This commit is contained in:
@ -9,15 +9,13 @@
# What is this bench for ??
# ===================================================================
This bench constructs an amd2901 from the logical view to the
physical view to the logical view (verifying each stage)
whith ALLIANCE tools.
This bench is meant to run most of ALLIANCE_TOOL to test them.
physical view (verifying each stage) whith ALLIANCE tools.
This bench is meant to run most of ALLIANCE tools to test them.
For more documentation about ALLIANCE, please read the tutorials
and the man pages.
If you are interested in ALLIANCE, subscribe to the
alliance-users@asim.lip6.fr mailing list.
# How to run this bench ? :
# ===================================================================
First of all, edit the Makefile and set the ALLIANCE_TOP variable to
@ -30,53 +28,57 @@ This done, you can run the entire process by typing:
# Special targets
# ===================================================================
Run the following targets (make [target]):
view_ctl_logic: generates amd2901_ctl.vst and visualizes it with xsch
view_dpt_physic: generates amd2901_dpt.vst and amd2901_dpt.ap
and visualizes amd2901_dpt.ap with graal.
view_chip_physic: generates amd2901_chip.ap and visualizes it with graal.
view_chip_simulation: generates test_chip_final.pat and visualizes it with xpat.
* generates amd2901_ctl.vst and visualizes it with xsch
* generates amd2901_dpt.vst and amd2901_dpt.ap
and visualizes amd2901_dpt.ap with graal.
* generates amd2901_chip.ap and visualizes it with graal.
* generates test_chip_final.pat and visualizes it with xpat.
Edit the Makefile for more targets ....
# What are the files coming with this bench ??
# ===================================================================
test patterns of the amd2901 described in C and using the
genpat MACROS. Has to be processed with genpat to create
the pattern.pat file.
* test patterns of the amd2901 described in C and using the
genpat MACROS. Has to be processed with genpat to create
the pattern.pat file.
Description of the amd2901 control part in vbe format.
Processed by boom (boolean optimization) ->
which is processed by boog (synthesis) ->
which is proceesed by loon (power optimization) ->
* Description of the amd2901 control part in vbe format.
Processed by boom (boolean optimization) -> amd2901_ctl_boom.vbe
which is processed by boog (synthesis) -> amd2901_ctl_boog.vst
which is proceesed by loon (power optimization) -> amd2901_ctl.vst
Parameter file for logic synthesis. Used by boom and boog.
* Parameter file for logic synthesis. Used by boom, boog and loon.
Description of the amd2901 data-path in genlib format.
Uses the data-path library dp_sxlib.
Has to be processed by genlib, to create:
logical description of the amd2901 datapath
physical description of the amd2901 datapath
* Description of the amd2901 data-path in genlib format.
Uses the data-path library dp_sxlib.
Has to be processed by genlib, to create:
* amd2901_dpt.vst:
* logical description of the amd2901 datapath
* amd2901_dpt.ap:
* physical description of the amd2901 datapath
Description of the amd2901 core in genlib format.
Has to be processed by genlib, to create
logical description of amd2901 core which instanciates
amd2901_dpt.vst and amd2901_ctl.vst.
physical description of amd2901 core which instanciates
amd2901_dpt.ap and expand the abutment box in order
to give enough room to place the control part.
* Description of the amd2901 core in genlib format.
Has to be processed by genlib, to create
* amd2901_core.vst:
* logical description of amd2901 core which instanciates
amd2901_dpt.vst and amd2901_ctl.vst.
* amd2901_core.ap:
* physical description of amd2901 core which instanciates
amd2901_dpt.ap and expand the abutment box in order
to give enough room to place the control part.
amd2901_core connectors placement description, used by ocp.
* amd2901_core connectors placement description, used by ocp.
amd2901_chip description in genlib format.
instanciates amd2901_core.vst and the pads from the padlib
* amd2901_chip description in genlib format.
instanciates amd2901_core.vst and the pads from the padlib
pads placement file, used by ring.
* pads placement file, used by ring.
simple zsh script, used for ad lib use of this bench to detect
bugs ...
* simple zsh script, used for 'ad infinitum' use of this bench to detect
bugs ...
Reference in New Issue