index a jour
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ MBK_VDD (1) - define the high level power name pattern
MBK_VSS (1) - define the ground power name pattern
MBK_WORK_LIB (1) - define the mbk working directory
OUTLINE (3) - build an outline from the current layout cell
OpenVerticalChannel (3) - open a vertical channel in a phfig
OpenVerticalChannel -open a vertical channel inside a phfig
PAT (3) - Generic pattern data structure
PAT (5) - Pattern description format
@ -142,12 +143,12 @@ SC_TOP (3) - place an instance in the current figure at the right of t
SYF (1) - Finite State Machine synthesizer.
SymbolicChannelRouter (3) - routes a given channel on a Virtual grid
SymbolicChannelRouter (3) - routes a given channel on a symbolic grid
THRU_CON_H (3) - draw an horizontal wire from side to side of the abutment box of the current figure
THRU_CON_V (3) - draw a vertical wire with connectors from side to side of the abutment box of the current figure
THRU_H (3) - draw an horizontal wire from side to side of the abutment box of the current figure
THRU_V (3) - draw a vertical wire from side to side of the abutment box of the current figure
UNFLATTEN_LOFIG (3) - creates a hierarchy level from instances in the current logical figure
VASY (1) - VHDL Analyzer for Synthesis
WIDTH (3) - compute the width of a model
WIRE1 (3) - place a physical segment in the current figure
WIRE2 (3) - place two physical segments in the current figure
@ -166,7 +167,9 @@ a4p_dp
abl (1) - Prefixed representation for boolean functions
ablToBddCct (3) - converts an ABL into a BDD within a circuit
aboxmbkrds (2) - converts MBK abutment box to RDS rectangle
aboxmbkrds (3) - converts MBK abutment box to RDS rectangle
action, GENPAT Package
addHExpr (3) - adds a new argument at the head of an operator expression.
addInputCct (3) - adds an input to a circuit
addListBdd (3) - adds a BDD to a chained list of BDDs
@ -207,23 +210,36 @@ addphref (3) - create a physical reference
addphseg (3) - create a physical segment
addphvia (3) - create a physical via
addptype (3) - create a ptype and add it to a ptype_list
addrdsfig (2) - adds a figure
addrdsfig (3) - adds a figure
addrdsfigrec (2) - adds a rectangle to a figure
addrdsfigrec (3) - adds a rectangle to a figure
addrdsins (2) - adds an instance to a figure
addrdsins (3) - adds an instance to a figure
addrdsinsrec (2) - adds a rectangle to an instance
addrdsinsrec (3) - adds a rectangle to an instance
addrdsrecwindow (2) - adds a rectangle in the windowing of rds structure.
addrdsrecwindow (3) - adds a rectangle in the windowing of rds structure.
affect, GENPAT Package
ai (5) - Alliance icon format
al (5) - Alliance logical format
alcbanner (1) - Display a standardized banner for Alliance tools
algue (1) - ALliance Graphic User Environement
ali (1) - ALliance Information
alliancebanner (3) - display the standardized Alliance banner
allocrdsfig (2) - allocs memory for a figure
allocrdsfig (3) - allocs memory for a figure
allocrdsins (2) - allocates memory for an instance
allocrdsins (3) - allocates memory for an instance
allocrdsrec (2) - allocates memory for a rectangle
allocrdsrec (3) - allocates memory for a rectangle
allocrdsrecwin (2) - allocates a structure used to know windows which contains a rectangle.
allocrdsrecwin (3) - allocates a structure used to know windows which contains a rectangle.
allocrdswin (2) - allocates window's table
allocrdswin (3) - allocates window's table
allocrdswindow (2) - allocates a window structure
allocrdswindow (3) - allocates a window structure
allocrdswinrec (2) - allocates a structure used to create a list of tables of rectangles.
allocrdswinrec (3) - allocates a structure used to create a list of tables of rectangles.
@ -237,9 +253,11 @@ applybddnodeite (3) - computes the IF-THEN-ELSE logical operation.
applybddnodelist (3) - applies an opertor to a bdd nodes list.
applybddnodenot (3) - complements a bdd.
applybddnodeterm (3) - applies an operator on two bdd nodes.
applyrdssym (2) - applies a transformation to a rectangle from a model
applyrdssym (3) - applies a transformation to a rectangle from a model
apr (3) - routing and placement functions
arp (3) - routing and placement functions
array, GENPAT Package
asimut (1) - A simulation tool for hardware descriptions
aut (1) - Memory allocation, and hash tables management
autallocblock (3) - memory allocator
@ -289,8 +307,11 @@ bgd (1) - register file generator
biabl (3) - BEH data structure
bigvia (3) - draws a non minimal via as a bunch of vias
binode (3) - BEH data structure
boog (1) - Binding and Optimizing On Gates.
boom (1) - Boolean optimization of a logic level behavioural description (VHDL data flow)
bop (1) - boolean optimization of a logic level behavioural description (VHDL data flow)
bsg (1) - Barrel Shifter Generator
buildrdswindow (2) - builds windowing of a figure
buildrdswindow (3) - builds windowing of a figure
buseg (1) - Tristate generator for FITPATH data-path compiler.
c4map (1) - mapping of a behavioural description with the CMOS Complex Cell Compiler : C4.
@ -310,6 +331,7 @@ composeBdd (3) - substitutes an index by a BDD in another BDD
composeCct (3) - composes all the outputs within a circuit with a BDD
composebddnode (3) - substitutes a variable by a bdd in another bdd.
concatname (3) - concatenate two names with user separator
conmbkrds (2) - converts MBK connector to RDS rectangle
conmbkrds (3) - converts MBK connector to RDS rectangle
constraintBdd (3) - restricts a BDD to another BDD
constraintCct (3) - restricts all the outputs within a circuit with a BDD constraint
@ -343,6 +365,7 @@ cry_y
decbddrefext (3) - decrements the external reference of a bdd node.
decbddrefint (3) - decrements the internal reference of a bdd node.
def_genpat, GENPAT Package
defab (3) - defines the abutment box of a phfig
delablexpr (3) - deletes an expression.
delablexprnum (3) - deletes an operand in an expression.
@ -371,10 +394,15 @@ delphref (3) - delete a physical reference
delphseg (3) - delete a physical segment
delphvia (3) - delete a physical via
delptype (3) - delete an element of a ptype_list
delrdsfig (2) - deletes a figure
delrdsfig (3) - deletes a figure
delrdsfigrec (2) - deletes a rectangle of a figure
delrdsfigrec (3) - deletes a rectangle of a figure
delrdsins (2) - deletes an instance of a figure
delrdsins (3) - deletes an instance of a figure
delrdsinsrec (2) - deletes a rectangle of an instance
delrdsinsrec (3) - deletes a rectangle of an instance
delrdsrecwindow (2) - deletes a rectangle from the windowing of rds structure.
delrdsrecwindow (3) - deletes a rectangle from the windowing of rds structure.
destroyBdd (3) - removes the BDDs system
destroyCct (3) - removes a circuit
@ -384,6 +412,7 @@ destroyauthtable (3) - destroys a simple hash table.
destroybddassoc (3) - frees all the variable associations.
destroybddcircuit (3) - destroys a bdd circuit.
destroybddsystem (3) - destroys a bdd system.
destroyrdswindow (2) - destroys windowing of a figure
destroyrdswindow (3) - destroys windowing of a figure
devXor2Expr (3) - converts XOR 2 to OR-AND
devXorExpr (3) - removes XOR in an expression
@ -407,6 +436,7 @@ everyExpr (3) - returns the value of a logical AND applied on the results
existbddnodeassocoff (3) - computes an existantial quantification.
existbddnodeassocon (3) - computes an existantial quantification.
exprToChar (3) - converts an expression into a string
figmbkrds (2) - converts MBK figure to RDS figure
figmbkrds (3) - converts MBK figure to RDS figure
filepath (3) - return the whole search path of a file
flatArityExpr (3) - flattens the operators of an expression
@ -422,8 +452,11 @@ freechain (3) - free a chain_list
freelomodel (3) - free a lofig_list for temporary models
freenum (3) - free a num_list
freeptype (3) - free a ptype_list
freerdsfig (2) - frees memory associated to a figure
freerdsfig (3) - frees memory associated to a figure
freerdsins (2) - frees memory associated to an instance
freerdsins (3) - frees memory associated to an instance
freerdsrec (2) - free memory associated to a rectangle
freerdsrec (3) - free memory associated to a rectangle
fsm (1) - Finite State Machine representation.
fsm (5) - Alliance VHDL Finite State Machine description subset.
@ -461,7 +494,9 @@ getphfig (3) - give back a pointer to a phfig
getphins (3) - retrieve a physical instance
getphref (3) - retrieve a physical reference
getptype (3) - retrieve a ptype from a ptype_list
getrdsfig (2) - gets a pointer to a figure called by its name.
getrdsfig (3) - gets a pointer to a figure called by its name.
getrdsmodellist (2) - gets model list of the instances of a figure
getrdsmodellist (3) - gets model list of the instances of a figure
getsigname (3) - choose a signal name in alias list
givelosig (3) - give a logical signal
@ -479,14 +514,20 @@ incatalogfeed (3) - test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incataloggds (3) - test if cell belongs to the catalog file
incbddrefext (3) - increments the external reference of a bdd node.
incbddrefint (3) - increments the internal reference of a bdd node.
init, GENPAT Package
initializeBdd (3) - initializes the BDDs system
initializeCct (3) - creates a circuit
insconmbkrds (2) - adds in RDS instance all the connectors of MBK instance
insconmbkrds (3) - adds in RDS instance all the connectors of MBK instance
insmbkrds (2) - converts MBK figure to RDS figure
insmbkrds (3) - converts MBK figure to RDS figure
insrefmbkrds (2) - adds in RDS instance all the references of MBK instance.
insrefmbkrds (3) - adds in RDS instance all the references of MBK instance.
inssegmbkrds (2) - adds in RDS instance all the segments of MBK instance
inssegmbkrds (3) - adds in RDS instance all the segments of MBK instance
instanceface (3) - returns the face of a connector in a placed instance
instr (3) - find an occurence of a string in a string, starting at a specified character.
insviambkrds (2) - adds to RDS instance all the contacts from MBK instance
insviambkrds (3) - adds to RDS instance all the contacts from MBK instance
intersectbddnode (3) - tests for an intersection between two bdd nodes.
isablbinaryoper (3) - tests if an operator is binary.
@ -515,6 +556,7 @@ l5r_y
label, GENPAT Package
lax (5) - Parameter file for logic synthesis
lengthExpr (3) - returns the number of arguments in an expression
librds (1) - rds library description
@ -525,7 +567,9 @@ librut (1) - rut library description
librwi (1) - rwi library description
loadlofig (3) - load a new logical cell model from disk
loadphfig (3) - load a new physical cell model from disk
loadrdsfig (2) - give back a pointer to a figure
loadrdsfig (3) - give back a pointer to a figure
loadrdsparam (2) - load parameters from symbolic to real conversion.
loadrdsparam (3) - load parameters from symbolic to real conversion.
locon (3) - mbk logical connector
lofig (3) - mbk logical figure
@ -560,6 +604,7 @@ mbkrealloc (3) - mbk memory reallocator
mbkunlink (3) - delete a file in the WORK_LIBP.
minExpr (3) - returns the lowest argument of an operator expression.
mlodebug (3) - logical data structure contents debug function
modelmbkrds (2) - gets all models of instances contained in a figure.
modelmbkrds (3) - gets all models of instances contained in a figure.
mphdebug (3) - physical data structure contents debug function
@ -684,6 +729,7 @@ phvia (3) - mbk physical contact
place (3) - place the cells of a net list
polarablexpr (3) - moves inverters to the atomic level.
polardupablexpr (3) - duplicates an expression and moves down the inverters.
@ -708,9 +754,13 @@ pvssi_sp
rage (1) - Random Acess Memory(RAM) Generator
rds (1) - rds package
rdsalloc (2) - memory allocation function
rdsalloc (3) - memory allocation function
rdsenv (2) - set user preference
rdsenv (3) - set user preference
rdsfree (2) - free memory place
rdsfree (3) - free memory place
refmbkrds (2) - adds to RDS figure a references from a MBK figure
refmbkrds (3) - adds to RDS figure a references from a MBK figure
register, GENPAT Package
relprodbddnodeassoc (3) - computes a relational product.
@ -728,16 +778,19 @@ restorealldir (3) - restore all instances' connectors directions
restoredirvbe (3) - restore connectors directions from behavioral view
restrictbddnode (3) - substitutes a variable by a zero or one, in a bdd.
reverse (3) - reverse a list of chained elements
rfg (1) - register file generator - version 6.05
rfg (1) - register file generator
rflattenlofig (3) - recursivly flatten a figure
rflattenphfig (3) - recursivly flatten a figure
roundrdsrec (2) - adjusts a rectangle to lambda grid step
roundrdsrec (3) - adjusts a rectangle to lambda grid step
rsa (1) - Recurrence Solver Adder generator
rsa (3) - call the Recurrence Solver Adder generator
s2r (1) - Process mapping from symbolic layout to physical layout
satisfybddnode (3) - finds a satisfying path for a bdd node.
sav_genpat, GENPAT Package
savelofig (3) - save a logical figure on disk
savephfig (3) - save a physical figure on disk
saverdsfig (2) - save a physical figure on disk.
saverdsfig (3) - save a physical figure on disk.
sclib (5) - a portable CMOS Standard Cell Library
scmap (1) - mapping of a behavioural description onto a standard cell library.
@ -752,7 +805,9 @@ searchauth2elem (3) - searches an element in the hash table.
searchauthelem (3) - searches an element in the hash table.
searchbddcircuitin (3) - searchs an input in a bdd circuit.
searchbddcircuitout (3) - searchs an output in a bdd circuit.
searchrdsfig (2) - searchs by name a figure in the list of figures
searchrdsfig (3) - searchs by name a figure in the list of figures
segmbkrds (2) - adds to RDS figure a segment from a MBK figure
segmbkrds (3) - adds to RDS figure a segment from a MBK figure
setbddrefext (3) - increments the external reference, and decrements the internal reference of a bdd node.
sethtitem (3) - test and set an item in an hash table.
@ -799,10 +854,12 @@ unsetbddrefext (3) - increments the internal reference, and decrements the ext
upVarBdd (3) - brings up an index in a BDD
upVarCct (3) - brings up the index of a primary input within a circuit
upstr (3) - convert a string to upper case
vasy VHDL RTL subset.
vbe VHDL behavioural subset.
vasy (1) - VHDL Analyzer for Synthesis
vasy (5) - VHDL Analyzer for Synthesis Subset
vbe (5) - VHDL behavioural subset.
vhdlablname (3) - returns a compatible VHDL name.
vhdlablvector (3) - gives the index and the name of a vectorized name.
viambkrds (2) - adds to RDS figure a contact from a MBK figure
viambkrds (3) - adds to RDS figure a contact from a MBK figure
viewablexpr (3) - displays an expression.
viewablexprfile (3) - displays an expression in a file.
@ -826,17 +883,29 @@ viewphins (3) - display elements of a phins_list
viewphref (3) - display elements of a phref_list
viewphseg (3) - display elements of a phseg_list
viewphvia (3) - display elements of a phvia_list
viewrdsfig (2) - view caracteristics of a figure
viewrdsfig (3) - view caracteristics of a figure
viewrdsins (2) - Displays caracteristics of an instance
viewrdsins (3) - Displays caracteristics of an instance
viewrdsparam (2) - displays tables in memory filled by loadrdsparam function.
viewrdsparam (3) - displays tables in memory filled by loadrdsparam function.
viewrdsrec (2) - Displays caracteristics of a rectangle
viewrdsrec (3) - Displays caracteristics of a rectangle
viewrdswindow (2) - displays caracteristics of the windowing.
viewrdswindow (3) - displays caracteristics of the windowing.
viewrfmcon (2) - displays connector caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmcon (3) - displays connector caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmfig (2) - displays figure caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmfig (3) - displays figure caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmins (2) - displays instance caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmins (3) - displays instance caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmrec (2) - displays rectangle caracteristics in RDS format.
viewrfmrec (3) - displays rectangle caracteristics in RDS format.
viewrfmref (2) - displays reference caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmref (3) - displays reference caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmseg (2) - displays segment caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmseg (3) - displays segment caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmvia (2) - displays contact caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
viewrfmvia (3) - displays contact caracteristics in MBK and RDS format.
vst VHDL structural subset.
xmbk (1) - A simple way to set alliance environnement variables
@ -94,8 +94,11 @@ LOSIGMERGE (3) - merge two logical signals
LOTRS (3) - adds a logical transistor to the current netlist figure
MBK_CATAL_NAME (1) - define the mbk catalog file
MBK_CATA_LIB (1) - define the mbk catalog directory
MBK_FILTER_SFX (1) - define the input/output filter suffixe.
MBK_IN_FILTER (1) - define the input filter
MBK_IN_LO (1) - define the logical input format of mbk and genlib
MBK_IN_PH (1) - define the physical input format of mbk and genlib
MBK_OUT_FILTER (1) - define the input filter
MBK_OUT_LO (1) - define the logical output format of mbk and genlib
MBK_OUT_PH (1) - define the physical output format of mbk and genlib
MBK_SEPAR (1) - define the separator character for hierarchy
@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ SC_LEFT (3) - place an instance in the current figure at the right of t
SC_PLACE (3) - place an instance in the current figure at absolute coordinates
SC_RIGHT (3) - place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
SC_TOP (3) - place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance"
SYF (1) - Finite State Machine synthesizer.
SymbolicChannelRouter (3) - routes a given channel on a Virtual grid
SymbolicChannelRouter (3) - routes a given channel on a symbolic grid
@ -220,6 +224,8 @@ affect, GENPAT Package
ai (5) - Alliance icon format
al (5) - Alliance logical format
alcbanner (1) - Display a standardized banner for Alliance tools
algue (1) - ALliance Graphic User Environement
ali (1) - ALliance Information
alliancebanner (3) - display the standardized Alliance banner
allocrdsfig (2) - allocs memory for a figure
allocrdsfig (3) - allocs memory for a figure
@ -532,6 +538,7 @@ isablunaryoper (3) - tests if an operator is unary.
isbddvarinsupport (3) - tests if a variable appears in a bdd.
isvdd -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user
isvss -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user
k2f, FSM translator ALLIANCE format from/to Berkeley format
@ -817,6 +824,7 @@ sortExpr (3) - sorts an expression
sortautarray (3) - heap sort.
sortlocon (3) - sort the logical connectors of a figure by name
sortlosig (3) - sort the logical signals of a figure by name
spi (5) - Alliance parser and driver for Spice netlist.
substExpr (3) - copies an expression by substituting a given atom by an expression
substPhyExpr (3) - substitutes an atomic expression by an expression within an operator expression
substablexpr (3) - substitutes a given atom by an expression.
Reference in New Issue