436 lines
16 KiB
436 lines
16 KiB
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
# Displays and reports various hit count statistics.
# Filename: hitman.pl
# Last revised: March 15, 1998
# Copyright: 1997,1998 by Joe DePasquale
# E-Mail: crypt@getcruising.com
# Website: http://www.GetCruising.com
# #
# This script and accompanying files may be distributed freely #
# and modified, provided this header with my name, E-Mail address and #
# this notice remain intact. Ownership rights remain with me. You may #
# not sell this script without my approval. #
# #
# This script comes with no guarantee or warranty except for my good #
# intentions. By using this code you agree to indemnify me from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# There is no technical support for this script, neither am I a #
# professional programmer. Refer to 'HELPME.TXT' for further guidance. #
# #
sub hitman {
@labels = ('Foo','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
@dyinMon = (0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
# Parse form input
read (STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@cgiPairs = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach $cgiPair (@cgiPairs)
($name, $value) = split(/=/,$cgiPair);
$name =~ s/\+/ /g; $value =~ s/\+/ /g;
$name =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$Form{$name} .= "\0" if (defined($Form{$name}));
$Form{$name} .= "$value";
undef $name; undef $value;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n<head><title>$headTitle</title></head>\n";
print "$bodyTag\n$bodyTitle<p>\n";
&passtest ($HITPWD);
print qq|<form action="$scriptUrl" method=POST>\n|;
print qq|<input type=hidden name=password value="$Form{'password'}">\n|;
# Case: View Hit stats by year
if ($Form{'hittable'})
if ($Form{'detail'} && $Form{'detail'} =~ /^(M|G|P)\|(.+)/)
if ($1 eq "M") # month
{ $month = $2;
print "<font size=4><b>Hits By MONTH for: $labels[$month] ";
if ($monthStamp >= $month) {$year = $yearStamp +0;} else {$year = $yearStamp -1;}
print "$year</b></font><br>\n";
if ($year %4 == 0) { $dyinMon[2] = 29; }
# Read all data into hashes
$total = 0;
$HITDAT = "$HITMON$month.dat";
open (DAT,"<$HITDAT") || &endMan ("Read: $HITDAT");
flock (DAT,1); seek (DAT,0,0);
while ($line = <DAT>)
{ @hits = split (/\|/,$line);
$page = $hits[0];
if ($page =~ /(.+)\+(.+)/) { $group =$1; }
foreach $day (1..$dyinMon[$month])
{ $Tbl{$page}{$day} += $hits[$day];
$PageTtl{$page} += $hits[$day];
if ($group)
{ $Tbl{$group}{$day} += $hits[$day];
$GroupTtl{$group} += $hits[$day];
$DayTtl{$day} += $hits[$day];
$total += $PageTtl{$page};
close (DAT);
@pages = sort {$PageTtl{$b} <=> $PageTtl{$a}} keys %PageTtl;
@groups = sort {$GroupTtl{$b} <=> $GroupTtl{$a}} keys %GroupTtl;
print qq|<table border=$border width=50%><tr align=center>\n|;
print qq|<td align=left><input type=reset value="RESET"><br><font color="#009900"><b>Days:</b></font></td>\n|;
foreach $day (1..$dyinMon[$month]) { print qq|<td><font color="#009900"><b>$day</b></font></td>|; }
print qq|<td><font color="#0000FF"><b>Group<br>/Page<br>Totals</b></font></td>|;
# print group hit rows
print qq|\n</tr><tr>\n<td><b>GROUPS:</b></td><td colspan=|,($dyinMon[$month]-1),qq|></td>|;
foreach $group (@groups)
{ print qq|\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td align=left> <input type=radio name=detail value="G\|$group"><font color="#0000FF">$group</font></td>|;
foreach $day (1..$dyinMon[$month]) { print qq|<td>$Tbl{$group}{$day}</td>|; }
print qq|<td>$GroupTtl{$group}</td>|;
# print page hit rows
print qq|\n</tr><tr>\n<td><b>PAGES:</b></td><td colspan=|,($dyinMon[$month]-1),qq|></td>|;
foreach $page (@pages)
{ print qq|\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td align=left> <input type=radio name=detail value="P\|$page"><font color="#0000FF">$page</font></td>|;
foreach $day (1..$dyinMon[$month]) { print qq|<td>$Tbl{$page}{$day}</td>|; }
print qq|<td>$PageTtl{$page}</td>|;
print qq|\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td nowrap align=center><font color="#009900"><b>Day Totals</b></font></td>|;
foreach $day (1..$dyinMon[$month]) { print qq|<td>$DayTtl{$day}</td>|; }
print qq|<th>$total</th>|;
print qq|\n</tr></table><br>Completed on $timeStamp\n<p>\n|;
else # group or page
print "<font size=4><b>Hits By ";
if ($1 eq "G")
{ $group = $2;
print "GROUP for "$group"";
} else
{ $page = $2;
print "PAGE for "$page"";
print "</b></font><br>\n";
# Read all data into hashes
$total = 0;
foreach $month (1..12)
{ $MonthTtl{$month} =0;
$HITDAT = "$HITMON$month.dat";
open (DAT,"<$HITDAT") || &endMan ("Read: $HITDAT");
flock (DAT,1); seek (DAT,0,0);
while ($line = <DAT>)
{ @hits = split (/\|/,$line);
if ($hits[0] eq $page || $hits[0] =~ /^$group\+/)
{ foreach $day (1..31)
{ $Tbl{$month}{$day} += $hits[$day];
$DayTtl{$day} += $hits[$day];
$MonthTtl{$month} += $Tbl{$month}{$day};
close (DAT);
$total += $MonthTtl{$month};
print "<table border=$border><tr align=center>\n";
print "<td align=left><input type=reset value=\"RESET\"><br><font color=\"#009900\"><b>Months:</b></font></td>\n";
# Print col headers and order the months
$month = $monthStamp;
{ if ($month == 12) {$month =1;} else {$month++;}
print "<td><input type=radio name=detail value=\"M\|$month\"><br><font color=\"#009900\"><b>$labels[$month]</b><br>";
if ($month > $monthStamp) {$year = $yearStamp -1;} else {$year = $yearStamp +0;}
print "$year</font></td>\n";
push @monthCol, $month;
} until ($month == $monthStamp);
print "<td><font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>Day<br>Totals</b></font></td>";
foreach $day (1..31)
{ print "\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td><font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>$day</b></font></td>";
foreach $month (@monthCol) { print "<td>$Tbl{$month}{$day}</td>"; }
print "<td>$DayTtl{$day}</td>";
print "\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td nowrap align=center><font color=\"#009900\"><b>Month Totals</b></font></td>";
foreach $month (@monthCol) { print "<td>$MonthTtl{$month}</td>"; }
print "<th>$total</th>";
print "\n</tr></table><br>Completed on $timeStamp\n<p>\n";
else # default by year
print "<font size=4><b>Hits By YEAR as of $timeStamp</b></font><br>\n";
# Read all data into hashes
$total = 0;
foreach $month (1..12)
{ $MonthTtl{$month} =0;
$HITDAT = "$HITMON$month.dat";
open (DAT,"<$HITDAT") || &endMan ("Read: $HITDAT");
flock (DAT,1); seek (DAT,0,0);
while ($line = <DAT>)
{ @hits = split (/\|/,$line);
$page = $hits[0];
if ($page =~ /(.+)\+(.+)/) { $group =$1; }
$Tbl{$month}{$page} =0;
foreach $day (1..31)
{ $Tbl{$month}{$page} += $hits[$day];
$PageTtl{$page} += $Tbl{$month}{$page};
$MonthTtl{$month} += $Tbl{$month}{$page};
if ($group)
{ $Tbl{$month}{$group} += $Tbl{$month}{$page};
$GroupTtl{$group} += $Tbl{$month}{$page};
close (DAT);
$total += $MonthTtl{$month};
# Sort by descending page total
@pages = sort {$PageTtl{$b} <=> $PageTtl{$a}} keys %PageTtl;
@groups = sort {$GroupTtl{$b} <=> $GroupTtl{$a}} keys %GroupTtl;
print "<table border=$border><tr align=center>\n";
print "<td align=left><input type=reset value=\"RESET\"><br><font color=\"#009900\"><b>Months:</b></font></td>\n";
# Print col headers and order the months
$month = $monthStamp;
{ if ($month == 12) {$month =1;} else {$month++;}
print "<td><input type=radio name=detail value=\"M\|$month\"><br><font color=\"#009900\"><b>$labels[$month]</b><br>";
if ($month > $monthStamp) {$year = $yearStamp -1;} else {$year = $yearStamp +0;}
print "$year</font></td>\n";
push @monthCol, $month;
} until ($month == $monthStamp);
print "<td><font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>Group<br>/Page<br>Totals</b></font></td>";
# print group hit rows
print "\n</tr><tr>\n<td><b>GROUPS:</b></td><td colspan=13></td>";
foreach $group (@groups)
{ print "\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td align=left><input type=radio name=detail value=\"G\|$group\"><font color=\"#0000FF\">$group</font></td>";
foreach $month (@monthCol) { print "<td>$Tbl{$month}{$group}</td>"; }
print "<td>$GroupTtl{$group}</td>";
# print page hit rows
print "\n</tr><tr>\n<td><b>PAGES:</b></td><td colspan=13></td>";
foreach $page (@pages)
{ print "\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td align=left><input type=radio name=detail value=\"P\|$page\"><font color=\"#0000FF\">$page</font></td>";
foreach $month (@monthCol) { print "<td>$Tbl{$month}{$page}</td>"; }
print "<td>$PageTtl{$page}</td>";
# print month subtotal row
print "\n</tr><tr align=right>\n<td nowrap align=center><font color=\"#009900\"><b>Month Totals</b></font></td>";
foreach $month (@monthCol) { print "<td>$MonthTtl{$month}</td>"; }
print "<th>$total</th>";
print "\n</tr></table><p>\n";
} # end default by year
print <<__HITFORM;
<table border=0 width=300>
<tr><td><font color="#0000FF" size=5><b>Hit Tables</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td>For more detail select any <b>MONTH, GROUP or PAGE</b> button above, then..</td></tr>
<tr><td>PRESS: <input type=submit name=hittable value=" HIT TABLES "></td></tr>
<tr><td><font color="#0000FF" size=5><b>Hit Counter</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td>For the count <b>DISPLAYED</b> to users or to <b>RESET</b> counter date..</td></tr>
<tr><td>PRESS: <input type=submit value="HIT COUNTER"></td></tr>
} # end case hittable
# Case: Flag to reset hitcount at next daily maintenance
elsif ($Form{'resetcount'})
open (LOCK,">$HITFLK") || &endMan ("Write: $HITFLK");
if (!flock (LOCK,2)) { &endMan ("Lock: $HITFLK"); }
# Write new cnt date to CFG
open (CFG,"+<$HITCFG") || &endMan ("Read\/Write: $HITCFG");
flock (CFG,2); seek (CFG,0,0);
$cfgFile = <CFG>;
($logDay,$datMonth,$cntMonth,$cntFlag,$eol) = split (/\|/,$cfgFile);
$cntMonth = $Form{'setmonth'} +0;
$cntFlag = 'Y';
$cfgFile = join ("\|",$logDay,$datMonth,$cntMonth,$cntFlag,$eol);
seek (CFG,0,0);
print (CFG $cfgFile);
truncate (CFG,tell(CFG)); close (CFG);
close (LOCK);
print "<b>Hit Counter</b> will be reset at next daily maintenance<br>\n to <b>$labels[$cntMonth] 1, $year</b>\n<p>\n";
} # end resetcount
# Default Case: Display hitcount
{ &hitCount;
} # end default
} # end hitman
sub hitCount # Display hitcount
open (CNT,"<$HITCNT") || &endMan ("Read: $HITCNT");
flock (CNT,1); seek (CNT,0,0);
@hitFile = <CNT>;
close (CNT);
print "<table border=$border><tr>\n<th>HITS</th><th>by PAGECODE</th>\n";
$hitTtl =0;
for ($x=0; $x<=$#hitFile; $x++)
{ print "\n</tr><tr>\n";
($count,$code,$eol) = split (/\|/,$hitFile[$x]);
if ($code =~/\+/)
{ ($group,$page) = split (/\+/,$code);
$GroupTtl{$group} += $count;
print "<td align=right>$count</td><td>$code</td>";
$hitTtl = $hitTtl + $count;
print "\n</tr></table><p>\n";
if ($group)
{ print "<table border=$border><tr>\n<th>HITS</th><th>by GROUP</th>\n";
@groups = sort {$GroupTtl{$b} <=> $GroupTtl{$a}} keys %GroupTtl;
foreach $group (@groups)
{ print "\n</tr><tr>\n";
print "<td align=right>$GroupTtl{$group}</td><td>$group</td>";
print "\n</tr></table><p>\n";
open (CFG,"<$HITCFG") || &endMan ("Read: $HITCNT");
flock (CFG,1); seek (CFG,0,0);
$cfgFile = <CFG>;
close (CFG);
($logDay,$datMonth,$cntMonth,$cntFlag,$eol) = split (/\|/,$cfgFile);
print "<b>Total: $hitTtl hits for $x pages since $labels[$cntMonth] 1, ";
if ($monthStamp >= $cntMonth) {$year = $yearStamp +0;} else {$year = $yearStamp -1;}
print "$year</b>\n<br>Completed at $timeStamp\n<p>\n";
print qq|<table border=0 width=300>\n<tr><td><font color="#0000FF"><font size=5><b>Hit Counter</b></font></font></td</tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><td>To reset the counter and starting date, select a starting <b>MONTH</b> and press <b>CHANGE</b>. A new image of the <b>SINCE</b> date will also be created.</td></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><td>SINCE: <select name=setmonth size=1>\n|;
for $x (1..12)
{ if ($x == $cntMonth)
{ print "<option value=$x selected>$labels[$x]\n";
} else
{ print "<option value=$x>$labels[$x]\n";
print qq|</select> \n<input type=submit name=resetcount value="CHANGE"> \n|;
print qq|<input type=submit value=" CLEAR "></td></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><td><font color="#0000FF"><font size=5><b>Hit Tables</b></font></font></td></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><td>For ALL hits by <b>MONTH, GROUP or PAGE</b></td></tr>\n|;
print qq|<tr><td>PRESS: <input type=submit name=hittable value=" HIT TABLES "></td></tr>\n</table>\n|;
} # end hitCount
sub manFooter # print hitman footer
print qq|</form><p>\n<a href="$exitUrl">Exit $headTitle</a>\n|;
print qq|<p><font size=2><i><b>HITMATIC</b> is one of <a href="http://www.GetCruising.com/crypt" target="_top">Joe's CGI Scripts From The Crypt!</a></i></font>\n|;
print qq|<p>\n</body></html>\n|;
} # end manFooter
sub passtest # password routines
$PASSFILE = $_[0];
if (-s $PASSFILE)
{ if ($Form{'password'})
{ open (PASS,"<$PASSFILE");
$passcode = <PASS>;
close (PASS);
chop ($passcode) if $passcode =~ /\n$/;
$lp = length $Form{'password'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
if ($passcode eq crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt))
{ if ($Form{'newpassword'})
{ $lp = length $Form{'newpassword'};
if ($Form{'newpassword'} =~ /^\w{$lp}\b/)
{ $Form{'password'} = $Form{'newpassword'};
$salt = substr($Form{'password'},$lp-2,1).substr($Form{'password'},1,1);
$passcode = crypt ($Form{'password'},$salt);
open (PASS,">$PASSFILE");
print PASS "$passcode";
close (PASS);
} else
{ &passbox ("Bad choice, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("Wrong, Creep!!");
} else
{ &passbox ("What's the Password, Creep?");
} else
{ &endMan ("Password File $PASSFILE Not Found");
sub passbox
print <<__PASSBOX;
<form action="$scriptUrl" method="POST">
<input type=hidden name=manager value=1><table border=4>
<tr><th colspan=2><font color="#FF0000"><b><blink>$_[0]</blink></b></font></th></tr>
<tr><th> Enter Password:</td><th><input type=password name=password size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>
<tr><th>Change Password:</td><th><input type=text name=newpassword size=12 maxlength=12></th></tr>
<th colspan=2><input type=submit value=" DO IT! "><input type=reset value=" CLEAR "></th></tr>
Password must be 4 to 12 alpha-numeric characters.</form>
} # end passbox
sub endMan # Error handling for manager scripts
print "<font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>ERROR:</font><br>$_[0]</b>\n<p>";
if ($!) { print "Server made a Boo-Boo! $!\n"; }
else { print "Use your browser's [BACK] button and try again.\n"; }
print "<p></body></html>\n";
} # end endMan
1; # return true