// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Reed-Solomon decoder //Copyright (C) Wed May 22 09:59:27 2002 //by Ming-Han Lei(hendrik@humanistic.org) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module rs_decoder_1(x, error, with_error, enable, valid, k, clk, clrn); input enable, clk, clrn; input [4:0] k, x; output [4:0] error; wire [4:0] error; output with_error, valid; reg valid; wire with_error; wire [4:0] s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11; wire [4:0] lambda, omega, alpha; reg [3:0] count; reg [12:0] phase; wire [4:0] D0, D1, DI; //reg [4:0] D, D2; wire [4:0] D, D2; reg [4:0] u, length0, length2; wire [4:0] length1, length3; reg syn_enable, syn_init, syn_shift, berl_enable; reg chien_search, chien_load, shorten; always @ (chien_search or shorten) valid = chien_search & ~shorten; wire bit1; assign bit1 = syn_shift&phase[0]; rsdec_syn x0 (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, u, syn_enable, bit1, syn_init, clk, clrn); rsdec_berl x1 (lambda, omega, s0, s11, s10, s9, s8, s7, s6, s5, s4, s3, s2, s1, D0, D2, count, phase[0], phase[12], berl_enable, clk, clrn); rsdec_chien x2 (error, alpha, lambda, omega, D1, DI, chien_search, chien_load, shorten, clk, clrn); inverse x3 (DI, D); always @ (posedge clk)// or negedge clrn) begin if (~clrn) begin syn_enable <= 0; syn_shift <= 0; berl_enable <= 0; chien_search <= 1; chien_load <= 0; length0 <= 0; length2 <= 31 - k; count <= -1; phase <= 1; u <= 0; shorten <= 1; syn_init <= 0; end else begin if (enable & ~syn_enable & ~syn_shift) begin syn_enable <= 1; syn_init <= 1; end else if (syn_enable) begin length0 <= length1; syn_init <= 0; if (length1 == k) begin syn_enable <= 0; syn_shift <= 1; berl_enable <= 1; end end else if (berl_enable & with_error) begin if (phase[0]) begin count <= count + 1; if (count == 11) begin syn_shift <= 0; length0 <= 0; chien_load <= 1; length2 <= length0; end end phase <= {phase[11:0], phase[12]}; end else if (berl_enable & ~with_error) if (&count) begin syn_shift <= 0; length0 <= 0; berl_enable <= 0; end else phase <= {phase[11:0], phase[12]}; else if (chien_load & phase[12]) begin berl_enable <= 0; chien_load <= 0; chien_search <= 1; count <= -1; phase <= 1; end else if (chien_search) begin length2 <= length3; if (length3 == 0) chien_search <= 0; end else if (enable) u <= x; else if (shorten == 1 && length2 == 0) shorten <= 0; end end // always @ (chien_search or D0 or D1) // if (chien_search) D = D1; // else D = D0; assign D = chien_search ? D1 : D0; // always @ (DI or alpha or chien_load) // if (chien_load) D2 = alpha; // else D2 = DI; assign D2 = chien_load ? alpha : DI; assign length1 = length0 + 1; assign length3 = length2 - 1; // always @ (syn_shift or s0 or s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 or s11) // if (syn_shift && (s0 | s1 | s2 | s3 | s4 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | s10 | s11)!= 0) // with_error = 1; // else with_error = 0; wire temp; assign temp = syn_shift && (s0 | s1 | s2 | s3 | s4 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | s10 | s11); assign with_error = temp != 0 ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; endmodule // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //The inverse lookup table for Galois field //Copyright (C) Tue Apr 2 17:21:59 2002 //by Ming-Han Lei(hendrik@humanistic.org) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module inverse(y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) case (x) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 1: y = 1; // 0 -> 31 2: y = 18; // 1 -> 30 4: y = 9; // 2 -> 29 8: y = 22; // 3 -> 28 16: y = 11; // 4 -> 27 5: y = 23; // 5 -> 26 10: y = 25; // 6 -> 25 20: y = 30; // 7 -> 24 13: y = 15; // 8 -> 23 26: y = 21; // 9 -> 22 17: y = 24; // 10 -> 21 7: y = 12; // 11 -> 20 14: y = 6; // 12 -> 19 28: y = 3; // 13 -> 18 29: y = 19; // 14 -> 17 31: y = 27; // 15 -> 16 27: y = 31; // 16 -> 15 19: y = 29; // 17 -> 14 3: y = 28; // 18 -> 13 6: y = 14; // 19 -> 12 12: y = 7; // 20 -> 11 24: y = 17; // 21 -> 10 21: y = 26; // 22 -> 9 15: y = 13; // 23 -> 8 30: y = 20; // 24 -> 7 25: y = 10; // 25 -> 6 23: y = 5; // 26 -> 5 11: y = 16; // 27 -> 4 22: y = 8; // 28 -> 3 9: y = 4; // 29 -> 2 18: y = 2; // 30 -> 1 endcase endmodule // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Berlekamp circuit for Reed-Solomon decoder //Copyright (C) Tue Apr 2 17:21:42 2002 //by Ming-Han Lei(hendrik@humanistic.org) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module rsdec_berl (lambda_out, omega_out, syndrome0, syndrome1, syndrome2, syndrome3, syndrome4, syndrome5, syndrome6, syndrome7, syndrome8, syndrome9, syndrome10, syndrome11, D, DI, count, phase0, phase12, enable, clk, clrn); input clk, clrn, enable, phase0, phase12; input [4:0] syndrome0; input [4:0] syndrome1; input [4:0] syndrome2; input [4:0] syndrome3; input [4:0] syndrome4; input [4:0] syndrome5; input [4:0] syndrome6; input [4:0] syndrome7; input [4:0] syndrome8; input [4:0] syndrome9; input [4:0] syndrome10; input [4:0] syndrome11; input [4:0] DI; input [3:0] count; output [4:0] lambda_out; output [4:0] omega_out; reg [4:0] lambda_out; reg [4:0] omega_out; output [4:0] D; reg [4:0] D; reg init, delta; reg [2:0] L; reg [4:0] lambda0; reg [4:0] lambda1; reg [4:0] lambda2; reg [4:0] lambda3; reg [4:0] lambda4; reg [4:0] lambda5; reg [4:0] lambda6; reg [4:0] lambda7; reg [4:0] lambda8; reg [4:0] lambda9; reg [4:0] lambda10; reg [4:0] lambda11; reg [4:0] B0; reg [4:0] B1; reg [4:0] B2; reg [4:0] B3; reg [4:0] B4; reg [4:0] B5; reg [4:0] B6; reg [4:0] B7; reg [4:0] B8; reg [4:0] B9; reg [4:0] B10; reg [4:0] omega0; reg [4:0] omega1; reg [4:0] omega2; reg [4:0] omega3; reg [4:0] omega4; reg [4:0] omega5; reg [4:0] omega6; reg [4:0] omega7; reg [4:0] omega8; reg [4:0] omega9; reg [4:0] omega10; reg [4:0] omega11; reg [4:0] A0; reg [4:0] A1; reg [4:0] A2; reg [4:0] A3; reg [4:0] A4; reg [4:0] A5; reg [4:0] A6; reg [4:0] A7; reg [4:0] A8; reg [4:0] A9; reg [4:0] A10; wire [4:0] tmp0; wire [4:0] tmp1; wire [4:0] tmp2; wire [4:0] tmp3; wire [4:0] tmp4; wire [4:0] tmp5; wire [4:0] tmp6; wire [4:0] tmp7; wire [4:0] tmp8; wire [4:0] tmp9; wire [4:0] tmp10; wire [4:0] tmp11; always @ (tmp1) lambda_out = tmp1; always @ (tmp3) omega_out = tmp3; always @ (L or D or count) // delta = (D != 0 && 2*L <= i); if (D != 0 && count >= {L, 1'b0}) delta = 1; else delta = 0; rsdec_berl_multiply x0 (tmp0, B10, D, lambda0, syndrome0, phase0); rsdec_berl_multiply x1 (tmp1, lambda11, DI, lambda1, syndrome1, phase0); rsdec_berl_multiply x2 (tmp2, A10, D, lambda2, syndrome2, phase0); rsdec_berl_multiply x3 (tmp3, omega11, DI, lambda3, syndrome3, phase0); multiply x4 (tmp4, lambda4, syndrome4); multiply x5 (tmp5, lambda5, syndrome5); multiply x6 (tmp6, lambda6, syndrome6); multiply x7 (tmp7, lambda7, syndrome7); multiply x8 (tmp8, lambda8, syndrome8); multiply x9 (tmp9, lambda9, syndrome9); multiply x10 (tmp10, lambda10, syndrome10); multiply x11 (tmp11, lambda11, syndrome11); always @ (posedge clk)// or negedge clrn) begin // for (j = t-1; j >=0; j--) // if (j != 0) lambda[j] += D * B[j-1]; /* if (~clrn) begin lambda0 <= 0; lambda1 <= 0; lambda2 <= 0; lambda3 <= 0; lambda4 <= 0; lambda5 <= 0; lambda6 <= 0; lambda7 <= 0; lambda8 <= 0; lambda9 <= 0; lambda10 <= 0; lambda11 <= 0; B0 <= 0; B1 <= 0; B2 <= 0; B3 <= 0; B4 <= 0; B5 <= 0; B6 <= 0; B7 <= 0; B8 <= 0; B9 <= 0; B10 <= 0; omega0 <= 0; omega1 <= 0; omega2 <= 0; omega3 <= 0; omega4 <= 0; omega5 <= 0; omega6 <= 0; omega7 <= 0; omega8 <= 0; omega9 <= 0; omega10 <= 0; omega11 <= 0; A0 <= 0; A1 <= 0; A2 <= 0; A3 <= 0; A4 <= 0; A5 <= 0; A6 <= 0; A7 <= 0; A8 <= 0; A9 <= 0; A10 <= 0; // for (j = 0; j < 12; j = j + 1) lambda[j] <= 0; // for (j = 0; j < 11; j = j + 1) B[j] <= 0; // for (j = 0; j < 12; j = j + 1) omega[j] <= 0; // for (j = 0; j < 11; j = j + 1) A[j] <= 0; end else*/ if (~enable) begin lambda0 <= 1; lambda1 <= 0; lambda2 <= 0; lambda3 <= 0; lambda4 <= 0; lambda5 <= 0; lambda6 <= 0; lambda7 <= 0; lambda8 <= 0; lambda9 <= 0; lambda10 <= 0; lambda11 <= 0; //for (j = 1; j < 12; j = j +1) lambda[j] <= 0; B0 <= 1; B1 <= 0; B2 <= 0; B3 <= 0; B4 <= 0; B5 <= 0; B6 <= 0; B7 <= 0; B8 <= 0; B9 <= 0; B10 <= 0; //for (j = 1; j < 11; j = j +1) B[j] <= 0; omega0 <= 1; omega1 <= 0; omega2 <= 0; omega3 <= 0; omega4 <= 0; omega5 <= 0; omega6 <= 0; omega7 <= 0; omega8 <= 0; omega9 <= 0; omega10 <= 0; omega11 <= 0; //for (j = 1; j < 12; j = j +1) omega[j] <= 0; A0 <= 0; A1 <= 0; A2 <= 0; A3 <= 0; A4 <= 0; A5 <= 0; A6 <= 0; A7 <= 0; A8 <= 0; A9 <= 0; A10 <= 0; //for (j = 0; j < 11; j = j + 1) A[j] <= 0; end else begin if (~phase0) begin if (~phase12) lambda0 <= lambda11 ^ tmp0; else lambda0 <= lambda11; //for (j = 1; j < 12; j = j + 1) //lambda[j] <= lambda[j-1]; lambda1 <= lambda0; lambda2 <= lambda1; lambda3 <= lambda2; lambda4 <= lambda3; lambda5 <= lambda4; lambda6 <= lambda5; lambda7 <= lambda6; lambda8 <= lambda7; lambda9 <= lambda8; lambda10 <= lambda9; lambda11 <= lambda10; // end // for (j = t-1; j >=0; j--) // if (delta) B[j] = lambda[j] *DI; // else if (j != 0) B[j] = B[j-1]; // else B[j] = 0; // if (~phase0) // begin if (delta) B0 <= tmp1; else if (~phase12) B0 <= B10; else B0 <= 0; //for (j = 1; j < 11; j = j + 1) // B[j] <= B[j-1]; B1 <= B0; B2 <= B1; B3 <= B2; B4 <= B3; B5 <= B4; B6 <= B5; B7 <= B6; B8 <= B7; B9 <= B8; B10 <= B9; // end // for (j = t-1; j >=0; j--) // if (j != 0) omega[j] += D * A[j-1]; // if (~phase0) // begin if (~phase12) omega0 <= omega11 ^ tmp2; else omega0 <= omega11; //for (j = 1; j < 12; j = j + 1) // omega[j] <= omega[j-1]; omega1 <= omega0; omega2 <= omega1; omega3 <= omega2; omega4 <= omega3; omega5 <= omega4; omega6 <= omega5; omega7 <= omega6; omega8 <= omega7; omega9 <= omega8; omega10 <= omega9; omega11 <= omega10; // end // for (j = t-1; j >=0; j--) // if (delta) A[j] = omega[j] *DI; // else if (j != 0) A[j] = A[j-1]; // else A[j] = 0; // if (~phase0) // begin if (delta) A0 <= tmp3; else if (~phase12) A0 <= A10; //for (j = 1; j < 11; j = j + 1) // A[j] <= A[j-1]; A1 <= A0; A2 <= A1; A3 <= A2; A4 <= A3; A5 <= A4; A6 <= A5; A7 <= A6; A8 <= A7; A9 <= A8; A10 <= A9; // end end end end always @ (posedge clk)// or negedge clrn) begin if (~clrn) begin L <= 0; D <= 0; end else begin // if (delta) L = i - L + 1; if ((phase0 & delta) && (count != -1)) L <= count - L + 1; //for (D = j = 0; j < t; j = j + 1) // D += lambda[j] * syndrome[t-j-1]; if (phase0) D <= tmp0 ^ tmp1 ^ tmp2 ^ tmp3 ^ tmp4 ^ tmp5 ^ tmp6 ^ tmp7 ^ tmp8 ^ tmp9 ^ tmp10 ^ tmp11; end end endmodule module rsdec_berl_multiply (y, a, b, c, d, e); input [4:0] a, b, c, d; input e; output [4:0] y; wire [4:0] y; reg [4:0] p, q; always @ (a or c or e) if (e) p = c; else p = a; always @ (b or d or e) if (e) q = d; else q = b; multiply x0 (y, p, q); endmodule module multiply (y, a, b); input [4:0] a, b; output [4:0] y; reg [9:0] tempy; wire [4:0] y; assign y = tempy[4:0]; always @(a or b) begin tempy = a * b; end /* always @ (a or b) begin y[0] = (a[0] & b[0]) ^ (a[1] & b[4]) ^ (a[2] & b[3]) ^ (a[3] & b[2]) ^ (a[4] & b[1]) ^ (a[4] & b[4]); y[1] = (a[0] & b[1]) ^ (a[1] & b[0]) ^ (a[2] & b[4]) ^ (a[3] & b[3]) ^ (a[4] & b[2]); y[2] = (a[0] & b[2]) ^ (a[1] & b[1]) ^ (a[1] & b[4]) ^ (a[2] & b[0]) ^ (a[2] & b[3]) ^ (a[3] & b[2]) ^ (a[3] & b[4]) ^ (a[4] & b[1]) ^ (a[4] & b[3]) ^ (a[4] & b[4]); y[3] = (a[0] & b[3]) ^ (a[1] & b[2]) ^ (a[2] & b[1]) ^ (a[2] & b[4]) ^ (a[3] & b[0]) ^ (a[3] & b[3]) ^ (a[4] & b[2]) ^ (a[4] & b[4]); y[4] = (a[0] & b[4]) ^ (a[1] & b[3]) ^ (a[2] & b[2]) ^ (a[3] & b[1]) ^ (a[3] & b[4]) ^ (a[4] & b[0]) ^ (a[4] & b[3]); endi */ endmodule // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Chien-Forney search circuit for Reed-Solomon decoder //Copyright (C) Tue Apr 2 17:21:51 2002 //by Ming-Han Lei(hendrik@humanistic.org) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module rsdec_chien_scale0 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0]; y[1] = x[1]; y[2] = x[2]; y[3] = x[3]; y[4] = x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale1 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[4]; y[1] = x[0]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2]; y[4] = x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale2 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[3]; y[1] = x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale3 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[2]; y[1] = x[3]; y[2] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale4 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[2]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale5 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale6 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale7 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale8 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[2]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale9 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[2] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale10 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien_scale11 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_chien (error, alpha, lambda, omega, even, D, search, load, shorten, clk, clrn); input clk, clrn, load, search, shorten; input [4:0] D; input [4:0] lambda; input [4:0] omega; output [4:0] even, error; output [4:0] alpha; reg [4:0] even, error; reg [4:0] alpha; wire [4:0] scale0; wire [4:0] scale1; wire [4:0] scale2; wire [4:0] scale3; wire [4:0] scale4; wire [4:0] scale5; wire [4:0] scale6; wire [4:0] scale7; wire [4:0] scale8; wire [4:0] scale9; wire [4:0] scale10; wire [4:0] scale11; wire [4:0] scale12; wire [4:0] scale13; wire [4:0] scale14; wire [4:0] scale15; wire [4:0] scale16; wire [4:0] scale17; wire [4:0] scale18; wire [4:0] scale19; wire [4:0] scale20; wire [4:0] scale21; wire [4:0] scale22; wire [4:0] scale23; reg [4:0] data0; reg [4:0] data1; reg [4:0] data2; reg [4:0] data3; reg [4:0] data4; reg [4:0] data5; reg [4:0] data6; reg [4:0] data7; reg [4:0] data8; reg [4:0] data9; reg [4:0] data10; reg [4:0] data11; reg [4:0] a0; reg [4:0] a1; reg [4:0] a2; reg [4:0] a3; reg [4:0] a4; reg [4:0] a5; reg [4:0] a6; reg [4:0] a7; reg [4:0] a8; reg [4:0] a9; reg [4:0] a10; reg [4:0] a11; reg [4:0] l0; reg [4:0] l1; reg [4:0] l2; reg [4:0] l3; reg [4:0] l4; reg [4:0] l5; reg [4:0] l6; reg [4:0] l7; reg [4:0] l8; reg [4:0] l9; reg [4:0] l10; reg [4:0] l11; reg [4:0] o0; reg [4:0] o1; reg [4:0] o2; reg [4:0] o3; reg [4:0] o4; reg [4:0] o5; reg [4:0] o6; reg [4:0] o7; reg [4:0] o8; reg [4:0] o9; reg [4:0] o10; reg [4:0] o11; reg [4:0] odd, numerator; wire [4:0] tmp; rsdec_chien_scale0 x0 (scale0, data0); rsdec_chien_scale1 x1 (scale1, data1); rsdec_chien_scale2 x2 (scale2, data2); rsdec_chien_scale3 x3 (scale3, data3); rsdec_chien_scale4 x4 (scale4, data4); rsdec_chien_scale5 x5 (scale5, data5); rsdec_chien_scale6 x6 (scale6, data6); rsdec_chien_scale7 x7 (scale7, data7); rsdec_chien_scale8 x8 (scale8, data8); rsdec_chien_scale9 x9 (scale9, data9); rsdec_chien_scale10 x10 (scale10, data10); rsdec_chien_scale11 x11 (scale11, data11); rsdec_chien_scale0 x12 (scale12, o0); rsdec_chien_scale1 x13 (scale13, o1); rsdec_chien_scale2 x14 (scale14, o2); rsdec_chien_scale3 x15 (scale15, o3); rsdec_chien_scale4 x16 (scale16, o4); rsdec_chien_scale5 x17 (scale17, o5); rsdec_chien_scale6 x18 (scale18, o6); rsdec_chien_scale7 x19 (scale19, o7); rsdec_chien_scale8 x20 (scale20, o8); rsdec_chien_scale9 x21 (scale21, o9); rsdec_chien_scale10 x22 (scale22, o10); rsdec_chien_scale11 x23 (scale23, o11); always @ (shorten or a0 or l0) if (shorten) data0 = a0; else data0 = l0; always @ (shorten or a1 or l1) if (shorten) data1 = a1; else data1 = l1; always @ (shorten or a2 or l2) if (shorten) data2 = a2; else data2 = l2; always @ (shorten or a3 or l3) if (shorten) data3 = a3; else data3 = l3; always @ (shorten or a4 or l4) if (shorten) data4 = a4; else data4 = l4; always @ (shorten or a5 or l5) if (shorten) data5 = a5; else data5 = l5; always @ (shorten or a6 or l6) if (shorten) data6 = a6; else data6 = l6; always @ (shorten or a7 or l7) if (shorten) data7 = a7; else data7 = l7; always @ (shorten or a8 or l8) if (shorten) data8 = a8; else data8 = l8; always @ (shorten or a9 or l9) if (shorten) data9 = a9; else data9 = l9; always @ (shorten or a10 or l10) if (shorten) data10 = a10; else data10 = l10; always @ (shorten or a11 or l11) if (shorten) data11 = a11; else data11 = l11; always @ (posedge clk)// or negedge clrn) begin if (~clrn) begin l0 <= 0; l1 <= 0; l2 <= 0; l3 <= 0; l4 <= 0; l5 <= 0; l6 <= 0; l7 <= 0; l8 <= 0; l9 <= 0; l10 <= 0; l11 <= 0; o0 <= 0; o1 <= 0; o2 <= 0; o3 <= 0; o4 <= 0; o5 <= 0; o6 <= 0; o7 <= 0; o8 <= 0; o9 <= 0; o10 <= 0; o11 <= 0; a0 <= 1; a1 <= 1; a2 <= 1; a3 <= 1; a4 <= 1; a5 <= 1; a6 <= 1; a7 <= 1; a8 <= 1; a9 <= 1; a10 <= 1; a11 <= 1; end else if (shorten) begin a0 <= scale0; a1 <= scale1; a2 <= scale2; a3 <= scale3; a4 <= scale4; a5 <= scale5; a6 <= scale6; a7 <= scale7; a8 <= scale8; a9 <= scale9; a10 <= scale10; a11 <= scale11; end else if (search) begin l0 <= scale0; l1 <= scale1; l2 <= scale2; l3 <= scale3; l4 <= scale4; l5 <= scale5; l6 <= scale6; l7 <= scale7; l8 <= scale8; l9 <= scale9; l10 <= scale10; l11 <= scale11; o0 <= scale12; o1 <= scale13; o2 <= scale14; o3 <= scale15; o4 <= scale16; o5 <= scale17; o6 <= scale18; o7 <= scale19; o8 <= scale20; o9 <= scale21; o10 <= scale22; o11 <= scale23; end else if (load) begin l0 <= lambda; l1 <= l0; l2 <= l1; l3 <= l2; l4 <= l3; l5 <= l4; l6 <= l5; l7 <= l6; l8 <= l7; l9 <= l8; l10 <= l9; l11 <= l10; o0 <= omega; o1 <= o0; o2 <= o1; o3 <= o2; o4 <= o3; o5 <= o4; o6 <= o5; o7 <= o6; o8 <= o7; o9 <= o8; o10 <= o9; o11 <= o10; a0 <= a11; a1 <= a0; a2 <= a1; a3 <= a2; a4 <= a3; a5 <= a4; a6 <= a5; a7 <= a6; a8 <= a7; a9 <= a8; a10 <= a9; a11 <= a10; end end always @ (l0 or l2 or l4 or l6 or l8 or l10) even = l0 ^ l2 ^ l4 ^ l6 ^ l8 ^ l10; always @ (l1 or l3 or l5 or l7 or l9 or l11) odd = l1 ^ l3 ^ l5 ^ l7 ^ l9 ^ l11; always @ (o0 or o1 or o2 or o3 or o4 or o5 or o6 or o7 or o8 or o9 or o10 or o11) numerator = o0 ^ o1 ^ o2 ^ o3 ^ o4 ^ o5 ^ o6 ^ o7 ^ o8 ^ o9 ^ o10 ^ o11; multiply m0 (tmp, numerator, D); always @ (even or odd or tmp) if (even == odd) error = tmp; else error = 0; always @ (a11) alpha = a11; endmodule // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Syndrome generator circuit in Reed-Solomon Decoder //Copyright (C) Tue Apr 2 17:22:07 2002 //by Ming-Han Lei(hendrik@humanistic.org) // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License //as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 //of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- module rsdec_syn_m0 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[4]; y[1] = x[0]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2]; y[4] = x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m1 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[3]; y[1] = x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m2 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[2]; y[1] = x[3]; y[2] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m3 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[2]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m4 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m5 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[3]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m6 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[2] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m7 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[2]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m8 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[2] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m9 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[1] ^ x[2]; y[2] = x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m10 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[3] = x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn_m11 (y, x); input [4:0] x; output [4:0] y; reg [4:0] y; always @ (x) begin y[0] = x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[1] = x[0] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[2] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3]; y[3] = x[0] ^ x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; y[4] = x[1] ^ x[2] ^ x[3] ^ x[4]; end endmodule module rsdec_syn (y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, u, enable, shift, init, clk, clrn); input [4:0] u; input clk, clrn, shift, init, enable; output [4:0] y0; output [4:0] y1; output [4:0] y2; output [4:0] y3; output [4:0] y4; output [4:0] y5; output [4:0] y6; output [4:0] y7; output [4:0] y8; output [4:0] y9; output [4:0] y10; output [4:0] y11; reg [4:0] y0; reg [4:0] y1; reg [4:0] y2; reg [4:0] y3; reg [4:0] y4; reg [4:0] y5; reg [4:0] y6; reg [4:0] y7; reg [4:0] y8; reg [4:0] y9; reg [4:0] y10; reg [4:0] y11; wire [4:0] scale0; wire [4:0] scale1; wire [4:0] scale2; wire [4:0] scale3; wire [4:0] scale4; wire [4:0] scale5; wire [4:0] scale6; wire [4:0] scale7; wire [4:0] scale8; wire [4:0] scale9; wire [4:0] scale10; wire [4:0] scale11; rsdec_syn_m0 m0 (scale0, y0); rsdec_syn_m1 m1 (scale1, y1); rsdec_syn_m2 m2 (scale2, y2); rsdec_syn_m3 m3 (scale3, y3); rsdec_syn_m4 m4 (scale4, y4); rsdec_syn_m5 m5 (scale5, y5); rsdec_syn_m6 m6 (scale6, y6); rsdec_syn_m7 m7 (scale7, y7); rsdec_syn_m8 m8 (scale8, y8); rsdec_syn_m9 m9 (scale9, y9); rsdec_syn_m10 m10 (scale10, y10); rsdec_syn_m11 m11 (scale11, y11); always @ (posedge clk)// or negedge clrn) begin if (~clrn) begin y0 <= 0; y1 <= 0; y2 <= 0; y3 <= 0; y4 <= 0; y5 <= 0; y6 <= 0; y7 <= 0; y8 <= 0; y9 <= 0; y10 <= 0; y11 <= 0; end else if (init) begin y0 <= u; y1 <= u; y2 <= u; y3 <= u; y4 <= u; y5 <= u; y6 <= u; y7 <= u; y8 <= u; y9 <= u; y10 <= u; y11 <= u; end else if (enable) begin y0 <= scale0 ^ u; y1 <= scale1 ^ u; y2 <= scale2 ^ u; y3 <= scale3 ^ u; y4 <= scale4 ^ u; y5 <= scale5 ^ u; y6 <= scale6 ^ u; y7 <= scale7 ^ u; y8 <= scale8 ^ u; y9 <= scale9 ^ u; y10 <= scale10 ^ u; y11 <= scale11 ^ u; end else if (shift) begin y0 <= y1; y1 <= y2; y2 <= y3; y3 <= y4; y4 <= y5; y5 <= y6; y6 <= y7; y7 <= y8; y8 <= y9; y9 <= y10; y10 <= y11; y11 <= y0; end end endmodule