Manage RDS rectangles with null width or height.
* Bug: In gds_drive.c, the RDS data structure may contains rectangle of null width or height. Those rectangles must not be put into the GDS stream as they prevents the GDS parser to re-read it. For now, we skip them and issue a warning. Further investigations must be made to understand how thoses rectangles gets generateds. * Bug: In rutpoly.c, some long for managing GDS coordinates where still lurking. Now all are replaced by int32_t.
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,11 +214,13 @@ void DrealInitializeErrorMessage( Debug )
sprintf( DrealAllFileName, "/tmp/%s_all_%d", PACKAGE, getpid() );
DrealStreamErr = freopen( DrealErrFileName, "w+", stderr);
//DrealStreamErr = stderr;
DrealStreamAll = fopen ( DrealAllFileName, "w+" );
if ( DrealNormalMode )
DrealStreamOut = freopen( DrealOutFileName, "w+", stdout);
//DrealStreamOut = stdout;
@ -586,7 +586,20 @@ date_type *date;
if (modele->LAYERTAB[i]) {
rect = modele->LAYERTAB[i];
while (rect) {
if (rect->DX == 0)
fprintf( stderr
, "*** GDS driver warning ***\n"
"In %s, rectangle with null width @(%il,%il) %i\n"
, modele->NAME, rect->X/RDS_LAMBDA, rect->Y/RDS_LAMBDA, i );
if (rect->DY == 0)
fprintf( stderr
, "** GDS driver warning ***\n"
"In %s, rectangle with null height @(%il,%il) %i\n"
, modele->NAME, rect->X/RDS_LAMBDA, rect->Y/RDS_LAMBDA, i );
if ((rect->DX != 0) && (rect->DY != 0)) {
if (pv_sauve_rectangle(rect, fp, i) < 0) return -1;
rect = rect->NEXT;
@ -1047,7 +1047,6 @@ char nom_modele[33];
node_list *ScanNode;
rdsrec_list *Rec;
Figure->MODE = 'L';
pv_model = (rdsfig_list *)NULL;
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
static void quicksort(tab, deb, fin)
long tab[];
int32_t tab[];
unsigned deb, fin;
register long m, aux;
register int32_t m, aux;
register unsigned i, j;
i = deb;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ register unsigned i, j;
static int simplification(tab, tab_lg)
long tab[];
int32_t tab[];
unsigned tab_lg;
register int i, j; /* i indice de lecture, j celui d'ecriture */
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ unsigned coord_numb;
rdsrec_list *Rec;
register unsigned int i, j;
register long x, y, dx, dy;
register int32_t x, y, dx, dy;
for (i = 0; i < coord_numb; i += 2) {
j = i + 1;
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ unsigned coord_numb;
static coord_t *do_diagonale(rect_tab, nb_rect, xtab, ytab)
rect_t rect_tab[];
type_l nb_rect;
long xtab[], ytab[];
int32_t xtab[], ytab[];
register int i, j;
register coord_t *tab;
@ -483,10 +483,10 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
register int i, h, v; /* compteurs a tout faire */
long x1, y1, x2, y2; /* auxiliaires (de coordonnees) en tout genre */
int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2; /* auxiliaires (de coordonnees) en tout genre */
long *tab; /* pseudo-tableau auxiliaire */
long *xtab, *ytab; /* pseudo-tableaux des differentes coordonnees*/
int32_t *tab; /* pseudo-tableau auxiliaire */
int32_t *xtab, *ytab; /* pseudo-tableaux des differentes coordonnees*/
type_i nb_x, nb_y; /* tailles des 2 tableaux et egalement nombres d'abcisses et d'ordonnees significatives. */
type_c * col, *lig; /* pseudo-tableaux contenant respectivement les nombres d'aretes par ligne, par colonne. */
type_l * index_h, *index_v; /* pseudo-tableaux permettant d'indexer les tableaux contenant les positions des aretes. */
@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
/* */
/* On regarde d'abord si le polygone a decouper n'est pas deja un rectangle, auquel cas le probleme est vite resolu. */
/* */
if (coord_numb == 5) {
nct = (coord_t * )malloc(2 * sizeof(coord_t));
*new_coord_tab = nct;
@ -518,10 +519,10 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
nct[1].X = coord_tab[2].X;
nct[1].Y = coord_tab[2].Y;
} else {
nct[0].X = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[0].X * scale) + .5);
nct[0].Y = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[0].Y * scale) + .5);
nct[1].X = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[2].X * scale) + .5);
nct[1].Y = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[2].Y * scale) + .5);
nct[0].X = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[0].X * scale) + .5);
nct[0].Y = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[0].Y * scale) + .5);
nct[1].X = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[2].X * scale) + .5);
nct[1].Y = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[2].Y * scale) + .5);
@ -538,16 +539,16 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
bool = 1; /* On vient d'allouer une nouvelle zone pour coordonnees*/
for (i = 0; i < coord_numb; i++) { /* On recopie les valeurs du tableau passe en parametre */
coordonnees[i].X = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[i].X * scale) + .5); /* en les mettant a l'echelle de la base RDS. */
coordonnees[i].Y = (long)floor(((double)coord_tab[i].Y * scale) + .5);
coordonnees[i].X = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[i].X * scale) + .5); /* en les mettant a l'echelle de la base RDS. */
coordonnees[i].Y = (int32_t)floor(((double)coord_tab[i].Y * scale) + .5);
/* */
/* On extrait de la liste des coordonnees toutes les valeurs significatives */
/* */
tab = (long *)malloc(coord_numb * sizeof(long)); /* on alloue un tableau auxiliaire pour y stocker */
if (tab == (long *)NULL) { /* temporairement les abcisses et les ordonnees. */
tab = (int32_t *)malloc(coord_numb * sizeof(int32_t)); /* on alloue un tableau auxiliaire pour y stocker */
if (tab == (int32_t *)NULL) { /* temporairement les abcisses et les ordonnees. */
ruterror( RDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, "p2d(tab)");
if (bool)
free((char *)coordonnees);
@ -559,8 +560,8 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
quicksort(tab, 0, coord_numb - 1); /* On les trie */
nb_x = simplification(tab, coord_numb); /* On ne garde que les valeurs significatives */
xtab = (long *)malloc(nb_x * sizeof(long)); /* On alloue un pseudo-tableau pour y ranger les valeurs definitives */
if (xtab == (long *)NULL) {
xtab = (int32_t *)malloc(nb_x * sizeof(int32_t)); /* On alloue un pseudo-tableau pour y ranger les valeurs definitives */
if (xtab == (int32_t *)NULL) {
ruterror( RDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, "p2d(xtab)");
if (bool)
free((char *)coordonnees); /* traine pas d'imprecision : si la techno employee n'est pas assez */
@ -568,7 +569,7 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
/* On recopie ces valeurs definitives dans le nouveau tableau */
(void)memcpy((char *)xtab, (char *)tab, (size_t)nb_x * sizeof(long));
(void)memcpy((char *)xtab, (char *)tab, (size_t)nb_x * sizeof(int32_t));
for (i = 0; i < coord_numb; i++) /* Puis on s'occupe des ordonnees de la meme facon */
@ -576,8 +577,8 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
quicksort(tab, 0, coord_numb - 1);
nb_y = simplification(tab, coord_numb);
ytab = (long *)malloc(nb_y * sizeof(long));
if (ytab == (long *)NULL) {
ytab = (int32_t *)malloc(nb_y * sizeof(int32_t));
if (ytab == (int32_t *)NULL) {
ruterror( RDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, "p2d(ytab)");
if (bool)
free((char *)coordonnees);
@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ unsigned *new_coord_numb;
/* On recopie ces valeurs definitives dans le nouveau tableau */
(void)memcpy((char *)ytab, (char *)tab, (int)nb_y * sizeof(long));
(void)memcpy((char *)ytab, (char *)tab, (int)nb_y * sizeof(int32_t));
free((char * )tab);
Reference in New Issue