diff --git a/TESTBENCH/common/scff_test_post_pnr_v1.1.v b/TESTBENCH/common/scff_test_post_pnr_v1.1.v
index 1b1a7b1..d4dc16c 100644
--- a/TESTBENCH/common/scff_test_post_pnr_v1.1.v
+++ b/TESTBENCH/common/scff_test_post_pnr_v1.1.v
@@ -1,3 +1,199 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:dcad9b2185f4571e82799aca46235e4193c3744c41b4ed6507ea2f339c9d894a
-size 5872
+//  Verilog Testbench for Verifying
+//  Scan Chain of a FPGA
+//	Description: This test is applicable to FPGAs which have a built-in scan
+//	chain. It will feed a pulse to the head of the scan chain and 
+//	check if the pulse is outputted by the tail of the can chain
+//	in a given time period
+//	Note: This test bench is tuned for the pre PnR netlists
+//	Author: Xifan TANG
+//	Organization: University of Utah
+//----- Time scale -----
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Design parameter for FPGA I/O sizes
+//`define FPGA_IO_SIZE 144
+// Design parameter for FPGA scan-chain sizes
+//`define FPGA_SCANCHAIN_SIZE 2304
+module scff_test_post_pnr_autocheck_top_tb;
+// ----- Local wires for global ports of FPGA fabric -----
+wire [0:0] pReset;
+wire [0:0] prog_clk;
+wire [0:0] Test_en;
+wire [0:0] clk;
+wire [0:0] Reset;
+// ----- Local wires for I/Os of FPGA fabric -----
+wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN;
+wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT;
+wire [0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_DIR;
+reg [0:0] prog_clock_reg;
+wire [0:0] prog_clock;
+wire [0:0] op_clock;
+reg [0:0] op_clock_reg;
+reg [0:0] prog_reset;
+reg [0:0] prog_set;
+reg [0:0] greset;
+reg [0:0] gset;
+// ---- Configuration-chain head -----
+wire [0:0] ccff_head;
+// ---- Configuration-chain tail -----
+wire [0:0] ccff_tail;
+// ---- Scan-chain head -----
+reg [0:0] sc_head;
+// ---- Scan-chain tail -----
+wire [0:0] sc_tail;
+wire [0:0] IO_ISOL_N;
+// ----- Counters for error checking -----
+integer num_clock_cycles = 0; 
+integer num_errors = 0; 
+integer num_checked_points = 0; 
+// Indicate when configuration should be finished
+reg scan_done = 0; 
+	begin
+        scan_done = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- Begin raw programming clock signal generation -----
+	begin
+		prog_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- End raw programming clock signal generation -----
+// ----- Begin raw operating clock signal generation -----
+	begin
+		op_clock_reg[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+	begin
+		#5	op_clock_reg[0] = ~op_clock_reg[0];
+	end
+// ----- End raw operating clock signal generation -----
+// ----- Actual operating clock is triggered only when scan_done is enabled -----
+	assign prog_clock[0] = prog_clock_reg[0] & ~greset;
+	assign op_clock[0] = op_clock_reg[0] & ~greset;
+// ----- Begin programming reset signal generation -----
+	begin
+		prog_reset[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- End programming reset signal generation -----
+// ----- Begin programming set signal generation -----
+	begin
+		prog_set[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- End programming set signal generation -----
+// ----- Begin operating reset signal generation -----
+// ----- Reset signal is disabled always -----
+	begin
+		greset[0] = 1'b1;
+	#10	greset[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- End operating reset signal generation -----
+// ----- Begin operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
+	begin
+		gset[0] = 1'b0;
+	end
+// ----- End operating set signal generation: always disabled -----
+// ----- Begin connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
+	assign clk[0] = op_clock[0];
+	assign prog_clk[0] = prog_clock[0];
+	assign pReset[0] = ~prog_reset[0];
+	assign Reset[0] = ~greset[0];
+	assign Test_en[0] = ~greset;
+	assign ccff_head[0] = 1'b0;
+    assign IO_ISOL_N[0] = 1'b0;
+// ----- End connecting global ports of FPGA fabric to stimuli -----
+// ----- FPGA top-level module to be capsulated -----
+	fpga_core FPGA_DUT (
+		.pReset(pReset[0]),
+		.prog_clk(prog_clk[0]),
+		.Test_en(Test_en[0]),
+		.clk(clk[0]),
+		.Reset(Reset[0]),
+		.gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN(gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1]),
+		.gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT(gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1]),
+		.gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_DIR(gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_DIR[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1]),
+		.ccff_head(ccff_head[0]),
+		.ccff_tail(ccff_tail[0]),
+		.sc_head(sc_head[0]),
+		.sc_tail(sc_tail[0]),
+        .IO_ISOL_N(IO_ISOL_N)
+        );
+// ----- Force constant '0' to FPGA I/O as this testbench only check
+// programming phase -----
+	assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_IN[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
+	assign gfpga_pad_EMBEDDED_IO_HD_SOC_OUT[0:`FPGA_IO_SIZE - 1] = {`FPGA_IO_SIZE {1'b0}};
+// Generate a pulse after operating reset is disabled (in the 2nd clock
+// cycle). Then the head of scan chain should be always zero
+	always @(negedge op_clock[0]) begin
+        sc_head = 1'b1;
+        if (0 != num_clock_cycles) begin
+            sc_head = 1'b0;
+        end
+	end
+// ----- Count the number of programming cycles -------
+	always @(posedge op_clock[0]) begin
+        num_clock_cycles = num_clock_cycles + 1; 
+        // Indicate when scan chain loading is suppose to end
+        if (`FPGA_SCANCHAIN_SIZE + 1 == num_clock_cycles) begin
+            scan_done = 1'b1;
+        end
+        // Check the tail of scan-chain when configuration is done 
+        if (1'b1 == scan_done) begin
+           // The tail should spit a pulse after configuration is done
+           // So it should be at logic '1' and then pulled down to logic '0'
+           if (0 == num_checked_points) begin
+             if (sc_tail !== 1'b1) begin
+               $display("Error: sc_tail = %b", sc_tail);
+               num_errors = num_errors + 1;
+             end
+           end
+           if (1 <= num_checked_points) begin
+             if (sc_tail !== 1'b0) begin
+               $display("Error: sc_tail = %b", sc_tail);
+               num_errors = num_errors + 1;
+             end
+           end
+           num_checked_points = num_checked_points + 1;
+        end
+        if (2 < num_checked_points) begin
+           $display("Simulation finish with %d errors", num_errors);
+           // End simulation
+           $finish;
+        end
+	end