.value
- size =mprj.n_bits -1 #size of bins array
- mprj_out= self.dut.mprj_io_tb.value[size - bits[0]:size - bits[1]]
- if(mprj_out.is_resolvable):
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor : mprj[{bits[0]}:{bits[1]}] = {hex(mprj_out)}')
- else:
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor : mprj[{bits[0]}:{bits[1]}] = {mprj_out}')
- return mprj_out
- """return the value of management gpio"""
- def monitor_mgmt_gpio(self):
- data = self.dut.gpio_tb.value
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] Monitor mgmt gpio = {data}')
- return data
- """change the configration of the gpios by overwrite their defaults value then reset
- need to take at least 1 cycle for reset """
- ### dont use back door accessing
- async def configure_gpio_defaults(self,gpios_values: list):
- gpio_defaults = self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start cofigure gpio gpios ')
- size = gpio_defaults.n_bits -1 #number of bins in gpio_defaults
- # list example [[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value]]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = array[1]
- for gpio in array[0]:
- self.cov_configure_gpios(gpio,gpio_value.name)
- gpio_defaults[size - (gpio*13 + 12): size -gpio*13] = gpio_value.value
- #cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpio_defaults[{size - (gpio*13 + 12)}:{size -gpio*13}] = {gpio_value.value} ')
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value = gpio_defaults
- #reset
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_1_shifted.value = 0
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_2_shifted.value = 0
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_1_shifted.value = 1
- self.caravel_hdl.gpio_resetn_2_shifted.value = 1
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish configuring gpios, the curret gpios value: ')
- self.print_gpios_ctrl_val()
- """change the configration of the gpios by overwrite the register value
- in control registers and housekeeping regs, don't consume simulation cycles"""
- ### dont use back door accessing
- def configure_gpios_regs(self,gpios_values: list):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] start cofigure gpio gpios ')
- control_modules = self.control_blocks_paths()
- # list example [[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value],[(gpios),value]]
- for array in gpios_values:
- gpio_value = array[1]
- for gpio in array[0]:
- self.cov_configure_gpios(gpio,gpio_value.name)
- self.gpio_control_reg_write(control_modules[gpio],gpio_value.value) # for control blocks regs
- self.caravel_hdl.housekeeping.gpio_configure[gpio].value = gpio_value.value # for house keeping regs
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] finish configuring gpios, the curret gpios value: ')
- self.print_gpios_ctrl_val()
- self.print_gpios_HW_val()
- """dummy function for coverage sampling"""
- @Carvel_Coverage
- def cov_configure_gpios(self,gpio,gpio_mode):
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] gpio [{gpio}] = {gpio_mode} ')
- pass
- def print_gpios_default_val(self,print=1):
- gpio_defaults = self.caravel_hdl.gpio_defaults.value
- size = gpio_defaults.n_bits -1 #number of bins in gpio_defaults
- gpios = []
- for gpio in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS']):
- gpio_value = gpio_defaults[size - (gpio*13 + 12): size -gpio*13]
- gpio_enum = GPIO_MODE(gpio_value.integer)
- gpios.append((gpio,gpio_enum))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- """print the values return in the gpio of control block mode in GPIO Mode format"""
- def print_gpios_ctrl_val(self, print=1):
- control_modules = self.control_blocks_paths()
- gpios = []
- for i , gpio in enumerate(control_modules):
- gpios.append((i,self.gpio_control_reg_read(gpio)))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- def _check_gpio_ctrl_eq_HW(self):
- assert self.print_gpios_ctrl_val(1) == self.print_gpios_HW_val(1), f'there is an issue while configuration the control block register value isn\'t the same as the house keeping gpio register'
- """print the values return in the gpio of housekeeping block mode in GPIO Mode format"""
- def print_gpios_HW_val(self,print=1):
- gpios = []
- for pin in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS']):
- gpios.append((pin,GPIO_MODE(self.caravel_hdl.housekeeping.gpio_configure[pin].value)))
- group_bins = groupby(gpios,key=lambda x: x[1])
- for key,value in group_bins:
- gpios=[]
- for gpio in list(value):
- gpios.append(gpio[0])
- if (print):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] gpios[{gpios}] are {key} ')
- return gpios
- """return the paths of the control blocks"""
- def control_blocks_paths(self)-> list:
- car = self.caravel_hdl
- control_modules =[car._id("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]",False),car._id("gpio_control_bidir_1[1]",False)]
- #add gpio_control_in_1a (GPIO 2 to 7)
- for i in range(6):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_1a[{i}]',False))
- #add gpio_control_in_1 (GPIO 8 to 18)
- for i in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_1']-9+1):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_1[{i}]',False))
- #add gpio_control_in_2 (GPIO 19 to 34)
- for i in range(Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_2']-4+1):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_in_2[{i}]',False))
- # Last three GPIOs (spi_sdo, flash_io2, and flash_io3) gpio_control_bidir_2
- for i in range(3):
- control_modules.append(car._id(f'gpio_control_bidir_2[{i}]',False))
- return control_modules
- """read the control register and return a GPIO Mode it takes the path to the control reg"""
- def gpio_control_reg_read(self,path:SimHandleBase) -> GPIO_MODE:
- gpio_mgmt_en = path.mgmt_ena.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MGMT_EN.value
- gpio_out_dis = path.gpio_outenb.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OUT_DIS.value
- gpio_holdover = path.gpio_holdover.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OVERRIDE.value
- gpio_in_dis = path.gpio_inenb.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_INP_DIS.value
- gpio_mode_sel = path.gpio_ib_mode_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MOD_SEL.value
- gpio_anlg_en = path.gpio_ana_en.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_EN.value
- gpio_anlg_sel = path.gpio_ana_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_SEL.value
- gpio_anlg_pol = path.gpio_ana_pol.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_POL.value
- gpio_slow_sel = path.gpio_slow_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_SLOW.value
- gpio_vtrip_sel = path.gpio_vtrip_sel.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_TRIP.value
- gpio_dgtl_mode = path.gpio_dm.value << MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_DGTL_MODE.value
- control_reg = (gpio_mgmt_en | gpio_out_dis | gpio_holdover| gpio_in_dis | gpio_mode_sel | gpio_anlg_en
- |gpio_anlg_sel|gpio_anlg_pol|gpio_slow_sel|gpio_vtrip_sel|gpio_dgtl_mode)
- return(GPIO_MODE(control_reg))
- """read the control register and return a GPIO Mode it takes the path to the control reg"""
- def gpio_control_reg_write(self,path:SimHandleBase,data) :
- bits =common.int_to_bin_list(data,14)
- path.mgmt_ena.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MGMT_EN.value]
- path.gpio_outenb.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OUT_DIS.value]
- path.gpio_holdover.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_OVERRIDE.value]
- path.gpio_inenb.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_INP_DIS.value]
- path.gpio_ib_mode_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_MOD_SEL.value]
- path.gpio_ana_en.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_EN.value]
- path.gpio_ana_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_SEL.value]
- path.gpio_ana_pol.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_ANLG_POL.value]
- path.gpio_slow_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_SLOW.value]
- path.gpio_vtrip_sel.value = bits[MASK_GPIO_CTRL.MASK_GPIO_CTRL_TRIP.value]
- gpio_dm =sum(d * 2**i for i, d in enumerate(gpio_dm)) # convert list to binary int
- path.gpio_dm.value = gpio_dm
- # """drive the value of mprj bits with spicific data from input pad at the top"""
- # def release_gpio(self):
- # io = self.caravel_hdl.padframe.mprj_pads.io
- # mprj , n_bits = common.signal_valueZ_size(io)
- # io.value = mprj
- # cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] drive_gpio_in pad mprj with {mprj}')
- """drive the value of mprj bits with spicific data from input pad at the top"""
- def drive_gpio_in(self,bits,data):
- # io = self.caravel_hdl.padframe.mprj_pads.io
- # mprj , n_bits = common.signal_value_size(io)
- # cocotb.log.debug(f' [caravel] before mprj with {mprj} and data = {data} bit [{n_bits-1-bits[0]}]:[{n_bits-1-bits[1]}]')
- # mprj[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- # io.value = mprj
- # cocotb.log.info(f' [caravel] drive_gpio_in pad mprj with {mprj}')
- data_bits = []
- is_list = isinstance(bits, (list,tuple))
- if is_list :
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[caravel] [drive_gpio_in] start bits[1] = {bits[1]} bits[0]= {bits[0]}')
- data_bits = BinaryValue(value = data, n_bits =bits[0]-bits[1]+1 ,bigEndian=(bits[0] {data}')
- await FallingEdge(self.dut.wb_ack_o) # wait for acknowledge
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 0
- cocotb.log.info(f'Monitor: End writing {hex(addr)} -> {data}')
- """read from the house keeping registers by back door no need for commands and waiting for the data to show on mprj"""
- async def hk_read_backdoor(self,addr):
- await RisingEdge(self.clk)
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 1
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 1
- self.hk_hdl.wb_sel_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_we_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_adr_i.value = addr
- cocotb.log.info(f' [housekeeping] Monitor: Start reading from {hex(addr)}')
- await FallingEdge(self.hk_hdl.wb_ack_o)
- self.hk_hdl.wb_stb_i.value = 0
- self.hk_hdl.wb_cyc_i.value = 0
- cocotb.log.info(f' [housekeeping] Monitor: read from {hex(addr)} value {(self.hk_hdl.wb_dat_o.value)}')
- return self.hk_hdl.wb_dat_o.value
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/common.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d98414..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from enum import Enum
-import cocotb
-"""return the value and the size of the signal"""
-def signal_value_size(path:SimHandleBase):
- value = path.value
- size = value.n_bits
- return value, size
-Create a binaryValue object with all Z that helps when drive to drive only the bits needed
-return value with all z and the size
-def signal_valueZ_size(path:SimHandleBase):
- value = path.value
- size = value.n_bits
- value = BinaryValue(value = int(size) * 'z',n_bits=size)
- return value, size
-def int_to_bin_list(number:bin,number_of_bits)-> list:
- data = bin(number)
- data = data[2:].zfill(number_of_bits)[::-1]
- bits = [int(bit) for bit in data]
- return bits
-def drive_hdl(path,bits,data):
- hdl , n_bits = signal_value_size(path)
- is_list_of_lists = all(isinstance(x, list) for x in bits)
- is_list_of_tuples = all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in bits)
- if is_list_of_lists | is_list_of_tuples:
- for i,bits2 in enumerate(bits):
- hdl[n_bits-1-bits2[0]:n_bits-1-bits2[1]] = data[i]
- else:
- hdl[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- path.value = hdl
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [common] drive { path._path } with {hdl}')
-"""Enum for GPIO modes valus used to configured the pins"""
-class GPIO_MODE(Enum):
- GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT = 0x1803 # TODO: ask if this legal the default value for first 2 bin is like that
-class MASK_GPIO_CTRL(Enum):
-Macros= {}
-def fill_macros(macros_hdl):
- Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_1'] = macros_hdl.MPRJ_IO_PADS_1.value.integer
- Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS_2'] = macros_hdl.MPRJ_IO_PADS_2.value.integer
- Macros['MPRJ_IO_PADS'] = macros_hdl.MPRJ_IO_PADS.value.integer
- Macros['GL'] = macros_hdl.GL.value.integer
- Macros['CARAVAN'] = macros_hdl.CARAVAN.value.integer
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/cpu.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/cpu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f925370..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/cpu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-from operator import add
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.handle import Force
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import enum
-from cocotb.handle import (
- ConstantObject,
- HierarchyArrayObject,
- HierarchyObject,
- ModifiableObject,
- NonHierarchyIndexableObject,
- SimHandle,
-from itertools import groupby, product
-import interfaces.common as common
-from interfaces.common import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import MASK_GPIO_CTRL
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-class RiskV:
- def __init__(self,dut:SimHandleBase):
- self.dut = dut
- self.clk = dut.clock_tb
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl = dut.uut.soc.core.VexRiscv
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl = dut.uut.soc
- self.debug_hdl = dut.uut.mprj.debug
- self.force_reset = 0
- if not Macros['GL']:
- cocotb.scheduler.add(self.force_reset_fun())
- """ """
- async def drive_data_with_address(self,address,data,SEL=0xF):
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = data
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = BinaryValue(value = 'z')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = BinaryValue(value = 'zzzz')
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = common.signal_valueZ_size(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR)[0]
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = common.signal_valueZ_size(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI)[0]
- """ """
- async def drive_data2address(self,address,data,SEL=0xF):
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][drive_data2address] start driving address {hex(address)} with {hex(data)}")
- # print(dir(self.cpu_hdl))
- dBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- iBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value
- dBusWishbone_STB = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value
- dBusWishbone_WE = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_SEL = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value
- else:
- dBusWishbone_SEL0 = self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL1 = self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL2 = self.cpu_hdl.net848.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL3 = self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_ADR = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value
- dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value = (SEL >>0 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value = (SEL >>1 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net848.value = (SEL >>2 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value = (SEL >>3 ) &1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- else:
- address_temp = address >> 2
- for i in range(30):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_ADR[{i}]',False).value = (address_temp >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = data
- else:
- for i in range(32):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI[{i}]',False).value = (data >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- else:
- # await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) & (self.cpu_hdl._id("grant[0]",False)))
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) )
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = dBusWishbone_CYC
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = dBusWishbone_ADR
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = iBusWishbone_CYC
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = dBusWishbone_STB
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = dBusWishbone_WE
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = dBusWishbone_SEL
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][drive_data2address] finish driving address {hex(address)} with {hex(data)}")
- """ """
- async def read_address(self,address,SEL=0xF):
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][read_address] start reading address {hex(address)}")
- # print(dir(self.cpu_hdl))
- dBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- iBusWishbone_CYC = self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value
- dBusWishbone_STB = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value
- dBusWishbone_WE = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_SEL = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value
- else:
- dBusWishbone_SEL0 = self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL1 = self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL2 = self.cpu_hdl.net848.value
- dBusWishbone_SEL3 = self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value
- if not Macros['GL']:
- dBusWishbone_ADR = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value
- dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = 0
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = 1
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = 0
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = SEL
- else:
- self.cpu_hdl.net2121.value = (SEL >>0 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1979.value = (SEL >>1 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net848.value = (SEL >>2 ) &1
- self.cpu_hdl.net1956.value = (SEL >>3 ) &1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = address >> 2
- else:
- address_temp = address >> 2
- for i in range(30):
- self.cpu_hdl._id(f'dBusWishbone_ADR[{i}]',False).value = (address_temp >> i) & 1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ACK)
- else:
- # await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) & (self.cpu_hdl._id("grant[0]",False)))
- await RisingEdge(self.cpu_hdl._id("_07019_",False) )
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_CYC.value = dBusWishbone_CYC
- if not Macros['GL']:
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_ADR.value = dBusWishbone_ADR
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI.value = dBusWishbone_DAT_MOSI
- self.cpu_hdl.iBusWishbone_CYC.value = iBusWishbone_CYC
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_STB.value = dBusWishbone_STB
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_WE.value = dBusWishbone_WE
- self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_SEL.value = dBusWishbone_SEL
- data = self.cpu_hdl.dBusWishbone_DAT_MISO.value
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][read_address] finish reading address {hex(address)} data = {data}")
- # return data
- return int(str(bin(data.integer)[2:]).zfill(32),2)
- # return int(str(bin(data.integer)[2:]).zfill(32)[::-1],2)
- def read_debug_reg1(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_1.value.integer
- def read_debug_reg2(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_2.value.integer
- def read_debug_reg1_str(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_1.value.binstr
- def read_debug_reg2_str(self):
- return self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_2.value.binstr
- # writing debug registers using backdoor because in GL cpu can't be disabled for now because of different netlist names
- def write_debug_reg1_backdoor(self,data):
- self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_1.value = data
- def write_debug_reg2_backdoor(self,data):
- self.debug_hdl.debug_reg_2.value = data
- async def force_reset_fun(self):
- first_time_force = True
- first_time_release = True
- while True:
- if self.force_reset:
- if first_time_force:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][force_reset_fun] Force CPU reset")
- first_time_force = False
- first_time_release = True
- self.cpu_hdl.reset.value =1
- if not Macros['GL']:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.reset,(0,0),1)
- else:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.mgmtsoc_vexriscv_debug_reset,(0,0),1)
- else:
- if first_time_release:
- first_time_force = True
- first_time_release = False
- if not Macros['GL']:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.reset,(0,0),0)
- else:
- common.drive_hdl(self.cpu_hdl.mgmtsoc_vexriscv_debug_reset,(0,0),0)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[RiskV][force_reset_fun] release CPU reset")
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- def cpu_force_reset(self):
- self.force_reset = True
- def cpu_release_reset(self):
- self.force_reset = False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/defsParser.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/defsParser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0f9f4b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/defsParser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import sys
-from tokenize import group
-from unittest.util import _MIN_COMMON_LEN
-import string
-import cocotb
-import os
-class Regs:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def get_addr(self,reg):
- search1 = self.get_add_defs(reg)
- # if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in search1[2:]):
- return int(search1,16)
- # return hex(self.get_hexa(search1))
- """get address from defs.h"""
- def get_add_defs(self,reg):
- pattern = re.compile(rf'#define {reg}\s*\(\*\(volatile uint32_t\*\)\s*(.*)\s*\)')
- with open(f'{os.getenv("FIRMWARE_PATH")}/defs.h') as f:
- for line in f:
- m= re.search(pattern,line)
- if m:
- break
- if m:
- if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in m.group(1)):
- return hex(self.get_hexa(m.group(1)))
- else:
- return m.group(1)
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f" [defsParser] can't find {reg} inside defs")
- sys.exit()
- """get address from defs.h"""
- def get_add_csr(self,reg):
- pattern1 = re.compile(rf'#define {reg}\s*\(\*\(volatile uint32_t\*\)\s*(.*)\s*\)')
- pattern2 = re.compile(rf'#define {reg}\s*(.*)')
- m = False
- with open(f'{os.getenv("FIRMWARE_PATH")}/../generated/csr.h') as f:
- for line in f:
- m1= re.search(pattern1,line)
- m2= re.search(pattern2,line)
- if m1:
- m = m1
- break
- if m2:
- m=m2
- break
- if m:
- matched_str= m.group(1)
- if matched_str[-1] == "L" and matched_str[-2].isnumeric:
- matched_str = matched_str[:-1]
- if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in matched_str[2:]):
- matched_str= hex(self.get_hexa(matched_str))
- return matched_str
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f" [defsParser] can't find {reg} inside csr")
- sys.exit()
- def get_hexa(self,s:string):
- pattern2 = re.compile(r'\((.*)\s*\+\s*(.*)\)')
- search_match = re.search(pattern2,s)
- if search_match :
- matches = [search_match.group(1),search_match.group(2)]
- else:
- matches = [s]
- nothex = 1
- while nothex:
- nothex = 0
- for i,match in enumerate(matches):
- if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in match[2:-1]):
- matches[i]=self.get_add_csr(match)
- nothex = 0
- else:
- if match[-1] == "L" and match[-2].isnumeric:
- matches[i]=matches[i][:-1]
- if len(matches) ==2:
- return int(matches[0],16) + int(matches[1],16)
- else:
- return int(matches[0],16)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/logic_analyzer.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/logic_analyzer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b3dc23..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/interfaces/logic_analyzer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-import cocotb.simulator
-from cocotb.handle import SimHandleBase
-from cocotb.handle import Force
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-import enum
-from cocotb.handle import (
- ConstantObject,
- HierarchyArrayObject,
- HierarchyObject,
- ModifiableObject,
- NonHierarchyIndexableObject,
- SimHandle,
-from itertools import groupby, product
-import interfaces.common as common
-from interfaces.common import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import MASK_GPIO_CTRL
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-class LA:
- def __init__(self,dut:SimHandleBase):
- self.dut = dut
- self.clk = dut.clock_tb
- self.core_hdl = dut.uut.soc.core
- """ Configure the value of LA probes [0:127]
- writing 1 to any bit means bit acts as outputs from the cpu
- writing 0 to any bit means bit acts as inputs to the cpu """
- async def configure_la_en(self, bits,data):
- self.__drive_la_iena(bits,data)
- self.__drive_la_oenb(bits,data)
- await ClockCycles(self.clk, 1)
- def __drive_la_iena(self, bits,data):
- iena , n_bits = common.signal_value_size(self.core_hdl.la_ien_storage)
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [LA] before change iena with {iena} and data = {data} bit [{n_bits-1-bits[0]}]:[{n_bits-1-bits[1]}]')
- iena[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- self.core_hdl.la_ien_storage.value = iena
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] drive reg_la_iena with {hex(iena)}')
- def __drive_la_oenb(self, bits,data):
- oenb , n_bits = common.signal_value_size(self.core_hdl.la_oe_storage)
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [LA] before change oenb with {oenb} and data = {data} bit [{n_bits-1-bits[0]}]:[{n_bits-1-bits[1]}]')
- oenb[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- self.core_hdl.la_oe_storage.value = oenb
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] drive reg_la_oenb with {hex(oenb)}')
- """ update the value of LA data input from cpu to user project """
- def drive_la_data_to_user(self,bits,data):
- la , n_bits = common.signal_value_size(self.core_hdl.la_out_storage)
- cocotb.log.debug(f' [LA] before la data update with LA ={la} and data = {data} bit [{n_bits-1-bits[0]}]:[{n_bits-1-bits[1]}]')
- la[n_bits-1-bits[0]:n_bits-1-bits[1]] = data
- self.core_hdl.la_out_storage.value = la
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] drive_la_data_to_user: drive data {hex(la)} to user project')
- """return the value of LA data output from user project tp cpu"""
- def check_la_user_out(self):
- LA_out = self.core_hdl.la_input.value
- if(LA_out.is_resolvable):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] Monitor : reg_la_data_out from user = {hex(LA_out)}')
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] Monitor : reg_la_data_out from user = {LA_out}')
- return LA_out
- """return the value of LA data output from user project tp cpu"""
- def check_la_ctrl_reg(self):
- LA_out = self.dut.uut.la_oenb_mprj.value
- if(LA_out.is_resolvable):
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] Monitor : reg_la_data_out from user = {hex(LA_out)}')
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f' [LA] Monitor : reg_la_data_out from user = {LA_out}')
- return LA_out
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/pli.tab b/verilog/dv/cocotb/pli.tab
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ac9e794..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/pli.tab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/sdf_includes.v b/verilog/dv/cocotb/sdf_includes.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 67ef9399..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/sdf_includes.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-initial begin
- `ifndef CARAVAN
- $sdf_annotate({`MAIN_PATH,"/../../../signoff/caravel/primetime-signoff/sdf/",`CORNER,"/caravel.", `SDF_POSTFIX,".sdf"}, uut,,{`MAIN_PATH,"/sim/",`TAG,"/",`FTESTNAME,"/caravel_sdf.log"},"MINIMUM");
- `else
- $sdf_annotate({`MAIN_PATH,"/../../../signoff/caravan/primetime-signoff/sdf/",`CORNER,"/caravan.", `SDF_POSTFIX,".sdf"}, uut,,{`MAIN_PATH,"/sim/",`TAG,"/",`FTESTNAME,"/caravan_sdf.log"},"MINIMUM");
- `endif
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests.json b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 44999bdc..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
- "Tests": {
- "_comment0" :"level is priorty of the test low is better, SW spcify if the test uses SW, RTL regressions run this test in RTL ",
- "_comment1" :"GL regressions run this test in gatelevel, GL_SDF regression run this test with SDF included"
- ,"gpio_all_i" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_caravan" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_caravan_rtl"],
- "GL":["r_caravan_gl"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_caravan_sdf"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input using automatic approach firmware and check them for caravan"}
- ,"hk_disable" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check Housekeeping SPI disable register is working"}
- ,"uart_rx" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test uart reception"}
- ,"hk_regs_rst_spi" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check reset value of house keeping registers by reading them trough the spi housekeeping"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_user" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as user input using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pu" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input pull up using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pu_caravan" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_caravan_rtl"],
- "GL":["r_caravan_gl"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_caravan_sdf"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input pull up using automatic approach firmware and check them for caravan"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pu_user" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as user input pull up using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pd" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input pull down using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pd_caravan" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_caravan_rtl"],
- "GL":["r_caravan_gl"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_caravan_sdf"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt input pull down using automatic approach firmware and check them for caravan"}
- ,"gpio_all_i_pd_user" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as user input pull down using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_bidir_user" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as user bidir using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_o" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt output using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"gpio_all_o_caravan" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_caravan_rtl"],
- "GL":["r_caravan_gl"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_caravan_sdf"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt output using automatic approach firmware and check them for caravan"}
- ,"gpio_all_o_user" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as user output using automatic approach firmware and check them"}
- ,"hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"bit bash test for housekeeping registers"}
- ,"IRQ_timer" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test timer0 interrupt"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_i" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":" configure gpio[0:37] as mgmt input using bitbang and check them"}
- ,"bitbang_spi_o" :{"level":0,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "SW":true,
- "description":"Same as bitbang_cpu_all but configure the gpio using the SPI not the firmware"}
- ,"mgmt_gpio_out" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"tests blinking of mgmt gpio bit as an output"}
- ,"bitbang_spi_i" :{"level":0,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "SW":true,
- "description":"Same as bitbang_cpu_all_i but configure the gpio using the SPI not the firmware"}
- ,"hk_regs_wr_spi" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"write then read(the written value) from random housekeeping registers through the SPI housekeeping"}
- ,"IRQ_external" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test external interrupt by mprj 7"}
- ,"IRQ_uart" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test timer0 interrupt"}
- ,"mgmt_gpio_in" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"tests blinking of mgmt gpio bit as an output"}
- ,"timer0_oneshot" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check timer0 oneshot mode"}
- ,"uart_loopback" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test uart in loopback mode input and output is shorted"}
- ,"timer0_periodic" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check timer0 periodic mode"}
- ,"uart_tx" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test uart transmit"}
- ,"debug" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"use caravel in debug mode and check reading and writing from dff2 RAM"}
- ,"spi_master_rd" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"using SPI master for reading from external memory"}
- ,"user_pass_thru_rd" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"use the housekeeping spi in user pass thru mode to read from external mem"}
- ,"clock_redirect" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check clock redirect is working as expected"}
- ,"mgmt_gpio_bidir" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"send random number of blinks through mgmt_gpio and expect to recieve the same number back "}
- ,"la" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"check logic analyzer input and output enable"}
- ,"pll" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"Check pll diffrent configuration"}
- ,"spi_master_temp" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"To be deleted"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_o" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","push_gl","gpio_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"configure all gpios as mgmt output using bitbang and check them"}
- ,"mem_dff" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"Memory stress for all space of dff"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_01" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"shift all the register with 01"}
- ,"mem_dff2" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"Memory stress for all space of dff2"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_10" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"shift all the register with 10"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_1100" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"shift all the register with 1100"}
- ,"bitbang_cpu_all_0011" :{"level":0,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"shift all the register with 0011"}
- ,"cpu_stress" :{"level":2,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","r_caravan_rtl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","r_caravan_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","r_caravan_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"stress the cpu with heavy processing"}
- ,"bitbang_no_cpu_all_o" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","gpio_rtl","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":[],
- "GL_SDF":[],
- "description":"test disable CPU and control the wishbone to configure gpio[4:37] as mgmt output using bitbang and check them"}
- ,"bitbang_no_cpu_all_i" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":[],
- "GL_SDF":[],
- "description":"test disable CPU and control the wishbone to configure gpio[0:31] as mgmt input using bitbang and check them"}
- ,"hk_regs_wr_wb" :{"level":0,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","setup","push","push_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":[],
- "GL_SDF":[],
- "description":"write then read (the written value) from random housekeeping registers through the firmware but without using CPU, the SPI and system regs can't be read using firmware so the test only GPIO regs inside housekeeping "}
- ,"helloWorld" :{"level":3,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":[],
- "GL":[],
- "GL_SDF":[],
- "description":"hello world test"}
- ,"spi_rd_wr_nbyte" :{"level":3,
- "SW":false,
- "RTL":[],
- "GL":[],
- "GL_SDF":[],
- "description":"try housekeeping spi Write and Read in n-byte mode "}
- ,"cpu_reset" :{"level":3,
- "SW":true,
- "RTL":["r_rtl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL":["r_gl","nightly","weekly","tape_out"],
- "GL_SDF":["r_sdf","weekly","tape_out"],
- "description":"test cpu reset register inside the housekeeping "}
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_0011.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_0011.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 404b99c3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_0011.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x1803 ;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // bitbang
- for(int i =0;i<62;i++){
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock11();
- clock11();
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_01.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_01.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a884dc9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_01.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x1803 ;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // bitbang
- for(int i =0;i<124;i++){
- clock00();
- clock11();
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_10.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_10.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4065d921..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_10.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x1803 ;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // bitbang
- for(int i =0;i<124;i++){
- clock11();
- clock00();
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_1100.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_1100.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7211cd58..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_1100.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x1803 ;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // bitbang
- for(int i =0;i<62;i++){
- clock11();
- clock11();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_i.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_i.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7164b5f3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_i.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = 0x1803;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = 0x1803;
- // bitbang
- //Configure all as input except reg_mprj_io_3
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 18 and 19
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 17 and 20
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 16 and 21
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 15 and 22
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 14 and 23
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 13 and 24
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 12 and 25
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 11 and 26
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 10 and 27
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 9 and 28
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 8 and 29
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 7 and 30
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 6 and 31
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 5 and 32
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 4 and 33
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 3 and 34
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 2 and 35
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 1 and 36
- clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(0); // 0 and 37
- load(); // load
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x8F66FD7B to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x8F66FD7B);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xFFA88C5A);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xC9536346 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xC9536346);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x0);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x15);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_o.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_o.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53db0acc..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_cpu_all_o.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#include "bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT ;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // bitbang
- // Configure all as output except reg_mprj_io_3
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 18 and 19
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 17 and 20
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 16 and 21
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 15 and 22
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 14 and 23
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 13 and 24
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 12 and 25
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 11 and 26
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 10 and 27
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 9 and 28
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 8 and 29
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 7 and 30
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 6 and 31
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 5 and 32
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 4 and 33
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 3 and 34
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 2 and 35
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 1 and 36
- clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(0); // 0 and 37
- load();
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_datal = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c2f936..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-void clock11()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x66; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x76;
-void clock00()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x06; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x16;
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void clock10()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x46; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x56;
-void clock01()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x26; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x36;
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Load registers
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void load()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x06;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x0e; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x06; // Apply load
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Enable bit-bang mode and clear registers
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void clear_registers()
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x06; // Enable bit-bang mode
- reg_mprj_xfer = 0x04; reg_mprj_xfer = 0x06; // Pulse reset
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Clock in an input + output configuration. The value
-// passed in "ddhold" is the number of data-dependent hold
-// violations up to this point.
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-/* Clock in data on the left side. Assume standard hold
- * violation, so clock in12 times and assume that the
- * next data to be clocked will start with "1", enforced
- * by the code.
- *
- * Left side = GPIOs 37 to19
- */
-void clock_in_left_short(uint32_t ddhold)
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock10();
- clock10();
- for (count = 0; count < 9; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock10();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock00();
-/* Clock in data on the right side. Assume standard hold
- * violation, so clock in12 times and assume that the
- * next data to be clocked will start with "1", enforced
- * by the code.
- *
- * Right side = GPIOs 0 to18
- */
-void clock_in_right_short(uint32_t ddhold)
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock01();
- clock01();
- for (count = 0; count < 9; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock01();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock00();
-/* Clock in data on the left side. Clock the normal13 times,
- * which is correct for no hold violation or for a data-
- * dependent hold violation (for the latter, ddhold must be
- * incremented before calling the subroutine).
- *
- * Left side = GPIOs 37 to19
- */
-void clock_in_left_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock10();
- clock10();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock10();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock10();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock10();
-void clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock11();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock11();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock11();
-void clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock11();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock10();
- clock00();
- clock01();
- clock11();
-void clock_in_right_i_left_o_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock11();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock01();
- clock00();
- clock10();
- clock11();
-void clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock11();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock11();
- clock11();
-/* Clock in data on the right side. Clock the normal13 times,
- * which is correct for no hold violation or for a data-
- * dependent hold violation (for the latter, ddhold must be
- * incremented before calling the subroutine).
- *
- * Right side = GPIOs 0 to18
- */
-void clock_in_right_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock01();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock10();
- clock00();
- clock01();
- clock11();
-void clock_in_right_i_left_io_standard(uint32_t ddhold){
- uint32_t count;
- uint32_t holds = ddhold;
- clock11();
- clock11();
- for (count = 0; count < 7; count++) {
- if (holds != 0) {
- clock11();
- holds--;
- }
- else
- clock00();
- }
- clock01();
- clock00();
- clock11();
- clock11();
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Clock in data for GPIO 0 and 37 (fixed) and apply load.
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void clock_in_end(){
- // Right side: GPIO 0 configured disabled
- // Left side: GPIO 37 configured as input
- clock11();
- clock10();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock01();
- clock00();
- clock11();
- clock11();
- load();
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// Same as above, except that GPIO is configured as an
-// output for a quick sanity check.
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void clock_in_end_output()
- // Right side: GPIO 0 configured disabled
- // Left side: GPIO 37 configured as output
- clock11();
- clock10();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock00();
- clock01();
- clock00();
- clock01();
- clock11();
- load();
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2ced7b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_functions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-reg = Regs()
-reg_mprj_xfer contain
-bit 0 : busy
-bit 1 : bitbang enable
-bit 2 : bitbang reset active low
-bit 3 : bitbang load registers
-bit 4 : bitbang clock
-bit 5 : serial data 1
-bit 6 : serial data 2
-"""shift the 2 registers with 2 ones"""
-async def clock11(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x66) # 0110_0110
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x76) # 0111_0110
-"""shift the 2 registers with 2 zeros"""
-async def clock00(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x06) # 0000_0110
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x16) # 0001_0110
-"""shift the 2 registers with 1 in the left side and zero in right side"""
-async def clock01(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x26) # 0010_0110
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x36) # 0011_0110
-"""shift the 2 registers with 1 in the left side and zero in right side"""
-async def clock10(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x46) # 0100_0110
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x56) # 0101_0110
-"""enable the serial loader bit to load registers"""
-async def load(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x06) # enable bit bang
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x0e) # enable loader
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x06) # enable bit bang
-"""Enable bit-bang mode and clear registers"""
-async def clear_registers(cpu):
- reg_mprj_xfer_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x06) # enable bit bang
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x04) # reset
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_xfer_addr,0x06) # enable bit bang
-Clock in an input + output configuration. The value
-passed in "ddhold" is the number of data-dependent hold
-violations up to this point.
- * Clock in data on the left side. Assume standard hold
- * violation, so clock in 12 times and assume that the
- * next data to be clocked will start with "1", enforced
- * by the code.
- *
- * Left side = GPIOs 37 to 19
- """
-async def clock_in_left_short(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock10(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
- for i in range(9):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock10(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
-async def clock_in_right_short(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock01(cpu)
- await clock01(cpu)
- for i in range(9):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
-async def clock_in_left_standard(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock10(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock10(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
-"""right output left input"""
-async def clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock01(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
-"""right input left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_i_left_o_standard(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock10(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock01(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock10(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
-"""right input left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
-"""right output left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,ddhold):
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01(cpu)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
-async def clock_in_end_output(cpu):
- # Right side: GPIO 0 configured disabled
- # /Left side: GPIO 37 configured as output
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock00(cpu)
- await clock01(cpu)
- await clock11(cpu)
- await load(cpu)
- reg_mprj_io_37_addr = reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_37')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg_mprj_io_37_addr,0x1809)
-async def clock11_spi(caravelEnv):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x66) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x76) # 11
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def clock00_spi(caravelEnv):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x06) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x16) # 00
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def clock01_spi(caravelEnv):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x26) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x36) # 01
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def clock10_spi(caravelEnv):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x46) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x56) # 10
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def load_spi(caravelEnv):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x0e) # load enable
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x13) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x16) # 00
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-"""right output left input"""
-async def clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,ddhold):
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock10_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
-"""right input left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_i_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,ddhold):
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock10_spi(caravelEnv)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock10_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
-"""right input left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,ddhold):
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
-"""right output left output"""
-async def clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,ddhold):
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- for i in range(7):
- if ddhold != 0:
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- ddhold -=1
- else:
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
-async def clock_in_end_output_spi(caravelEnv):
- # Right side: GPIO 0 configured disabled
- # /Left side: GPIO 37 configured as output
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock00_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock01_spi(caravelEnv)
- await clock11_spi(caravelEnv)
- await load_spi(caravelEnv)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa21f5b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_i.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_i.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa21f5b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_i.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_o.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_o.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a806fe..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_no_cpu_all_o.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_i.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_i.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b3be10c0..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_i.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- int i,j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
- while (reg_debug_2 != 0xDD);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x8F66FD7B to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x8F66FD7B);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xFFA88C5A);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xC9536346 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xC9536346);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x0);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x15);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_o.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_o.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e85dff5b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_spi_o.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- int i,j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF; // finish configuration
- while (reg_debug_2 != 0xFF); // finish bit bang
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_datal = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a261fe..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-async def bitbang_no_cpu_all_o(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=9373)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_37'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_36'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_35'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_34'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_33'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_32'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_31'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_30'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_29'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_28'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_27'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_26'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_25'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_24'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_23'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_22'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_21'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_20'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_19'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_18'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_17'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_16'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_15'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_14'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_13'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_12'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_11'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_10'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_9'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_8'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_7'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_6'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_5'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_4'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_3'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_2'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_1'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_0'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_0'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- #Configure all as output except reg_mprj_io_3
- await clear_registers(cpu)
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 18 and 19
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 17 and 20
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 16 and 21
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 15 and 22
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 14 and 23
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 13 and 24
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 12 and 25
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 11 and 26
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 10 and 27
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 9 and 28
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 8 and 29
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 7 and 30
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 6 and 31
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 5 and 32
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard(cpu,0) # 4 and 33
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 3 and 34
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 2 and 35
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 1 and 36
- await clock_in_end_output(cpu) # 0 and 37 and load
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'),0x0)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x0)
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),i)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4))} int {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4)).integer} i = {i}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4)).integer != i << 28:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4))} instead of {bin(i << 28)}')
- # for k in range(250):
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1)
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x3f)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'),i)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,4)).integer != i>>4 :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,4))} instead of {i>>4}')
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4))} type {int(caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4)))} i = {i}')
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1)
- # await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x0)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x0)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'),0x0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,4))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 1000)
-async def bitbang_no_cpu_all_i(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=7351)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_37'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_36'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_35'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_34'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_33'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_32'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_31'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_30'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_29'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_28'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_27'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_26'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_25'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_24'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_23'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_22'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_21'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_20'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_19'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_18'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_17'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_16'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_15'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_14'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_13'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_12'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_11'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_10'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_9'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_8'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_7'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_6'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_5'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_4'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_3'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_2'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_1'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_0'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT.value)
- #Configure all as input except reg_mprj_io_3
- await clear_registers(cpu)
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 18 and 19
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 17 and 20
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 16 and 21
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 15 and 22
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 14 and 23
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 13 and 24
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 12 and 25
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 11 and 26
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 10 and 27
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 9 and 28
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 8 and 29
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 7 and 30
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 6 and 31
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 5 and 32
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 4 and 33
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 3 and 34
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 2 and 35
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 1 and 36
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard(cpu,0) # 0 and 37
- await load(cpu) # load
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),0x8F66FD7B)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- reg_mprj_datal = await cpu.read_address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'))
- # value_masked = reg_mprj_datal & mask_input
- if reg_mprj_datal == 0x8F66FD7B:
- cocotb.log.info(f'[TEST] Passed with value 0x8F66FD7B')
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] fail with value mprj = {bin(reg_mprj_datal)} instead of {bin(0x8F66FD7B)}')
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x1B)
- x = caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))
- print(f"xxxxxxxx {x}")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),0xFFA88C5A)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- reg_mprj_datal = await cpu.read_address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'))
- # value_masked = reg_mprj_datal & mask_input
- if reg_mprj_datal == 0xFFA88C5A:
- cocotb.log.info(f'[TEST] Passed with value 0xFFA88C5A')
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] fail with value mprj = {bin(reg_mprj_datal)} instead of {bin(0xFFA88C5A)}')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x2B)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),0xC9536346)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
- reg_mprj_datal = await cpu.read_address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'))
- # value_masked = reg_mprj_datal & mask_input
- if reg_mprj_datal == 0xC9536346:
- cocotb.log.info(f'[TEST] Passed with value 0xC9536346')
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] fail with value mprj = {bin(reg_mprj_datal)} instead of {bin(0xC9536346)}')
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datah'),0x3B)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 100)
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the housekeeping SPI."""
-async def io_ports(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_0'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_1'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_2'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_3'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_4'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_5'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_6'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_io_7'),GPIO_MODE.GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT.value)
- # Apply configuration
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer'),1)
- while True:
- if await cpu.read_address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_xfer')) != 1 :
- break
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests_cpu.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests_cpu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b1b6b7..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/bitbang/bitbang_tests_cpu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-reg = Regs()
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_o(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1842534)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring using bitbang")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i<<32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i<<32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_10(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1452270)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]","gpio_control_in_1[6]","gpio_control_in_1[7]","gpio_control_in_1[8]","gpio_control_in_1[9]","gpio_control_in_1[10]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]")
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_in_2[10]","gpio_control_in_2[11]","gpio_control_in_2[12]","gpio_control_in_2[13]","gpio_control_in_2[14]","gpio_control_in_2[15]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- type = True # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in gpios_l:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = not type
- type = True # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in reversed(gpios_h):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = not type
-def shift(gpio,shift_type):
- if shift_type:
- bits = "0101010101010"
- else:
- bits = "1010101010101"
- fail = False
- if not Macros['GL']:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] gpio {gpio} shift {gpio._id(f'shift_register',False).value} expected {bits}")
- for i in range(13):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_register = gpio._id(f"shift_register",False).value.binstr[i]
- else:
- shift_register = gpio._id(f"\\shift_register[{i}] ",False).value.binstr
- if shift_register != bits[i]:
- fail = True
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong shift register {i} in {gpio}")
- if not fail:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] gpio {gpio} passed")
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_01(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1452269)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]","gpio_control_in_1[6]","gpio_control_in_1[7]","gpio_control_in_1[8]","gpio_control_in_1[9]","gpio_control_in_1[10]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]")
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_in_2[10]","gpio_control_in_2[11]","gpio_control_in_2[12]","gpio_control_in_2[13]","gpio_control_in_2[14]","gpio_control_in_2[15]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- type = False # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in gpios_l:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = not type
- type = False # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in reversed(gpios_h):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = not type
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_0011(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1402860)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]","gpio_control_in_1[6]","gpio_control_in_1[7]","gpio_control_in_1[8]","gpio_control_in_1[9]","gpio_control_in_1[10]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]")
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_in_2[10]","gpio_control_in_2[11]","gpio_control_in_2[12]","gpio_control_in_2[13]","gpio_control_in_2[14]","gpio_control_in_2[15]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- type = 2 # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in gpios_l:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_2(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift_2(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = (type + 1) %4
- type = 2 # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in reversed(gpios_h):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_2(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift_2(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = (type + 1) %4
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_1100(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1402426)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]","gpio_control_in_1[6]","gpio_control_in_1[7]","gpio_control_in_1[8]","gpio_control_in_1[9]","gpio_control_in_1[10]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_l = ("gpio_control_bidir_1[0]","gpio_control_bidir_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[0]","gpio_control_in_1a[1]","gpio_control_in_1a[2]","gpio_control_in_1a[3]","gpio_control_in_1a[4]","gpio_control_in_1a[5]","gpio_control_in_1[0]","gpio_control_in_1[1]","gpio_control_in_1[2]","gpio_control_in_1[3]","gpio_control_in_1[4]","gpio_control_in_1[5]")
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_in_2[10]","gpio_control_in_2[11]","gpio_control_in_2[12]","gpio_control_in_2[13]","gpio_control_in_2[14]","gpio_control_in_2[15]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- if Macros['CARAVAN']:
- gpios_h= ("gpio_control_in_2[0]","gpio_control_in_2[1]","gpio_control_in_2[2]","gpio_control_in_2[3]","gpio_control_in_2[4]","gpio_control_in_2[5]","gpio_control_in_2[6]","gpio_control_in_2[7]","gpio_control_in_2[8]","gpio_control_in_2[9]","gpio_control_bidir_2[0]","gpio_control_bidir_2[1]","gpio_control_bidir_2[2]")
- type = 0 # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in gpios_l:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_2(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift_2(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = (type + 1) %4
- type = 0 # type of shifting 01 or 10
- for gpio in reversed(gpios_h):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_2(uut._id(gpio,False),type)
- else:
- shift_2(uut._id(f'\\{gpio} ',False),type)
- type = (type + 1) %4
-def shift_2(gpio,shift_type):
- if shift_type == 0:
- bits = "0011001100110"
- elif shift_type == 1:
- bits = "0110011001100"
- elif shift_type == 2:
- bits = "1100110011001"
- elif shift_type == 3:
- bits = "1001100110011"
- fail = False
- if not Macros['GL']:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] gpio {gpio} shift {gpio._id(f'shift_register',False).value.binstr[::-1]} expected {bits}")
- else :
- shift_reg =''
- for i in range(13):
- shift_reg += gpio._id(f"\\shift_register[{i}] ",False).value.binstr
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] gpio {gpio} shift {shift_reg} expected {bits}")
- for i in range(13):
- if not Macros['GL']:
- shift_register = gpio._id(f"shift_register",False).value.binstr[12-i]
- else:
- shift_register = gpio._id(f"\\shift_register[{i}] ",False).value.binstr
- if shift_register != bits[i]:
- fail = True
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong shift register {i} in {gpio}")
- if not fail:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] gpio {gpio} passed")
-async def bitbang_cpu_all_i(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1641382)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0xFFA88C5A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the housekeeping SPI configure all gpio as output."""
-async def bitbang_spi_o(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=294252)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF) # wait for housekeeping registers configured
- #Configure all as output except reg_mprj_io_3
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 18 and 19
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 17 and 20
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 16 and 21
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 15 and 22
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 14 and 23
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 13 and 24
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 12 and 25
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 11 and 26
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 10 and 27
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 9 and 28
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 8 and 29
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 7 and 30
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 6 and 31
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 5 and 32
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 4 and 33
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 3 and 34
- await clock_in_right_o_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 2 and 35
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 1 and 36
- await clock_in_right_o_left_o_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 0 and 37
- await load_spi(caravelEnv) # load
- cpu.write_debug_reg2_backdoor(0xFF)
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring using bitbang")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5)).integer != i << 27:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5))} instead of {bin(i << 28)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,5)).integer != i>>5 :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,4))} instead of {bin(i>>4)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,5))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the housekeeping SPI configure all gpio as input."""
-async def bitbang_spi_i(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=55417)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF) # wait for housekeeping registers configured
- #Configure all as output except reg_mprj_io_3
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 18 and 19
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 17 and 20
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 16 and 21
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 15 and 22
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 14 and 23
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 13 and 24
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 12 and 25
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 11 and 26
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 10 and 27
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 9 and 28
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 8 and 29
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 7 and 30
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 6 and 31
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 5 and 32
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 4 and 33
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 3 and 34
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 2 and 35
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 1 and 36
- await clock_in_right_i_left_i_standard_spi(caravelEnv,0) # 0 and 37
- await load_spi(caravelEnv) # load
- cpu.write_debug_reg2_backdoor(0xDD)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0xFFA88C5A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[31:0]")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully to gpio[37:32]")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/Timeout.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/Timeout.py
deleted file mode 100644
index beea7307..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/Timeout.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# from turtle import st
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from cocotb.result import SimTimeoutError
-import cocotb
-import time
-"""class to handle timeout inside the tests. after the provided number of cycles (cycle_num) are exceeded test would fail
- precision would determine when to log timeout warning for example if cycle_num=1000 and percision = 10% so after each 1000*10% = 100 cycle log would be printed
-class Timeout:
- def __init__(self,clk,cycle_num,precision=0.20):
- self.clk = clk
- self.cycle_num = cycle_num
- self.cycle_precision = precision * cycle_num
- cocotb.scheduler.add(self._timeout_check())
- async def _timeout_check(self):
- number_of_cycles = 0
- for i in range(0,self.cycle_num):
- await ClockCycles(self.clk,1)
- number_of_cycles +=1
- if number_of_cycles %self.cycle_precision ==0:
- cocotb.log.warning(f"simulation are only {self.cycle_num-number_of_cycles} cycles away from TIMEOUT ")
- raise SimTimeoutError(f"simulation exceeds the max number of cycles {self.cycle_num}")
- pass
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/test_functions.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/test_functions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcdb40c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/common_functions/test_functions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.clock import Clock
-import cocotb.log
-import interfaces.caravel as caravel
-from interfaces.logic_analyzer import LA
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.housekeepingWB import HK_whiteBox
-import interfaces.common as common
-import logging
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from cocotb.log import SimTimeContextFilter
-from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter
-from tests.common_functions.Timeout import Timeout
-import os
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-"""configure the test log file location and log verbosity
- configure the test clock
- configure the test timeout
- configure whitbox models
- start up the test connecting power vdd to the design then reset and disable the CSB bit
- return the caravel environmnet with clock and start up
-async def test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1000000,clk=25,timeout_precision=0.2,num_error=3):
- caravelEnv = caravel.Caravel_env(dut)
- Timeout(caravelEnv.clk,timeout_cycles,timeout_precision)
- if os.getenv('ERRORMAX') != 'None':
- num_error = int(os.getenv('ERRORMAX'))
- cocotb.scheduler.add(max_num_error(num_error,caravelEnv.clk))
- clock = Clock(caravelEnv.clk, clk, units="ns") # Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
- cocotb.start_soon(clock.start()) # Start the clock
- await caravelEnv.start_up()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- # HK_whiteBox(dut)
- return caravelEnv,clock
-class CallCounted:
- """Decorator to determine number of calls for a method"""
- def __init__(self,method):
- self.method=method
- self.counter=0
- def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- self.counter+=1
- return self.method(*args,**kwargs)
-def repot_test(func):
- async def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs):
- ## configure logging
- TestName = func.__name__
- cocotb.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- cocotb.log.error = CallCounted(cocotb.log.error)
- cocotb.log.critical = CallCounted(cocotb.log.critical)
- cocotb.log.warning = CallCounted(cocotb.log.warning)
- handler = logging.FileHandler(f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}/{os.getenv('TESTFULLNAME')}/{TestName}.log",mode='w')
- handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter())
- handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter())
- cocotb.log.addHandler(handler)
- ## call test
- await func(*args, **kwargs)
- ## report after finish simulation
- msg = f'with ({cocotb.log.critical.counter})criticals ({cocotb.log.error.counter})errors ({cocotb.log.warning.counter})warnings '
- if cocotb.log.error.counter > 0 or cocotb.log.critical.counter >0:
- raise cocotb.result.TestComplete(f'Test failed {msg}')
- else:
- raise cocotb.result.TestComplete(f'Test passed {msg}')
- return retval
- return wrapper_func
-async def max_num_error(num_error,clk):
- while True:
- await ClockCycles(clk,1)
- if cocotb.log.error.counter + cocotb.log.critical.counter > num_error:
- msg = f'Test failed with max number of errors {num_error} ({cocotb.log.critical.counter})criticals ({cocotb.log.error.counter})errors ({cocotb.log.warning.counter})warnings '
- raise cocotb.result.TestFailure(msg)
-async def wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,data):
- while (True):
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == data:
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
-async def wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,data):
- while (True):
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data:
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6279c1..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x3;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x4;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x5;
- while(reg_debug_2 == 0x0);
- reg_hkspi_reset = 1;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbcb59a1..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_reset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-reg = Regs()
-async def cpu_reset(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=34823)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start cpu_reset test")
- # wait for CPU to write 5 at debug_reg1
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 5:
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] debug reg 1 = 5" )
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- # put the cpu under reset using spi
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using SPI")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0xb,1)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0:
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using SPI successfully rest the cpu")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using SPI successfully doesn't rest the cpu")
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] deasserting cpu reset register using SPI")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0xb,0)
- watchdog = 12000
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 5:
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] deasserting cpu reset register using SPI wakes the cpu up" )
- break
- watchdog -=1
- if watchdog <0:
- cocotb.log.error("[TEST] deasserting cpu reset register using SPI doesn't wake the cpu up" )
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using firmware")
- cpu.write_debug_reg2_backdoor(0xAA)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10000)
- watchdog = 8000
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0:
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using firmware successfully rest the cpu" )
- break
- watchdog -=1
- if watchdog <0:
- cocotb.log.error("[TEST] asserting cpu reset register using firmware successfully doesn't rest the cpu" )
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_stress.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_stress.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c7cc56b9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/cpu/cpu_stress.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-int A[]={1, 40, 2, 5, 22, 11, 90, 200, 10, 20, 25};
-// int factorial(int n) {
-// int fac=1;
-// for(int i=1; i<=n;++i){
-// fac = fac * i;
-// }
-// return fac;
-// }
-int fibbonacci(int n) {
- if(n == 0){
- return 0;
- } else if(n == 1) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return (fibbonacci(n-1) + fibbonacci(n-2));
- }
-void recursiveInsertionSort(int arr[], int n){
- if (n <= 1)
- return;
- recursiveInsertionSort( arr, n-1 );
- int nth = arr[n-1];
- int j = n-2;
- while (j >= 0 && arr[j] > nth){
- arr[j+1] = arr[j];
- j--;
- }
- arr[j+1] = nth;
-void quick_sort(int number[],int first,int last){
- int i, j, pivot, temp;
- if(firstnumber[pivot])
- j--;
- if(i 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ed397e..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void main()
- int j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // Now, apply the configuration
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- (*(volatile uint32_t*) CSR_DEBUG_MODE_OUT_ADDR ) = 1; // enable debug mode
- // start of the test
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA;
- // very long wait
- for (j = 0; j < 1600; j++);
- for (j = 0; j < 1600; j++);
- for (j = 0; j < 1600; j++);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d25158..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/debug/debug.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-from curses import baudrate
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer,Edge
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-bit_time_ns = 0
-reg = Regs()
-async def debug(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=31011)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- # calculate bit time
- clk = clock.period/1000
- global bit_time_ns
- bit_time_ns = round(10**5 * clk / (1152))
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] bit time in nano second = {bit_time_ns}")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((0,0),1) # IO[0] affects the uart selecting btw system and debug
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),1)
- # wait for start of sending
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- # caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((0,0),1) # IO[0] affects the uart selecting btw system and debug
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start debug test")
- # send random data to address 30'h00400024 and expect to recieve the same data back it back
- dff_address = random.randint(0x00000400, 0x00000600) & 0xFFFFFFFC
- data = random.getrandbits(32)
- address = dff_address >>2 # address has to be shifted
- # data = 0xFFFFFFF0
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] Executing DFF2 write address={hex(dff_address)} data = {hex(data)}")
- await wb_write(caravelEnv,address,data)
- receieved_data = await wb_read(caravelEnv,address)
- if data != receieved_data:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] DFF2 reading failed from address {hex(address)} expected data = {hex(data)} recieved data = {hex(receieved_data)}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] PASS: DFF2 reading right value {hex(data)} from {hex(address)} ")
-async def start_of_tx(caravelEnv):
- while (True): # wait for the start of the transimission it 1 then 0
- if (caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6)).integer == 0):
- break
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
-async def uart_send_char(caravelEnv,char):
- cocotb.log.info (f"[uart_send_char] start sending on uart {char}")
- #send start bit
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),0)
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- #send bits
- for i in range(8):
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),char[i])
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- # stop of frame
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),1)
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
-async def uart_get_char(caravelEnv):
- await start_of_tx(caravelEnv)
- char = ''
- for i in range (8):
- char = caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6)).binstr + char
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- cocotb.log.info (f"[uart_get_char] recieving {char} from uart")
- return char
-async def wb_write(caravelEnv,addr,data):
- addr_bits = bin(addr)[2:].zfill(32)[::-1]
- data_bits = bin(data)[2:].zfill(32)[::-1]
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] address bits = {addr_bits} {type(addr_bits)}")
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, '10000000') # write cmd
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, '10000000') # size
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[24:32])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[16:24])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[8:16])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[0:8])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, data_bits[24:32])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, data_bits[16:24])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, data_bits[8:16])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, data_bits[0:8])
-async def wb_read(caravelEnv,addr):
- addr_bits = bin(addr)[2:].zfill(32)[::-1]
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, '01000000') # read cmd
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, '10000000') # size
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[24:32])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[16:24])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[8:16])
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv, addr_bits[0:8])
- data_bits = await uart_get_char(caravelEnv)
- data_bits += await uart_get_char(caravelEnv)
- data_bits += await uart_get_char(caravelEnv)
- data_bits += await uart_get_char(caravelEnv)
- return int(data_bits,2)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73eb0f88..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-async def gpio_all_o(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=538624)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i<<32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i<<32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XBB)
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] try drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- reg2 =0
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- try:
- reg2 =cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == data_in:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: data {hex(data_in)} driven on gpio[31:0] is seen by firmware while gpios are configured as output")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output it can see {reg2}")
- except Exception as e:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-async def gpio_all_i(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=56837)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] ERROR: firmware can write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] [TEST] PASS: firmware cannot write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
-async def gpio_all_i_pu(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=54138,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with zeros then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_i_pd(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=54138,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #even
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with ones then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_bidir(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1144980)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x1A)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i << 32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i << 32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x2A)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xFFA88C5A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a6280785..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1A; // try the gpios as output
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_datal = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
- // test input
- reg_debug_1 = 0X2A; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x8F66FD7B to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x8F66FD7B);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xFFA88C5A);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xC9536346 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xC9536346);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x15);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2=0xFF;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir_user.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir_user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c85ad3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_bidir_user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#define reg_mprj_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF0)
-#define reg_mprj_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF4)
-#define reg_oeb_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFEC)
-#define reg_oeb_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFE8)
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_oeb_userl = 0x0;
- reg_oeb_userh = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1A; // try the gpios as output
- reg_mprj_userl = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_userh = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_userl = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_userl = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
- reg_oeb_userl = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_oeb_userh = 0x3F;
- reg_mprj_userl =0;
- reg_mprj_userh =0;
- // test input
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFFFFFFF to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0xFFFFFFFF);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xAAAAAAAA to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0xAAAAAAAA);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x55555555 to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0x55555555);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XDD; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x0 to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x15);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5;
- reg_debug_2=0xFF;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dadfaf80..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFFFFFFF to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xFFFFFFFF);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xAAAAAAAA to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xAAAAAAAA);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x55555555 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x55555555);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XDD; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x0 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x15);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5; // for delay insertion for release
- // trying to inject error by sending data to gpio by firmware where gpios configured as input
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x5AE1FFB8; // random number
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x1E; // random number
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7dccc76..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd_user.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd_user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 010328ee..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pd_user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f71d6c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu_user.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu_user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca6ccf3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_pu_user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-#define reg_mprj_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF0)
-#define reg_mprj_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF4)
-#define reg_oeb_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFEC)
-#define reg_oeb_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFE8)
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_userl = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x3F;
- reg_oeb_userl = 0x0;
- reg_oeb_userh = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_user.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f69acd0c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_i_user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-#define reg_mprj_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF0)
-#define reg_mprj_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF4)
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFFFFFFF to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0xFFFFFFFF);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xAAAAAAAA to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0xAAAAAAAA);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x55555555 to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0x55555555);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XDD; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x0 to reg_mprj_userl
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x15);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_userh != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userh;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5; // for delay insertion for release
- // trying to inject error by sending data to gpio by firmware where gpios configured as input
- reg_mprj_userl = 0x5AE1FFB8; // random number
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x1E; // random number
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f1db9d93..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA; // finish configuration
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_datal = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
- // try to give input
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x8F66FD7B to reg_mprj_datal
- int timeout = 100;
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x8F66FD7B){
- timeout--;
- if (timeout==0){
- break;
- }
- }
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XFF; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_datal
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o_user.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o_user.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 604b87ed..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_all_o_user.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-// Debug reg DEBUG_ON
-#define reg_mprj_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF0)
-#define reg_mprj_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFF4)
-#define reg_oeb_userl (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFEC)
-#define reg_oeb_userh (*(volatile uint32_t*)0x300FFFE8)
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_USER_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_oeb_userl = 0x0;
- reg_oeb_userh = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA; // finish configuration
- reg_mprj_userl = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_userh = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_userl = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_userh = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_userl = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
- // try to give input
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x8F66FD7B to reg_mprj_userl
- int timeout = 100;
- while (reg_mprj_userl != 0x8F66FD7B){
- timeout--;
- if (timeout==0){
- break;
- }
- }
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_userl;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XFF; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_userl
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_user.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_user.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a9c5e0..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio/gpio_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-async def gpio_all_o_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=542674)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring as user output")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i<<32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i<<32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XBB)
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] try send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- reg2 =0
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- try:
- reg2 =cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == data_in:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: data {hex(data_in)} driven on gpio[31:0] is seen by firmware while gpios are configured as output")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output it can see {reg2}")
- except Exception as e:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-async def gpio_all_i_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=498255)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] ERROR: firmware can write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] [TEST] PASS: firmware cannot write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
-async def gpio_all_i_pu_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=56875,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with zeros then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_i_pd_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=54138,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #even
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with ones then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_bidir_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=266662)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x1A)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i << 32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i << 32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_caravan.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_caravan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa59722..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_caravan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFFFFFFF to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xfe003fff); // gpios 14 to 25 has to be 0
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XBB; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xAAAAAAAA to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0xaa002aaa);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XCC; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x55555555 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x54001555);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XDD; // configuration done wait environment to send 0x0 to reg_mprj_datal
- while (reg_mprj_datal != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datal;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD1;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x3F);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD2;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x0);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD3;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x15);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD4;
- while (reg_mprj_datah != 0x2A);
- reg_debug_2 = reg_mprj_datah;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5;
- reg_debug_1 = 0XD5; // for delay insertion for release
- // trying to inject error by sending data to gpio by firmware where gpios configured as input
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x5AE1FFB8; // random number
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x1E; // random number
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pd_caravan.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pd_caravan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7dccc76..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pd_caravan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pu_caravan.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pu_caravan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f71d6c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_i_pu_caravan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0XAA; // configuration done
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- while (true);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_o_caravan.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_o_caravan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ea9111c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_all_o_caravan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#include "../bitbang/bitbang_functions.c"
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_0 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA; // finish configuration
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x0;
- i = 0x20;
- for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 37-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x20;
- }
- i = 0x80000000;
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x3f;
- reg_mprj_datal = i;
- reg_debug_2 = 32-j;
- reg_mprj_datah = 0x00;
- reg_mprj_datal = 0x00000000;
- reg_debug_2 = 0;
- i >>=1;
- i |= 0x80000000;
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0XFF; // configuration done wait environment to send 0xFFA88C5A to reg_mprj_datal
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_caravan.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_caravan.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 554cd400..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_caravan.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-async def gpio_all_o_caravan(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=586652)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- expected_data = bin(i<<32)[2:].zfill(38)[:13] +"zzzzzzzzzzz" + bin(i<<32)[2:].zfill(38)[24:]
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != expected_data:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {expected_data}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- expected_data = bin(0)[2:].zfill(38)[:13] +"zzzzzzzzzzz" + bin(0)[2:].zfill(38)[24:]
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != expected_data:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {expected_data}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- expected_data = bin(i)[2:].zfill(32)[:7] +"zzzzzzzzzzz" + bin(i)[2:].zfill(32)[18:]
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).binstr != expected_data :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {expected_data}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- expected_data = bin(0)[2:].zfill(38)[:13] +"zzzzzzzzzzz" + bin(0)[2:].zfill(38)[24:]
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != expected_data:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {expected_data}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-async def gpio_all_i_caravan(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=56837)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- mask = 0xfe003fff
- data_expected = data_in & mask
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_expected:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {bin(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0] and seen as {bin(data_expected)}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {bin(cpu.read_debug_reg2())} instead of {bin(data_expected)}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- data_expected = data_in & mask
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_expected:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {bin(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0] and seen as {bin(data_expected)}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {bin(cpu.read_debug_reg2())} instead of {bin(data_expected)}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- data_expected = data_in & mask
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_expected:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {bin(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0] and seen as {bin(data_expected)}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {bin(cpu.read_debug_reg2())} instead of {bin(data_expected)}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- data_expected = data_in & mask
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_expected:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {bin(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0] and seen as {bin(data_expected)}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {bin(cpu.read_debug_reg2())} instead of {bin(data_expected)}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] ERROR: firmware can write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] [TEST] PASS: firmware cannot write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
-async def gpio_all_i_pu_caravan(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=58961,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and float and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #even
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #odd
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- else:
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1) and i%2==0:
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 1 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1) and i%2==1:
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 1 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with zeros then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pullup and all released and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_i_pd_caravan(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=58961,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pulldown and float and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1) and i%2==0:
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 0 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1) and i%2==1:
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pulldown and drived with even half with 0 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #even
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1 and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with ones then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.mprj_io.value.binstr[::-1]
- for i in range(38):
- if i in range(14,25,1):
- if gpio[i] != "z":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of z while while configured as input pulldown and all released and {i} gpio must be z in caravan")
- continue
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_bidir(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1144980)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x1A)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i << 32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i << 32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x2A)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xFFA88C5A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xC9536346
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0xFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_user.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_user.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b7ccee7..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/gpio_caravan/gpio_user.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-async def gpio_all_o_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=542674)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring as user output")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i<<32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i<<32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XBB)
- data_in = 0x8F66FD7B
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] try send {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- reg2 =0
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- try:
- reg2 =cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == data_in:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: data {hex(data_in)} driven on gpio[31:0] is seen by firmware while gpios are configured as output")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output it can see {reg2}")
- except Exception as e:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] driven data {hex(data_in)} sent can't be sent to gpio[31:0] when it configure as output")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
-async def gpio_all_i_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=56694)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).binstr != "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] ERROR: firmware can write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] [TEST] PASS: firmware cannot write to the gpios while they are configured as input_nopull gpio= {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))}")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
-async def gpio_all_i_pu_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=58961,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- else:
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and drived with even half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with zeros then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pullup and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_i_pd_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=58961,num_error=2000)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- # monitor the output of padframe module it suppose to be all ones when no input is applied
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and float")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with zero
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive gpios with ones
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with zeros and float other half
- data_in = 0x0
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i]!="0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with even half with 0")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive odd half gpios with ones and float other half
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(0,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release even gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==0: #even
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive even half gpios with zeros and float other half
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- for i in range(1,38,2):
- caravelEnv.release_gpio(i) # release odd gpios
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if i%2 ==1: #odd
- if gpio[i]!="1":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 1 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- else:
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and drived with odd half with 1")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- # drive with ones then release all gpio
- data_in = 0x3FFFFFFFFF
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,0),data_in)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
- gpio = dut.uut.padframe.mprj_io_in.value.binstr
- for i in range(38):
- if gpio[i] != "0":
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio[{i}] is having wrong value {gpio[i]} instead of 0 while configured as input pulldown and all released")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def gpio_all_bidir_user(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=290455)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- uut = dut.uut
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0x1A)
- await caravelEnv.release_csb()
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] finish configuring ")
- i= 0x20
- for j in range(5):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,37-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != i << 32:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(i << 32)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x20
- i= 0x80000000
- for j in range(32):
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,32-j)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[Test] gpio out = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} j = {j}')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32)).integer != 0x3f:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio high bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,32))} instead of {bin(0x3f)} ')
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0)).integer != i :
- cocotb.log.error(f'[TEST] Wrong gpio low bits output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((31,0))} instead of {bin(i)}')
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0)).integer != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f'Wrong gpio output {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((37,0))} instead of {bin(0x00000)}')
- i = i >> 1
- i |= 0x80000000
- caravelEnv.release_gpio((37,0))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAA)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] configuration finished")
- data_in = 0xFFFFFFFF
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0xAAAAAAAA
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xCC)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x55555555
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xDD)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[31:0]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((31,0),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD1)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[31:0]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datal has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x3F
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD2)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x0
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD3)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x15
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xD4)
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == data_in:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] data {hex(data_in)} sent successfully through gpio[37:32]")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: reg_mprj_datah has recieved wrong data {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {data_in}")
- data_in = 0x2A
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] drive {hex(data_in)} to gpio[37:32]")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((37,32),data_in)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XD5)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XFF)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad547c3c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int main(){
- // do nothing
- return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f3aefbc3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/hello_world/helloWorld.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import cocotb
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-async def helloWorld(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut)
- cocotb.log.info("[Test] Hello world")
- caravelEnv.print_gpios_ctrl_val()
- caravelEnv.print_gpios_HW_val()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/clock_redirect.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/clock_redirect.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f2578f8..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/clock_redirect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void main(){
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- /* Monitor pins must be set to output */
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- /* Apply configuration */
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_1 =0xAA;
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/hk_disable.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/hk_disable.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df6f3ed9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/hk_disable.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void main(){
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0xBB;
- while (reg_debug_1 != 0xAA);
- reg_hkspi_disable = 0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_ena =0;
- reg_debug_1 =0xBB;
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a30629f6..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * PLL Test (self-switching)
- * - Switches PLL bypass in housekeeping
- * - Changes PLL divider in housekeeping
- *
- */
-void main()
- int i;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- /* Monitor pins must be set to output */
- reg_mprj_io_15 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- /* Apply configuration */
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- // Start test
- /*
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- * Register 2610_000c reg_hkspi_pll_ena
- * SPI address 0x08 = PLL enables
- * bit 0 = PLL enable, bit 1 = DCO enable
- *
- * Register 2610_0010 reg_hkspi_pll_bypass
- * SPI address 0x09 = PLL bypass
- * bit 0 = PLL bypass
- *
- * Register 2610_0020 reg_hkspi_pll_source
- * SPI address 0x11 = PLL source
- * bits 0-2 = phase 0 divider, bits 3-5 = phase 90 divider
- *
- * Register 2610_0024 reg_hkspi_pll_divider
- * SPI address 0x12 = PLL divider
- * bits 0-4 = feedback divider
- *
- * Register 2620_0004 reg_clk_out_dest
- * SPI address 0x1b = Output redirect
- * bit 0 = trap to mprj_io[13]
- * bit 1 = clk to mprj_io[14]
- * bit 2 = clk2 to mprj_io[15]
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // Monitor the core clock and user clock on mprj_io[14] and mprj_io[15]
- // reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6 to turn on, 0x0 to turn off
- // Write checkpoint for clock counting (PLL bypassed)
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA1;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA2;
- // Set PLL enable, no DCO mode
- reg_hkspi_pll_ena = 0x1;
- // Set PLL output divider to 0x03
- reg_hkspi_pll_source = 0x3;
- // Write checkpoint for clock counting (PLL bypassed)
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA3;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA4;
- // Disable PLL bypass
- reg_hkspi_pll_bypass = 0x0;
- // Write checkpoint for clock counting
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA5;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA6;
- // Write 0x03 to feedback divider (was 0x04)
- reg_hkspi_pll_divider = 0x3;
- // Write checkpoint
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA7;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA8;
- // Write 0x04 to PLL output divider
- reg_hkspi_pll_source = 0x4;
- // Write checkpoint
- reg_debug_1 = 0xA9;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x6;
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAa;
- // End test
- reg_mprj_datal = 0xA0900000;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69cdec9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/pll.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-caravel_clock = 0
-user_clock = 0
-async def pll(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=47279)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- error_margin = 0.1
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xA1)
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,"caravel clock"))
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,"user clock"))
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xA3)
- if abs(caravel_clock - user_clock) > error_margin*caravel_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: clocks should be equal in phase 1 but caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass phase 1 caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,"caravel clock"))
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,"user clock"))
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xA5)
- if abs(caravel_clock - user_clock) > error_margin*caravel_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: clocks should be equal in phase 2 but caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass phase 2 caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,"caravel clock"))
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,"user clock"))
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xA7)
- if abs(caravel_clock - user_clock*3) > error_margin*caravel_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: user clock shoud be 3 times caravel clock in phase 3 but caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass phase 3 caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,"caravel clock"))
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,"user clock "))
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xA9)
- if abs(caravel_clock - user_clock*3) > error_margin*caravel_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: user clock shoud be 3 times caravel clock in phase 4 but caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass phase 4 caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,"caravel clock"))
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,"user clock"))
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAa)
- if abs(caravel_clock - user_clock*4) > error_margin*caravel_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: user clock shoud be 4 times caravel clock in phase 5 but caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass phase 5 caravel clock = {round(1000000/caravel_clock,2)} MHz user clock = {round(1000000/user_clock,2)} MHz")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10000)
- # for i in range(1000):
- # await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10000)
- # cocotb.log.info(f"time = {cocotb.simulator.get_sim_time()}")
-async def calculate_clk_period(clk,name):
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- initial_time = cocotb.simulator.get_sim_time()
- initial_time = (initial_time[0] <<32) | (initial_time[1])
- for i in range(100):
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- end_time = cocotb.simulator.get_sim_time()
- end_time = (end_time[0] <<32) | (end_time[1])
- val = (end_time - initial_time) / 100
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] clock of {name} is {val}")
- if name == "caravel clock":
- global caravel_clock
- caravel_clock = val
- elif name == "user clock":
- global user_clock
- user_clock = val
- val = str(val)
- return val
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/sys_ctrl.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/sys_ctrl.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ed164e..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/general/sys_ctrl.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-from faulthandler import disable
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-reg = Regs()
-caravel_clock = 0
-user_clock = 0
-core_clock = 0
-async def clock_redirect(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=13052)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- error_margin = 0.1
- # calculate core clock
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.uut.clock,"core clock"))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,110)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] core clock requency = {round(1000000/core_clock,2)} MHz period = {core_clock}ps")
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xAa)
- # check clk redirect working
- #user clock
- clock_name = "user clock"
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x1b,0x0) # disable user clock output redirect
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,clock_name))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,110)
- if user_clock != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: {clock_name} is directed while clk2_output_dest is disabled")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: {clock_name} has not directed when reg clk2_output_dest is disabled")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x1b,0x4) # enable user clock output redirect
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,clock_name))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,110)
- if abs(user_clock - core_clock) > (error_margin*core_clock):
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: {clock_name} is directed with wrong value {clock_name} period = {user_clock} and core clock = {core_clock}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: {clock_name} has directed successfully")
- #caravel clock
- clock_name = "caravel clock"
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x1b,0x0) # disable caravel clock output redirect
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin14_monitor,clock_name))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,110)
- if caravel_clock != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: {clock_name} is directed while clk2_output_dest is disabled")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: {clock_name} has not directed when reg clk2_output_dest is disabled")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x1b,0x4) # enable caravel clock output redirect
- await cocotb.start(calculate_clk_period(dut.bin15_monitor,clock_name))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,110)
- if abs(caravel_clock - core_clock) > error_margin*core_clock:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: {clock_name} is directed with wrong value {clock_name} period = {caravel_clock} and core clock = {core_clock}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: {clock_name} has directed successfully")
-async def calculate_clk_period(clk,name):
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- initial_time = cocotb.simulator.get_sim_time()
- initial_time = (initial_time[0] <<32) | (initial_time[1])
- for i in range(100):
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- end_time = cocotb.simulator.get_sim_time()
- end_time = (end_time[0] <<32) | (end_time[1])
- val = (end_time - initial_time) / 100
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] clock of {name} is {val}")
- if name == "caravel clock":
- global caravel_clock
- caravel_clock = val
- elif name == "user clock":
- global user_clock
- user_clock = val
- elif name == "core clock":
- global core_clock
- core_clock = val
- return val
-async def hk_disable(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=11393)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- # check spi working by writing to PLL enables
- old_pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {old_pll_enable}")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x8,1-old_pll_enable)
- pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {pll_enable}")
- if pll_enable == 1-old_pll_enable:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: SPI swap pll_enable value from {old_pll_enable} to {pll_enable}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: SPI isn't working correctly it cant change pll from {old_pll_enable} to {1-old_pll_enable}")
- old_pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {old_pll_enable}")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x8,1-old_pll_enable)
- pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {pll_enable}")
- if pll_enable == 1-old_pll_enable:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: SPI swap pll_enable value from {old_pll_enable} to {pll_enable}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: SPI isn't working correctly it cant change pll from {old_pll_enable} to {1-old_pll_enable}")
- # disable Housekeeping SPIca
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x6f,0x1)
- # try to change pll_en
- old_pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {old_pll_enable}")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x8,1-old_pll_enable)
- pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {pll_enable}")
- if pll_enable == 1-old_pll_enable:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: SPI swap pll_enable value from {old_pll_enable} to {pll_enable} while housekeeping spi is disabled")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass: SPI isn't working when SPI housekeeping is disabled")
- # enable SPI housekeeping through firmware
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB) # start waiting on reg1 AA
- cpu.write_debug_reg1_backdoor(0xAA)
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB) # enabled the housekeeping
- old_pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {old_pll_enable}")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x8,1-old_pll_enable)
- pll_enable = dut.uut.housekeeping.pll_ena.value.integer
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] pll_enable = {pll_enable}")
- if pll_enable == 1-old_pll_enable:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass: Housekeeping SPI has been enabled correctly through firmware")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Error: Housekeeping SPI failed to be enabled through firmware")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_rst_spi.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_rst_spi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf31b67a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_rst_spi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_spi.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_spi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf31b67a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_spi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf31b67a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0295812c..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-// access all housekeeping registers that can be access through firmware and change it's value
-void main(){
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- // store RO value regs
- int old_reg_hkspi_status = reg_hkspi_status;
- int old_reg_hkspi_chip_id = reg_hkspi_chip_id;
- int old_reg_hkspi_user_id = reg_hkspi_user_id;
- int old_reg_hkspi_trap = reg_hkspi_trap;
- int old_reg_hkspi_irq = reg_hkspi_irq;
- // write 1 ones to all registers
- reg_mprj_io_0 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // house keeping
- reg_hkspi_status = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_chip_id = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_user_id = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_pll_ena = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_pll_bypass = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_irq = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // reg_hkspi_reset = 0xFFFFFFFF; can't write 1 to it cpu would be reset
- reg_hkspi_trap = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_pll_trim = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_pll_source = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_pll_divider = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // sys
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // read ones that has been written
- if (reg_mprj_io_0 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1;
- if (reg_mprj_io_1 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x2;
- if (reg_mprj_io_2 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x3;
- if (reg_mprj_io_3 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x4;
- if (reg_mprj_io_4 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x5;
- if (reg_mprj_io_5 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x6;
- if (reg_mprj_io_6 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x7;
- if (reg_mprj_io_7 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x8;
- if (reg_mprj_io_8 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x9;
- if (reg_mprj_io_9 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xa;
- if (reg_mprj_io_10 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xb;
- if (reg_mprj_io_11 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xc;
- if (reg_mprj_io_12 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xd;
- if (reg_mprj_io_13 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xe;
- if (reg_mprj_io_14 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0xf;
- if (reg_mprj_io_15 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x10;
- if (reg_mprj_io_16 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x11;
- if (reg_mprj_io_17 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x12;
- if (reg_mprj_io_18 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x13;
- if (reg_mprj_io_19 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x14;
- if (reg_mprj_io_20 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x15;
- if (reg_mprj_io_21 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x16;
- if (reg_mprj_io_22 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x17;
- if (reg_mprj_io_23 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x18;
- if (reg_mprj_io_24 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x19;
- if (reg_mprj_io_25 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1a;
- if (reg_mprj_io_26 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1b;
- if (reg_mprj_io_27 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1c;
- if (reg_mprj_io_28 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1d;
- if (reg_mprj_io_29 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1e;
- if (reg_mprj_io_30 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x1f;
- if (reg_mprj_io_31 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x20;
- if (reg_mprj_io_32 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x21;
- if (reg_mprj_io_33 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x22;
- if (reg_mprj_io_34 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x23;
- if (reg_mprj_io_35 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x24;
- if (reg_mprj_io_36 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x25;
- if (reg_mprj_io_37 != 0x1FFF)
- reg_debug_1 =0x26;
- // housekeeping
- if (reg_hkspi_status != old_reg_hkspi_status) // RO
- reg_debug_1 =0x27;
- if (reg_hkspi_chip_id != old_reg_hkspi_chip_id) // RO
- reg_debug_1 =0x28;
- if (reg_hkspi_user_id != old_reg_hkspi_user_id) // RO
- reg_debug_1 =0x29;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_ena != 0x3) // size =2
- reg_debug_1 =0x2a;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_bypass != 0x1) // size = 1
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2b;
- if (reg_hkspi_irq != old_reg_hkspi_irq) // RO
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2c;
- if (reg_hkspi_trap != old_reg_hkspi_trap) // RO
- reg_debug_1 =0x2d;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_trim != 0x3FFFFFF) // size 26
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2f;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_source != 0x3F) // size 6 bits 0-2 = phase 0 divider, bits 3-5 = phase 90 divider
- reg_debug_1 =0x2f;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_divider != 0x1F) // size 7 -> PLL output divider, PLL output divider2 , PLL feedback divider
- reg_debug_1 =0x30;
- if (reg_hkspi_disable != 0x1) // size 1
- reg_debug_1 =0x31;
- if (reg_clk_out_dest != 0x7) // trap and clocks redirect
- reg_debug_1 =0x32;
- // // write zeros to all registers
- reg_mprj_io_0 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_1 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_3 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_4 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_7 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_8 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_9 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_10 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_11 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_12 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_13 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_14 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_15 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_16 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_17 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_18 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_19 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_20 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_21 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_22 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_23 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_24 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_25 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_26 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_27 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_28 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_29 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_30 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_31 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_32 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_33 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_34 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_35 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_36 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_37 = 0x0;
- // house keeping
- reg_hkspi_status = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_chip_id = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_user_id = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_ena = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_bypass = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_irq = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_reset = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_trap = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_trim = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_source = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_pll_divider = 0x0;
- // sys
- reg_clk_out_dest = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 0x0;
- // // read zeros that has been written
- if (reg_mprj_io_0 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1;
- if (reg_mprj_io_1 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x2;
- if (reg_mprj_io_2 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x3;
- if (reg_mprj_io_3 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x4;
- if (reg_mprj_io_4 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x5;
- if (reg_mprj_io_5 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x6;
- if (reg_mprj_io_6 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x7;
- if (reg_mprj_io_7 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x8;
- if (reg_mprj_io_8 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x9;
- if (reg_mprj_io_9 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xa;
- if (reg_mprj_io_10 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xb;
- if (reg_mprj_io_11 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xc;
- if (reg_mprj_io_12 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xd;
- if (reg_mprj_io_13 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xe;
- if (reg_mprj_io_14 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0xf;
- if (reg_mprj_io_15 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x10;
- if (reg_mprj_io_16 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x11;
- if (reg_mprj_io_17 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x12;
- if (reg_mprj_io_18 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x13;
- if (reg_mprj_io_19 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x14;
- if (reg_mprj_io_20 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x15;
- if (reg_mprj_io_21 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x16;
- if (reg_mprj_io_22 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x17;
- if (reg_mprj_io_23 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x18;
- if (reg_mprj_io_24 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x19;
- if (reg_mprj_io_25 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1a;
- if (reg_mprj_io_26 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1b;
- if (reg_mprj_io_27 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1c;
- if (reg_mprj_io_28 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1d;
- if (reg_mprj_io_29 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1e;
- if (reg_mprj_io_30 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x1f;
- if (reg_mprj_io_31 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x20;
- if (reg_mprj_io_32 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x21;
- if (reg_mprj_io_33 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x22;
- if (reg_mprj_io_34 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x23;
- if (reg_mprj_io_35 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x24;
- if (reg_mprj_io_36 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x25;
- if (reg_mprj_io_37 != 0x0)
- reg_debug_2 =0x26;
- // housekeeping
- if (reg_hkspi_status != old_reg_hkspi_status) // RO
- reg_debug_2 =0x27;
- if (reg_hkspi_chip_id != old_reg_hkspi_chip_id) // RO
- reg_debug_2 =0x28;
- if (reg_hkspi_user_id != old_reg_hkspi_user_id) // RO
- reg_debug_2 =0x29;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_ena != 0x0) // size =2
- reg_debug_2 =0x2a;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_bypass != 0x0) // size = 1
- reg_debug_2 = 0x2b;
- if (reg_hkspi_irq != old_reg_hkspi_irq) // RO
- reg_debug_2 = 0x2c;
- if (reg_hkspi_trap != old_reg_hkspi_trap) // RO
- reg_debug_2 =0x2d;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_trim != 0x0) // size 26
- reg_debug_2 = 0x2f;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_source != 0x0) // size 6 bits 0-2 = phase 0 divider, bits 3-5 = phase 90 divider
- reg_debug_2 =0x2f;
- if (reg_hkspi_pll_divider != 0x0) // size 7 -> PLL output divider, PLL output divider2 , PLL feedback divider
- reg_debug_2 =0x30;
- if (reg_hkspi_disable != 0x0) // size 1
- reg_debug_2 =0x31;
- if (reg_clk_out_dest != 0x0) // trap and clocks redirect
- reg_debug_2 =0x32;
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/housekeeping_regs_tests.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/housekeeping_regs_tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8af4e8b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_regs/housekeeping_regs_tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-from json.encoder import INFINITY
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-import json
-reg = Regs()
-'''randomly write then read housekeeping regs through wishbone'''
-async def hk_regs_wr_wb(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=611,num_error=INFINITY)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json') as f:
- regs = json.load(f)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10)
- # write then read
- for i in range(random.randint(7, 20)):
- bits_num = 32
- mem = random.choice(['GPIO']) # can't access 'SPI' and 'sys' register from interfaces.cpu / read or write
- key = random.choice(list(regs[mem].keys()))
- if key == 'base_addr':
- continue
- key_num = int(key,16) & 0xFC
- key = generate_key_from_num(key_num)
- address = (int(key,16) + regs[mem]['base_addr'][1])
- if address in [0x26000010,0x2600000c]: # skip testing reg_mprj_datal and reg_mprj_datah because when reading them it's getting the gpio input value
- continue
- data_in = random.getrandbits(bits_num)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Writing {bin(data_in)} to {regs[mem][key][0][0]} address {hex(address)} through wishbone")
- await cpu.drive_data2address(address,data_in)
- #calculate the expected value for each bit
- data_exp = ''
- keys = [generate_key_from_num(key_num+3),generate_key_from_num(key_num+2),generate_key_from_num(key_num+1),generate_key_from_num(key_num)]
- for count , k in enumerate(keys):
- for i in range(int(bits_num/len(keys)) * (count),int(bits_num/len(keys)) * (count+1)):
- bit_exist = False
- if k in regs[mem].keys():
- for field in regs[mem][k]:
- field_shift = field[2]
- field_size = field[3]
- field_access = field[4]
- i_temp = (bits_num -1 -i) % (bits_num/4)
- if field_shift <= i_temp and i_temp <= (field_shift + field_size-1):
- if field_access == "RW":
- data_exp += bin(data_in)[2:].zfill(bits_num)[i]
- bit_exist = True
- break
- if not bit_exist:
- data_exp += '0'
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] expected data calculated = {data_exp}")
- data_out = await cpu.read_address(address)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Read {bin(data_out)} from {regs[mem][key][0][0]} address {hex(address)} through wishbone")
- if data_out != int(data_exp,2): cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong read from {regs[mem][key][0][0]} address {hex(address)} retuned val= {bin(data_out)[2:].zfill(bits_num)} expected = {data_exp}")
- else: cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] read the right value {hex(data_out)} from {regs[mem][key][0][0]} address {hex(address)} ")
-'''randomly write then read housekeeping regs through wishbone'''
-async def hk_regs_wr_wb_cpu(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=182983,num_error=INFINITY)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- reg2 =0
- regs_list = ("reg_hkspi_status","reg_hkspi_chip_id","reg_hkspi_user_id", "reg_hkspi_pll_ena","reg_hkspi_pll_bypass","reg_hkspi_irq","reg_hkspi_trap","reg_hkspi_pll_trim","reg_hkspi_pll_source","reg_hkspi_pll_divide","reg_clk_out_des","reg_hkspi_disable")
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 < 38:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] error while writing 0xFFFFFFFF to reg_mprj_io_{reg1-1}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] error while writing 0xFFFFFFFF to {regs_list[reg1-39]}")
- if reg2 != cpu.read_debug_reg2():
- reg2 = cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg1 < 38:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] error while writing 0x0 to reg_mprj_io_{reg2-1}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] error while writing 0x0 to {regs_list[reg1-39]}")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
-'''randomly write then read housekeeping regs through SPI'''
-async def hk_regs_wr_spi(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1851,num_error=INFINITY)
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json') as f:
- regs = json.load(f)
- # write then read single byte
- for i in range(random.randint(10, 40)):
- bits_num = 8 # byte testing
- mem = random.choice(['GPIO','SPI','sys'])
- key = random.choice(list(regs[mem].keys()))
- if key == 'base_addr':
- continue
- address = regs[mem][key][0][7]
- if address in [111,36,10]: # 111 is for Housekeeping SPI disable, writing 1 to this address will disable the SPI and 36 is for mprj_io[03] changing bit 3 of this register would disable the spi by deassert spi_is_enabled and 10 0xa cpu irq is self resetting
- continue
- # address = int(key,16)
- if address in [0x69,0x6A,0x6B,0x6C,0x6D,0x13]: # skip testing reg_mprj_datal and reg_mprj_datah because when reading them it's getting the gpio input value and xfer
- continue
- data_in = random.getrandbits(bits_num)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Writing {bin(data_in)} to reg [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {hex(address)} through SPI")
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address=address,data=data_in)
- #calculate the expected value for each bit
- is_unknown = False
- data_exp = ''
- for i in range(bits_num):
- bit_exist = False
- for field in regs[mem][key]:
- field_shift = field[2]
- field_size = field[3]
- field_access = field[4]
- reset_val = field[5]
- i_temp = bits_num -1 -i
- if field_shift <= i_temp and i_temp <= (field_shift + field_size-1):
- if field_access == "RW":
- data_exp += bin(data_in)[2:].zfill(bits_num)[i]
- bit_exist = True
- break
- else : # read only get the value from reset
- data_exp += bin(reset_val)[2:].zfill(bits_num)[i]
- bit_exist = True
- break
- if field_access == "NA": # that mean the value is unknown as the register value can change by hardware mostly the reg value is input to the housekeeping from other blocks
- is_unknown = True
- break
- if not bit_exist:
- data_exp += '0'
- if is_unknown:# that mean the value is unknown as the register value can change by hardware mostly the reg value is input to the housekeeping from other blocks
- continue
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] expected data calculated = {data_exp}")
- data_out = await read_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address=address)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Read {bin(data_out)} from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {hex(address)} through SPI")
- if data_out != int(data_exp,2): cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong read from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {hex(address)} retuned val= {bin(data_out)[2:].zfill(bits_num)} expected = {data_exp}")
- else: cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] read the right value {hex(data_out)} from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {address} ")
-'''check reset value of house keeping register'''
-async def hk_regs_rst_spi(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=2879,num_error=INFINITY)
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json') as f:
- regs = json.load(f)
- # read
- bits_num = 8 # byte testing
- mems = ['GPIO','SPI','sys']
- for mem in mems:
- keys = [k for k in regs[mem].keys()]
- for key in keys:
- if key == 'base_addr':
- continue
- address = regs[mem][key][0][7]
- if address in [0x69,0x6A,0x6B,0x6C,0x6D,0x1A]: # skip testing reg_mprj_datal, reg_mprj_datah and usr2_vdd_pwrgood because when reading them it's getting the gpio input value
- continue
- #calculate the expected value for each bit for reset value
- data_exp = ''
- # for i in range(bits_num):
- bit_exist = False
- for field in regs[mem][key]:
- field_shift = field[2]
- field_size = field[3]
- field_access = field[4]
- reset_val = field[5]
- i_temp = bits_num -1 #-i
- # if field_shift <= i_temp and i_temp <= (field_shift + field_size-1):
- data_exp = bin(reset_val)[2:].zfill(field_size) + data_exp
- print (f'reset = {bin(reset_val)[2:].zfill(bits_num)} data exp = {data_exp} i temp = {i_temp} shift {field_shift} size {field_size}')
- # bit_exist = True
- # break
- # if not bit_exist:
- # data_exp += '0'
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] expected reset value for [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] is {data_exp}")
- data_out = await read_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address=address)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Read {bin(data_out)} from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {hex(address)} through wishbone")
- if data_out != int(data_exp,2): cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong reset value read from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {address} retuned val= {bin(data_out)[2:].zfill(bits_num)} expected = {data_exp}")
- else: cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] read the right reset value {hex(data_out)} from [{regs[mem][key][0][0]}] address {address} ")
-def generate_key_from_num(num):
- hex_string = hex(num)
- hex_list = [i for i in hex_string]
- if len(hex_list)==3:
- hex_list.insert(2,'0')
- hex_string = "".join(hex_list)
- return hex_string
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b0731a91..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.spi_master.SPI_VIP import read_mem ,SPI_VIP
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-bit_time_ns = 0
-reg = Regs()
-async def spi_rd_wr_nbyte(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=14833)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_rd_wr_nbyte test")
- nbytes_limits= 8
- # writing to the random number(1 to 8) of bits after 0x1E (gpio_configure[4]) address avoid changing gpio 3
- for j in range(3):
- address = random.randint(0x26 , 0x67-nbytes_limits)
- n_bytes = random.randint(1,nbytes_limits)
- await write_reg_spi_nbytes(caravelEnv,address,[0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F],nbytes_limits)
- await write_reg_spi_nbytes(caravelEnv,address,[0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0],n_bytes)
- data = await read_reg_spi_nbytes(caravelEnv,address,nbytes_limits)
- for i in range(nbytes_limits):
- if i >= n_bytes:
- if data[i] != 0x1F:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] register {i} has returned value {data[i]} while it should return value 0x1F n_bytes = {n_bytes}")
- else: cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] successful read 0 from register {i} n_bytes = {n_bytes}")
- else:
- if data[i] != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] register number {i} has returned value {data[i]} > 0 while it should return value == 0 n_bytes = {n_bytes}")
- else: cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] successful read {data[i]} from register {i} n_bytes = {n_bytes}")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,200)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_access_functions.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_access_functions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c6184e..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_access_functions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-async def write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address,data):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(data) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def read_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x40) # read stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address
- data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte() # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- return data
-async def write_reg_spi_nbytes(caravelEnv,address,data,n_bytes):
- write_command = 0x2 << 6 | n_bytes << 3
- print(f"command = {hex(write_command)}")
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(write_command) # Write n byte command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- for byte in data:
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(byte) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-async def read_reg_spi_nbytes(caravelEnv,address,n_bytes):
- data =[]
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x40) # read stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address
- for i in range(n_bytes):
- data.append(await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte()) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- return data
-async def reg_spi_user_pass_thru(caravelEnv,command,address):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0xc2) # Apply user pass-thru command to housekeeping SPI
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(command) # read command
- address = address.to_bytes(3,'big')
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address[0]) # high byte
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address[1]) # middle byte
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address[2]) # low byte
-async def reg_spi_user_pass_thru_read(caravelEnv):
- data = await caravelEnv.hk_read_byte()
- return data
-# use for configure in mgmt pass thru or user pass thru
-async def reg_spi_op(caravelEnv,command,address):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(command) # command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_rd_wr_nbyte.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_rd_wr_nbyte.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 251067b3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/spi_rd_wr_nbyte.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Empty C code
-void main()
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
- return;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/test_data b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/test_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 287a0cf9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/test_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-6F 00 00 0B 93 01 00 00 13 02 63 57 b5 00 23 20
-13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c37df7d3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.spi_master.SPI_VIP import read_mem ,SPI_VIP
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-bit_time_ns = 0
-reg = Regs()
-async def user_pass_thru_rd(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=13771)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_master_rd test")
- file_name = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH')}/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/test_data"
- mem = read_mem(file_name)
- await cocotb.start(SPI_VIP(dut.bin8_monitor,dut.bin9_monitor,dut.bin10_monitor,(dut.bin11_en,dut.bin11),mem)) # fork for SPI
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] Configuration finished")
- #The SPI flash may need to be reset
- # 0xff and 0xAB commands are suppose to have functionality in the future but for now they would do nothing
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0xc2,0xff) # 0xc2 is for appling user pass-thru command to housekeeping SPI
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0xc2,0xab) # 0xc2 is for appling user pass-thru command to housekeeping SPI
- # start reading from memory
- address = 0x0
- await reg_spi_user_pass_thru(caravelEnv,command = 0x3,address=address) # read command
- for i in range(8):
- val = await reg_spi_user_pass_thru_read(caravelEnv)
- if val != mem[address]:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] reading incorrect value from address {hex(address)} expected = {hex(mem[address])} returened = {val}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] reading correct value {hex(val)} from address {hex(address)} ")
- address +=1
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
- # Wait for processor to restart
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0xBB)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] processor has restarted successfully")
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru_rd.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru_rd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2d18dd..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/housekeeping/housekeeping_spi/user_pass_thru_rd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-void main()
- // This program is just to keep the processor busy while the
- // housekeeping SPI is being accessed. to show that the
- // processor is halted while the SPI is accessing the
- // flash SPI in pass-through mode.
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- // Management needs to apply output on these pads to access the user area SPI flash
- reg_mprj_io_11 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT_NOPULL; // SDI
- reg_mprj_io_10 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // SDO
- reg_mprj_io_9 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // clk
- reg_mprj_io_8 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // csb
- // Apply configuration
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- // Start test
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xBB;
- reg_uart_enable = 1;
- // Test in progress
- reg_mprj_datal = 0xa5000000;
- // Test message
-// print("Test message\n");
- print("ABC\n");
- for (int i=0; i<1200; i++);
- // End test
- reg_debug_1 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b717d875..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-Testing timer interrupts
-Enable interrupt for IRQ external pin mprj_io[7] -> should be drived to 1 by the environment
-**NOTE** housekeeping SPI should used to update register irq_1_inputsrc to 1 see verilog code
- @wait for environment to make mprj[7] high
- send packet size = 1
- @received interrupt correctly test pass
- send packet size = 5
- @ timeout test fail
- send packet size = 9
- @ end test
- send packet size = 3
- send packet size = 3
- send packet size = 3
-extern uint16_t flag;
-void main(){
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- // setting bit 7 as input
- // automatic bitbang approach
- if(1){
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- }
- irq_setmask(0);
- irq_setie(1);
- irq_setmask(irq_getmask() | (1 << USER_IRQ_4_INTERRUPT));
- reg_user4_irq_en =1;
- // test interrrupt happen when mprj[7] is asserted
- reg_debug_2 = 0xAA; //wait for environment to make mprj[7] high
- flag = 0;
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- bool is_pass = false;
- int timeout = 40;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; //test pass irq sent at mprj 7
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E; // timeout
- }
- // test interrupt doesn't happened when mprj[7] is deasserted
- reg_debug_2 = 0xBB;
- flag = 0;
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- is_pass = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2E; //test fail interrupt isn't suppose to happened
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B; // test pass
- }
- // test finish
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a331f315..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_external.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from tests.housekeeping.housekeeping_spi.spi_access_functions import *
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def IRQ_external(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=155225)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start IRQ_external test")
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B)
- fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E)
- phases_fails = 2
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- reg2 = 0 #buffer
- while True:
- if reg2 != cpu.read_debug_reg2():
- reg2 = cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg2 == 0xAA: # assert mprj 7
- await write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,0x1c,1)
- cocotb.log.info(f"irq 1 = {dut.uut.housekeeping.irq_1_inputsrc.value}")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((7,7),0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((7,7),1)
- if reg2 == 0xBB: # deassert mprj 7
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((7,7),0)
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt is detected when mprj 7 asserted")
- elif reg1 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt isn't detected when mprj 7 deasserted")
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt isn't detected when mprj 7 asserted")
- elif reg1 == 0x2E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt is detected when mprj 7 deasserted")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] debug register 1 has illegal value")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a9523e..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-extern uint16_t flag;
-void main(){
- uint16_t data;
- int i;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- irq_setmask(0);
- irq_setie(1);
- irq_setmask(irq_getmask() | (1 << TIMER0_INTERRUPT));
- reg_debug_2 = 0xAA; //wait for timer to send irq
- flag = 0;
- /* Configure timer for a single-shot countdown */
- reg_timer0_config = 0;
- reg_timer0_data = 30;
- reg_timer0_irq_en = 1;
- reg_timer0_config = 1;
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- bool is_pass = false;
- int timeout = 40;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; //test pass irq sent at timer0
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E; // timeout
- }
- flag = 0;
- // test interrupt doesn't happened when timer isnt used
- reg_debug_2 = 0xBB;
- reg_timer0_config = 0; // disable counter
- flag = 0;
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- is_pass = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2E; //test fail interrupt isn't suppose to happened
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B; // test pass
- }
- // test finish
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb48b8e..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_timer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def IRQ_timer(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=152854)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start IRQ_timer test")
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B)
- fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E)
- phases_fails = 2
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt is detected when timer is used")
- elif reg1 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt isn't detected when timer isnt used")
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt isn't detected when timer is used")
- elif reg1 == 0x2E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt is detected when timer isnt used")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] debug register 1 has illegal value")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.c
deleted file mode 100644
index db4136c3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-extern uint16_t flag;
-void main(){
- flag = 0;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- reg_mprj_io_5 = 0x1803;
- if(1){
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- }
- reg_uart_enable = 1;
- reg_uart_irq_en =1;
- irq_setmask(0);
- irq_setie(1);
- irq_setmask(irq_getmask() | (1 << UART_INTERRUPT));
- reg_debug_2 = 0xAA; //start sending data through the uart
- print("M");
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- bool is_pass = false;
- int timeout = 100;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; //test pass irq sent
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E; // timeout
- }
- // test interrupt doesn't happened nothing sent at uart
- reg_debug_2 = 0xBB;
- flag = 0;
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- is_pass = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- if (flag == 1){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2E; //test fail interrupt isn't suppose to happened
- is_pass = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_pass){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B; // test pass
- }
- // test finish
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc202bc..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/irq/IRQ_uart.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-async def write_reg_spi(caravelEnv,address,data):
- await caravelEnv.enable_csb()
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(0x80) # Write stream command
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(address) # Address (register 19 = GPIO bit-bang control)
- await caravelEnv.hk_write_byte(data) # Data = 0x01 (enable bit-bang mode)
- await caravelEnv.disable_csb()
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def IRQ_uart(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=318039)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start IRQ_uart test")
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B)
- fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E)
- phases_fails = 2
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- reg2 = 0 #buffer
- while True:
- if reg2 != cpu.read_debug_reg2():
- reg2 = cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg2 == 0xAA:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] start sending through uart")
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt is detected when uart is sending data")
- elif reg1 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass interrupt isn't detected when uart isnt sending data")
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt isn't detected uart is sending data")
- elif reg1 == 0x2E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed interrupt is detected uart isnt sending data")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] debug register 1 has illegal value")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 862aed87..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "configurations": [
- {
- "name": "Linux",
- "includePath": [
- "${workspaceFolder}/**"
- ],
- "defines": [],
- "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
- "cStandard": "gnu17",
- "cppStandard": "gnu++14",
- "intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64"
- }
- ],
- "version": 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf41334b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-void main(){
- unsigned int i, j, k;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_hkspi_disable = 1;
- // Configure LA probes [63:32] and [127:96] as inputs to the cpu
- // Configure LA probes [31:0] and [63:32] as outputs from the cpu
- reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [31:0]
- reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0x00000000; // [63:32]
- reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [95:64]
- reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0x00000000; // [127:96]
- reg_la0_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_la2_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la1_data_in;
- if (reg_la1_data_in != 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la3_data_in;
- if (reg_la3_data_in != 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B;
- reg_la0_data = 0x55555555;
- reg_la2_data = 0x55555555;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la1_data_in;
- if (reg_la1_data_in != 0x55555555)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x3E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x3B;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la3_data_in;
- if (reg_la3_data_in != 0x55555555)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x4E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x4B;
- // Configure LA probes [31:0] and [63:32] as inputs to the cpu
- // Configure LA probes [63:32] and [127:96] as outputs from the cpu
- reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0x00000000; // [31:0]
- reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [63:32]
- reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0x00000000; // [95:64]
- reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [127:96]
- reg_la1_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_la3_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la0_data_in;
- if (reg_la0_data_in != 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x5E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x5B;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la2_data_in;
- if (reg_la2_data_in != 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x6E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x6B;
- reg_la1_data = 0x55555555;
- reg_la3_data = 0x55555555;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la0_data_in;
- if (reg_la0_data_in != 0x55555555)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x7E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x7B;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la2_data_in;
- if (reg_la2_data_in != 0x55555555)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x8E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x8B;
- // Configure LA probes [31:0] and [63:32] as inputs to the cpu
- // Configure LA probes [63:32] and [127:96] as disabled input and output
- reg_la0_oenb = reg_la0_iena = 0x00000000; // [31:0]
- reg_la1_oenb = reg_la1_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [63:32]
- reg_la2_oenb = reg_la2_iena = 0x00000000; // [95:64]
- reg_la3_oenb = reg_la3_iena = 0xFFFFFFFF; // [127:96]
- reg_la1_iena = reg_la3_iena = 0x00000000; // disable input for la1 and la3
- reg_la1_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_la3_data = 0xAAAAAAAA;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la0_data_in;
- if (reg_la0_data == 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x9E;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0x9B;
- reg_debug_2 = reg_la2_data_in;
- if (reg_la2_data == 0xAAAAAAAA)
- reg_debug_1 = 0xaE;
- else
- reg_debug_1 = 0xaB;
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF;
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c1cdd8b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/logicAnalyzer/la.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-reg = Regs()
-async def la(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=67415)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0x3B,0x4B,0x5B,0x6B,0x7B,0x8B,0x9B,0xaB)
- fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E,0x3E,0x4E,0x5E,0x6E,0x7E,0x8E,0x9E,0xaE)
- phases_fails = 10
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] test passes phase {hex(reg1)[2]}")
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # fail phase
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] test fails phase {hex(reg1)[2]} incorrect value recieved {hex(cpu.read_debug_reg2())}")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk, 10000)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c7064798..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#define BYTE_SIZE 800
-void main()
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- unsigned int *dff_start_address = (unsigned int *) 0x00000000;
- unsigned int dff_size = 0x400/4;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dff_size; i++){
- unsigned int data = (i + 7)*13;
- *(dff_start_address+i) = data;
- }
- bool is_fail = false;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dff_size; i++){
- unsigned int data = (i + 7)*13;
- if (data != *(dff_start_address+i)){
- reg_debug_2 = i;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E;
- is_fail = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_fail)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff2.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ddd710..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_dff2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#define BYTE_SIZE 800
-void main()
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- unsigned int *dff2_start_address = (unsigned int *) 0x00000400;
- unsigned int dff2_size = 0x200 / 4;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dff2_size; i++){
- unsigned int data = (i + 7)*13;
- *(dff2_start_address+i) = data;
- }
- bool is_fail = false;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dff2_size; i++){
- unsigned int data = (i + 7)*13;
- if (data != *(dff2_start_address+i)){
- reg_debug_2 = i;
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E;
- is_fail = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_fail)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_stress.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_stress.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e856c7a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mem/mem_stress.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-async def mem_dff2(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1309819)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start mem stress test")
- pass_list = [0x1B]
- fail_list = [0x1E]
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass writing and reading all dff2 memory ")
- break
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] failed access address {hex(0x00000400 + cpu.read_debug_reg2())}")
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
-async def mem_dff(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=2096205)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start mem stress test")
- pass_list = [0x1B]
- fail_list = [0x1E]
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- while True:
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass writing and reading all dff memory ")
- break
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] failed access address {hex(0x00000400 + cpu.read_debug_reg2())}")
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6701c34..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import re
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def mgmt_gpio_out(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=91385)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start mgmt_gpio_out test")
- phases_fails = 3
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- reg2 = 0 #buffer
- while True:
- if reg2 != cpu.read_debug_reg2():
- reg2 = cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] waiting for {reg1} blinks")
- for i in range(reg1):
- while (True):
- if caravelEnv.monitor_mgmt_gpio() == 0:
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- cocotb.log.error("[TEST] error failing to catch all blinking ")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- while (True):
- if caravelEnv.monitor_mgmt_gpio() == 1:
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- cocotb.log.error("[TEST] error failing to catch all blinking ")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- cocotb.log.info("[TEST] passing sending {reg1} blinks ")
- phases_fails -=1
- phases_passes +=1
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
-async def mgmt_gpio_in(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=277033)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start mgmt_gpio_in test")
- phases_fails = 3
- phases_passes = 0
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0xFF)
- fail_list = tuple([0xEE])
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- reg2 = 0 #buffer
- while True:
- if reg2 != cpu.read_debug_reg2():
- reg2 = cpu.read_debug_reg2()
- if reg2 in pass_list:
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] reg2 = {reg2}")
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg2 == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- elif reg2 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass sending 10 blink ")
- elif reg2 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] pass sending 20 blink ")
- if reg2 in fail_list:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] gpio change without sending anything")
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] start sending {reg1} blinks")
- for i in range(reg1):
- caravelEnv.drive_mgmt_gpio(1)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- caravelEnv.drive_mgmt_gpio(0)
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XBB)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish sending {reg1} blinks ")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
-async def mgmt_gpio_bidir(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=194697)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start mgmt_gpio_bidir test")
- phases_fails = 3
- phases_passes = 0
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0xFF)
- fail_list = tuple([0xEE])
- reg2 = 0 #buffer
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- num_blinks = random.randint(1, 20)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start send {num_blinks} blinks")
- for i in range(num_blinks):
- if i == num_blinks-1: #last iteration
- # await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_debug_1'),0xFF)
- cpu.write_debug_reg1_backdoor(0xFF)
- caravelEnv.drive_mgmt_gpio(1)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,4000)
- caravelEnv.drive_mgmt_gpio(0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,4000)
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish sending {num_blinks} blinks ")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] waiting for {num_blinks} blinks ")
- recieved_blinks = 0
- while True:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] here 0 ")
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: #test finish
- break
- while (True):
- if caravelEnv.monitor_mgmt_gpio() == 0:
- break
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: #test finish
- break
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] here 1 ")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- while (True):
- if caravelEnv.monitor_mgmt_gpio() == 1:
- recieved_blinks +=1
- break
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: #test finish
- break
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] here 2 ")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- if recieved_blinks == num_blinks:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] recieved the correct number of blinks {num_blinks}")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] recieved the incorrect number of blinks recieved = {recieved_blinks} expected = {num_blinks}")
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_bidir.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_bidir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dd62da58..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_bidir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * Management SoC GPIO Pin Test
- * Tests writing to the GPIO pin.
- */
-void main()
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_gpio_mode1 = 1;
- reg_gpio_mode0 = 0; // for full swing
- reg_gpio_ien = 1;
- reg_gpio_oe = 0;
- int num_blinks = 0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA; // start of the test
- int z = reg_debug_1;
- while (true) {
- // reg_debug_2 = z;
- // z= reg_debug_1;
- while(reg_gpio_in == 0);
- while(reg_gpio_in == 1);
- num_blinks++;
- if (reg_debug_1 == 0xFF)
- break;
- }
- reg_gpio_ien = 0;
- reg_gpio_oe = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_blinks; i++) {
- /* Fast blink for simulation */
- reg_gpio_out = 1;
- reg_gpio_out = 0;
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF; //finish test
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_in.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_in.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 584f0ed9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_in.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * Management SoC GPIO Pin Test
- * Tests writing to the GPIO pin.
- */
-void main()
- int temp_in;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_gpio_mode1 = 1;
- reg_gpio_mode0 = 0; // for full swing
- reg_gpio_ien = 1;
- reg_gpio_oe = 1;
- reg_debug_1 = 10; // wait for 10 blinks
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- while(reg_gpio_in == 0);
- reg_debug_2 = 0XAA; // 1 is recieved
- while(reg_gpio_in == 1);
- reg_debug_2 = 0XBB; // 0 is recieved
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0x1B;
- reg_debug_1 = 20;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- while(reg_gpio_in == 0);
- reg_debug_2 = 0XAA; // 1 is recieved
- while(reg_gpio_in == 1);
- reg_debug_2 = 0XBB; // 0 is recieved
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0x2B;
- temp_in = reg_gpio_in;
- reg_debug_1 = 0;
- for (int i =0; i<50;i++){ // timeout
- if (temp_in != reg_gpio_in)
- reg_debug_2 = 0xEE; //finish test
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF; //finish test
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_out.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_out.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d31db357..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/mgmt_gpio/mgmt_gpio_out.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * Management SoC GPIO Pin Test
- * Tests writing to the GPIO pin.
- */
-void main()
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_gpio_mode1 = 1;
- reg_gpio_mode0 = 0; // for full swing
- reg_gpio_ien = 1;
- reg_gpio_oe = 1;
- reg_debug_1 = 10;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- /* Fast blink for simulation */
- reg_gpio_out = 1;
- reg_gpio_out = 0;
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 20;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- /* Fast blink for simulation */
- reg_gpio_out = 1;
- reg_gpio_out = 0;
- }
- reg_debug_1 = 0;
- reg_debug_1 = 0; // for more delay
- reg_debug_1 = 0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF; //finish test
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/sessions/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/sessions/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index da262954..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/sessions/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# Begin_DVE_Session_Save_Info
-# DVE full session
-# Saved on Tue Oct 11 10:47:30 2022
-# Designs open: 1
-# V1: bitbang_spi_i.vpd
-# Toplevel windows open: 2
-# TopLevel.1
-# TopLevel.2
-# Source.1: caravel_top
-# Wave.1: 19 signals
-# Group count = 4
-# Group Group1 signal count = 4
-# Group Group2 signal count = 6
-# Group Group3 signal count = 6
-# Group Group4 signal count = 3
-# End_DVE_Session_Save_Info
-# DVE version: T-2022.06_Full64
-# DVE build date: May 31 2022 20:53:03
-gui_set_loading_session_type Post
-# Close design
-if { [gui_sim_state -check active] } {
- gui_sim_terminate
-gui_close_db -all
-# Close all windows
-gui_close_window -type Console
-gui_close_window -type Wave
-gui_close_window -type Source
-gui_close_window -type Schematic
-gui_close_window -type Data
-gui_close_window -type DriverLoad
-gui_close_window -type List
-gui_close_window -type Memory
-gui_close_window -type HSPane
-gui_close_window -type DLPane
-gui_close_window -type Assertion
-gui_close_window -type CovHier
-gui_close_window -type CoverageTable
-gui_close_window -type CoverageMap
-gui_close_window -type CovDetail
-gui_close_window -type Local
-gui_close_window -type Stack
-gui_close_window -type Watch
-gui_close_window -type Group
-gui_close_window -type Transaction
-# Application preferences
-gui_set_pref_value -key app_default_font -value {Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0}
-gui_src_preferences -tabstop 8 -maxbits 24 -windownumber 1
-# DVE top-level session
-# Create and position top-level window: TopLevel.1
-if {![gui_exist_window -window TopLevel.1]} {
- set TopLevel.1 [ gui_create_window -type TopLevel \
- -icon $::env(DVE)/auxx/gui/images/toolbars/dvewin.xpm]
-} else {
- set TopLevel.1 TopLevel.1
-gui_show_window -window ${TopLevel.1} -show_state maximized -rect {{0 29} {2559 1336}}
-# ToolBar settings
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {TimeOperations}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {&File}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Edit}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {CopyPaste}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Trace}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {TraceInstance}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {BackTrace}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Scope}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Window}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Signal}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Grid}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Simulator}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Interactive Rewind}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Testbench}
-# End ToolBar settings
-# Docked window settings
-set HSPane.1 [gui_create_window -type HSPane -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state left -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 343]
-catch { set Hier.1 [gui_share_window -id ${HSPane.1} -type Hier] }
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 343
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value -1
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
-gui_update_layout -id ${HSPane.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 342} {height 773} {dock_state left} {dock_on_new_line true} {child_hier_colhier 298} {child_hier_coltype 100} {child_hier_colpd 0} {child_hier_col1 0} {child_hier_col2 1} {child_hier_col3 -1}}
-set DLPane.1 [gui_create_window -type DLPane -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state left -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 354]
-catch { set Data.1 [gui_share_window -id ${DLPane.1} -type Data] }
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 354
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value 772
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
-gui_update_layout -id ${DLPane.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 353} {height 773} {dock_state left} {dock_on_new_line true} {child_data_colvariable 265} {child_data_colvalue 65} {child_data_coltype 64} {child_data_col1 0} {child_data_col2 1} {child_data_col3 2}}
-set Console.1 [gui_create_window -type Console -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state bottom -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 454]
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 2500
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value 454
-gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
-gui_update_layout -id ${Console.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 2559} {height 453} {dock_state bottom} {dock_on_new_line true}}
-#### Start - Readjusting docked view's offset / size
-set dockAreaList { top left right bottom }
-foreach dockArea $dockAreaList {
- set viewList [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -active_parent -dock_area $dockArea]
- foreach view $viewList {
- if {[lsearch -exact [gui_get_window_pref_keys -window $view] dock_width] != -1} {
- set dockWidth [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_width]
- set dockHeight [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_height]
- set offset [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_offset]
- if { [string equal "top" $dockArea] || [string equal "bottom" $dockArea]} {
- gui_set_window_attributes -window $view -dock_offset $offset -width $dockWidth
- } else {
- gui_set_window_attributes -window $view -dock_offset $offset -height $dockHeight
- }
- }
- }
-#### End - Readjusting docked view's offset / size
-gui_sync_global -id ${TopLevel.1} -option true
-# MDI window settings
-set Source.1 [gui_create_window -type {Source} -parent ${TopLevel.1}]
-gui_show_window -window ${Source.1} -show_state maximized
-gui_update_layout -id ${Source.1} {{show_state maximized} {dock_state undocked} {dock_on_new_line false}}
-# End MDI window settings
-# Create and position top-level window: TopLevel.2
-if {![gui_exist_window -window TopLevel.2]} {
- set TopLevel.2 [ gui_create_window -type TopLevel \
- -icon $::env(DVE)/auxx/gui/images/toolbars/dvewin.xpm]
-} else {
- set TopLevel.2 TopLevel.2
-gui_show_window -window ${TopLevel.2} -show_state maximized -rect {{0 29} {2559 1336}}
-# ToolBar settings
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {TimeOperations}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {&File}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Edit}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {CopyPaste}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Trace}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {TraceInstance}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {BackTrace}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Scope}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Window}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Signal}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Grid}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Simulator}
-gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Interactive Rewind}
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Testbench} -dock_state top
-gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Testbench} -offset 0
-gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Testbench}
-# End ToolBar settings
-# Docked window settings
-gui_sync_global -id ${TopLevel.2} -option true
-# MDI window settings
-set Wave.1 [gui_create_window -type {Wave} -parent ${TopLevel.2}]
-gui_show_window -window ${Wave.1} -show_state maximized
-gui_update_layout -id ${Wave.1} {{show_state maximized} {dock_state undocked} {dock_on_new_line false} {child_wave_left 743} {child_wave_right 1811} {child_wave_colname 369} {child_wave_colvalue 369} {child_wave_col1 0} {child_wave_col2 1}}
-# End MDI window settings
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Source) ${TopLevel.1}
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Schematic) ${TopLevel.1}
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(PathSchematic) ${TopLevel.1}
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Wave) none
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(List) none
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Memory) ${TopLevel.1}
-gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(DriverLoad) none
-gui_update_statusbar_target_frame ${TopLevel.1}
-gui_update_statusbar_target_frame ${TopLevel.2}
-# DVE Open design session:
-if { ![gui_is_db_opened -db {bitbang_spi_i.vpd}] } {
- gui_open_db -design V1 -file bitbang_spi_i.vpd -to 8464250000 -nosource
-gui_set_precision 1ps
-gui_set_time_units 1ps
-# DVE Global setting session:
-# Global: Bus
-# Global: Expressions
-# Global: Signal Time Shift
-# Global: Signal Compare
-# Global: Signal Groups
-set _session_group_1 Group1
-gui_sg_create "$_session_group_1"
-set Group1 "$_session_group_1"
-gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_1" { {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_clock} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_load} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_data_in} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].shift_register} }
-set _session_group_2 Group2
-gui_sg_create "$_session_group_2"
-set Group2 "$_session_group_2"
-gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_2" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_clock caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_load caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_resetn caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_data_1 caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_data_2 caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_enable }
-set _session_group_3 Group3
-gui_sg_create "$_session_group_3"
-set Group3 "$_session_group_3"
-gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_3" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SCK caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SDI caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.CSB caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.cdata caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.caddr caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.wrstb }
-set _session_group_4 Group4
-gui_sg_create "$_session_group_4"
-set Group4 "$_session_group_4"
-gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_4" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SCK caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.csclk caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck }
-# Global: Highlighting
-# Global: Stack
-gui_change_stack_mode -mode list
-# Post database loading setting...
-# Restore C1 time
-gui_set_time -C1_only 665850000
-# Save global setting...
-# Wave/List view global setting
-gui_cov_show_value -switch false
-# Close all empty TopLevel windows
-foreach __top [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -type TopLevel] {
- if { [llength [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -parent $__top]] == 0} {
- gui_close_window -window $__top
- }
-gui_set_loading_session_type noSession
-# DVE View/pane content session:
-# Hier 'Hier.1'
-gui_show_window -window ${Hier.1}
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Hier.1} -list { {Package 1} {All 0} {Process 1} {VirtPowSwitch 0} {UnnamedProcess 1} {UDP 0} {Function 1} {Block 1} {SrsnAndSpaCell 0} {OVA Unit 1} {LeafScCell 1} {LeafVlgCell 1} {Interface 1} {LeafVhdCell 1} {$unit 1} {NamedBlock 1} {Task 1} {VlgPackage 1} {ClassDef 1} {VirtIsoCell 0} }
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Hier.1} -text {*house*}
-gui_hier_list_init -id ${Hier.1}
-gui_change_design -id ${Hier.1} -design V1
-catch {gui_list_expand -id ${Hier.1} caravel_top}
-catch {gui_list_expand -id ${Hier.1} caravel_top.uut}
-catch {gui_list_select -id ${Hier.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping}}
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -vertical -set 0
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -horizontal -set 0
-# Data 'Data.1'
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Data.1} -list { {Buffer 1} {Input 1} {Others 1} {Linkage 1} {Output 1} {LowPower 1} {Parameter 1} {All 1} {Aggregate 1} {LibBaseMember 1} {Event 1} {Assertion 1} {Constant 1} {Interface 1} {BaseMembers 1} {Signal 1} {$unit 1} {Inout 1} {Variable 1} }
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Data.1} -text {*wbbd_sck*}
-gui_list_show_data -id ${Data.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping}
-gui_show_window -window ${Data.1}
-catch { gui_list_select -id ${Data.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck }}
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Data.1} -vertical -set 0
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Data.1} -horizontal -set 0
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -vertical -set 0
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -horizontal -set 0
-# Source 'Source.1'
-gui_src_value_annotate -id ${Source.1} -switch false
-gui_open_source -id ${Source.1} -replace -active caravel_top /home/rady/caravel/caravel_redesign_cocotb_new/caravel/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_top.sv
-gui_src_value_annotate -id ${Source.1} -switch true
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Source.1} -vertical -set 160
-gui_src_set_reusable -id ${Source.1}
-# View 'Wave.1'
-gui_wv_sync -id ${Wave.1} -switch false
-set groupExD [gui_get_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG]
-gui_set_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG -value {false}
-set origWaveHeight [gui_get_pref_value -category Wave -key waveRowHeight]
-gui_list_set_height -id Wave -height 25
-set origGroupCreationState [gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave]
-gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave -disable
-gui_marker_create -id ${Wave.1} C2 620210463
-gui_marker_select -id ${Wave.1} { C2 }
-gui_marker_set_ref -id ${Wave.1} C1
-gui_wv_zoom_timerange -id ${Wave.1} 665193119 667348726
-gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group1}
-gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group2}
-gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group3}
-gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group4}
-gui_list_select -id ${Wave.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.csclk }
-gui_seek_criteria -id ${Wave.1} {Rising}
-gui_set_env TOGGLE::DEFAULT_WAVE_WINDOW ${Wave.1}
-gui_set_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG -value $groupExD
-gui_list_set_height -id Wave -height $origWaveHeight
-if {$origGroupCreationState} {
- gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave -enable
-if { $groupExD } {
- gui_msg_report -code DVWW028
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Wave.1} -list { {Buffer 1} {Input 1} {Others 1} {Linkage 1} {Output 1} {Parameter 1} {All 1} {Aggregate 1} {LibBaseMember 1} {Event 1} {Assertion 1} {Constant 1} {Interface 1} {BaseMembers 1} {Signal 1} {$unit 1} {Inout 1} {Variable 1} }
-gui_list_set_filter -id ${Wave.1} -text {*}
-gui_list_set_insertion_bar -id ${Wave.1} -group Group4 -item caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck -position below
-gui_marker_move -id ${Wave.1} {C1} 665850000
-gui_view_scroll -id ${Wave.1} -vertical -set 0
-gui_show_grid -id ${Wave.1} -enable false
-# Restore toplevel window zorder
-# The toplevel window could be closed if it has no view/pane
-if {[gui_exist_window -window ${TopLevel.1}]} {
- gui_set_active_window -window ${TopLevel.1}
- gui_set_active_window -window ${Source.1}
- gui_set_active_window -window ${DLPane.1}
-if {[gui_exist_window -window ${TopLevel.2}]} {
- gui_set_active_window -window ${TopLevel.2}
- gui_set_active_window -window ${Wave.1}
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/SPI_VIP.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/SPI_VIP.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ccd2dac..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/SPI_VIP.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
-import cocotb.log
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-#VIP for SPI
- support commands
- 00000000 -> No operation
- 00000011 -> Read in streaming mode
-async def SPI_VIP(csb,clk,SDI,SDO,mem):
- while True:
- await FallingEdge(csb)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[SPI_VIP] CSB is asserted operation has begin ")
- op = await cocotb.start(SPI_op(clk,SDI,SDO,mem))
- await csb_watcher(csb,op)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[SPI_VIP] CSB is deasserted operation has been killed")
-# watch the csb and when it's diable kill the SPI_op thread
-async def csb_watcher(csb,thread):
- cocotb.log.info (f"[csb_watcher] start CSB watching")
- await RisingEdge(csb)
- thread.kill()
-# detect command and address and apply the command
-async def SPI_op(clk,SDI,SDO,mem):
- address =''
- command =''
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- # command
- for i in range(8):
- command = command + SDI.value.binstr
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] command = {command}")
- # address
- address =''
- for i in range(8*3): # address is 3 parts each part are 8 bits
- address = address + SDI.value.binstr
- if i != 23: # skip last cycle wait
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] address = {address}")
- address = int(address,2)
- #data
- if command == "10000000" and False: # not sure about the read command
- for i in range(8):
- data_in += SDI
- await RisingEdge(clk)
- elif command == "00000011":
- await FallingEdge(clk)
- while True:
- data = bin(mem[address])[2:].zfill(8)
- for i in range(8):
- SDO[0].value = 1 # enable
- SDO[1].value = int(data[i],2) # bin
- cocotb.log.debug (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] SDO = {data[i]} ")
- await FallingEdge(clk)
- SDO[0].value = 0 # enable
- cocotb.log.info (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] finish reading address {hex(address) } data = {hex(int(data,2))} ")
- address +=1
-def read_mem (file_name):
- with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
- lines = file.readlines()
- mem = dict()
- for line in lines:
- if line[0] == "@":
- address = int(line[1:],16)
- cocotb.log.debug (f" found line = {line} address = {hex(address)} ")
- else:
- line_no_space = line.strip().replace(' ','')
- for i in range (0,len(line_no_space),2):
- cocotb.log.debug (f" i = {i} ine_no_space[{i}:{i+2}] = {line_no_space[i:i+2]} address = {hex(address)}")
- mem[address] = int(line_no_space[i:i+2],16)
- address +=1
- cocotb.log.debug (f" found line = {line} line_no_space = {line_no_space} size = {len(line_no_space)}")
- cocotb.log.info (f"[read_mem] SPI mem = {mem}")
- return mem
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa27f413..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.spi_master.SPI_VIP import read_mem ,SPI_VIP
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-bit_time_ns = 0
-reg = Regs()
-async def spi_master_rd(dut):
- """ the firmware is configured to always send clk to spi so I can't insert alot of logics reading values
- the method of testing used can't work if 2 addresses Consecutive have the same address
- """
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=213888)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_master_rd test")
- file_name = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH')}/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/test_data"
- mem = read_mem(file_name)
- await cocotb.start(SPI_VIP(dut.bin33_monitor,dut.bin32_monitor,dut.bin35_monitor,(dut.bin34_en,dut.bin34),mem)) # fork for SPI
- addresses_to_read = (0x04,0x05,0x06,0x8,0x9,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe,0xf) # the addresses that the firmware read from mem file
- await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] GPIO configuration finished ans start reading from mememory")
- val =0
- for address in addresses_to_read:
- # await wait_reg2(cpu,caravelEnv,0x55) # value is ready to be read
- #wait until value change
- while True:
- if val != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- expected_val = mem[address]
- val = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if val == expected_val:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] correct read of value {hex(val)} from address {hex(address)} ")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] wrong read from address {hex(address)} expected value = {hex(expected_val)} value {hex(val)} ")
- # cpu.write_debug_reg2_backdoor(0xCC)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1000)
-async def spi_master_temp(dut):
- """ the firmware is configured to always send clk to spi so I can't insert alot of logics reading values
- the method of testing used can't work if 2 addresses Consecutive have the same address
- """
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=39554)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start spi_master_temp test")
- await FallingEdge(dut.bin33_monitor)
- await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
- a = ''
- b = ''
- # first value
- for i in range(8):
- a = a + dut.bin35_monitor.value.binstr
- await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
- cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] a = {a} = {int(a,2)}")
- # second val
- for i in range(8):
- b = b + dut.bin35_monitor.value.binstr
- if i != 7: # skip last cycle wait
- await RisingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
- cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] b = {b} = {int(b,2)}")
- s = int(a,2) + int(b,2)
- s_bin = bin(s)[2:].zfill(8)
- cocotb.log.info (f" [TEST] sending sum of {int(a,2)} + {int(b,2)} = {s} = {s_bin}")
- await FallingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
- for i in range(8):
- dut.bin34_en.value = 1
- dut.bin34.value = int(s_bin[i],2) # bin
- cocotb.log.debug (f"[SPI_VIP] [SPI_op] SDO = {s_bin[i]} ")
- await FallingEdge(dut.bin32_monitor)
- dut.bin34_en.value = 0 # enable
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xBB:
- cocotb.log.info(f" [TEST] firmware recieve the right value {s}")
- break
- elif cpu.read_debug_reg1() == 0xBB:
- cocotb.log.error(f" [TEST] firmware recieve the incorrect value {cpu.read_debug_reg2()} instead of {s}")
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_rd.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_rd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 924b6edc..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_rd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * SPI master Test
- * - Enables SPI master
- * - Uses SPI master to talk to external SPI module
- */
- void spi_write(char c)
- reg_spimaster_wdata = (unsigned long) c;
-// reg_spimaster_wdata = c;
-// spi_master_control_length_write(8);
-// spi_master_control_start_write(1);
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0800;
- reg_spimaster_control = 0x0801;
- char spi_read()
-// reg_spimaster_wdata = c;
-// spi_master_control_length_write(8);
-// spi_master_control_start_write(1);
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0800;
-// spi_write(0x00);
-// reg_spimaster_rdata = 0x00;
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0801;
- spi_write(0x00);
- while (reg_spimaster_status != 1);
- return reg_spimaster_rdata;
-void main()
- int i;
- uint32_t value;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- // For SPI operation, GPIO 1 should be an input, and GPIOs 2 to 4
- // should be outputs.
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT_NOPULL; // SDI
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // CSB
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // SCK
- /* Apply configuration */
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_2 =0xAA;
- reg_spi_enable = 1;
- // For SPI operation, GPIO 1 should be an input, and GPIOs 2 to 4
- // should be outputs.
- // Start test
- // Enable SPI master
- // SPI master configuration bits:
- // bits 7-0: Clock prescaler value (default 2)
- // bit 8: MSB/LSB first (0 = MSB first, 1 = LSB first)
- // bit 9: CSB sense (0 = inverted, 1 = noninverted)
- // bit 10: SCK sense (0 = noninverted, 1 = inverted)
- // bit 11: mode (0 = read/write opposite edges, 1 = same edges)
- // bit 12: stream (1 = CSB ends transmission)
- // bit 13: enable (1 = enabled)
- // bit 14: IRQ enable (1 = enabled)
- // bit 15: (unused)
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- spi_write(0x03); // Write 0x03 (read mode)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address high byte)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address middle byte)
- spi_write(0x04); // Write 0x04 (start address low byte)
- value = spi_read(); // 0x93
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x01
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x00
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x0000; // release CS
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- spi_write(0x03); // Write 0x03 (read mode)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address high byte)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address middle byte)
- spi_write(0x08); // Write 0x08 (start address low byte)
- value = spi_read(); // 0x13
- if (value == 0x13)
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x02
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x0000; // release CS
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- spi_write(0x03); // Write 0x03 (read mode)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address high byte)
- spi_write(0x00); // Write 0x00 (start address middle byte)
- spi_write(0x0a); // Write 0x0a (start address low byte)
- value = spi_read(); // 0x63
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x57
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0xb5
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x00
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read();// 0x23
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- value = spi_read(); // 0x20
- reg_debug_1 = value;
- // reg_debug_2 =0x55; // value is ready to be read
- // while (reg_debug_2 != 0xCC) // testbench has read the value
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x0000; // release CS
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_temp.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_temp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a9dbf9d..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/spi_master_temp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
- * SPI master Test
- * - Enables SPI master
- * - Uses SPI master to talk to external SPI module
- */
- void spi_write(char c)
- reg_spimaster_wdata = (unsigned long) c;
-// reg_spimaster_wdata = c;
-// spi_master_control_length_write(8);
-// spi_master_control_start_write(1);
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0800;
- reg_spimaster_control = 0x0801;
- char spi_read()
-// reg_spimaster_wdata = c;
-// spi_master_control_length_write(8);
-// spi_master_control_start_write(1);
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0800;
-// spi_write(0x00);
-// reg_spimaster_rdata = 0x00;
-// reg_spimaster_control = 0x0801;
- spi_write(0x00);
- while (reg_spimaster_status != 1);
- return reg_spimaster_rdata;
-void main()
- int i;
- uint32_t value;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- // For SPI operation, GPIO 1 should be an input, and GPIOs 2 to 4
- // should be outputs.
- reg_mprj_io_34 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_INPUT_NOPULL; // SDI
- reg_mprj_io_33 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // CSB
- reg_mprj_io_32 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT; // SCK
- /* Apply configuration */
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_debug_2 =0xAA;
- reg_spi_enable = 1;
- // For SPI operation, GPIO 1 should be an input, and GPIOs 2 to 4
- // should be outputs.
- // Start test
- // Enable SPI master
- // SPI master configuration bits:
- // bits 7-0: Clock prescaler value (default 2)
- // bit 8: MSB/LSB first (0 = MSB first, 1 = LSB first)
- // bit 9: CSB sense (0 = inverted, 1 = noninverted)
- // bit 10: SCK sense (0 = noninverted, 1 = inverted)
- // bit 11: mode (0 = read/write opposite edges, 1 = same edges)
- // bit 12: stream (1 = CSB ends transmission)
- // bit 13: enable (1 = enabled)
- // bit 14: IRQ enable (1 = enabled)
- // bit 15: (unused)
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- spi_write(0x08); // Write 0x03 (read mode)
- spi_write(0x05); // Write 0x00 (start address high byte)
- value = spi_read(); // 0x93
- if (value == 0xD)
- reg_debug_1 = 0xBB; // get correct value
- else {
- reg_debug_2 = value;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xEE; // get wrong value
- }
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x0000; // release CS
- reg_spimaster_cs = 0x10001; // sel=0, manual CS
- print("adding a very very long delay because cpu produces X's when code finish and this break the simulation");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/test_data b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/test_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 287a0cf9..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/spi_master/test_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-6F 00 00 0B 93 01 00 00 13 02 63 57 b5 00 23 20
-13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/temp_partial_test/partial.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/temp_partial_test/partial.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee3dfa4..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/temp_partial_test/partial.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def temp_partial(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=70000)
- # Apply data 0x1809 (management standard output) to first block of
- # user 1 and user 2 (GPIO 0 and 37) bits 0, 1, 9, and 12 are "1" (data go in backwards)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xAA:
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_wb_enable'),1)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_debug_1'),0xAA)
- # await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_debug_2'),0xBB)
- await cpu.drive_data2address(reg.get_addr('reg_mprj_datal'),0x0)
- # await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xBB:
- break
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,100)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 152cf89b..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-reg = Regs()
-"""Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI."""
-async def timer0_oneshot(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=1023545)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start timer0_oneshot test")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Configure timer as oneshot")
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0x3B)
- fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E)
- phases_fails = 3
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 value is decreasing")
- elif reg1 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 value reach 0")
- elif reg1 == 0x3B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 isn't changing after it reachs 0")
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Failed timer0 value increasing not decresing in oneshot mode")
- elif reg1 == 0x2E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed timer0 is changing before it reachs 0 in oneshot mode")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] debug register 1 has illegal value")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
-async def timer0_periodic(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=52016)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start timer0_periodic test")
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Configure timer as periodic")
- pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0x3B,0x4B)
- fail_list = (0xEE)
- phases_fails = 4
- phases_passes = 0
- reg1 =0 # buffer
- fourB_happened = False
- while True:
- if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish
- break
- if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1():
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase
- phases_passes +=1
- phases_fails -=1
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 first rollover")
- elif reg1 == 0x2B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 second rollover")
- elif reg1 == 0x3B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 third rollover")
- elif reg1 == 0x4B:
- if fourB_happened: # this phase happened one time before
- phases_passes -=1
- phases_fails +=1
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass timer0 counter value decreases")
- fourB_happened = True
- elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase
- if reg1 == 0xEE:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Failed timer0 value hasn't rollovered in periodic mode")
- else:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] debug register 1 has illegal value")
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,10)
- if phases_fails != 0:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
- else:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_oneshot.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_oneshot.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e48e8745..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_oneshot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-Testing timer interrupts
-Enable interrupt for timer0 and configure it as countdown 1 shot wait for interrupt
-void main(){
- uint32_t value;
- uint32_t old_value;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- /* Configure timer for a single-shot countdown */
- reg_timer0_config = 0; // disable
- reg_timer0_data = 0xF3000;
- reg_timer0_config = 1; // enable
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- // test path if counter value stop updated after reach 0 and also the value is always decrementing
- reg_timer0_update = 1; // update reg_timer0_value with new counter value
- old_value = reg_timer0_value;
- // value us decrementing until it reachs zero
- while (1) {
- reg_timer0_update = 1; // update reg_timer0_value with new counter value
- value = reg_timer0_value;
- if (value < old_value && value != 0){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; // value decrease
- }
- else if (value == 0){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B; // value reach 0
- break;
- }else{
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1F; // value updated incorrectly
- }
- old_value = value;
- }
- // check 10 times that value don't change from 0
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++);
- reg_timer0_update = 1; // update reg_timer0_value with new counter value
- if (reg_timer0_value == 0){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x3B; //timer updated correctly
- }else{
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2F; //timer updated incorrectly
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF; // finish test
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_periodic.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_periodic.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9edabf7a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/timer/timer0_periodic.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-Testing timer interrupts
-Enable interrupt for timer0 and configure it as countdown 1 shot
-wait for interrupt
-void main(){
- uint32_t value;
- uint32_t old_value;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- /* Configure timer for a single-shot countdown */
- reg_timer0_config = 0; // disable
- reg_timer0_data = 0;
- reg_timer0_data_periodic = 0x300;
- reg_timer0_config = 1; // enable
- // Loop, waiting for the interrupt to change reg_mprj_datah
- // test path if counter value stop updated after reach 0 and also the value is always decrementing
- reg_timer0_update = 1; // update reg_timer0_value with new counter value
- old_value = reg_timer0_value;
- // value us decrementing until it reachs zero
- int rollover = 0;
- int timeout = 400;
- for (int i = 0; i < timeout; i++){
- reg_timer0_update = 1; // update reg_timer0_value with new counter value
- value = reg_timer0_value;
- if (value > old_value){
- rollover++;
- if (rollover==1)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; // timer rollover
- else if (rollover==2)
- reg_debug_1 = 0x2B; //timer rollover second time
- else if (rollover==3){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x3B; //timer rollover second time
- break;
- }
- }
- if (value < old_value){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x4B; // value decreases
- }
- old_value = value;
- }
- if (rollover ==0){
- reg_debug_1 = 0xEE; // counter didn't rollover
- }
- reg_debug_2 = 0xFF; // finish test
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1405715f..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-from curses import baudrate
-import random
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles,Timer,Edge
-import cocotb.log
-from interfaces.cpu import RiskV
-from interfaces.defsParser import Regs
-from cocotb.result import TestSuccess
-from tests.common_functions.test_functions import *
-from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import *
-from interfaces.caravel import GPIO_MODE
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-bit_time_ns = 0
-reg = Regs()
-async def uart_tx(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=346140)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start uart test")
- expected_msg = "Monitor: Test UART (RTL) passed"
- # calculate bit time
- clk = clock.period/1000
- global bit_time_ns
- bit_time_ns = round(10**5 * clk / (96))
- # wait for start of sending
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start receiving from uart")
- counter =0
- data_out =''
- while True:
- if counter %8 == 0:
- if counter != 0:
- data_out = data_out+chr(int(char,2))
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] msg is:'{data_out}' expected '{expected_msg}'")
- if data_out == expected_msg:
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] Pass recieve the full expected msg '{data_out}'")
- break
- await start_of_tx(caravelEnv)
- char = ''
- # if temp != caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6))
- char = caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6)).binstr + char
- cocotb.log.debug (f"[TEST] bit[{counter}] = {caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6))} data out = {char} ")
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- counter +=1
-async def start_of_tx(caravelEnv):
- while (True): # wait for the start of the transimission it 1 then 0
- if (caravelEnv.monitor_gpio((6,6)).integer == 0):
- break
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
-async def uart_rx(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=98315)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start uart test")
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((0,0),0) # IO[0] affects the uart selecting btw system and debug
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),1)
- # calculate bit time
- clk = clock.period/1000
- global bit_time_ns
- bit_time_ns = round(10**5 * clk / (96))
- # send first char
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XAA)
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv,"B")
- await uart_check_char_recieved(caravelEnv,cpu)
- # send second char
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XBB)
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv,"M")
- await uart_check_char_recieved(caravelEnv,cpu)
- # send third char
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0XCC)
- await uart_send_char(caravelEnv,"A")
- await uart_check_char_recieved(caravelEnv,cpu)
-async def uart_send_char(caravelEnv,char):
- char_bits = [int(x) for x in '{:08b}'.format(ord(char))]
- cocotb.log.info (f"[TEST] start sending on uart {char}")
- #send start bit
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),0)
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- #send bits
- for i in reversed(range(8)):
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),char_bits[i])
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- # stop of frame
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((5,5),1)
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- # insert 4 bit delay just for debugging
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
- await Timer(bit_time_ns, units='ns')
-async def uart_check_char_recieved(caravelEnv,cpu):
- # check cpu recieved the correct character
- while True:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- reg_uart_data = caravelEnv.caravel_hdl.soc.core.uart_rxtx_w.value.binstr
- else:
- reg_uart_data = "1001110"
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] reg1 = {hex(reg1)}")
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass cpu has recieved the correct character {chr(int(reg_uart_data,2))}")
- return
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed cpu has recieved the wrong character {chr(int(reg_uart_data,2))}")
- return
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
-async def uart_loopback(dut):
- caravelEnv,clock = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=199021)
- cpu = RiskV(dut)
- cpu.cpu_force_reset()
- cpu.cpu_release_reset()
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Start uart test")
- await cocotb.start( connect_5_6(dut,caravelEnv)) # short gpio 6 and 5
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in((0,0),0) # IO[0] affects the uart selecting btw system and debug
- # setup watcher loopback results
- await cocotb.start(uart_check_char_recieved_loopback(caravelEnv,cpu))
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,197000)
-async def connect_5_6(dut,caravelEnv):
- while True:
- caravelEnv.drive_gpio_in(5,dut.bin6_monitor.value)
- await Edge(dut.bin6_monitor)
-async def uart_check_char_recieved_loopback(caravelEnv,cpu):
- # check cpu recieved the correct character
- while True:
- if not Macros['GL']:
- reg_uart_data = caravelEnv.caravel_hdl.soc.core.uart_rxtx_w.value.binstr
- else:
- reg_uart_data = "1001110"
- reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1()
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[TEST] reg1 = {hex(reg1)}")
- if reg1 == 0x1B:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[TEST] Pass cpu has sent and recieved the correct character {chr(int(reg_uart_data,2))}")
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- if reg1 == 0x1E:
- cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] Failed cpu has sent and recieved the wrong character {chr(int(reg_uart_data,2))}")
- await wait_reg1(cpu,caravelEnv,0)
- await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_loopback.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_loopback.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cedf381..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_loopback.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void wait_for_char(char *c){
- while (uart_rxempty_read() == 1);
- if (reg_uart_data == *c){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; // recieved the correct character
- }else{
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E; // timeout didn't recieve the character
- }
- reg_debug_1 =0;
- uart_ev_pending_write(UART_EV_RX);
-void main(){
- int j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // Now, apply the configuration
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_uart_enable = 1;
- print("M");
- wait_for_char("M");
- print("B");
- wait_for_char("B");
- print("A");
- wait_for_char("A");
- print("5");
- wait_for_char("5");
- print("o");
- wait_for_char("o");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_rx.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_rx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ce23de00..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_rx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void wait_for_char(char *c){
- while (uart_rxempty_read() == 1);
- if (reg_uart_data == *c){
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1B; // recieved the correct character
- }else{
- reg_debug_1 = 0x1E; // timeout didn't recieve the character
- }
- uart_ev_pending_write(UART_EV_RX);
-void main(){
- int j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // Now, apply the configuration
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
- reg_uart_enable = 1;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA; // start sending B
- wait_for_char("B");
- reg_debug_1 = 0xBB; // start sending M
- wait_for_char("M");
- reg_debug_1 = 0xCC; // start sending A
- wait_for_char("A");
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_tx.c b/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_tx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9628767a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/tests/uart/uart_tx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- */
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-void main()
- int j;
- reg_wb_enable =1; // for enable writing to reg_debug_1 and reg_debug_2
- reg_debug_1 = 0x0;
- reg_debug_2 = 0x0;
- reg_mprj_io_6 = GPIO_MODE_MGMT_STD_OUTPUT;
- // Set clock to 64 kbaud and enable the UART. It is important to do this
- // before applying the configuration, or else the Tx line initializes as
- // zero, which indicates the start of a byte to the receiver.
- // Now, apply the configuration
- reg_mprj_xfer = 1;
- while (reg_mprj_xfer == 1);
-// reg_uart_clkdiv = 625;
- reg_uart_enable = 1;
- reg_debug_1 = 0xAA;
- // This should appear at the output, received by the testbench UART.
- // (Makes simulation time long.)
-// print("test msg\n");
- print("Monitor: Test UART (RTL) passed");
- // Allow transmission to complete before signalling that the program
- // has ended.
- for (j = 0; j < 160; j++);
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/verify_cocotb.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/verify_cocotb.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a6e6acf4..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/verify_cocotb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import collections
-import json
-import sys
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-from datetime import datetime
-import random
-from pathlib import Path
-import shutil
-from subprocess import PIPE, run
-import threading
-import time
-iverilog = True
-vcs = False
-coverage = False
-zip_waves = True
-caravan = False
-def go_up(path, n):
- for i in range(n):
- path = os.path.dirname(path)
- return path
-# search pattern in file
-def search_str(file_path, word):
- with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
- # read all content of a file
- content = file.read()
- # check if string present in a file
- if word in content:
- return "passed"
- else:
- return "failed"
-def change_str(str,new_str,file_path):
- # Read in the file
- with open(file_path, 'r') as file :
- filedata = file.read()
- filedata = filedata.replace(str, new_str)
- # Write the file out again
- with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
- file.write(filedata)
-class RunTest:
- def __init__(self,test_name,sim,corner) -> None:
- self.cocotb_path = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}/verilog/dv/cocotb"
- self.test_name = test_name
- self.sim_type = sim
- self.corner = corner
- self.create_log_file()
- self.hex_generate()
- self.runTest()
- # create and open full terminal log to be able to use it before run the test
- def create_log_file(self):
- self.cd_cocotb()
- os.chdir(f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}")
- test_dir = f"{self.sim_type}-{self.test_name}"
- if (self.sim_type == "GL_SDF"):
- test_dir = f'{test_dir}-{self.corner}'
- os.makedirs(f"{test_dir}",exist_ok=True)
- self.cd_cocotb()
- self.sim_path = f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}/{test_dir}/"
- terminal_log=f"{self.sim_path}/fullTerminal.log"
- test_log=f"{self.sim_path}/{self.test_name}.log"
- self.test_log=open(test_log, "w")
- self.full_file=f"{self.sim_path}/full.log"
- self.full_terminal = open(self.full_file, "w")
- def runTest(self):
- self.full_test_name = f"{self.sim_type}-{self.test_name}"
- if (self.sim_type=="GL_SDF"):
- self.full_test_name = f"{self.sim_type}-{self.test_name}-{self.corner}"
- os.environ["TESTFULLNAME"] = f"{self.full_test_name}"
- if (iverilog):return self.runTest_iverilog()
- elif(vcs): return self.runTest_vcs()
- # iverilog function
- def runTest_iverilog(self):
- print(f"Start running test: {self.sim_type}-{self.test_name}")
- MCW_ROOT = os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')
- RUNTAG = os.getenv('RUNTAG')
- ERRORMAX = os.getenv('ERRORMAX')
- PDK_ROOT = os.getenv('PDK_ROOT')
- PDK = os.getenv('PDK')
- macros = f'-DFUNCTIONAL -DSIM=\\\"{self.sim_type}\\\" -DUSE_POWER_PINS -DUNIT_DELAY=#1 -DMAIN_PATH=\\\"{self.cocotb_path}\\\" -DIVERILOG -DTESTNAME=\\\"{self.test_name}\\\" -DTAG=\\\"{RUNTAG}\\\" '
- if self.test_name == "la":
- macros = f'{macros} -DLA_TESTING'
- if self.test_name in ["gpio_all_o_user","gpio_all_i_user","gpio_all_i_pu_user","gpio_all_i_pd_user","gpio_all_bidir_user"]:
- macros = f'{macros} -DGPIO_TESTING'
- if(self.sim_type=="RTL"):
- includes = f"-f {VERILOG_PATH}/includes/includes.rtl.caravel"
- elif(self.sim_type=="GL"):
- macros = f'{macros} -DGL'
- includes = f"-f {VERILOG_PATH}/includes/includes.gl.caravel"
- elif(self.sim_type=="GLSDF"):
- print(f"iverilog can't run SDF for test {self.test_name} Please use anothor simulator like cvc" )
- return
- user_project = f"{CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_project_wrapper.v {CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_project_gpio_example.v {CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_project_la_example.v"
- if caravan:
- print ("Use caravan")
- macros = f'-DCARAVAN {macros} '
- user_project = f"{CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_analog_project_wrapper.v"
- iverilog_command = (f"iverilog -Ttyp {macros} {includes} -o {self.sim_path}/sim.vvp"
- f" {user_project} caravel_top.sv"
- f" && TESTCASE={self.test_name} MODULE=caravel_tests vvp -M $(cocotb-config --prefix)/cocotb/libs -m libcocotbvpi_icarus {self.sim_path}/sim.vvp")
- docker_command = f"docker run -it {env_vars} -v {os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}:{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')} -v {os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')}:{os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')} -v {os.getenv('PDK_ROOT')}:{os.getenv('PDK_ROOT')} efabless/dv:cocotb sh -c 'cd {self.cocotb_path} && {iverilog_command}' >> {self.full_file}"
- self.full_terminal = open(self.full_file, "a")
- self.full_terminal.write(f"docker command for running iverilog and cocotb:\n% ")
- self.full_terminal.write(os.path.expandvars(docker_command)+"\n")
- self.full_terminal.close()
- os.system(docker_command)
- self.passed = search_str(self.test_log.name,"Test passed with (0)criticals (0)errors")
- Path(f'{self.sim_path}/{self.passed}').touch()
- if self.passed == "passed":
- print(f"Test: {self.sim_type}-{self.test_name} passed")
- else :
- print(f"Test: {self.sim_type}-{self.test_name} Failed please check logs under {self.sim_path}")
- # vcs function
- def runTest_vcs(self):
- print(f"Start running test: {self.sim_type}-{self.test_name}")
- PDK_ROOT = os.getenv('PDK_ROOT')
- PDK = os.getenv('PDK')
- dirs = f'+incdir+\\\"{PDK_ROOT}/{PDK}\\\" '
- if self.sim_type == "RTL":
- shutil.copyfile(f'{VERILOG_PATH}/includes/rtl_caravel_vcs.v', f"{self.cocotb_path}/includes.v")
- change_str(str="\"caravel_mgmt_soc_litex/verilog",new_str=f"\"{VERILOG_PATH}",file_path=f"{self.cocotb_path}/includes.v")
- change_str(str="\"caravel/verilog",new_str=f"\"{CARAVEL_PATH}",file_path=f"{self.cocotb_path}/includes.v")
- else:
- dirs = f' {dirs} -f \\\"{VERILOG_PATH}/includes/gl_caravel_vcs.list\\\" '
- macros = f'+define+FUNCTIONAL +define+USE_POWER_PINS +define+UNIT_DELAY=#1 +define+MAIN_PATH=\\\"{self.cocotb_path}\\\" +define+VCS '
- if self.test_name == "la":
- macros = f'{macros} +define+LA_TESTING'
- if self.test_name in ["gpio_all_o_user","gpio_all_i_user","gpio_all_i_pu_user","gpio_all_i_pd_user","gpio_all_bidir_user"]:
- macros = f'{macros} +define+GPIO_TESTING'
- # shutil.copyfile(f'{self.test_full_dir}/{self.test_name}.hex',f'{self.sim_path}/{self.test_name}.hex')
- # if os.path.exists(f'{self.test_full_dir}/test_data'):
- # shutil.copyfile(f'{self.test_full_dir}/test_data',f'{self.sim_path}/test_data')
- if (self.sim_type=="GL_SDF"):
- macros = f'{macros} +define+ENABLE_SDF +define+SIM=GL_SDF +define+GL +define+SDF_POSTFIX=\\\"{self.corner[-1]}{self.corner[-1]}\\\" +define+CORNER=\\\"{self.corner[0:3]}\\\"'
- # corner example is corner nom-t so `SDF_POSTFIX = tt and `CORNER = nom
- # os.makedirs(f"annotation_logs",exist_ok=True)
- dirs = f"{dirs} +incdir+\\\"{os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')}/verilog/\\\" "
- # +incdir+\\\"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}/signoff/caravel/primetime-signoff/\\\"
- elif(self.sim_type=="GL"):
- macros = f'{macros} +define+GL +define+SIM=GL'
- elif (self.sim_type=="RTL"):
- macros = f'{macros} +define+SIM=\\\"RTL\\\"'
- else:
- print(f"Fatal: incorrect simulation type {self.sim_type}")
- coverage_command = ""
- if coverage:
- coverage_command = "-cm line+tgl+cond+fsm+branch+assert"
- os.environ["TESTCASE"] = f"{self.test_name}"
- os.environ["MODULE"] = f"caravel_tests"
- os.environ["SIM"] = self.sim_type
- user_project = f"-v {CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_project_wrapper.v"
- if caravan:
- print ("Use caravan")
- macros = f'+define+CARAVAN {macros} '
- user_project = f"-v {CARAVEL_PATH}/rtl/__user_analog_project_wrapper.v"
- os.system(f"vlogan -full64 -sverilog +error+30 caravel_top.sv {user_project} {dirs} {macros} +define+TESTNAME=\\\"{self.test_name}\\\" +define+FTESTNAME=\\\"{self.full_test_name}\\\" +define+TAG=\\\"{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}\\\" -l {self.sim_path}/analysis.log -o {self.sim_path} ")
- os.system(f"vcs +lint=TFIPC-L {coverage_command} +error+30 -R -diag=sdf:verbose +sdfverbose +neg_tchk -debug_access -full64 -l {self.sim_path}/test.log caravel_top -Mdir={self.sim_path}/csrc -o {self.sim_path}/simv +vpi -P pli.tab -load $(cocotb-config --lib-name-path vpi vcs)")
- self.passed = search_str(self.test_log.name,"Test passed with (0)criticals (0)errors")
- Path(f'{self.sim_path}/{self.passed}').touch()
- os.system("rm -rf AN.DB ucli.key core") # delete vcs additional files
- #delete wave when passed
- if self.passed == "passed" and zip_waves:
- os.chdir(f'{self.cocotb_path}/{self.sim_path}')
- os.system(f'zip -m waves_logs.zip analysis.log test.log *.vpd *.vcd')
- self.cd_cocotb()
- if os.path.exists(f"{self.cocotb_path}/sdfAnnotateInfo"):
- shutil.move(f"{self.cocotb_path}/sdfAnnotateInfo", f"{self.sim_path}/sdfAnnotateInfo")
- shutil.copyfile(f'{self.cocotb_path}/hex_files/{self.test_name}.hex',f'{self.sim_path}/{self.test_name}.hex')
- def find(self,name, path):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- if name in files:
- return os.path.join(root, name)
- print(f"Test {name} doesn't exist or don't have a C file ")
- def test_path(self):
- test_name = self.test_name
- test_name += ".c"
- tests_path = os.path.abspath(f"{self.cocotb_path}/tests")
- test_file = self.find(test_name,tests_path)
- test_path = os.path.dirname(test_file)
- return (test_path)
- def hex_generate(self):
- tests_use_dff2 = ["mem_dff"]
- tests_use_dff = ["mem_dff2","debug"]
- #open docker
- test_path =self.test_path()
- self.cd_make()
- if not os.path.exists(f"{self.cocotb_path}/hex_files"):
- os.makedirs(f"{self.cocotb_path}/hex_files") # Create a new hex_files directory because it does not exist
- elf_out = f"{self.cocotb_path}/hex_files/{self.test_name}.elf"
- c_file = f"{test_path}/{self.test_name}.c"
- hex_file = f"{self.cocotb_path}/hex_files/{self.test_name}.hex"
- GCC_PATH = "/foss/tools/riscv-gnu-toolchain-rv32i/217e7f3debe424d61374d31e33a091a630535937/bin/"
- GCC_PREFIX = "riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu"
- SOURCE_FILES = f"{os.getenv('FIRMWARE_PATH')}/crt0_vex.S {os.getenv('FIRMWARE_PATH')}/isr.c"
- LINKER_SCRIPT = f"{os.getenv('FIRMWARE_PATH')}/sections.lds"
- CPUFLAGS = f"-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -D__vexriscv__ "
- verilog_path = f"{os.getenv('VERILOG_PATH')}"
- test_dir = f"{os.getenv('VERILOG_PATH')}/dv/tests-caravel/mem" # linker script include // TODO: to fix this in the future from the mgmt repo
- #change linker script to for mem tests
- if self.test_name in tests_use_dff2:
- LINKER_SCRIPT = self.linkerScript_for_mem("dff2",LINKER_SCRIPT)
- elif self.test_name in tests_use_dff:
- LINKER_SCRIPT = self.linkerScript_for_mem("dff",LINKER_SCRIPT)
- elf_command = (f"{GCC_PATH}/{GCC_PREFIX}-gcc -g -I{verilog_path}/dv/firmware -I{verilog_path}/dv/generated -I{verilog_path}/dv/ "
- f"-I{verilog_path}/common {CPUFLAGS} -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,{LINKER_SCRIPT},"
- f"--strip-debug -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o {elf_out} {SOURCE_FILES} {c_file}")
- hex_command = f"{GCC_PATH}/{GCC_PREFIX}-objcopy -O verilog {elf_out} {hex_file} "
- sed_command = f"sed -ie 's/@10/@00/g' {hex_file}"
- hex_gen_state = os.system(f"docker run -it -v {go_up(self.cocotb_path,4)}:{go_up(self.cocotb_path,4)} efabless/dv:latest sh -c 'cd {test_dir} && {elf_command} && {hex_command} && {sed_command} '")
- self.full_terminal.write("elf file generation command:\n% ")
- self.full_terminal.write(os.path.expandvars(elf_command)+"\n")
- self.full_terminal.write("hex file generation command:\n% ")
- self.full_terminal.write(os.path.expandvars(hex_command)+"\n% ")
- self.full_terminal.write(os.path.expandvars(sed_command)+"\n")
- self.cd_cocotb()
- self.full_terminal.close()
- if hex_gen_state != 0 :
- print(f"fatal: Error when generating hex")
- sys.exit()
- #change linker script to for mem tests
- def linkerScript_for_mem(self,ram,LINKER_SCRIPT):
- new_LINKER_SCRIPT = f"{self.cocotb_path}/{self.sim_path}/sections.lds"
- shutil.copyfile(LINKER_SCRIPT, new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- if ram == "dff2":
- change_str(str="> dff ",new_str="> dff2 ",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- change_str(str="> dff\n",new_str="> dff2\n",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- change_str(str="ORIGIN(dff)",new_str="ORIGIN(dff2)",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- change_str(str="LENGTH(dff)",new_str="LENGTH(dff2)",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- elif ram == "dff":
- change_str(str="> dff2 ",new_str="> dff ",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- change_str(str="ORIGIN(dff2)",new_str="ORIGIN(dff)",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- change_str(str="LENGTH(dff2)",new_str="LENGTH(dff)",file_path=new_LINKER_SCRIPT)
- else:
- print(f"ERROR: wrong trype of ram {ram} need to be used for now the oldy rams that can be used for flashing and data are dff and dff2")
- sys.exit()
- return new_LINKER_SCRIPT
- def cd_make(self):
- os.chdir(f"{os.getenv('VERILOG_PATH')}/dv/make")
- def cd_cocotb(self):
- os.chdir(self.cocotb_path)
-class RunRegression:
- def __init__(self,regression,test,type_arg,testlist,corner) -> None:
- self.cocotb_path = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}/verilog/dv/cocotb"
- self.regression_arg = regression
- self.test_arg = test
- self.testlist_arg = testlist
- self.corners = corner
- self.total_start_time = datetime.now()
- if type_arg is None:
- type_arg = "RTL"
- self.type_arg = type_arg
- self.write_command_log()
- self.write_git_log()
- with open('tests.json') as f:
- self.tests_json = json.load(f)
- self.tests_json = self.tests_json["Tests"]
- self.get_tests()
- self.run_regression()
- def get_tests(self):
- self.tests = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(dict))) #key is testname and value is list of sim types
- self.unknown_tests = 0
- self.passed_tests = 0
- self.failed_tests = 0
- # regression
- if self.regression_arg is not None:
- sim_types = ("RTL","GL","GL_SDF")
- for test,test_elements in self.tests_json.items():
- if fnmatch(test,"_*"):
- continue
- for sim_type in sim_types:
- if sim_type =="GL_SDF":
- for corner in self.corners:
- if self.regression_arg in test_elements[sim_type]:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type,corner = corner)
- else:
- if self.regression_arg in test_elements[sim_type]:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type,corner = "-")
- if (len(self.tests)==0):
- print(f"fatal:{self.regression_arg} is not a valid regression name please input a valid regression \ncheck tests.json for more info")
- sys.exit()
- #test
- if self.test_arg is not None:
- if isinstance(self.test_arg,list):
- for test in self.test_arg:
- if test in self.tests_json:
- if isinstance(self.type_arg,list):
- for sim_type in self.type_arg:
- if sim_type =="GL_SDF":
- for corner in self.corners:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type, corner = corner)
- else: self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type,corner = "-")
- else:
- if sim_type =="GL_SDF":
- for corner in self.corners:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type, corner = corner)
- else: self.add_new_test(test_name=test,sim_type = sim_type,corner = "-")
- else:
- if self.test_arg in self.tests_json:
- if isinstance(self.type_arg,list):
- for sim_type in self.type_arg:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=self.test_arg,sim_type = sim_type)
- else:
- self.add_new_test(test_name=self.test_arg,sim_type = self.type_arg)
- # testlist TODO: add logic for test list
- if self.testlist_arg is not None:
- print(f'fatal: code for test list isnt added yet')
- sys.exit()
- self.update_reg_log()
- def add_new_test(self,test_name,sim_type,corner):
- self.tests[test_name][sim_type][corner]["status"]= "pending"
- self.tests[test_name][sim_type][corner]["starttime"]= "-"
- self.tests[test_name][sim_type][corner]["endtime"]= "-"
- self.tests[test_name][sim_type][corner]["duration"] = "-"
- self.tests[test_name][sim_type][corner]["pass"]= "-"
- self.unknown_tests +=1
- def run_regression(self):
- threads = list()
- for test,sim_types in self.tests.items():
- for sim_type,corners in sim_types.items(): # TODO: add multithreading or multiprocessing here
- for corner,status in corners.items():
- if iverilog: #threading
- # x = threading.Thread(target=self.test_run_function,args=(test,sim_type,corner))
- # threads.append(x)
- # x.start()
- # time.sleep(10)
- self.test_run_function(test,sim_type,corner)
- else:
- self.test_run_function(test,sim_type,corner)
- for index, thread in enumerate(threads):
- thread.join()
- if coverage:
- self.generate_cov()
- #TODO: add send mail here
- def test_run_function(self,test,sim_type,corner):
- start_time = datetime.now()
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["starttime"] = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S(%a)")
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["duration"] = "-"
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["status"] = "running"
- self.update_reg_log()
- test_run = RunTest(test,sim_type,corner,)
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["status"] = "done"
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["endtime"] = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S(%a)")
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["duration"] = ("%.10s" % (datetime.now() - start_time))
- self.tests[test][sim_type][corner]["pass"]= test_run.passed
- if test_run.passed == "passed":
- self.passed_tests +=1
- elif test_run.passed == "failed":
- self.failed_tests +=1
- self.unknown_tests -=1
- self.update_reg_log()
- def generate_cov(self):
- os.chdir(f"{self.cocotb_path}/sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}")
- os.system(f"urg -dir RTL*/*.vdb -format both -show tests -report coverageRTL/")
- # os.system(f"urg -dir GL*/*.vdb -format both -show tests -report coverageGL/")
- # os.system(f"urg -dir SDF*/*.vdb -format both -show tests -report coverageSDF/")
- os.chdir(self.cocotb_path)
- def update_reg_log(self):
- file_name=f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}/runs.log"
- f = open(file_name, "w")
- f.write(f"{'Test':<33} {'status':<10} {'start':<15} {'end':<15} {'duration':<13} {'p/f':<5}\n")
- for test,sim_types in self.tests.items():
- for sim_type,corners in sim_types.items():
- for corner,status in corners.items():
- new_test_name= f"{sim_type}-{test}-{corner}"
- f.write(f"{new_test_name:<33} {status['status']:<10} {status['starttime']:<15} {status['endtime']:<15} {status['duration']:<13} {status['pass']:<5}\n")
- f.write(f"\n\nTotal: ({self.passed_tests})passed ({self.failed_tests})failed ({self.unknown_tests})unknown ({('%.10s' % (datetime.now() - self.total_start_time))})time consumed ")
- f.close()
- def write_command_log(self):
- file_name=f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}/command.log"
- f = open(file_name, "w")
- f.write(f"{' '.join(sys.argv)}")
- f.close()
- def write_git_log(self):
- file_name=f"sim/{os.getenv('RUNTAG')}/git_show.log"
- f = open(file_name, "w")
- # status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("git show")
- f.write( f"Repo: {run('basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url`', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout}")
- f.write( f"Branch name: {run('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout}")
- f.write( run('git show --quiet HEAD', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout)
- f.write( f"\n\nRepo: {run(f'cd {os.getenv(MCW_ROOT)};basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url`', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout}")
- f.write( f"Branch name: {run(f'cd {os.getenv(MCW_ROOT)};git symbolic-ref --short HEAD', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout}")
- f.write( run(f'cd {os.getenv(MCW_ROOT)};git show --quiet HEAD', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True).stdout)
- f.close()
-class main():
- def __init__(self,args) -> None:
- self.regression = args.regression
- self.test = args.test
- self.testlist = args.testlist
- self.sim = args.sim
- self.tag = args.tag
- self.corner = args.corner
- self.maxerr = args.maxerr
- self.check_valid_args()
- self.set_tag()
- self.def_env_vars()
- RunRegression(self.regression,self.test,self.sim,self.testlist,self.corner)
- def check_valid_args(self):
- if all(v is None for v in [self.regression, self.test, self.testlist]):
- print ("Fatal: Should provide at least one of the following options regression, test or testlist for more info use --help")
- sys.exit()
- if not set(self.sim).issubset(["RTL","GL","GL_SDF"]):
- print (f"Fatal: {self.sim} isnt a correct type for -sim it should be one or combination of the following RTL, GL or GL_SDF")
- sys.exit()
- def set_tag(self):
- self.TAG = None # tag will be set in the main phase and other functions will use it
- if self.tag is not None:
- self.TAG = self.tag
- elif self.regression is not None:
- self.TAG = f'{self.regression}_{datetime.now().strftime("%H_%M_%S_%d_%m")}'
- else:
- self.TAG = f'run{random.randint(0,1000)}_{datetime.now().strftime("%H_%M_%S_%d_%m")}'
- Path(f"sim/{self.TAG}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- print(f"Run tag: {self.TAG}")
- def def_env_vars(self):
- if os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT') is None or os.getenv('MCW_ROOT') is None:
- print(f"Fatal: CARAVEL_ROOT or MCW_ROOT are not defined")
- sys.exit()
- cocotb_path = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}/verilog/dv/cocotb"
- os.environ["CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH"] = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT')}/verilog"
- os.environ["VERILOG_PATH"] = f"{os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')}/verilog"
- os.environ["CARAVEL_PATH"] = f"{os.getenv('CARAVEL_VERILOG_PATH')}"
- os.environ["FIRMWARE_PATH"] = f"{os.getenv('MCW_ROOT')}/verilog/dv/firmware"
- os.environ["RUNTAG"] = f"{self.TAG}"
- os.environ["ERRORMAX"] = f"{self.maxerr}"
-import argparse
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run cocotb tests')
-parser.add_argument('-regression','-r', help='name of regression can found in tests.json')
-parser.add_argument('-test','-t', nargs='+' ,help='name of test if no --sim provided RTL will be run ')
-parser.add_argument('-sim', nargs='+' ,help='Simulation type to be run RTL,GL&GL_SDF provided only when run -test ')
-parser.add_argument('-testlist','-tl', help='path of testlist to be run ')
-parser.add_argument('-tag', help='provide tag of the run default would be regression name and if no regression is provided would be run___')
-parser.add_argument('-maxerr', help='max number of errors for every test before simulation breaks default = 3')
-parser.add_argument('-vcs','-v',action='store_true', help='use vcs as compiler if not used iverilog would be used')
-parser.add_argument('-cov',action='store_true', help='enable code coverage')
-parser.add_argument('-corner','-c', nargs='+' ,help='Corner type in case of GL_SDF run has to be provided')
-parser.add_argument('-keep_pass_unzip',action='store_true', help='Normally the waves and logs of passed tests would be zipped. Using this option they wouldn\'t be zipped')
-parser.add_argument('-caravan',action='store_true', help='simulate caravan instead of caravel')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-if (args.vcs) :
- iverilog = False
- vcs = True
-if args.cov:
- coverage = True
-if args.sim == None:
- args.sim= ["RTL"]
-if args.corner == None:
- args.corner= ["nom-t"]
-if args.keep_pass_unzip:
- zip_waves = False
-if args.caravan:
- caravan = True
-print(f"regression:{args.regression}, test:{args.test}, testlist:{args.testlist} sim: {args.sim}")
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKSPImonitor.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKSPImonitor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bcaddfa5..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKSPImonitor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import Timer, FallingEdge,RisingEdge, ReadOnly
-from cocotb_bus.monitors import Monitor
-from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter, SimTimeContextFilter
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from cocotb.result import TestFailure
-from math import ceil
-import copy
-import logging
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.HKmonitor import HKmonitor
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-class HKSPImonitor(Monitor):
- """Observes single input """
- def __init__(self, name, block_path,interfaces, clock,reset,is_logger = False, input=True, callback=None, event=None):
- self.name = name
- self.interfaces = interfaces
- self.clock = clock
- self.reset = reset
- self.block_path = block_path
- self.is_logger = is_logger
- self.input = input
- self.setup_logger()
- Monitor.__init__(self, callback, event)
- async def _monitor_recv(self):
- old_trans_hold = None
- old_trans_no_valid = None
- while True:
- if Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.block_path.clknet_0_mgmt_gpio_in) # the main reason for doing all this can't use mgmt_gpio_in[4] as signal
- else :
- await RisingEdge(self.block_path.hkspi.SCK) # the main reason for doing all this can't use mgmt_gpio_in[4] as signal
- cocotb.log.debug(f'reset {self.reset.value.binstr }')
- if self.reset.value.binstr == '0':
- continue
- mgmt_gpio_in = self.block_path.mgmt_gpio_in.value
- gpio_size = mgmt_gpio_in.n_bits-1
- CSB = mgmt_gpio_in[gpio_size-3]
- if CSB.binstr == '1':
- continue
- SCK = mgmt_gpio_in[gpio_size-4]
- SDI = mgmt_gpio_in[gpio_size-2]
- SDO = self.block_path.mgmt_gpio_out.value[gpio_size-1]
- if not self.input:
- if self.block_path.hkspi.SCK.value.binstr != '0':
- continue
- # update signal
- self.interfaces['CSB']['val'] = CSB
- self.interfaces['SCK']['val'] = SCK
- if self.input:
- self.interfaces['SDI']['val'] = SDI
- else :
- self.interfaces['SDO']['val'] = SDO
- # logger
- self.logger.debug(f' ')
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter())
- self.logger.debug(f'')
- self.handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- if signal['val'].is_resolvable:
- length = self.lengths[key2] - (len(hex(signal['val'].integer)))
- self.logger.debug(f" {hex(signal['val'].integer)}{' '*length}|")
- # signal['val'] = self.block_path._id(signal['signal'],False).value.integer
- else:
- length = self.lengths[key2] - (len('x'))
- self.logger.debug(f" x{' '*length}|")
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
- self._recv(self.interfaces)
- """method for setting up logger for WB model"""
- def setup_logger(self):
- self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'HouseKeeping{self.name}')
- self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- if not self.is_logger:
- self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- # return
- else :
- self.handler = logging.FileHandler(f"{self.name}.log",mode='w')
- self.handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter())
- self.logger.addHandler(self.handler)
- # get the sizes of signals
- #for key,interface in self.interfaces.items():
- for key,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key,"_*"):
- continue
- signal['val'] = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=1)
- size = signal['val'].n_bits
- signal['val'] = BinaryValue(value = int(size) * '1',n_bits=size)
- # set the logger file header
- # set first line
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.logger.debug(f' timestamp level ')
- length =0
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- length += max(ceil(signal['val'].n_bits/4)+2 , len(key2)) +3
- length -= len(key)+1
- self.logger.debug(f'| signals{" "*int(length)}')
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
- self.logger.debug(f' ')
- # set second line
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.logger.debug(f'{" "*20}|')
- length =0
- self.lengths = dict()
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- self.lengths[key2] = max((len(hex(signal['val'].integer))),len(key2)) +1
- length = self.lengths[key2] - len(key2)
- self.logger.debug(f'{key2}{" "*length} ')
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
-class CSBmonitor(Monitor):
- """Observes single input """
- def __init__(self, name, block_path,interfaces, clock,reset,is_logger = False, input=True, callback=None, event=None):
- self.name = name
- self.interfaces = interfaces
- self.clock = clock
- self.reset = reset
- self.block_path = block_path
- self.is_logger = is_logger
- self.input = input
- Monitor.__init__(self, callback, event)
- async def _monitor_recv(self):
- while True:
- if Macros['GL']:
- await RisingEdge(self.block_path.net67)
- else:
- await RisingEdge(self.block_path.hkspi.CSB)
- self._recv(True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_models.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_models.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a98598..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-from audioop import add
-from ctypes import BigEndianStructure
-from operator import truediv
-from cocotb import top
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from cocotb.triggers import Timer, RisingEdge, ReadOnly
-import fnmatch
-import copy
-import logging
-from cocotb.result import TestFailure
-from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
-class HK_models():
- def __init__(self,reg_model,expeceted_output,hk_hdl):
- self.reg_model = reg_model
- self.expeceted_output = expeceted_output
- self.hk_hdl = hk_hdl
- self.old_hold_val = 1
- self.gpio_out_pre = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=38,bigEndian=False)
- self.mgmt_gpio_oeb = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=38,bigEndian=False)
- self.exp_out_wb = [] # expected output for wishbone
- self.exp_out_uart_rx = [self.expeceted_output['UART']] # expected output for uart
- self.exp_out_debug = [self.expeceted_output['debug']] # expected output for
- self.exp_out_spi = [self.expeceted_output['SPI']] # expected output for
- self.reset_spi_vals(True)
- self.input_dis =3
- self.regs_full_list()
- self.intial_cov()
- """model for the wishbone interface with housekeeping"""
- def wishbone_model(self,trans):
- clock_signal = trans["_clk"]["signal"]
- if trans["stb"]["val"] == 1 : # valid data
- address = trans["adr"]["val"]
- data = trans["data"]["val"]
- # if ack isn't realsead don't care about the new input it must be the same as the old and the monitor checks that
- if (self.old_hold_val == 0):
- self.old_hold_val = trans["_hold"]["val"]
- return
- self.old_hold_val = trans["_hold"]["val"]
- if trans["write_en"]["val"] ==1 : # write cycle
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] write enable for address: {hex(address)} and data: {hex(data)} ')
- select = trans["sel"]["val"]
- cocotb.scheduler.add(self._write_reg_wb(address,data,select,clock_signal))
- else: #read cycle
- self.write_exp_out_wb(self._read_reg_wb(address))
- self.wishbone_last_trans = trans
- """model for the system interface with housekeeping"""
- def system_model(self,trans):
- self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][0][6] = trans["vdd2_good"]["val"]
- self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][1][6] = trans["vdd1_good"]["val"]
- self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][2][6] = trans["vcc2_good"]["val"]
- self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][3][6] = trans["vcc1_good"]["val"]
- """model for the UART interface with housekeeping"""
- def UART_model(self,trans):
- # when transmiting TX the gpio data out should change to the tx value
- if trans["enable"]["val"]:
- self.gpio_out_pre[6]= trans["TX"]["val"].value
- else:
- gpio_data = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x0c"]) # mgmt_gpio_data[7:0]
- self.gpio_out_pre[6]= int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data)-1 -6]) # mgmt_gpio_data[6]
- # predecting the rx output value when the value UART is enble is the value drom pin [5]
- gpio_in_size = trans["gpio_in"]["val"].n_bits -1
- output = self.expeceted_output['UART']
- output["RX"]["val"] = 0
- if trans["enable"]["val"]:
- output["RX"]["val"] = trans["gpio_in"]["val"][gpio_in_size-5] #gpio_in[5]
- self.exp_out_uart_rx.append(output)
- """model for the debug interface with housekeeping"""
- def debug_model(self,trans):
- # when debug is enable gpio out [0] should follow debug_out
- if trans["enable"]["val"]:
- self.gpio_out_pre[0] = trans["data"]["val"].value
- self.mgmt_gpio_oeb[0] = trans["data"]["val"].value
- else:
- gpio_data = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x0c"]) # mgmt_gpio_data[7:0]
- self.gpio_out_pre[0]= int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data)-1 -0]) # mgmt_gpio_data[6]
- gpio_data_en = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x24"]) # gpio_configure[0][7:0]
- self.mgmt_gpio_oeb[0]= 1- int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data_en)-1 -self.input_dis]) # gpio_configure[0][3]
- # predecting the debug in signal when debug mode is enbled taking the value from pin [0]
- gpio_in_size = trans["gpio_in"]["val"].n_bits -1
- output = self.expeceted_output['debug']
- output["data"]["val"] = 0
- if trans["enable"]["val"]:
- output["data"]["val"] = trans["gpio_in"]["val"][gpio_in_size-0] # mgmt_gpio_in[0]
- self.exp_out_debug.append(output)
- """model for the SPI interface with housekeeping"""
- def spi_model(self,trans):
- output = self.expeceted_output['SPI']
- output["SDO"]["val"] = 0
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][spi_model] spi mode {self.spi_mode[0]} bit number {self.spi_mode[1]} command = {self.command_spi} address = {self.address_spi} write = {self.write_spi} stream = {self.spi_mode[2]}')
- if self.spi_mode[0] == "command":
- self._setCommand(trans['SDI']['val'].binstr)
- self.exp_out_spi.append(output)
- elif self.spi_mode[0] == "address":
- self._setAddress(trans['SDI']['val'].binstr)
- self.exp_out_spi.append(output)
- elif self.spi_mode[0] == "write":
- self._setWriteData(trans['SDI']['val'].binstr)
- self.exp_out_spi.append(output)
- elif self.spi_mode[0] == "read":
- output["SDO"]["val"] = self._getReadData()
- self.exp_out_spi.append(output)
- elif self.spi_mode[0] == "read/write":
- output["SDO"]["val"] = self._getReadData()
- self.exp_out_spi.append(output)
- elif self.spi_mode[0] == "noOP":
- self._setWriteData(trans['SDI']['val'].binstr)
- else:
- raise TestFailure("[HK_models][spi_model] invalid command type")
- """reset the spi vals when CSB is going from low to high"""
- def reset_spi_vals(self,trans):
- cocotb.log.info(f"[HK_models][reset_spi_vals] CSB is disabled")
- self.spi_mode = ["command",0,0] # [mode type, bit number, stream number]
- self.command_spi = ['0']*8
- self.address_spi = ['0']*8
- self.write_spi = ['0']*8
- self.read_spi = ['0']*8
- def _setCommand(self,bit):
- if bit not in ['0','1']:
- cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setCommand] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
- self.command_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
- self.spi_mode[1] += 1
- self.spi_mode[2] = 0 # stream number
- if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
- self.spi_mode[0] = "address"
- self.spi_mode[1] = 0
- def _setAddress(self,bit):
- if bit not in ['0','1']:
- cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setAddress] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
- self.address_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
- self.spi_mode[1] += 1
- self.spi_mode[2] = 0 # stream number
- if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
- self.spi_mode[1] = 0
- if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['0','0']:
- self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
- if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['1','0']:
- self.spi_mode[0] = "write"
- if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['0','1']:
- self.spi_mode[0] = "read"
- if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['1','1']:
- self.spi_mode[0] = "read/write"
- def _setWriteData(self,bit):
- if bit not in ['0','1']:
- cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setWriteData] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
- # return if write is write n-bytes command and number of bytes exceeds the required
- if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:
- self.spi_mode_cov('write-n')
- byte_num = int(''.join(self.command_spi[2:5]),2)
- if byte_num <= self.spi_mode[2]: #number of written byte <= stream number
- self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
- return
- else: self.spi_mode_cov('write')
- self.write_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
- self.spi_mode[1] += 1
- if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
- self.spi_mode[1] = 0
- address = int(''.join(self.address_spi),2) + self.spi_mode[2]
- data = ''.join(self.write_spi)
- data = BinaryValue(value = data, n_bits =8)
- is_valid, keys=self._valid_address_spi(address)
- if is_valid:
- self.reg_cov(keys[0],keys[1],is_read=False)
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] writing {data} to memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through housekeeping SPI address = {address}')
- self._write_fields(keys,data)
- if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:self.spi_mode_cov('write-n')
- else: self.spi_mode_cov('write')
- self.spi_mode[2] += 1 # stream number
- def _getReadData(self):
- # return if write is write n-bytes command and number of bytes exceeds the required
- if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:
- byte_num = int(''.join(self.command_spi[2:5]),2)
- if byte_num <= self.spi_mode[2]: #number of written byte <= stream number
- self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
- return
- bit_num = self.spi_mode[1]
- address = int(''.join(self.address_spi),2) + self.spi_mode[2]
- is_valid, keys=self._valid_address_spi(address)
- data = ''
- if is_valid:
- self.reg_cov(keys[0],keys[1])
- cocotb.log.info(f'[HK_models][_getReadData] reading from memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through SPI')
- for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
- data = str(bin(field[6])[2:]).zfill(field[3]) + data
- data = data.zfill(8)
- cocotb.log.info(f'[HK_models][_getReadData] reading from memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through SPI data {data} bit[{7-bit_num}] = {data[bit_num]}')
- self.spi_mode[1] += 1
- if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
- self.spi_mode[1] = 0
- self.spi_mode[2] += 1 # stream number
- if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:self.spi_mode_cov('read-n')
- else: self.spi_mode_cov('read')
- if data == '':
- return 0
- return int(data[bit_num],2)
- def write_exp_out_wb(self,data):
- output = self.expeceted_output['wishbone']
- output['ack']['val'] = 1
- output['_valid_cycle']['val'] = 1
- output['data']['val'] = BinaryValue(value = data,n_bits = 32,bigEndian=False)
- self.exp_out_wb.append(output)
- """write register through wishbone """
- async def _write_reg_wb(self,address,data,select,clk):
- old_data = self._read_reg_wb(address)
- self.write_exp_out_wb(old_data)
- if address == 0x2600000c: # mgmt_gpio_data is a special case as it got written completely at the end of the serial writing
- for i in range(6):
- await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
- for i in range(3):
- await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
- for i,sel in enumerate(select.binstr):
- temp_addr = BinaryValue(value=(address.value +i))
- if sel is '1':
- is_valid, keys=self._valid_address(temp_addr)
- if is_valid:
- self.reg_cov(keys[0],keys[1],is_SPI=False,is_read=False)
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] writing {data[(8*((4-i-1))):8*(4-i)-1]} to memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]}')
- temp_data = data[(8*((4-i-1))):8*(4-i)-1]
- self._write_fields(keys,temp_data)
- cocotb.log.debug(f" [HK_models][_valid_address] address {hex(address)} used for access housekeeping memory success")
- if address != 0x2600000c:
- for i in range(2):
- await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
- def _write_fields(self,keys,data):
- for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
- if field[4] == "RW":
- shift = field[2]
- size = field[3]
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_write_fields] before update field : {field[1]} data = {bin(field[6])} with data {data[shift:shift+size-1]} ')
- field[6] = data[8-shift-size:8-shift-1]
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_write_fields] after update field : {field[1]} data = {bin(field[6])} with data {data[shift:shift+size-1]} ')
- """read register value using keys return size binary value"""
- def _read_reg_keys(self,keys:list):
- size =0
- data = ""
- for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
- size += field[3]
- data += bin(field[6])[2:].zfill(size)
- return data
- """read register through wishbone """
- def _read_reg_wb(self,address):
- total_size = 32
- data_string ="0"
- data_out = list(bin(0)[2:].zfill(total_size))
- for i in range(4):
- temp_addr = BinaryValue(value=(address.value +i))
- is_valid, keys=self._valid_address(temp_addr)
- if is_valid:
- self.reg_cov(keys[0],keys[1],is_SPI=False)
- for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
- shift = field[2]
- size = field[3]
- first_index = ((8 *(4-i))) - shift-size
- second_index = ((8 *(4-i))) - shift
- data = bin(field[6])[2:].zfill(size)
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[HK_models][_read_reg] memory:{keys[0]} shift:{keys[1]} field:{field[0]} data:{data} ")
- for k,j in enumerate(range(first_index, second_index, 1)):
- data_out[j] = data[k]
- data_string = "".join(data_out)
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[HK_models][_read_reg] register {hex(address)} has value {hex(int(data_string,2))} ")
- return int(data_string,2)
- """return false if the address isn't exist inside housekeeping if the address exist return true and the key of address in JSON file"""
- def _valid_address(self,address):
- size = max(len(address),32)
- address = address.binstr.zfill(size)
- for key,memory in self.reg_model.items():
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*") :
- continue
- # remove the first 2 element 0b and
- base_addr= bin(memory["base_addr"][1])[2:].zfill(size)
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] base address[:13]={hex(int(base_addr[size-32:size-13],2))} target address[:13]={hex(int(address[size-32:size-13],2))} shift={"{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4)}')
- if base_addr[size-32:size-13] == address[size-32:size-13]:
- if "{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4) in memory:
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] base address={hex(int(base_addr,2))} key {key}')
- return True, [key,"{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4)]
- cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_valid_address] address {hex(int(address,2))} used for access housekeeping memory isn't valid")
- return False, None
- """return false if the address isn't exist inside housekeeping if the address exist return true and the key of address in JSON file"""
- def _valid_address_spi(self,address):
- for key,memory in self.reg_model.items():
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*") :
- continue
- for key2,reg in memory.items():
- if key2 == "base_addr" :
- continue
- for field in reg:
- if field[7] == address:
- return True,[key,key2]
- cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_valid_address_spi] address {hex(address)} for SPI housekeeping isn't valid")
- return False, None
-######################## coverage ############################
- def regs_full_list(self):
- bins = list()
- labels = list()
- for key,mem in self.reg_model.items():
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*"):
- continue
- for key2,fields in mem.items():
- if key2=='base_addr':
- continue
- bins.append((key,key2))
- labels.append((self.reg_model[key][key2][0][0]))
- self.reg_bins = bins
- self.reg_labels = labels
- def intial_cov(self):
- for i in [True,False]:
- for j in [True,False]:
- self.reg_cov(0,0,i,j)
- self.spi_mode_cov(0)
- def reg_cov(self,key1,key2,is_SPI=True,is_read=True):
- s=''
- if is_SPI:
- s = "spi."
- else:
- s="wishbone."
- if is_read:
- s +="read"
- else:
- s+= "write"
- @CoverPoint(f"top.caravel.housekeeping.regs.{s}",
- xf = lambda key1,key2:(key1,key2),
- bins = self.reg_bins,
- bins_labels=self.reg_labels)
- def cov(key1,key2):
- pass
- cov(key1,key2)
- return (key1,key2)
- def spi_mode_cov(self,mode):
- @CoverPoint(f"top.caravel.housekeeping.spi.modes",
- bins = ['noOP','write','read','read/write','write-n','read-n','read/write-n','Pass-m','pass-u'],
- bins_labels=['No operation','Write in streaming mode','Read in streaming mode','Simultaneous Read/Write in streaming mode','Write in n-byte mode','Read in n-byte mode','Simultaneous Read/Write in n-byte mode','Pass-through (management) Read/Write streaming mode','Pass-through (user) Read/Write in streaming mode' ])
- def cov(mode):
- pass
- cov(mode)
- return mode
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a5219a..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "the list contain the fields in register with shift spcified [field name,name iniside housekeeping, shift, size,mode,reset,value(intial is reset value), SPI address map] the shift is from the base address like SPI, system and gpio base address",
- "_comment2": "Base address is the first element and called first address",
- "_not_used_currently":["0x34",[["SRAM read-only control","sram_ro_csb",0,1,"RW",1,1,20],["SRAM read-only control","sram_ro_clk",1,1,"RW",0,0,20]], "0x30",[["SRAM read-only address","sram_ro_addr",0,8,"RW",0,0,21]]],
- "SPI":{ "base_addr": ["SPI_BASE_ADR",638582784],
- "0x00": [["SPI status",null,0,8,"undefined",0,0,0]],
- "0x06": [["Manufacturer ID",["mfgr_id",11,8],0,4,"RO",4,4,1]],
- "0x05": [["Manufacturer ID",["mfgr_id",7,0],0,8,"RO",86,86,2]],
- "0x04": [["Manufacturer ID",["prod_id",7,0],0,8,"RO",17,17,3]],
- "0x0b": [["User project ID",["mask_rev",31,24],0,8,"RO",0,0,4]],
- "0x0a": [["User project ID",["mask_rev",23,16],0,8,"RO",0,0,5]],
- "0x09": [["User project ID",["mask_rev",15,8],0,8,"RO",0,0,6]],
- "0x08": [["User project ID",["mask_rev",7,0],0,8,"RO",0,0,7]],
- "0x0c": [["PLL enables","pll_ena",0,1,"RW",0,0,8],["PLL DCO enables","pll_dco_ena",1,1,"RW",1,1,8]],
- "0x10": [["PLL bypass","pll_bypass",0,1,"RW",1,1,9]],
- "0x14": [["CPU IRQ","irq_spi",0,1,"RW",0,0,10]],
- "0x18": [["CPU reset","reset_reg",0,1,"RW",0,0,11]],
- "0x28": [["CPU trap","trap",0,1,"NA",0,0,12]],
- "0x1c": [["DCO trim",["pll_trim",7,0],0,8,"RW",255,255,13]],
- "0x1d": [["DCO trim",["pll_trim",15,8],0,8,"RW",239,239,14]],
- "0x1e": [["DCO trim",["pll_trim",23,16],0,8,"RW",255,255,15]],
- "0x1f": [["DCO trim",["pll_trim",25,24],0,2,"RW",3,3,16]],
- "0x20": [["PLL output divider","pll_sel",0,3,"RW",2,2,17],["PLL output divider 2","pll90_sel",3,3,"RW",2,2,17]],
- "0x24": [["PLL feedback divider","pll_div",0,5,"RW",4,4,18]]
- },
- "GPIO":{ "base_addr": ["GPIO_BASE_ADR",637534208],
- "0x00": [["xfer","serial_xfer",0,1,"RW",0,0,19],["bit bang enable","serial_bb_enable",1,1,"RW",0,0,19],
- ["bit bang reset","serial_bb_resetn",2,1,"RW",0,0,19],["bit bang load","serial_bb_load",3,1,"RW",0,0,19],
- ["bit bang clock","serial_bb_clock",4,1,"RW",0,0,19],["bit bang data1","serial_bb_data_1",5,1,"RW",0,0,19],
- ["bit bang data1","serial_bb_data_2",6,1,"RW",0,0,19]],
- "0x04": [["GPIO power control (reg_mprj_pwr)","pwr_ctrl_out",0,4,"RW",0,0,110]],
- "0x0c": [["GPIO data low(reg_mprj_datal)",["mgmt_gpio_data",7,0],0,8,"RW",0,0,109]],
- "0x0d": [["GPIO data low(reg_mprj_datal)",["mgmt_gpio_data",15,8],0,8,"RW",0,0,108]],
- "0x0e": [["GPIO data low(reg_mprj_datal)",["mgmt_gpio_data",23,16],0,8,"RW",0,0,107]],
- "0x0f": [["GPIO data low(reg_mprj_datal)",["mgmt_gpio_data",31,24],0,8,"RW",0,0,106]],
- "0x10": [["GPIO data high(reg_mprj_datah)",["mgmt_gpio_data",37,32],0,5,"RW",0,0,105]],
- "0x24": [["mprj_io[00](reg_mprj_io_0)",["gpio_configure[0]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,30]],
- "0x25": [["mprj_io[00](reg_mprj_io_0)",["gpio_configure[0]",12,8],0,5,"RW",24,24,29]],
- "0x28": [["mprj_io[01](reg_mprj_io_1)",["gpio_configure[1]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,32]],
- "0x29": [["mprj_io[01](reg_mprj_io_1)",["gpio_configure[1]",12,8],0,5,"RW",24,24,31]],
- "0x2c": [["mprj_io[02](reg_mprj_io_2)",["gpio_configure[2]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,34]],
- "0x2d": [["mprj_io[02](reg_mprj_io_2)",["gpio_configure[2]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,33]],
- "0x30": [["mprj_io[03](reg_mprj_io_3)",["gpio_configure[3]",7,0],0,8,"RW",1,1,36]],
- "0x31": [["mprj_io[03](reg_mprj_io_3)",["gpio_configure[3]",12,8],0,5,"RW",8,8,35]],
- "0x34": [["mprj_io[04](reg_mprj_io_4)",["gpio_configure[4]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,38]],
- "0x35": [["mprj_io[04](reg_mprj_io_4)",["gpio_configure[4]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,37]],
- "0x38": [["mprj_io[05](reg_mprj_io_5)",["gpio_configure[5]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,40]],
- "0x39": [["mprj_io[05](reg_mprj_io_5)",["gpio_configure[5]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,39]],
- "0x3c": [["mprj_io[06](reg_mprj_io_6)",["gpio_configure[6]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,42]],
- "0x3d": [["mprj_io[06](reg_mprj_io_6)",["gpio_configure[6]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,41]],
- "0x40": [["mprj_io[07](reg_mprj_io_7)",["gpio_configure[7]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,44]],
- "0x41": [["mprj_io[07](reg_mprj_io_7)",["gpio_configure[7]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,43]],
- "0x44": [["mprj_io[08](reg_mprj_io_8)",["gpio_configure[8]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,46]],
- "0x45": [["mprj_io[08](reg_mprj_io_8)",["gpio_configure[8]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,45]],
- "0x48": [["mprj_io[09](reg_mprj_io_9)",["gpio_configure[9]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,48]],
- "0x49": [["mprj_io[09](reg_mprj_io_9)",["gpio_configure[9]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,47]],
- "0x4c": [["mprj_io[10](reg_mprj_io_10)",["gpio_configure[10]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,50]],
- "0x4d": [["mprj_io[10](reg_mprj_io_10)",["gpio_configure[10]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,49]],
- "0x50": [["mprj_io[11](reg_mprj_io_11)",["gpio_configure[11]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,52]],
- "0x51": [["mprj_io[11](reg_mprj_io_11)",["gpio_configure[11]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,51]],
- "0x54": [["mprj_io[12](reg_mprj_io_12)",["gpio_configure[12]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,54]],
- "0x55": [["mprj_io[12](reg_mprj_io_12)",["gpio_configure[12]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,53]],
- "0x58": [["mprj_io[13](reg_mprj_io_13)",["gpio_configure[13]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,56]],
- "0x59": [["mprj_io[13](reg_mprj_io_13)",["gpio_configure[13]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,55]],
- "0x5c": [["mprj_io[14](reg_mprj_io_14)",["gpio_configure[14]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,58]],
- "0x5d": [["mprj_io[14](reg_mprj_io_14)",["gpio_configure[14]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,57]],
- "0x60": [["mprj_io[15](reg_mprj_io_15)",["gpio_configure[15]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,60]],
- "0x61": [["mprj_io[15](reg_mprj_io_15)",["gpio_configure[15]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,59]],
- "0x64": [["mprj_io[16](reg_mprj_io_16)",["gpio_configure[16]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,62]],
- "0x65": [["mprj_io[16](reg_mprj_io_16)",["gpio_configure[16]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,61]],
- "0x68": [["mprj_io[17](reg_mprj_io_17)",["gpio_configure[17]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,64]],
- "0x69": [["mprj_io[17](reg_mprj_io_17)",["gpio_configure[17]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,63]],
- "0x6c": [["mprj_io[18](reg_mprj_io_18)",["gpio_configure[18]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,66]],
- "0x6d": [["mprj_io[18](reg_mprj_io_18)",["gpio_configure[18]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,65]],
- "0x70": [["mprj_io[19](reg_mprj_io_19)",["gpio_configure[19]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,68]],
- "0x71": [["mprj_io[19](reg_mprj_io_19)",["gpio_configure[19]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,67]],
- "0x74": [["mprj_io[20](reg_mprj_io_20)",["gpio_configure[20]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,70]],
- "0x75": [["mprj_io[20](reg_mprj_io_20)",["gpio_configure[20]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,69]],
- "0x78": [["mprj_io[21](reg_mprj_io_21)",["gpio_configure[21]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,72]],
- "0x79": [["mprj_io[21](reg_mprj_io_21)",["gpio_configure[21]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,71]],
- "0x7c": [["mprj_io[22](reg_mprj_io_22)",["gpio_configure[22]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,74]],
- "0x7d": [["mprj_io[22](reg_mprj_io_22)",["gpio_configure[22]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,73]],
- "0x80": [["mprj_io[23](reg_mprj_io_23)",["gpio_configure[23]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,76]],
- "0x81": [["mprj_io[23](reg_mprj_io_23)",["gpio_configure[23]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,75]],
- "0x84": [["mprj_io[24](reg_mprj_io_24)",["gpio_configure[24]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,78]],
- "0x85": [["mprj_io[24](reg_mprj_io_24)",["gpio_configure[24]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,77]],
- "0x88": [["mprj_io[25](reg_mprj_io_25)",["gpio_configure[25]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,80]],
- "0x89": [["mprj_io[25](reg_mprj_io_25)",["gpio_configure[25]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,79]],
- "0x8c": [["mprj_io[26](reg_mprj_io_26)",["gpio_configure[26]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,82]],
- "0x8d": [["mprj_io[26](reg_mprj_io_26)",["gpio_configure[26]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,81]],
- "0x90": [["mprj_io[27](reg_mprj_io_27)",["gpio_configure[27]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,84]],
- "0x91": [["mprj_io[27](reg_mprj_io_27)",["gpio_configure[27]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,83]],
- "0x94": [["mprj_io[28](reg_mprj_io_28)",["gpio_configure[28]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,86]],
- "0x95": [["mprj_io[28](reg_mprj_io_28)",["gpio_configure[28]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,85]],
- "0x98": [["mprj_io[29](reg_mprj_io_29)",["gpio_configure[29]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,88]],
- "0x99": [["mprj_io[29](reg_mprj_io_29)",["gpio_configure[29]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,87]],
- "0x9c": [["mprj_io[30](reg_mprj_io_30)",["gpio_configure[30]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,90]],
- "0x9d": [["mprj_io[30](reg_mprj_io_30)",["gpio_configure[30]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,89]],
- "0xa0": [["mprj_io[31](reg_mprj_io_31)",["gpio_configure[31]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,92]],
- "0xa1": [["mprj_io[31](reg_mprj_io_31)",["gpio_configure[31]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,91]],
- "0xa4": [["mprj_io[32](reg_mprj_io_32)",["gpio_configure[32]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,94]],
- "0xa5": [["mprj_io[32](reg_mprj_io_32)",["gpio_configure[32]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,93]],
- "0xa8": [["mprj_io[33](reg_mprj_io_33)",["gpio_configure[33]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,96]],
- "0xa9": [["mprj_io[33](reg_mprj_io_33)",["gpio_configure[33]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,95]],
- "0xac": [["mprj_io[34](reg_mprj_io_34)",["gpio_configure[34]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,98]],
- "0xad": [["mprj_io[34](reg_mprj_io_34)",["gpio_configure[34]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,97]],
- "0xb0": [["mprj_io[35](reg_mprj_io_35)",["gpio_configure[35]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,100]],
- "0xb1": [["mprj_io[35](reg_mprj_io_35)",["gpio_configure[35]",12,8],0,5,"RW",4,4,99]],
- "0xb4": [["mprj_io[36](reg_mprj_io_36)",["gpio_configure[36]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,102]],
- "0xb5": [["mprj_io[36](reg_mprj_io_36)",["gpio_configure[36]",12,8],0,5,"RW",24,24,101]],
- "0xb8": [["mprj_io[37](reg_mprj_io_37)",["gpio_configure[37]",7,0],0,8,"RW",3,3,104]],
- "0xb9": [["mprj_io[37](reg_mprj_io_37)",["gpio_configure[37]",12,8],0,5,"RW",24,24,103]]
- },
- "sys":{ "base_addr": ["SYS_BASE_ADR",639631360],
- "0x00": [["user2 vdd good","usr2_vdd_pwrgood",0,1,"NA",0,0,26],["user1 vdd good","usr1_vdd_pwrgood",1,1,"NA",0,0,26],
- ["user2 vcc good","usr2_vcc_pwrgood",2,1,"RO",0,0,26],["user1 vcc good","usr1_vcc_pwrgood",3,1,"RO",0,0,26]],
- "0x04": [["Trap output redirect","trap_output_dest",0,1,"RW",0,0,27],
- ["clock2 output redirect","clk2_output_dest",1,1,"RW",0,0,27],
- ["clock1 output redirect","clk1_output_dest",2,1,"RW",0,0,27]],
- "0x0c": [["IRQ1 input redirect","irq_1_inputsrc",0,1,"RW",0,0,28],["IRQ2 redirect","irq_2_inputsrc",1,1,"RW",0,0,28]],
- "0x10": [["Housekeeping SPI disable","hkspi_disable",0,1,"RW",0,0,111]]
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_scoreboard.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_scoreboard.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d55a11..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_scoreboard.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-from cocotb_bus.scoreboard import Scoreboard
-from cocotb.utils import hexdump, hexdiffs
-from cocotb.log import SimLog
-from cocotb.result import TestFailure, TestSuccess
-from cocotb_bus.monitors import Monitor
-import cocotb
-class HKScoreboard(Scoreboard):
- def __init__(self, dut, reorder_depth=0, fail_immediately=True):
- Scoreboard.__init__(self, dut, reorder_depth, fail_immediately)
- def compare(self, got, exp, log, strict_type=True):
- # Compare the types
- if strict_type and type(got) != type(exp):
- self.errors += 1
- log.error("Received transaction type is different than expected")
- log.info("Received: %s but expected %s" %
- (str(type(got)), str(type(exp))))
- if self._imm:
- raise TestFailure("Received transaction of wrong type. "
- "Set strict_type=False to avoid this.")
- return
- # Or convert to a string before comparison
- elif not strict_type:
- got, exp = str(got), str(exp)
- # Compare directly
- if self.dict_compare(got, exp):
- self.errors += 1
- # Try our best to print out something useful
- strgot, strexp = str(got), str(exp)
- log.error("Received transaction differed from expected output")
- if not strict_type:
- log.info("Expected:\n" + hexdump(strexp))
- else:
- log.info("Expected:\n" + repr(exp))
- if not isinstance(exp, str):
- try:
- for word in exp:
- log.info(str(word))
- except Exception:
- pass
- if not strict_type:
- log.info("Received:\n" + hexdump(strgot))
- else:
- log.info("Received:\n" + repr(got))
- if not isinstance(got, str):
- try:
- for word in got:
- log.info(str(word))
- except Exception:
- pass
- log.warning("Difference:\n%s" % hexdiffs(strexp, strgot))
- if self._imm:
- raise TestFailure("Received transaction differed from expected "
- "transaction")
- else:
- # Don't want to fail the test
- # if we're passed something without __len__
- try:
- log.debug("Received expected transaction %d bytes" %
- (len(got)))
- log.debug(repr(got))
- except Exception:
- pass
- def dict_compare(self,d1, d2):
- d1_keys = set(d1.keys())
- d2_keys = set(d2.keys())
- shared_keys = d1_keys.intersection(d2_keys)
- different_keys = d1_keys.symmetric_difference(d2_keys)
- if different_keys is not None:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[HKScoreboard][dict_compare] return False because different_keys \n {d1} \n {d2}")
- self.print_expected()
- return False
- modified = {o : (d1[o], d2[o]) for o in shared_keys if d1[o] != d2[o]}
- if modified is not None:
- cocotb.log.info(f"[HKScoreboard][dict_compare] return False because modified \n {d1} \n {d2}")
- self.print_expected()
- return False
- cocotb.log.info(f"[HKScoreboard][dict_compare] return True \n {d1} \n {d2}")
- self.print_expected()
- return True
- def print_expected(self):
- for val in self.expected.items():
- cocotb.log.info(val)
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKmonitor.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKmonitor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b867790..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/HKmonitor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import Timer, RisingEdge, ReadOnly
-from cocotb_bus.monitors import Monitor
-from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter, SimTimeContextFilter
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from cocotb.result import TestFailure
-from math import ceil
-import copy
-import logging
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
-class HKmonitor(Monitor):
- """Observes single input """
- def __init__(self, name, block_path,interfaces, clock,reset,is_logger = False, callback=None, event=None):
- self.name = name
- self.interfaces = interfaces
- self.clock = clock
- self.reset = reset
- self.block_path = block_path
- self.is_logger = is_logger
- self.setup_logger()
- Monitor.__init__(self, callback, event)
- async def _monitor_recv(self):
- old_trans_hold = None
- old_trans_no_valid = None
- while True:
- # Capture signal at rising edge of clock
- if "_clk" in self.interfaces: # for interfaces with own clock
- signal = self.block_path._id(self.interfaces['_clk']['signal'],False)
- await RisingEdge(signal)
- else:
- await RisingEdge(self.clock)
- # if self.reset.value.binstr == '0':
- # continue
- if "_valid_cycle" in self.interfaces: # for interfaces with valid signal
- signal = self.block_path._id(self.interfaces['_valid_cycle']['signal'],False).value.binstr
- if signal is not '1':
- continue
- if "_valid_cycle_n" in self.interfaces: # for interfaces with valid signal
- signal = self.block_path._id(self.interfaces['_valid_cycle']['signal'],False).value.binstr
- if signal is not '0':
- continue
- # update signal
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- # if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- # continue
- signal['val'] = self.block_path._id(signal['signal'],False).value
- # if no_valid signal exist trans didn't change so monitor will not monitor anything
- # no_valid means if the signal didn't change no addition action would needed
- if "_no_valid" in self.interfaces:
- if old_trans_no_valid is None:
- old_trans_no_valid = copy.deepcopy(self.interfaces)
- elif (old_trans_no_valid == self.interfaces):
- return
- else:
- old_trans_no_valid = copy.deepcopy(self.interfaces)
- # logger
- self.logger.debug(f' ')
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.handler.setFormatter(SimLogFormatter())
- self.logger.debug(f'')
- self.handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- if signal['val'].is_resolvable:
- length = self.lengths[key2] - (len(hex(signal['val'].integer)))
- self.logger.debug(f" {hex(signal['val'].integer)}{' '*length}|")
- # signal['val'] = self.block_path._id(signal['signal'],False).value.integer
- else:
- length = self.lengths[key2] - (len('x'))
- self.logger.debug(f" x{' '*length}|")
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
- # special case in HKoutputsMonitorwishbone when writing to reg_mprj_datal(because it uses _buf) the data out is x's
- # and in this case scoreboard raise obejection that the value is unresolved
- if self.name == "HKoutputsMonitorwishbone":
- if not self.interfaces['data']['val'].is_resolvable:
- self.interfaces['data']['val'] = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=self.interfaces['data']['val'].n_bits)
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HKmonitor][_monitor_recv] interface at monitor {self.name} self.interfaces {self.interfaces}')
- self._recv(self.interfaces)
- ## assertion that the values can't change until hold is released
- if "_hold" in self.interfaces:
- if old_trans_hold is None:
- skip = False
- old_trans_hold = copy.deepcopy(self.interfaces)
- elif self.interfaces['_hold']['val'] == BinaryValue(value=1):
- skip = True
- elif skip:
- old_trans_hold = copy.deepcopy(self.interfaces)
- skip = False
- else:
- if old_trans_hold != self.interfaces:
- cocotb.log.error(f'[HKmonitor][_monitor_recv] interface at monitor {self.name} change value before hold value is asserted \nold value {old_trans_hold} \nnew value {self.interfaces}')
- raise TestFailure
- """method for setting up logger for WB model"""
- def setup_logger(self):
- self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'HouseKeeping{self.name}')
- self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- if not self.is_logger:
- self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- # return
- else :
- self.handler = logging.FileHandler(f"{self.name}.log",mode='w')
- self.handler.addFilter(SimTimeContextFilter())
- self.logger.addHandler(self.handler)
- # get the sizes of signals
- #for key,interface in self.interfaces.items():
- for key,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key,"_*"):
- continue
- signal['val'] = self.block_path._id(signal['signal'],False).value
- size = signal['val'].n_bits
- signal['val'] = BinaryValue(value = int(size) * '1',n_bits=size)
- # set the logger file header
- # set first line
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.logger.debug(f' timestamp level ')
- length =0
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- length += max(ceil(signal['val'].n_bits/4)+2 , len(key2)) +3
- length -= len(key)+1
- self.logger.debug(f'| signals {" "*int(length)}')
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
- self.logger.debug(f' ')
- # set second line
- self.handler.terminator = ""
- self.logger.debug(f'{" "*20}|')
- length =0
- self.lengths = dict()
- for key2,signal in self.interfaces.items():
- if fnmatch(key2,"_*"):
- continue
- self.lengths[key2] = max((len(hex(signal['val'].integer))),len(key2)) +1
- length = self.lengths[key2] - len(key2)
- self.logger.debug(f'{key2}{" "*length} ')
- self.handler.terminator = "\n"
-class color:
- PURPLE = '\033[95m'
- CYAN = '\033[96m'
- DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
- BLUE = '\033[94m'
- GREEN = '\033[92m'
- YELLOW = '\033[93m'
- RED = '\033[91m'
- BOLD = '\033[1m'
- UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
- END = '\033[0m'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingIF.json b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingIF.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 658a54eb..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingIF.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- "inputs" : { "wishbone": {"adr": {"signal":"wb_adr_i","val":0},
- "data": {"signal":"wb_dat_i","val":0},
- "sel": {"signal":"wb_sel_i","val":0},
- "write_en": {"signal":"wb_we_i","val":0},
- "cycle_valid": {"signal":"wb_cyc_i","val":0},
- "stb": {"signal":"wb_stb_i","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"wb_clk_i","val":0},
- "_rst": {"signal":"wb_rstn_i","val":0},
- "_hold": {"signal":"wb_ack_o","val":0},
- "_valid_cycle":{"signal":"wb_cyc_i","val":0}},
- "user_clk": {"user_clk": {"signal":"user_clock","val":0}},
- "trap": {"user_clk": {"signal":"trap","val":0}},
- "UART": {"TX": {"signal":"ser_tx","val":0},
- "gpio_in": {"signal":"mgmt_gpio_in","val":0},
- "enable": {"signal":"uart_enabled","val":0}},
- "SPI": {"CSB": {"signal":"bin3","val":0},
- "SCK": {"signal":"bin4","val":0},
- "SDI": {"signal":"bin2","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"bin4","val":0},
- "_valid_cycle_n":{"signal":"bin3","val":0}
- },
- "SPI_master": {"CSB": {"signal":"spi_csb","val":0},
- "SCK": {"signal":"spi_sck","val":0},
- "SDO": {"signal":"spi_sdo","val":0},
- "SDO_en": {"signal":"spi_sdoenb","val":0},
- "spi_enabled": {"signal":"spi_enabled","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"spi_sck","val":0},
- "_valid_cycle_n":{"signal":"spi_csb","val":0}
- },
- "gpio_data": {"data": {"signal":"mgmt_gpio_in","val":0}},
- "QSPI_mgmt": {"clk": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_clk","val":0},
- "CSB": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_csb","val":0},
- "io0_oen": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io0_oeb","val":0},
- "io1_oen": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io1_oeb","val":0},
- "io2_oen": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io2_oeb","val":0},
- "io3_oen": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io3_oeb","val":0},
- "data0": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io0_do","val":0},
- "data1": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io1_do","val":0},
- "data2": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io2_do","val":0},
- "data3": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io3_do","val":0},
- "qspi_en": {"signal":"qspi_enabled","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_clk","val":0}},
- "debug": {"data": {"signal":"debug_out","val":0},
- "out_en": {"signal":"debug_oeb","val":0},
- "gpio_in": {"signal":"mgmt_gpio_in","val":0},
- "enable": {"signal":"debug_mode","val":0}},
- "QSPI_pad": {"data0": {"signal":"pad_flash_io0_di","val":0},
- "data1": {"signal":"pad_flash_io1_di","val":0}},
- "sram": {"data": {"signal":"pad_flash_io0_di","val":0}},
- "system": {"vcc1_good": {"signal":"usr1_vcc_pwrgood","val":0},
- "vcc2_good": {"signal":"usr2_vcc_pwrgood","val":0},
- "vdd1_good": {"signal":"usr1_vdd_pwrgood","val":0},
- "vdd2_good": {"signal":"usr2_vdd_pwrgood","val":0},
- "_no_valid": {"signal":"usr2_vdd_pwrgood","val":0}},
- "project_id": {"mask": {"signal":"mask_rev_in","val":0}}
- },
- "outputs" : { "wishbone": {"ack": {"signal":"wb_ack_o","val":0},
- "data": {"signal":"wb_dat_o","val":0},
- "_valid_cycle":{"signal":"wb_ack_o","val":0}},
- "UART": {"RX": {"signal":"ser_rx","val":0}},
- "SPI": {"CSB": {"signal":"bin3","val":0},
- "SCK": {"signal":"bin4","val":0},
- "SDO": {"signal":"bin1","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"bin4","val":0},
- "_valid_cycle_n":{"signal":"bin3","val":0}
- },
- "SPI_master": {"SDI": {"signal":"spi_sdi","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"spi_sck","val":0}},
- "clk_ctrl": {"pll_en": {"signal":"pll_ena","val":0},
- "pll_dco_en": {"signal":"pll_dco_ena","val":0},
- "pll_div": {"signal":"pll_div","val":0},
- "pll_sel": {"signal":"pll_sel","val":0},
- "pll90_sel": {"signal":"pll90_sel","val":0},
- "pll_trim": {"signal":"pll_trim","val":0},
- "pll_bypass": {"signal":"pll_bypass","val":0}},
- "external": {"irq": {"signal":"irq","val":0},
- "rst": {"signal":"reset","val":0}},
- "gpio_loader":{"clk": {"signal":"serial_clock","val":0},
- "load": {"signal":"serial_load","val":0},
- "rst": {"signal":"serial_resetn","val":0},
- "data_1": {"signal":"serial_data_1","val":0},
- "data_2": {"signal":"serial_data_2","val":0}},
- "gpio_data": {"data": {"signal":"mgmt_gpio_out","val":0},
- "enable": {"signal":"mgmt_gpio_oeb","val":0}},
- "pwr_ctrl": {"data": {"signal":"pwr_ctrl_out","val":0}},
- "QSPI_mgmt": {"data0": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io0_di","val":0},
- "data1": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io1_di","val":0},
- "data2": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io2_di","val":0},
- "data3": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_io3_di","val":0}},
- "debug": {"data": {"signal":"debug_in","val":0}},
- "QSPI_pad": {"clk": {"signal":"pad_flash_clk","val":0},
- "clk_en": {"signal":"pad_flash_clk_oeb","val":0},
- "CSB": {"signal":"pad_flash_csb","val":0},
- "CSB_en": {"signal":"pad_flash_csb_oeb","val":0},
- "data0": {"signal":"pad_flash_io0_do","val":0},
- "data0_oen": {"signal":"pad_flash_io0_oeb","val":0},
- "data0_ien": {"signal":"pad_flash_io0_ieb","val":0},
- "data1": {"signal":"pad_flash_io1_do","val":0},
- "data1_oen": {"signal":"pad_flash_io1_oeb","val":0},
- "data1_ien": {"signal":"pad_flash_io1_ieb","val":0},
- "_clk": {"signal":"spimemio_flash_clk","val":0}},
- "sram": {"clk": {"signal":"sram_ro_clk","val":0},
- "CSB": {"signal":"sram_ro_csb","val":0},
- "adr": {"signal":"sram_ro_addr","val":0}}
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingWB.py b/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingWB.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d69c2bb3..00000000
--- a/verilog/dv/cocotb/wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingWB.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import cocotb
-from cocotb.triggers import Timer, RisingEdge, ReadOnly
-from cocotb_bus.monitors import Monitor
-from cocotb.log import SimLogFormatter, SimTimeContextFilter
-from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
-from math import ceil
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.HKmonitor import HKmonitor
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.HKSPImonitor import HKSPImonitor
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.HKSPImonitor import CSBmonitor
-from wb_models.housekeepingWB.HK_models import HK_models
-from cocotb_bus.scoreboard import Scoreboard
-import logging
-import fnmatch
-import copy
-from cocotb.result import TestFailure
-from interfaces.common import Macros
-class HK_whiteBox:
- def __init__(self,dut,loggers=False):
- self.dut = dut
- self.hk_hdl = dut.uut.housekeeping
- # self.hkspi_hdl = dut.uut.housekeeping.hkspi
- self.clk = self.dut.uut.mprj_clock
- self.reset = self.dut.uut.resetb
- self.logger = loggers
- self.load_js()
- self.setupModels()
- self.Monitors()
- cocotb.scheduler.add(self.reg_model_sb())
- """load json models"""
- def load_js(self):
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/housekeepingIF.json') as f:
- self.interface = json.load(f)
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json') as f:
- self.reg_model = json.load(f)
- self.output_if = copy.deepcopy(self.interface['outputs'])
- """"method to add the housekeeping monitors"""
- def Monitors(self):
- inputs = self.interface['inputs']
- outputs = self.interface['outputs']
- # wishbone
- wishbone_mon_i = HKmonitor(f"HKinputsMonitorwishbone",self.hk_hdl,inputs['wishbone'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,callback=self.wb_models.wishbone_model)
- wishbone_mon_o = HKmonitor(f"HKoutputsMonitorwishbone",self.hk_hdl,outputs['wishbone'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger)
- wishbone_sb = Scoreboard(SB_name("wishbone_sb"),fail_immediately=False)
- wishbone_sb.add_interface(wishbone_mon_o, self.wb_models.exp_out_wb)
- # system
- system_mon_i = HKmonitor(f"HKinputsMonitorsystem",self.hk_hdl,inputs['system'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,callback=self.wb_models.system_model)
- # UART
- UART_mon_i = HKmonitor(f"HKinputsMonitorUART",self.hk_hdl,inputs['UART'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,callback=self.wb_models.UART_model)
- UART_mon_o = HKmonitor(f"HKoutputsMonitorUART",self.hk_hdl,outputs['UART'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger)
- UART_sb = Scoreboard(SB_name("UART_sb"),fail_immediately=False)
- UART_sb.add_interface(UART_mon_o, self.wb_models.exp_out_uart_rx)
- # debug
- debug_mon_i = HKmonitor(f"HKinputsMonitordebug",self.hk_hdl,inputs['debug'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,callback=self.wb_models.debug_model)
- debug_mon_o = HKmonitor(f"HKoutputsMonitordebug",self.hk_hdl,outputs['debug'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger)
- debug_sb = Scoreboard(SB_name("debug_sb"),fail_immediately=False)
- debug_sb.add_interface(debug_mon_o, self.wb_models.exp_out_debug)
- # SPI
- SPI_mon_i = HKSPImonitor(f"HKinputsMonitorSPI",self.hk_hdl,inputs['SPI'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,callback=self.wb_models.spi_model)
- SPI_mon_o = HKSPImonitor(f"HKoutputsMonitorSPI",self.hk_hdl,outputs['SPI'],self.clk,self.reset,self.logger,input=False)
- CSBmonitor(f"HKCSBmonitor",self.hk_hdl,outputs['SPI'],self.clk,self.reset,False,callback=self.wb_models.reset_spi_vals)
- SPI_sb = Scoreboard(SB_name("SPI_sb"),fail_immediately=False)
- SPI_sb.add_interface(SPI_mon_o, self.wb_models.exp_out_spi)
- """initialize all models needed"""
- def setupModels(self):
- with open('wb_models/housekeepingWB/HK_regs.json') as f:
- self.reg_model = json.load(f)
- self.wb_models = HK_models(self.reg_model,self.output_if,self.hk_hdl)
- """scoreboard for register model check the reg model with RTL every clock"""
- async def reg_model_sb(self):
- while True:
- await RisingEdge(self.clk)
- for key,memory_block in self.reg_model.items():
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*"):
- continue
- for reg_shift,reg in memory_block.items():
- for field in reg:
- if reg_shift == "base_addr":
- continue
- RTL_reg_name = field[1]
- if RTL_reg_name == None:
- cocotb.log.debug(f"[HK_whiteBox][reg_model_sb] register {field[1]} in {key} doesn't have a RTL register")
- continue
- if isinstance(field[1],list):
- RTL_name = field[1][0]
- first_index = int(field[1][1])
- second_index= int(field[1][2])
- if Macros['GL']:
- if RTL_name in ["mfgr_id","prod_id","mask_rev","mgmt_gpio_data"]: continue #TODO: change with SDF only
- if Macros['GL']:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch (RTL_name,"gpio_configure*"): continue #TODO: update gpio_configure and mgmt_gpio_data to get each bit in the SDF case
- RTL_reg_path = self.hk_hdl._id(RTL_name,False)
- size = RTL_reg_path.value.n_bits-1
- RTL_reg_val = RTL_reg_path.value[size-first_index:size-second_index]
- else :
- if field[1] in ["pwr_ctrl_out"]: continue #TODO: delete when reset value is spicified
- RTL_reg_path = self.hk_hdl._id(field[1],False)
- RTL_reg_val = RTL_reg_path.value
- if (RTL_reg_val.integer != field[6]):
- cocotb.log.error(f'[HK_whiteBox][reg_model_sb] mismatch in register {field[1]} in {key} expected val = {int(field[6])} actual val = {int(RTL_reg_val.binstr,2)} ' )
- else:
- cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_whiteBox][reg_model_sb] match in register {field[1]} in {key} expected val = {field[6]} actual val = {RTL_reg_val.integer} ' )
-class SB_name:
- def __init__(self,name) -> None:
- self._name=name