# Design Project Makefile # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # This makefile is placed in the design project, it is used for generating # verilog netlist, execute OpenFPGA and post-process the netlist to # make it easier to place and route. # # List of important targets # # Planning: # # * **generate_shapes**: Render configured FPGA fabric # * **generate_fabric_key**: Create fabric key and render # * **generate_clock_tree**: Create feedthrough for clock signals # * **generate_global_connectivity**: Create feedthrough for global signals # # Main flow: # # * **run_openfpga**: Generate netlist with OpenFPGA # * **netlist_cleanup**: Collect sources and lint netlist for better version control # * **netlist_synth**: Script to run after netlist is cleaned up # * **restructure_netlist**: Restructure physical hierarchy of the netlist # * **floorplan**: Perform explicit shaping if required # # # .. graphviz:: # # digraph main_project_makefiles { # "generate_shapes" -> # "run_openfpga" -> # "netlist_cleanup" -> # "netlist_synth" -> # "restructure_netlist"; # "generate_shapes" -> # "generate_clock_tree" -> # "generate_global_connectivity" -> # "restructure_netlist"; # "netlist_cleanup" -> # "generate_fabric_key" -> # "restructure_netlist" -> # "floorplan" -> # "write_source_files" -> # "timing_extraction"; # } SHELL =bash PYTHON_EXEC ?= python3.8 ICC2_LM_EXEC = icc2_lm_shell DC_SHELL_EXEC ?= dc_shell PT_SHELL_EXEC ?= pt_shell FM_SHELL_EXEC ?= fm_shell RERUN = 0 TB = top OPTIONS = OPENPHY_ROOT ?= ../../ LOAD_TOOLS ?= ${OPENPHY_ROOT}/LoadTools.sh CONF = task_simulation VERDI_EXEC ?= Verdi-3 SCRIPTS_DIR ?=scripts PYTHON_OPT ?= .SILENT: .ONESHELL: .DEFAULT:help generate_shapes: # Renders the FPGA Fabric is SVG format # # Generate SVG for original floorplan and modified fllorplan in this script # also store the pickle information (``RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT`` ) # # Refer template : render_fabric.py # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh echo $${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT} RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT=$${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT:='../../openfpga-physical/render_fabric.py'} if test -f "$${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT}"; then [[ $$RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT} [[ $$RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT} else echo "[ERROR] RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT does not exist ($${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT})" fi date > generate_shapes generate_global_connectivity: generate_shapes # generate_global_connectivity # # Generates post-OpenFPGA netlist modifications for global signals # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh if test -f "$${GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT}"; then [[ $$GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT} [[ $$GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT} else echo "[ERROR] GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT does not exist ($${GLOBAL_FT_SCRIPT})" fi date > generate_global_connectivity generate_clock_tree: generate_shapes # generate_clock_tree # # Generates post-OpenFPGA netlist modifications for all clocks # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh if test -f "$${CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT}"; then [[ $$CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT} [[ $$CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT} else echo "[ERROR] CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT does not exist ($${CLOCK_FT_SCRIPT})" fi date > generate_clock_tree generate_fabric_key: generate_shapes # Generate the fabric key and stores in _task/arch direcrory # # External python script is used to generate XML based fabric key file # following parameters affect this receipe # # - ``GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY`` Python script which generates the fabric key XML file # - ``FABRIC_KEY_PATTERN`` This parameter is passed to the the python script source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT=$${GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY:='../../openfpga-physical/generate_fabric_key.py'} echo "Executing $${RENDER_FABRIC_SCRIPT}" if test -f "$${GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY}"; then [[ $$GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} ${PYTHON_OPT} $${GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY} [[ $$GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY == *".sh"* ]] && source $${GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY} else echo "[ERROR] GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY does not exist ($${GENERATE_FABRIC_KEY})" fi date > generate_fabric_key run_openfpga: generate_shapes # Generates the FPGA verilog netlist from the ``task_generation.conf`` task # # Generated Verilog netlist is stored in the ``VERILOG_PROJ_DIR`` (`_verilog`) directory # Following variables are refered from the ``config.sh`` file # # - ``TASK_DIR_NAME``:- Variable used as find the task, by default ``task_generation.conf`` is executed # - ``CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST``:- This is a file list file which get copied to custom modules directory after netlist generation SECONDS=0 source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh CURR_OF_VERSION=$$($${OPENFPGA_PATH}/**/openfpga --version | head -n 1 | cut -c 10-16) if test -f "$${OF_VERSION}"; then if [[ $${CURR_OF_VERSION} != $${OF_VERSION} ]]; then echo "OPENFPGA_VERSION is not compatible expected $${OF_VERSION}, found $${CURR_OF_VERSION}" exit fi fi # ============================================================================ # =================== Clean Previous Run =================================== # ============================================================================ rm -f $${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/tasks/$${TASK_DIR_NAME} (cd ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/config && rm -f task.conf && cp task_generation.conf task.conf) # ============================================================================ # ===================== Generate Netlist =================================== # ============================================================================ rm -rf $${TASK_DIR_NAME}/run** (currDir=$${PWD} && cd $$OPENFPGA_PATH && source openfpga.sh && cd $$currDir && run-task $${TASK_DIR_NAME} --remove_run_dir all run-task $${TASK_DIR_NAME} ${OPTIONS}) if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "X X X X X X Failed to generate netlist X X X X X X"; exit 1; fi # Created run directory locally run_dir=$$(realpath --relative-to=$${PWD} $$(readlink -f */latest/*/*/*)) echo "Run Directory: $${run_dir}" ln -sfn ./$${run_dir} _run_dir # === Remove timestamps from generated sources for better version control ==== find ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/ -type f -name "*.v" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/^\/\/.*Date.*/d" find ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/ -type f -name "*.sdc" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/^#.*Date.*/d" find ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/ -type f -name "*.xml" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/^.*Date.*/d" # ======================= Log runtime info ================================= duration=$$SECONDS date > run_openfpga echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." >> run_openfpga netlist_cleanup: run_openfpga # This clean up the netlist # # Following steps are executed to cleanup the netlist for versio control purpose # # * Remove datetime stamps from all files (.v/.xml/.sdc) # * Create list of directories (SRC, SDC, TESTBENCH, SRCOutline, SRCOriginal, SRCLint ) # * Copy OpenFPGA generated verilog netlist and SDC to `SRCOriginal` and `SDC` diectory respectively # * Copy all the files from `sc_verilog` and `CustomModules` directory available is ``*_task`` directory to ``*_verilog`` directory # * If ``CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST`` varaible is set, copy all files listed in this file to `CustomModules` directory # * Clean (remove variables lines) from openfpgashell.log file and backup in ``VERILOG_PROJ_DIR`` directory # * Use ``spydrnet-physical`` to lint all verilog sources in ``SRCOriginal`` and store in ``SRCLint`` directory # * Crate a copy of SRCLint to SRC before post processing netlistfor post processing # SECONDS=0 source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh echo "spydrnet_physical" > .spydrnet # ============================================================================ # ===================== Copy generated files =============================== # ============================================================================ for directory in SDC XML GSB TESTBENCH SRCOutline SRCOriginal SRCLint \ /SRCOriginal/CustomModules /SRCOriginal/sc_verilog; do echo "Creating directory $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/$${directory}" rm -rf $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/$${directory} mkdir -p $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/$${directory} done cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/SRC/* $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/SDC/* $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SDC || true cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/gsb/* $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/GSB || true cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/*.xml $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML || true cp ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/sc_verilog/*.v $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/sc_verilog || true cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/CustomModules/* $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/CustomModules || true # ============================================================================ # ===================== Copy Custom Modules ================================= # ============================================================================ if test -f "$${CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST}"; then cat $${CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST} | grep -v '^#' | while read line; do cp $$line $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/CustomModules/; echo "[ Info] Copied custom module $$line" done else echo "[WARN] CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST variable not found, no custom module is copied ($${CUSTOM_MODULES_LIST})" fi # Flatterns the multi-line wire declaration # find $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/CustomModules -type f -name "*.v" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i ':begin;$$!N;s/\([)|,]\)\n\s*/\1/;tbegin;P;D' # ============================================================================ # ====================== Keep Copy of OpenFPGA.log =========================== # ============================================================================ cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/openfpgashell.log $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR} sed -i "s/^Compiled.*/--line removed--/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/openfpgashell.log sed -i "s/.*took.*seconds.*/--line removed--/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/openfpgashell.log sed -i "s/^\*\*.*/--line removed--/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/openfpgashell.log sed -i "s/\/.*xml/--line removed--/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/openfpgashell.log sed -i "s/\/.*openfpga -batch/--line removed-- openfpga -batch/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/openfpgashell.log sed -i "s/tool_comment.*/tool_comment=\"\">/" $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML/*.xml find ./$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/GSB -name "*.xml" -type f -exec xmllint --output '{}' --format '{}' \; find ./$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML -name "*.xml" -type f -exec xmllint --output '{}' --format '{}' \; # ============================================================================ # ======================= Pre Verilog Script ================================ # ============================================================================ if test -f "$${PRE_VERILOG_LINT}"; then [[ $$PRE_VERILOG_LINT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${PRE_VERILOG_LINT} [[ $$PRE_VERILOG_LINT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${PRE_VERILOG_LINT} fi # ============================================================================ # ======================= Lint Original netlist ============================= # ============================================================================ find $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal -type f -name "*.v" -exec sed -i "s/^\`default_nettype/\/\/ \`default_nettype/g" '{}' \; cp -r $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/CustomModules $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCLint/ # To create a complete linted netlist version for version control for eachFile in $$(grep -rln "^module " $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal/); do [[ $$eachFile == *"_tb"* ]] && continue [[ $$eachFile == *"_verification"* ]] && continue [[ $$eachFile == *"sc_verilog"* ]] && continue # Need to remove this currently this skips the linting of custom modules [[ $$eachFile == *"CustomModules"* ]] && continue if [[ $${eachFile} == *"fpga_top.v"* ]]; then echo "Found fpga_top.v" $${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "import spydrnet as sdn; import yaml; from pathlib import Path; import os;\ netlist = sdn.parse('$${eachFile}'); netlist.name='$$PROJ_NAME'; \ Path(os.path.dirname('$${eachFile/SRCOriginal/SRCLint}')).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True); \ modules = sorted([e for e in netlist.top_instance.reference.get_definitions()], key=lambda x: x.name); \ instances = {m.name:sorted([i.name for i in m.references]) for m in modules}; \ yaml.dump(instances, open('$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCLint/top_hierarchy.yml', 'w'));\ sdn.compose(netlist, '$${eachFile/SRCOriginal/SRCLint}', write_blackbox=False, skip_constraints=True)" | grep -v "Plugins" else echo -n $${eachFile/SRCOriginal/SRCLint} $${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "import spydrnet as sdn; import yaml; from pathlib import Path; import os;\ netlist = sdn.parse('$${eachFile}'); netlist.name='$$PROJ_NAME'; \ Path(os.path.dirname('$${eachFile/SRCOriginal/SRCLint}')).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True); \ sdn.compose(netlist, '$${eachFile/SRCOriginal/SRCLint}', write_blackbox=False, skip_constraints=True)" | grep -v "Plugins" echo " "$$? fi done find $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCOriginal -type f -name "*.v" -exec sed -i "s/.*default_nettype/\`default_nettype/g" '{}' \; # ============================================================================ # ======================= Post Verilog Script ================================ # ============================================================================ if test -f "$${POST_VERILOG_LINT}"; then [[ $$POST_VERILOG_LINT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${POST_VERILOG_LINT} [[ $$POST_VERILOG_LINT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${POST_VERILOG_LINT} fi # ======================= Log runtime info ================================= duration=$$SECONDS date > netlist_cleanup echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." >> netlist_cleanup netlist_synth: netlist_cleanup # Post netlist clean up script # # - ``NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT``:- This variable points to shell script which execute after verilog netlist generation SECONDS=0 source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh # ============================================================================ # ====================== Post RunOpenFPGA ==================================== # ============================================================================ if test -f "$${NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT}"; then if [[ $$NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT == *".py"* ]]; then $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT}; fi if [[ $$NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT == *".sh"* ]]; then source $${NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT}; fi else echo "[ERROR] NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT does not exist ($${NETLIST_SYNTH_SCRIPT})" fi echo $$? # ======================= Log runtime info ================================= duration=$$SECONDS date > netlist_synth echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." >> netlist_synth restructure_netlist: netlist_synth generate_fabric_key # This netlist restructuring phase, # # - Collect fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml if its generated # - Restructure netlist It reads netlist from ``SRCLint` directory and creates restructured version in ``SRC`` directory # - Clean up GSB modules # # Following variables are refered from the ``config.sh`` file # ``RESTRUCT_NETLIST``:- This is a python or bash file which will be executed to restructure the netlist # SECONDS=0 source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh rm -rf $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRC mkdir -p $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRC cp -r $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCLint/CustomModules $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRC/ # If there are any bitstream generate copy that and save in ${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/TESTBENCH/ for TBFileOriginal in $$(find ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/* -name 'fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml'); do echo "= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " # Extract Topmodule name of the benchmark TopModuleName=$$(echo $$TBFileOriginal | sed -e "s/.*_task\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/g" ) mkdir -p $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/TESTBENCH/$${TopModuleName} cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/$${TopModuleName}/*/*_bitstream.xml $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/TESTBENCH/$${TopModuleName} cp -r ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/$${TopModuleName}/*/*_bitstream.bit $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/TESTBENCH/$${TopModuleName} done # ============================================================================ # ====================== Execute Restructuring script ======================== # ============================================================================ if test -f "$${RESTRUCT_NETLIST}"; then echo "Executing RESTRUCT_NETLIST: $${RESTRUCT_NETLIST}" if [[ $$RESTRUCT_NETLIST == *".py"* ]]; then $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${RESTRUCT_NETLIST}; fi if [[ $$RESTRUCT_NETLIST == *".sh"* ]]; then source $${RESTRUCT_NETLIST}; fi fi # ========================= Log runtime info ================================= duration=$$SECONDS date > restructure_netlist echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." >> restructure_netlist floorplan: restructure_netlist source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh if test -f "$${FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT}"; then [[ $$FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT == *".py"* ]] && $${PYTHON_EXEC} $${FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT} [[ $$FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT == *".sh"* ]] && source $${FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT} else echo "[WARN] FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT does not exist ($${FLOORPLAN_SCRIPT})" fi date > floorplan run_openfpga_sim: # Run the simulation Deck # # TODO explain more # SECONDS=0 source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh CONF=${CONF} # =================== Clean Previous Run ================================= rm -f $${OPENFPGA_PATH}/openfpga_flow/tasks/$${TASK_DIR_NAME} (cd ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/config && rm -f task.conf && cp ${CONF}.conf task.conf) # ===================== Generate Netlist ================================= (currDir=$${PWD} && cd $$OPENFPGA_PATH && source openfpga.sh && cd $$currDir && run-task $${TASK_DIR_NAME} --remove_run_dir all && run-task $${TASK_DIR_NAME} ${OPTIONS}) if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "X X X X X X Failed to generate netlist X X X X X X"; exit 1; fi rm -rf $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/TESTBENCH/${CONF} # ================= Created run directory locally ================= run_dir=$$(realpath --relative-to=$${PWD} $$(readlink -f */latest/*/*/*)) echo "Run Directory: $${run_dir}" ln -sfn ./$${run_dir} _run_dir # ================= Copy Bitstream from generated source =================== for TBFileOriginal in $$(find ./$${TASK_DIR_NAME}/latest/*/*/*/* -name '*fabric_bitstream.xml'); do echo "= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " # Extract Topmodule name of the benchmark TopModuleName=$$(echo $$TBFileOriginal | sed -e "s/.*_task\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/g" ) echo "Found Testbench = $${TopModuleName}" if test -f "$${OPENFPGA_RUN_POSTPROCESS}"; then echo "Sourcing OPENFPGA_RUN_POSTPROCESS $${OPENFPGA_RUN_POSTPROCESS}" source $${OPENFPGA_RUN_POSTPROCESS} fi done all: floorplan date > all report_broken_symlinks: # Reports broken symbolic links in current directory # symlinks -r . extract_area: # Extract module wise area of given design # # TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT: DC script which extracts area inforamtion # ``../dp/fpga_top/custom_scripts_$${TECHNOLOGY}/design_compiler_$${TECHNOLOGY}.tcl"`` # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh mkdir -p _dc_run && cd _dc_run if test -f "../$${TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT}"; then echo "Executing $${TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT} in DC" ${DC_SHELL_EXEC} -f ../$${TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT} ${DC_OPTIONS} | tee -i _dc_run.log else echo "[ ERR] TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT does not exist ($${TCL_EXTRACT_AREA_SCRIPT})" fi date > extract_area run_primetime: # Starts primetime sesession on PrePNR netlist # # PT_PRE_PNR_SCRIPT # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh mkdir -p _pt_run && cd _pt_run REF_DIR=.. ${PT_SHELL_EXEC} -file ../$${PT_PRE_PNR_SCRIPT} | tee -i _primetime.log date > run_primetime run_formality: # Starts primetime sesession on PrePNR netlist # # FM_PRE_PNR_SCRIPT # source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh mkdir -p _fm_run && cd _fm_run REF_DIR=.. ${FM_SHELL_EXEC} -file $${FM_PRE_PNR_SCRIPT} | tee -i _formality.log date > run_formality pt_post_pnr: source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh mkdir -p _pt_post_pnr_run && cd _pt_post_pnr_run ${PT_SHELL_EXEC} -f ../pnr/PrimeTimeScripts/post_pnr_pt_$${TECHNOLOGY}.tcl | tee -i post_pnr_pt.log clean: -\rm -rf netlist_cleanup generate_fabric_key cleanNetlist run_openfpga_sim run_openfpga restructure_netlist *.rpt *.net vpr_stdout.log -\rm -rf **/task.conf **/latest **/run00* clean_all: clean -\rm -rf generate_shapes generate_global_connectivity generate_clock_tree proj_const.tcl release *_verilog _dc* _pt* _fm* OpenVerdi: # OpenVerdi for schematic source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh mkdir -p _verdi_run && cd _verdi_run ${VERDI_EXEC} OpenVPR: # OpenVPR GUI # # Useful when OpenFPGA execution source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh vpr_line=$$(find ./*_task/latest/*/** -type f -name 'openfpgashell.log') vpr_cmd=$$(grep -r "Command line to execute: vpr " $$vpr_line) vpr_cmd=$$(echo $${vpr_cmd} | sed "s/.*: vpr/vpr/") echo "vpr_cmd=$${vpr_cmd}" cd $$(dirname $$vpr_line) VPR_EXEC=$$(readlink -f $${OPENFPGA_PATH}/build/*/vpr/vpr) echo $$(dirname $${VPR_EXEC})/$${vpr_cmd} eval $$(dirname $${VPR_EXEC})/$${vpr_cmd} --disp on generate_fabric_bitstream: # Modifies fabric_bitstream.xml for given ccff_chain # # Given a fabric_bitstream.xml and new sequence of ccff chain (hierarchical) # it will create updated fabric_bitstream.xml SECONDS=0 echo "Generating fabric bitstream" source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh DEFAULT_INPUT_BITSTREAM=$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML/and_openfpga_sample_bitstream.xml INPUT_BITSTREAM=$${INPUT_BITSTREAM:-$${DEFAULT_INPUT_BITSTREAM}} echo "INPUT_BITSTREAM : $${INPUT_BITSTREAM}" OUTPUT_BITSTREAM=$${OUTPUT_BITSTREAM:-_recompiled_bitstream.xml} $${PYTHON_EXEC} -u $${FABRIC_BITSTREAM_GENERATE} \ --original_bitstream $${INPUT_BITSTREAM} \ --original_bitstream_distribution $${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML/and_bitstream_distribution.xml \ --instance_mapping $${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/post_restruct_rpts/InstanceMap.json \ --ccff_path_directory $${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/pre_pnr_performance/post_tile_ccff/{}_ccff.yaml \ --output_bitstream_xml $${OUTPUT_BITSTREAM} \ --tile_instance_mapping $${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/post_restruct_rpts/tile_instances.yaml \ --verbose sed -i ':a;N;$$!ba;s/\n\s*<\/bit/<\/bit/g' $${OUTPUT_BITSTREAM} echo "Saved file: $${OUTPUT_BITSTREAM}" duration=$$SECONDS echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." generate_fabric_constraints: # Generate TCL constraint file based on the fabric_dependent_bitstream.xml SECONDS=0 output_constraint_file=$${OUTPUT_CONSTRINTS:-_recompiled_constraints.tcl} bitstream_file=$${INPUT_BITSTREAM:-_recompiled_bitstream.xml} cat $${bitstream_file} | grep "new_path" \ | sed -n 's#.*value="\(.*\)" path.*new_path="\(.*\)">.*#set_case_analysis \1 \2#p' > \ $${output_constraint_file} sed -i '/set_case_analysis x .*/d' $${output_constraint_file} if [ -n "$${CLEAN_CONSTRAINT}" ]; then echo "Removing set_case_analysis to 0" sed -i '/set_case_analysis 0 .*/d' $${output_constraint_file} fi duration=$$SECONDS echo -n "Written $${output_constraint_file} " echo "$$(($$duration / 60)) minutes and $$(($$duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." split_bitstream: source ${LOAD_TOOLS} source config.sh rm -rf $${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/split_bitstreams $${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "from spydrnet_physical.util import split_fabric_bitstream; split_fabric_bitstream('$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML/fabric_independent_bitstream.xml', \ '$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCLint/top_hierarchy.yml', output_dir='$${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/split_bitstreams')" find $${RELEASE_DIRECTORY}/split_bitstreams -name "*.xml" -type f -exec xmllint --output '{}' --format '{}' \; merge_bitstream: $${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "from spydrnet_physical.util import merge_fabric_bitstream; merge_fabric_bitstream('$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/XML/fabric_independent_bitstream_regenerated.xml', \ '$${VERILOG_PROJ_DIR}/SRCLint/top_hierarchy.yml', output_dir='split_bitstreams')" # XMLLint regenerated bitstream file xml_file=fabric_independent_bitstream_regenerated.xml XMLLINT_INDENT=" " xmllint --format $${xml_file} > _reg.tmp && mv _reg.tmp $${xml_file} # XMLLint original bitstream file xml_file=./${DESIGN_NAME}_bitstreams/top/fabric_independent_bitstream.xml XMLLINT_INDENT=" " xmllint --format $${xml_file} > _reg.tmp && mv _reg.tmp $${xml_file} find ./${DESIGN_NAME}_gsb -name "*.xml" -type f -exec xmllint --output '{}' --format '{}' \; split_defs: # Split defs files in mutiple files based on sections # sed -n '/^VIAS/, /END VIAS/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def sed -n '/^PINS/, /END PINS/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def sed -n '/^PINPROPERTIES/, /END PINPROPERTIES/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def sed -n '/^SPECIALNETS/, /END SPECIALNETS/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def sed -n '/^COMPONENTS/, /END COMPONENTS/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def sed -n '/^NETS/, /END NETS/p' release/dp/floorplan/cbx_1__0_/floorplan.def merge_defs: # Merges nultiple def file in to one single .def file # echo "NotImplemented" -include ./Makefile_* export COMMENT_EXTRACT help: # Prints help message for this makefile @${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "$$COMMENT_EXTRACT" define COMMENT_EXTRACT import re with open ('Makefile', 'r' ) as f: matches = re.finditer('^([a-zA-Z-_]*):.*\n#(.*)', f.read(), flags=re.M) space, help = 0, [] for _, match in enumerate(matches, start=1): space = max(space, len(match[1])) help.append((match[1], match[2])) print("\n".join([(a.ljust(space) + b) for a, b in help])) endef