#!/bin/sh # set -v # set -x # # Installation script for the tools of the lab that plug on Alliance # # Author: Frédéric Pétrot (fred@pasta.fr.ea) # for version 0 # # $Id: instool,v 1.10 1999/10/15 10:09:14 czo Exp $ # PATH=/users/outil1/alliance/cvsroot/CVSROOT:/asim/gnu/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/etc:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} export PATH #rsh ssh et .profile ... # DATE=`/asim/gnu/bin/date +"%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S"` DATE=`/asim/gnu/bin/date +"%Y.%m.%d"` TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp LOG=$TMPDIR/`basename $0`.$$ BUG=$TMPDIR/`basename $0`_bug.$$ ALCTEAM="alliance-programmers@asim.lip6.fr" BUGTEAM="fred ludo czo" # rep par defaut : alliance/archi/$MACHINE # alliance/share/... TARGET="SunOS Solaris Linux_elf Linux" NUM_TARGET=4 LABO=/users/soft5/newlabo/alliance CELL_EXTENSIONS="al ap vst vbe cp hns edi spi db dat IDX" CELLS=$LABO/share/cells ETC=$LABO/share/etc MANS=$LABO/share/man echo " @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@" echo " @@ @ @@ @ @@" echo " @@ @ @@ @ @@" echo " @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@" echo " @@ @@@ @ @@ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@ @@ @@ @ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@" echo " @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@" echo echo " Alliance Tools Installation Script" echo echo " Alliance CAD System 3.2, instool beta0" echo " Copyright (c) now, MASI, CAO-VLSI Team" echo " E-mail support: cao-vlsi@lip6.fr" echo echo "News: " echo " the include are shared" echo " a log of all installations is available in $HOME/tmp" echo " a message MUST be given for each installation" echo " the default shell is now sh" if [ $# -lt 2 -o $# -gt 4 ] ; then echo "Syntax: `basename $0` [-v] tool-home-directory message" exit 1 fi if [ $1 = "-v" ]; then verbose=1 shift else verbose=0 fi if [ -z $1 -o -z "${2:-''}" ] ; then echo "Syntax: `basename $0` [-v] tool-home-directory message" exit 1 fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` : Checking directories" fi if [ ! -d $1 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Directory $1 doesn't exist!" exit 2 fi if [ ! -d $1/labo ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Directory $1/labo doesn't exist!" exit 3 fi for i in $TARGET ; do if [ ! -d $1/labo/$i ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Directory $1/labo/$i doesn't exist!" exit 4 fi done bin=0; lib=0; inc=0 for i in $TARGET ; do if [ -d $1/labo/$i/bin ] ; then bin=`expr $bin + 1` fi if [ -d $1/labo/$i/lib ] ; then lib=`expr $lib + 1` fi if [ -d $1/labo/$i/include ] ; then inc=`expr $inc + 1` fi done if [ $bin -eq 0 ]; then echo "No binaries to install, ..." unset bin elif [ ! $bin -eq $NUM_TARGET ]; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Directory $1/labo/archi/bin doesn't exist on all architectures" exit 5 fi if [ $lib -eq 0 -a $inc -eq 0 ]; then echo "No libraries to install, ..." unset lib inc elif [ ! \( $lib -eq $NUM_TARGET -a $inc -eq $NUM_TARGET \) ]; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Directory $1/labo/archi/lib or/and $1/labo/archi/include " echo "doesn't exist on all architectures" exit 6 fi if [ ${bin:-0} -eq 0 -a ${lib:-0} -eq 0 -a ${inc:-0} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Nothing to be installed" exit 0 fi trap "rm -f $TMPDIR/*.$$ $LOG; exit 0" 0 1 2 15 #trap "exit 12" 0 1 2 15 if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` : Checking directories contents for consistency" fi b=0 if [ ! ${bin:-0} -eq 0 ]; then for i in $TARGET ; do ls -1 $1/labo/$i/bin > $TMPDIR/$i.bin.$$ 2> /dev/null if [ ! -s $TMPDIR/$i.bin.$$ ] ; then b=`expr $b + 1` fi done if [ $b -eq $NUM_TARGET ] ; then for i in $TARGET ; do echo "Please remove $1/labo/$i/bin since it is empty" done unset bin fi fi l=0 h=0 if [ ! ${lib:-0} -eq 0 ]; then for i in $TARGET ; do ls -1 $1/labo/$i/lib > $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ 2> /dev/null ls -1 $1/labo/$i/lib/*.a | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' > $TMPDIR/$i.lib.a.$$ 2> /dev/null diff $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ $TMPDIR/$i.lib.a.$$ > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "directory $1/labo/$i/lib contains files " echo "that do not end with .a" exit 7 fi ls -1 $1/labo/$i/include > $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ 2> /dev/null ls -1 $1/labo/$i/include/*.h | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' > $TMPDIR/$i.inc.h.$$ 2> /dev/null diff $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ $TMPDIR/$i.inc.h.$$ > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "directory $1/labo/$i/include contains files " echo "that do not end with .h" exit 7 fi if [ ! -s $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ ] ; then l=`expr $l + 1` fi if [ ! -s $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ ] ; then h=`expr $h + 1` fi if [ \( ! -s $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ -a -s $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ \) -o \ \( -s $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ -a ! -s $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ \) ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Libraries requires includes and vice-versa" exit 7 fi done if [ $l -eq $NUM_TARGET ] ; then echo "Please remove $1/labo/archi/lib since it is empty " unset lib fi if [ $h -eq $NUM_TARGET ] ; then echo "Please remove $1/labo/archi/include since it is empty " unset inc fi fi if [ ${bin:-0} -eq 0 -a ${lib:-0} -eq 0 -a ${inc:-0} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "Nothing to install" exit 1 fi DIR=`echo ${bin:+bin} ${lib:+lib} ${inc:+include}` bins=0; libs=0; incs=0 for i in $TARGET ; do for j in $TARGET ; do if [ ! ${bin:-0} -eq 0 ]; then diff $TMPDIR/$j.bin.$$ $TMPDIR/$i.bin.$$ > /dev/null 2>&1 bins=`expr $bins + $?` fi if [ ! ${lib:-0} -eq 0 ]; then diff $TMPDIR/$j.lib.$$ $TMPDIR/$i.lib.$$ > /dev/null 2>&1 libs=`expr $libs + $?` diff $TMPDIR/$j.inc.$$ $TMPDIR/$i.inc.$$ > /dev/null 2>&1 incs=`expr $incs + $?` fi done done if [ $bins -gt 0 -o $libs -gt 0 -o $incs -gt 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0` cannot install tool $1" echo "all bin/lib/include directories do not contain the same files" echo "for all target architectures" exit 8 fi echo "`basename $0`: Checking for space on disk :" s=1 for i in $TARGET; do for j in $DIR; do d=`du -s $1/labo/$i/$j 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -f 1` s=`expr $s + $d` done done a=`df $LABO | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | tail -1 | cut -f 4` if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Available disk space $a" echo "Required disk space $s" fi if [ $s -gt $a ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: cannot install tool $1" echo "Not enough space on device for the installation" echo "Ring me again in a few days, ..." exit 23 fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] ; then echo "The real stuff right now, ..." fi for i in $TARGET ; do echo "+---------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG echo "Target $i " >> $LOG for j in $DIR ; do echo "+---------------------" >> $LOG echo "directory $j " >> $LOG if [ $j = "bin" ] ; then for k in $1/labo/$i/$j/*; do cp $k $LABO/archi/$i/$j/`basename $k`.$DATE if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: cp returned a non-zero exit status" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi rm -f $LABO/archi/$i/$j/`basename $k` > /dev/null 2>&1 ln -s $LABO/archi/$i/$j/`basename $k`.$DATE $LABO/archi/$i/$j/`basename $k` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: ln returned a non-zero exit status" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi done elif [ $j = "lib" ] ; then for k in $1/labo/$i/$j/*; do cp $k $LABO/archi/$i/$j >> $BUG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: cp returned a non-zero exit status" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi if [ $i = "SunOS" ] ; then ssh heavy ranlib $LABO/archi/$i/$j/`basename $k` fi done else cp $1/labo/$i/$j/* $LABO/archi/$i/$j >> $BUG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: cp returned a non-zero exit status" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi fi ls -1 $1/labo/$i/$j | fmt -70 >> $LOG done done for i in $DIR; do if [ $i = "lib" ] ; then if [ -f $TMPDIR/libraries.mk.* ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: Sorry, somebody is updating libraries.mk" echo "waiting until the update is done to finish" fi while [ -f $TMPDIR/libraries.mk.$$ ]; do sleep 2 echo "Still waiting, ..." done updatelibmk $LABO/archi/SunOS > $TMPDIR/libraries.mk.$$ mv $ETC/libraries.mk $ETC/libraries.mk.$DATE if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: mv returned a non-zero exit status" echo "while copying libraries.mk to libraries.mk.$$" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi mv $TMPDIR/libraries.mk.$$ $ETC/libraries.mk if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: mv returned a non-zero exit status" echo "while copying libraries.mk to libraries.mk.$$" echo "that sucks pretty much so I quit leaving things as is" exit 17 fi fi done echo >> $LOG if [ -s $BUG ] ; then mail -s "ALC : Problem while installing `basename $1`" $BUGTEAM < $BUG fi echo $* | mail -s "ALC : Install of `basename $1`" $ALCTEAM cat $LOG >> $TMPDIR/tmp/`basename $1`.log exit 0