# Filename: posttaginfo
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Czo <Olivier.Sirol@lip6.fr>
# License: GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
# Started: Sept 1999
# Last Change: Monday 09 September 2002, 11:09
# Edit Time: 1:45:24
# Description:
# $Id: posttaginfo,v 1.3 2002/09/09 09:09:22 czo Exp $
# The arguments passed to the command are, in order, 
# the tagname, 
# operation (add for tag, mov for tag -F, and del for tag -d), 
# repository, 
# and any remaining are pairs of filename revision. 
# A non-zero exit of the filter program will cause the tag to be aborted.

FINGER=`who am i | gawk '{gsub(/^[^\!]*\!/,""); print $1}'`
MAIL_SUBJECT="CVS taginfo $1"

(echo "==================================================================="
echo "TAG : `date`"
echo "Par : $USER"
echo "==================================================================="
echo ""
echo "$2 of $1 in $3"
echo "$*" ) > "$TMPFILE"

cat "$TMPFILE"  | mail -s "ALC : $MAIL_SUBJECT" alliance-cvs@asim.lip6.fr

rm -f "$TMPFILE" dummy
) > /dev/null 2>&1 &

exit 0