mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
[DC] Add scripts to automate the synthesis for local encoders
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Template scripts to synthesize a combinational circuit
# using Design Compiler
# Author: Xifan Tang
# Organization: University of Utah
# Date: September 4th, 2020
# Variable declaration
set CTRITICAL_PATH 1; # [ns]
# Make sure a clean start
remove_design -all
set DB_FILE "/research/ece/lnis/CAD_TOOLS/DKITS/skywater/skywater-pdk/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db"
# Read standard cell library
# Here we consider the Skywater 130nm High Density(HD) cell library
read_db ${DB_FILE}
set target_library ${DB_FILE}
set link_library ${DB_FILE}
# Parse the HDL
analyze -f verilog ${RTL_NETLIST}
elaborate ${DESIGN_NAME}
# Set constraints
# Push to 0 for the minimum area
set_max_area 0
# Link to technology library and start compilation
compile -map_effort high
# Output netlist
write -format Verilog -output ../GATE_NETLISTS/${DESIGN_NAME}_post_synth.v
# Report results
report_unit > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_unit.rpt
report_area > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_area.rpt
report_timing > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_timing.rpt
report_power > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_power.rpt
report_reference > ../RPT/${DESIGN_NAME}_reference.rpt
# Finish here
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Python script to execute Design Compiler Synthesis for a given template tcl script
# This script will
# - Create the tcl script as synthesis recipe
# - Run Design Compiler
# - Analyze output log files and return succeed or failure
import sys
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
def main(args):
# Parse the options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Synopsys Design Compiler Synthesis for an input netlist')
parser.add_argument('--rtl_netlist', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to the RTL netlist as input')
parser.add_argument('--recipe_template', required=True,
help='Specify the file path to tcl script contain template synthesis recipe')
parser.add_argument('--technology_library', required=True,
help='Specify the technology library which the RTL netlist will be mapped to')
parser.add_argument('--project_workspace', required=True,
help='Specify the directory to run Design Compiler')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
run_dc_batch_synth(args.rtl_netlist, args.recipe_template, args.technology_library, args.project_workspace)
# A function to execute a single-run of Design Compiler for a RTL design
def run_dc_synth(rtl_netlist, rtl_design_name, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace):
project_abs_path = os.path.abspath(project_workspace)
if not os.path.isdir(project_abs_path):
logging.debug("Creating Design Compiler project directory : " + project_abs_path + " ...\n")
os.makedirs(project_abs_path, exist_ok=True)
# Create the Tcl script for Design Compiler
# Get absolute path to the template tcl script, it must be valid
template_tcl_path = os.path.abspath(recipe_template)
# Create output file handler
tcl_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(rtl_design_name) + "_dc.tcl"
logging.debug("Generating Tcl script from template recipe: " + tcl_file_path)
tcl_file = open(tcl_file_path, "w")
with open(template_tcl_path, "r") as wp:
template_tcl_file = wp.readlines()
for line_num, curr_line in enumerate(template_tcl_file):
line2output = curr_line
# Replace keywords with custom values
line2output = re.sub("TECH_DB_VAR", technology_library, curr_line)
line2output = re.sub("DESIGN_NAME_VAR", rtl_design_name, curr_line)
line2output = re.sub("RTL_NETLIST_VAR", rtl_netlist, curr_line)
# Finished processing
# Output the line
# Run Design Compiler
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
# Change to the project directory
logging.debug("Changed to directory: " + project_abs_path)
# Run Design Compiler
dc_log_file_path = project_abs_path + "/" + os.path.basename(rtl_design_name) + "_dc.log"
dc_shell_bin = "dc_shell"
dc_shell_cmd = dc_shell_bin + " -f " + os.path.abspath(tcl_file_path) + " > " + dc_log_file_path
logging.debug("Running Design Compiler by : " + dc_shell_cmd)
subprocess.run(dc_shell_cmd, shell=True, check=True)
# Go back to current directory
# Main function of this script, so that it can be called by other scripts
def run_dc_batch_synth(rtl_netlist, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace):
# Check options:
# - Input files must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
if not isfile(rtl_netlist):
logging.error("Invalid RTL netlist: " + rtr_netlist + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
if not isfile(recipe_template):
logging.error("Invalid recipe template: " + recipe_template + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
if not isfile(technology_library):
logging.error("Invalid technology library: " + technology_library + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Collect all the RTL designs to synthesis from the RTL netlist
rtl_design_names = []
with open(rtl_netlist, "r") as wp:
rtl_file = wp.readlines()
# If a line starts with 'module', it is an RTL design to be synthesized
for line_num, curr_line in enumerate(rtl_file):
if (curr_line.startswith("module")):
# Get the design name
rtl_design_name = re.findall("module(\s+)(\w+)\(", curr_line)[0][1]
logging.info("Found " + str(len(rtl_design_names)) + " RTL designs to synthesize")
# Get absolute path to the template tcl script, it must be valid
rtl_netlist_abs_path = os.path.abspath(rtl_netlist)
for rtl_design_name in rtl_design_names:
logging.info("Running Design Compiler for design: " + rtl_design_name)
run_dc_synth(rtl_netlist_abs_path, rtl_design_name, recipe_template, technology_library, project_workspace)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1 @@
python3 SCRIPTS/run_dc_synth.py --rtl_netlist ../HDL/k4_N8_reset_softadder_caravel_io_FPGA_12x12_customhd_cc/SRC/sub_module/local_encoder.v --recipe_template SCRIPTS/dc_template.tcl --technology_library ../PDK/skywater-pdk/vendor/synopsys/results/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd/db_nldm/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.db --project_workspace ./TEMP
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