mirror of https://github.com/lnis-uofu/SOFA.git
164 lines
5.6 KiB
164 lines
5.6 KiB
# Main Makefile
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# This is a main makefile, used to create, sync and update design projects
SHELL =bash
PYTHON_EXEC :=python3.8
GIT_EXEC :=git
PORT :=8001
GITHUB_COM ?=github
OPENPHY_OWNER ?=ganeshgore
define copy_files
# Script Files
ln -$(1) ../src/generate_top_qlap3.py .
ln -$(1) ../src/PostOpenFPGAScript.sh .
ln -$(1) ../src/Makefile .
ln -$(1) ../src/RestructureNetlist_QLAP3.py .
ln -$(1) ../src/generate_scandef_and_case_analysis.sh .
# Design Planning
echo "Linking PnR Scripts in project folder"
mkdir -p dp/fpga_top
mkdir -p pnr
ln -$(1) ../../../src/dp/fpga_top/custom_scripts dp/fpga_top/
ln -$(1) ../../../src/dp/fpga_top/extra_scripts dp/fpga_top/
ln -$(1) ../../../src/dp/fpga_top/rm_setup dp/fpga_top/
ln -$(1) ../../../src/dp/fpga_top/rm_icc2_dp_scripts dp/fpga_top/
ln -$(1) ../../../src/dp/fpga_top/Makefile dp/fpga_top/
# Place and route
ln -$(1) ../../src/pnr/custom_pnr_scripts pnr/
ln -$(1) ../../src/pnr/PrimeTimeScripts pnr/
ln -$(1) ../../src/pnr/rm_icc2_pnr_scripts pnr/
ln -$(1) ../../src/pnr/rm_setup_common pnr/
echo "PnR Scripts linked in project folder"
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
# Prints help message for this makefile
# Hosts the docs branch of hit repository over python http server
# Most of the physical design projects are closed source and hosted on
# the private repository, making hosting documentation on ``readthedocs``
# or ``Github pages`` challenging. In this framework, as soon as the
# documentation is updated in the repository, it is compiled using a configured
# runner, and output HTML is stored in a separate branch named ``docs``.
# ``make docs`` command allows you to pull the docs branch and host HTMlL pages
# using a local python webserver.
${GIT_EXEC} fetch origin docs
${GIT_EXEC} checkout origin/docs -- docs/_build/html
git rm -r --cached docs/_build/html
echo "Hosting server on $$PORT port"
${PYTHON_EXEC} -m http.server ${PORT} --directory docs/_build/html &
create_project: FORCE
# This command creates design project
# This command requires mandatory argument ``PROJ_NAME`` which should be in
# ``FPGA<XX>x<YY>_<name>`` format where ``XX`` and ``YY`` is FPGA grid
# dimensions and ``name`` is any unique project name for the design
[ -z "$$PROJ_NAME" ] && echo "PROJ_NAME variable not provided" && exit
[ -d "$${PROJ_NAME}_pnr" ] && echo "Project $$PROJ_NAME already exists" && exit
[[ $$PROJ_NAME != FPGA[0-9]*x[0-9]*_* ]] && echo "Project name format is wrong $$PROJ_NAME " && exit
echo -n "Do you want to create project directory $${PROJ_NAME}_pnr (y/n)? "
read answer
if [ "$$answer" != "$${answer#[Yy]}" ] ;then
echo "Creating project directory"
mkdir -p $${PROJ_NAME}_pnr && cd $${PROJ_NAME}_pnr
# Move and rename example
cp -r ../src/Example_OpenFPGA_task .
mv Example_OpenFPGA_task $${PROJ_NAME}_task
cp ../src/config.sh .
sed -i "s/PROJ_NAME=.*\#/PROJ_NAME=$${PROJ_NAME} \#/g" config.sh
$(call copy_files,s)
echo "Skipping project initialization"
# This target pushes the local changes to openfpga-physical main repository
# ``BRANCH`` To specify pull from specific branch
# This target pushes the local changes to openfpga-physical main repository
# ``BRANCH`` To specify pull from specific branch
git config alias.merge merge --no-commit
echo "Executing ${GIT_EXEC} subtree pull --prefix=openfpga-physical \
git@${GITHUB_COM}.com:${OPENPHY_OWNER}/openfpga-physical.git $${BRANCH} --squash "
${GIT_EXEC} subtree --squash --prefix=openfpga-physical pull \
git@${GITHUB_COM}.com:${OPENPHY_OWNER}/openfpga-physical.git $${BRANCH} $${GIT_OPTIONS}
echo "Pulling new changes to openfpga-physical script"
git config -unset alias.merge
# This target pushes the local changes to openfpga-physical main repository
if [[ "$${BRANCH}" == "main" ]]; then
echo "**** Use make push BRNACH_NAME=<name> ****"
echo "subtree push to main branch is not supported "
echo "Trying to push subtree to $${BRANCH}"
gitroot=$$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
rel_path=$$(realpath --relative-to=$${gitroot} $$current_dir)
echo "current_dir $${current_dir}"
echo "gitroot $${gitroot}"
echo "rel_path $${rel_path}"
${GIT_EXEC} subtree push --prefix=openfpga-physical \
git@${GITHUB_COM}.com:${OPENPHY_OWNER}/openfpga-physical.git $${BRANCH} $${GIT_OPTIONS}
# >>> deprecated pull_openfpga_physical target performs merge wth no commit <<
# diff_openfpga_physical:
# # This target shows diff of local subtree with remote repository
# #
# BRANCH=$${BRANCH:='main'}
# if ! ${GIT_EXEC} remote | grep "openfpga-physical" > /dev/null; then
# echo "[ INFO] Adding openfpga-physical in remote"
# git remote add openfpga-physical git@${GITHUB_COM}.com:${OPENPHY_OWNER}/openfpga-physical.git
# fi
# git fetch --depth 1 openfpga-physical $${BRANCH}
# git diff openfpga-physical/$${BRANCH} HEAD:openfpga-physical --name-only
# This target shows current version of openfpga-physical in the repository
echo "TODO"
echo "Show version from readme file"
echo "Showlast upadated option"
import re
with open ('Makefile', 'r' ) as f:
matches = re.finditer('^([a-zA-Z-_]*):.*\n#(.*)', f.read(), flags=re.M)
for _, match in enumerate(matches, start=1):
header, content = match[1], match[2]
print(f" {header:10} {content}")