428 lines
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428 lines
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# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# file : libraries.mk #
# description : Alliance Shared Libraries and Include Files #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# $Id: libraries.mk,v 1.14 1999/10/28 15:56:29 czo Exp $
# The variables $TOP and $MACHINE are set by
# alc_env.[c]sh script
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# Common settings #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# distrib path is now set by make command line
# when building alliance distrib (./build)
# develloppers path
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# general purpose utilities #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
MUT_L = -lMut325
MUT_LIB = libMut325.a
MUT_H = mut325.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to cone net-list representation : #
# #
# - cns : cone net_list #
# - yag : cone extractor form transistor net-list #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
CNS_L = -lCns211
CNS_LIB = libCns211.a
CNS_H = cns211.h
YAG_L = -lYag300
YAG_LIB = libYag300.a
YAG_H = yag300.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to net-list representation : #
# #
# - rcn : data structures for resistor representation #
# - mlo : basic data structures #
# #
# - mal : parser & driver for Al format #
# - mcl : parser & driver for COMPASS net-lists #
# - mel : parser & driver for EDIF #
# - mgl : driver for VERILOG net-lists #
# - mhl : driver for GHDL net-list #
# - msl : parser & driver for SPICE #
# - mvl : parser & driver for VHDL net-lists #
# #
# - mlu : user level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
RCN_L = -lRcn200
RCN_LIB = libRcn200.a
RCN_H = rcn200.h
MLO_L = -lMlo501
MLO_LIB = libMlo501.a
MLO_H = mlo501.h
MAL_L = -lMal603
MAL_LIB = libMal603.a
MCL_L = -lMcl413
MCL_LIB = libMcl413.a
MEL_L = -lMel407
MEL_LIB = libMel407.a
MHL_L = -lMhl403
MHL_LIB = libMhl403.a
MGL_L = -lMgl100
MGL_LIB = libMgl100.a
MSL_L = -lMsl700
MSL_LIB = libMsl700.a
MSL_H = msl700.h
MVL_L = -lMvl409
MVL_LIB = libMvl409.a
MLU_L = -lMlu501
MLU_LIB = libMlu501.a
MLU_H = mlu501.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to symbolic layout representation : #
# #
# - mph : basic data structures #
# #
# - map : parser & driver for AP format #
# - mcp : parser & driver for COMPASS Compose layout #
# - mmg : parser & driver for MODGEN #
# #
# - mpu : user level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
MPH_L = -lMph409
MPH_LIB = libMph409.a
MPH_H = mph409.h
MAP_L = -lMap406
MAP_LIB = libMap406.a
MCP_L = -lMcp407
MCP_LIB = libMcp407.a
MMG_L = -lMmg402
MMG_LIB = libMmg402.a
MPU_L = -lMpu405
MPU_LIB = libMpu405.a
MPU_H = mpu405.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# user level functions for GENLIB #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
MGN_L = -lMgn328
MGN_LIB = libMgn328.a
MGN_H = mgn328.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to expression representation : #
# #
# - aut : utilites #
# - abl : lisp-like trees #
# - bdd : binary decision diagram #
# - gef : factorized expression representation #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
AUT_L = -lAut103
AUT_LIB = libAut103.a
AUT_H = aut103.h
ABL_L = -lAbl103
ABL_LIB = libAbl103.a
ABL_H = abl103.h
BDD_L = -lBdd104
BDD_LIB = libBdd104.a
BDD_H = bdd104.h
# attention il s'agit de la lib luc
# ne pas utiliser avec aut abl bdd : utiliser log102...
LOG_L = -llog201
LOG_LIB = liblog201.a
LOG_H = log201.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to another behavioural representation : #
# #
# - abe : basic data structures #
# - abt : high level functions #
# - abv : parser & driver for Data-Flow VHDL and user #
# level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
ABE_L = -lAbe200
ABE_LIB = libAbe200.a
ABE_H = abe200.h
ABT_L = -lAbt200
ABT_LIB = libAbt200.a
ABT_H = abt200.h
ABV_L = -lAbv200
ABV_LIB = libAbv200.a
ABV_H = abv200.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to simulation scheduler : #
# #
# - sch : simulation scheduler #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
SCH_L = -lSch110
SCH_LIB = libSch110.a
SCH_H = sch110.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to behavioural representation : #
# #
# - beh : basic data structures #
# - cst : chain-like set treatment #
# - bhl : high level functions #
# - bvl : parser & driver for Data-Flow VHDL and user #
# level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
BEH_L = -lBeh110
BEH_LIB = libBeh110.a
BEH_H = beh110.h
CST_L = -lCst100
CST_LIB = libCst100.a
CST_H = cst100.h
BHL_L = -lBhl110
BHL_LIB = libBhl110.a
BHL_H = bhl110.h
BVL_L = -lBvl113
BVL_LIB = libBvl113.a
BVL_H = bvl113.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to finite state machine representation : #
# #
# - fsm : basic data structures #
# - fbh : intermediate data structures #
# #
# - fvh : VHDL parser #
# - fks : KISS parser #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
FSM_L = -lFsm103
FSM_LIB = libFsm103.a
FSM_H = fsm103.h
FVH_L = -lFvh103
FVH_LIB = libFvh103.a
FKS_L = -lFks103
FKS_LIB = libFks103.a
FTL_L = -lFtl103
FTL_LIB = libFtl103.a
FTL_H = ftl103.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to simulation patterns representation : #
# #
# - pat : basic data structures #
# - phl : high level functions #
# - ppt : parser & driver for PAT format and user level #
# functions #
# - pgn : user level functions for GENPAT #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
PAT_L = -lPat108
PAT_LIB = libPat108.a
PAT_H = pat108.h
PHL_L = -lPhl108
PHL_LIB = libPhl108.a
PHL_H = phl108.h
PPT_L = -lPpt108
PPT_LIB = libPpt108.a
PPT_H = ppt108.h
PGN_L = -lPgn103
PGN_LIB = libPgn103.a
PGN_H = Pgn102.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to physical (micron) layout : #
# #
# - rds : basic data structures #
# - rut : user level functions #
# #
# - rdf : parser & driver for CIF format #
# - rgs : parser & driver for GDSII format #
# - rfm : physical layout from symbolic layout #
# - rpr : parser for technology file #
# - rwi : windowing functions #
# #
# - rtl : user level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
RDS_L = -lRds209
RDS_LIB = libRds209.a
RDS_H = rds209.h
RUT_L = -lRut208
RUT_LIB = libRut208.a
RUT_H = rut208.h
RCF_L = -lRcf111
RCF_LIB = libRcf111.a
RFM_L = -lRfm210
RFM_LIB = libRfm210.a
RFM_H = rfm210.h
RGS_L = -lRgs112
RGS_LIB = libRgs112.a
RPR_L = -lRpr212
RPR_LIB = libRpr212.a
RPR_H = rpr212.h
RWI_L = -lRwi109
RWI_LIB = libRwi109.a
RWI_H = rwi109.h
RTL_L = -lRtl110
RTL_LIB = libRtl110.a
RTL_H = rtl110.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to icon representation : #
# #
# - icn : basic data structures #
# #
# - ica : parser & driver for Alliance icon format #
# - icc : parser & driver for Compass icon format #
# #
# - icu : user level functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
ICN_L = -lIcn201
ICN_LIB = libIcn201.a
ICN_H = icn201.h
IAC_H = iac201.h
ICA_L = -lIca201
ICA_LIB = libIca201.a
ICC_L = -lIcc201
ICC_LIB = libIcc201.a
ICU_L = -lIcu201
ICU_LIB = libIcu201.a
ICU_H = icu201.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# functions related to portable blocks generators : #
# #
# - gbs : barrel shifter #
# - gga : fast adder #
# - ggr : rom #
# - grf : register file #
# - gam : array pipelined multiplier #
# - gfp : data path simple operators #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
GBS_L = -lGbs201
GBS_LIB = libGbs201.a
GBS_H = gbs201.h
GGA_L = -lGga301
GGA_LIB = libGga301.a
GGA_H = gga301.h
GGR_L = -lGgr001
GGR_LIB = libGgr001.a
GGR_H = ggr001.h
GRF_L = -lGrf605
GRF_LIB = libGrf605.a
GRF_H = grf605.h
GAM_L = -lGam000
GAM_LIB = libGam000.a
GAM_H = gam000.h
GFP_L = -lGfp115
GFP_LIB = libGfp115.a
GFP_H = gfp115.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# place & route functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
APR_L = -lApr103
APR_LIB = libApr103.a
APR_H = apr103.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# design rule checker functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
VRD_L = -lVrd303
VRD_LIB = libVrd303.a
VRD_H = vrd303.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# user level functions for FPGEN #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
FGN_L = -lFgn115
FGN_LIB = libFgn115.a
FGN_H = Fgn115.h
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
# Timing Analysis #
# #
# - ttv : basic timing data structures #
# #
# - inf : information file parser #
# - elp : electrical parameters' file parser #
# - tas : static delay analysis functions #
# ###---------------------------------------------------------###
TTV_L = -lTtv110
TTV_LIB = libTtv110.a
TTV_H = ttv110.h
INF_L = -lInf112
INF_LIB = libInf112.a
INF_H = inf112.h
ELP_L = -lElp105
ELP_LIB = libElp105.a
ELP_H = elp105.h
TAS_L = -lTas542
TAS_LIB = libTas542.a
TAS_H = tas542.h
FCL_L = -lFcl110
FCL_LIB = libFcl110.a
FCL_H = fcl110.h
# end of libraries.mk