pour accepter des cellules a plusieurs sorties
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,9 +66,16 @@ static int is_input_used(char* input, chain_list* abl)
/* seek if all inputs are used in abl */
static int used_inputs(befig_list* befig, chain_list* abl1, chain_list* abl2)
static int used_inputs(befig_list* befig)
bepor_list* bepor;
bereg_list *bereg;
beaux_list *beaux;
bebus_list *bebus;
bebux_list *bebux;
beout_list *beout;
biabl_list *biabl;
/*all inputs should be used*/
for (bepor=befig->BEPOR; bepor; bepor=bepor->NEXT) {
@ -76,11 +83,55 @@ static int used_inputs(befig_list* befig, chain_list* abl1, chain_list* abl2)
if (bepor->DIRECTION!=IN && bepor->DIRECTION!=INOUT
&& bepor->DIRECTION!=TRANSCV) continue;
if (!isvdd(bepor->NAME) && !isvss(bepor->NAME)) {
if (!is_input_used(bepor->NAME,abl1)
&& !is_input_used(bepor->NAME,abl2)) {
fprintf(stderr,"BEH: %s input unused\n",bepor->NAME);
return 0;
for ( beout = befig->BEOUT; beout; beout = beout->NEXT )
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, beout->ABL) ) break;
if ( beout ) continue;
for ( beaux = befig->BEAUX; beaux; beaux = beaux->NEXT )
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, beaux->ABL) ) break;
if ( beaux ) continue;
for ( bebux = befig->BEBUX; bebux; bebux = bebux->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bebux->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->CNDABL) ) break;
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->VALABL) ) break;
if ( biabl ) break;
if ( bebux ) continue;
for ( bereg = befig->BEREG; bereg; bereg = bereg->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bereg->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->CNDABL) ) break;
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->VALABL) ) break;
if ( biabl ) break;
if ( bereg ) continue;
for ( bebus = befig->BEBUS; bebus; bebus = bebus->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bebus->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->CNDABL) ) break;
if ( is_input_used(bepor->NAME, biabl->VALABL) ) break;
if ( biabl ) break;
if ( bebus ) continue;
fprintf(stderr,"BEH: %s input unused\n",bepor->NAME);
return 0;
@ -88,13 +139,86 @@ static int used_inputs(befig_list* befig, chain_list* abl1, chain_list* abl2)
static chain_list* format_subst_abl( chain_list* abl, beaux_list *BeauxSubst )
chain_list *chain;
if (ABL_ATOM(abl)) {
char *value=ABL_ATOM_VALUE(abl);
if (value == BeauxSubst->NAME) return dupablexpr( BeauxSubst->ABL );
return abl;
for (chain=ABL_CDR(abl); chain; chain=ABL_CDR(chain)) {
ABL_CAR(chain) = format_subst_abl( ABL_CAR( chain ), BeauxSubst );
return abl;
static void format_subst_befig( befig_list *befig, beaux_list *BeauxSubst )
bereg_list *bereg;
beaux_list *beaux;
bebus_list *bebus;
bebux_list *bebux;
beout_list *beout;
biabl_list *biabl;
for ( beout = befig->BEOUT; beout; beout = beout->NEXT )
beout->ABL = format_subst_abl( beout->ABL, BeauxSubst );
for ( beaux = befig->BEAUX; beaux; beaux = beaux->NEXT )
if ( beaux == BeauxSubst ) continue;
beaux->ABL = format_subst_abl( beaux->ABL, BeauxSubst );
for ( bebux = befig->BEBUX; bebux; bebux = bebux->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bebux->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
biabl->CNDABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->CNDABL, BeauxSubst );
biabl->VALABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->VALABL, BeauxSubst );
for ( bereg = befig->BEREG; bereg; bereg = bereg->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bereg->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
biabl->CNDABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->CNDABL, BeauxSubst );
biabl->VALABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->VALABL, BeauxSubst );
for ( bebus = befig->BEBUS; bebus; bebus = bebus->NEXT )
for ( biabl = bebus->BIABL; biabl; biabl = biabl->NEXT )
biabl->CNDABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->CNDABL, BeauxSubst );
biabl->VALABL = format_subst_abl( biabl->VALABL, BeauxSubst );
/* return 1 if format is ok */
extern int format_cell(befig_list* befig)
beaux_list *beaux;
/*internal signal forbidden*/
if (befig->BEAUX) return 0;
for ( beaux = befig->BEAUX; beaux; beaux = beaux->NEXT )
format_subst_befig( befig, beaux );
befig->BEAUX = NULL;
if (befig->BEREG) {
/*only one register*/
@ -116,8 +240,6 @@ extern int format_cell(befig_list* befig)
return used_inputs(befig,befig->BEREG->BIABL->CNDABL,
if (befig->BEBUS) {
@ -127,8 +249,6 @@ extern int format_cell(befig_list* befig)
if (!befig->BEBUS->BIABL || befig->BEBUS->BIABL->NEXT) return 0;
/*one ouput: bebus*/
if (befig->BEOUT) return 0;
return used_inputs(befig,befig->BEBUS->BIABL->CNDABL,
if (befig->BEBUX) {
@ -160,16 +280,15 @@ extern int format_cell(befig_list* befig)
return used_inputs(befig,befig->BEBUS->BIABL->CNDABL,
if (befig->BEOUT) {
/*one ouput: beout*/
if (!befig->BEOUT || befig->BEOUT->NEXT) return 0;
return used_inputs(befig,befig->BEOUT->ABL,NULL);
/*one kind of ouput: beout*/
if ( befig->BEBUS ) return 0;
return used_inputs(befig);
/*illegal befig*/
return 0;
@ -103,6 +103,39 @@
static int Lib_err = 0;
/* Y a t- il eu une erreur */
extern int IsLibError()
return Lib_err;
/* initialiser la detection d'erreur */
extern void InitLibError()
Lib_err = 0;
/* to avoid manip of pointer */
@ -140,7 +173,8 @@ static int getgeneric(befig_list* befig, char* name)
fprintf(stderr,"Library Error: generic '%s' not found in cell %s\n",
Lib_err = 1;
return 0;
@ -107,5 +107,16 @@ extern void putgenericR __P ((befig_list* befig, char* name, double Rup_value, d
extern int getaverageC __P ((befig_list* befig));
/* Y a t- il eu une erreur */
extern int IsLibError __P(());
/* initialiser la detection d'erreur */
extern void InitLibError __P(());
Reference in New Issue