diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/Dialogue.tcl b/alliance/share/etc/algue/Dialogue.tcl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f393bccc --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/Dialogue.tcl @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +proc Dialogue.tcl {w titre texte bitmap defaut args} { + + # pompe dans J.K OUSTERHOUT pp 269 + # La boite de dialogue peut contenir un "texte" avec eventuellement + # un "bitmap" si celui ci est {} pas de bitmap. + # Un des bouton peut etre specifie en en "defaut" (sinon -1). + # Dans ce cas il insere dans une frame sunken. La boite attend + # une reponse. Dans ce cas la boite est detruite et retourne l'indice + # du bouton invoque. Sur un retour chariot est avec un "defaut" + # specifie, l'indice du defautest retourne + + global bouton_diag + global fontes + + if {[winfo exists $w]} {destroy $w} + #set w $w.dialogue + + # cree la boite et la divise en deux + + toplevel $w -class Dialog + wm title $w $titre + wm geometry $w +300+400 + + raise $w + + + + frame $w.haut -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $w.haut -side top -fill both + frame $w.bas -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $w.bas -side bottom -fill both + + # on remplie le haut + + message $w.haut.msg -width 3i -text $texte \ + -font $fontes(1) + pack $w.haut.msg -side right -expand 1 -fill both \ + -padx 3m -pady 3m + if {$bitmap != ""} { + label $w.haut.bitmap -bitmap $bitmap + pack $w.haut.bitmap -side left -padx 3m -pady 3m + } + + # cree une ligne de boutons + set i 0 + foreach but $args { + button $w.bas.button$i -text $but -font $fontes(1) -command \ + "set bouton_diag $i" + if {$i == $defaut} { + frame $w.bas.defaut -relief sunken -bd 1 + raise $w.bas.button$i + pack $w.bas.defaut -side left -expand 1 \ + -padx 3m -pady 2m + pack $w.bas.button$i -in $w.bas.defaut \ + -side left -padx 2m -pady 2m -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m + } else { + pack $w.bas.button$i -side left -expand 1 \ + -padx 3m -pady 3m -ipadx 2m -ipady 1m + } + incr i + } + + # execute une sortie sur RC et garde le controle + + if {$defaut >= 0} { + bind $w "$w.bas.button$defaut flash; \ + set bouton_diag $defaut" + } + bell + set oldFocus [focus] + #grab set $w + focus $w + + # attend une reponse et retourne l'indice du bouton selectionne + + tkwait variable bouton_diag + destroy $w + focus $oldFocus + return $bouton_diag + + +} diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/Supervision_cmdunix.tcl b/alliance/share/etc/algue/Supervision_cmdunix.tcl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9d471b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/Supervision_cmdunix.tcl @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +proc Supervision_cmdunix.tcl { commande code_cmd } { + + # genere une commande unix en tache de fond + # et gere le flot de sortie + # adapte du B.B. Welch p 104 + # si code_cmd est a 1 , on court-circuite la commande + # execution . + + # ---------- procedures internes ------------ + + proc Mk_cmdunix { } { + # lance la commande et lit le flot de sortie + global cmdunix entree blabla bouton + + if [catch {open "|$cmdunix |& cat"} entree] { + $blabla insert end $entree\n + } else { + fileevent $entree readable Supervision + $blabla insert end $cmdunix\n + $bouton config -state disabled + } + } + proc Supervision { } { + # supervise le flot de sortie + global bouton num_process + global entree blabla code_erreur_comdiac + if [eof $entree] { + # bell ; # bell + Stop_cmdunix 0 + } else { + gets $entree line + if [string match *COMDIAC_PID* $line] { + set num_process [lrange $line 1 1] + set num_process [expr $num_process-2] + } + if [string match *COMDIAC_OK* $line] { + # bell + Stop_cmdunix 1 + } + $blabla insert end $line\n + $blabla see end + + } + } + proc Stop_cmdunix { code } { + # arrete et revalide l'execution + global entree bouton code_erreur_comdiac num_process + if { $code == 0 } { + bell ; bell + set code_erreur_comdiac 0 + } + if { $code == 1 } { + set code_erreur_comdiac 1 + } + if { $code == -1 } { + exec kill -9 $num_process + bell ; bell + set code_erreur_comdiac 0 + } + catch {close $entree} + $bouton config -state normal + } + + #-------------------------------------- + + global blabla cmdunix entree bouton + global code_erreur_comdiac num_process + global fontes + + set num_process 0 + set cmdunix $commande + set w .cmd_unix + set poub [winfo exists $w] + if {$poub == 1} { + raise $w + if { $code_cmd == 1 } { Mk_cmdunix } + } + if {$poub == 0} { + toplevel $w -class Cmd_unix + wm title $w "COMDIAC:Supervision des commandes UNIX" + wm iconname $w Supervision + wm geometry $w +30+30 + raise $w + + # creation de la frame haute + + frame $w.haut -borderwidth 10 + pack $w.haut -side top -fill x + + # creation des boutons de commande + + frame $w.haut.1 + pack $w.haut.1 -side right -fill x + + button $w.haut.1.stop -text STOP -font $fontes(1) \ + -command "Stop_cmdunix -1" + + $w.haut.1.stop config -cursor {hand2} + set bouton [button $w.haut.1.exec -text EXECUTION -font $fontes(1) -command Mk_cmdunix] + $w.haut.1.exec config -cursor {hand2} + button $w.haut.1.sortie -text SORTIE -font $fontes(1) -command "destroy .cmd_unix" + $w.haut.1.sortie config -cursor {hand2} + pack $w.haut.1.sortie $w.haut.1.stop $w.haut.1.exec -side right + + + # creation du label + + label $w.haut.label -font $fontes(1) -text "Commande UNIX: " -padx 0 + entry $w.haut.entree -width 80 -relief sunken -textvariable cmdunix + pack $w.haut.label -side left + pack $w.haut.entree -side left -fill x -expand true + + focus $w.haut.entree + + # creation de la frame basse pour scruter l'execution + + frame $w.bas +# set blabla [text $w.bas.text -width 80 -height 5 -font $fontes(1) + + set blabla [text $w.bas.text -width 80 -height 16 \ + -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge -setgrid true \ + -yscrollcommand {.cmd_unix.bas.scroll set}] + scrollbar $w.bas.scroll -command {.cmd_unix.bas.text yview} + pack $w.bas.text -side left -fill both -expand true + pack $w.bas.scroll -side right -fill y + pack $w.bas -side top -fill both -expand true + + if { $code_cmd == 1 } { Mk_cmdunix } + } + +} diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.gif b/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..664b8835 Binary files /dev/null and b/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.gif differ diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.tk b/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.tk new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2726ca44 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/alliance.tk @@ -0,0 +1,955 @@ +################################### +# +# Alliance graphics +# +################################### + + proc Library_UpdateIndex { libdir } { + if ![file exists $libdir/tclIndex] { + set doit 1 + } else { + set age [file mtime $libdir/tclIndex] + set doit 0 + if {[file mtime $libdir] > $age} { + set doit 1 + } else { + foreach file [glob $libdir/*.tcl] { + if {[file mtime $file] > $age} { + set doit 1 + break + } + } + } + } + if { $doit } { + auto_mkindex $libdir *.tcl + } + } + + set alcgraph $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue + + lappend auto_path $alcgraph + + Library_UpdateIndex $alcgraph + + global fontes + set fontes(1) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(2) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(3) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(4) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-8-*-75-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(5) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(6) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + set fontes(7) -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-* + + + option add *foreground black + option add *Button.background #eef + option add *Menubutton.background #eef + + option add *Checkbutton.background #fff + option add *Radiobutton.background #fff + option add *Frame.background #fff + option add *Canvas.background #fff + option add *Canvas.background #fff + option add *Label.background #fff + option add *Toplevel.background #fff + option add *Entry.background #fff + option add *Scrollbar.background #eef + option add *Listbox.background bisque + option add *Text.background white + + set w .alliance + + toplevel $w -class Cairo_otacsrndmos + wm title $w "A L L I A N C E" + raise $w + wm geometry $w +20+20 + wm iconify . +global currentlang +set currentlang "francais" + +global paramlaunch +set paramlaunch(changelang) "Switch to English" +set paramlaunch(exit) "SORTIE" + + + +################## +# Procedures.... +# +# +######################## +# + + +######################## +# +proc dlg_reset {exec file_conf } { +global fontes +global button_press + + + set win .dgl + set texte "Voulez-vous vraiment remettre les parametres a leurs valeurs \ + initiales ?" + + toplevel $win -class Dialog + + wm title $win "Confirmation" + wm geometry $win +300+400 + raise $win + + frame $win.haut -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $win.haut -side top -fill both + frame $win.bas -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $win.bas -side bottom -fill both + + message $win.haut.msg -width 3i -text $texte + + pack $win.haut.msg -side right -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3 + + button $win.bas.1 -text "Oui" -command "set button_press 0" + pack $win.bas.1 -expand 1 -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + + button $win.bas.2 -text "Non" -command "set button_press 1" + pack $win.bas.2 -expand 1 -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + + tkwait variable button_press + destroy $win + +return $button_press +} + + +###### +# +proc askforshell { } { +global fontes +global button_press +global currentlang + + set win .dgl +switch $currentlang { + "francais" { + set texte "A quel shell voulez vous que le script se conforme ?" + set titlefile "Choix du shell" + } + + "anglais" { + set texte "Witch Shell do you want to use ?" + set titlefile "Shell Choose" + } + } + + toplevel $win -class Dialog + + wm title $win "$titlefile" + + wm geometry $win +300+400 + raise $win + + frame $win.haut -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $win.haut -side top -fill both + frame $win.bas -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $win.bas -side bottom -fill both + + message $win.haut.msg -width 3i -text $texte + + pack $win.haut.msg -side right -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3 + + button $win.bas.1 -text "TCSH" -command "set button_press TCSH" + pack $win.bas.1 -expand 1 -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + + button $win.bas.2 -text "BASH" -command "set button_press BASH" + pack $win.bas.2 -expand 1 -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + +set oldfocus [focus] + +focus $win + + tkwait variable button_press + destroy $win + focus $oldfocus + +return $button_press +} + +######################## +proc dump_env_file { file } { + global env + global dir_env_file + + + if ![file exists $env(PWD)/$file] { + eval "exec cp ${dir_env_file}/${file} ." + } +return 0 +} + + +######################## +proc reset_env_file { file execut } { + global env + global dir_env_file + global result_dialog + global liste_variables + +set result_dialog [ dlg_reset $execut $file] + +if { $result_dialog == 0 } { + if [file exists $env(PWD)/$file] { + eval "exec cp ${dir_env_file}/${file} ." + } + } + +######## +# on devrait lire les nouvelles valeurs.. +#ABCD + +return $result_dialog +} + + +####### +# +proc config_binaire { executable file_config } { + global fontes + global largeur + global entry_val + global exec_dupfile + global do_pack + set exec_dupfile $executable + global env + + global liste_variables + global dir_env_file + +set dir_env_file $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue + + global liste_topack + + global currentlang + + switch $currentlang { + + "francais" { + set paramlaunch(title) "Configuration de l' environnement de " + set paramlaunch(var) "Variable" + set paramlaunch(val) "Valeur" + set paramlaunch(cmd) "Commande" + set paramlaunch(launch) "Execution" + set paramlaunch(defaut) "Valeurs par defaut" + set paramlaunch(save) "Sauvegarde" + set paramlaunch(script) "Genere script" + set paramlaunch(exit) "SORTIE" + + } + "anglais" { + set paramlaunch(title) "Environnement of " + set paramlaunch(var) "Variable" + set paramlaunch(val) "Value" + set paramlaunch(cmd) "Command" + set paramlaunch(launch) "Launch" + set paramlaunch(defaut) "Default Values" + set paramlaunch(save) "Save" + set paramlaunch(script) "Drive script" + set paramlaunch(exit) "EXIT" + + } +} + + + + + + + + toplevel .config + wm title .config "Alliance Configurator" + wm iconname .config Config + wm geometry .config +10+10 + + set h_scrol 100 + +############ +# si executable.env n existe pas dans le repertoire courant on le copie +# +set exe_env [dump_env_file ${executable}.env] + + + frame .config.top -relief flat + pack .config.top -side top -fill both + frame .config.cmd -relief flat + pack .config.cmd -fill both + frame .config.bot -relief raised -bd 1 + pack .config.bot -side bottom -fill both + + label .config.top.titre -font $fontes(6) \ + -text "$paramlaunch(title) $executable" -foreground #0000CC + + pack .config.top.titre -side top -padx 3 -pady 10 + + canvas .config.top.canvas -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -background #fff -width 40 -height 10 \ + -scrollregion "0 0 0 $h_scrol" -yscrollcommand ".config.top.scrol set" + + + scrollbar .config.top.scrol -width 8 -orient vertical -command ".config.top.canvas yview" \ + -width 8 + + pack .config.top.scrol -side right -fill y + .config.top.scrol config -cursor {hand2} + pack .config.top.canvas -expand yes -side left -fill both + + + if [catch {open $file_config r} fichier] { + set pouba "L'erreur est humaine" + set poubb "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $file_config !!" + Dialogue.tcl .d $pouba $poubb error -1 SORTIE + } else { + set gocalcul 1 + global do_pack + global liste_topack + #bell + set largeur 0 + set largeur_maxi 2 + set ligne_act 1 + set liste_topack "" + set liste_variables "" + set wdtent 35 + set wdtlbl 20 + set topady 5 + set topadx 5 + + frame .config.top.canvas.titre -relief raised -bd 1 + pack .config.top.canvas.titre -side top -fill both + + label .config.top.canvas.titre.col1 -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(1) \ + -text "$paramlaunch(var)" -fg #CC0000 + label .config.top.canvas.titre.col2 -width $wdtent -font $fontes(1) \ + -text "$paramlaunch(val)" -fg #CC0000 + label .config.top.canvas.titre.col3 -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(1) \ + -text "$paramlaunch(var)" -fg #CC0000 + label .config.top.canvas.titre.col4 -width $wdtent -font $fontes(1) \ + -text "$paramlaunch(val)" -fg #CC0000 + + + pack .config.top.canvas.titre.col1 .config.top.canvas.titre.col2 \ + .config.top.canvas.titre.col3 .config.top.canvas.titre.col4 -side left -padx $topadx -pady $topady + + frame .config.top.canvas.${ligne_act} -relief raised -bd 1 + pack .config.top.canvas.${ligne_act} -side top -fill both + + while {[gets $fichier ligne] >= 0} { + + global do_pack + + set parametre [lrange $ligne 0 0] + set val_parametre [lrange $ligne 1 1] + set allval_param [lrange $ligne 1 end] + set do_pack 1 + set lengthval [string length $val_parametre ] + set lengthval [expr $lengthval - 2] + set firstval [string index $val_parametre 0] + set lastval [string index $val_parametre $lengthval] + + if { $firstval == "\{" } { + set goodval [ string range $val_parametre 1 $lengthval ] + set val_parametre $goodval + } + +switch $parametre { + + + "commande" { + + switch $currentlang { + "francais" { + label .config.cmd.lbl -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(7) \ + -text "commande" -fg #CC0000 + } + "anglais" { + label .config.cmd.lbl -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(7) \ + -text "command" -fg #CC0000 + } + } + + + set entry_val(commande) $allval_param + + lappend liste_variables "commande" + + entry .config.cmd.ent -width $wdtent \ + -textvariable entry_val(commande) +#XXX + +button .config.cmd.lance -font $fontes(7) -fg #0000CC -text "$paramlaunch(launch)" -underline 0 -width 14 -command\ + { + + global exec_dupfile + global liste_variables + global entry_val + global filewrite + global shellused + + + +set filewrite ${exec_dupfile}.tmpsh + +if [catch {open $filewrite w+ } fichier] { + set pouba "L'erreur est humaine" + set poubb "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $filewrite !!" + Dialogue.tcl .d $pouba $poubb error -1 SORTIE + } else { +set ii 0 + + +foreach vartowrite $liste_variables { + incr ii + if {$vartowrite == "commande" } { + puts $fichier "$entry_val($vartowrite)" + + } else { + puts $fichier "$vartowrite=$entry_val($vartowrite)" + puts $fichier "export $vartowrite" + + } + +} + close $fichier + + } + +eval "exec chmod 755 $filewrite" + +set comd "${filewrite}" + +Supervision_cmdunix.tcl $env(PWD)/$comd 1 ; + +# puts "$filewrite" +# set comd2 "rm $filewrite" +# Supervision_cmdunix.tcl $comd2 1 ; + +# eval "exec rm -rf $filewrite" + + } + + pack .config.cmd.lbl .config.cmd.ent .config.cmd.lance -side left -padx $topadx -pady 15 + + + } + + + + default { +global liste_topack + + if {$largeur < $largeur_maxi} { + set largeur [expr $largeur + 1] + + set liste_topack "$liste_topack .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}lbl" + set liste_topack "$liste_topack .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}ent" + + label .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}lbl -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(1) \ + -text $parametre -bg #DDDDDD -fg #0000CC +# set entry_val($ligne_act$largeur) $val_parametre + set entry_val($parametre) $val_parametre + +entry .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}ent -width $wdtent \ + -textvariable entry_val($parametre) + lappend liste_variables $parametre + set do_pack 1 + + } else { + set topack " pack $liste_topack -side left -padx $topadx -pady $topady" + eval $topack + set largeur 1 + set liste_topack "" + incr ligne_act + frame .config.top.canvas.${ligne_act} -relief raised -bd 1 + pack .config.top.canvas.${ligne_act} -side top -fill both + + + set liste_topack "$liste_topack .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}lbl" + set liste_topack "$liste_topack .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}ent" + + label .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}lbl -width $wdtlbl -font $fontes(1) \ + -text $parametre -bg #DDDDDD -fg #0000CC +# set entry_val($ligne_act$largeur) $val_parametre + set entry_val($parametre) $val_parametre + entry .config.top.canvas.$ligne_act.$ligne_act${largeur}ent -width $wdtent \ + -textvariable entry_val($parametre) + lappend liste_variables $parametre + + + set do_pack 0 + } + + + if { $parametre != "*" } { + if { $parametre == "AD0" } { + set dim_otacsrndmos(ad0) $val_parametre + } elseif { $parametre == "VC3" } { + set dim_otacsrndmos(vc3) [format "%6.3f" $val_parametre] + } elseif { $parametre == "AIRE" } { + set dim_otacsrndmos(aire) $val_parametre + } + } + } + + } +} + + + set topack " pack $liste_topack -side left -padx $topadx -pady $topady" + +# if { $do_pack == 1 } { + eval $topack +# } + + close $fichier + + } + +#################### +# Bouttons du bas + + button .config.bot.reset -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(defaut)" -underline 0 -width 14 -command\ + { } + + button .config.bot.save -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(save)" -underline 0 -width 14 -command\ + {} + + button .config.bot.lance -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(script)" -underline 0 -width 14 -command\ + {} + + button .config.bot.exit -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(exit)" -underline 0 -width 14 -command\ + "destroy .config" + + + pack .config.bot.reset .config.bot.save .config.bot.lance .config.bot.exit -side left -expand 1\ + -padx 9 -pady 6 -ipadx 6 -ipady 3 + + + +bind .config.bot.reset <1> { + global exec_dupfile + global allval_param + global entry_val + + set okresult [ reset_env_file ${exec_dupfile}.env ${exec_dupfile} ] + + if { $okresult == 0} { + #on doit reconfigurer .... + +# pack forget .config.bot.reset .config.bot.save .config.bot.lance +# .config.bot.exit configure -text "Restart !" +# .config.bot.exit configure -command "destroy .config ; return 11" + + } +set fich ${exec_dupfile}.env + + if [catch {open $fich r} fichier] { + set pouba "L'erreur est humaine" + set poubb "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $file_config !!" + Dialogue.tcl .d $pouba $poubb error -1 SORTIE + } else { + set gocalcul 1 + global do_pack + global liste_topack + set liste_topack "" + set liste_variables "" + + while {[gets $fichier ligne] >= 0} { + + + set parametre [lrange $ligne 0 0] + set val_parametre [lrange $ligne 1 1] + set allval_param [lrange $ligne 1 end] + + set entry_val($parametre) $allval_param + + + } + } + } + +bind .config.bot.save <1> { + global exec_dupfile + global liste_variables + global entry_val + global filewrite + set types_circuit_files { + {{ENV Files} {.env} } + {{ALL Files} {*.*} } + } + + + set filewrite [ tk_getSaveFile -title "ALLIANCE Loader" -filetypes $types_circuit_files -initialdir $env(PWD) -initialfile ${exec_dupfile}.env ] + +if {$filewrite != ""} { + +if [catch {open $filewrite w} fichier] { + set pouba "L'erreur est humaine" + set poubb "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $filewrite !!" + Dialogue.tcl .d $pouba $poubb error -1 SORTIE + } else { +set ii 0 + + +foreach vartowrite $liste_variables { + incr ii + if {$vartowrite == "commande" } { + puts $fichier "$vartowrite $entry_val($vartowrite)" + } else { + puts $fichier "$vartowrite $entry_val($vartowrite)" + } + +} + close $fichier + + } + } + +} + +bind .config.bot.lance <1> { + global exec_dupfile + global liste_variables + global entry_val + global filewrite + global shellused + + set types_circuit_files { + {{Script Files} {.sh} } + {{ALL Files} {*.*} } + } + +set shellused [askforshell] + + + set filewrite [ tk_getSaveFile -title "ALLIANCE Loader" -filetypes $types_circuit_files -initialdir $env(PWD) -initialfile ${exec_dupfile}.sh ] +if {$filewrite != ""} { + #ABC + +if [catch {open $filewrite w} fichier] { + set pouba "L'erreur est humaine" + set poubb "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $filewrite !!" + Dialogue.tcl .d $pouba $poubb error -1 SORTIE + } else { +set ii 0 + + if { $shellused == "TCSH" } { + puts $fichier "#!/bin/csh" + } + if { $shellused == "BASH" } { + puts $fichier "#!/bin/sh" + } + +foreach vartowrite $liste_variables { + incr ii + if {$vartowrite == "commande" } { + puts $fichier "$entry_val($vartowrite)" + + } else { + if { $shellused == "TCSH" } { + puts $fichier "setenv $vartowrite $entry_val($vartowrite)" + } + if { $shellused == "BASH" } { + puts $fichier "$vartowrite=$entry_val($vartowrite)" + puts $fichier "export $vartowrite" + } + + } + +} + +eval "exec chmod 755 $filewrite" + + close $fichier + + } + + } + +} + + + +} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +################### +# FRAME DU HAUT +################### + set widthcanvastitre 700 + set heigthcanvastitre 80 + + frame $w.haut -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $w.haut -side top -fill both + + frame $w.haut.1 -relief ridge -bd 3 + pack $w.haut.1 -side top -anchor w -fill both + + canvas $w.haut.1.c -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -background #fff \ + -width $widthcanvastitre -height $heigthcanvastitre \ + + pack $w.haut.1.c -expand true -side left -fill both + + set chemin $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/asim.gif + set imh [image create photo -file $chemin] + + $w.haut.1.c create image 70 55 -image $imh + + set chemin $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/asimtxt.gif + set imh [image create photo -file $chemin] + + $w.haut.1.c create image 70 15 -image $imh + + + set chemin $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/alliance.gif + set imh [image create photo -file $chemin] + + $w.haut.1.c create image 370 40 -image $imh + + set chemin $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/lip6.gif + set imh [image create photo -file $chemin] + + $w.haut.1.c create image 660 40 -image $imh + + +################### +# FRAME +################### + + frame $w.princ -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $w.princ -fill both + frame $w.princ.1 -relief ridge -bd 3 + pack $w.princ.1 -fill both + + set widthcanvas 720 + set heigthcanvas 410 + + set widthboutton 100 + set heigthboutton 40 + + set widthlabel 580 + set heigthlabel 40 + + set h_scrol 200 + + set color_boutton #AA0000 + set color_label #0000CC + + set y1 50; + set defautx1 55; + set x1 $defautx1 + + set file_config "$env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/main.cfg" + + + canvas $w.princ.1.c -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -background #fff \ + -width $widthcanvas -height $heigthcanvas \ + -scrollregion "0 0 0 $h_scrol" -yscrollcommand "$w.princ.1.scl set" + + scrollbar $w.princ.1.scl -width 8 -orient vertical -command "$w.princ.1.c yview " + + pack $w.princ.1.scl -side right -fill y + $w.princ.1.scl config -cursor {hand2} + + pack $w.princ.1.c -expand true -side left -fill both + +########################### +# Debut du parssage +# du fichier de config + + if [catch {open $file_config r} fichier] { + set mesg1 "L'erreur est humaine" + set mesg2 "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $file_config !" + Dialogue.tcl .d $mesg1 $mesg2 error -1 SORTIE + } else { + + set num 0 + + + while {[gets $fichier ligne] >= 0} { + + incr num + + set parametre [lrange $ligne 0 0] + set val_parametre [lrange $ligne 1 1] + set allval_param [lrange $ligne 1 end] + + set lengthval [string length $val_parametre ] + + + +## On force la taille du texte .... + set allval_param [ string range $allval_param 0 70 ] + + label $w.princ.1.lbl$num -font $fontes(1) \ + -text $allval_param -anchor w -foreground $color_label -font $fontes(7) -width 60 + + + set paramsend [string tolower $parametre] + + button $w.princ.1.bout$num -font $fontes(7) \ + -text $parametre -command "config_binaire $paramsend ${paramsend}.env" \ + -foreground $color_boutton + + pack $w.princ.1.lbl$num $w.princ.1.bout$num -side left -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + $w.princ.1.c create window $x1 $y1 -window $w.princ.1.bout$num \ + -width $widthboutton -height $heigthboutton + + set x1 [expr $x1 + 360 ] ; + $w.princ.1.c create window $x1 $y1 -window $w.princ.1.lbl$num \ + -width $widthlabel -height $heigthlabel + + set y1 [expr $y1 + 55] + set x1 $defautx1 + } + + + } + + set h_scrol $y1 + $w.princ.1.c configure -scrollregion "0 0 0 $h_scrol" + +################### +# FRAME BAS +################### + +### +# Debut reconfiguration language +proc switchlang { } { +global fontes color_label +global currentlang +global paramlaunch +global w env + +global widthboutton heigthboutton +global widthlabel heigthlabel + + switch $currentlang { + "francais" { + set currentlang "anglais" + set paramlaunch(changelang) "Passer en Francais" + set paramlaunch(exit) "EXIT" + $w.bot.switch configure -text $paramlaunch(changelang) + $w.bot.quit configure -text $paramlaunch(exit) + set file_to_read $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/maine.cfg + } + "anglais" { + set currentlang "francais" + set paramlaunch(changelang) "Switch to English" + set paramlaunch(exit) "SORTIE" + $w.bot.switch configure -text $paramlaunch(changelang) + $w.bot.quit configure -text $paramlaunch(exit) + set file_to_read $env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/main.cfg + } + } + +#XXX +#on efface tout le canvas + + $w.princ.1.c delete all +########################### + +# Debut du parssage +# du fichier de config + + set y1 50; + set defautx1 55; + set x1 $defautx1 + + set file_config "$env(ALLIANCE_TOP)/algue/main.cfg" + + if [catch {open $file_to_read r} fichier] { + set mesg1 "L'erreur est humaine" + set mesg2 "Probleme a l'ouverture du fichier $file_config !" + Dialogue.tcl .d $mesg1 $mesg2 error -1 SORTIE + } else { + + set num 0 + + while {[gets $fichier ligne] >= 0} { + + incr num + + set parametre [lrange $ligne 0 0] + set val_parametre [lrange $ligne 1 1] + set allval_param [lrange $ligne 1 end] + + set lengthval [string length $val_parametre ] + +## On force la taille du texte .... + set allval_param [ string range $allval_param 0 70 ] + + # label $w.princ.1.lbl$num -font $fontes(1) \ + # -text $allval_param -anchor w -foreground $color_label -font $fontes(7) -width 60 + $w.princ.1.lbl$num configure -text $allval_param + + + +# set paramsend [string tolower $parametre] + +# button $w.princ.1.bout$num -font $fontes(7) \ +# -text $parametre -command "config_binaire $paramsend ${paramsend}.env" \ +# -foreground $color_boutton + +# pack $w.princ.1.lbl$num $w.princ.1.bout$num -side left -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5 -ipadx 3 -ipady 3 + + $w.princ.1.c create window $x1 $y1 -window $w.princ.1.bout$num \ + -width $widthboutton -height $heigthboutton + + set x1 [expr $x1 + 360 ] ; + + $w.princ.1.c create window $x1 $y1 -window $w.princ.1.lbl$num \ + -width $widthlabel -height $heigthlabel + + set y1 [expr $y1 + 55] + set x1 $defautx1 + } +} + + +} + +#fin procedure switchlang +# reconfiguration du language +####################################3 + + + + frame $w.bot -relief raised -bd 1 + pack $w.bot -side bottom -fill both + + button $w.bot.quit -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(exit)" \ + -command "destroy $w ; exit" -width 15 + + button $w.bot.switch -font $fontes(1) -text "$paramlaunch(changelang)" \ + -command { switchlang } -width 15 + + + pack $w.bot.quit $w.bot.switch -side left -expand 1 -padx 9 -pady 6 -ipadx 6 -ipady 3 + + $w.bot.quit config -cursor {hand2} + + raise $w diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/asim.gif b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asim.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..504a57a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asim.gif differ diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimtxt.gif b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimtxt.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56d6610a Binary files /dev/null and b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimtxt.gif differ diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimut.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimut.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4fb2a885 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/asimut.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_WORK_LIB . +VH_PATSFX pat +VH_MAXERR 10 +VH_BEHSFX vbe +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande asimut diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/bbr.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bbr.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee0ca61f --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bbr.env @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande bbr diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/bop.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bop.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5e7e4ed --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bop.env @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande bop + diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/bsg.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bsg.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83a96b97 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/bsg.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +GROGLIB ${TOP}/cells/grog +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +ICON_OUT +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB}:${GROGLIB} +commande bsg diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/dpr.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/dpr.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71e340a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/dpr.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande dpr diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/dreal.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/dreal.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f435a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/dreal.env @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +RDS_IN file format for cells +RDS_TECHNO_NAME +DREAL_TECHNO_NAME +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande dreal diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/druc.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/druc.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..907bd15c --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/druc.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +RDS_OUT_PH +RDS_TECHNO_NAME +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande druc diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpgen.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpgen.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cfad740b --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpgen.env @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +FPGEN_LIB +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande fpgen diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpmap.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpmap.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..53458cb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/fpmap.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande fpmap diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/genlib.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genlib.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aac720b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genlib.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande genlib diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/genpat.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genpat.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9053fd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genpat.env @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +VH_PATSFX pat +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande genpat diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/genview.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genview.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7e703ca --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/genview.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande genview diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/glop.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/glop.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2086ac44 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/glop.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande glop diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/graal.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/graal.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13bc407b --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/graal.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande graal -l diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/grog.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/grog.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..941f35ba --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/grog.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +GROGLIB ${TOP}/cells/grog +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +ICON_OUT +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB}:${GROGLIB} +commande grog diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/lip6.gif b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lip6.gif new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d4bcbfa Binary files /dev/null and b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lip6.gif differ diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/lvx.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lvx.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c6e689f --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lvx.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande lvx diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/lynx.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lynx.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce027b94 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/lynx.env @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +RDS_TECHNO_NAME ${TOP}/etc/prol05.rds +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande lynx diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/main.cfg b/alliance/share/etc/algue/main.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..adf13fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/main.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +ASIMUT Compilateur/Simulateur VHDL +BBR Routeur Canal +BOP Optimisation de reseaux Booleen +BSG Generateur de decaleur +DPR Routeur de chemin de donnees +DREAL Visualisation de circuit +DRUC Verification des regles de dessins +FPGEN Compilateur de chemin de donnees +FPMAP Synthese logique pour circuit FPGA +GENLIB Langage de description de circuits +GENPAT Langage de description de stimuli +GENVIEW Environnement graphique procedural pour genlib +GLOP Optimisation de netlist +GRAAL Editeur graphique +GROG Generateur de PROM parametrable +LVX Comparaison de netlists +LYNX Extracteur de vue structurelle a partir d'une vue physique symbolique +PROOF Logiciel de preuve formelle +RAGE Generateur de Ram +RFG Generateur de banc de registres +RING Routeur de plots +RSA Generateur d'additionneur +S2R Expansion de dessin symbolique +SCMAP Logiciel de synthese sur bibliotheque de cellules +SCR Placement/Routage de cellules precaracterisees +SYF Synthese d' automates d'etats finis +TAS Analyse temporelle +YAGLE Abstraction fonctionelle diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/maine.cfg b/alliance/share/etc/algue/maine.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c348631 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/maine.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +ASIMUT A simulation tool for VHDL descriptions +BBR Channel router +BOP Boolean optimization of a data flow VHDL description +BSG Barrel shifter generator +DPR Data path router +DREAL Graphic real layout viewer +DRUC Design rules cheker +FPGEN Data path compiler +FPMAP Mapper of a logic description onto FPGA +GENLIB Procedurall design language +GENPAT Procedural pattern file generator +GENVIEW Genlib graphical source level debugger +GLOP Global optimizer and timing analyser of a gate netlist +GRAAL Graphic editor +GROG A generic ROM generator +LVX Netlists comparator +LYNX Hierarchical netlist extractor +PROOF Formal proof between two behavioural descriptions +RAGE Random access memory generator +RFG register file generator +RING Pads ring router +RSA Recurrence solver adder generator +S2R Process mapping from symbolic layout to physical layout +SCMAP Mapper of a logic description onto a standard cell library +SCR A standard cell router +SYF Finite state machine synthesizer +TAS A switch level static timing analyser +YAGLE Disassembly and functionnal abstraction of circuits diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/proof.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/proof.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89c2080a --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/proof.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande proof diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/rage.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rage.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39b00622 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rage.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +GROGLIB ${TOP}/cells/grog +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +ICON_OUT +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB}:${GROGLIB} +commande rage diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/rfg.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rfg.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0c21cfa --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rfg.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +GROGLIB ${TOP}/cells/grog +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +ICON_OUT +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB}:${GROGLIB} +commande rfg diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/ring.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/ring.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27259075 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/ring.env @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_CATA_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande ring diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/rsa.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rsa.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb6ea892 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/rsa.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +GROGLIB ${TOP}/cells/grog +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +ICON_OUT +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB}:${GROGLIB} +commande rsa diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/s2r.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/s2r.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50a21fb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/s2r.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +MBK_IN_PH ap +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RDS_IN cif +RDS_OUT cif +RDS_TECHNO_NAME ${TOP}/etc/cmos_7.rds +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_CATA_LIB ${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${FPLIB}:${DPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${RFGLIB}:${BSG} +commande s2r diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/scmap.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/scmap.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5fc4329 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/scmap.env @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_TARGET_LIB +MBK_C4_LIB +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande scmap diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/scr.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/scr.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ff689d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/scr.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande scr diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/syf.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/syf.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa2de6db --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/syf.env @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande syf diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/tas.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/tas.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5bf00f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/tas.env @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +MBK_SPI_TN tn +MBK_SPI_TP tp +ELP_TECHNO_NAME ${TOP}/etc/prol05.elp +FCL_LIB_NAME FBLIBRARY +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande tas diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/tclIndex b/alliance/share/etc/algue/tclIndex new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3cf903f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/tclIndex @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0 +# This file is generated by the "auto_mkindex" command +# and sourced to set up indexing information for one or +# more commands. Typically each line is a command that +# sets an element in the auto_index array, where the +# element name is the name of a command and the value is +# a script that loads the command. + +set auto_index(Dialogue.tcl) [list source [file join $dir Dialogue.tcl]] +set auto_index(Supervision_cmdunix.tcl) [list source [file join $dir Supervision_cmdunix.tcl]] diff --git a/alliance/share/etc/algue/yagle.env b/alliance/share/etc/algue/yagle.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a09b026 --- /dev/null +++ b/alliance/share/etc/algue/yagle.env @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +TOP /asim/alliance +FPLIB ${TOP}/cells/fplib +RSALIB ${TOP}/cells/rsa +SCLIB ${TOP}/cells/sclib +PADLIB ${TOP}/cells/padlib +DPLIB ${TOP}/cells/dplib +BSGLIB ${TOP}/cells/bsg +RFGLIB ${TOP}/cells/rfg +MBK_WORK_LIB . +CNS_VDDNAME vdd +CNS_VSSNAME vss +CNS_GRIDNAME grid +CNS_SOURCENAME source +CNS_DRAINNAME drain +ELP_TECHNO_NAME ${TOP}/etc/prol05.elp +VH_BEHSFX beh +YAGLE_LANGUAGE F +YAGLE_STAT_MODE Y +FCL_LIB_PATH +FCL_LIB_NAME +MBK_IN_LO vst +MBK_OUT_LO al +MBK_IN_PH ap +MBK_OUT_PH ap +MBK_CATA_LIB ${FPLIB}:${RSALIB}:${SCLIB}:${PADLIB}:${DPLIB}:${BSGLIB}:${RFGLIB} +commande yagle