# swish-e configuration file # # Filename: .swisherc.users # Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Czo <Olivier.Sirol@lip6.fr> # License: GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) # Started: April 2000 # Last Change: Friday 12 May 2000, 14:59 # Edit Time: 0:21:49 # Description: swish-e -c /users/largo1/czo/cvslargo/www/cgi-bin/czo/.swisherc.alliance # # $Id: .swisherc.users,v 1.1 2000/06/06 16:50:14 czo Exp $ # # DIRECTIVES COMMON to HTTP and FILESYSTEM METHODS ################################################### # ypcat passwd | grep users\/cao | gawk -F : '{printf ("IndexDir %s\/public_html\n", $6)}' | sort -u IndexDir /users/largo2/webmastr/wwwroot/homepages IndexFile /users/largo1/czo/cvslargo/www/cgi-bin/czo/users.dat ReplaceRules replace "/users/largo2/webmastr/wwwroot" "http://www-asim.lip6.fr" IndexName "Asim Lab. index" IndexDescription "Index by Czo" IndexPointer "http://www-asim.lip6.fr/" IndexAdmin "Czo [Olivier SIROL] <Olivier.Sirol@lip6.fr>" # YOU SHOULD NOT CHANGE BELOW. Czo. ####################################################### # DIRECTIVES COMMON to HTTP and FILESYSTEM METHODS ################################################### # WINDOWS USERS NOTE: # Specify ALL files and directory paths in the # the config file using the forward slash, as # in /thisdirectory. # ################################################### # IndexDir http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/~ghill/spider.html # For the FileSystem Method: # This is a space-separated list of files and # directories you want indexed. You can specify # more than one of these directives. # # For the HTTP Method: # Use the URL's from which you want the spidering # to begin. # NOTE: use hmtl files rather than directories # for this method. # IndexFile /home/ghill/swishRon/dir1/myindex1 # This is what the generated index file will be. # IndexName "Improvement index" # IndexDescription "This is an index to test bug fixes in swish." # IndexPointer "http://sunsite/~ghill/swish/index.html" # IndexAdmin "Giulia Hill, (ghill@library.berkeley.edu)" # Extra information you can include in the index file. MetaNames first author # List of all the meta names used in the file to index, must be on one line. # If no metanames DO NOT deleted the line. IndexReport 3 # This is how detailed you want reporting. You can specify numbers # 0 to 3 - 0 is totally silent, 3 is the most verbose. FollowSymLinks no # Put "yes" to follow symbolic links in indexing, else "no". #UseStemming no # Put yes to apply word stemming algorithm during indexing, # else no. See the manual for info about stemming. Default is # no. #PropertyNames author # List of meta tags names that can be retrieved with the -p option. # Index size increases as by the formula in the manual. # Comment out if no PropertyNames. Case insensitive IgnoreTotalWordCountWhenRanking yes # Put yes to ignore the total number of words in the file # when calculating ranking. Often better with merges and # small files. Default is no. #ReplaceRules remove "ghill/" #ReplaceRules replace "[a-z_0-9]*_m.*\.html" "index.html" #ReplaceRules replace "/ghill" "moreghillmore" # ReplaceRules allow you to make changes to file pathnames # before they're indexed. This directive uses C library # regex.h regular expressions. # NOTE: do not use replace <string> "" to remove a string, # use remove <string> instead - you might get a core dump otherwise. MinWordLimit 2 # Set the minimum length of an indexable word. Every shorter word # will not be indexed. # Commenting out the line will give the defaults #MaxWordLimit 5 # Set the maximum length of an indexable word. Every longer word # will not be indexed. # Commenting out the line will give the defaults #WordCharacters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\&#;0123456789.@|,-'"[](~!@$%^{}_+? # WORDCHARS is a string of characters which SWISH permits to # be in words. Any strings which do not include these characters # will not be indexed. You can choose from any character in # the following string: # # abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_\|/-+=?!@$%^'"`~,.[]{}() # # Note that if you omit "0123456789&#;" you will not be able to # index HTML entities. DO NOT use the asterisk (*), lesser than # and greater than signs (<), (>), or colon (:). # # Including any of these four characters may cause funny things to happen. # NOTE: Do not escape \ nor " and they cannot be the first letter in the string # Commenting out the line will give the defaults #BeginCharacters m" # Of the characters that you decide can go into words, this is # a list of characters that words can begin with. It should be # a subset of (or equal to) WordCharacters # Same rule of syntax as for WordCharacters #EndCharacters \"\ # Of the characters that you decide can go into words, this is # a list of characters that words can begin with. It should be # a subset of (or equal to) WordCharacters # Same rule of syntax as for WordCharacters # IgnoreLastChar # Array that contains the char that, if considered valid in the middle of # a word need to be disreguarded when at the end. It is important to also # set the given char's in the ENDCHARS array, otherwise the word will not # be indexed because considered invalid. # Commenting out the line will give the defaults # NOTE: if " is the first char in the string it needs to be escaped with \ # Do not escape otherwise # IgnoreFirstChar # Array that contains the char that, if considered valid in the middle of # a word need to be disreguarded when at the beginning. This was to solve # the problem of parenthesis when there is no space between ( and the # beginning of the word. # Remember to add the char's to the BEGINCHARS list also. # Commenting out the line will give the defaults # NOTE: if " is the first char in the string it needs to be escaped with \ # Do not escape otherwise IgnoreLimit 50 1000 # This automatically omits words that appear too often in the files # (these words are called stopwords). Specify a whole percentage # and a number, such as "80 256". This omits words that occur in # over 80% of the files and appear in over 256 files. Comment out # to turn of auto-stopwording. #IgnoreWords SwishDefault # The IgnoreWords option allows you to specify words to ignore. # Comment out for no stopwords; the word "SwishDefault" will # include a list of default stopwords. Words should be separated by spaces # and may span multiple directives. IndexComments 0 # This option allows the user decide if to index the comments in the files # default is 1. Set to 0 if comment indexing is not required. ################################## # DIRECTIVES for FILESYSTEMS ONLY # Comment out if using HTTP ################################### #IndexOnly .html .q # Only files with these suffixes will be indexed. NoContents .gif .xbm .au .mov .mpg .pdf .ps .jpg .jpeg NoContents .gz .Z .tar .tgz .mbox .hqx .zip .ZIP .HQX .ARJ .arj .bin .dat NoContents .exe # Files with these suffixes will not have their contents indexed - # only their file names will be indexed. FileRules pathname contains CVS RCS cgi-bin tmp FileRules pathname contains .*dir1 FileRules pathname contains private FileRules filename contains % ~ .bak .orig .old old. # #FileRules title contains construction example pointers FileRules directory contains .htaccess #FileRules filename is index # Files matching the above criteria will *not* be indexed. # The patter matching uses the C library regex.h ################################ # DIRECTIVES for HTTP METHOD ONLY # Comment out if using FILESYSTEM ################################## #MaxDepth 15 #(default 5) This defines how many links the spider should #follow before stopping. A value of 0 configures the spider to #traverse all links #Delay 60 #(default 60) The number of seconds to wait between issuing #requests to a server. #TmpDir /tmp/ #(default /var/tmp) The location of a writeable temp directory #on your system. The HTTP access method tells the Perl helper to place #its files there. #SpiderDirectory ./ #(default ./) The location of the Perl helper #script. Remember, if you use a relative directory, it is relative to #your directory when you run SWISH-E, not to the directory that SWISH-E #is in. #EquivalentServer http://asim.lip6.fr http://www-asim.lip6.fr # EquivalentServer http://sunsite.berkeley.edu:2000 http://sunsite.berkeley.edu #(default nothing) This allows you to deal with #servers that use respond to multiple DNS names. Each line should have #a list of all the method/names that should be considered equivalent. #If you have multiple directives, each one defines its own set of equivalent #servers.