##################################################################### # Python script to execute modelsim simulation for a given testbench netlist # This script will # - Create the tcl script to enable modelsim simulation # - Run modelsim simulation # - Analyze output log files and return succeed or failure ##################################################################### import os from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile import shutil import re import argparse import logging import subprocess ##################################################################### # Initialize logger ##################################################################### logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) ##################################################################### # Parse the options ##################################################################### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run ModelSim verification for a testbench') parser.add_argument('--verilog_testbench', required=True, help='Specify the file path for the Verilog testbench as input') parser.add_argument('--project_path', required=True, help='Specify the file path to create the ModelSim project') parser.add_argument('--testbench_name', required=True, help='Specify the top-level module of the testbench') args = parser.parse_args() ##################################################################### # Check options: # - Input testbench file must be valid # Otherwise, error out # - If the modelsim project path does not exist, create it ##################################################################### if not isfile(args.verilog_testbench): logging.error("Invalid Verilog testbench: " + args.verilog_testbench + "\nFile does not exist!\n") exit(1) project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.project_path) if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path): logging.debug("Creating ModelSim project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n") os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True) logging.debug("Done\n") ##################################################################### # Create the Tcl script for Modelsim ##################################################################### # Get modelsim process tcl file path msim_proc_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) msim_proc_tcl_path = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_proc_tcl_path), "modelsim_proc.tcl", msim_proc_tcl_path) if not isfile(msim_proc_tcl_path): logging.error("Invalid process script for ModelSim: " + msim_proc_tcl_path + "\nFile does not exist!\n") exit(1) # Create output file handler tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(args.testbench_name) + ".tcl" logging.debug("Generating Tcl script for ModelSim: " + tcl_file_path) tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w") # A string buffer to write tcl content tcl_lines = [] tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"") tcl_lines.append("pwd") tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"") tcl_lines.append("\n") tcl_lines.append("set project_name " + args.testbench_name) tcl_lines.append("set top_tb " + args.testbench_name) tcl_lines.append("\n") tcl_lines.append("set project_path \"" + project_abs_path + "\"") tcl_lines.append("set verilog_files \"" + os.path.abspath(args.verilog_testbench) + "\"") tcl_lines.append("\n") tcl_lines.append("source " + msim_proc_tcl_path) tcl_lines.append("\n") tcl_lines.append("try {") tcl_lines.append("\ttop_create_new_project $project_name $verilog_files $project_path $top_tb") tcl_lines.append("} finally {") tcl_lines.append("\tquit") tcl_lines.append("}") for line in tcl_lines: tcl_file.write(line + "\n") tcl_file.close() logging.debug("Done") ##################################################################### # Run ModelSim simulation ##################################################################### curr_dir = os.getcwd() # Change to the project directory os.chdir(project_abs_path) logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path) # Run ModelSim vsim_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/vsim_run_log" vsim_bin = "/uusoc/facility/cad_tools/Mentor/modelsim10.7b/modeltech/bin/vsim" vsim_cmd = vsim_bin + " -c -do " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + vsim_log_file_path logging.debug("Running modelsim by : " + vsim_cmd) subprocess.run(vsim_cmd, shell=True, check=True) # Go back to current directory os.chdir(curr_dir) ##################################################################### # Parse log files and report any errors ##################################################################### vsim_log_file = open(vsim_log_file_path, "r") # Error counter num_err = 0 num_err_lines_found = 0 verification_passed = False for line in vsim_log_file: # Check errors from self-testing testbench output if line.startswith("# Simulation finish with") : num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation finish with(\s+)(\d+) errors", line)[0][1]) num_err_lines_found += 1 if (0 < num_sim_err) : logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n") # Add to total errors num_err += num_sim_err if line.startswith("# Simulation Failed with") : print (line) num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation Failed with(\s+)(\d+) error\(s\)", line)[0][1]) num_err_lines_found += 1 if (0 < num_sim_err) : logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n") # Add to total errors num_err += num_sim_err # Check total errors by Modelsim if line.startswith("# Errors:") : num_msim_err = int(re.findall("# Errors:(\s)(\d+),", line)[0][1]) num_err_lines_found += 1 num_err += num_msim_err vsim_log_file.close() if (0 == num_err_lines_found) : logging.error("No error lines found!Something wrong in setting up modelsim simulation\n") elif (0 < num_err) : logging.error("ModelSim failed with " + str(num_err) + " errors!\n") else : verification_passed = True if (verification_passed) : logging.info(args.testbench_name + "...[Passed]\n") else : logging.error(args.testbench_name + "...[Failed]\n")