# Ignore all * # Unignore all with extensions !*.* # Unignore all dirs !*/ # Unignore makefiles !Makefile* # Ignore direcotries starting with . in from root directory /.*/ # All files starting underscroll _*.* # Unignore python init_file !__init__.py !.github # Ignore all the projects FPGA** # # Ignore following files # *_PNR/*_task/config/task.conf # *_PNR/*_task/latest # *_PNR/*_task/run001 # *_PNR/parser.out # *_PNR/parsetab.py # *_PNR/release/*/pickle/ # *_PNR/release/*/TCL/ # *_PNR/release/*/data/ # *_PNR/release/*/SVG/ # # Skip some intermidiate verilog source # **/*_Verilog/TaskConfigCopy # **/*_Verilog/SRCBackup # **/*_Verilog/SRCOutline # # Unignore required SDC later # *_PNR/*_Verilog/SDC/* # !*_PNR/*_Verilog/SDC/disable_configure_ports.sdc # # Remove following later # **/*_Verilog/physical_contraints # *_PNR/*_Verilog/TESTBENCH/*/* # !*_PNR/*_Verilog/TESTBENCH/*/*.gz # *_PNR/*_Verilog/scandef # *_PNR/*_Verilog/*/*_tb.v # *_PNR/*_Verilog/*/*_formal_verification.v # Python ignores __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class # #PnR tool Ignores # **/*.ndm/ # **/*_block.dlib/ # **/dp/*/block_pg # **/dp/*/block_budgets # **/dp/*/work # **/dp/*/work_dir # **/dp/*/write_data_dir # **/dp/*/split # **/dp/*/logs_icc2 # **/dp/*/outputs_icc2 # **/dp/*/rpts_icc2 # **/dp/*/over_utilization*.tcl *command.log icc2_*output.txt check_workspace.ems crte_*.txt check_design*.log utils/_tempFiles utils/LoadTools.* # #Verification and simulation relates # **/Verification/*run/* # # !**/Verification/*run/*.vcd # # !**/Verification/*run/sim_run.log # Documentation ignore **/_build docs/build.log # # DP Related # **/dp/work* # **/dp/split # **/dp/logs_icc2 # **/dp/rpts_icc2 # **/dp/*.log # # Unignore symbolic links # !INIT # !*_PNR/Verification/*_tests # !CustomModules # !sc_verilog # !custom_scripts # !extra_scripts # !rm_icc2_dp_scripts # !rm_icc2_pnr_scripts # !rm_setup # !PrimeTimeScripts # !PrimeTimeScripts # !rm_setup_common # !custom_pnr_scripts # !redhawk # !voltus_script # !Benchmarks # # PNR Related # **/pnr/*.log # **/*_PNR/pnr/*__* # **_PNR/pnr/grid_clb # **_PNR/pnr/fpga_top/* # **_PNR/pnr/fpga_top/outputs_icc2 # !**/pnr/fpga_top/rpts_pt # # Ignore Verdi tempfiles # novas.conf # novas.rc # Verdi*Log # *.svf # # Release files from DP # *_PNR/release/dp/floorplan/*.* # *_PNR/release/dp/floorplan/*_*/* # !*_PNR/release/dp/floorplan/*_*/floorplan.def # !*_PNR/release/dp/floorplan/*_*/*.tcl # !*_PNR/release/dp/*/pinConstraints/*_*/pinFixUps.txt # *_PNR/release/dp/fpga_top/preferred_pin_locations.tcl # # Release files from PNR # *_PNR/release/pnr/fpga_top/*.def # !*_PNR/release/pnr/fpga_top/*.def.xz # *_PNR/release/pnr/fpga_top/*.sdc