mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
Merge pull request #42 from LNIS-Projects/xt_dev
Push-button Modelsim Verification for Specific FPGA fabric
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Skywater PDK
This directory is the workspace for running Mentor Modelsim simulations for FPGA fabrics
Please keep this directory clean and organize as follows:
- Each task-run should be placed in a separated directory
- **common**: include commonly used scripts for post-PnR verification
- READMD is the only file allowed in the directory, others should be sub-directories.
* Quick Example to run simulations for task-run
python3 run_post_pnr_msim_task.py --testbench_dir_name ../../TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc --task_name k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ proc create_project_with_close {projectname modelsim_path} {
#Get the current project name
set project_env [project env]
if {$project_env eq ""} {
#If string empty (no project)
create_project $projectname $modelsim_path
} else {
#If string not empty (a project is loaded so clsoe it first)
project close
create_project $projectname $modelsim_path
#If string empty (no project)
create_project $projectname $modelsim_path
} else {
#If string not empty (a project is loaded so clsoe it first)
project close
create_project $projectname $modelsim_path
proc add_files_project {verilog_files} {
#Get the length of the list
@ -30,11 +30,9 @@ proc add_files_project {verilog_files} {
proc add_waves {top_tb} {
add wave -position insertpoint sim:/$top_tb/*
proc runsim {simtime unit} {
run $simtime $unit
#Top procedure to create enw project
proc top_create_new_project {projectname verilog_files modelsim_path simtime unit top_tb} {
proc top_create_new_project {projectname verilog_files modelsim_path top_tb} {
#Create the project
create_project_with_close $projectname $modelsim_path
#Add the verilog files
@ -42,30 +40,12 @@ proc top_create_new_project {projectname verilog_files modelsim_path simtime uni
#Compile all the files
set myFiles [project filenames]
foreach x $myFiles {
#Start the simulation
vsim $projectname.$top_tb -voptargs=+acc
#Add the waves
add_waves $top_tb
#run the simulation
runsim $simtime $unit
#Fit the window view
wave zoom full
#Top proc to recompile files and re run the simulation
proc top_rerun_sim {simtime unit top_tb} {
#Save actual format
set myLoc [pwd]
write format wave -window .main_pane.wave.interior.cs.body.pw.wf $myLoc/relaunch.do
quit -sim
#Compile updated verilog files
set myFiles [project filenames]
foreach x $myFiles {
set projectname K4n4_test_fpga_msim
vsim $projectname.$top_tb -voptargs=+acc -do relaunch.do
#run the simulation
run $simtime $unit
run -all
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Python script to run ModelSim simulations for all the post-pnr testbenches
# in a project directory
# This script will
# - Collect all the testbenches in a given directory
# For instance:
# ../k4_arch/pre_pnr/verilog_testbenches/and2_post_pnr_include_netlist.v
# - Use run_post_pnr_msim_test.py to run Modelsim simulations and check results
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
import glob
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run a ModelSim verification task for a tape-out FPGA')
parser.add_argument('--testbench_dir_name', required=True,
help='Specify the directory path for the Verilog testbenches')
parser.add_argument('--task_name', required=True,
help='Specify the directory path for the Verilog testbenches')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Walk through the parent directory and find all the pre-PnR testbenches
logging.info("Finding testbenches...");
testbench_dir_abspath = abspath(args.testbench_dir_name) + "/postpnr/verilog_testbench";
testbench_files = []
for globbed_file in glob.glob(testbench_dir_abspath + "/*_include_netlists.v"):
logging.info("Found " + str(len(testbench_files)) + " testbenches")
# Try to create the directory of Modelsim projects
parent_dir_abspath = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
msim_task_dir_abspath = abspath(parent_dir_abspath + args.task_name) + "/postpnr/verilog_testbench";
os.makedirs(msim_task_dir_abspath, exist_ok=True)
# Run ModelSim simulations for each testbench
logging.info("Running Modelsim simulations...");
num_sim_finished = 0
msim_testrun_script_abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
msim_testrun_script_abspath = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_testrun_script_abspath), "run_post_pnr_msim_test.py", msim_testrun_script_abspath)
for testbench_file in testbench_files:
# Find testbench name
testbench_name = re.findall("(\w+)_include_netlists.v", os.path.basename(testbench_file))[0]
cmd = "python3 " + msim_testrun_script_abspath \
+ " --verilog_testbench " + testbench_file \
+ " --project_path " + msim_task_dir_abspath + "/" + testbench_name \
+ " --testbench_name " + testbench_name + "_autocheck_top_tb"
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True)
num_sim_finished += 1
logging.info("Finish " + str(num_sim_finished) + " ModelSim simulations")
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
# Python script to execute modelsim simulation for a given testbench netlist
# This script will
# - Create the tcl script to enable modelsim simulation
# - Run modelsim simulation
# - Analyze output log files and return succeed or failure
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run ModelSim verification for a testbench')
parser.add_argument('--verilog_testbench', required=True,
help='Specify the file path for the Verilog testbench as input')
parser.add_argument('--project_path', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to create the ModelSim project')
parser.add_argument('--testbench_name', required=True,
help='Specify the top-level module of the testbench')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check options:
# - Input testbench file must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
# - If the modelsim project path does not exist, create it
if not isfile(args.verilog_testbench):
logging.error("Invalid Verilog testbench: " + args.verilog_testbench + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.project_path)
if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path):
logging.debug("Creating ModelSim project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n")
os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create the Tcl script for Modelsim
# Get modelsim process tcl file path
msim_proc_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
msim_proc_tcl_path = re.sub(os.path.basename(msim_proc_tcl_path), "modelsim_proc.tcl", msim_proc_tcl_path)
if not isfile(msim_proc_tcl_path):
logging.error("Invalid process script for ModelSim: " + msim_proc_tcl_path + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Create output file handler
tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(args.testbench_name) + ".tcl"
logging.debug("Generating Tcl script for ModelSim: " + tcl_file_path)
tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w")
# A string buffer to write tcl content
tcl_lines = []
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("echo \"==============================\"")
tcl_lines.append("set project_name " + args.testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set top_tb " + args.testbench_name)
tcl_lines.append("set project_path \"" + project_abs_path + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("set verilog_files \"" + os.path.abspath(args.verilog_testbench) + "\"")
tcl_lines.append("source " + msim_proc_tcl_path)
tcl_lines.append("try {")
tcl_lines.append("\ttop_create_new_project $project_name $verilog_files $project_path $top_tb")
tcl_lines.append("} finally {")
for line in tcl_lines:
tcl_file.write(line + "\n")
# Run ModelSim simulation
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to the project directory
logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path)
# Run ModelSim
vsim_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/vsim_run_log"
vsim_bin = "/uusoc/facility/cad_tools/Mentor/modelsim10.7b/modeltech/bin/vsim"
vsim_cmd = vsim_bin + " -c -do " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + vsim_log_file_path
logging.debug("Running modelsim by : " + vsim_cmd)
subprocess.run(vsim_cmd, shell=True, check=True)
# Go back to current directory
# Parse log files and report any errors
vsim_log_file = open(vsim_log_file_path, "r")
# Error counter
num_err = 0
num_err_lines_found = 0
verification_passed = False
for line in vsim_log_file:
# Check errors from self-testing testbench output
if line.startswith("# Simulation finish with") :
num_sim_err = int(re.findall("# Simulation finish with(\s+)(\d+) errors", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found = num_err_lines_found + 1
if (0 < num_sim_err) :
logging.error("Simulation failed with " + str(num_sim_err) + " errors!\n")
# Add to total errors
num_err = num_err + num_sim_err
# Check total errors by Modelsim
if line.startswith("# Errors:") :
num_msim_err = int(re.findall("# Errors:(\s)(\d+),", line)[0][1])
num_err_lines_found = num_err_lines_found + 1
num_err = num_err + num_msim_err
if (0 == num_err_lines_found) :
logging.error("No error lines found!Something wrong in setting up modelsim simulation\n")
elif (0 < num_err) :
logging.error("ModelSim failed with " + str(num_err) + " errors!\n")
else :
verification_passed = True
if (verification_passed) :
logging.info(args.testbench_name + "...[Passed]\n")
else :
logging.error(args.testbench_name + "...[Failed]\n")
Binary file not shown.
@ -25,49 +25,46 @@ import glob
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate post-PnR testbenches for a given directory')
parser.add_argument('--pre_pnr_testbench_dir_name', required=True,
help='Specify the directory path for the pre-PnR Verilog testbenches')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Walk through the parent directory and find all the pre-PnR testbenches
logging.info("Finding pre-PnR testbenches...");
parent_dirpath = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
pre_pnr_testbench_dir_abspath = abspath(args.pre_pnr_testbench_dir_name) + "/prepnr/verilog_testbench";
# Count how many testbenches have been converted
num_converted_testbenches = 0
# Collect the pre-PnR testbenches to be converted
pre_pnr_testbench_files = []
post_pnr_testbench_dirs = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(parent_dirpath):
for dir_name in dirs:
# Skip 'common' directory as the testbenches inside are already converted
# Also skip any hidden directories
if ((dir_name == "common") or (dir_name.startswith("."))):
# Find the testbenches in the fixed location of the tree
curr_pre_pnr_testbench_dir_path = os.path.join(root, dir_name + "/prepnr/verilog_testbench")
# Add to list
logging.info("Checking directory: " + str(curr_pre_pnr_testbench_dir_path))
for globbed_file in glob.glob(curr_pre_pnr_testbench_dir_path + "/*_autocheck_top_tb.v"):
# If we have testbenches to convert, try to create the directory of post-pnr testbenches
curr_post_pnr_testbench_dir_path = os.path.join(root, dir_name + "/postpnr/verilog_testbench")
# Add to list
for globbed_file in glob.glob(pre_pnr_testbench_dir_abspath + "/*_autocheck_top_tb.v"):
# If we have testbenches to convert, try to create the directory of post-pnr testbenches
post_pnr_testbench_dir_abspath = abspath(args.pre_pnr_testbench_dir_name) + "/postpnr/verilog_testbench";
logging.info("Found " + str(len(pre_pnr_testbench_files)) + " pre-PnR testbenches")
# Try to create the directory of post-pnr testbenches
for post_pnr_testbench_dir in post_pnr_testbench_dirs:
os.makedirs(curr_post_pnr_testbench_dir_path, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(post_pnr_testbench_dir_abspath, exist_ok=True)
# Convert pre-PnR testbenches to post-PnR testbenches
logging.info("Converting pre-PnR testbench to post-PnR testbench...");
for curr_pre_pnr_testbench_file in pre_pnr_testbench_files:
logging.info("\nProcessing " + curr_pre_pnr_testbench_file + " testbench:\n")
logging.info("Processing " + curr_pre_pnr_testbench_file + " testbench:")
curr_post_pnr_testbench_file = re.sub("_autocheck_top_tb.v$", "_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v", curr_pre_pnr_testbench_file)
curr_post_pnr_testbench_file = re.sub("\/prepnr\/", "\/postpnr\/", curr_post_pnr_testbench_file)
cmd = "python3 ./post_pnr_testbench_converter.py " \
@ -75,6 +72,6 @@ for curr_pre_pnr_testbench_file in pre_pnr_testbench_files:
+ " --post_pnr_testbench " + curr_post_pnr_testbench_file
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True)
num_converted_testbenches += 1
logging.info("\nConverted " + str(num_converted_testbenches) + " testbenches.")
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
// Verilog Testbench for Verifying
// Configuration Chain of a FPGA
// Description: This test is applicable to FPGAs which have 1 configuration
// chain. It will feed a pulse to the head of the configuration chain and
// check if the pulse is outputted by the tail of the configuration chain
// in a given time period
// Note: This test bench is tuned for the post PnR netlists
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Design parameter for FPGA I/O sizes
//`define FPGA_IO_SIZE 144
// Design parameter for FPGA bitstream sizes
//`define FPGA_BITSTREAM_SIZE 65656
module post_pnr_ccff_test;
// ----- Local wires for global ports of FPGA fabric -----
wire [0:0] prog_clk;
wire [0:0] Test_en;
wire [0:0] clk;
// ----- Local wires for I/Os of FPGA fabric -----
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN;
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT;
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_DIR;
wire [0:0] prog_clock;
reg [0:0] prog_clock_reg;
wire [0:0] op_clock;
reg [0:0] op_clock_reg;
reg [0:0] prog_reset;
reg [0:0] prog_set;
reg [0:0] greset;
reg [0:0] gset;
// ---- Configuration-chain head -----
reg [0:0] ccff_head;
// ---- Configuration-chain tail -----
wire [0:0] ccff_tail;
// ---- Scan-chain head -----
wire [0:0] sc_head;
// ---- Scan-chain tail -----
wire [0:0] sc_tail;
wire [0:0] IO_ISOL_N;
// ----- Counters for error checking -----
integer num_prog_cycles = 0;
integer num_errors = 0;
integer num_checked_points = 0;
// Indicate when configuration should be finished
reg config_done = 0;
config_done = 1'b0;
// ----- Begin raw programming clock signal generation -----
prog_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
#5 prog_clock_reg[0] = ~prog_clock_reg[0];
// ----- End raw programming clock signal generation -----
// ----- Actual programming clock is triggered only when config_done and prog_reset are disabled -----
assign prog_clock[0] = prog_clock_reg[0] & (~prog_reset[0]);
// ----- Begin raw operating clock signal generation -----
op_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End raw operating clock signal generation -----
// ----- Actual operating clock is triggered only when config_done is enabled -----
assign op_clock[0] = op_clock_reg[0];
// ----- Begin programming reset signal generation -----
prog_reset[0] = 1'b1;
#10 prog_reset[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End programming reset signal generation -----
// ----- Begin programming set signal generation -----
prog_set[0] = 1'b1;
#10 prog_set[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End programming set signal generation -----
// ----- Begin operating reset signal generation -----
// ----- Reset signal is disabled always -----
greset[0] = 1'b1;
// ----- End operating reset signal generation -----
// ----- Begin operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
gset[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
// ----- Begin connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
assign clk[0] = op_clock[0];
assign prog_clk[0] = prog_clock[0];
assign Test_en[0] = 1'b0;
assign sc_head[0] = 1'b0;
assign IO_ISOL_N[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
// ----- FPGA top-level module to be capsulated -----
fpga_core FPGA_DUT (
.gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN(gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1]),
// ----- Force constant '0' to FPGA I/O as this testbench only check
// programming phase -----
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_IN[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_SOC_OUT[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
// Generate a pulse after programming reset is disabled (in the 2nd clock
// cycle). Then the head of configuration chain should be always zero
always @(negedge prog_clock[0]) begin
ccff_head = 1'b1;
if (0 != num_prog_cycles) begin
ccff_head = 1'b0;
// ----- Count the number of programming cycles -------
always @(posedge prog_clock[0]) begin
num_prog_cycles = num_prog_cycles + 1;
// Indicate when configuration is suppose to end
if (`FPGA_BITSTREAM_SIZE + 1 == num_prog_cycles) begin
config_done = 1'b1;
// Check the ccff_tail when configuration is done
if (1'b1 == config_done) begin
// The tail should spit a pulse after configuration is done
// So it should be at logic '1' and then pulled down to logic '0'
if (0 == num_checked_points) begin
if (ccff_tail !== 1'b1) begin
$display("Error: ccff_tail = %b", sc_tail);
num_errors = num_errors + 1;
if (1 <= num_checked_points) begin
if (ccff_tail !== 1'b0) begin
$display("Error: ccff_tail = %b", sc_tail);
num_errors = num_errors + 1;
num_checked_points = num_checked_points + 1;
if (2 < num_checked_points) begin
$display("Simulation finish with %d errors", num_errors);
// End simulation
TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v (Stored with Git LFS)
TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
// Verilog Testbench for Verifying
// Scan Chain of a FPGA
// Description: This test is applicable to FPGAs which have a built-in scan
// chain. It will feed a pulse to the head of the scan chain and
// check if the pulse is outputted by the tail of the can chain
// in a given time period
// Note: This test bench is tuned for the pre PnR netlists
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Design parameter for FPGA I/O sizes
//`define FPGA_IO_SIZE 144
// Design parameter for FPGA scan-chain sizes
//`define FPGA_SCANCHAIN_SIZE 2304
module post_pnr_scff_test;
// ----- Local wires for global ports of FPGA fabric -----
wire [0:0] prog_clk;
wire [0:0] Test_en;
wire [0:0] clk;
// ----- Local wires for I/Os of FPGA fabric -----
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN;
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT;
wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_DIR;
reg [0:0] prog_clock_reg;
wire [0:0] prog_clock;
wire [0:0] op_clock;
reg [0:0] op_clock_reg;
reg [0:0] prog_reset;
reg [0:0] prog_set;
reg [0:0] greset;
reg [0:0] gset;
// ---- Configuration-chain head -----
wire [0:0] ccff_head;
// ---- Configuration-chain tail -----
wire [0:0] ccff_tail;
// ---- Scan-chain head -----
reg [0:0] sc_head;
// ---- Scan-chain tail -----
wire [0:0] sc_tail;
wire [0:0] IO_ISOL_N;
// ----- Counters for error checking -----
integer num_clock_cycles = 0;
integer num_errors = 0;
integer num_checked_points = 0;
// Indicate when configuration should be finished
reg scan_done = 0;
scan_done = 1'b0;
// ----- Begin raw programming clock signal generation -----
prog_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End raw programming clock signal generation -----
// ----- Begin raw operating clock signal generation -----
op_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
#5 op_clock_reg[0] = ~op_clock_reg[0];
// ----- End raw operating clock signal generation -----
// ----- Actual operating clock is triggered only when scan_done is enabled -----
assign prog_clock[0] = prog_clock_reg[0] & ~greset;
assign op_clock[0] = op_clock_reg[0] & ~greset;
// ----- Begin programming reset signal generation -----
prog_reset[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End programming reset signal generation -----
// ----- Begin programming set signal generation -----
prog_set[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End programming set signal generation -----
// ----- Begin operating reset signal generation -----
// ----- Reset signal is disabled always -----
greset[0] = 1'b1;
#10 greset[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End operating reset signal generation -----
// ----- Begin operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
gset[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
// ----- Begin connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
assign clk[0] = op_clock[0];
assign prog_clk[0] = prog_clock[0];
assign Test_en[0] = ~greset;
assign ccff_head[0] = 1'b0;
assign IO_ISOL_N[0] = 1'b0;
// ----- End connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
// ----- FPGA top-level module to be capsulated -----
fpga_core FPGA_DUT (
// ----- Force constant '0' to FPGA I/O as this testbench only check
// programming phase -----
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
// Generate a pulse after operating reset is disabled (in the 2nd clock
// cycle). Then the head of scan chain should be always zero
always @(negedge op_clock[0]) begin
sc_head = 1'b1;
if (0 != num_clock_cycles) begin
sc_head = 1'b0;
// ----- Count the number of programming cycles -------
always @(posedge op_clock[0]) begin
num_clock_cycles = num_clock_cycles + 1;
// Indicate when scan chain loading is suppose to end
if (`FPGA_SCANCHAIN_SIZE + 1 == num_clock_cycles) begin
scan_done = 1'b1;
// Check the tail of scan-chain when configuration is done
if (1'b1 == scan_done) begin
// The tail should spit a pulse after configuration is done
// So it should be at logic '1' and then pulled down to logic '0'
if (0 == num_checked_points) begin
if (sc_tail !== 1'b1) begin
$display("Error: sc_tail = %b", sc_tail);
num_errors = num_errors + 1;
if (1 <= num_checked_points) begin
if (sc_tail !== 1'b0) begin
$display("Error: sc_tail = %b", sc_tail);
num_errors = num_errors + 1;
num_checked_points = num_checked_points + 1;
if (2 < num_checked_points) begin
$display("Simulation finish with %d errors", num_errors);
// End simulation
@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ with open(args.pre_pnr_testbench, "r") as wp:
# Other lines can be directly copied to post-PnR Verilog testbenches
line2output = curr_line \
# Condition A:
# Add post_pnr to top-level module name
if (curr_line.startswith("module")):
line2output = re.sub("autocheck_top_tb;$", "post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb;", curr_line)
# Add sc_head and sc_tail wire definition after ccff tail definition
# Condition B:
# Add sc_head and sc_tail wire definition after ccff tail definition
if (curr_line == "wire [0:0] ccff_tail;\n"):
line2output = line2output \
@ -68,16 +73,16 @@ with open(args.pre_pnr_testbench, "r") as wp:
+ "wire [0:0] sc_head;\n" \
+ "// ---- Scan-chain tail ----\n" \
+ "wire [0:0] sc_tail;\n"
# Condition B:
# Condition C:
# Assign an initial value to sc_head after other ports
elif (curr_line == "\tassign IO_ISOL_N[0] = 1'b1;\n"):
line2output = line2output \
+ "\tassign sc_head[0] = 1'b0;\n"
# Condition C:
# Condition D:
# Replace fpga_top with fpga_core in DUT instanciation
elif (curr_line == "\tfpga_top FPGA_DUT (\n"):
line2output = "\tfpga_core FPGA_DUT (\n"
# Condition D:
# Condition E:
# Add sc_head and sc_tail to the port mapping of FPGA core instance
elif (curr_line == "\t\t.ccff_tail(ccff_tail[0]));\n"):
line2output = "\t\t.ccff_tail(ccff_tail[0]),\n" \
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v (Stored with Git LFS)
TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/and2_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v (Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// FPGA Synthesizable Verilog Netlist
// Description: Netlist Summary
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
// Date: Fri Nov 20 15:48:46 2020
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ------ Include simulation defines -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/prepnr/verilog_testbench/define_simulation.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/HDL/common/skywater_function_verification.v"
// ------ Include Skywater cell netlists -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v"
// ------ Include fabric top-level netlists -----
//`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/FPGA1212_FC_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_core/fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/Nov2020_Skywater/FPGA1212_FLAT_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_top/fpga_top_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "bin2bcd_output_verilog.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/bin2bcd_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// FPGA Synthesizable Verilog Netlist
// Description: Netlist Summary
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
// Date: Fri Nov 20 15:48:45 2020
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ------ Include simulation defines -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/prepnr/verilog_testbench/define_simulation.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/HDL/common/skywater_function_verification.v"
// ------ Include Skywater cell netlists -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v"
// ------ Include fabric top-level netlists -----
//`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/FPGA1212_FC_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_core/fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/Nov2020_Skywater/FPGA1212_FLAT_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_top/fpga_top_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "counter_output_verilog.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/counter_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// FPGA Synthesizable Verilog Netlist
// Description: Netlist Summary
// Author: Xifan TANG
// Organization: University of Utah
// Date: Fri Nov 20 15:49:05 2020
//----- Time scale -----
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ------ Include simulation defines -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/prepnr/verilog_testbench/define_simulation.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/HDL/common/skywater_function_verification.v"
// ------ Include Skywater cell netlists -----
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/common/post_pnr_fpga_cells.v"
// ------ Include fabric top-level netlists -----
//`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/FPGA1212_FC_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_core/fpga_core_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/DARPA_ERI/Tapeout/Nov2020_Skywater/FPGA1212_FLAT_HD_SKY_PNR/fpga_top/fpga_top_icv_in_design.pt.v"
`include "top_module_output_verilog.v"
`include "/research/ece/lnis/USERS/tang/github/skywater-openfpga/TESTBENCH/k4_N8_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_fdhd_cc/postpnr/verilog_testbench/top_module_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb.v"
Reference in New Issue