mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
242 lines
8.6 KiB
242 lines
8.6 KiB
# ##############################################################################
# Tool: OpenFPGA-Physical
# Script: generate_fabric_key.py
# Description : This script cretes a fabric_key.xml file for give size of FPGA
# Currently this script generate pattern which routes configuration chain
# from right top corner to left bottom corner byt traversing horizontally
# in every row of the FPGA grid
File Title
import argparse
import os
import pickle
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pprint import pprint
from xml.dom import minidom
import svgwrite
from svgwrite.container import Group
from openfpga_physical import fpga_grid_gen
def formatter(prog): return argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=60)
# Mandatory arguments
def parse_argument():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=formatter)
parser.add_argument('--arch_file', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--layout', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--show_gridIO', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('--out_file', type=str, default="fabric_key.xml")
parser.add_argument('--release_root', type=str, default="release")
parser.add_argument('--pattern_type', type=str,
choices=['single', 'vertical', 'horizontal'],
return parser.parse_args()
def print_grid(grid):
Prints the 2D FPGA grid on console
for row in grid[::-1]:
for y in row:
print(f"{y:^10}", end=" ")
def _get_val(root, param, default, vars={}):
Parses the startx, starty, repeatx and repeaty variables to integer
val = root.attrib.get(param, str(default))
if val.isnumeric():
return int(val)
val = val.replace("W", "{W}")
val = val.replace("H", "{H}")
return eval(val.format(**vars))
def _set_value(grid, x, y, value):
Sets value in the FPGA grid
grid[y][x] = value
return 1
return 0
def enumerate_grid(root, layout, width, height):
Enumerate FPGA grid
block_grid = [[0 for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
# return block_grid
for each in sorted(layout, key=lambda x: int(x.attrib["priority"])):
tag = each.tag
ele_type = each.attrib["type"]
ele = root.find(f".//tile[@name='{ele_type}']")
ele_w, ele_h = (int(ele.attrib.get("width", 1)),
int(ele.attrib.get("height", 1))) if ele else (1, 1)
vars = {"W": width, "H": height}
startx = _get_val(each, "startx", 0, vars)
starty = _get_val(each, "starty", 0, vars)
repx = _get_val(each, "repeatx", ele_w if tag ==
"row" else width, vars)
repy = _get_val(each, "repeaty", ele_h if tag ==
"col" else height, vars)
repx, repy = (ele_w, ele_h) if tag == "fill" else (repx, repy)
repx, repy = (width-1, height-1) if tag == "corners" else (repx, repy)
for x in range(startx, width, repx):
for y in range(starty, height, repy):
_set_value(block_grid, x, y, ele_type)
for i in range(1, ele_w):
_set_value(block_grid, x+1, y, "")
for i in range(1, ele_h):
_set_value(block_grid, x, y+1, "")
return block_grid
def create_vertical_cc(fpga, key):
grid = fpga.grid
width = len(grid[0])
height = len(grid)
print(f"Creating {width-2} configuration chains")
start = 0
for x in range(1,width):
ord_mod = []
# These are bottom up connections
for y in range(0, height):
if y < (height-1):
if y < (height-2):
if not grid[y+1][x] in [fpga.RIGHT_ARROW, fpga.UP_ARROW]:
if (x == 1):
label = grid[y+1][x-1]
# These are top down connections
for y in range(height-1,-1,-1):
if y < (height-1):
# if x == (width-2):
# ord_mod.append(f"sb_{x}__{y}_")
# if y > 0:
# label = grid[y][x+1]
# ord_mod.append(f"cby_{x}__{y}_")
# ord_mod.append(f"grid_{label}_right_{x+1}__{y}_")
if y == (height-1):
label = grid[y][x]
if y < (height-1) and (y > 0):
label = grid[y][x]
if not label in [fpga.RIGHT_ARROW, fpga.UP_ARROW, "EMPTY"]:
label = f"grid_{label}"
label = grid[y][x]
# EAdd last chain
if x == width-1:
ord_mod = []
for y in range(1, height-1):
region = ET.SubElement(key, "region", {'id': str(x-1)})
for i, each in enumerate(ord_mod):
ET.SubElement(region, 'key', {'id': str(start+i), 'alias': each})
start += i+1
def save_fabric_key(key, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as fp:
rough_string = ET.tostring(key, 'utf-8')
reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
fp.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" "))
def main():
Main method to execute function
# Parse architecture file and get layput block
args = parse_argument()
arch = ET.parse(args.arch_file)
root = arch.getroot()
layout = root.find(f".//fixed_layout[@name='{args.layout}']")
assert layout, "Specified layput not found in the architecture file"
# Extract height and width paramter and create grid layout
width = int(layout.attrib["width"])
height = int(layout.attrib["height"])
# fpga_grid = enumerate_grid(root, layout, width, height)
grid = fpga_grid_gen(args.design_name, args.arch_file, args.layout, "")
key = ET.Element('fabric_key')
if args.pattern_type == "vertical":
create_vertical_cc(grid, key)
save_fabric_key(key, args.out_file)
RenderSVG(key, args.design_name, args.release_root)
def getGroup(dwg, id):
for ele in dwg.elements:
if ele.get_id() == id:
return ele
def RenderSVG(FKey, DESIGN_NAME, SaveLocation, show_gridIO=False):
PlacementDBKey = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(SaveLocation, "pickle",
f"{DESIGN_NAME}_PlacementDBKey.pickle"), 'rb'))
FPGAShapeVars = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(SaveLocation, "pickle",
f"{DESIGN_NAME}_FPGAShapeVars.pickle"), 'rb'))
dwg = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(SaveLocation, "pickle",
f"{DESIGN_NAME}_dwg.pickle"), 'rb'))
ccffSVGPath = os.path.join(
SaveLocation, "SVG", DESIGN_NAME + '_CCFF_Chain.svg')
DRMarker = dwg.marker(refX="30", refY="30",
viewBox="0 0 120 120",
markerWidth="8", markerHeight="10", orient="auto")
DRMarker.add(dwg.path(d="M 0 0 L 60 30 L 0 60 z", fill="blue"))
# Add Content
dwgMain = getGroup(dwg, "main")
dwgChain = dwgMain.add(Group(id="ffChains"))
for region in FKey.iter("region"):
CCFFChainCenter = []
for eachEle in region:
module = eachEle.attrib["alias"]
if ("io" in module) and (not show_gridIO):
C = PlacementDBKey[module]["center"]
dwgChain.add(dwg.path(stroke="red", fill="none", stroke_width=3,
d=f"M{CCFFChainCenter[0]} {CCFFChainCenter[1]} " + " ".join(CCFFChainCenter)))
dwg.saveas(ccffSVGPath, pretty=True, indent=4)
print(f"SVG file saved as {ccffSVGPath}")
if __name__ == '__main__':