renommage de biabl en fbbiabl, et binode en fbbinode ...
This commit is contained in:
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ unsigned char type; /* signal's type */
/* called func. : namealloc, mbkalloc */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct fbbus *fbh_addfbbus (lastfbbus, name, biabl, binode, type)
struct fbbus *fbh_addfbbus (lastfbbus, name, fbbiabl, fbbinode, type)
struct fbbus *lastfbbus; /* pointer on the last fbbus structure */
char *name; /* port's name */
struct biabl *biabl; /* port's drivers (ABL) */
struct binode *binode; /* port's drivers (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *fbbiabl; /* port's drivers (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *fbbinode; /* port's drivers (BDD) */
char type; /* port type mark (M or W) */
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ char type; /* port type mark (M or W) */
ptbus = (struct fbbus *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct fbbus));
ptbus->NAME = name;
ptbus->BIABL = biabl;
ptbus->BINODE = binode;
ptbus->BIABL = fbbiabl;
ptbus->BINODE = fbbinode;
ptbus->TYPE = type;
ptbus->NEXT = lastfbbus;
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ char type; /* port type mark (M or W) */
/* called func. : namealloc, mbkalloc */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct fbbux *fbh_addfbbux (lastfbbux, name, biabl, binode, type)
struct fbbux *fbh_addfbbux (lastfbbux, name, fbbiabl, fbbinode, type)
struct fbbux *lastfbbux; /* pointer on the last fbbux structure */
char *name; /* signal's name */
struct biabl *biabl; /* signal's expression (ABL) */
struct binode *binode; /* signal's expression (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *fbbiabl; /* signal's expression (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *fbbinode; /* signal's expression (BDD) */
char type; /* signal's type mark (M or W) */
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ char type; /* signal's type mark (M or W) */
ptbux = (struct fbbux *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct fbbux));
ptbux->NAME = name;
ptbux->BIABL = biabl;
ptbux->BINODE = binode;
ptbux->BIABL = fbbiabl;
ptbux->BINODE = fbbinode;
ptbux->TYPE = type;
ptbux->NEXT = lastfbbux;
@ -431,12 +431,12 @@ unsigned char type; /* signal's type (M or W) */
/* called func. : namealloc, mbkalloc */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct fbreg *fbh_addfbreg (lastfbreg, name, biabl, binode)
struct fbreg *fbh_addfbreg (lastfbreg, name, fbbiabl, fbbinode)
struct fbreg *lastfbreg; /* pointer on the last fbreg structure */
char *name; /* register's name */
struct biabl *biabl; /* register's drivers (ABL) */
struct binode *binode; /* register's drivers (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *fbbiabl; /* register's drivers (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *fbbinode; /* register's drivers (BDD) */
/*unsigned char type; register's type */
@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ struct binode *binode; /* register's drivers (BDD) */
ptreg = (struct fbreg *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct fbreg));
ptreg->NAME = name;
ptreg->BIABL = biabl;
ptreg->BINODE = binode;
ptreg->BIABL = fbbiabl;
ptreg->BINODE = fbbinode;
ptreg->NEXT = lastfbreg;
return (ptreg);
@ -526,17 +526,17 @@ char class; /* type's class (E, I, A, S) */
/* called func. : namealloc, mbkalloc */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct biabl *fbh_addbiabl (lastbiabl, label, condition, value)
struct fbbiabl *fbh_addbiabl (lastbiabl, label, condition, value)
struct biabl *lastbiabl; /* pointer on the last biabl structure */
struct fbbiabl *lastbiabl; /* pointer on the last fbbiabl structure */
char *label; /* block's label */
struct chain *condition; /* guard expression (ABL) */
struct chain *value; /* value expression (ABL) */
struct biabl *ptbiabl;
struct fbbiabl *ptbiabl;
ptbiabl = (struct biabl *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct biabl));
ptbiabl = (struct fbbiabl *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct fbbiabl));
label = namealloc (label);
ptbiabl->LABEL = label;
@ -553,16 +553,16 @@ struct chain *value; /* value expression (ABL) */
/* called func. : namealloc, mbkalloc */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct binode *fbh_addbinode (lastbinode, condition, value)
struct fbbinode *fbh_addbinode (lastbinode, condition, value)
struct binode *lastbinode; /* pointer on the last binode structure */
struct fbbinode *lastbinode; /* pointer on the last fbbinode structure */
bddnode *condition; /* guard expression (BDD) */
bddnode *value; /* value expression (BDD) */
struct binode *ptbinode;
struct fbbinode *ptbinode;
ptbinode = (struct binode *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct binode));
ptbinode = (struct fbbinode *) mbkalloc (sizeof(struct fbbinode));
ptbinode->CNDNODE = condition;
ptbinode->VALNODE = value;
ptbinode->NEXT = lastbinode;
@ -640,15 +640,15 @@ return(listfbrin);
/* called func. : mbkfree */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct biabl *fbh_delbiabl (listbiabl, ptbiabl, mode)
struct fbbiabl *fbh_delbiabl (listbiabl, ptbiabl, mode)
struct biabl *listbiabl; /* list of biabl containing the object */
struct biabl *ptbiabl; /* pointer of the BIABL to be deleted */
struct fbbiabl *listbiabl; /* list of fbbiabl containing the object */
struct fbbiabl *ptbiabl; /* pointer of the BIABL to be deleted */
char mode; /* recursive delete or not (Y or N) */
struct biabl headabl;
struct biabl *ptlastabl;
struct fbbiabl headabl;
struct fbbiabl *ptlastabl;
if ((listbiabl != 0) && (ptbiabl != 0))
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ if ((listbiabl != 0) && (ptbiabl != 0))
if (mode == 'N')
if ((ptbiabl->VALABL != 0) || (ptbiabl->CNDABL != 0))
(void) fprintf (stderr,"FBH_warning : biabl not empty\n");
(void) fprintf (stderr,"FBH_warning : fbbiabl not empty\n");
@ -701,15 +701,15 @@ return(listbiabl);
/* called func. : mbkfree */
/* ###--------------------------------------------------------------### */
struct binode *fbh_delbinode (listbinode, ptbinode, mode)
struct fbbinode *fbh_delbinode (listbinode, ptbinode, mode)
struct binode *listbinode; /* list of binode containing the object */
struct binode *ptbinode; /* pointer of the BINODE to be deleted */
struct fbbinode *listbinode; /* list of fbbinode containing the object */
struct fbbinode *ptbinode; /* pointer of the BINODE to be deleted */
char mode; /* recursive delete or not (Y or N) */
struct binode headnode;
struct binode *ptlastnode;
struct fbbinode headnode;
struct fbbinode *ptlastnode;
if ((listbinode != 0) && (ptbinode != 0))
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ if ((listbinode != 0) && (ptbinode != 0))
if (mode == 'N')
if ((ptbinode->VALNODE != 0) || (ptbinode->CNDNODE != 0))
(void) fprintf (stderr,"FBH_warning : binode not empty\n");
(void) fprintf (stderr,"FBH_warning : fbbinode not empty\n");
ptlastnode->NEXT = ptbinode->NEXT;
@ -414,10 +414,10 @@ struct fbtyp *listfbtyp; /* list of fbtyp to be deleted */
void fbh_frebiabl (listbiabl)
struct biabl *listbiabl; /* list of biabl to be deleted */
struct fbbiabl *listbiabl; /* list of fbbiabl to be deleted */
struct biabl *ptbiabl;
struct fbbiabl *ptbiabl;
/* ###------------------------------------------------------### */
/* for each object of the list, first delete pointed objects */
@ -445,10 +445,10 @@ struct biabl *listbiabl; /* list of biabl to be deleted */
void fbh_frebinode (listbinode)
struct binode *listbinode; /* list of binode to be deleted */
struct fbbinode *listbinode; /* list of fbbinode to be deleted */
struct binode *ptbinode;
struct fbbinode *ptbinode;
/* ###------------------------------------------------------### */
/* for each object of the list, first delete pointed objects */
@ -58,23 +58,23 @@ static void loc_fbh_viewablexprln( Expr )
void fbh_viewbiabl( BiAbl )
biabl_list *BiAbl;
fbbiabl_list *BiAbl;
if ( BiAbl == (biabl_list *)0 )
if ( BiAbl == (fbbiabl_list *)0 )
fprintf( stdout, "NULL\n" );
while ( BiAbl != (biabl_list *)0 )
while ( BiAbl != (fbbiabl_list *)0 )
fprintf( stdout, "--> biabl_list\n" );
fprintf( stdout, "--> fbbiabl_list\n" );
fprintf( stdout, " LABEL : %s\n", BiAbl->LABEL );
fprintf( stdout, " CNDABL : " );
loc_fbh_viewablexprln( BiAbl->CNDABL );
fprintf( stdout, " VALABL : " );
loc_fbh_viewablexprln( BiAbl->VALABL );
fprintf( stdout, "<-- biabl_list\n" );
fprintf( stdout, "<-- fbbiabl_list\n" );
BiAbl = BiAbl->NEXT;
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void vhdlsavefbarchi( pthedfbfig, synopsys )
struct fbbus *ptfbbus = 0; /* current BEBUS pointer */
struct fbaux *ptfbaux = 0; /* current BEAUX pointer */
struct fbbux *ptfbbux = 0; /* current BEBUX pointer */
struct biabl *ptbiabl = 0; /* current BIABL pointer */
struct fbbiabl *ptbiabl = 0; /* current BIABL pointer */
/* ###------------------------------------------------------### */
/* Print out a concurrent assert statement for each BEMSG */
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ typedef struct fbreg /* register */
struct fbreg *NEXT; /* next register */
char *NAME; /* register's name */
struct biabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct binode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
unsigned long FLAG;
unsigned long LINE_NUM;
void *USER;
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ typedef struct fbbus /* output port (BUS) */
struct fbbus *NEXT; /* next bus port */
char *NAME; /* port's name */
struct biabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct binode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
unsigned char TYPE; /* port's type : W or M */
unsigned long FLAG;
unsigned long LINE_NUM;
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ typedef struct fbbux /* internal signal (BUS) */
struct fbbux *NEXT; /* next signal */
char *NAME; /* signal's name */
struct biabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct binode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
struct fbbiabl *BIABL; /* list of drivers (ABL) */
struct fbbinode *BINODE; /* list of drivers (BDD) */
unsigned char TYPE; /* signal's type : W or M */
unsigned long FLAG;
unsigned long LINE_NUM;
@ -188,26 +188,26 @@ typedef struct fbpor /* port */
typedef struct biabl /* couple of ABL */
typedef struct fbbiabl /* couple of ABL */
struct biabl *NEXT; /* next couple */
struct fbbiabl *NEXT; /* next couple */
char *LABEL; /* driver's label */
struct chain *CNDABL; /* driver's connection condition (ABL) */
struct chain *VALABL; /* equation of driven value (ABL) */
unsigned long LINE_NUM;
void *USER;
typedef struct binode /* couple of BDD */
typedef struct fbbinode /* couple of BDD */
struct binode *NEXT; /* next figure */
struct fbbinode *NEXT; /* next figure */
bddnode *CNDNODE; /* driver's connection condition (BDD) */
bddnode *VALNODE; /* equation of driven value (BDD) */
unsigned long LINE_NUM;
void *USER;
typedef struct fbrin /* primary inputs */
@ -320,17 +320,17 @@ fbpgm_list;
extern fbfig_list *FBL_HEADFIG;
extern struct fbaux * fbh_addfbaux __P((struct fbaux *lastfbaux, char *name, struct chain *abl_expr, bddnode *bdd_expr, unsigned char type));
extern struct fbbux * fbh_addfbbux __P((struct fbbux *lastfbbux, char *name, struct biabl *biabl, struct binode *binode, char type));
extern struct fbbus * fbh_addfbbus __P((struct fbbus *lastfbbus, char *name, struct biabl *biabl, struct binode *binode, char type));
extern struct fbbux * fbh_addfbbux __P((struct fbbux *lastfbbux, char *name, struct fbbiabl *biabl, struct fbbinode *binode, char type));
extern struct fbbus * fbh_addfbbus __P((struct fbbus *lastfbbus, char *name, struct fbbiabl *biabl, struct fbbinode *binode, char type));
extern struct fbfig * fbh_addfbfig __P((struct fbfig *lastfbfig, char *name));
extern struct fbgen * fbh_addfbgen __P((struct fbgen *lastfbgen, char *name, char *type, void *value ));
extern struct fbmsg * fbh_addfbmsg __P((struct fbmsg *lastfbmsg, char *label, char level, char *message, struct chain *abl_expr, bddnode *bdd_expr));
extern struct fbout * fbh_addfbout __P((struct fbout *lastfbout, char *name, struct chain *abl_expr, bddnode *bdd_expr, unsigned char type));
extern struct fbpor * fbh_addfbpor __P((struct fbpor *lastfbpor, char *name, char dir, unsigned char type));
extern struct fbreg * fbh_addfbreg __P((struct fbreg *lastfbreg, char *name, struct biabl *biabl, struct binode *binode));
extern struct fbreg * fbh_addfbreg __P((struct fbreg *lastfbreg, char *name, struct fbbiabl *biabl, struct fbbinode *binode));
extern struct fbrin * fbh_addfbrin __P((struct fbrin *lastfbrin, char *name));
extern struct biabl * fbh_addbiabl __P((struct biabl *lastbiabl, char *label,struct chain *condition, struct chain *value));
extern struct binode * fbh_addbinode __P((struct binode *lastbinode, bddnode *condition, bddnode *value));
extern struct fbbiabl * fbh_addbiabl __P((struct fbbiabl *lastbiabl, char *label,struct chain *condition, struct chain *value));
extern struct fbbinode * fbh_addbinode __P((struct fbbinode *lastbinode, bddnode *condition, bddnode *value));
extern struct ptype * fbh_addfbifs __P((struct ptype *lastptype, struct chain *abl));
extern struct ptype * fbh_addfbasg __P((struct ptype *lastptype, char *name, struct chain *abl, unsigned char type));
extern struct ptype * fbh_addfbcas __P((struct ptype *lastptype, struct chain *abl, unsigned char type));
@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ extern fbfig_list *FBL_HEADFIG;
extern struct fbpor * fbh_delfbpor __P((struct fbpor *listfbpor, struct fbpor *ptfbpor));
extern struct fbreg * fbh_delfbreg __P((struct fbreg *listfbreg, struct fbreg *ptfbreg, char mode));
extern struct fbrin * fbh_delfbrin __P((struct fbrin *listfbrin, struct fbrin *ptfbrin));
extern struct biabl * fbh_delbiabl __P((struct biabl *listbiabl, struct biabl *ptbiabl, char mode));
extern struct binode * fbh_delbinode __P((struct binode *listbinode, struct binode *ptbinode, char mode));
extern struct fbbiabl * fbh_delbiabl __P((struct fbbiabl *listbiabl, struct fbbiabl *ptbiabl, char mode));
extern struct fbbinode * fbh_delbinode __P((struct fbbinode *listbinode, struct fbbinode *ptbinode, char mode));
extern void fbh_frefbaux __P((struct fbaux *listfbaux));
extern void fbh_frefbbux __P((struct fbbux *listfbbux));
extern void fbh_frefbbus __P((struct fbbus *listfbbus));
@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ extern fbfig_list *FBL_HEADFIG;
extern void fbh_frefbreg __P((struct fbreg *listfbreg));
extern void fbh_frefbrin __P((struct fbrin *listfbrin));
extern void fbh_frefbpgm __P((struct fbpgm *listfbpgm));
extern void fbh_frebiabl __P((struct biabl *listbiabl));
extern void fbh_frebinode __P((struct binode *listbinode));
extern void fbh_frebiabl __P((struct fbbiabl *listbiabl));
extern void fbh_frebinode __P((struct fbbinode *listbinode));
extern void fbh_frefbtyp __P((struct fbtyp *listfbtyp));
extern void * fbh_getgenval __P((struct fbgen *listfbgen, char *fbgenname));
extern struct fbaux * fbh_rmvfbaux __P((struct fbaux *listfbaux, char *fbauxname, char mode));
Reference in New Issue