1027 lines
65 KiB
Executable File
1027 lines
65 KiB
Executable File
# Czo : 2000/05/25
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;
# The script "LOGLOOK.CGI" was written (c) by Ron F Woolley, Melbourne #
# Australia. Copyright 1998'99 2000. This script can be altered for personal #
# site use or commercial site use EXCEPT THAT: #
# ALL COPYRIGHT NOTICES must remain in the code, visible on all output pages,#
# AND ALL of the header notices MUST REMAIN intact as is, #
# AND using the script without first reading the README.HTM, is prohibited. #
# #
# Australian copyright is recognised/supported in over 130 countries... #
# per the Berne Convention and other treaties. (including USA!) #
# #
# The scripts and associated files REMAIN the property of Ron F Woolley. #
# NO PROFIT what so ever is to be gained from users of these scripts by #
# installation of these scripts, except that a reasonable minimal charge #
# for installation MAY be allowed. Supply, per installation, is directly #
# from dtp-aus.com ONLY. Remote hosting of this program is strictly #
# not allowed. #
# #
# Ron Woolley, the author, MUST be notified via the addresses/URLs below #
# if any gain is to be made for the installation of these scripts. #
# #
# NOTE: If you use these files, you do so entirely at your own risk, and #
# take on full responsibility for the consequences of using the described #
# files. You must first agree that Ron Woolley / HostingNet, the only #
# permitted supplier of this and/or accompanying files is exempt from any #
# responsibility for all or any resulting problems, losses or costs caused #
# by your using these or any associated files. If you disagree with ANY of #
# the included requirements, you must IMMEDIATELY DESTROY ALL FILES. #
# This program script is free to use Copyright notices must remain #
# These program scripts are free-to-use, but if you use them, a donation to #
# the author would be appreciated and help in continuing support for #
# LogCount and the creation of other scripts for users of the internet. #
# An on-line Visa / MasterCard payment cart is available for support #
# donations and low cost program installations. #
# HELP/ADVICE page at: #
# http://www.dtp-aus.com/cgiscript/scrpthlp.htm #
# Files from: #
# http://www.dtp-aus.com/cgiscript/cntscrpt.shtml #
# THESE FILES can only be obtained via the above web addresses,and MUST #
# NOT BE PASSED ON TO OTHERS in any form by any means what so ever. This #
# DOES NOT contradict any other statements above. #
# VERSION 3.8 Februrary 2000
#--- Alter these three paths only, if needed! ---------------------#
$log_path = "counters/"; # - with forward slash
$img_url = "counters/"; # PATH - with forward slash
$sitename = $query->param('site');
if ( $sitename eq "" )
$log_path = $log_path . "$sitename/";
$img_url = $img_url . "$sitename/";
if (-s "$log_path/cntcnfg.pl") {require "$log_path/cntcnfg.pl";} else {print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Missing/Bad Path to LogCount Config file\n"; exit;}
if (-s "$log_path/lookcnfg.pl") {require "$log_path/lookcnfg.pl";} else {print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Missing/Bad Path to LogLook Config file\n"; exit;}
if (-s "$log_path/gmtset.pl") {require "$log_path/gmtset.pl";} else {print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Missing/Bad Path to GMTime file\n"; exit;}
#--- Do Not make any changes below this line. ---------------------#
sub tallypages {
local($arrayBit); local($inputItem) = (@_);
foreach $arrayBit (@pgT) {
if( $arrayBit eq $inputItem ) {
} }
sub tallyips {
if($dalips !~ / $lineInArray[1] /) {
$dalips .= " $lineInArray[1] ";
$ipperDay++ }
if($alips !~ / $lineInArray[1] /) {
$alips .= " $lineInArray[1] ";
$wiz++ }
sub calcips {
my($arrayBit); my($inputItem) = (@_);
foreach $arrayBit (@ipT) {
if( $arrayBit eq $inputItem ) {
} }
sub tallyagents {
local($inputItem) = (@_);
if ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\//i && $inputItem !~ /compatible/i) {
if ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/1/i) {$nscp1++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/2/i) {$nscp2++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/3/i) {$nscp3++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/4/i) {$nscp4++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/5/i) {$nscp5++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\/6/i) {$nscp6++;}
else {$nscp_Othr++;} }
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\//i && $inputItem =~ /MSIE/i) {
if ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 1/i) {$iexp1++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 2/i) {$iexp2++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 3/i) {$iexp3++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 4/i) {$iexp4++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 5/i) {$iexp5++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /MSIE 6/i) {$iexp6++;}
else {$iexp_Othr++;} }
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mozilla\//i && $inputItem =~ /compatible/i) {$moz_compat++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /webtv/i) {$wbtv++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /opera/i) {$opera++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /AOL [1-5]/) {$aol++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /OS\/[1-5]/i) {$IBMOS++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /X11/i) {$x11++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /linux/i) {$lnx++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /sunos/i) {$sunos++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /irix/i) {$irx++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /macintosh;/i) {
if ($inputItem =~ /68K/i) {$mac68++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /PPC/i) {$macppc++;}
else {$mac_unk++;} }
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mac\_powerpc;/i || $inputItem =~ /mac\_ppc;/i) {$macppc++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /mac\_86000/i) {$mac68++;}
if ($inputItem =~ /windows/i || $inputItem =~ /win/i) {
if ($inputItem =~ /win95/i || $inputItem =~ /windows 95/i) {$win95++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /winnt/i || $inputItem =~ /windows nt/i) {$winnt++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /win98/i || $inputItem =~ /windows 98/i) {$win98++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /win16/i || $inputItem =~ /windows 3/i) {$win3++;}
elsif ($inputItem =~ /windows/i && $inputItem =~ /16bit/i) {$win3++;}
else {$win_unk++;}
} }
sub admwd {
if (!$FORM{'admwrd'} && !$acnt) {return;}
elsif (crypt($FORM{'admwrd'}, substr($FORM{'admwrd'},2,2)) ne $acnt) {&showErr('Incorrect ADMIN Password');}
sub r_lnx {
if (!open (LINKS, "<$log_path$lnks_name")) {&showErr("Link File Access");}
eval"flock (LINKS, 2)";
@lns = <LINKS>;
eval"flock (LINKS, 8)";
close (LINKS);
sub w_lnx {
if (!open (LINKS, ">$log_path$lnks_name")) {&showErr("Link File Access");}
eval"flock (LINKS, 2)";
print LINKS sort @lns;
eval"flock (LINKS, 8)";
close (LINKS);
sub r_acnt {
if (!(-e "$log_path$pwrd_name")) {open(ACCNT, ">$log_path$pwrd_name");}
else {open(ACCNT, "<$log_path$pwrd_name") || &showErr("Unable to Read Admin PassWRD File");}
$acnt = <ACCNT>;
chomp ($acnt);
sub w_acnt {
open(ACCNT, ">$log_path$pwrd_name") || &showErr('Unable to Write Admin PassWRD File');
print ACCNT $newrd;
sub date_time {
my $which = $_[0] ;
if ($which eq 0) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7];}
elsif ($which eq 1) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = (gmtime(time + $gmtPlusMinus))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7];}
if ($year < 38) { $year = "20$year" }
elsif ($year > 99) { $year = 2000 + ( $year - 100 ) }
elsif ($year > 37) { $year = "19$year" }
if ($dtUS eq "1") {return sprintf("%02d\/%02d\/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d",$mon + 1,$mday,$year,$hour,$min,$sec);}
elsif ($dtUS eq "2") {return sprintf("%04d\/%02d\/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$mon + 1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);}
else {return sprintf("%02d\/%02d\/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d",$mday,$mon+1,$year,$hour,$min,$sec);}
sub check_method {
if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET' ) {$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};}
elsif ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST' ) {read(STDIN,$query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});}
else {&showErr('Improper Request Method');}
sub pwrd {
if ($_[0] ne $theword) {
# print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# print $theword . "\n" ;
&showErr('Incorrect Access Password');
else {return 1;}
sub shwcode {
$FORM{'icol'} = "w";
$ilen = length($iszeros);
$oneline = "<img src="$countScrpt?t" valign="middle" width="1" height="1">";
$vizis = "<img src=\"$countScrpt?0\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$vizno = "<img src=\"$countScrpt?v\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$tmeis = "<img src=\"$countScrpt?c0\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$tmeno = "<img src=\"$countScrpt?n0\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$vizpge = "<img src=\"$countScrpt?p0\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
for ($cnt = 1; $cnt < $ilen; $cnt++) {
$tg = $cnt;
$vizis .= "<img \n src=\"$countScrpt?$tg\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$vizno .= "<img \n src=\"$countScrpt?$tg\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$tg = "c" . $cnt;
$tmeis .= "<img \n src=\"$countScrpt?$tg\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$tg = "n" . $cnt;
$tmeno .= "<img \n src=\"$countScrpt?$tg\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
$tg = "p" . $cnt;
$vizpge .= "<img \n src=\"$countScrpt?$tg\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"$iwid\" height=\"$ihgt\">";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOT;
<head><title>Your Counter Source Code</title>
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function selectCode(f){
// -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#FF0000">
<center><p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica"><b><font color="#990000">Click here <a href=\"$logScrpt\?l=$theword&site=$sitename\">to return</a> to your admin page</font></b></font></p>
<table width="560" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font face="verdana, arial, geneva, helvetica"><b><font color="#000099">html source code for your counters</font></b></font></td>
</tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><font face="verdana, arial, geneva, helvetica"><b>Copy and paste source code</b> into relevant html pages</font></td>
</tr><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><font size="2" face="arial, geneva, helvetica">note: Over use of visible counters can lead to a site appearing 'amateurish'<font size="1" color="#000099"><br>To copy - right mouse button click on texts, then 'Select All', then 'Copy'</font></font></td>
<form name="cde">
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2">Simple <b>HIDDEN</b> hit counter <b>without</b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(0)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<input type="text" name="onelink" size="75" maxlength="200" value="$oneline"><br>
<font face="verdana, arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">this is the preferred counter for most pages ( and faster loading )<br>place near the top of your html code within the <body> ... </body> tags</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2">Hit counter <b>with <font color="#CC0000">number</font></b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(1)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<textarea name="vizwith" cols="65" rows="$ilen" wrap="OFF">$vizis</textarea><br>
<font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">displays the count total AND updates the counter</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><b>NON</b> counting <b>with <font color="#CC0000">number</font></b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(2)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<textarea name="viznone" cols="65" rows="$ilen" wrap="OFF">$vizno</textarea><br>
<font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">displays the count total without updating the counter<br>useful for your non-public webmasters utility-links page</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2">Hit counter <b>with <font color="#CC0000">time</font></b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(3)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<textarea name="timewith" cols="65" rows="$ilen" wrap="OFF">$tmeis</textarea><br>
<font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">displays the time AND updates the counter</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><b>NON</b> counting <b>with <font color="#CC0000">time</font></b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(4)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<textarea name="timenone" cols="65" rows="$ilen" wrap="OFF">$tmeno</textarea><br>
<font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">displays the time without updating the counter</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><b>PAGE</b> hit counting <b>with <font color="#CC0000">number</font></b> display <font size="1"><a href="javascript:selectCode(5)">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></font><br>
<textarea name="vizpage" cols="65" rows="$ilen" wrap="OFF">$vizpge</textarea><br>
<font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="1">displays the "Page" count, plus updates the log and site count!</font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><b>SSI</b> Server Side Include html imbedded <b>text counter</b><br>
<font face="courier,courier new" color="#0000CC"><!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/logcnt.cgi"--></font><br>If your site allows SSI cgi calls, the path to the program should be<br><u>relative to the root directory</u> - <i>some servers may differ</i>.</font></p>
</form><p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><a href="#top">page top</a></font></p>
<p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica"><b><font color="#990000">Click here <a href=\"$logScrpt\?l=$theword&site=$sitename\">to return</a> to your admin page</font></b></font></p>
sub eds {
if ($FORM{edlog}) {
if ($FORM{deldates} eq "d" && $FORM{dlist}) {
open(MAINlog, "$log_path$log_name") || &showErr("$log_name<br>Log File Access");
eval"flock (MAINlog, 2)";
@fileinput = <MAINlog>;
eval"flock (MAINlog, 8)";
$s2 = 0;
foreach $s1(@fileinput) {
if ($s1 =~ /$FORM{'dlist'}/) {$s2 = 1;}
if ($s1 !~ /$FORM{'dlist'}/ && $s2) {push(@fileout,$s1."\n");}
if (!$s2) {&showErr('No Matching Dates Found');}
if (@fileout) {
open(MAINlog, ">$log_path$log_name") || &showErr('Unable to Overwrite Log File');
eval"flock (MAINlog, 2)";
print MAINlog @fileout;
eval"flock (MAINlog, 8)";
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$log_name");
if (!$fsize) {&showErr('Critical Error!<br>Review Your Hit Page');}
if (!@fileout) {&showErr('NO Records were Removed');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>Log Pruning comeplete</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{deldates} eq "k") {
open(MAINlog, ">$log_path$log_name") || &showErr('Unable to Open Log File');
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$log_name" );
if ($fsize) {&showErr('Failure, Log File Not Empty!');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>All Log Records were Deleted</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
else {&showErr('Please check your Edit Options');}
elsif ($FORM{'gmted'} eq "y") {
if ($FORM{'gmt'} !~ /[0-9]/) {&showErr('<b>GMT Value Error</b>');}
elsif ($FORM{'gmt'} > 12 || $FORM{'gmt'} < -12) {&showErr('<b>GMT Value + or - 12</b> maximum');}
$s1 = "\$gmtPlusMinus = ".($FORM{'gmt'} * 60 * 60).";\n";
open (GMT, "<$gmt_pth") || &showErr('<b>GMTSET File Access</b>');
eval "flock (GMT,2)";
@gmtin = <GMT>;
eval "flock (GMT,8)";
close (GMT);
$cnts = 0; $s3 = 0;
foreach $s2 (@gmtin) {
if ($s2 =~ /gmtPlusMinus/) {$gmtin[$cnts] = $s1; $s3 = 1; last;}
if ($s3 eq 0) {&showErr('<b>gmtset.pl Variable Not Found</b>');}
open (GMT, ">$gmt_pth") || &showErr('<b>GMTSET File Access</b>');
eval "flock (GMT,2)";
print GMT @gmtin;
eval "flock (GMT,8)";
close (GMT);
$gmtPlusMinus = $FORM{'gmt'} * 60 * 60;
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>New GMT Value Saved</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{'vdychange'} eq "y") {
if ($FORM{'vdys'}) {$s1 = "\$shwDays7 = \"1\";\n";}
else {$s1 = "\$shwDays7 = \"\";\n";}
open (CFG, "<$lookcfg_pth") || &showErr('<b>CONFIG File Access</b>');
eval "flock (CFG,2)";
@cfgin = <CFG>;
eval "flock (CFG,8)";
close (GMT);
$cnts = 0; $s3 = 0;
foreach $s2 (@cfgin) {
if ($s2 =~ /\$shwDays7/) {$cfgin[$cnts] = $s1; $s3 = 1; last;}
if ($s3 eq 0) {&showErr('<b>$shwDays7 Variable Not Found</b>');}
open (CFG, ">$lookcfg_pth") || &showErr('<b>CONFIG File Access</b>');
eval "flock (CFG,2)";
print CFG @cfgin;
eval "flock (CFG,8)";
close (CFG);
$shwDays7 = $FORM{'vdys'};
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>New Dates-to-View Value Saved</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{'edwrd'}) {
if ($FORM{'newwrd'} !~ /^\w{3,}$/) {&showErr("Use minimum 3 Alpha-Numeric characters only<BR>( a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and _ )");}
if ($FORM{'newwrd'} ne $FORM{'newwrd2'}) {&showErr('New Password Entries Do Not Match');}
elsif (length ($FORM{'newwrd'}) > 15 || length ($FORM{'newwrd2'}) > 15) {&showErr('15 characters Maximum');}
elsif (!$FORM{'newwrd'} && !$acnt) {&showErr('No Changes Requested');}
elsif (crypt($FORM{'newwrd'}, substr($FORM{'newwrd'},2,2)) eq $acnt) {&showErr('No Changes Requested');}
$newrd = crypt($FORM{'newwrd'}, substr($FORM{'newwrd'},2,2));
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>New ADMIN Password Installed</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
else {
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>Editing Options were NOT recognised</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin; }
sub lnxed {
if ($FORM{'deladd'} eq "add") {
if ($FORM{'newname'} !~ /^\w+$/) {&showErr("Use only Alpha-Numeric characters in Name<BR>( a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and _ )");}
if (length($FORM{'newname'}) > 20) {&showErr("Maximum Name_Length is 20 characters");}
if ($FORM{'newurl'} =~ /\s+/) {&showErr("Do not use spaces etc in URLs");}
if (length($FORM{'newurl'}) > 200) {&showErr("Maximum URL_Length is 200 characters");}
$s1 = 0;
foreach $ln (@lns) {if ($ln =~ /^$FORM{'newname'}\|/i) {$s1 = 1; last;} }
if ($s1) {&showErr("Link_Name Already Exists in list");}
else {push(@lns,"$FORM{'newname'}|$FORM{'newurl'}|0\n");}
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$lnks_name" );
if (!$fsize) {&showErr('Critical Failure. Contact Host');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>New Link successfully added</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{'deladd'} eq "del") {
if (length($FORM{'oldname'}) > 20) {&showErr("Maximum Name_Length is 20 characters");}
($FORM{'newurl'}) = "";
$s1 = 0;
for($cnt = 0; $cnt < @lns; $cnt++) {
if ($lns[$cnt] =~ /^$FORM{'oldname'}\|/i) {splice(@lns,$cnt,1); $s1 = 1; last;}
if (!$s1) {&showErr("Link_Name Not Found");}
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$lnks_name" );
if (!$fsize) {&showErr('Critical Failure. Contact Host');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>Link_Name successfully Removed</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{'deladd'} eq "delrst") {
if (length($FORM{'oldname'}) > 20) {&showErr("Maximum Name_Length is 20 characters");}
($FORM{'newurl'}) = "";
$s1 = 0;
for($cnt = 0; $cnt < @lns; $cnt++) {
@flds = split(/\|/,$lns[$cnt]);
if (uc $flds[0] eq uc $FORM{'oldname'}) {
$lns[$cnt] = "$flds[0]|$flds[1]|0\n";
$s1 = 1; last;}
if (!$s1) {&showErr("Link_Name Not Found");}
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$lnks_name" );
if (!$fsize) {&showErr('Critical Failure. Contact Host');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>Link_Count successfully Reset</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
elsif ($FORM{'deladd'} eq "deled") {
if ($FORM{'oldname'} !~ /^\w+$/) {&showErr("Use only Alpha-Numeric characters in Name<BR>( a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and _ )");}
if (length($FORM{'oldname'}) > 20) {&showErr("Maximum Name_Length is 20 characters");}
if ($FORM{'newurl'} =~ /\s+/) {&showErr("Do not use spaces etc in URLs");}
if (length($FORM{'newurl'}) > 200) {&showErr("Maximum URL_Length is 200 characters");}
$s1 = 0;
for($cnt = 0; $cnt < @lns; $cnt++) {
@flds = split(/\|/,$lns[$cnt]);
if (uc $flds[0] eq uc $FORM{'oldname'}) {
$lns[$cnt] = "$flds[0]|$FORM{'newurl'}|$flds[2]\n";
$s1 = 1; last;
if (!$s1) {&showErr("Link_Name Not Found");}
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$lnks_name" );
if (!$fsize) {&showErr('Critical Failure. Contact Host');}
$rsltpnl = '<p><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#CC0000" size="2"><b>Link_URL Edit successful</b></font></p>';
$FORM{'l'} = $theword; goto jmpin;
else {&showErr('Edit Request Not Recognised');}
sub do_get {
foreach $listin (@lns) {
if ($listin =~ /^$FORM{'htm'}\|/) {
($c1) = split(/\|/,$listin);
$box = "<a href="$countScrpt?l=$c1">object</a>";
$nofind = 1;
} }
if (!$nofind) {$shwget = "<P><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\">The Link Name <b>$FORM{'htm'}</b> could not be found.</FONT></p>";}
else {
($sname = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}) =~ s/^([^\.].*)\.//;
if ($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} =~ m/^(\/.*\/)/ || $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} =~ m/^(\\.*\\)/) {$bin = $1;}
else {$bin = "/???/";}
$rname = "$FORM{'htm'}.$sname";
$shwget = "<P><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\">Here is the hyperlink tag for your <b>$FORM{'htm'}</b> link.</P><P><b>Copy the code from this text box</b> <font size=\"1\"><a href=\"javascript:selectCode(0)\">CLICK</a> to Select!</font></FONT><BR><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" VALUE=\"$box\" SIZE=\"65\"><FONT SIZE=\"1\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><br>drag cursor over tag (highlight), then right mouse button click - 'Copy'</font></P>\n";
$shwget .= '<blockquote><p><font face="arial, geneva, helvetica" size="2"><b>SSI utilities</b></font></p>'."\n";
$shwget .= "<p> <font size=\"1\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><a href=\"javascript:selectCode(1)\">CLICK</a> to Select!</font><br><input type=\"text\" size=\"55\" value=\"<!--#exec cgi="$bin$rname"-->\"><br>\n";
$shwget .= "<font size=\"2\" face=\"arial, geneva, helvetica\">Copy and rename the "<b>linkname.cgi</b>" script to <b>$rname</b> (chmod 755), and use the above tag in an SSI page. The <font color=\"#000099\"><b>click total</b></font> will display as text.</font><br>\n";
$shwget .= "<i>OR</i><br> <font size=\"1\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><a href=\"javascript:selectCode(2)\">CLICK</a> to Select!</font><br><input type=\"text\" size=\"55\" value=\"<!--#exec cgi="$bin$rname"-->\"><br>\n";
$shwget .= "<font face=\"arial, geneva, helvetica\" size=\"2\">Copy and rename the "<b>linkcount.cgi</b>" script to <b>$rname</b> (chmod 755), and use the above tag in an SSI page. The <font color=\"#000099\"><b>hyperlink <u>plus</u> click total</b></font> will display as text.</font></p></blockquote>\n";}
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOT;
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function selectCode(f){
// -->
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#0000FF">
<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica">Your Hyperlink Sample</FONT></B></TD>
<TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" width="100%" BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"><FORM name="cde">
<FONT COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><b>CLOSE THIS WINDOW to display the admin page</b><BR><FONT
SIZE="-2" color="#FFFFCC">LogLook v3.8 Copyright 1998'99 2000</FONT></FONT> </TD>
sub is_referer_ok {
$check_referer = 0;
foreach $referer (@referers) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|\Ahttps?://$referer|i) {
$check_referer = 1;
} } }
&showErr('Bad Referer</b> offsite access denied...<br>use only links/forms ON this site!<b>');
sub showErr {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOT;
<html><head><meta name="author" content="Ron F Woolley 1998 - www.dtp-aus.com">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<title>Error Response</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#FF0000">
<center><p> </p><table width="380" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td><font face="verdana, arial, geneva, helvetica"><b>LogLook Viewer</b> Error Response</font></td></tr></table>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"><tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td><font size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica">
<p align="center"><b>The program has responded with an <font color="#FF0000">error</font></b></p></font>
<dl><dt><font size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica">The result is:</font></dt>
<dd><font size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica"><font color="#CC0000"><b>$_[0]</b></font></font></dd></dl></td>
</tr><tr bgcolor="#666666" align="center">
<td><font size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"> Use your <b>Back Arrow</b> to return. <em>Thank you. </em></font></td>
sub shw_agnts {
print "<center> <br><table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"100%\" align=\"center\"><small><strong>BROWSERS and OPERATING SYSTEMS</strong></small></td></tr></table>\n";
print "<table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td><small>\n";
$nscp = ($nscp1 + $nscp2 + $nscp3 + $nscp4 + $nscp5 + $nscp_Othr);
$iexp = ($iexp1 + $iexp2 + $iexp3 + $iexp4 + $iexp5 + $iexp_Othr);
print " Use as a guide only - <small>the many derivatives of and changes to browser definitions cannot guarantee accuaracy</small>\n";
print "<p> <font color=\"#000099\">Of the<b> $agents </b>logged hits:-</font><blockquote>\n";
if ($agents > 0) {
print "Major Browser comparison:\n";
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFE\" width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small> </small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>total</small></td><td width=\"18%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>percentage</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><font color=\"#990000\"><b>Netscape</b></font> <small>(all types)</small></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small> $nscp</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small><font color=\"#990000\">".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp/$agents)*100)."</font>%</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"#990000\"><small><b>Internet Explorer</b></small></font></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small> $iexp</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small><font color=\"#990000\">".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp/$agents)*100)."</font>%</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"100%\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><font color=\"#000099\"><small><em>others</em></small></font></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>Mozilla Compatible</b></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small> $moz_compat</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($moz_compat/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>Remainder</b></small></td><td width=\"18%\" align=\"center\"><small> ".sprintf("%d",($agents - $nscp - $iexp - $moz_compat))."</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",(($agents - $nscp - $iexp - $moz_compat)/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";
print "</table></center>\n";
if ($wbtv || $aol || $opera) {
print " <br>Other Recognised Browser Names:\n";
print "<center><table width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
if ($wbtv) {print "<tr><td width=\"20%\"align=\"center\"><small>WebTV</small></td><td width=\"15%\" align=\"center\"><small>$wbtv</small></td><td width=\"65%\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($wbtv/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($aol) {print "<tr><td width=\"20%\"align=\"center\"><small>AOL</small></td><td width=\"15%\" align=\"center\"><small>$aol</small></td><td width=\"65%\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($aol/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($opera) {print "<tr><td width=\"20%\"align=\"center\"><small>Opera</small></td><td width=\"15%\" align=\"center\"><small>$opera</small></td><td width=\"65%\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($opera/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "</td></tr></table></center>\n";
print " <br>Netscape and IExplorer versions:\n";
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFE\" width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"16%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>version</small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><1></small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><2></small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><3></small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><4></small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><5></small></td><td width=\"14%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small><6></small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small><b>Netscape</b></small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp1</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp2</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp3</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp4</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp5</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $nscp6</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($nscp) {print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small><b> </b></small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp1/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp2/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp3/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp4/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp5/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($nscp6/$nscp)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small><b>IExplorer</b></small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp1</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp2</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp3</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp4</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp5</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $iexp6</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($iexp) {print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small><b> </b></small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp1/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp2/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp3/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp4/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp5/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($iexp6/$iexp)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "</table></center>\n";
$wins = ($win95 + $winnt + $win98 + $win3 + $win_unk);
$macs = ($mac68 + $macppc + $mac_unk);
print " <br>The common Operating System breakdown is:\n";
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFE\" width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"> <small><small><font color=\"#FF0000\">*</font>Some definitions might share hits</small></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>total</small></td><td width=\"18%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>percentage</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($wins) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>MS Windows</b></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$wins</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($wins/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($macs) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>Macintosh</b></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$macs</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($macs/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($IBMOS) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>IBM OS</b></small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$IBMOS</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($IBMOS/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($x11) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>X11</b>*</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$x11</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($x11/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($lnx) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>Linux</b>*</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$lnx</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($lnx/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($sunos) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>Sun OS</b>*</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$sunos</small></td><td width=\"18%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($sunos/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
if ($irx) {print "<tr><td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><small><b>IRIX</b>*</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>$irx</small></td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($irx/$agents)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "</table></center>\n";
print " <br>MS Windows versions breakdown:\n";
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFE\" width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>WinNT</small></td><td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>Win98</small></td><td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>Win95</small></td><td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>Win16Bit</small></td><td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>unknown</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small> $winnt</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $win98</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $win95</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $win3</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $win_unk</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($wins) {print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($winnt/$wins)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($win98/$wins)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($win95/$wins)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($win3/$wins)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($win_unk/$wins)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "</table></center>\n";
print " <br>Macintosh versions breakdown:\n";
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFE\" width=\"70%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"34%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>PowerMac</small></td><td width=\"33%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>68K</small></td><td width=\"33%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><small>unknown</small></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small> $macppc</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $mac68</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small> $mac_unk</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($macs) {print "<tr><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($macppc/$macs)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($mac68/$macs)*100)."%</small></td><td align=\"center\"><small>".sprintf("%0.2f",($mac_unk/$macs)*100)."%</small></td></tr>\n";}
print "</table></center>\n";
print "</blockquote></small><tr><td>\n";
print "</table></center>\n";
@pairs = split(/&/, $query_string);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/~!/ ~!/g;
$value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
$value =~ s/!--#(.|\n)*--//g;
$value =~ s/`//g;
$name =~ s/(\0|\\|\.?\.\/)//mg;
$value =~ s/(\0|\\|\.?\.\/)//mg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
my (@allArray,@dtList,@dtLst,@countaDay,$dateChange,$alips,$shw_day,$ld,$mnu);
$mnu = qq~ <a href=\"$logScrpt\?c=$theword&site=$sitename\">7 DAYS</a> •~ if $shwDays7 && $FORM{'c'} ne $theword;
if ($FORM{'m'} && &pwrd($FORM{'m'})) {$listAll = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'c'} && &pwrd($FORM{'c'})) {$listAll = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'dl'} && &pwrd($FORM{'dl'})) {$listAll = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'i'} && &pwrd($FORM{'i'}) && $FORM{'idt'} =~ /^\d+\/\d+\/\d+?/) {$listAll = 1; $showIPs = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'a'} && &pwrd($FORM{'a'})) {$shw_agnt = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'l'} && &pwrd($FORM{'l'})) {$listLnk = 1;}
elsif ($FORM{'d'} && &pwrd($FORM{'d'}) && $FORM{'dt'}) {$shw_day = $FORM{'dt'}; $listAll = 1;}
elsif (($FORM{'edlog'} == 1 || $FORM{'vdays'} == 1 || $FORM{'gmed'} == 1 || $FORM{'edwrd'} == 1) && &pwrd($FORM{'pwd'})) {&eds;}
elsif ($FORM{'edlnx'} == 1 && &pwrd($FORM{'pwd'})) {&lnxed;}
elsif ($FORM{'shwcde'} == 1 && &pwrd($FORM{'pwd'})) {&shwcode;}
elsif ($FORM{'htm'} && &pwrd($FORM{'pwd'})) {&do_get;}
else {
&showErr('Unknown Request</b> or bad password<b>');
open (COUNT, "<$log_path$count_name") || &showErr("$count_name<br>Count File Access");
eval"flock (COUNT, 2)";
$counter = <COUNT>;
eval"flock (COUNT, 8)";
close (COUNT);
$| = 1;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
<title>LogLook, Log viewer and Admin program</title>
<meta name="author" content="Ron F Woolley 1998 '99 - www.dtp-aus.com">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<basefont size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF>
if ($FORM{'m'} ne $theword) {$lnkbit = " <a href=\"$logScrpt\?m=$theword&site=$sitename\">MAIN</a> •";}
if ($shw_agnt) {print "<font face=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><p align=\"center\"><b>•</b> <a href=\"$hm_url\">HOME</a> <b>•$lnkbit <a href=\"$logScrpt\?dl=$theword&site=$sitename\">DATES</a> • $mnu <a href=\"$logScrpt\?l=$theword&site=$sitename\">LINKS</a> •</b> <b>LogLook</b> for <b>LogCount</b> CGI</p></font>\n";}
elsif (!($listLnk)) {print "<font face=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><p align=\"center\"><b>•</b> <a href=\"$hm_url\">HOME</a> <b>•$lnkbit $mnu <a href=\"$logScrpt\?l=$theword&site=$sitename\">LINKS</a> • <a href=\"$logScrpt\?a=$theword&site=$sitename\">AGENTS</a> •</b> <b>LogLook</b> for <b>LogCount</b> CGI</p></font>\n";}
else {print "<font face=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\"><p align=\"center\"><b>•</b> <a href=\"$hm_url\">HOME</a> <b>• <a href=\"$logScrpt\?m=$theword&site=$sitename\">MAIN</a> • <a href=\"$logScrpt\?dl=$theword&site=$sitename\">DATES</a> • $mnu <a href=\"$logScrpt\?a=$theword&site=$sitename\">AGENTS</a> •</b> Log Viewer for <b>LogCount</b> CGI</p></font>\n";}
$nosingleIP = 1;
open(MAINlog, "$log_path$log_name") || &showErr('Log File Access');
eval"flock (MAINlog, 2)";
$fsize = ( -s "$log_path$log_name" );
$isnow = &date_time(1);
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\" width=\"595\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\">\n";
print "Log <b>File size: <font color=\"#CC0000\">$fsize</font></b> bytes • Current <b>Counter Total: <font color=\"#CC0000\">$counter</font></b><br>\n";
print "Server-Date: <font color=\"#3300FF\">".&date_time(0)."</font> • Zoned-Date: <font color=\"#3300FF\">$isnow</font>\n";
print "</font></td></tr></table></center>\n";
($isnow,$scrap) = split(/ /,$isnow);
my $nn = 0; my $perDay = 0;
while ($input_line = <MAINlog>) {
@lineInArray = split(/\,/,$input_line);
$nn++; $perDay++;
@datein = split(/ /,$lineInArray[0]);
if ($datein[0] ne $dateChange) {
$ipperDay = 0;
$dalips = "";
$perDay = 0;
$dateChange = $datein[0];
if ($FORM{'m'} && $listAll) {
($pageName,$scrap) = split(/\#/,$lineInArray[2]);
if ($pageName !~ /[a-z0-9\/]/i) {$pageName = "/$def_pge";}
elsif ($showIPs && $lineInArray[0] =~ /$FORM{'idt'}/) {
elsif ($listAll && !$shw_day) {
elsif ($listAll && ($datein[0] eq $shw_day)) {
$ld = $nnn if !$ld;
elsif ($shw_agnt) { &tallyagents($lineInArray[3]); }
$lastDate = $lineInArray[0];
eval"flock (MAINlog, 8)";
$dalips = "";
$alips = "";
$firstDate = $dtList[0];
($scrap,$scrap1) = split(/ /,$lastDate);
@scrap = split(/\:/,$scrap1);
$partdays = ((($scrap[0]*60)+$scrap[1])/60)/24+(@dtList-1);
if ($listAll && @allArray > 0 && @dtList > 0) {
if (!$shw_day && !$showIPs) {
print "<center><table width=\"595\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=\"center\"><small>\n";
print "<p align=\"center\"> <br><b>$nn hits</b> over <b>".sprintf("%0.2f",$partdays)." days</b>, ";
print "averaging <b><font color=\"#990000\">".sprintf("%0.2f",$nn/$partdays)."</font> hits per day</b>.<br>\n";
if ($wiz && $nn) {print "<font color=\"#990000\"><b>$wiz</b></font> recorded as <b>unique IP#s</b>, [ averaging ".sprintf("%0.2f",$nn/$wiz)."<b>:</b>1 page views ]<br>\n";}
print "First Hit: <font color=\"#990000\">$firstDate</font> • Last hit: <font color=\"#990000\">$lastDate</font><br> </p>\n";
print "</small></td></tr></table><hr width=\"595\" noshade size=\"1\"></center>\n";
print "<center><table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEFF\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>\n";
$cnts = 0; $cnts2 = 0;
foreach $scrap (@dtList) {
($scrap1,$scrap2) = split(/ /,$scrap);
push (@dateList,$scrap1);
if ($cnts eq 6) {
$cnts = 0;
print "</tr><tr>\n";
$cnts++; $cnts2++;
if ($shw_day ne $scrap1) {$dtbits = "<a href=\"$logScrpt\?d=$theword&site=$sitename&dt=$scrap1\">$scrap1</a>";} else {$dtbits = "$scrap1";}
print "<td align=\"center\"><small><small>$dtbits<br>Hits: </small><font color=\"#660000\"><b>$countaDay[$cnts2]</b></font></small></td>\n";
if ($cnts < 6) { for ($cnts = $cnts; $cnts < 6; $cnts++) {print "<td> </td>\n";} }
$wch = "";
if ($shw_day) {$shwDays7 = $shw_day;}
elsif ($shwDays7 && @dateList > 7) {$shwDays7 = @dateList[@dateList-7]; $ld = 7;}
elsif ((!($shwDays7)) && @dateList > 1) {$shwDays7 = @dateList[@dateList-1]; $ld = 1;}
else {$shwDays7 = $wch = "1"; $ld = @dateList;}
print "</tr></table></center>\n";
if ($FORM{'m'} && $listAll) {
print "<center><table bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\" width=\"595\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><small>\n";
print "<font color=\"#666666\"> # </font><font color=\"#FF0000\">Hits</font> <strong>Page Name</strong>\ \; \; \; \; \;<font color=\"#000099\">";
if ($pagesup){$scrap = "Highest ".$pagesup." of all";}
else {$scrap = "All";}
print "<b>$scrap pages logged</b> over ".sprintf("%0.2f",$partdays)." days</font></small></td></tr><tr><td><small>\n";
undef @new;
foreach $s2 (@pgT) {
$ss2 = $pageCount{$s2}+1;
push(@new, $ss2."\|".$s2); }
$cnt1 = 1;
foreach $element(sort{$b <=> $a}@new) {
($numb,$value) = split(/\|/,$element);
if ($pagesup && $cnt1 eq $pagesup + 1) {next;}
if ($cnt1 eq 1) {$wid = $numb};
print "<font color=\"#666666\"><small>$cnt1\:</small> </font><font color=\"#FF0000\">$numb</font> $value<br><img src=\"$grf0_url\" align=\"absmiddle\" height=\"4\" width=\"".sprintf("%d",(575*($numb/$wid)))."\"><img src=\"$grf1_url\" align=\"absmiddle\" height=\"4\" width=\"".sprintf("%d",(575-(575*($numb/$wid))))."\"><br>\n";
++$cnt1; }
elsif ($showIPs) {
print "<center><table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>\n";
print "<td align=\"center\"><small>Hit totals by <b>logged Referrers</b> [ <b>$FORM{'idt'}</b> ]</small></td></tr></table>\n";
print "<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFEE\" width=\"595\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n";
undef @new;
foreach $s2 (@ipT) {
$ss2 = $ipCount{$s2}+1;
if (!($nosingleIP && $ss2 eq 1)) {
push(@new, $ss2."\|".$s2); }
else {$singles++;} }
$cnt1 = 1;
foreach $element(sort{$b <=> $a}@new) {
($numb,$value) = split(/\|/,$element);
@clrs = split (/\./, $value);
if (!($cnt1 % 2)) {
if (!$simple) {print "<td width=\"2\%\"><font color=\"#666666\"><small><small>$cnt1\:</small></small></font></td><td width=\"4\%\"><small><font color=\"#FF0000\">$numb</font></small></td><td width=\"2\%\" bgcolor=\"\#".sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$clrs[0],$clrs[1],$clrs[2])."\">\ \;\ \;</td><td width=\"42\%\"><small>$value</small></td></tr>\n";}
else {print "<td width=\"2\%\"><small>$cnt1\:</small></td><td width=\"4\%\"><small>$numb </small></td><td width=\"2\%\" bgcolor=\"\#".sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$clrs[0],$clrs[1],$clrs[2])."\">\ \;\ \;</td><td width=\"42\%\"><small>$value</small></td></tr>\n";}
} else {
if (!$simple) {print "<tr><td width=\"2\%\"><font color=\"#666666\"><small><small>$cnt1\:</small></small></font></td><td width=\"4\%\"><small><font color=\"#FF0000\">$numb</font></small></td><td width=\"2\%\" bgcolor=\"\#".sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$clrs[0],$clrs[1],$clrs[2])."\">\ \;\ \;</td><td width=\"42\%\"><small>$value</small></td>";}
else {print "<tr><td width=\"2\%\"><small>$cnt1\:</small></td><td width=\"4\%\"><small>$numb</small></td><td width=\"2\%\" bgcolor=\"\#".sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$clrs[0],$clrs[1],$clrs[2])."\">\ \;\ \;</td><td width=\"42\%\"><small>$value</small></td>";}
++$cnt1; }
if (!($cnt1 % 2)) {print "<td width=\"2\%\"><small>\ \;</small></td><td width=\"4\%\"><small>\ \;</small></td><td width=\"2\%\">\ \;\ \;</td><td width=\"42\%\"><small>\ \;</small></td></tr>\n"; }
print "</table>\n";
if ($singles) {print "$singles single-hit referrers were not listed.<br>\n";}
if ($form1 eq "d") {print "• <a href=\"$logScrpt\?D=$theword&site=$sitename&$form3\">View Complete List</a> •\n";}
print "</center>\n";
elsif (($FORM{'c'} || $FORM{'d'}) && $listAll) {
print "<center><table width=\"595\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">\n";
if ($shw_day) {$dybits = "Hits for 1 selected day";} else {$dybits = "Hits for the last $ld days";}
print "<tr><td width=\"100\%\" align=\"center\"><small><b><font color=\"#006600\">$dybits</font></b></small></td></tr></table></center>\n";
$cnts = 1; $dateChange = ""; $ld = (@dtLst - $ld) + 1 if !$shw_day;
foreach $wooza(@allArray) {
if ($wch || $wooza =~ /$shwDays7/) {
$wch = "1";
@dt = split(/, /,$wooza);
($hitdate,$hitTime) = (split / /,$dt[0]);
if ($hitdate ne $dateChange) {
$pcent = $countaDay[$ld]; $pcent = " [ averaging ".sprintf("%0.2f",($pcent/$countaIP[$ld]))."<b>:</b>1 page views ]" if $pcent;
print "</table></center>\n";
print "<center><table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"5\" bgcolor=\"#99CC99\"> • <small><b>$hitdate</b> <font color=\"#CC0000\"><b>$countaIP[$ld]</b></font> unique <b>IP#</b> from <b>$countaDay[$ld]</b> hits $pcent [<a href=\"$logScrpt\?i=$theword&site=$sitename&idt=$hitdate\">view</a>]</small></td></tr>\n";
$dateChange = $hitdate;
$cnts = 1; $ld++;
if ($dt[2] !~ /[a-z0-9]/i) {$dt[2] = "/$def_pge";}
($pageName,$scrap) = split(/\#/,$dt[2]);
@clrs = split (/\./, $dt[1]);
print "<tr><td width=\"5%\" align=\"right\"><small><small><font color=\"#666666\">$cnts</font></small></small></td><td width=\"10%\"><font color=\"#990000\"><small>$hitTime</small></font></td><td width=\"13%\" align=\"right\">";
print "<small>$dt[1]</small></td><td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#".sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$clrs[0],$clrs[1],$clrs[2])."\"><small> </small></td><td width=\"70%\"><small>$pageName";
if ($showDoms) {print " <small><font color=\"#666666\">- $dt[4]</font></small>";}
print "</small></td></tr>\n";
print "</table><hr width=\"595\" noshade size=\"1\"></center>\n";
elsif ($shw_agnt) {&shw_agnts;}
elsif ($listLnk) {
$lstbx = " <option> </option>\n";
print "<CENTER>\n";
print " <br><font face=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" size=\"2\">Installed <b>Counted-Links</b></font>\n";
print "<table width=\"595\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\">\n";
print "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCE5\" width=\"5%\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\">Tag</FONT></td>\n";
print "<th bgcolor=\"#CCCCE5\" width=\"10%\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\">Name</FONT></th>\n";
print "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCE5\" width=\"5%\"><FONT FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" SIZE=\"2\" color=\"#CC0000\">Count</FONT></td>\n";
print "<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCE5\" width=\"80%\"><FONT SIZE=\"2\" FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\">URL <font size=\"1\">testing a link ( to a new window ) will not update count</FONT></FONT></td></tr>\n";
foreach $ln (sort(@lns)) {
chomp ($ln); @TL = split(/\|/,$ln);
if ($TL[0]) {
print "<tr><td width=\"5%\"><FONT FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" SIZE=\"1\"><a href=\"$logScrpt\?htm=$TL[0]&pwd=$theword&site=$sitename\" target=\"_blank\">GET</a> <a href=\"\" onClick=\"document.forms.boo.elements.newname.value=\'$TL[0]\'; document.forms.boo.elements.newurl.value=\'$TL[1]\'; document.boo.elements.newurl.focus(); document.boo.elements.newurl.select(); return false;\">ED</a></font></td>\n";
print "<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" nowrap><FONT FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" SIZE=\"2\">$TL[0]</font></td>\n";
$lstbx .= " <option value=\"$TL[0]\">$TL[0]</option>\n";
print "<td align=\"center\" width=\"5%\"><FONT FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" SIZE=\"2\" color=\"#CC0000\">$TL[2]</font></td>\n";
print "<td width=\"80%\"><FONT FACE=\"arial,geneva,helvetica\" SIZE=\"1\"><a href=\"$countScrpt\?L=$TL[0]\" target=\"_blank\">$TL[1]</a></font></td></tr>\n";
} }
print "</table>\n";
@dtList = "";
$tmp = "";
pop @dtLst;
foreach $s1 (@dtLst) {
($s2, $scrap) = split(/ /,$s1);
$tmp .= " <option value=\"$s2\">$s2</option>\n"; }
if ($shwDays7) {$dy = "7"; $dyy = " checked";}
else {$dy = "1"; $dyy = "";}
$gm = sprintf("%0.2f",$gmtPlusMinus / 60 / 60);
$datetime = &date_time(1);
print <<EOT;
<form name="boo" method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="edlnx" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pwd" VALUE="$theword">
<TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="100%"><table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#666666"><tr>
<td align="center"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"><b>add, edit, reset, or delete links</b></font></td></tr></table></TD>
<TR><TD WIDTH="60%">
<FONT size="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><B>Enter NEW Link Name</B> needed only for ADD option!</FONT><BR>
<INPUT NAME="newname" TYPE="text" SIZE="21" MAXLENGTH="20"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"> 20 characters max</FONT><BR>
<FONT size="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"> <FONT COLOR="#CC0000"><i>OR</i></FONT><br>
<B>Select EXISTING Name</B> for Edit, Reset, and Delete options</FONT><BR> <SELECT NAME="oldname" SIZE="1">
</SELECT><br> <br><FONT size="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><B>New Link URL</b> - <small>only needed if adding to or editing the list</small></FONT><BR>
<INPUT NAME="newurl" TYPE="text" SIZE="38" MAXLENGTH="85"><BR> <BR>
FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><P><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="deladd" VALUE="add"> <B><FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Confirm</FONT> ADD</B><small><BR>
Select this button to ADD a<BR>new link Name (and link URL).</small>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="deladd" VALUE="deled"> <B><FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Confirm</FONT> EDIT</B><small><BR>
Select this button to Edit the<BR>URL of the selected Link Name.</small>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="deladd" VALUE="delrst"> <B><FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Confirm</FONT> RESET</B><small><BR>
Select this button to Reset the<BR>selected Link Names Counter.</small>
<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="deladd" VALUE="del"> <B><FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Confirm</FONT> DELETE</B><small><BR>
Select this button to Delete<BR>the selected Link Name.</small></FONT></TD>
<FONT size="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica">Admin PWrd: </FONT><INPUT
NAME="admwrd" TYPE="password" SIZE="11" MAXLENGTH="10">  <INPUT
NAME="send" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add / Delete Link"> <INPUT
NAME="name" TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear All"></TD>
print "<b>Current Program Defaults</b>\n";
print "<table width=\"470\" bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"1\"><tr><td width=\"100\%\"><small><blockquote> <br>\n";
if ($shwDays7) {print "7 Day View = <b>enabled</b><br>\n";}
else {print "7 Day View = <b>disabled</b><br>\n";}
print "Zeros Padding = <b>$iszeros</b><br>\n";
print "GMT Plus/Minus= <b>".sprintf("%0.2f",$gmtPlusMinus/60/60)." hrs</b><br>\n";
if ($dtUS eq "1") {print "Date Format = <b>US</b><br>\n";}
elsif ($dtUS eq "2") {print "Date Format = <b>International</b><br>\n";}
else {print "Date Format = <b>British</b><br>\n";}
print "Home URL:<br> <b>$hm_url</b><br>\n";
if ($showDoms) {print "Resolve Host Names = <b>Yes</b><br>\n";}
else {print "View Referer Hosts = <b>No</b><br>\n";}
@tmp = split(/\|/,$rjct);
print "Rejected Addresses:<br><b>\n";
foreach $rj (@tmp) {
if ($rj) {print " $rj<br>\n";}
$webmstr =~ s/mailto\://g;
print "</b>Webmaster Address:<br> <b>$webmstr</b>\n";
print "</blockquote></small></td></tr></table>\n";
print <<EOT;
<form method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="edlog" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pwd" VALUE="$theword">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="site" VALUE="$sitename">
<table border="0" width="595" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr><td valign="middle" align="center" nowrap colspan="2"><table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#666666"><tr>
<td align="center"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"><b>delete some or all log records</b></font></td></tr>
<td valign="middle" align="center" nowrap><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><font
color="#FF0000"><b>Last</font> Date</b></font><br>
<select name="dlist" size="-2">
<font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><b>to Remove</b></font></td>
<td valign="top"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"> <input
type="radio" value="d" name="deldates"> <font color="#990000"><b>Confirm Delete</b></font><BR><font color="#FF0000">NOTE</font>
<small>All dates from the beginning, <u>up to and including</u>, the selected date will be permanently deleted. The most recent logged date cannot be deleted with this option, and should not appear in the list.</small></font></td>
<td valign="top" align="center" colspan="2"><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<td valign="top" align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFE5E5"><small><input type="radio" name="deldates"
value="k"></small><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2" color="#FF0000"> <b>KILL Log</b> NOTE </font><font
face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="1">: This option will DELETE ALL records from the Log File.</font></td>
<td width="591" valign="top" align="center" BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF" colspan="3"><font
face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2">Admin PWrd: </font><input type="password"
name="admwrd" size="15"> <input type="submit" value="Prune Dates from Log"> <input
type="reset" value="Reset"></td>
<form method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="shwcde" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pwd" VALUE="$theword">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="site" VALUE="$sitename">
<table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td align="CENTER" width="100%" colspan="4">
<table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#666666">
<tr><td align="center"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"><b>veiw counter source code</b></font></td>
<td align="CENTER" colspan="4"><font size="2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica">Display link samples for your counters.</font><font size="-2" face="arial,geneva,helvetica"><br>
<td align="CENTER" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" colspan="4" width="100%"><input
name="send" type="submit" value="Display Hyperlinks HTML"></td>
<form method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="vdays" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pwd" VALUE="$theword">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="site" VALUE="$sitename">
<table border="0" width="595" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr bgcolor="#666666">
<td width="100%" valign="top" align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"><b>logged dates displayed by LogLook</b> <font size="2">current = <b>$dy</b></font></font></td>
<td valign="middle" align="center" nowrap><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><b> Default: NO view option </b></font><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vdys" value="1" $dyy><br><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><b> Select: allow 7 day view </b></font></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="vdychange" value="y"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><font color="#000080"><b>Confirm Change</b></font><br>
<small><font size="1" face="verdana, arial, geneva, helvetica">You can enable an option to view the last 7 days of the current logged dates. If hits rise to numbers making this page take too long to load (or crashes the program due to server cut-off), then de-select this option and it will not appear on the top link menu.<br> <i>Also select "confirm" to save the change.</i></font></small></font></td>
<td width="591" valign="top" align="center" BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF" colspan="2"><font
face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2">Admin PWrd:</font><input type="password" name="admwrd" size="12">
<input type="submit" value="Set Days displayed">
<input type="reset" value="Reset form"></td>
<form method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<input type="hidden" name="gmed" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="$theword">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="site" VALUE="$sitename">
<table border="0" width="595" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr><td bgcolor="#666666" valign="middle" align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">Adjust site <b>GMT Time Zone</b><font size="2"> current time: $datetime</font></font></td>
<td valign="middle" align="center" nowrap bgcolor="#FFFFFE"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><b> GMT</b></font><br>
<input type="text" name="gmt" value="$gm" size="8"> <br>
<font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2">Hours + or -</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFE"><input type="checkbox" name="gmted" value="y">
<font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2"><font color="#000080"><b>Confirm Change</b></font><font size="1"><br>A common file and value for all dtp-aus.com programs;
If you move from the current time zone, or change to / from daylight savings, enter the new value. Even if the local GMT time zone equals the servers (0.00), you must have your local GMT time zone value entered here. (ie 0.0 or 5.5 or -9 etc).... refer to your local pc clock setup? ie Windows. <i>Also select "confirm" to save the change.</i></font></font></td>
</tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF">
<td width="591" valign="top" align="center" colspan="2"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" size="2">admin PWrd:</font>
<input type="password" name="admwrd" size="15">
<input type="submit" value="Change GMT Zone"> <input type="reset" value="reset"></td>
<form method="POST" action="$logScrpt">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="edwrd" VALUE="1">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pwd" VALUE="$theword">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="site" VALUE="$sitename">
<TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="100%" COLSPAN="4"><table width="595" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr>
<td bgcolor="#666666" align="center"><font face="arial,geneva,helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"><b>administration password</b></font></td>
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN="4"><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="verdana,arial,geneva,helvetica">Use this form to add/change your admin password - required to edit these options.<BR></FONT></TD>
<TR><TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD>
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="35%"><FONT SIZE="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><B>New</B> Admin Password</FONT><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="newwrd" maxlength="15" SIZE="15"></TD>
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="35%"><FONT SIZE="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><B>Repeat</B> New Password</FONT><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="newwrd2" maxlength="15" SIZE="15"></TD>
<TD WIDTH="15%"> </TD>
<FONT size="2" FACE="arial,geneva,helvetica"><B>Old</B> Admin PWrd: </FONT><INPUT
NAME="admwrd" TYPE="password" SIZE="16" MAXLENGTH="15">  <INPUT
NAME="send" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Change Password"> <INPUT
NAME="name" TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear All"></TD>
else {print "<p align=\"center\"><b>Not enough data for a listing</b></p>\n";}
print "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"#top\"><small>TOP</small></a></p>\n";
print "<p align=\"center\"><small>LogLook v3.8, copyright 1998'99 2000</small></p>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";