////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// cavlc_read_total_coeffs //// //// //// //// Description //// //// decode total_coeffs and trailing ones //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - bin qiu, qiubin@opencores.org //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //2011-8-7 initial creation //2011-8-9 optimize output mux `include "defines.v" module cavlc_read_total_coeffs ( clk, rst_n, ena, start, sel, rbsp, nC, TrailingOnes, TotalCoeff, TrailingOnes_comb, TotalCoeff_comb, len_comb ); //------------------------ //ports //------------------------ input clk; input rst_n; input ena; input start; input sel; input [0:15] rbsp; input signed [5:0] nC; output [4:0] TotalCoeff; //range from 0 to 16 output [1:0] TrailingOnes; //range from 0 to 3 output [4:0] TotalCoeff_comb; //unsaved result of TotalCoeff_comb output [1:0] TrailingOnes_comb; //unsaved result of TrailingOnes_comb output [4:0] len_comb; //indicate how many rbsp bit consumed, range from 0 to 16 //------------------------ //regs //------------------------ reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_comb; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_comb; reg [4:0] len_comb; //for nC >= 0 && nC < 2 reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_1; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_1; reg [4:0] len_1; //for nC >= 2 && nC < 4 reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_2; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_2; reg [4:0] len_2; //for nC >= 4 && nC < 8 reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_3; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_3; reg [4:0] len_3; //for nC >= 8 reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_4; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_4; reg [4:0] len_4; //for nC == -1 reg [4:0] TotalCoeff_5; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes_5; reg [4:0] len_5; //------------------------ //FFs //------------------------ //len is not necessary to be saved //TotalCoeff & TrailingOnes should be valid when cavlc_state == `cavlc_read_total_coeffs_s //to do that,combinational result "TotalCoeff_comb & TrailingOnes_comb" are outputed reg [0:15] rbsp_1; reg [0:13] rbsp_2; reg [0:9] rbsp_3; reg [0:5] rbsp_4; reg [0:7] rbsp_5; reg [4:0] TotalCoeff; reg [1:0] TrailingOnes; //------------------------ //input mux //------------------------ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin rbsp_1 <= 0; rbsp_2 <= 0; rbsp_3 <= 0; rbsp_4 <= 0; rbsp_5 <= 0; end else if (ena && start) begin if (nC[5]) rbsp_5 <= rbsp[0:7]; else if ( nC[4] || nC[3]) rbsp_4 <= rbsp[0:5]; else if (nC[2]) rbsp_3 <= rbsp[0:9]; else if (nC[1]) rbsp_2 <= rbsp[0:13]; else rbsp_1 <= rbsp; end //------------------------ //nC >= 0 && nC < 2 //------------------------ always @(rbsp_1) case (1'b1) rbsp_1[0] : begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 0; len_1 <= 1; end rbsp_1[1] : begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 1; len_1 <= 2; end rbsp_1[2] : begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 2; len_1 <= 3; end rbsp_1[3] : begin if (rbsp_1[4] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 3; len_1 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_1[5] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 1; len_1 <= 6; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 2; len_1 <= 6; end end rbsp_1[4] : begin if (rbsp_1[5] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 4; len_1 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_1[6] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 3; len_1 <= 7; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 5; len_1 <= 7; end end rbsp_1[5] : begin len_1 <= 8; if (rbsp_1[6:7] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 2; end else if (rbsp_1[6:7] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 3; end else if (rbsp_1[6:7] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 4; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 6; end end rbsp_1[6] : begin len_1 <= 9; if (rbsp_1[7:8] == 2'b11) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 3; end else if (rbsp_1[7:8] == 2'b10) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 4; end else if (rbsp_1[7:8] == 2'b01) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 5; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 7; end end rbsp_1[7] : begin len_1 <= 10; if (rbsp_1[8:9] == 2'b11) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 4; end else if (rbsp_1[8:9] == 2'b10) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_1[8:9] == 2'b01) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 6; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 8; end end rbsp_1[8] : begin len_1 <= 11; if (rbsp_1[9:10] == 2'b11) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_1[9:10] == 2'b10) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_1[9:10] == 2'b01) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 7; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 9; end end rbsp_1[9] : begin len_1 <= 13; if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b111) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b011) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 7; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b110) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 7; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b000) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b010) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b101) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_1[10:12] == 3'b001) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 9; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 10; end end rbsp_1[10] : begin len_1 <= 14; if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b111) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b110) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b011) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b010) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b101) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b001) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 11; end else if (rbsp_1[11:13] == 3'b100) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 11; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 12; end end rbsp_1[11] : begin len_1 <= 15; if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b111) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 11; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b110) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 11; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b011) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b010) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b101) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b001) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_1[12:14] == 3'b100) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 13; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 14; end end rbsp_1[12] : begin len_1 <= 16; if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b111) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b011) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 14; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b110) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 14; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b101) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 14; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b010) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 15; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b001) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 15; end else if (rbsp_1[13:15] == 3'b100) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 15; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 3; TotalCoeff_1 <= 16; end end rbsp_1[13] : begin len_1 <= 16; if (rbsp_1[14:15] == 2'b11) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 15; end else if (rbsp_1[14:15] == 2'b00) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 0; TotalCoeff_1 <= 16; end else if (rbsp_1[14:15] == 2'b10) begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 16; end else begin TrailingOnes_1 <= 2; TotalCoeff_1 <= 16; end end default : begin len_1 <= 15; TrailingOnes_1 <= 1; TotalCoeff_1 <= 13; end endcase //------------------------ //nC >= 2 && nC < 4 //------------------------ always @(rbsp_2) case (1'b1) rbsp_2[0] : begin len_2 <= 2; if (rbsp_2[1] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 0; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 1; end end rbsp_2[1] : begin if (rbsp_2[2] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 2; len_2 <= 3; end else if (rbsp_2[3] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 3; len_2 <= 4; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 4; len_2 <= 4; end end rbsp_2[2] : begin if (rbsp_2[3:4] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 2; len_2 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_2[3:4] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 5; len_2 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 1; len_2 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 3; len_2 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 3; len_2 <= 6; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 6; len_2 <= 6; end end rbsp_2[3] : begin len_2 <= 6; if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 2; end else if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 4; end else if (rbsp_2[4:5] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 4; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 7; end end rbsp_2[4] : begin len_2 <= 7; if (rbsp_2[5:6] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 3; end else if (rbsp_2[5:6] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_2[5:6] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 5; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 8; end end rbsp_2[5] : begin len_2 <= 8; if (rbsp_2[6:7] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 4; end else if (rbsp_2[6:7] == 'b00) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 5; end else if (rbsp_2[6:7] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 6; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 6; end end rbsp_2[6] : begin len_2 <= 9; if (rbsp_2[7:8] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 6; end else if (rbsp_2[7:8] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 7; end else if (rbsp_2[7:8] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 7; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 9; end end rbsp_2[7] : begin len_2 <= 11; if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b111) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 7; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b011) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b110) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b101) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 8; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b010) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b001) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_2[8:10] == 'b100) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 10; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 11; end end rbsp_2[8] : begin len_2 <= 12; if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b111) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b011) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b110) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b101) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b000) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 11; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b010) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 11; end else if (rbsp_2[9:11] == 'b001) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 11; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 12; end end rbsp_2[9] : begin len_2 <= 13; if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b111) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b110) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b101) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 12; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b011) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b010) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b001) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_2[10:12] == 'b100) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 13; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 14; end end rbsp_2[10] : begin if (rbsp_2[11:12] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 14; len_2 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_2[11:12] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 14; len_2 <= 13; end else if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 14; len_2 <= 14; end else if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 15; len_2 <= 14; end else if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b00) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 15; len_2 <= 14; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 15; len_2 <= 14; end end rbsp_2[11] : begin len_2 <= 14; if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 0; TotalCoeff_2 <= 16; end else if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 1; TotalCoeff_2 <= 16; end else if (rbsp_2[12:13] == 'b01) begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 2; TotalCoeff_2 <= 16; end else begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 16; end end default : begin TrailingOnes_2 <= 3; TotalCoeff_2 <= 15; len_2 <= 13; end endcase //------------------------ // nC >= 4 && nC < 8 //------------------------ always @(rbsp_3) case (1'b1) rbsp_3[0] : begin len_3 <= 4; case (rbsp_3[1:3]) 'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 0; end 'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 1; end 'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 2; end 'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 3; end 'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 4; end 'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 5; end 'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 6; end 'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 7; end endcase end rbsp_3[1] : begin len_3 <= 5; case (rbsp_3[2:4]) 'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 2; end 'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 3; end 'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 3; end 'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 4; end 'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 4; end 'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 5; end 'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 5; end 'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 8; end endcase end rbsp_3[2] : begin len_3 <= 6; case (rbsp_3[3:5]) 3'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 1; end 3'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 2; end 3'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 3; end 3'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 6; end 3'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 6; end 3'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 7; end 3'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 7; end 3'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 9; end endcase end rbsp_3[3] : begin len_3 <= 7; case (rbsp_3[4:6]) 'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 4; end 'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 5; end 'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 6; end 'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 7; end 'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 8; end 'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 8; end 'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 9; end 'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 10; end endcase end rbsp_3[4] : begin len_3 <= 8; case (rbsp_3[5:7]) 'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 8; end 'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 9; end 'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 9; end 'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 10; end 'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 10; end 'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 11; end 'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 11; end 'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 12; end endcase end rbsp_3[5] : begin len_3 <= 9; case (rbsp_3[6:8]) 'b111 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 10; end 'b011 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 11; end 'b110 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 11; end 'b000 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 12; end 'b010 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 12; end 'b101 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 12; end 'b001 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 13; end 'b100 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 13; end endcase end rbsp_3[6] : begin if (rbsp_3[7:8] == 'b11)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 13; len_3 <= 9; end else if (rbsp_3[7:9] == 'b101)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 13; len_3 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_3[7:9] == 'b001)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 14; len_3 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_3[7:9] == 'b100)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 14; len_3 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_3[7:9] == 'b011)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 14; len_3 <= 10; end else if (rbsp_3[7:9] == 'b010)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 14; len_3 <= 10; end else begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 15; len_3 <= 10; end end rbsp_3[7] : begin len_3 <= 10; case (rbsp_3[8:9]) 'b01 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 15; end 'b11 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 15; end 'b10 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 15; end 'b00 : begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 1; TotalCoeff_3 <= 16; end endcase end rbsp_3[8] : begin len_3 <= 10; if (rbsp_3[9] == 'b1)begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 2; TotalCoeff_3 <= 16; end else begin TrailingOnes_3 <= 3; TotalCoeff_3 <= 16; end end default : begin len_3 <= 10; TrailingOnes_3 <= 0; TotalCoeff_3 <= 16; end endcase //------------------------ // nC > 8 //------------------------ always @(rbsp_4) begin len_4 <= 6; if (rbsp_4[0:4] == 5'b00001) begin TrailingOnes_4 <= 0; TotalCoeff_4 <= 0; end else begin TrailingOnes_4 <= rbsp_4[4:5]; TotalCoeff_4 <= rbsp_4[0:3] + 1'b1; end end //------------------------ // nC == -1 //------------------------ always @(rbsp_5) case (1'b1) rbsp_5[0] : begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 1; TotalCoeff_5 <= 1; len_5 <= 1; end rbsp_5[1] : begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 0; TotalCoeff_5 <= 0; len_5 <= 2; end rbsp_5[2] : begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 2; TotalCoeff_5 <= 2; len_5 <= 3; end rbsp_5[3] : begin len_5 <= 6; if (rbsp_5[4:5] == 'b11) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 0; TotalCoeff_5 <= 1; end else if (rbsp_5[4:5] == 'b00) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 0; TotalCoeff_5 <= 2; end else if (rbsp_5[4:5] == 'b10) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 1; TotalCoeff_5 <= 2; end else begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 3; TotalCoeff_5 <= 3; end end rbsp_5[4] : begin len_5 <= 6; if (rbsp_5[5] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 0; TotalCoeff_5 <= 3; end else begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 0; TotalCoeff_5 <= 4; end end rbsp_5[5] : begin len_5 <= 7; if (rbsp_5[6] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 1; TotalCoeff_5 <= 3; end else begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 2; TotalCoeff_5 <= 3; end end rbsp_5[6] : begin len_5 <= 8; if (rbsp_5[7] == 'b1) begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 1; TotalCoeff_5 <= 4; end else begin TrailingOnes_5 <= 2; TotalCoeff_5 <= 4; end end default : begin len_5 <= 7; TrailingOnes_5 <= 3; TotalCoeff_5 <= 4; end endcase //------------------------ //output mux //------------------------ //startect a colum according to nC always @(*) begin if (nC == -1) begin TrailingOnes_comb <= TrailingOnes_5; TotalCoeff_comb <= TotalCoeff_5; len_comb <= len_5; end else if (nC[4] | nC[3]) begin TrailingOnes_comb <= TrailingOnes_4; TotalCoeff_comb <= TotalCoeff_4; len_comb <= len_4; end else if (nC[2]) begin TrailingOnes_comb <= TrailingOnes_3; TotalCoeff_comb <= TotalCoeff_3; len_comb <= len_3; end else if (nC[1]) begin TrailingOnes_comb <= TrailingOnes_2; TotalCoeff_comb <= TotalCoeff_2; len_comb <= len_2; end else begin TrailingOnes_comb <= TrailingOnes_1; TotalCoeff_comb <= TotalCoeff_1; len_comb <= len_1; end end //------------------------ //TrailingOnes & TotalCoeff //------------------------ always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if (!rst_n) begin TrailingOnes <= 0; TotalCoeff <= 0; end else if (ena && sel) begin TrailingOnes <= TrailingOnes_comb; TotalCoeff <= TotalCoeff_comb; end endmodule