# This file describes wrappers and other binary files to CVS.
# Wrappers are the concept where directories of files are to be
# treated as a single file.  The intended use is to wrap up a wrapper
# into a single tar such that the tar archive can be treated as a
# single binary file in CVS.
# To solve the problem effectively, it was also necessary to be able to
# prevent rcsmerge from merging these files.
# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
#  wildcard	[option value][option value]...
#  where option is one of
#  -f		from cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -t		to cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -m		update methodology	value: MERGE or COPY
#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
# For example:

# #---------- bin extensions
# a
# arj
# bin
# bmp
# box
# cal
# cdr
# dat
# db
# dbf
# der
# dic
# dll
# doc
# dvi
# elc
# exe
# fmt
# gif
# gz
# jbf
# jpeg
# jpg
# lbm
# lib
# o
# pdf
# pgp
# pict
# png
# ppt
# ps
# psp
# qx31
# rpm
# sbl
# so
# tar
# tgz
# tif
# tiff
# wav
# xls
# xpm
# zip
# vor
# sdw

*.[Aa]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Aa][Rr][Jj]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Bb][Ii][Nn]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Bb][Mm][Pp]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Bb][Oo][Xx]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Cc][Aa][Ll]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Cc][Dd][Rr]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Aa][Tt]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Bb]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Bb][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Ee][Rr]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Ii][Cc]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Ll][Ll]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Oo][Cc]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Dd][Vv][Ii]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ee][Ll][Cc]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ee][Xx][Ee]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ff][Mm][Tt]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Gg][Ii][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Gg][Zz]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Jj][Bb][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Jj][Pp][Ee][Gg]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Jj][Pp][Gg]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ll][Bb][Mm]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ll][Ii][Bb]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Oo]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Dd][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Gg][Pp]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Ii][Cc][Tt]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Nn][Gg]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Pp][Tt]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Ss]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Pp][Ss][Pp]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Qq][Xx][33][11]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Rr][Pp][Mm]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ss][Bb][Ll]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ss][Oo]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Tt][Aa][Rr]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Tt][Gg][Zz]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Tt][Ii][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Tt][Ii][Ff][Ff]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ww][Aa][Vv]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Xx][Ll][Ss]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Xx][Pp][Mm]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Zz][Ii][Pp]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Vv][Oo][Rr]  -k b -m COPY
*.[Ss][Dd][Ww]  -k b -m COPY