# This script is designed to generate Verilog testbenches
# with a fixed device layout
# It will only output netlists to be used by verification tools
# including
#   - Verilog testbenches, used by ModelSim 
#   - SDC for a mapped FPGA fabric, used by Synopsys PrimeTime
#--write_rr_graph example_rr_graph.xml
vpr ${VPR_ARCH_FILE} ${VPR_TESTBENCH_BLIF} --clock_modeling route --device ${OPENFPGA_VPR_DEVICE_LAYOUT} --route_chan_width ${OPENFPGA_VPR_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH} --absorb_buffer_luts off

# Read OpenFPGA architecture definition
read_openfpga_arch -f ${OPENFPGA_ARCH_FILE}

# Read OpenFPGA simulation settings
read_openfpga_simulation_setting -f ${OPENFPGA_SIM_SETTING_FILE}

# Annotate the OpenFPGA architecture to VPR data base
# to debug use --verbose options
link_openfpga_arch --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE} --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges

# Check and correct any naming conflicts in the BLIF netlist
check_netlist_naming_conflict --fix --report ./netlist_renaming.xml

# Apply fix-up to clustering nets based on routing results
pb_pin_fixup --verbose

# Apply fix-up to Look-Up Table truth tables based on packing results

# Build the module graph
#  - Enabled compression on routing architecture modules
#  - Enable pin duplication on grid modules
build_fabric --compress_routing #--verbose

# Repack the netlist to physical pbs
# This must be done before bitstream generator and testbench generation
# Strongly recommend it is done after all the fix-up have been applied
repack #--verbose

# Build the bitstream
#  - Output the fabric-independent bitstream to a file
build_architecture_bitstream --verbose --write_file arch_bitstream.xml

# Build fabric-dependent bitstream
build_fabric_bitstream --verbose

# Write fabric-dependent bitstream
write_fabric_bitstream --file fabric_bitstream.xml --format xml

# Write the Verilog testbench for FPGA fabric
#  - We suggest the use of same output directory as fabric Verilog netlists
#  - Must specify the reference benchmark file if you want to output any testbenches
#  - Enable top-level testbench which is a full verification including programming circuit and core logic of FPGA
#  - Enable pre-configured top-level testbench which is a fast verification skipping programming phase
#  - Simulation ini file is optional and is needed only when you need to interface different HDL simulators using openfpga flow-run scripts
write_verilog_testbench --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/verilog_testbench \
  --fabric_netlist_file_path ${OPENFPGA_FABRIC_VERILOG_NETLIST} \
  --reference_benchmark_file_path ${REFERENCE_VERILOG_TESTBENCH} \
  --print_top_testbench \
  --print_preconfig_top_testbench \
  --print_simulation_ini ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini \

# Write the SDC to run timing analysis for a mapped FPGA fabric
write_analysis_sdc --file ${OPENFPGA_VERILOG_OUTPUT_DIR}/sdc_analysis

# Finish and exit OpenFPGA

# Note :
# To run verification at the end of the flow maintain source in ./SRC directory