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# Python script generate Verilog codes for the Caravel wrapper
# which interface the FPGA fabric and other SoC components
# This script will
# - generate the Verilog codes to connect FPGA inputs to Wishbone and Logic analyzer
# - generate the Verilog codes to connect FPGA outputs to Wishbone and Logic analyzer
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, isfile
import shutil
import re
import argparse
import logging
import json
# Initialize logger
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
# Parse the options
# - OpenFPGA root path is a manadatory option
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generator for technology-mapped wrapper')
parser.add_argument('--template_netlist', default='caravel_fpga_wrapper_hd_template.v',
help='Specify template verilog netlist')
parser.add_argument('--pin_assignment_file', required=True,
help='Specify the json file constaining pin assignment information')
parser.add_argument('--output_verilog', default='caravel_fpga_wrapper_hd.v',
help='Specify output verilog file path')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check options:
# - Input json file must be valid
# Otherwise, error out
if not isfile(args.pin_assignment_file):
logging.error("Invalid pin assignment file: " + args.pin_assignment_file + "\nFile does not exist!\n")
# Parse the json file
json_file = open(args.pin_assignment_file, "r")
pin_data = json.load(json_file)
# A function to parse pin range from json data
# JSON pin range format is LSB:MSB
# Return pin range format is [LSB, MSB] as a list
def parse_json_pin_range(json_range) :
pin_range_str = json_range.split(':')
assert(2 == len(pin_range_str))
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
# If the range is in decend order, we will decrease the MSB by 1
if (int(pin_range_str[0]) > int(pin_range_str[1])) :
return range(int(pin_range_str[0]), int(pin_range_str[1]) - 1, -1)
# If the range is in acend order, we will increase the MSB by 1
return range(int(pin_range_str[0]), int(pin_range_str[1]) + 1)
# Generate wrapper lines
netlist_lines = []
# Walk through the array containing the pin information
for pin_info in pin_data['pins']:
# Deposit a tab to respect the HDL coding indent
curr_line = ""
# TODO: Check codes that ensure the pin index should match
assert(0 < len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(0 < len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Branch on the types of connnections:
# - FPGA I/O to Caravel GPIO
if (("io" == pin_info['fpga_pin_type']) \
and (1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type'])) \
and ("gpio" == pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][0])):
# Should have only 1 port in caravel
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Get pin range
fpga_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['fpga_pin_index'])
caravel_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][0])
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(caravel_io_pin_range)))
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(caravel_io_pin_range)) :
# Connect all the input, output and direction port
# FPGA input <- Caravel input
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['fpga_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['caravel_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "];";
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# FPGA output -> Caravel output
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['fpga_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "];";
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# FPGA direction -> Caravel direction
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_direction_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['fpga_gpio_direction_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "];";
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# - FPGA control input ports to Caravel GPIO
if (("io" != pin_info['fpga_pin_type']) \
and (1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type'])) \
and ("input" == pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][0])):
# Should have only 1 port in caravel
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Get pin range
fpga_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['fpga_pin_index'])
caravel_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][0])
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(caravel_io_pin_range)))
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(caravel_io_pin_range)) :
# Connect the FPGA input port to the Caravel input
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_info['fpga_pin_type'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['caravel_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "];";
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# Tie Caravel output port to logic '0'
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = 1'b0;"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# Tie Caravel direction port to logic '1'
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_direction_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = 1'b1;"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# - FPGA control output ports to Caravel GPIO
if (("io" != pin_info['fpga_pin_type']) \
and (1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type'])) \
and ("output" == pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][0])):
# Should have only 1 port in caravel
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Get pin range
fpga_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['fpga_pin_index'])
caravel_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][0])
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(caravel_io_pin_range)))
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(caravel_io_pin_range)) :
# Bypass the Caravel input
# Connect Caravel output port to FPGA control output
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = " \
+ pin_info['fpga_pin_type'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "];";
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# Tie Caravel direction port to logic '0'
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_gpio_direction_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "] = 1'b0;"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# - FPGA I/O ports to Caravel logic analyzer I/O only
if (("io" == pin_info['fpga_pin_type']) \
and (1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type'])) \
and ("logic_analyzer_io" == pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][0])):
# Should have only 1 port in caravel
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(1 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Get pin range
fpga_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['fpga_pin_index'])
caravel_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][0])
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(caravel_io_pin_range)))
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(caravel_io_pin_range)) :
# SOC INPUT will be directly driven by logic analyzer
# since this I/O is going to interface logic analyzer input only
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['fpga_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "]" + ";"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# SOC OUTPUT will directly drive logic analyzer
# since this I/O is going to interface logic analyzer output only
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "]" \
+ " = " + pin_data['fpga_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "];"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# - FPGA I/O ports to Caravel logic analyzer I/O and Wishbone interface
if (("io" == pin_info['fpga_pin_type']) \
and (2 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type'])) \
and ("logic_analyzer_io" == pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][0]) \
and (pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][1].startswith("wishbone"))):
# Should have only 2 port in caravel
assert(2 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_type']))
assert(2 == len(pin_info['caravel_pin_index']))
# Get pin range
fpga_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['fpga_pin_index'])
la_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][0])
wb_io_pin_range = parse_json_pin_range(pin_info['caravel_pin_index'][1])
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(la_io_pin_range)))
assert(len(list(fpga_io_pin_range)) == len(list(wb_io_pin_range)))
# If this is an input pin of wishbone interface, whose postfix is '_i', we use MUX
# otherwise, this is an output pin, we just wire the input to logic analyzer
if (pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][1].endswith("_input")):
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(la_io_pin_range), list(wb_io_pin_range)) :
# SOC INPUT will be directly driven by either
# - the Wishbone input
# or
# - the logic analyzer input
# through a multiplexer controlled by the signal 'wb_la_switch
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1 FPGA2SOC_IN_" + str(indices[0]) + "_MUX (" \
+ ".S(" + pin_data['mode_switch_pin_name'] + "), " \
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
+ ".A1(" + pin_data['caravel_' + pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][1] + '_name'] + "[" + str(indices[2]) + "]), " \
+ ".A0(" + pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "]), " \
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
+ ".X(" + pin_data['fpga_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "])" \
+ ");"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# SOC OUTPUT will drive an output of logic analyzer
# since this I/O is going to interface a Wishbone input only
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "]" \
+ " = " + pin_data['fpga_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "];"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
elif (pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][1].endswith("_output")):
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
for indices in zip(list(fpga_io_pin_range), list(la_io_pin_range), list(wb_io_pin_range)) :
# SOC INPUT will be directly driven by logic analyzer
# since this I/O is going to interface a Wishbone output only
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "assign " + pin_data['fpga_gpio_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "] = " \
+ pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_input_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "];"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# SOC OUTPUT will drive the Wishbone output through a tri-state buffer
# As the buffer is enabled by logic '0', we use the inverted 'wb_la_switch'
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_4 FPGA2SOC_OUT_" + str(indices[0]) + "_DEMUX_WB (" \
+ ".TE_B(" + pin_data['inverted_mode_switch_pin_name'] + "), " \
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
+ ".A(" + pin_data['fpga_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "]), " \
+ ".Z(" + pin_data['caravel_' + pin_info['caravel_pin_type'][1] + '_name'] + "[" + str(indices[2]) + "])" \
+ ");"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
# SOC OUTPUT will also drive the Logic Analyzer output through a tri-state buffer
# As the buffer is enabled by logic '0', we use the 'wb_la_switch'
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
curr_line = "sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_4 FPGA2SOC_OUT_" + str(indices[0]) + "_DEMUX_LA (" \
+ ".TE_B(" + pin_data['mode_switch_pin_name'] + "), " \
2020-11-29 13:31:32 -06:00
+ ".A(" + pin_data['fpga_gpio_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[0]) + "]), " \
+ ".Z(" + pin_data['caravel_logic_analyzer_output_name'] + "[" + str(indices[1]) + "])" \
+ ");"
netlist_lines.append(" " + curr_line + "\n")
if isfile(args.output_verilog):
with open(args.template_netlist, "r") as wp:
template_netlist = wp.readlines()
for line_num, eachline in enumerate(template_netlist):
if "Autogenerate code start" in eachline:"Inserting on line {line_num}")
template_netlist[line_num+1:line_num+1] = netlist_lines"Outputting HDL codes to " +
str(args.output_verilog) + " ...")
vlog_file = open(args.output_verilog, "w")