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<pathd="M 264.71875 1157.2559 L 840.7891 1157.2559 L 811.125 1136.8125 L 289.67095 1136.3008 Z"stroke="black"stroke-linecap="round"stroke-linejoin="round"stroke-width="1"/>
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<pathd="M 731.5156 1157.2559 L 746.0156 1175.418 L 738.3477 1175.418 L 738.3477 1213.086 L 746.0156 1213.086 L 731.5156 1231.248 L 717.0156 1213.086 L 724.6836 1213.086 L 724.6836 1175.418 L 717.0156 1175.418 Z"stroke="black"stroke-linecap="round"stroke-linejoin="round"stroke-width="1"/>
<pathd="M 399.19727 1161.1016 L 413.69727 1179.2637 L 406.0293 1179.2637 L 406.0293 1202.7285 L 413.69727 1202.7285 L 399.19727 1220.8906 L 384.69727 1202.7285 L 392.36523 1202.7285 L 392.36523 1179.2637 L 384.69727 1179.2637 Z"fill="#ffc0c0"/>
<pathd="M 399.19727 1161.1016 L 413.69727 1179.2637 L 406.0293 1179.2637 L 406.0293 1202.7285 L 413.69727 1202.7285 L 399.19727 1220.8906 L 384.69727 1202.7285 L 392.36523 1202.7285 L 392.36523 1179.2637 L 384.69727 1179.2637 Z"stroke="black"stroke-linecap="round"stroke-linejoin="round"stroke-width="1"/>
<tspanfont-family="Times"font-size="16"font-weight="400"fill="#ff2600"x="0"y="15">Mode switch truth table:</tspan>
<tspanfont-family="Times"font-size="16"font-weight="400"fill="#ff2600"x="0"y="34">- When Caravel GPIO[25] is logic ‘1’, FPGA is interfacing the Wishbone bus</tspan>
<tspanfont-family="Times"font-size="16"font-weight="400"fill="#ff2600"x="0"y="53">- When Caravel GPIO[25] is logic ‘0’, FPGA is interfacing the logic analyzer</tspan>
<pathd="M 747.7241 747.7502 L 737.471 737.4971 L 719.6939 755.2742 L 714.5674 750.1477 L 715.62805 769.5931 L 735.0735 770.6538 L 729.947 765.5273 Z"fill="#c0c0ff"/>
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