/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga/openfpga -f top_run.openfpga Reading script file top_run.openfpga... ___ _____ ____ ____ _ / _ \ _ __ ___ _ __ | ___| _ \ / ___| / \ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| |_ | |_) | | _ / _ \ | |_| | |_) | __/ | | | _| | __/| |_| |/ ___ \ \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|_| |_| \____/_/ \_\ |_| OpenFPGA: An Open-source FPGA IP Generator Versatile Place and Route (VPR) FPGA-Verilog FPGA-SPICE FPGA-SDC FPGA-Bitstream This is a free software under the MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 LNIS - The University of Utah Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Command line to execute: vpr /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/vpr_arch.xml top.blif --clock_modeling route --device 12x12 --route_chan_width 60 --absorb_buffer_luts off VPR FPGA Placement and Routing. Version: 0.0.0+c5d9bac1-dirty Revision: c5d9bac1-dirty Compiled: 2020-12-07T12:53:13 Compiler: GNU 8.4.0 on Linux-3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 Build Info: release VTR_ASSERT_LEVEL=2 University of Toronto verilogtorouting.org vtr-users@googlegroups.com This is free open source code under MIT license. VPR was run with the following command-line: vpr /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/vpr_arch.xml top.blif --clock_modeling route --device 12x12 --route_chan_width 60 --absorb_buffer_luts off Architecture file: /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/vpr_arch.xml Circuit name: top # Loading Architecture Description Warning 1: Model 'io' input port 'outpad' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input) Warning 2: Model 'io' output port 'inpad' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output) Warning 3: Model 'frac_lut4' input port 'in' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input) Warning 4: Model 'frac_lut4' output port 'lut4_out' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output) Warning 5: Model 'frac_lut4' output port 'lut3_out' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output) Warning 6: Model 'frac_lut4' output port 'lut2_out' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output) Warning 7: Model 'carry_follower' input port 'cin' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input) Warning 8: Model 'carry_follower' input port 'b' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input) Warning 9: Model 'carry_follower' input port 'a' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input) Warning 10: Model 'carry_follower' output port 'cout' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output) # Loading Architecture Description took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 8.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.4 MiB) # Building complex block graph Warning 11: clb[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 12: clb[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 13: fle[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 14: fle[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 15: fle[1].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 16: fle[1].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 17: fle[2].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 18: fle[2].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 19: fle[3].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 20: fle[3].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 21: fle[4].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 22: fle[4].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 23: fle[5].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 24: fle[5].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 25: fle[6].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 26: fle[6].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 27: fle[7].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 28: fle[7].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 29: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 30: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 31: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 32: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 33: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 34: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 35: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 36: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 37: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 38: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 39: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 40: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 41: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 42: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 43: fabric[0].cin[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 44: fabric[0].cout[0] unconnected pin in architecture. Warning 45: [LINE 652] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I0[1]. Warning 46: [LINE 658] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I1[1]. Warning 47: [LINE 664] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I2[1]. Warning 48: [LINE 670] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I3[1]. Warning 49: [LINE 676] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I4[1]. Warning 50: [LINE 682] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I5[1]. Warning 51: [LINE 688] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I6[1]. Warning 52: [LINE 694] false logically-equivalent pin clb[0].I7[1]. # Building complex block graph took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 9.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.8 MiB) # Load circuit # Load circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB) # Clean circuit Inferred 0 additional primitive pins as constant generators since they have no combinationally connected inputs Inferred 0 additional primitive pins as constant generators due to constant inputs Swept input(s) : 0 Swept output(s) : 0 (0 dangling, 0 constant) Swept net(s) : 0 Swept block(s) : 0 Constant Pins Marked: 0 # Clean circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Compress circuit # Compress circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Verify circuit # Verify circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Circuit Statistics: Blocks: 4 .input : 2 .output: 1 4-LUT : 1 Nets : 3 Avg Fanout: 1.0 Max Fanout: 1.0 Min Fanout: 1.0 Netlist Clocks: 0 # Build Timing Graph Timing Graph Nodes: 6 Timing Graph Edges: 5 Timing Graph Levels: 4 # Build Timing Graph took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Netlist contains 0 clocks # Load Timing Constraints SDC file 'top.sdc' not found Setting default timing constraints: * constrain all primay inputs and primary outputs on a virtual external clock 'virtual_io_clock' * optimize virtual clock to run as fast as possible Timing constraints created 1 clocks Constrained Clock 'virtual_io_clock' (Virtual Clock) # Load Timing Constraints took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 9.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Timing analysis: ON Circuit netlist file: top.net Circuit placement file: top.place Circuit routing file: top.route Circuit SDC file: top.sdc Packer: ENABLED Placer: ENABLED Router: ENABLED Analysis: ENABLED NetlistOpts.abosrb_buffer_luts : false NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_primary_ios : true NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_nets : true NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_blocks : true NetlistOpts.sweep_constant_primary_outputs: false PackerOpts.allow_unrelated_clustering: auto PackerOpts.alpha_clustering: 0.750000 PackerOpts.beta_clustering: 0.900000 PackerOpts.cluster_seed_type: BLEND2 PackerOpts.connection_driven: true PackerOpts.global_clocks: true PackerOpts.hill_climbing_flag: false PackerOpts.inter_cluster_net_delay: 1.000000 PackerOpts.timing_driven: true PackerOpts.target_external_pin_util: auto PlacerOpts.place_freq: PLACE_ONCE PlacerOpts.place_algorithm: PATH_TIMING_DRIVEN_PLACE PlacerOpts.pad_loc_type: FREE PlacerOpts.place_cost_exp: 1.000000 PlacerOpts.place_chan_width: 60 PlacerOpts.inner_loop_recompute_divider: 0 PlacerOpts.recompute_crit_iter: 1 PlacerOpts.timing_tradeoff: 0.500000 PlacerOpts.td_place_exp_first: 1.000000 PlacerOpts.td_place_exp_last: 8.000000 PlaceOpts.seed: 1 AnnealSched.type: AUTO_SCHED AnnealSched.inner_num: 1.000000 RouterOpts.route_type: DETAILED RouterOpts.router_algorithm: TIMING_DRIVEN RouterOpts.base_cost_type: DELAY_NORMALIZED_LENGTH RouterOpts.fixed_channel_width: 60 RouterOpts.trim_empty_chan: false RouterOpts.trim_obs_chan: false RouterOpts.acc_fac: 1.000000 RouterOpts.bb_factor: 3 RouterOpts.bend_cost: 0.000000 RouterOpts.first_iter_pres_fac: 0.000000 RouterOpts.initial_pres_fac: 0.500000 RouterOpts.pres_fac_mult: 1.300000 RouterOpts.max_router_iterations: 50 RouterOpts.min_incremental_reroute_fanout: 16 RouterOpts.astar_fac: 1.200000 RouterOpts.criticality_exp: 1.000000 RouterOpts.max_criticality: 0.990000 RouterOpts.routing_failure_predictor = SAFE RouterOpts.routing_budgets_algorithm = DISABLE AnalysisOpts.gen_post_synthesis_netlist: false RoutingArch.directionality: UNI_DIRECTIONAL RoutingArch.switch_block_type: WILTON RoutingArch.Fs: 3 # Packing Warning 53: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (0,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 54: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (0,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 55: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (13,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Warning 56: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (13,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Begin packing 'top.blif'. After removing unused inputs... total blocks: 4, total nets: 3, total inputs: 2, total outputs: 1 Begin prepacking. Finish prepacking. Using inter-cluster delay: 1.33777e-09 Packing with pin utilization targets: io_top:1,1 io_right:1,1 io_bottom:1,1 io_left:1,1 clb:0.8,1 Packing with high fanout thresholds: io_top:128 io_right:128 io_bottom:128 io_left:128 clb:32 Warning 57: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (0,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 58: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (0,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 59: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (13,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Warning 60: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (13,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Not enough resources expand FPGA size to (14 x 14) Complex block 0: 'c' (clb) . Complex block 1: 'out:c' (io) . Complex block 2: 'a' (io) . Complex block 3: 'b' (io) . Pb types usage... inpad : 2 outpad : 1 fle : 1 clb : 1 lut3inter : 1 ble3 : 1 io : 3 lut3 : 1 lut : 1 Logic Element (fle) detailed count: Total number of Logic Elements used : 1 LEs used for logic and registers : 0 LEs used for logic only : 1 LEs used for registers only : 0 EMPTY: # blocks: 0, average # input + clock pins used: 0, average # output pins used: 0 io: # blocks: 3, average # input + clock pins used: 0.333333, average # output pins used: 0.666667 clb: # blocks: 1, average # input + clock pins used: 2, average # output pins used: 1 Absorbed logical nets 0 out of 3 nets, 3 nets not absorbed. Warning 61: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (0,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 62: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (0,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 63: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (13,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Warning 64: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (13,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. FPGA sized to 14 x 14 (12x12) Device Utilization: 0.02 (target 1.00) Block Utilization: 0.02 Type: io Block Utilization: 0.01 Type: clb Netlist conversion complete. # Packing took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 10.7 MiB, delta_rss +0.7 MiB) # Load Packing Begin loading packed FPGA netlist file. Netlist generated from file 'top.net'. Detected 0 constant generators (to see names run with higher pack verbosity) Finished loading packed FPGA netlist file (took 0.01 seconds). Warning 65: Treated 0 constant nets as global which will not be routed (to see net names increase packer verbosity). # Load Packing took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 10.7 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Warning 66: Netlist contains 0 global net to non-global architecture pin connections Netlist num_nets: 3 Netlist num_blocks: 4 Netlist EMPTY blocks: 0. Netlist io blocks: 3. Netlist clb blocks: 1. Netlist inputs pins: 2 Netlist output pins: 1 # Create Device ## Build Device Grid Warning 67: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (0,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 68: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (0,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (0,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_left'. The last specification will apply. Warning 69: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,0). Existing block type 'io_bottom' at (13,0) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. Warning 70: Ambiguous block type specification at grid location (13,13). Existing block type 'io_top' at (13,13) has the same priority (100) as new overlapping type 'io_right'. The last specification will apply. FPGA sized to 14 x 14: 196 grid tiles (12x12) Resource usage... Netlist 3 blocks of type: io Architecture 12 blocks of type: io_top 12 blocks of type: io_right 108 blocks of type: io_bottom 12 blocks of type: io_left Netlist 1 blocks of type: clb Architecture 144 blocks of type: clb Device Utilization: 0.02 (target 1.00) Physical Tile io_top: Block Utilization: 0.25 Logical Block: io Physical Tile io_right: Block Utilization: 0.25 Logical Block: io Physical Tile io_bottom: Block Utilization: 0.03 Logical Block: io Physical Tile io_left: Block Utilization: 0.25 Logical Block: io Physical Tile clb: Block Utilization: 0.01 Logical Block: clb ## Build Device Grid took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 10.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) ## Build tileable routing resource graph X-direction routing channel width is 60 Y-direction routing channel width is 60 Warning 71: in check_rr_node: RR node: 500 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 72: in check_rr_node: RR node: 501 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 73: in check_rr_node: RR node: 502 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 74: in check_rr_node: RR node: 604 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 75: in check_rr_node: RR node: 605 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 76: in check_rr_node: RR node: 606 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 77: in check_rr_node: RR node: 708 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 78: in check_rr_node: RR node: 709 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 79: in check_rr_node: RR node: 710 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 80: in check_rr_node: RR node: 812 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 81: in check_rr_node: RR node: 813 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 82: in check_rr_node: RR node: 814 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 83: in check_rr_node: RR node: 916 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 84: in check_rr_node: RR node: 917 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 85: in check_rr_node: RR node: 918 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 86: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1020 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 87: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1021 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 88: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1022 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 89: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1124 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 90: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1125 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 91: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1126 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 92: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1228 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 93: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1229 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 94: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1230 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 95: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1332 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 96: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1333 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 97: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1334 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 98: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1436 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 99: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1437 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 100: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1438 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 101: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1540 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 102: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1541 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 103: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1542 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 104: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1644 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 105: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1645 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 106: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1646 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 107: in check_rr_graph: fringe node 15912 CHANX at (1,1) has no fanin. This is possible on a fringe node based on low Fc_out, N, and certain lengths. ## Build tileable routing resource graph took 0.21 seconds (max_rss 20.1 MiB, delta_rss +9.3 MiB) RR Graph Nodes: 23404 RR Graph Edges: 121880 # Create Device took 0.21 seconds (max_rss 20.1 MiB, delta_rss +9.3 MiB) # Placement ## Computing placement delta delay look-up ### Build routing resource graph Warning 108: in check_rr_node: RR node: 184 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 109: in check_rr_node: RR node: 185 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 110: in check_rr_node: RR node: 186 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 111: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1472 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 112: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1473 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 113: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1474 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 114: in check_rr_node: RR node: 2760 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 115: in check_rr_node: RR node: 2761 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 116: in check_rr_node: RR node: 2762 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 117: in check_rr_node: RR node: 4048 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 118: in check_rr_node: RR node: 4049 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 119: in check_rr_node: RR node: 4050 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 120: in check_rr_node: RR node: 5336 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 121: in check_rr_node: RR node: 5337 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 122: in check_rr_node: RR node: 5338 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 123: in check_rr_node: RR node: 6624 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 124: in check_rr_node: RR node: 6625 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 125: in check_rr_node: RR node: 6626 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 126: in check_rr_node: RR node: 7912 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 127: in check_rr_node: RR node: 7913 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 128: in check_rr_node: RR node: 7914 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 129: in check_rr_node: RR node: 9200 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 130: in check_rr_node: RR node: 9201 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 131: in check_rr_node: RR node: 9202 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 132: in check_rr_node: RR node: 10488 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 133: in check_rr_node: RR node: 10489 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 134: in check_rr_node: RR node: 10490 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 135: in check_rr_node: RR node: 11776 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 136: in check_rr_node: RR node: 11777 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 137: in check_rr_node: RR node: 11778 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 138: in check_rr_node: RR node: 13064 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 139: in check_rr_node: RR node: 13065 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 140: in check_rr_node: RR node: 13066 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 141: in check_rr_node: RR node: 14352 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 142: in check_rr_node: RR node: 14353 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 143: in check_rr_node: RR node: 14354 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. ### Build routing resource graph took 0.15 seconds (max_rss 20.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) RR Graph Nodes: 23120 RR Graph Edges: 105560 ### Computing delta delays ### Computing delta delays took 0.04 seconds (max_rss 20.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) ## Computing placement delta delay look-up took 0.20 seconds (max_rss 20.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) There are 3 point to point connections in this circuit. BB estimate of min-dist (placement) wire length: 44 Completed placement consistency check successfully. Initial placement cost: 1 bb_cost: 0.733333 td_cost: 1.01245e-09 Initial placement estimated Critical Path Delay (CPD): 1.04131 ns Initial placement estimated setup Total Negative Slack (sTNS): -1.04131 ns Initial placement estimated setup Worst Negative Slack (sWNS): -1.04131 ns Initial placement estimated setup slack histogram: [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 1 (100.0%) |************************************************** [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -1e-09: -1e-09) 0 ( 0.0%) | Placement contains 0 placement macros involving 0 blocks (average macro size -nan) ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- ------- ------ -------- --------- ------ T Av Cost Av BB Cost Av TD Cost CPD sTNS sWNS Ac Rate Std Dev R lim Crit Exp Tot Moves Alpha ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- -------- ------- ------- ------ -------- --------- ------ 2.9e+00 1.006 0.71 9.5345e-10 0.983 -0.983 -0.983 1.000 0.0343 13.0 1.00 6 0.500 1.5e+00 0.888 0.60 8.5621e-10 0.983 -0.983 -0.983 1.000 0.0824 13.0 1.00 12 0.500 7.3e-01 0.970 0.49 8.8526e-10 0.925 -0.925 -0.925 1.000 0.0496 13.0 1.00 18 0.500 3.6e-01 1.062 0.58 9.1341e-10 0.925 -0.925 -0.925 1.000 0.0624 13.0 1.00 24 0.500 1.8e-01 0.959 0.53 9.5691e-10 0.925 -0.925 -0.925 0.667 0.0335 13.0 1.00 30 0.950 1.7e-01 1.029 0.53 8.875e-10 1.041 -1.04 -1.041 0.333 0.0571 13.0 1.00 36 0.950 1.6e-01 0.956 0.51 7.1954e-10 0.983 -0.983 -0.983 1.000 0.0762 11.6 1.81 42 0.500 8.2e-02 1.130 0.55 8.0799e-10 0.867 -0.867 -0.867 0.333 0.1256 13.0 1.00 48 0.950 7.8e-02 1.115 0.55 8.3217e-10 0.867 -0.867 -0.867 0.833 0.0463 11.6 1.81 54 0.900 7.0e-02 0.666 0.33 7.1621e-10 0.925 -0.925 -0.925 0.833 0.0770 13.0 1.00 60 0.900 6.3e-02 1.142 0.35 5.9431e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.333 0.1179 13.0 1.00 66 0.950 6.0e-02 0.906 0.31 6.8141e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.500 0.0251 11.6 1.81 72 0.950 5.7e-02 1.093 0.36 6.8141e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.500 0.0424 12.3 1.40 78 0.950 5.4e-02 1.000 0.38 6.8141e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.000 0.0000 13.0 1.00 84 0.950 5.1e-02 0.891 0.30 6.8141e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.333 0.0000 7.3 4.34 90 0.950 4.9e-02 0.944 0.27 6.6208e-10 0.751 -0.751 -0.751 0.500 0.0478 6.5 4.79 96 0.950 4.6e-02 0.936 0.21 6.0653e-10 0.809 -0.809 -0.809 0.333 0.0904 6.9 4.56 102 0.950 4.4e-02 1.054 0.21 5.2422e-10 0.809 -0.809 -0.809 0.333 0.0116 6.2 4.99 108 0.950 4.2e-02 0.859 0.17 4.3375e-10 0.809 -0.809 -0.809 0.167 0.0000 5.5 5.37 114 0.950 4.0e-02 1.000 0.17 5.0741e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.167 0.0000 4.0 6.25 120 0.950 3.8e-02 0.869 0.11 5.9441e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.333 0.0559 2.9 6.89 126 0.950 3.6e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 2.6 7.07 132 0.950 3.4e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.5 7.74 138 0.950 3.2e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 144 0.800 2.6e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 150 0.800 2.1e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 156 0.800 1.7e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 162 0.800 1.3e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 168 0.800 1.1e-02 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 174 0.800 8.5e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 180 0.800 6.8e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 186 0.800 5.4e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 192 0.800 4.4e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 198 0.800 3.5e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 204 0.800 2.8e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 210 0.800 2.2e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 216 0.800 1.8e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 222 0.800 1.8e-03 1.000 0.10 5.6541e-10 0.693 -0.693 -0.693 0.000 0.0000 1.0 8.00 228 0.000 BB estimate of min-dist (placement) wire length: 6 Completed placement consistency check successfully. Swaps called: 232 Placement estimated critical path delay: 0.69331 ns Placement estimated setup Total Negative Slack (sTNS): -0.69331 ns Placement estimated setup Worst Negative Slack (sWNS): -0.69331 ns Placement estimated setup slack histogram: [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 1 (100.0%) |************************************************** [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | Placement cost: 1, bb_cost: 0.1, td_cost: 5.6541e-10, Placement resource usage: io implemented as io_bottom: 3 clb implemented as clb : 1 Placement number of temperatures: 38 Placement total # of swap attempts: 232 Swaps accepted: 73 (31.5 %) Swaps rejected: 159 (68.5 %) Swaps aborted : 0 ( 0.0 %) Aborted Move Reasons: # Placement took 0.20 seconds (max_rss 21.2 MiB, delta_rss +1.1 MiB) # Routing ## Build tileable routing resource graph X-direction routing channel width is 60 Y-direction routing channel width is 60 Warning 144: in check_rr_node: RR node: 500 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 145: in check_rr_node: RR node: 501 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 146: in check_rr_node: RR node: 502 type: OPIN location: (1,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 147: in check_rr_node: RR node: 604 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 148: in check_rr_node: RR node: 605 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 149: in check_rr_node: RR node: 606 type: OPIN location: (2,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 150: in check_rr_node: RR node: 708 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 151: in check_rr_node: RR node: 709 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 152: in check_rr_node: RR node: 710 type: OPIN location: (3,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 153: in check_rr_node: RR node: 812 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 154: in check_rr_node: RR node: 813 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 155: in check_rr_node: RR node: 814 type: OPIN location: (4,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 156: in check_rr_node: RR node: 916 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 157: in check_rr_node: RR node: 917 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 158: in check_rr_node: RR node: 918 type: OPIN location: (5,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 159: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1020 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 160: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1021 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 161: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1022 type: OPIN location: (6,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 162: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1124 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 163: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1125 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 164: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1126 type: OPIN location: (7,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 165: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1228 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 166: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1229 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 167: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1230 type: OPIN location: (8,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 168: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1332 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 169: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1333 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 170: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1334 type: OPIN location: (9,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 171: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1436 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 172: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1437 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 173: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1438 type: OPIN location: (10,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 174: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1540 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 175: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1541 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 176: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1542 type: OPIN location: (11,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 177: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1644 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 52 pin_name: clb.reg_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 178: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1645 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 53 pin_name: clb.sc_out[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 179: in check_rr_node: RR node: 1646 type: OPIN location: (12,1) pin: 54 pin_name: clb.cout[0] capacity: 1 has no out-going edges. Warning 180: in check_rr_graph: fringe node 15912 CHANX at (1,1) has no fanin. This is possible on a fringe node based on low Fc_out, N, and certain lengths. ## Build tileable routing resource graph took 0.19 seconds (max_rss 21.5 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB) RR Graph Nodes: 23404 RR Graph Edges: 121880 Confirming router algorithm: TIMING_DRIVEN. ---- ------ ------- ---- ------- ------- ------- ----------------- --------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- Iter Time pres BBs Heap Re-Rtd Re-Rtd Overused RR Nodes Wirelength CPD sTNS sWNS hTNS hWNS Est Succ (sec) fac Updt push Nets Conns (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) Iter ---- ------ ------- ---- ------- ------- ------- ----------------- --------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 1 0.0 0.0 0 124 3 3 0 ( 0.000%) 10 ( 0.1%) 0.693 -0.6933 -0.693 0.000 0.000 N/A Restoring best routing Critical path: 0.69331 ns Successfully routed after 1 routing iterations. Router Stats: total_nets_routed: 3 total_connections_routed: 3 total_heap_pushes: 124 total_heap_pops: 52 # Routing took 0.19 seconds (max_rss 22.3 MiB, delta_rss +1.1 MiB) Checking to ensure routing is legal... Completed routing consistency check successfully. Serial number (magic cookie) for the routing is: -11606 Circuit successfully routed with a channel width factor of 60. Average number of bends per net: 1.00000 Maximum # of bends: 1 Number of global nets: 0 Number of routed nets (nonglobal): 3 Wire length results (in units of 1 clb segments)... Total wirelength: 10, average net length: 3.33333 Maximum net length: 5 Wire length results in terms of physical segments... Total wiring segments used: 6, average wire segments per net: 2.00000 Maximum segments used by a net: 2 Total local nets with reserved CLB opins: 0 Routing channel utilization histogram: [ 1: inf) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.9: 1) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.8: 0.9) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.7: 0.8) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.5: 0.6) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.4: 0.5) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.3: 0.4) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.2: 0.3) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0.1: 0.2) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 0: 0.1) 338 (100.0%) |*********************************************** Maximum routing channel utilization: 0.05 at (7,0) X - Directed channels: j max occ ave occ capacity ---- ------- ------- -------- 0 3 0.286 60 1 0 0.000 60 2 0 0.000 60 3 0 0.000 60 4 0 0.000 60 5 0 0.000 60 6 0 0.000 60 7 0 0.000 60 8 0 0.000 60 9 0 0.000 60 10 0 0.000 60 11 0 0.000 60 12 0 0.000 60 Y - Directed channels: i max occ ave occ capacity ---- ------- ------- -------- 0 0 0.000 60 1 0 0.000 60 2 0 0.000 60 3 0 0.000 60 4 0 0.000 60 5 0 0.000 60 6 0 0.000 60 7 3 0.429 60 8 0 0.000 60 9 0 0.000 60 10 0 0.000 60 11 0 0.000 60 12 0 0.000 60 Total tracks in x-direction: 780, in y-direction: 780 Logic area (in minimum width transistor areas, excludes I/Os and empty grid tiles)... Total logic block area (Warning, need to add pitch of routing to blocks with height > 3): 7.76074e+06 Total used logic block area: 53894 Routing area (in minimum width transistor areas)... Total routing area: 826325., per logic tile: 4215.94 Segment usage by type (index): type utilization ---- ----------- 0 0.0016 1 0.00154 2 0.000214 Segment usage by length: length utilization ------ ----------- 1 0.0016 2 0.00154 4 0.000214 Hold Worst Negative Slack (hWNS): 0 ns Hold Total Negative Slack (hTNS): 0 ns Hold slack histogram: [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 1 (100.0%) |************************************************** [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ 6.1e-10: 6.1e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | Final critical path: 0.69331 ns, Fmax: 1442.36 MHz Setup Worst Negative Slack (sWNS): -0.69331 ns Setup Total Negative Slack (sTNS): -0.69331 ns Setup slack histogram: [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 1 (100.0%) |************************************************** [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | [ -6.9e-10: -6.9e-10) 0 ( 0.0%) | Timing analysis took 0.000335007 seconds (0.000304377 STA, 3.063e-05 slack) (43 full updates: 41 setup, 0 hold, 2 combined). VPR suceeded The entire flow of VPR took 0.68 seconds (max_rss 22.4 MiB) Command line to execute: read_openfpga_arch -f /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/openfpga_arch.xml Confirm selected options when call command 'read_openfpga_arch': --file, -f: /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/openfpga_arch.xml Reading XML architecture '/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/GF14nm_chip_2019/ICC2_Methodology_Flow/GANESH/FROG_PnR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_PNR/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/run001/vpr_arch/top/MIN_ROUTE_CHAN_WIDTH/arch/openfpga_arch.xml'... Read OpenFPGA architecture Warning 181: Automatically set circuit model 'frac_lut4' to be default in its type. Warning 182: Automatically set circuit model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__sdfrtp_1' to be default in its type. Warning 183: Automatically set circuit model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1_wrapper' to be default in its type. Warning 184: Automatically set circuit model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_1' to be default in its type. Use the default configurable memory model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_1' for circuit model 'mux_tree' port 'sram') Use the default configurable memory model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_1' for circuit model 'mux_tree_tapbuf' port 'sram') Use the default configurable memory model 'sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_1' for circuit model 'frac_lut4' port 'sram') Read OpenFPGA architecture took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 22.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB) Check circuit library Checking circuit library passed. Check circuit library took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 22.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Found 0 errors when checking configurable memory circuit models! Found 0 errors when checking tile annotation! Command line to execute: read_openfpga_simulation_setting -f /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga_flow/openfpga_simulation_settings/auto_sim_openfpga.xml Confirm selected options when call command 'read_openfpga_simulation_setting': --file, -f: /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga_flow/openfpga_simulation_settings/auto_sim_openfpga.xml Reading XML simulation setting '/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga_flow/openfpga_simulation_settings/auto_sim_openfpga.xml'... Read OpenFPGA simulation settings Read OpenFPGA simulation settings took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 22.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Command line to execute: link_openfpga_arch --activity_file top_ace_out.act --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges Confirm selected options when call command 'link_openfpga_arch': --activity_file: top_ace_out.act --sort_gsb_chan_node_in_edges: on --verbose: off Link OpenFPGA architecture to VPR architecture Building annotation for physical modes in pb_type...Done Check physical mode annotation for pb_types passed. Building annotation about physical types for pb_type interconnection...Done Building annotation between operating and physical pb_types...Done Check physical pb_type annotation for pb_types passed. Building annotation between physical pb_types and circuit models...Done Check physical pb_type annotation for circuit model passed. Building annotation between physical pb_types and mode selection bits...Done Check pb_type annotation for mode selection bits passed. Assigning unique indices for primitive pb_graph nodes...Done Binding operating pb_graph nodes/pins to physical pb_graph nodes/pins...Done Check pb_graph annotation for physical nodes and pins passed. Binded 4 routing resource graph switches to circuit models Binded 3 routing segments to circuit models Binded 3 direct connections to circuit models Annotating rr_node with routed nets...Done with 12 nodes mapping Annotating previous nodes for rr_node...Done with 15 nodes mapping # Build General Switch Block(GSB) annotation on top of routing resource graph [0%] Backannotated GSB[0][0] [1%] Backannotated GSB[0][1] [1%] Backannotated GSB[0][2] [2%] Backannotated GSB[0][3] [2%] Backannotated GSB[0][4] [3%] Backannotated GSB[0][5] [4%] Backannotated GSB[0][6] [4%] Backannotated GSB[0][7] [5%] Backannotated GSB[0][8] [5%] Backannotated GSB[0][9] [6%] Backannotated GSB[0][10] [7%] Backannotated GSB[0][11] [7%] Backannotated GSB[0][12] [8%] Backannotated GSB[1][0] [8%] Backannotated GSB[1][1] [9%] Backannotated GSB[1][2] [10%] Backannotated GSB[1][3] [10%] Backannotated GSB[1][4] [11%] Backannotated GSB[1][5] [11%] Backannotated GSB[1][6] [12%] Backannotated GSB[1][7] [13%] Backannotated GSB[1][8] [13%] Backannotated GSB[1][9] [14%] Backannotated GSB[1][10] [14%] Backannotated GSB[1][11] [15%] Backannotated GSB[1][12] [15%] Backannotated GSB[2][0] [16%] Backannotated GSB[2][1] [17%] Backannotated GSB[2][2] [17%] Backannotated GSB[2][3] [18%] Backannotated GSB[2][4] [18%] Backannotated GSB[2][5] [19%] Backannotated GSB[2][6] [20%] Backannotated GSB[2][7] [20%] Backannotated GSB[2][8] [21%] Backannotated GSB[2][9] [21%] Backannotated GSB[2][10] [22%] Backannotated GSB[2][11] [23%] Backannotated GSB[2][12] [23%] Backannotated GSB[3][0] [24%] Backannotated GSB[3][1] [24%] Backannotated GSB[3][2] [25%] Backannotated GSB[3][3] [26%] Backannotated GSB[3][4] [26%] Backannotated GSB[3][5] [27%] Backannotated GSB[3][6] [27%] Backannotated GSB[3][7] [28%] Backannotated GSB[3][8] [28%] Backannotated GSB[3][9] [29%] Backannotated GSB[3][10] [30%] Backannotated GSB[3][11] [30%] Backannotated GSB[3][12] [31%] Backannotated GSB[4][0] [31%] Backannotated GSB[4][1] [32%] Backannotated GSB[4][2] [33%] Backannotated GSB[4][3] [33%] Backannotated GSB[4][4] [34%] Backannotated GSB[4][5] [34%] Backannotated GSB[4][6] [35%] Backannotated GSB[4][7] [36%] Backannotated GSB[4][8] [36%] Backannotated GSB[4][9] [37%] Backannotated GSB[4][10] [37%] Backannotated GSB[4][11] [38%] Backannotated GSB[4][12] [39%] Backannotated GSB[5][0] [39%] Backannotated GSB[5][1] [40%] Backannotated GSB[5][2] [40%] Backannotated GSB[5][3] [41%] Backannotated GSB[5][4] [42%] Backannotated GSB[5][5] [42%] Backannotated GSB[5][6] [43%] Backannotated GSB[5][7] [43%] Backannotated GSB[5][8] [44%] Backannotated GSB[5][9] [44%] Backannotated GSB[5][10] [45%] Backannotated GSB[5][11] [46%] Backannotated GSB[5][12] [46%] Backannotated GSB[6][0] [47%] Backannotated GSB[6][1] [47%] Backannotated GSB[6][2] [48%] Backannotated GSB[6][3] [49%] Backannotated GSB[6][4] [49%] Backannotated GSB[6][5] [50%] Backannotated GSB[6][6] [50%] Backannotated GSB[6][7] [51%] Backannotated GSB[6][8] [52%] Backannotated GSB[6][9] [52%] Backannotated GSB[6][10] [53%] Backannotated GSB[6][11] [53%] Backannotated GSB[6][12] [54%] Backannotated GSB[7][0] [55%] Backannotated GSB[7][1] [55%] Backannotated GSB[7][2] [56%] Backannotated GSB[7][3] [56%] Backannotated GSB[7][4] [57%] Backannotated GSB[7][5] [57%] Backannotated GSB[7][6] [58%] Backannotated GSB[7][7] [59%] Backannotated GSB[7][8] [59%] Backannotated GSB[7][9] [60%] Backannotated GSB[7][10] [60%] Backannotated GSB[7][11] [61%] Backannotated GSB[7][12] [62%] Backannotated GSB[8][0] [62%] Backannotated GSB[8][1] [63%] Backannotated GSB[8][2] [63%] Backannotated GSB[8][3] [64%] Backannotated GSB[8][4] [65%] Backannotated GSB[8][5] [65%] Backannotated GSB[8][6] [66%] Backannotated GSB[8][7] [66%] Backannotated GSB[8][8] [67%] Backannotated GSB[8][9] [68%] Backannotated GSB[8][10] [68%] Backannotated GSB[8][11] [69%] Backannotated GSB[8][12] [69%] Backannotated GSB[9][0] [70%] Backannotated GSB[9][1] [71%] Backannotated GSB[9][2] [71%] Backannotated GSB[9][3] [72%] Backannotated GSB[9][4] [72%] Backannotated GSB[9][5] [73%] Backannotated GSB[9][6] [73%] Backannotated GSB[9][7] [74%] Backannotated GSB[9][8] [75%] Backannotated GSB[9][9] [75%] Backannotated GSB[9][10] [76%] Backannotated GSB[9][11] [76%] Backannotated GSB[9][12] [77%] Backannotated GSB[10][0] [78%] Backannotated GSB[10][1] [78%] Backannotated GSB[10][2] [79%] Backannotated GSB[10][3] [79%] Backannotated GSB[10][4] [80%] Backannotated GSB[10][5] [81%] Backannotated GSB[10][6] [81%] Backannotated GSB[10][7] [82%] Backannotated GSB[10][8] [82%] Backannotated GSB[10][9] [83%] Backannotated GSB[10][10] [84%] Backannotated GSB[10][11] [84%] Backannotated GSB[10][12] [85%] Backannotated GSB[11][0] [85%] Backannotated GSB[11][1] [86%] Backannotated GSB[11][2] [86%] Backannotated GSB[11][3] [87%] Backannotated GSB[11][4] [88%] Backannotated GSB[11][5] [88%] Backannotated GSB[11][6] [89%] Backannotated GSB[11][7] [89%] Backannotated GSB[11][8] [90%] Backannotated GSB[11][9] [91%] Backannotated GSB[11][10] [91%] Backannotated GSB[11][11] [92%] Backannotated GSB[11][12] [92%] Backannotated GSB[12][0] [93%] Backannotated GSB[12][1] [94%] Backannotated GSB[12][2] [94%] Backannotated GSB[12][3] [95%] Backannotated GSB[12][4] [95%] Backannotated GSB[12][5] [96%] Backannotated GSB[12][6] [97%] Backannotated GSB[12][7] [97%] Backannotated GSB[12][8] [98%] Backannotated GSB[12][9] [98%] Backannotated GSB[12][10] [99%] Backannotated GSB[12][11] [100%] Backannotated GSB[12][12] Backannotated 169 General Switch Blocks (GSBs). # Build General Switch Block(GSB) annotation on top of routing resource graph took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 22.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Sort incoming edges for each routing track output node of General Switch Block(GSB) [0%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][0] [1%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][1] [1%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][2] [2%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][3] [2%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][4] [3%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][5] [4%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][6] [4%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][7] [5%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][8] [5%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][9] [6%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][10] [7%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][11] [7%] Sorted edges for GSB[0][12] [8%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][0] [8%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][1] [9%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][2] [10%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][3] [10%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][4] [11%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][5] [11%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][6] [12%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][7] [13%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][8] [13%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][9] [14%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][10] [14%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][11] [15%] Sorted edges for GSB[1][12] [15%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][0] [16%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][1] [17%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][2] [17%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][3] [18%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][4] [18%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][5] [19%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][6] [20%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][7] [20%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][8] [21%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][9] [21%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][10] [22%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][11] [23%] Sorted edges for GSB[2][12] [23%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][0] [24%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][1] [24%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][2] [25%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][3] [26%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][4] [26%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][5] [27%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][6] [27%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][7] [28%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][8] [28%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][9] [29%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][10] [30%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][11] [30%] Sorted edges for GSB[3][12] [31%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][0] [31%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][1] [32%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][2] [33%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][3] [33%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][4] [34%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][5] [34%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][6] [35%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][7] [36%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][8] [36%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][9] [37%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][10] [37%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][11] [38%] Sorted edges for GSB[4][12] [39%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][0] [39%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][1] [40%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][2] [40%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][3] [41%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][4] [42%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][5] [42%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][6] [43%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][7] [43%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][8] [44%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][9] [44%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][10] [45%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][11] [46%] Sorted edges for GSB[5][12] [46%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][0] [47%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][1] [47%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][2] [48%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][3] [49%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][4] [49%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][5] [50%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][6] [50%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][7] [51%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][8] [52%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][9] [52%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][10] [53%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][11] [53%] Sorted edges for GSB[6][12] [54%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][0] [55%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][1] [55%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][2] [56%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][3] [56%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][4] [57%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][5] [57%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][6] [58%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][7] [59%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][8] [59%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][9] [60%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][10] [60%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][11] [61%] Sorted edges for GSB[7][12] [62%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][0] [62%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][1] [63%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][2] [63%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][3] [64%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][4] [65%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][5] [65%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][6] [66%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][7] [66%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][8] [67%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][9] [68%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][10] [68%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][11] [69%] Sorted edges for GSB[8][12] [69%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][0] [70%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][1] [71%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][2] [71%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][3] [72%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][4] [72%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][5] [73%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][6] [73%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][7] [74%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][8] [75%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][9] [75%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][10] [76%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][11] [76%] Sorted edges for GSB[9][12] [77%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][0] [78%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][1] [78%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][2] [79%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][3] [79%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][4] [80%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][5] [81%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][6] [81%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][7] [82%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][8] [82%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][9] [83%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][10] [84%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][11] [84%] Sorted edges for GSB[10][12] [85%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][0] [85%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][1] [86%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][2] [86%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][3] [87%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][4] [88%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][5] [88%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][6] [89%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][7] [89%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][8] [90%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][9] [91%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][10] [91%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][11] [92%] Sorted edges for GSB[11][12] [92%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][0] [93%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][1] [94%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][2] [94%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][3] [95%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][4] [95%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][5] [96%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][6] [97%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][7] [97%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][8] [98%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][9] [98%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][10] [99%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][11] [100%] Sorted edges for GSB[12][12] Sorted edges for 169 General Switch Blocks (GSBs). # Sort incoming edges for each routing track output node of General Switch Block(GSB) took 0.09 seconds (max_rss 23.3 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) # Build a library of physical multiplexers Built a multiplexer library of 13 physical multiplexers. Maximum multiplexer size is 16. # Build a library of physical multiplexers took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.3 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build the annotation about direct connection between tiles Built 407 tile-to-tile direct connections # Build the annotation about direct connection between tiles took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.3 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Building annotation for mapped blocks on grid locations...Done User specified the operating clock frequency to use VPR results Use VPR critical path delay 8.31972e-19 [ns] with a 20 [%] slack in OpenFPGA. Will apply operating clock frequency 1201.96 [MHz] to simulations User specified the number of operating clock cycles to be inferred from signal activities Average net density: 0.42 Median net density: 0.00 Average net density after weighting: 0.42 Will apply 2 operating clock cycles to simulations Link OpenFPGA architecture to VPR architecture took 0.10 seconds (max_rss 23.5 MiB, delta_rss +0.7 MiB) Command line to execute: build_fabric --compress_routing --duplicate_grid_pin --load_fabric_key /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga_flow/tasks/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/arch/fabric_key.xml Confirm selected options when call command 'build_fabric': --frame_view: off --compress_routing: on --duplicate_grid_pin: on --load_fabric_key: /research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/May2020/OpenFPGA_for_Chip/openfpga_flow/tasks/FPGA1212_QLSOFA_HD_task/arch/fabric_key.xml --write_fabric_key: off --generate_random_fabric_key: off --verbose: off Identify unique General Switch Blocks (GSBs) Detected 9 unique general switch blocks from a total of 169 (compression rate=1777.78%) Identify unique General Switch Blocks (GSBs) took 0.16 seconds (max_rss 23.5 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Read Fabric Key Read Fabric Key took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Build fabric module graph # Build constant generator modules # Build constant generator modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build user-defined modules # Build user-defined modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build essential (inverter/buffer/logic gate) modules # Build essential (inverter/buffer/logic gate) modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build local encoder (for multiplexers) modules # Build local encoder (for multiplexers) modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Building multiplexer modules # Building multiplexer modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB) # Build Look-Up Table (LUT) modules # Build Look-Up Table (LUT) modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build wire modules # Build wire modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 23.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Build memory modules # Build memory modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 24.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB) # Build grid modules Building logical tiles...Done Building physical tiles...Done # Build grid modules took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 24.7 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) # Build unique routing modules... # Build unique routing modules... took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 27.8 MiB, delta_rss +3.1 MiB) # Build FPGA fabric module ## Add grid instances to top module ## Add grid instances to top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 29.0 MiB, delta_rss +1.3 MiB) ## Add switch block instances to top module ## Add switch block instances to top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 29.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.8 MiB) ## Add connection block instances to top module ## Add connection block instances to top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 30.3 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) ## Add connection block instances to top module ## Add connection block instances to top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 30.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) ## Add module nets between grids and GSBs ## Add module nets between grids and GSBs took 0.18 seconds (max_rss 52.2 MiB, delta_rss +21.4 MiB) ## Add module nets for inter-tile connections ## Add module nets for inter-tile connections took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 52.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.5 MiB) ## Add module nets for configuration buses ## Add module nets for configuration buses took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +1.5 MiB) # Build FPGA fabric module took 0.22 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +26.8 MiB) Build fabric module graph took 0.24 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +30.9 MiB) Create I/O location mapping for top module Create I/O location mapping for top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Create global port info for top module Create global port info for top module took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: repack Confirm selected options when call command 'repack': --verbose: off Build routing resource graph for the physical implementation of logical tile Build routing resource graph for the physical implementation of logical tile took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Repack clustered blocks to physical implementation of logical tile Repack clustered block 'c'...Done Repack clustered block 'out:c'...Done Repack clustered block 'a'...Done Repack clustered block 'b'...Done Repack clustered blocks to physical implementation of logical tile took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Build truth tables for physical LUTs Build truth tables for physical LUTs took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 54.6 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: build_architecture_bitstream --write_file fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml Confirm selected options when call command 'build_architecture_bitstream': --write_file: fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml --read_file: off --verbose: off Build fabric-independent bitstream for implementation 'top' Generating bitstream for Switch blocks...Done Generating bitstream for X-direction Connection blocks ...Done Generating bitstream for Y-direction Connection blocks ...Done Build fabric-independent bitstream for implementation 'top' took 0.18 seconds (max_rss 60.0 MiB, delta_rss +5.5 MiB) Warning 185: Directory path is empty and nothing will be created. Write 78765 architecture independent bitstream into XML file 'fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml' Write 78765 architecture independent bitstream into XML file 'fabric_indepenent_bitstream.xml' took 0.54 seconds (max_rss 60.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: build_fabric_bitstream Confirm selected options when call command 'build_fabric_bitstream': --verbose: off Build fabric dependent bitstream Build fabric dependent bitstream took 0.09 seconds (max_rss 64.9 MiB, delta_rss +4.9 MiB) Command line to execute: write_fabric_bitstream --format plain_text --file fabric_bitstream.bit Confirm selected options when call command 'write_fabric_bitstream': --file, -f: fabric_bitstream.bit --format: plain_text --verbose: off Warning 186: Directory path is empty and nothing will be created. Write 78765 fabric bitstream into plain text file 'fabric_bitstream.bit' Write 78765 fabric bitstream into plain text file 'fabric_bitstream.bit' took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 64.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: write_fabric_bitstream --format xml --file fabric_bitstream.xml Confirm selected options when call command 'write_fabric_bitstream': --file, -f: fabric_bitstream.xml --format: xml --verbose: off Warning 187: Directory path is empty and nothing will be created. Write 78765 fabric bitstream into xml file 'fabric_bitstream.xml' Write 78765 fabric bitstream into xml file 'fabric_bitstream.xml' took 0.13 seconds (max_rss 65.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Command line to execute: write_fabric_verilog --file ./SRC --explicit_port_mapping --verbose Confirm selected options when call command 'write_fabric_verilog': --file, -f: ./SRC --explicit_port_mapping: on --include_timing: off --print_user_defined_template: off --verbose: on Write Verilog netlists for FPGA fabric Succeed to create directory './SRC' Succeed to create directory './SRC/sub_module' Succeed to create directory './SRC/lb' Succeed to create directory './SRC/routing' Generating Verilog netlist './SRC/sub_module/inv_buf_passgate.v' for essential gates...Done Writing Verilog netlist for configuration decoders './SRC/sub_module/arch_encoder.v'...Done Writing Verilog netlist for local decoders for multiplexers './SRC/sub_module/local_encoder.v'...Done Writing Verilog netlist for Multiplexer primitives './SRC/sub_module/mux_primitives.v' ...Done Writing Verilog netlist for Multiplexers './SRC/sub_module/muxes.v' ...Done Writing Verilog netlist for LUTs './SRC/sub_module/luts.v'...Done Writing Verilog netlist for wires './SRC/sub_module/wires.v'...Done Writing Verilog netlist for memories './SRC/sub_module/memories.v' ...Done Writing logical tiles... Writing Verilog netlists for logic tile 'io' ... Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_io_mode_physical__iopad.v' for primitive pb_type 'iopad' ... Writing Verilog codes of logical tile primitive block 'logical_tile_io_mode_physical__iopad'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_io_mode_io_.v' for pb_type 'io' ... Writing Verilog codes of pb_type 'logical_tile_io_mode_io_'...Done Done Writing Verilog netlists for logic tile 'clb' ... Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic_mode_default__frac_lut4.v' for primitive pb_type 'frac_lut4' ... Writing Verilog codes of logical tile primitive block 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic_mode_default__frac_lut4'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic_mode_default__carry_follower.v' for primitive pb_type 'carry_follower' ... Writing Verilog codes of logical tile primitive block 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic_mode_default__carry_follower'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic.v' for pb_type 'frac_logic' ... Writing Verilog codes of pb_type 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__frac_logic'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__ff.v' for primitive pb_type 'ff' ... Writing Verilog codes of logical tile primitive block 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric_mode_default__ff'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric.v' for pb_type 'fabric' ... Writing Verilog codes of pb_type 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle_mode_physical__fabric'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle.v' for pb_type 'fle' ... Writing Verilog codes of pb_type 'logical_tile_clb_mode_default__fle'...Done Writing Verilog netlist './SRC/lb/logical_tile_clb_mode_clb_.v' for pb_type 'clb' ... Writing Verilog codes of pb_type 'logical_tile_clb_mode_clb_'...Done Done Writing logical tiles...Done Building physical tiles... Writing Verilog Netlist './SRC/lb/grid_io_top_top.v' for physical tile 'io_top' at top side ...Done Writing Verilog Netlist './SRC/lb/grid_io_right_right.v' for physical tile 'io_right' at right side ...Done Writing Verilog Netlist './SRC/lb/grid_io_bottom_bottom.v' for physical tile 'io_bottom' at bottom side ...Done Writing Verilog Netlist './SRC/lb/grid_io_left_left.v' for physical tile 'io_left' at left side ...Done Writing Verilog Netlist './SRC/lb/grid_clb.v' for physical_tile 'clb'...Done Building physical tiles...Done Writing Verilog netlist for top-level module of FPGA fabric './SRC/fpga_top.v'...Done Written 71 Verilog modules in total Write Verilog netlists for FPGA fabric took 0.52 seconds (max_rss 67.9 MiB, delta_rss +2.8 MiB) Command line to execute: write_verilog_testbench --file ./SRC --reference_benchmark_file_path top_output_verilog.v --print_top_testbench --print_preconfig_top_testbench --print_simulation_ini ./SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini --explicit_port_mapping Confirm selected options when call command 'write_verilog_testbench': --file, -f: ./SRC --fabric_netlist_file_path: off --reference_benchmark_file_path: top_output_verilog.v --print_top_testbench: on --fast_configuration: off --print_formal_verification_top_netlist: off --print_preconfig_top_testbench: on --print_simulation_ini: ./SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini --explicit_port_mapping: on --include_signal_init: off --support_icarus_simulator: off --verbose: off Warning 188: Forcely enable to print top-level Verilog netlist in formal verification purpose as print pre-configured top-level Verilog testbench is enabled Write Verilog testbenches for FPGA fabric Warning 189: Directory './SRC' already exists. Will overwrite contents # Write pre-configured FPGA top-level Verilog netlist for design 'top' # Write pre-configured FPGA top-level Verilog netlist for design 'top' took 2.73 seconds (max_rss 67.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) # Write configuration-skip testbench for FPGA top-level Verilog netlist implemented by 'top' # Write configuration-skip testbench for FPGA top-level Verilog netlist implemented by 'top' took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 67.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) # Write autocheck testbench for FPGA top-level Verilog netlist for 'top' Will use 78766 configuration clock cycles to top testbench # Write autocheck testbench for FPGA top-level Verilog netlist for 'top' took 0.20 seconds (max_rss 68.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Succeed to create directory './SimulationDeck' # Write exchangeable file containing simulation information './SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini' # Write exchangeable file containing simulation information './SimulationDeck/simulation_deck.ini' took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 68.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write Verilog testbenches for FPGA fabric took 2.96 seconds (max_rss 68.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.1 MiB) Command line to execute: write_pnr_sdc --file ./SDC Confirm selected options when call command 'write_pnr_sdc': --file, -f: ./SDC --flatten_names: off --hierarchical: off --output_hierarchy: off --time_unit: off --constrain_global_port: off --constrain_non_clock_global_port: off --constrain_grid: off --constrain_sb: off --constrain_cb: off --constrain_configurable_memory_outputs: off --constrain_routing_multiplexer_outputs: off --constrain_switch_block_outputs: off --constrain_zero_delay_paths: off --verbose: off Succeed to create directory './SDC' Write SDC for constraining clocks for P&R flow './SDC/global_ports.sdc' Write SDC for constraining clocks for P&R flow './SDC/global_ports.sdc' took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 68.0 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC to disable configurable memory outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_configurable_memory_outputs.sdc' Write SDC to disable configurable memory outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_configurable_memory_outputs.sdc' took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC to disable routing multiplexer outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_routing_multiplexer_outputs.sdc' Write SDC to disable routing multiplexer outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_routing_multiplexer_outputs.sdc' took 0.03 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC to disable switch block outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_sb_outputs.sdc' Write SDC to disable switch block outputs for P&R flow './SDC/disable_sb_outputs.sdc' took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC for constrain Switch Block timing for P&R flow Write SDC for constrain Switch Block timing for P&R flow took 0.03 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC for constrain Connection Block timing for P&R flow Write SDC for constrain Connection Block timing for P&R flow took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Write SDC for constraining grid timing for P&R flow Write SDC for constraining grid timing for P&R flow took 0.04 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: write_sdc_disable_timing_configure_ports --file ./SDC/disable_configure_ports.sdc Confirm selected options when call command 'write_sdc_disable_timing_configure_ports': --file, -f: ./SDC/disable_configure_ports.sdc --flatten_names: off --verbose: off Warning 190: Directory './SDC' already exists. Will overwrite contents Write SDC to disable timing on configuration outputs of programmable cells for P&R flow './SDC/disable_configure_ports.sdc' Write SDC to disable timing on configuration outputs of programmable cells for P&R flow './SDC/disable_configure_ports.sdc' took 0.10 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: write_analysis_sdc --file ./SDC_analysis Confirm selected options when call command 'write_analysis_sdc': --file, -f: ./SDC_analysis --verbose: off --flatten_names: off --time_unit: off Succeed to create directory './SDC_analysis' Generating SDC for Timing/Power analysis on the mapped FPGA './SDC_analysis/top_fpga_top_analysis.sdc' Generating SDC for Timing/Power analysis on the mapped FPGA './SDC_analysis/top_fpga_top_analysis.sdc' took 1.06 seconds (max_rss 68.1 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB) Command line to execute: exit Confirm selected options when call command 'exit': Finish execution with 0 errors The entire OpenFPGA flow took 6.57 seconds Thank you for using OpenFPGA!