1490 lines
53 KiB
1490 lines
53 KiB
# This file contains a collection of tests for tclUtf.c
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.5
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
testConstraint ucs2 [expr {[format %c 0x010000] eq "\uFFFD"}]
testConstraint fullutf [expr {[format %c 0x010000] ne "\uFFFD"}]
testConstraint utf16 [expr {[string length [format %c 0x10000]] == 2}]
testConstraint ucs4 [expr {[testConstraint fullutf]
&& [string length [format %c 0x10000]] == 1}]
testConstraint Uesc [expr {"\U0041" eq "A"}]
testConstraint pre388 [expr {"\x741" eq "A"}]
testConstraint pairsTo4bytes [expr {[llength [info commands teststringbytes]]
&& [string length [teststringbytes \uD83D\uDCA9]] == 4}]
testConstraint testbytestring [llength [info commands testbytestring]]
testConstraint testfindfirst [llength [info commands testfindfirst]]
testConstraint testfindlast [llength [info commands testfindlast]]
testConstraint testnumutfchars [llength [info commands testnumutfchars]]
testConstraint teststringobj [llength [info commands teststringobj]]
testConstraint testutfnext [llength [info commands testutfnext]]
testConstraint testutfprev [llength [info commands testutfprev]]
testConstraint tip413 [expr {[string trim \x00] eq {}}]
catch {unset x}
test utf-1.1 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 1 byte sequences} testbytestring {
expr {"\x01" eq [testbytestring \x01]}
} 1
test utf-1.2 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 2 byte sequences} testbytestring {
expr {"\x00" eq [testbytestring \xC0\x80]}
} 1
test utf-1.3 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 2 byte sequences} testbytestring {
expr {"\xE0" eq [testbytestring \xC3\xA0]}
} 1
test utf-1.4 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 3 byte sequences} testbytestring {
expr {"\u4E4E" eq [testbytestring \xE4\xB9\x8E]}
} 1
test utf-1.5 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: overflowed Tcl_UniChar} testbytestring {
expr {[format %c 0x110000] eq [testbytestring \xEF\xBF\xBD]}
} 1
test utf-1.6 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: negative Tcl_UniChar} testbytestring {
expr {[format %c -1] eq [testbytestring \xEF\xBF\xBD]}
} 1
test utf-1.7.0 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 4 byte sequences} {fullutf testbytestring} {
expr {"\U014E4E" eq [testbytestring \xF0\x94\xB9\x8E]}
} 1
test utf-1.7.1 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 4 byte sequences} {Uesc ucs2 testbytestring} {
expr {"\U014E4E" eq [testbytestring \xF0\x94\xB9\x8E]}
} 0
test utf-1.8 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 3 byte sequence, high surrogate} testbytestring {
expr {"\uD842" eq [testbytestring \xED\xA1\x82]}
} 1
test utf-1.9 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 3 byte sequence, low surrogate} testbytestring {
expr {"\uDC42" eq [testbytestring \xED\xB1\x82]}
} 1
test utf-1.10 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 3 byte sequence, high surrogate} testbytestring {
expr {[format %c 0xD842] eq [testbytestring \xED\xA1\x82]}
} 1
test utf-1.11 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 3 byte sequence, low surrogate} testbytestring {
expr {[format %c 0xDC42] eq [testbytestring \xED\xB1\x82]}
} 1
test utf-1.12 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: 4 byte sequence, high/low surrogate} {pairsTo4bytes testbytestring} {
expr {"\uD842\uDC42" eq [testbytestring \xF0\xA0\xA1\x82]}
} 1
test utf-1.13.0 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: Invalid surrogate} {Uesc ucs2} {
expr {"\UD842" eq "\uD842"}
} 1
test utf-1.13.1 {Tcl_UniCharToUtf: Invalid surrogate} {fullutf testbytestring} {
expr {"\UD842" eq [testbytestring \xEF\xBF\xBD]}
} 1
test utf-2.1 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: low ascii} {
string length "abc"
} 3
test utf-2.2 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: naked trail bytes} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \x82\x83\x84]
} 3
test utf-2.3 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (2-byte) followed by non-trail} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xC2]
} 1
test utf-2.4 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (2-byte) followed by trail} {
string length \xA2
} 1
test utf-2.5 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (3-byte) followed by non-trail} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xE2]
} 1
test utf-2.6 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (3-byte) followed by 1 trail} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xE2\xA2]
} 2
test utf-2.7 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (3-byte) followed by 2 trail} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xE4\xB9\x8E]
} 1
test utf-2.8.0 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} {ucs2 testbytestring} {
string length [testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80]
} 2
test utf-2.8.1 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} utf16 {
string length \U010000
} 2
test utf-2.8.2 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} ucs4 {
string length \U010000
} 1
test utf-2.9.0 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} {ucs2 testbytestring} {
string length [testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 2
test utf-2.9.1 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} utf16 {
string length \U10FFFF
} 2
test utf-2.9.2 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail} ucs4 {
string length \U10FFFF
} 1
test utf-2.10 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail, underflow} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xF0\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 4
test utf-2.11 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: lead (4-byte) followed by 3 trail, overflow} testbytestring {
# Would decode to U+110000 but that is outside the Unicode range.
string length [testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80]
} 4
test utf-2.12 {Tcl_UtfToUniChar: longer UTF sequences not supported} testbytestring {
string length [testbytestring \xF8\xA2\xA2\xA2\xA2]
} 5
test utf-3.1 {Tcl_UtfCharComplete} {
} {}
test utf-4.1 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: zero length} testnumutfchars {
testnumutfchars ""
} 0
test utf-4.2 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: length 1} testnumutfchars {
testnumutfchars \xA2
} 1
test utf-4.3 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: long string} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars abc\xA2[testbytestring \xE4\xB9\x8E\xA2\x4E]
} 7
test utf-4.4 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #x00} testnumutfchars {
testnumutfchars \x00
} 1
test utf-4.5 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: zero length, calc len} testnumutfchars {
testnumutfchars "" 0
} 0
test utf-4.6 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: length 1, calc len} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars \xA2 end
} 1
test utf-4.7 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: long string, calc len} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars abc\xA2[testbytestring \xE4\xB9\x8E\xA2\x4E] end
} 7
test utf-4.8 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #x00, calc len} testnumutfchars {
testnumutfchars \x00 end
} 1
# Bug [2738427]: Tcl_NumUtfChars(...) no overflow check
test utf-4.9 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #u20AC, calc len, incomplete} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \xE2\x82\xAC] end-1
} 2
test utf-4.10 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #x00, calc len, overcomplete} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \x00] end+1
} 2
test utf-4.11 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: 3 bytes of 4-byte UTF-8 characater} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9] end-1
} 3
test utf-4.12.0 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #4-byte UTF-8 character} {testnumutfchars testbytestring ucs2} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9] end
} 2
test utf-4.12.1 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: #4-byte UTF-8 character} {testnumutfchars testbytestring ucs4} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \xF0\x9F\x92\xA9] end
} 1
test utf-4.13 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: end of string} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars foobar[testbytestring \xF2\xC2\xA0] end
} 8
test utf-4.14 {Tcl_NumUtfChars: 3 bytes of 4-byte UTF-8 characater} {testnumutfchars testbytestring} {
testnumutfchars [testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80] end-1
} 3
test utf-5.1 {Tcl_UtfFindFirst} {testfindfirst testbytestring} {
testfindfirst [testbytestring abcbc] 98
} bcbc
test utf-5.2 {Tcl_UtfFindLast} {testfindlast testbytestring} {
testfindlast [testbytestring abcbc] 98
} bc
test utf-6.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
# This takes the pointer one past the terminating NUL.
# This is really an invalid call.
testutfnext [testbytestring \x00]
} 1
test utf-6.2 {Tcl_UtfNext} testutfnext {
testutfnext A
} 1
test utf-6.3 {Tcl_UtfNext} testutfnext {
testutfnext AA
} 1
test utf-6.4 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring A\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.5 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext A[testbytestring \xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.6 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext A[testbytestring \xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.7 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext A[testbytestring \xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.8 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext A[testbytestring \xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.9 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.10 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0]G
} 1
test utf-6.11.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.11.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\x00]
} 2
test utf-6.12 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.13 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.14 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.15 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.16 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.17 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0]G
} 1
test utf-6.18 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0]
} 2
test utf-6.19 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.20 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.21 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.22 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.23 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.24 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8]G
} 1
test utf-6.25 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.26 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.27 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.28 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.29 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.30.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.30.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.31 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2]G
} 1
test utf-6.32.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.32.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.33 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.34 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.35 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.36 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.37 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.38 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8]G
} 1
test utf-6.39 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.40 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.41 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.42 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.43 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF8\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.44 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0]G
} 2
test utf-6.45 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0]
} 2
test utf-6.46 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xD0]
} 2
test utf-6.47 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xE8]
} 2
test utf-6.48 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xF2]
} 2
test utf-6.49 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xF8]
} 2
test utf-6.50 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0]G
} 1
test utf-6.51 {Tcl_UtfNext} testutfnext {
testutfnext \u8820
} 3
test utf-6.52 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.53 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.54 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.55 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.56 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0]G
} 1
test utf-6.57 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.58 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.59 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.60 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.61 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.62 {Tcl_UtfNext} testutfnext {
testutfnext \u8820G
} 3
test utf-6.63 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-6.64 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xD0]
} 3
test utf-6.65 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xE8]
} 3
test utf-6.66 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xF2]
} 3
test utf-6.67 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xF8]
} 3
test utf-6.68 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0]G
} 1
test utf-6.69.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.69.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-6.70 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.71 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.72 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.73 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.74.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G
} 1
test utf-6.74.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G
} 4
test utf-6.75.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.75.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-6.76.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xD0]
} 1
test utf-6.76.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xD0]
} 4
test utf-6.77.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xE8]
} 1
test utf-6.77.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xE8]
} 4
test utf-6.78.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xF2]
} 1
test utf-6.78.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xF2]
} 4
test utf-6.79.0 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0G\xF8]
} 1
test utf-6.79.1 {Tcl_UtfNext} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0G\xF8]
} 4
test utf-6.80 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} testutfnext {
testutfnext \x00
} 2
test utf-6.81 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xC0\x81]
} 1
test utf-6.82 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xC1\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.83 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xC2\x80]
} 2
test utf-6.84 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE0\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.85 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xE0\xA0\x80]
} 3
test utf-6.86 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF0\x80\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.87.0 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.87.1 {Tcl_UtfNext - overlong sequences} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80]
} 4
test utf-6.88.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 3-byte valid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.88.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 3-byte valid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\x00]
} 2
test utf-6.89.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 3-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x00]
} 1
test utf-6.89.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 3-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x00]
} 2
test utf-6.90.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 1
test utf-6.90.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 4
test utf-6.91 {Tcl_UtfNext, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.92.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 4-byte valid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.92.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 4-byte valid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-6.93.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 4-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.93.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 4-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x80]
} 3
test utf-6.94.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 5-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-6.94.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 5-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-6.95.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 5-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-6.95.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, pointing to 2th byte of 5-byte invalid sequence} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \x80\x80\x80\x80]
} 3
test utf-6.96 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} testutfnext {
testutfnext G 0
} 0
test utf-6.97 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0] 0
} 0
test utf-6.98 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} testutfnext {
testutfnext AG 1
} 1
test utf-6.99 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext A[testbytestring \xA0] 1
} 1
test utf-6.100 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0]G 1
} 0
test utf-6.101 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0]G 2
} 2
test utf-6.102 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0] 1
} 0
test utf-6.103 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 2
test utf-6.104 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} testutfnext {
testutfnext \u8820G 1
} 0
test utf-6.105 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} testutfnext {
testutfnext \u8820G 2
} 0
test utf-6.106 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} testutfnext {
testutfnext \u8820G 3
} 3
test utf-6.107 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xA0] 1
} 0
test utf-6.108 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xA0] 2
} 0
test utf-6.109 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext \u8820[testbytestring \xA0] 3
} 3
# This testcase actually tests Tcl_UtfCharComplete, not Tcl_UtfNext
test utf-6.110 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 1
} 0
# This testcase actually tests Tcl_UtfCharComplete, not Tcl_UtfNext
test utf-6.111 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 2
} 0
test utf-6.112.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 3
} 1
test utf-6.112.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 3
} 0
test utf-6.113.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 4
} 1
test utf-6.113.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 4
} 4
# This testcase actually tests Tcl_UtfCharComplete, not Tcl_UtfNext
test utf-6.114 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 1
} 0
# This testcase actually tests Tcl_UtfCharComplete, not Tcl_UtfNext
test utf-6.115 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 0
test utf-6.116.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-6.116.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 0
test utf-6.117.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 1
test utf-6.117.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 4
test utf-6.118 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0]G 0
} 0
test utf-6.119 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0]G 1
} 0
test utf-6.120 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0] 1
} 0
test utf-6.121 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0]G 2
} 0
test utf-6.122 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 0
test utf-6.123.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0]G 3
} 1
test utf-6.123.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0]G 3
} 3
test utf-6.124.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-6.124.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 3
test utf-6.125.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 4
} 1
test utf-6.125.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]G 4
} 3
test utf-6.126.0 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 1
test utf-6.126.1 {Tcl_UtfNext, read limits} {testutfnext testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfnext [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 3
test utf-7.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} testutfprev {
testutfprev {}
} 0
test utf-7.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} testutfprev {
testutfprev A
} 0
test utf-7.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev} testutfprev {
testutfprev AA
} 1
test utf-7.4 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8]
} 1
test utf-7.4.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.4.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xF8\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.5 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2]
} 1
test utf-7.5.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.5.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xF8\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.6 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8]
} 1
test utf-7.6.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.6.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xF8\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.7 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0]
} 1
test utf-7.7.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.7.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xF8\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.8 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.8.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.8.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xF8\xA0\xA0] 2
} 1
test utf-7.9 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0]
} 2
test utf-7.9.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.9.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.10.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0]
} 2
test utf-7.10.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.10.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.10.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.10.4 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.10.5 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.11 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.11.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.11.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.11.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xF8] 3
} 1
test utf-7.12 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.12.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.12.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 1
test utf-7.13 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0]
} 2
test utf-7.13.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.13.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xF8\xA0] 3
} 2
test utf-7.14 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-7.14.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 3
test utf-7.14.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF8\xA0\xA0\xF8] 4
} 3
test utf-7.15.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-7.15.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.15.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 3
test utf-7.15.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 1
test utf-7.15.4 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xF8] 4
} 3
test utf-7.15.5 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF2\xA0\xA0\xF8] 4
} 1
test utf-7.16 {Tcl_UtfPrev} testutfprev {
testutfprev A\u8820
} 1
test utf-7.16.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 1
test utf-7.16.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A\u8820[testbytestring \xF8] 4
} 1
test utf-7.17 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-7.17.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 3
test utf-7.17.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0\xF8] 4
} 3
test utf-7.18.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-7.18.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0] 4
} 3
test utf-7.18.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0\xF8] 4
} 3
test utf-7.19 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xF8\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-7.20.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-7.20.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xF2\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.21 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE8\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-7.22 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xD0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-7.23 {Tcl_UtfPrev} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring A\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 4
test utf-7.24 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xC0\x81]
} 2
test utf-7.25 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xC0\x81] 2
} 1
test utf-7.26 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\x80\x80]
} 3
test utf-7.27 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\x80]
} 2
test utf-7.27.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\x80\x80] 3
} 2
test utf-7.28 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0]
} 1
test utf-7.28.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\x80\x80] 2
} 1
test utf-7.29 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x80\x80\x80]
} 4
test utf-7.30 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x80\x80\x80] 4
} 3
test utf-7.31 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x80\x80\x80] 3
} 2
test utf-7.32 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x80\x80\x80] 2
} 1
test utf-7.33 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} testutfprev {
testutfprev A\x00
} 1
test utf-7.34 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xC1\x80]
} 2
test utf-7.35 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xC2\x80]
} 1
test utf-7.36 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\xA0\x80]
} 1
test utf-7.37 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\xA0\x80] 3
} 1
test utf-7.38 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xE0\xA0\x80] 2
} 1
test utf-7.39.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80]
} 4
test utf-7.39.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80]
} 1
test utf-7.40.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80] 4
} 3
test utf-7.40.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80] 4
} 1
test utf-7.41.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80] 3
} 2
test utf-7.41.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80] 3
} 1
test utf-7.42 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- overlong sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF0\x90\x80\x80] 2
} 1
test utf-7.43 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- no lead byte at start} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xA0]
} 0
test utf-7.44 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- no lead byte at start} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xA0\xA0]
} 1
test utf-7.45 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- no lead byte at start} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 2
test utf-7.46 {Tcl_UtfPrev -- no lead byte at start} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0]
} 3
test utf-7.47 {Tcl_UtfPrev, pointing to 3th byte of 3-byte valid sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xE8\xA0]
} 0
test utf-7.47.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev, pointing to 3th byte of 3-byte valid sequence} testutfprev {
testutfprev \u8820 2
} 0
test utf-7.47.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev, pointing to 3th byte of 3-byte invalid sequence} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev [testbytestring \xE8\xA0\x00] 2
} 0
test utf-7.48.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 4
test utf-7.48.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF]
} 1
test utf-7.48.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF] 4
} 3
test utf-7.48.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF] 4
} 1
test utf-7.48.4 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring ucs2} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF] 3
} 2
test utf-7.48.5 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring fullutf} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF] 3
} 1
test utf-7.48.6 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x8F\xBF\xBF] 2
} 1
test utf-7.49.0 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80]
} 4
test utf-7.49.1 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80] 4
} 3
test utf-7.49.2 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80] 3
} 2
test utf-7.49.3 {Tcl_UtfPrev, validity check [493dccc2de]} {testutfprev testbytestring} {
testutfprev A[testbytestring \xF4\x90\x80\x80] 2
} 1
test utf-8.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: index = 0} {
string index abcd 0
} a
test utf-8.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: index = 0} {
string index \u4E4E\u25A 0
} \u4E4E
test utf-8.3 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: index > 0} {
string index abcd 2
} c
test utf-8.4 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: index > 0} {
string index \u4E4E\u25A\xFF\u543 2
} \xFF
test utf-8.5.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: high surrogate} ucs2 {
string index \uD842 0
} \uD842
test utf-8.5.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: high surrogate} ucs4 {
string index \uD842 0
} \uD842
test utf-8.5.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: high surrogate} utf16 {
string index \uD842 0
} \uD842
test utf-8.6 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: low surrogate} {
string index \uDC42 0
} \uDC42
test utf-8.7.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs2 {
string index \uD83D\uDE00G 0
} \uD83D
test utf-8.7.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 0
} \U1F600
test utf-8.7.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 0
} \U1F600
test utf-8.8.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs2 {
string index \uD83D\uDE00G 1
} \uDE00
test utf-8.8.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 1
} G
test utf-8.8.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 1
} {}
test utf-8.9.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs2 {
string index \uD83D\uDE00G 2
} G
test utf-8.9.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 2
} {}
test utf-8.9.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 2
} G
test utf-8.10.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string index \U1F600G 0
} \uFFFD
test utf-8.10.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 0
} \U1F600
test utf-8.10.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 0
} \U1F600
test utf-8.11.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string index \U1F600G 1
} G
test utf-8.11.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 1
} G
test utf-8.11.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 1
} {}
test utf-8.12.0 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string index \U1F600G 2
} {}
test utf-8.12.1 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} ucs4 {
string index \U1F600G 2
} {}
test utf-8.12.2 {Tcl_UniCharAtIndex: Emoji} utf16 {
string index \U1F600G 2
} G
test utf-9.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0} {
string range abcd 0 2
} abc
test utf-9.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0} {
string range \u4E4E\u25A\xFF\u543klmnop 1 5
} \u25A\xFF\u543kl
test utf-9.3.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} ucs2 {
string range \uD83D\uDE00G 0 0
} \uD83D
test utf-9.3.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 0 0
} \U1F600
test utf-9.3.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 0 0
} \U1F600
test utf-9.4.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs2 {
string range \uD83D\uDE00G 1 1
} \uDE00
test utf-9.4.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 1 1
} G
test utf-9.4.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 1 1
} {}
test utf-9.5.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs2 {
string range \uD83D\uDE00G 2 2
} G
test utf-9.5.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 2 2
} {}
test utf-9.5.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 2 2
} G
test utf-9.6.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string range \U1F600G 0 0
} \uFFFD
test utf-9.6.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 0 0
} \U1F600
test utf-9.6.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index = 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 0 0
} \U1F600
test utf-9.7.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string range \U1F600G 1 1
} G
test utf-9.7.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 1 1
} G
test utf-9.7.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 1 1
} {}
test utf-9.8.0 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} {Uesc ucs2} {
string range \U1F600G 2 2
} {}
test utf-9.8.1 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} ucs4 {
string range \U1F600G 2 2
} {}
test utf-9.8.2 {Tcl_UtfAtIndex: index > 0, Emoji} utf16 {
string range \U1F600G 2 2
} G
test utf-10.1 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: dst == NULL} {
set x \n
} {
test utf-10.2 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: \u subst} testbytestring {
expr {"\uA2" eq [testbytestring \xC2\xA2]}
} 1
test utf-10.3 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: longer \u subst} testbytestring {
expr {"\u4E21" eq [testbytestring \xE4\xB8\xA1]}
} 1
test utf-10.4 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: stops at first non-hex} testbytestring {
expr {"\u4E2k" eq "[testbytestring \xD3\xA2]k"}
} 1
test utf-10.5 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: stops after 4 hex chars} testbytestring {
expr {"\u4E216" eq "[testbytestring \xE4\xB8\xA1]6"}
} 1
test utf-10.6 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: stops after 5 hex chars} {fullutf testbytestring} {
expr {"\U1E2165" eq "[testbytestring \xF0\x9E\x88\x96]5"}
} 1
test utf-10.7 {Tcl_UtfBackslash: stops after 6 hex chars} {fullutf testbytestring} {
expr {"\U10E2165" eq "[testbytestring \xF4\x8E\x88\x96]5"}
} 1
proc bsCheck {char num {constraints {}}} {
global errNum
test utf-10.$errNum {backslash substitution} $constraints {
scan $char %c value
set value
} $num
incr errNum
set errNum 8
bsCheck \b 8
bsCheck \e 101
bsCheck \f 12
bsCheck \n 10
bsCheck \r 13
bsCheck \t 9
bsCheck \v 11
bsCheck \{ 123
bsCheck \} 125
bsCheck \[ 91
bsCheck \] 93
bsCheck \$ 36
bsCheck \ 32
bsCheck \; 59
bsCheck \\ 92
bsCheck \Ca 67
bsCheck \Ma 77
bsCheck \CMa 67
# prior to 8.3, this returned 8, as \8 as accepted as an
# octal value - but it isn't! [Bug: 3975]
bsCheck \8a 56
bsCheck \14 12
bsCheck \141 97
bsCheck b\0 98
bsCheck \x 120
bsCheck \xa 10
bsCheck \xA 10
bsCheck \x41 65
bsCheck \x541 65 pre388 ;# == \x41
bsCheck \x541 84 !pre388 ;# == \x54 1
bsCheck \u 117
bsCheck \uk 117
bsCheck \u41 65
bsCheck \ua 10
bsCheck \uA 10
bsCheck \340 224
bsCheck \uA1 161
bsCheck \u4E21 20001
bsCheck \741 225 pre388 ;# == \341
bsCheck \741 60 !pre388 ;# == \74 1
bsCheck \U 85
bsCheck \Uk 85
bsCheck \U41 65 Uesc
bsCheck \Ua 10 Uesc
bsCheck \UA 10 Uesc
bsCheck \UA1 161 Uesc
bsCheck \U4E21 20001 Uesc
bsCheck \U004E21 20001 Uesc
bsCheck \U00004E21 20001 Uesc
bsCheck \U0000004E21 78 Uesc
bsCheck \U00110000 69632 fullutf
bsCheck \U01100000 69632 fullutf
bsCheck \U11000000 69632 fullutf
bsCheck \U0010FFFF 1114111 fullutf
bsCheck \U010FFFF0 1114111 fullutf
bsCheck \U10FFFF00 1114111 fullutf
bsCheck \UFFFFFFFF 1048575 fullutf
test utf-11.1 {Tcl_UtfToUpper} {
string toupper {}
} {}
test utf-11.2 {Tcl_UtfToUpper} {
string toupper abc
test utf-11.3 {Tcl_UtfToUpper} {
string toupper \xE3gh
} \xC3GH
test utf-11.4 {Tcl_UtfToUpper} {
string toupper \u01E3gh
} \u01E2GH
test utf-11.5 {Tcl_UtfToUpper Georgian (new in Unicode 11)} {
string toupper \u10D0\u1C90
} \u1C90\u1C90
test utf-11.6 {Tcl_UtfToUpper beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string toupper \U10428
} \U10400
test utf-11.7 {Tcl_UtfToUpper beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string toupper \uD801\uDC28
} \uD801\uDC00
test utf-11.8 {Tcl_UtfToUpper low/high surrogate)} {
string toupper \uDC24\uD824
} \uDC24\uD824
test utf-12.1 {Tcl_UtfToLower} {
string tolower {}
} {}
test utf-12.2 {Tcl_UtfToLower} {
string tolower ABC
} abc
test utf-12.3 {Tcl_UtfToLower} {
string tolower \xC3GH
} \xE3gh
test utf-12.4 {Tcl_UtfToLower} {
string tolower \u01E2GH
} \u01E3gh
test utf-12.5 {Tcl_UtfToLower Georgian (new in Unicode 11)} {
string tolower \u10D0\u1C90
} \u10D0\u10D0
test utf-12.6 {Tcl_UtfToLower low/high surrogate)} {
string tolower \uDC24\uD824
} \uDC24\uD824
test utf-12.7 {Tcl_UtfToLower beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string tolower \U10400
} \U10428
test utf-12.8 {Tcl_UtfToLower beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string tolower \uD801\uDC00
} \uD801\uDC28
test utf-13.1 {Tcl_UtfToTitle} {
string totitle {}
} {}
test utf-13.2 {Tcl_UtfToTitle} {
string totitle abc
} Abc
test utf-13.3 {Tcl_UtfToTitle} {
string totitle \xE3GH
} \xC3gh
test utf-13.4 {Tcl_UtfToTitle} {
string totitle \u01F3AB
} \u01F2ab
test utf-13.5 {Tcl_UtfToTitle Georgian (new in Unicode 11)} {
string totitle \u10D0\u1C90
} \u10D0\u1C90
test utf-13.6 {Tcl_UtfToTitle Georgian (new in Unicode 11)} {
string totitle \u1C90\u10D0
} \u1C90\u10D0
test utf-13.7 {Tcl_UtfToTitle low/high surrogate)} {
string totitle \uDC24\uD824
} \uDC24\uD824
test utf-13.8 {Tcl_UtfToTitle beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string totitle \U10428\U10400
} \U10400\U10428
test utf-13.9 {Tcl_UtfToTitle beyond U+FFFF} fullutf {
string totitle \uD801\uDC28\uD801\uDC00
} \uD801\uDC00\uD801\uDC28
test utf-14.1 {Tcl_UtfNcasecmp} {
string compare -nocase a b
} -1
test utf-14.2 {Tcl_UtfNcasecmp} {
string compare -nocase b a
} 1
test utf-14.3 {Tcl_UtfNcasecmp} {
string compare -nocase B a
} 1
test utf-14.4 {Tcl_UtfNcasecmp} {
string compare -nocase aBcB abca
} 1
test utf-15.1 {Tcl_UniCharToUpper, negative delta} {
string toupper aA
} AA
test utf-15.2 {Tcl_UniCharToUpper, positive delta} {
string toupper \u0178\xFF
} \u0178\u0178
test utf-15.3 {Tcl_UniCharToUpper, no delta} {
string toupper !
} !
test utf-16.1 {Tcl_UniCharToLower, negative delta} {
string tolower aA
} aa
test utf-16.2 {Tcl_UniCharToLower, positive delta} {
string tolower \u0178\xFF\uA78D\u01C5
} \xFF\xFF\u0265\u01C6
test utf-17.1 {Tcl_UniCharToLower, no delta} {
string tolower !
} !
test utf-18.1 {Tcl_UniCharToTitle, add one for title} {
string totitle \u01C4
} \u01C5
test utf-18.2 {Tcl_UniCharToTitle, subtract one for title} {
string totitle \u01C6
} \u01C5
test utf-18.3 {Tcl_UniCharToTitle, subtract delta for title (positive)} {
string totitle \u017F
} \x53
test utf-18.4 {Tcl_UniCharToTitle, subtract delta for title (negative)} {
string totitle \xFF
} \u0178
test utf-18.5 {Tcl_UniCharToTitle, no delta} {
string totitle !
} !
test utf-19.1 {TclUniCharLen} -body {
list [regexp \\d abc456def foo] $foo
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain foo
} -result {1 4}
test utf-20.1 {TclUniCharNcmp} ucs4 {
string compare [string range [format %c 0xFFFF] 0 0] [string range [format %c 0x10000] 0 0]
} -1
test utf-20.2 {[4c591fa487] TclUniCharNcmp/TclUtfNcmp} {
set one [format %c 0xFFFF]
set two [format %c 0x10000]
set first [string compare $one $two]
string range $one 0 0
string range $two 0 0
set second [string compare $one $two]
expr {($first == $second) ? "agree" : "disagree"}
} agree
test utf-21.1 {TclUniCharIsAlnum} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
string is alnum \u1040\u021F\u0220
} 1
test utf-21.2 {unicode alnum char in regc_locale.c} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
list [regexp {^[[:alnum:]]+$} \u1040\u021F\u0220] [regexp {^\w+$} \u1040\u021F\u0220_\u203F\u2040\u2054\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D\uFE4E\uFE4F\uFF3F]
} {1 1}
test utf-21.3 {unicode print char in regc_locale.c} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
regexp {^[[:print:]]+$} \uFBC1
} 1
test utf-21.4 {TclUniCharIsGraph} {
# [Bug 3464428]
string is graph \u0120
} 1
test utf-21.5 {unicode graph char in regc_locale.c} {
# [Bug 3464428]
regexp {^[[:graph:]]+$} \u0120
} 1
test utf-21.6 {TclUniCharIsGraph} {
# [Bug 3464428]
string is graph \xA0
} 0
test utf-21.7 {unicode graph char in regc_locale.c} {
# [Bug 3464428]
regexp {[[:graph:]]} \x20\xA0\u2028\u2029
} 0
test utf-21.8 {TclUniCharIsPrint} {
# [Bug 3464428]
string is print \x09
} 0
test utf-21.9 {unicode print char in regc_locale.c} {
# [Bug 3464428]
regexp {[[:print:]]} \x09
} 0
test utf-21.10 {unicode print char in regc_locale.c} {
# [Bug 3464428]
regexp {[[:print:]]} \x09
} 0
test utf-21.11 {TclUniCharIsControl} {
# [Bug 3464428]
string is control \x00\x1F\xAD\u0605\u061C\u180E\u2066\uFEFF
} 1
test utf-21.12 {unicode control char in regc_locale.c} {
# [Bug 3464428], [Bug a876646efe]
regexp {^[[:cntrl:]]*$} \x00\x1F\xAD\u0605\u061C\u180E\u2066\uFEFF
} 1
test utf-22.1 {TclUniCharIsWordChar} {
string wordend "xyz123_bar fg" 0
} 10
test utf-22.2 {TclUniCharIsWordChar} {
string wordend "x\u5080z123_bar\u203C fg" 0
} 10
test utf-23.1 {TclUniCharIsAlpha} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
string is alpha \u021F\u0220\u037F\u052F
} 1
test utf-23.2 {unicode alpha char in regc_locale.c} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
regexp {^[[:alpha:]]+$} \u021F\u0220\u037F\u052F
} 1
test utf-24.1 {TclUniCharIsDigit} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
string is digit \u1040\uABF0
} 1
test utf-24.2 {unicode digit char in regc_locale.c} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
list [regexp {^[[:digit:]]+$} \u1040\uABF0] [regexp {^\d+$} \u1040\uABF0]
} {1 1}
test utf-24.3 {TclUniCharIsSpace} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
string is space \u1680\u180E\u202F
} 1
test utf-24.4 {unicode space char in regc_locale.c} {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7 compliance
list [regexp {^[[:space:]]+$} \u1680\u180E\u202F] [regexp {^\s+$} \u1680\u180E\u202F]
} {1 1}
test utf-24.5 {TclUniCharIsSpace} tip413 {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7/TIP 413 compliance
string is space \x85\u1680\u180E\u200B\u202F\u2060
} 1
test utf-24.6 {unicode space char in regc_locale.c} tip413 {
# this returns 1 with Unicode 7/TIP 413 compliance
list [regexp {^[[:space:]]+$} \x85\u1680\u180E\u200B\u202F\u2060] [regexp {^\s+$} \x85\u1680\u180E\u200B\u202F\u2060]
} {1 1}
proc UniCharCaseCmpTest {order one two {constraints {}}} {
variable count
test utf-25.$count {Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp} -setup {
testobj freeallvars
} -constraints [linsert $constraints 0 teststringobj] -cleanup {
testobj freeallvars
} -body {
teststringobj set 1 $one
teststringobj set 2 $two
teststringobj getunicode 1
teststringobj getunicode 2
set result [string compare -nocase [teststringobj get 1] [teststringobj get 2]]
if {$result eq [string map {< -1 = 0 > 1} $order]} {
set result ok
} else {
set result "'$one' should be $order '$two' (no case)"
set result
} -result ok
incr count
variable count 1
UniCharCaseCmpTest < a b
UniCharCaseCmpTest > b a
UniCharCaseCmpTest > B a
UniCharCaseCmpTest > aBcB abca
UniCharCaseCmpTest < \uFFFF [format %c 0x10000] ucs4
UniCharCaseCmpTest < \uFFFF \U10000 ucs4
UniCharCaseCmpTest > [format %c 0x10000] \uFFFF ucs4
UniCharCaseCmpTest > \U10000 \uFFFF ucs4
test utf-26.1 {Tcl_UniCharDString} -setup {
testobj freeallvars
} -constraints {teststringobj testbytestring} -cleanup {
testobj freeallvars
} -body {
teststringobj set 1 foo
teststringobj getunicode 1
teststringobj append 1 [testbytestring barsoom\xF2\xC2\x80] 10
scan [string index [teststringobj get 1] 11] %c
} -result 128
unset count
rename UniCharCaseCmpTest {}
# cleanup
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: