mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
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155 lines
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# Python script to adapt an OpenFPGA architecture file
# This script will
# - Convert the ${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME} to the absolute path of current directory
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG);
# Parse the options
# - OpenFPGA root path is a manadatory option
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Setup repository');
help='Specify the root directory of OpenFPGA project');
args = parser.parse_args();
# Get the absolute path to the OPENFPGA_ROOT_PATH
openfpga_root_path = abspath(args.openfpga_root_path);
if (os.path.isdir(openfpga_root_path)):
logging.info("OpenFPGA project root directory is " + openfpga_root_path);
logging.error("OpenFPGA project root directory " + openfpga_root_path + " does not exist!");
# Get the absolute path to the SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME
skywater_openfpga_homepath = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)));
logging.info("Set ${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME} to " + skywater_openfpga_homepath);
# Adapt the architecture template:
# - Copy the template to the destination folder
# - Replace all the ${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME} with the absolute path
skywater_openfpga_arch_dirpath = skywater_openfpga_homepath + "/ARCH";
openfpga_arch_template_dirpath = skywater_openfpga_arch_dirpath + "/openfpga_arch_template/";
openfpga_arch_adapted_dirpath = skywater_openfpga_arch_dirpath + "/openfpga_arch/";
logging.info("Adapting architecture templates...");
num_arch_file_processed = 0;
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(openfpga_arch_template_dirpath):
for src_file in files:
# Only focus on XML file
if not src_file.endswith(".xml"):
# Copy the file
des_file = openfpga_arch_adapted_dirpath + os.path.basename(src_file);
shutil.copy(openfpga_arch_template_dirpath + src_file, des_file);
homepath_to_replace = re.sub("/", "\/", skywater_openfpga_homepath);
cmd = "sed -i 's/${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME}/" + homepath_to_replace + "/g' " + des_file;
num_arch_file_processed += 1;
logging.info("Processed for " + str(num_arch_file_processed) + " openfpga architecture templates");
# A funtion to find all the task_template.conf files
# in a recursively, within a given directory
def get_list_of_task_config_files(task_dir, task_conf_file_name):
subfiles = os.listdir(task_dir);
config_files = list()
# Iterate over the subdirectory
for subfile in subfiles:
full_path = os.path.join(task_dir, subfile);
if (os.path.isdir(full_path)):
config_files = config_files + get_list_of_task_config_files(full_path, task_conf_file_name);
elif (subfile == task_conf_file_name):
return config_files;
# Adapt the openfpga task configuration template:
# - Copy the template to the destination folder
# - Replace all the ${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME} with the absolute path
skywater_openfpga_task_dirpath = skywater_openfpga_homepath + "/SCRIPT/skywater_openfpga_task/";
logging.info("Adapting openfpga task configuration...");
num_task_config_file_processed = 0;
for task_template_file in get_list_of_task_config_files(skywater_openfpga_task_dirpath, "task_template.conf"):
# Copy the file
task_conf_file = os.path.dirname(task_template_file) + "/task.conf";
shutil.copy(task_template_file, task_conf_file);
homepath_to_replace = re.sub("/", "\/", skywater_openfpga_homepath);
cmd = "sed -i 's/${SKYWATER_OPENFPGA_HOME}/" + homepath_to_replace + "/g' " + task_conf_file;
num_task_config_file_processed += 1;
logging.info("Processed for " + str(num_task_config_file_processed) + "openfpga task templates");
# Create symbolic link to OpenFPGA flow task directory
openfpga_task_src_dir = skywater_openfpga_homepath + "/SCRIPT/skywater_openfpga_task";
openfpga_task_des_dir = openfpga_root_path + "/openfpga_flow/tasks/skywater_openfpga_task";
if (os.path.isdir(openfpga_task_des_dir) or os.path.isfile(openfpga_task_des_dir)):
logging.warning("There is already a skywater_openfpga_task directory/file at " + openfpga_task_des_dir);
logging.error("Failed to create symbolic link!");
elif (os.path.islink(openfpga_task_des_dir)):
logging.warning("There is already a skywater_openfpga_task symbolic link at " + openfpga_task_des_dir);
logging.warning("Removed the symbolic link");
os.symlink(openfpga_task_src_dir, openfpga_task_des_dir, True);
logging.info("Created OpenFPGA task symbolic link at " + openfpga_task_des_dir);
# Execute openfpga task runs
openfpga_task_path_prefix_to_remove = re.sub("/", "\/", skywater_openfpga_homepath + "/SCRIPT/");
openfpga_task_list = [];
for task_file in get_list_of_task_config_files(skywater_openfpga_task_dirpath, "task.conf"):
# Find all the task.conf and extract task name from the absolute paths:
# - Remove the skywater_openfpga_homepath + "/SCRIPT/" at the beginning
# - Remove the config/task.conf at the end
task_name = re.sub(openfpga_task_path_prefix_to_remove, "", task_file);
task_name = re.sub("/config\/task.conf$", "", task_name);
# Execute openfpga task:
# - Change directory to openfpga root directory
# - Run openfpga flow task
# - Go back
for task_name in openfpga_task_list:
cmd = "python3 openfpga_flow/scripts/run_fpga_task.py " + task_name + " --debug --show_thread_logs";
logging.info("Running openfpga task: " + task_name + "...");