185 lines
6.6 KiB
185 lines
6.6 KiB
# Tests for "auto_import" and autoloading facility
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# AUTHOR: Michael J. McLennan
# Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
# mmclennan@lucent.com
# http://www.tcltk.com/itcl
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
# ======================================================================
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package require tcltest 2.2
namespace import ::tcltest::test
package require itcl
set ::itcllib [lindex [lsearch -exact -index 1 -inline [info loaded] Itcl] 0]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test "itcl::import::stub" command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test import-1.1 {basic syntax for "stub" command} {
list [catch {itcl::import::stub} result] $result
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::import::stub subcommand ?arg ...?"}}
test import-1.1a {basic syntax for "stub" command
} -body {
list [catch {itcl::import::stub} result] $result
} -constraints {
} -result {1 {wrong # args: should be one of...
stub create name
stub exists name}}
test import-1.2 {"stub create" requires one argument} {
list [catch {itcl::import::stub create} result] $result \
[catch {itcl::import::stub create x y} result] $result
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::import::stub create name"} 1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::import::stub create name"}}
test import-1.3 {"stub exists" requires one argument} {
list [catch {itcl::import::stub exists} result] $result \
[catch {itcl::import::stub exists x y} result] $result
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::import::stub exists name"} 1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::import::stub exists name"}}
set interp [interp create]
$interp eval {set ::tcl::inl_mem_test 0}
$interp eval "
[list ::load $::itcllib Itcl]
[::tcltest::configure -load]
proc auto_load {cmd {namespace {}}} {
global debug
proc \$cmd {args} \[format {return \"%s: \$args\"} \$cmd\]
append debug \"(auto_load: \$cmd)\"
return 1
test import-1.4 {"stub create" creates a stub that triggers autoloading} {
$interp eval {
set debug ""
list [itcl::import::stub create foo::bar::test] \
[info commands ::foo::bar::test] \
[::foo::bar::test 1 2 3] \
} {{} ::foo::bar::test {::foo::bar::test: 1 2 3} {(auto_load: ::foo::bar::test)}}
test import-1.5 {"stub exists" recognizes stubs created by "stub create"} {
$interp eval {
set debug ""
itcl::import::stub create foo::bar::stub1
proc foo::bar::proc1 {{args {}}} {return "proc1: $args"}
list [itcl::import::stub exists foo::bar::stub1] \
[itcl::import::stub exists foo::bar::proc1]
} {1 0}
test import-1.6 {stubs can be autoloaded and replaced} {
$interp eval {
set debug ""
itcl::import::stub create foo::bar::stub2
list [itcl::import::stub exists foo::bar::stub2] \
[::foo::bar::stub2 a b c] \
[itcl::import::stub exists foo::bar::stub2] \
[::foo::bar::stub2 a b c] \
} {1 {::foo::bar::stub2: a b c} 0 {::foo::bar::stub2: a b c} {(auto_load: ::foo::bar::stub2)}}
catch {interp delete $interp}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test "itcl::import::stub" command
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set interp [interp create]
$interp eval {set ::tcl::inl_mem_test 0}
$interp eval "
[list ::load $::itcllib Itcl]
[::tcltest::configure -load]
proc auto_load {cmd {namespace {}}} {
proc \$cmd {args} \[format {return \"%s: \$args\"} \$cmd\]
return 1
test import-2.1 {initialize some commands for autoloading} {
$interp eval {
namespace eval test {
namespace export foo*
itcl::import::stub create ::test::foo1
itcl::import::stub create ::test::foo2
lsort [info commands ::test::*]
} {::test::foo1 ::test::foo2}
test import-2.2 {stubs can be imported into other namespaces} {
$interp eval {
namespace eval user1 { namespace import ::test::* }
namespace eval user2 { namespace import ::test::* }
namespace eval user3 { namespace import ::test::* }
list [lsort [info commands ::user1::*]] \
[namespace origin ::user1::foo1] \
[namespace origin ::user1::foo2]
} {{::user1::foo1 ::user1::foo2} ::test::foo1 ::test::foo2}
test import-2.3 {stubs can be autoloaded and imported links remain} {
$interp eval {
list [::user1::foo1 1 2 3 4] \
[namespace origin ::user1::foo1] \
[namespace origin ::user2::foo1] \
[namespace origin ::user3::foo1] \
[itcl::import::stub exists ::test::foo1]
} {{::test::foo1: 1 2 3 4} ::test::foo1 ::test::foo1 ::test::foo1 0}
test import-2.4 {itcl::class handles stubs correctly
} -body {
$interp eval {
proc auto_load {cmd {namespace {}}} {
itcl::class $cmd { }
return 1
list [::user2::foo2 x] \
[x info class] \
[namespace origin ::user1::foo2] \
[namespace origin ::user2::foo2] \
[namespace origin ::user3::foo2] \
[itcl::import::stub exists ::test::foo2]
} -constraints {
} -result {x ::test::foo2 ::test::foo2 ::test::foo2 ::test::foo2 0}
test import-2.5 {itcl::class will overwrite stubs in an existing namespace} {
$interp eval {
proc auto_load {cmd {namespace {}}} {
itcl::class $cmd { }
return 1
namespace eval test::buried { }
itcl::import::stub create ::test::buried
itcl::import::stub create ::test::buried::stub
list [catch {::test::buried xx} result] $result [xx info class]
} {0 xx ::test::buried}
test import-2.6 {itcl::class will overwrite stubs} {
$interp eval {
proc auto_load {cmd {namespace {}}} {
itcl::class $cmd { }
return 1
itcl::import::stub create ::test::zonk
list [catch {::test::zonk yy} result] $result [yy info class]
} {0 yy ::test::zonk}
catch {interp delete $interp}