2137 lines
72 KiB
2137 lines
72 KiB
# Commands covered: string
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Kevin B. Kenny. All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
package require tcltest 2.5
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
# Some tests require the testobj command
testConstraint testobj [expr {[info commands testobj] != {}}]
testConstraint testindexobj [expr {[info commands testindexobj] != {}}]
testConstraint utf16 [expr {[string length \U010000] == 2}]
testConstraint testbytestring [llength [info commands testbytestring]]
# Used for constraining memory leak tests
testConstraint memory [llength [info commands memory]]
test string-1.1 {error conditions} {
list [catch {string gorp a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be bytelength, cat, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length, map, match, range, repeat, replace, reverse, tolower, totitle, toupper, trim, trimleft, trimright, wordend, or wordstart}}
test string-1.2 {error conditions} {
list [catch {string} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string subcommand ?arg ...?"}}
test string-2.1 {string compare, not enough args} {
list [catch {string compare a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"}}
test string-2.2 {string compare, bad args} {
list [catch {string compare a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "a": must be -nocase or -length}}
test string-2.3 {string compare, bad args} {
list [catch {string compare -length -nocase str1 str2} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "-nocase"}}
test string-2.4 {string compare, too many args} {
list [catch {string compare -length 10 -nocase str1 str2 str3} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"}}
test string-2.5 {string compare with length unspecified} {
list [catch {string compare -length 10 10} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2"}}
test string-2.6 {string compare} {
string compare abcde abdef
} -1
test string-2.7 {string compare, shortest method name} {
string co abcde ABCDE
} 1
test string-2.8 {string compare} {
string compare abcde abcde
} 0
test string-2.9 {string compare with length} {
string compare -length 2 abcde abxyz
} 0
test string-2.10 {string compare with special index} {
list [catch {string compare -length end-3 abcde abxyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "end-3"}}
test string-2.11 {string compare, unicode} {
string compare ab\u7266 ab\u7267
} -1
test string-2.12 {string compare, high bit} {
# This test will fail if the underlying comparison
# is using signed chars instead of unsigned chars.
# (like SunOS's default memcmp thus the compat/memcmp.c)
string compare "\x80" "@"
# Nb this tests works also in utf-8 space because \x80 is
# translated into a 2 or more bytelength but whose first byte has
# the high bit set.
} 1
test string-2.13 {string compare -nocase} {
string compare -nocase abcde abdef
} -1
test string-2.14 {string compare -nocase} {
string compare -nocase abcde ABCDE
} 0
test string-2.15 {string compare -nocase} {
string compare -nocase abcde abcde
} 0
test string-2.16 {string compare -nocase with length} {
string compare -length 2 -nocase abcde Abxyz
} 0
test string-2.17 {string compare -nocase with length} {
string compare -nocase -length 3 abcde Abxyz
} -1
test string-2.18 {string compare -nocase with length <= 0} {
string compare -nocase -length -1 abcde AbCdEf
} -1
test string-2.19 {string compare -nocase with excessive length} {
string compare -nocase -length 50 AbCdEf abcde
} 1
test string-2.20 {string compare -len unicode} {
# These are strings that are 6 BYTELENGTH long, but the length
# shouldn't make a different because there are actually 3 CHARS long
string compare -len 5 \334\334\334 \334\334\374
} -1
test string-2.21 {string compare -nocase with special index} {
list [catch {string compare -nocase -length end-3 Abcde abxyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "end-3"}}
test string-2.22 {string compare, null strings} {
string compare "" ""
} 0
test string-2.23 {string compare, null strings} {
string compare "" foo
} -1
test string-2.24 {string compare, null strings} {
string compare foo ""
} 1
test string-2.25 {string compare -nocase, null strings} {
string compare -nocase "" ""
} 0
test string-2.26 {string compare -nocase, null strings} {
string compare -nocase "" foo
} -1
test string-2.27 {string compare -nocase, null strings} {
string compare -nocase foo ""
} 1
test string-2.28 {string compare with length, unequal strings} {
string compare -length 2 abc abde
} 0
test string-2.29 {string compare with length, unequal strings} {
string compare -length 2 ab abde
} 0
test string-2.30 {string compare with NUL character vs. other ASCII} {
# Be careful here, since UTF-8 rep comparison with memcmp() of
# these puts chars in the wrong order
string compare \x00 \x01
} -1
test string-2.31 {string compare, high bit} {
proc foo {} {string compare "a\x80" "a@"}
} 1
test string-2.32 {string compare, high bit} {
proc foo {} {string compare "a\x00" "a\x01"}
} -1
test string-2.33 {string compare, high bit} {
proc foo {} {string compare "\x00\x00" "\x00\x01"}
} -1
test string-2.34 {string compare, binary equal} {
proc foo {} {string compare [binary format a100 0] [binary format a100 0]}
} 0
test string-2.35 {string compare, binary neq} {
proc foo {} {string compare [binary format a100a 0 1] [binary format a100a 0 0]}
} 1
test string-2.36 {string compare, binary neq unequal length} {
proc foo {} {string compare [binary format a20a 0 1] [binary format a100a 0 0]}
} 1
# only need a few tests on equal, since it uses the same code as
# string compare, but just modifies the return output
test string-3.1 {string equal} {
string equal abcde abdef
} 0
test string-3.2 {string equal} {
string eq abcde ABCDE
} 0
test string-3.3 {string equal} {
string equal abcde abcde
} 1
test string-3.4 {string equal -nocase} {
string equal -nocase \334\334\334\334\374\374\374\374 \334\334\334\334\334\334\334\334
} 1
test string-3.5 {string equal -nocase} {
string equal -nocase abcde abdef
} 0
test string-3.6 {string equal -nocase} {
string eq -nocase abcde ABCDE
} 1
test string-3.7 {string equal -nocase} {
string equal -nocase abcde abcde
} 1
test string-3.8 {string equal with length, unequal strings} {
string equal -length 2 abc abde
} 1
test string-4.1 {string first, not enough args} {
list [catch {string first a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string first needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
test string-4.2 {string first, bad args} {
list [catch {string first a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "c": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-4.3 {string first, too many args} {
list [catch {string first a b 5 d} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string first needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
test string-4.4 {string first} {
string first bq abcdefgbcefgbqrs
} 12
test string-4.5 {string first} {
string fir bcd abcdefgbcefgbqrs
} 1
test string-4.6 {string first} {
string f b abcdefgbcefgbqrs
} 1
test string-4.7 {string first} {
string first xxx x123xx345xxx789xxx012
} 9
test string-4.8 {string first} {
string first "" x123xx345xxx789xxx012
} -1
test string-4.9 {string first, unicode} {
string first x abc\u7266x
} 4
test string-4.10 {string first, unicode} {
string first \u7266 abc\u7266x
} 3
test string-4.11 {string first, start index} {
string first \u7266 abc\u7266x 3
} 3
test string-4.12 {string first, start index} {
string first \u7266 abc\u7266x 4
} -1
test string-4.13 {string first, start index} {
string first \u7266 abc\u7266x end-2
} 3
test string-4.14 {string first, negative start index} {
string first b abc -1
} 1
test string-4.15 {string first, ability to two-byte encoded utf-8 chars} {
# Test for a bug in Tcl 8.3 where test for all-single-byte-encoded
# strings was incorrect, leading to an index returned by [string first]
# which pointed past the end of the string.
set uchar \u057E ;# character with two-byte encoding in utf-8
string first % %#$uchar$uchar#$uchar$uchar#% 3
} 8
test string-4.17 {string first, corner case} {
string first a aaa 4294967295
} {0}
test string-4.18 {string first, corner case} {
string first a aaa -1
} {0}
test string-4.19 {string first, corner case} {
string first a aaa end-5
} {0}
test string-4.20 {string last, corner case} {
string last a aaa 4294967295
} {-1}
test string-4.21 {string last, corner case} {
string last a aaa -1
} {-1}
test string-4.22 {string last, corner case} {
string last a aaa end-5
} {-1}
test string-5.1 {string index} {
list [catch {string index} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"}}
test string-5.2 {string index} {
list [catch {string index a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string index string charIndex"}}
test string-5.3 {string index} {
string index abcde 0
} a
test string-5.4 {string index} {
string in abcde 4
} e
test string-5.5 {string index} {
string index abcde 5
} {}
test string-5.6 {string index} {
list [catch {string index abcde -10} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
test string-5.7 {string index} {
list [catch {string index a xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "xyz": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-5.8 {string index} {
string index abc end
} c
test string-5.9 {string index} {
string index abc end-1
} b
test string-5.10 {string index, unicode} {
string index abc\u7266d 4
} d
test string-5.11 {string index, unicode} {
string index abc\u7266d 3
} \u7266
test string-5.12 {string index, unicode over char length, under byte length} {
string index \334\374\334\374 6
} {}
test string-5.13 {string index, bytearray object} {
string index [binary format a5 fuz] 0
} f
test string-5.14 {string index, bytearray object} {
string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] 3
} S
test string-5.15 {string index, bytearray object} {
set b [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}]
set i1 [string index $b end-6]
set i2 [string index $b 1]
string compare $i1 $i2
} 0
test string-5.16 {string index, bytearray object with string obj shimmering} {
set str "0123456789\x00 abcdedfghi"
binary scan $str H* dump
string compare [string index $str 10] \x00
} 0
test string-5.17 {string index, bad integer} -body {
list [catch {string index "abc" 0o8} msg] $msg
} -match glob -result {1 {*invalid octal number*}}
test string-5.18 {string index, bad integer} -body {
list [catch {string index "abc" end-0o0289} msg] $msg
} -match glob -result {1 {*invalid octal number*}}
test string-5.19 {string index, bytearray object out of bounds} {
string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] -1
} {}
test string-5.20 {string index, bytearray object out of bounds} {
string index [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}] 20
} {}
proc largest_int {} {
# This will give us what the largest valid int on this machine is,
# so we can test for overflow properly below on >32 bit systems
set int 1
set exp 7; # assume we get at least 8 bits
while {wide($int) > 0} { set int [expr {wide(1) << [incr exp]}] }
return [expr {$int-1}]
test string-6.1 {string is, not enough args} {
list [catch {string is} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string is class ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str"}}
test string-6.2 {string is, not enough args} {
list [catch {string is alpha} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string is class ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str"}}
test string-6.3 {string is, bad args} {
list [catch {string is alpha -failin str} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string is alpha ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str"}}
test string-6.4 {string is, too many args} {
list [catch {string is alpha -failin var -strict str more} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string is class ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str"}}
test string-6.5 {string is, class check} {
list [catch {string is bogus str} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad class "bogus": must be alnum, alpha, ascii, control, boolean, digit, double, entier, false, graph, integer, list, lower, print, punct, space, true, upper, wideinteger, wordchar, or xdigit}}
test string-6.6 {string is, ambiguous class} {
list [catch {string is al str} msg] $msg
} {1 {ambiguous class "al": must be alnum, alpha, ascii, control, boolean, digit, double, entier, false, graph, integer, list, lower, print, punct, space, true, upper, wideinteger, wordchar, or xdigit}}
test string-6.7 {string is alpha, all ok} {
string is alpha -strict -failindex var abc
} 1
test string-6.8 {string is, error in var} {
list [string is alpha -failindex var abc5def] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.9 {string is, var shouldn't get set} {
catch {unset var}
list [catch {string is alpha -failindex var abc; set var} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "var": no such variable}}
test string-6.10 {string is, ok on empty} {
string is alpha {}
} 1
test string-6.11 {string is, -strict check against empty} {
string is alpha -strict {}
} 0
test string-6.12 {string is alnum, true} {
string is alnum abc123
} 1
test string-6.13 {string is alnum, false} {
list [string is alnum -failindex var abc1.23] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.14 {string is alnum, unicode} "string is alnum abc\xfc" 1
test string-6.15 {string is alpha, true} {
string is alpha abc
} 1
test string-6.16 {string is alpha, false} {
list [string is alpha -fail var a1bcde] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.17 {string is alpha, unicode} {
string is alpha abc\374
} 1
test string-6.18 {string is ascii, true} {
string is ascii abc\u007Fend\u0000
} 1
test string-6.19 {string is ascii, false} {
list [string is ascii -fail var abc\u0000def\u0080more] $var
} {0 7}
test string-6.20 {string is boolean, true} {
string is boolean true
} 1
test string-6.21 {string is boolean, true} {
string is boolean f
} 1
test string-6.22 {string is boolean, true based on type} {
string is bool [string compare a a]
} 1
test string-6.23 {string is boolean, false} {
list [string is bool -fail var yada] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.24 {string is digit, true} {
string is digit 0123456789
} 1
test string-6.25 {string is digit, false} {
list [string is digit -fail var 0123\u00DC567] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.26 {string is digit, false} {
list [string is digit -fail var +123567] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.27 {string is double, true} {
string is double 1
} 1
test string-6.28 {string is double, true} {
string is double [expr {double(1)}]
} 1
test string-6.29 {string is double, true} {
string is double 1.0
} 1
test string-6.30 {string is double, true} {
string is double [string compare a a]
} 1
test string-6.31 {string is double, true} {
string is double " +1.0e-1 "
} 1
test string-6.32 {string is double, true} {
string is double "\n1.0\v"
} 1
test string-6.33 {string is double, false} {
list [string is double -fail var 1abc] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.34 {string is double, false} {
list [string is double -fail var abc] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.35 {string is double, false} {
list [string is double -fail var " 1.0e4e4 "] $var
} {0 8}
test string-6.36 {string is double, false} {
list [string is double -fail var "\n"] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.37 {string is double, false on int overflow} -setup {
set var priorValue
} -body {
# Make it the largest int recognizable, with one more digit for overflow
# Since bignums arrived in Tcl 8.5, the sense of this test changed.
# Now integer values that exceed native limits become bignums, and
# bignums can convert to doubles without error.
list [string is double -fail var [largest_int]0] $var
} -result {1 priorValue}
# string-6.38 removed, underflow on input is no longer an error.
test string-6.39 {string is double, false} {
# This test is non-portable because IRIX thinks
# that .e1 is a valid double - this is really a bug
# on IRIX as .e1 should NOT be a valid double
# Portable now. Tcl 8.5 does its own double parsing.
list [string is double -fail var .e1] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.40 {string is false, true} {
string is false false
} 1
test string-6.41 {string is false, true} {
string is false FaLsE
} 1
test string-6.42 {string is false, true} {
string is false N
} 1
test string-6.43 {string is false, true} {
string is false 0
} 1
test string-6.44 {string is false, true} {
string is false off
} 1
test string-6.45 {string is false, false} {
list [string is false -fail var abc] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.46 {string is false, false} {
catch {unset var}
list [string is false -fail var Y] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.47 {string is false, false} {
catch {unset var}
list [string is false -fail var offensive] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.48 {string is integer, true} {
string is integer +1234567890
} 1
test string-6.49 {string is integer, true on type} {
string is integer [expr {int(50.0)}]
} 1
test string-6.50 {string is integer, true} {
string is integer [list -10]
} 1
test string-6.51 {string is integer, true as hex} {
string is integer 0xabcdef
} 1
test string-6.52 {string is integer, true as octal} {
string is integer 012345
} 1
test string-6.53 {string is integer, true with whitespace} {
string is integer " \n1234\v"
} 1
test string-6.54 {string is integer, false} {
list [string is integer -fail var 123abc] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.55 {string is integer, false on overflow} {
list [string is integer -fail var +[largest_int]0] $var
} {0 -1}
test string-6.56 {string is integer, false} {
list [string is integer -fail var [expr {double(1)}]] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.57 {string is integer, false} {
list [string is integer -fail var " "] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.58 {string is integer, false on bad octal} {
list [string is integer -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.58.1 {string is integer, false on bad octal} {
list [string is integer -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.59 {string is integer, false on bad hex} {
list [string is integer -fail var 0X345XYZ] $var
} {0 5}
test string-6.60 {string is lower, true} {
string is lower abc
} 1
test string-6.61 {string is lower, unicode true} {
string is lower abc\u00FCue
} 1
test string-6.62 {string is lower, false} {
list [string is lower -fail var aBc] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.63 {string is lower, false} {
list [string is lower -fail var abc1] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.64 {string is lower, unicode false} {
list [string is lower -fail var ab\u00DCUE] $var
} {0 2}
test string-6.65 {string is space, true} {
string is space " \t\n\v\f"
} 1
test string-6.66 {string is space, false} {
list [string is space -fail var " \t\n\v1\f"] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.67 {string is true, true} {
string is true true
} 1
test string-6.68 {string is true, true} {
string is true TrU
} 1
test string-6.69 {string is true, true} {
string is true ye
} 1
test string-6.70 {string is true, true} {
string is true 1
} 1
test string-6.71 {string is true, true} {
string is true on
} 1
test string-6.72 {string is true, false} {
list [string is true -fail var onto] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.73 {string is true, false} {
catch {unset var}
list [string is true -fail var 25] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.74 {string is true, false} {
catch {unset var}
list [string is true -fail var no] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.75 {string is upper, true} {
string is upper ABC
} 1
test string-6.76 {string is upper, unicode true} {
string is upper ABC\u00DCUE
} 1
test string-6.77 {string is upper, false} {
list [string is upper -fail var AbC] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.78 {string is upper, false} {
list [string is upper -fail var AB2C] $var
} {0 2}
test string-6.79 {string is upper, unicode false} {
list [string is upper -fail var ABC\u00FCue] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.80 {string is wordchar, true} {
string is wordchar abc_123
} 1
test string-6.81 {string is wordchar, unicode true} {
string is wordchar abc\u00FCab\u00DCAB\u5001
} 1
test string-6.82 {string is wordchar, false} {
list [string is wordchar -fail var abcd.ef] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.83 {string is wordchar, unicode false} {
list [string is wordchar -fail var abc\u0080def] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.84 {string is control} {
## Control chars are in the ranges
## 00..1F && 7F..9F
list [string is control -fail var \x00\x01\x10\x1F\x7F\x80\x9F\x60] $var
} {0 7}
test string-6.85 {string is control} {
string is control \u0100
} 0
test string-6.86 {string is graph} {
## graph is any print char, except space
list [string is gra -fail var "0123abc!@#\$\u0100\UE0100\UE01EF "] $var
} {0 14}
test string-6.87 {string is print} {
## basically any printable char
list [string is print -fail var "0123abc!@#\$\u0100 \UE0100\UE01EF\u0010"] $var
} {0 15}
test string-6.88 {string is punct} {
## any graph char that isn't alnum
list [string is punct -fail var "_!@#\u00BEq0"] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.89 {string is xdigit} {
list [string is xdigit -fail var 0123456789\u0061bcdefABCDEFg] $var
} {0 22}
test string-6.90 {string is integer, bad integers} {
# SF bug #634856
set result ""
set numbers [list 1 +1 ++1 +-1 -+1 -1 --1 "- +1"]
foreach num $numbers {
lappend result [string is int -strict $num]
return $result
} {1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0}
test string-6.91 {string is double, bad doubles} {
set result ""
set numbers [list 1.0 +1.0 ++1.0 +-1.0 -+1.0 -1.0 --1.0 "- +1.0"]
foreach num $numbers {
lappend result [string is double -strict $num]
return $result
} {1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0}
test string-6.92 {string is integer, 32-bit overflow} {
# Bug 718878
set x 0x100000000
list [string is integer -failindex var $x] $var
} {0 -1}
test string-6.93 {string is integer, 32-bit overflow} {
# Bug 718878
set x 0x100000000
append x ""
list [string is integer -failindex var $x] $var
} {0 -1}
test string-6.94 {string is integer, 32-bit overflow} {
# Bug 718878
set x 0x100000000
list [string is integer -failindex var [expr {$x}]] $var
} {0 -1}
test string-6.95 {string is wideinteger, true} {
string is wideinteger +1234567890
} 1
test string-6.96 {string is wideinteger, true on type} {
string is wideinteger [expr {wide(50.0)}]
} 1
test string-6.97 {string is wideinteger, true} {
string is wideinteger [list -10]
} 1
test string-6.98 {string is wideinteger, true as hex} {
string is wideinteger 0xabcdef
} 1
test string-6.99 {string is wideinteger, true as octal} {
string is wideinteger 0123456
} 1
test string-6.100 {string is wideinteger, true with whitespace} {
string is wideinteger " \n1234\v"
} 1
test string-6.101 {string is wideinteger, false} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var 123abc] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.102 {string is wideinteger, false on overflow} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var +[largest_int]0] $var
} {0 -1}
test string-6.103 {string is wideinteger, false} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var [expr {double(1)}]] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.104 {string is wideinteger, false} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var " "] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.105 {string is wideinteger, false on bad octal} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.105.1 {string is wideinteger, false on bad octal} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.106 {string is wideinteger, false on bad hex} {
list [string is wideinteger -fail var 0X345XYZ] $var
} {0 5}
test string-6.107 {string is integer, bad integers} {
# SF bug #634856
set result ""
set numbers [list 1 +1 ++1 +-1 -+1 -1 --1 "- +1"]
foreach num $numbers {
lappend result [string is wideinteger -strict $num]
return $result
} {1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0}
test string-6.108 {string is double, Bug 1382287} {
set x 2turtledoves
string is double $x
string is double $x
} 0
test string-6.109 {string is double, Bug 1360532} {
string is double 1\u00A0
} 0
test string-6.110 {string is entier, true} {
string is entier +1234567890
} 1
test string-6.111 {string is entier, true on type} {
string is entier [expr {wide(50.0)}]
} 1
test string-6.112 {string is entier, true} {
string is entier [list -10]
} 1
test string-6.113 {string is entier, true as hex} {
string is entier 0xabcdef
} 1
test string-6.114 {string is entier, true as octal} {
string is entier 0123456
} 1
test string-6.115 {string is entier, true with whitespace} {
string is entier " \n1234\v"
} 1
test string-6.116 {string is entier, false} {
list [string is entier -fail var 123abc] $var
} {0 3}
test string-6.117 {string is entier, false} {
list [string is entier -fail var 123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123abc] $var
} {0 84}
test string-6.118 {string is entier, false} {
list [string is entier -fail var [expr {double(1)}]] $var
} {0 1}
test string-6.119 {string is entier, false} {
list [string is entier -fail var " "] $var
} {0 0}
test string-6.120 {string is entier, false on bad octal} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.121.1 {string is entier, false on bad octal} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0o36963] $var
} {0 4}
test string-6.122 {string is entier, false on bad hex} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0X345XYZ] $var
} {0 5}
test string-6.123 {string is entier, bad integers} {
# SF bug #634856
set result ""
set numbers [list 1 +1 ++1 +-1 -+1 -1 --1 "- +1"]
foreach num $numbers {
lappend result [string is entier -strict $num]
return $result
} {1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0}
test string-6.124 {string is entier, true} {
string is entier +1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
} 1
test string-6.125 {string is entier, true} {
string is entier [list -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]
} 1
test string-6.126 {string is entier, true as hex} {
string is entier 0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef
} 1
test string-6.127 {string is entier, true as octal} {
string is entier 0123456112341234561234565623456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456123456
} 1
test string-6.128 {string is entier, true with whitespace} {
string is entier " \n12340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\v"
} 1
test string-6.129 {string is entier, false on bad octal} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0o1234561123412345612345656234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234536963] $var
} {0 87}
test string-6.130.1 {string is entier, false on bad octal} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0o1234561123412345612345656234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234561234536963] $var
} {0 87}
test string-6.131 {string is entier, false on bad hex} {
list [string is entier -fail var 0X12345611234123456123456562345612345612345612345612345612345612345612345612345612345345XYZ] $var
} {0 88}
catch {rename largest_int {}}
test string-7.1 {string last, not enough args} {
list [catch {string last a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string last needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
test string-7.2 {string last, bad args} {
list [catch {string last a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "c": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-7.3 {string last, too many args} {
list [catch {string last a b c d} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string last needleString haystackString ?startIndex?"}}
test string-7.4 {string last} {
string la xxx xxxx123xx345x678
} 1
test string-7.5 {string last} {
string last xx xxxx123xx345x678
} 7
test string-7.6 {string last} {
string las x xxxx123xx345x678
} 12
test string-7.7 {string last, unicode} {
string las x xxxx12\u7266xx345x678
} 12
test string-7.8 {string last, unicode} {
string las \u7266 xxxx12\u7266xx345x678
} 6
test string-7.9 {string last, stop index} {
string las \u7266 xxxx12\u7266xx345x678
} 6
test string-7.10 {string last, unicode} {
string las \u7266 xxxx12\u7266xx345x678
} 6
test string-7.11 {string last, start index} {
string last \u7266 abc\u7266x 3
} 3
test string-7.12 {string last, start index} {
string last \u7266 abc\u7266x 2
} -1
test string-7.13 {string last, start index} {
## Constrain to last 'a' should work
string last ba badbad end-1
} 3
test string-7.14 {string last, start index} {
## Constrain to last 'b' should skip last 'ba'
string last ba badbad end-2
} 0
test string-7.15 {string last, start index} {
string last \334a \334ad\334ad 0
} -1
test string-7.16 {string last, start index} {
string last \334a \334ad\334ad end-1
} 3
test string-8.1 {string bytelength} {
list [catch {string bytelength} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string bytelength string"}}
test string-8.2 {string bytelength} {
list [catch {string bytelength a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string bytelength string"}}
test string-8.3 {string bytelength} {
string bytelength "\u00c7"
} 2
test string-8.4 {string bytelength} {
string b ""
} 0
test string-9.1 {string length} {
list [catch {string length} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string length string"}}
test string-9.2 {string length} {
list [catch {string length a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string length string"}}
test string-9.3 {string length} {
string length "a little string"
} 15
test string-9.4 {string length} {
string le ""
} 0
test string-9.5 {string length, unicode} {
string le "abcd\u7266"
} 5
test string-9.6 {string length, bytearray object} {
string length [binary format a5 foo]
} 5
test string-9.7 {string length, bytearray object} {
string length [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}]
} 8
test string-10.1 {string map, not enough args} {
list [catch {string map} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string map ?-nocase? charMap string"}}
test string-10.2 {string map, bad args} {
list [catch {string map {a b} abba oops} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "a b": must be -nocase}}
test string-10.3 {string map, too many args} {
list [catch {string map -nocase {a b} str1 str2} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string map ?-nocase? charMap string"}}
test string-10.4 {string map} {
string map {a b} abba
} {bbbb}
test string-10.5 {string map} {
string map {a b} a
} {b}
test string-10.6 {string map -nocase} {
string map -nocase {a b} Abba
} {bbbb}
test string-10.7 {string map} {
string map {abc 321 ab * a A} aabcabaababcab
} {A321*A*321*}
test string-10.8 {string map -nocase} {
string map -nocase {aBc 321 Ab * a A} aabcabaababcab
} {A321*A*321*}
test string-10.9 {string map -nocase} {
string map -no {abc 321 Ab * a A} aAbCaBaAbAbcAb
} {A321*A*321*}
test string-10.10 {string map} {
list [catch {string map {a b c} abba} msg] $msg
} {1 {char map list unbalanced}}
test string-10.11 {string map, nulls} {
string map {\x00 NULL blah \x00nix} {qwerty}
} {qwerty}
test string-10.12 {string map, unicode} {
string map [list \374 ue UE \334] "a\374ueUE\000EU"
} aueue\334\0EU
test string-10.13 {string map, -nocase unicode} {
string map -nocase [list \374 ue UE \334] "a\374ueUE\000EU"
} aue\334\334\0EU
test string-10.14 {string map, -nocase null arguments} {
string map -nocase {{} abc} foo
} foo
test string-10.15 {string map, one pair case} {
string map -nocase {abc 32} aAbCaBaAbAbcAb
} {a32aBaAb32Ab}
test string-10.16 {string map, one pair case} {
string map -nocase {ab 4321} aAbCaBaAbAbcAb
} {a4321C4321a43214321c4321}
test string-10.17 {string map, one pair case} {
string map {Ab 4321} aAbCaBaAbAbcAb
} {a4321CaBa43214321c4321}
test string-10.18 {string map, empty argument} {
string map -nocase {{} abc} foo
} foo
test string-10.19 {string map, empty arguments} {
string map -nocase {{} abc f bar {} def} foo
} baroo
test string-10.20 {string map, dictionaries don't alter map ordering} {
set map {aa X a Y}
list [string map [dict create aa X a Y] aaa] [string map $map aaa] [dict size $map] [string map $map aaa]
} {XY XY 2 XY}
test string-10.20.1 {string map, dictionaries don't alter map ordering} {
set map {a X b Y a Z}
list [string map [dict create a X b Y a Z] aaa] [string map $map aaa] [dict size $map] [string map $map aaa]
test string-10.21 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {longstring foob} long
} long
test string-10.22 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {long foob} long
} foob
test string-10.23 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob} long
} foobg
test string-10.24 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob} longlo
} foobglo
test string-10.25 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob} longlon
} foobgfoob
test string-10.26 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {longstring foob longstring bar} long
} long
test string-10.27 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {long foob longstring bar} long
} foob
test string-10.28 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob longstring bar} long
} foobg
test string-10.29 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob longstring bar} longlo
} foobglo
test string-10.30 {string map, ABR checks} {
string map {lon foob longstring bar} longlon
} foobgfoob
test string-10.31 {string map, nasty sharing crash from [Bug 1018562]} {
set a {a b}
string map $a $a
} {b b}
test string-11.1 {string match, not enough args} {
list [catch {string match a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"}}
test string-11.2 {string match, too many args} {
list [catch {string match a b c d} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"}}
test string-11.3 {string match} {
string match abc abc
} 1
test string-11.4 {string match} {
string mat abc abd
} 0
test string-11.5 {string match} {
string match ab*c abc
} 1
test string-11.6 {string match} {
string match ab**c abc
} 1
test string-11.7 {string match} {
string match ab* abcdef
} 1
test string-11.8 {string match} {
string match *c abc
} 1
test string-11.9 {string match} {
string match *3*6*9 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.1 {string match} {
string match *3*6*89 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.2 {string match} {
string match *3*456*89 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.3 {string match} {
string match *3*6* 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.4 {string match} {
string match *3*56* 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.5 {string match} {
string match *3*456*** 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.6 {string match} {
string match **3*456** 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.7 {string match} {
string match *3***456* 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.8 {string match} {
string match *3***\[456]* 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.9 {string match} {
string match *3***\[4-6]* 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.9.10 {string match} {
string match *3***\[4-6] 0123456789
} 0
test string-11.9.11 {string match} {
string match *3***\[4-6] 0123456
} 1
test string-11.10 {string match} {
string match *3*6*9 01234567890
} 0
test string-11.10.1 {string match} {
string match *3*6*89 01234567890
} 0
test string-11.10.2 {string match} {
string match *3*456*89 01234567890
} 0
test string-11.10.3 {string match} {
string match **3*456*89 01234567890
} 0
test string-11.10.4 {string match} {
string match *3*456***89 01234567890
} 0
test string-11.11 {string match} {
string match a?c abc
} 1
test string-11.12 {string match} {
string match a??c abc
} 0
test string-11.13 {string match} {
string match ?1??4???8? 0123456789
} 1
test string-11.14 {string match} {
string match {[abc]bc} abc
} 1
test string-11.15 {string match} {
string match {a[abc]c} abc
} 1
test string-11.16 {string match} {
string match {a[xyz]c} abc
} 0
test string-11.17 {string match} {
string match {12[2-7]45} 12345
} 1
test string-11.18 {string match} {
string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12345
} 1
test string-11.19 {string match} {
string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12b45
} 1
test string-11.20 {string match} {
string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12d45
} 1
test string-11.21 {string match} {
string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12145
} 0
test string-11.22 {string match} {
string match {12[ab2-4cd]45} 12545
} 0
test string-11.23 {string match} {
string match {a\*b} a*b
} 1
test string-11.24 {string match} {
string match {a\*b} ab
} 0
test string-11.25 {string match} {
string match {a\*\?\[\]\\\x} "a*?\[\]\\x"
} 1
test string-11.26 {string match} {
string match ** ""
} 1
test string-11.27 {string match} {
string match *. ""
} 0
test string-11.28 {string match} {
string match "" ""
} 1
test string-11.29 {string match} {
string match \[a a
} 1
test string-11.30 {string match, bad args} {
list [catch {string match - b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-": must be -nocase}}
test string-11.31 {string match case} {
string match a A
} 0
test string-11.32 {string match nocase} {
string match -n a A
} 1
test string-11.33 {string match nocase} {
string match -nocase a\334 A\374
} 1
test string-11.34 {string match nocase} {
string match -nocase a*f ABCDEf
} 1
test string-11.35 {string match case, false hope} {
# This is true because '_' lies between the A-Z and a-z ranges
string match {[A-z]} _
} 1
test string-11.36 {string match nocase range} {
# This is false because although '_' lies between the A-Z and a-z ranges,
# we lower case the end points before checking the ranges.
string match -nocase {[A-z]} _
} 0
test string-11.37 {string match nocase} {
string match -nocase {[A-fh-Z]} g
} 0
test string-11.38 {string match case, reverse range} {
string match {[A-fh-Z]} g
} 1
test string-11.39 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*\abc} abc
} 1
test string-11.39.1 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*ab\c} abc
} 1
test string-11.39.2 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*ab\*} ab*
} 1
test string-11.39.3 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*ab\*} abc
} 0
test string-11.39.4 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*ab\\*} {ab\c}
} 1
test string-11.39.5 {string match, *\ case} {
string match {*ab\\*} {ab\*}
} 1
test string-11.40 {string match, *special case} {
string match {*[ab]} abc
} 0
test string-11.41 {string match, *special case} {
string match {*[ab]*} abc
} 1
test string-11.42 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*\\" "\\"
} 0
test string-11.43 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*\\\\" "\\"
} 1
test string-11.44 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*???" "12345"
} 1
test string-11.45 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*???" "12"
} 0
test string-11.46 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*\\*" "abc*"
} 1
test string-11.47 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*\\*" "*"
} 1
test string-11.48 {string match, *special case} {
string match "*\\*" "*abc"
} 0
test string-11.49 {string match, *special case} {
string match "?\\*" "a*"
} 1
test string-11.50 {string match, *special case} {
string match "\\" "\\"
} 0
test string-11.51 {string match; *, -nocase and UTF-8} {
string match -nocase [binary format I 717316707] \
[binary format I 2028036707]
} 1
test string-11.52 {string match, null char in string} {
set out ""
set ptn "*abc*"
foreach elem [list "\u0000@abc" "@abc" "\u0000@abc\u0000" "blahabcblah"] {
lappend out [string match $ptn $elem]
set out
} {1 1 1 1}
test string-11.53 {string match, null char in pattern} {
set out ""
foreach {ptn elem} [list \
"*\u0000abc\u0000" "\u0000abc\u0000" \
"*\u0000abc\u0000" "\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
"*\u0000abc\u0000*" "\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
"*\u0000abc\u0000" "@\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
"*\u0000abc\u0000*" "@\u0000abc\u0000ef" \
] {
lappend out [string match $ptn $elem]
set out
} {1 0 1 0 1}
test string-11.54 {string match, failure} {
set longString ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
append longString "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy\u0000z01234567890123"
string first $longString 123
list [string match *cba* $longString] \
[string match *a*l*\u0000* $longString] \
[string match *a*l*\u0000*123 $longString] \
[string match *a*l*\u0000*123* $longString] \
[string match *a*l*\u0000*cba* $longString] \
[string match *===* $longString]
} {0 1 1 1 0 0}
test string-11.55 {string match, invalid binary optimization} {
[format string] match \u0141 [binary format c 65]
} 0
test string-12.1 {string range} {
list [catch {string range} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string range string first last"}}
test string-12.2 {string range} {
list [catch {string range a 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string range string first last"}}
test string-12.3 {string range} {
list [catch {string range a 1 2 3} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string range string first last"}}
test string-12.4 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop 2 14
} {cdefghijklmno}
test string-12.5 {string range, last > length} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop 7 1000
} {hijklmnop}
test string-12.6 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop 10 end
} {klmnop}
test string-12.7 {string range, last < first} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop 10 9
} {}
test string-12.8 {string range, first < 0} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop -3 2
} {abc}
test string-12.9 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop -3 -2
} {}
test string-12.10 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop 1000 1010
} {}
test string-12.11 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop -100 end
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-12.12 {string range} {
list [catch {string range abc abc 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "abc": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-12.13 {string range} {
list [catch {string range abc 1 eof} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "eof": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-12.14 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop end-1 end
} {op}
test string-12.15 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop end 1000
} {p}
test string-12.16 {string range} {
string range abcdefghijklmnop end end-1
} {}
test string-12.17 {string range, unicode} {
string range ab\u7266cdefghijklmnop 5 5
} e
test string-12.18 {string range, unicode} {
string range ab\u7266cdefghijklmnop 2 3
} \u7266c
test string-12.19 {string range, bytearray object} {
set b [binary format I* {0x50515253 0x52}]
set r1 [string range $b 1 end-1]
set r2 [string range $b 1 6]
string equal $r1 $r2
} 1
test string-12.20 {string range, out of bounds indices} {
string range \u00FF 0 1
} \u00FF
# Bug 1410553
test string-12.21 {string range, regenerates correct reps, bug 1410553} {
set bytes "\x00 \x03 \x41"
set rxBuffer {}
foreach ch $bytes {
append rxBuffer $ch
if {$ch eq "\x03"} {
string length $rxBuffer
set rxCRC [string range $rxBuffer end-1 end]
binary scan [join $bytes {}] "H*" input_hex
binary scan $rxBuffer "H*" rxBuffer_hex
binary scan $rxCRC "H*" rxCRC_hex
list $input_hex $rxBuffer_hex $rxCRC_hex
} {000341 000341 0341}
test string-12.22 {string range, shimmering binary/index} {
set s 0000000001
binary scan $s a* x
string range $s $s end
} 000000001
test string-12.23 {string range, surrogates, bug [11ae2be95dac9417]} utf16 {
list [string range a\U100000b 1 1] [string range a\U100000b 2 2] [string range a\U100000b 3 3]
} [list \U100000 {} b]
test string-13.1 {string repeat} {
list [catch {string repeat} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string repeat string count"}}
test string-13.2 {string repeat} {
list [catch {string repeat abc 10 oops} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string repeat string count"}}
test string-13.3 {string repeat} {
string repeat {} 100
} {}
test string-13.4 {string repeat} {
string repeat { } 5
} { }
test string-13.5 {string repeat} {
string repeat abc 3
} {abcabcabc}
test string-13.6 {string repeat} {
string repeat abc -1
} {}
test string-13.7 {string repeat} {
list [catch {string repeat abc end} msg] $msg
} {1 {expected integer but got "end"}}
test string-13.8 {string repeat} {
string repeat {} -1000
} {}
test string-13.9 {string repeat} {
string repeat {} 0
} {}
test string-13.10 {string repeat} {
string repeat def 0
} {}
test string-13.11 {string repeat} {
string repeat def 1
} def
test string-13.12 {string repeat} {
string repeat ab\u7266cd 3
} ab\u7266cdab\u7266cdab\u7266cd
test string-13.13 {string repeat} {
string repeat \x00 3
} \x00\x00\x00
test string-13.14 {string repeat} {
# The string range will ensure us that string repeat gets a unicode string
string repeat [string range ab\u7266cd 2 3] 3
} \u7266c\u7266c\u7266c
test string-14.1 {string replace} {
list [catch {string replace} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string replace string first last ?string?"}}
test string-14.2 {string replace} {
list [catch {string replace a 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string replace string first last ?string?"}}
test string-14.3 {string replace} {
list [catch {string replace a 1 2 3 4} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string replace string first last ?string?"}}
test string-14.4 {string replace} {
} {}
test string-14.5 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 2 14
} {abp}
test string-14.6 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 7 1000
} {abcdefg}
test string-14.7 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 10 end
} {abcdefghij}
test string-14.8 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 10 9
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-14.9 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop -3 2
} {defghijklmnop}
test string-14.10 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop -3 -2
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-14.11 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 1000 1010
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-14.12 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop -100 end
} {}
test string-14.13 {string replace} {
list [catch {string replace abc abc 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "abc": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-14.14 {string replace} {
list [catch {string replace abc 1 eof} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "eof": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-14.15 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop end-10 end-2 NEW
} {abcdeNEWop}
test string-14.16 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 0 end foo
} {foo}
test string-14.17 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop end end-1
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-14.18 {string replace} {
string replace abcdefghijklmnop 10 9 XXX
} {abcdefghijklmnop}
test string-14.19 {string replace} {
string replace {} -1 0 A
} A
test string-15.1 {string tolower not enough args} {
list [catch {string tolower} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string tolower string ?first? ?last?"}}
test string-15.2 {string tolower bad args} {
list [catch {string tolower a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "b": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-15.3 {string tolower too many args} {
list [catch {string tolower ABC 1 end oops} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string tolower string ?first? ?last?"}}
test string-15.4 {string tolower} {
string tolower ABCDeF
} {abcdef}
test string-15.5 {string tolower} {
string tolower "ABC XyZ"
} {abc xyz}
test string-15.6 {string tolower} {
string tolower {123#$&*()}
} {123#$&*()}
test string-15.7 {string tolower} {
string tolower ABC 1
} AbC
test string-15.8 {string tolower} {
string tolower ABC 1 end
} Abc
test string-15.9 {string tolower} {
string tolower ABC 0 end-1
} abC
test string-15.10 {string tolower, unicode} {
string tolower ABCabc\xc7\xe7
} "abcabc\xe7\xe7"
test string-15.11 {string tolower, compiled} {
lindex [string tolower [list A B [list C]]] 1
} b
test string-16.1 {string toupper} {
list [catch {string toupper} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string toupper string ?first? ?last?"}}
test string-16.2 {string toupper} {
list [catch {string toupper a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "b": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-16.3 {string toupper} {
list [catch {string toupper a 1 end oops} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string toupper string ?first? ?last?"}}
test string-16.4 {string toupper} {
string toupper abCDEf
test string-16.5 {string toupper} {
string toupper "abc xYz"
test string-16.6 {string toupper} {
string toupper {123#$&*()}
} {123#$&*()}
test string-16.7 {string toupper} {
string toupper abc 1
} aBc
test string-16.8 {string toupper} {
string toupper abc 1 end
} aBC
test string-16.9 {string toupper} {
string toupper abc 0 end-1
} ABc
test string-16.10 {string toupper, unicode} {
string toupper ABCabc\xc7\xe7
} "ABCABC\xc7\xc7"
test string-16.11 {string toupper, compiled} {
lindex [string toupper [list a b [list c]]] 1
} B
test string-17.1 {string totitle} {
list [catch {string totitle} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string totitle string ?first? ?last?"}}
test string-17.2 {string totitle} {
list [catch {string totitle a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "b": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-17.3 {string totitle} {
string totitle abCDEf
} {Abcdef}
test string-17.4 {string totitle} {
string totitle "abc xYz"
} {Abc xyz}
test string-17.5 {string totitle} {
string totitle {123#$&*()}
} {123#$&*()}
test string-17.6 {string totitle, unicode} {
string totitle ABCabc\xC7\xE7
} "Abcabc\xE7\xE7"
test string-17.7 {string totitle, unicode} {
string totitle \u01F3BCabc\xc7\xe7
} "\u01F2bcabc\xe7\xe7"
test string-17.8 {string totitle, compiled} {
lindex [string totitle [list aa bb [list cc]]] 0
} Aa
test string-18.1 {string trim} {
list [catch {string trim} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string trim string ?chars?"}}
test string-18.2 {string trim} {
list [catch {string trim a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string trim string ?chars?"}}
test string-18.3 {string trim} {
string trim " XYZ "
} {XYZ}
test string-18.4 {string trim} {
string trim "\t\nXYZ\t\n\r\n"
} {XYZ}
test string-18.5 {string trim} {
string trim " A XYZ A "
} {A XYZ A}
test string-18.6 {string trim} {
} {ABC }
test string-18.7 {string trim} {
string trim " \t\r "
} {}
test string-18.8 {string trim} {
string trim {abcdefg} {}
} {abcdefg}
test string-18.9 {string trim} {
string trim {}
} {}
test string-18.10 {string trim} {
string trim ABC DEF
} {ABC}
test string-18.11 {string trim, unicode} {
string trim "\xe7\xe8 AB\xe7C \xe8\xe7" \xe7\xe8
} " AB\xe7C "
test string-18.12 {string trim, unicode default} {
string trim \uFEFF\x00\u0085\u00A0\u1680\u180EABC\u1361\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000
} ABC\u1361
test string-19.1 {string trimleft} {
list [catch {string trimleft} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string trimleft string ?chars?"}}
test string-19.2 {string trimleft} {
string trimleft " XYZ "
} {XYZ }
test string-19.3 {string trimleft, unicode default} {
string trimleft \uFEFF\u0085\u00A0\x00\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\u1361ABC
} \u1361ABC
test string-20.1 {string trimright errors} {
list [catch {string trimright} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string trimright string ?chars?"}}
test string-20.2 {string trimright errors} {
list [catch {string trimg a} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "trimg": must be bytelength, cat, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length, map, match, range, repeat, replace, reverse, tolower, totitle, toupper, trim, trimleft, trimright, wordend, or wordstart}}
test string-20.3 {string trimright} {
string trimright " XYZ "
} { XYZ}
test string-20.4 {string trimright} {
string trimright " "
} {}
test string-20.5 {string trimright} {
string trimright ""
} {}
test string-20.6 {string trimright, unicode default} {
string trimright ABC\u1361\u0085\x00\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000
} ABC\u1361
test string-20.7 {string trim on not valid utf-8 sequence (consider NTS as continuation char), bug [c61818e4c9]} testbytestring {
set result {}
set a [testbytestring \xc0\x80\xA0]
set b foo$a
set m [list \u0000 U \xA0 V [testbytestring \xA0] W]
lappend result [string map $m $b]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b x]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b \u0000]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimleft $b fox]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimleft $b fo\u0000]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trim $b fox]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trim $b fo\u0000]]
} [list {*}[lrepeat 3 fooUV] {*}[lrepeat 2 UV V]]
test string-20.8 {[c61818e4c9] [string trimright] fails when UtfPrev is ok} testbytestring {
set result {}
set a [testbytestring \xE8\xA0]
set b foo$a
set m [list \xE8 U \xA0 V [testbytestring \xE8] W [testbytestring \xA0] X]]
lappend result [string map $m $b]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b x]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b \xE8]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b [bytestring \xE8]]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b \xA0]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b [bytestring \xA0]]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b \xE8\xA0]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b [bytestring \xE8\xA0]]]
lappend result [string map $m [string trimright $b \u0000]]
} [list {*}[lrepeat 4 fooUV] {*}[lrepeat 2 fooU] {*}[lrepeat 2 foo] fooUV]
test string-21.1 {string wordend} {
list [catch {string wordend a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string wordend string index"}}
test string-21.2 {string wordend} {
list [catch {string wordend a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string wordend string index"}}
test string-21.3 {string wordend} {
list [catch {string wordend a gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "gorp": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-21.4 {string wordend} {
string wordend abc. -1
} 3
test string-21.5 {string wordend} {
string wordend abc. 100
} 4
test string-21.6 {string wordend} {
string wordend "word_one two three" 2
} 8
test string-21.7 {string wordend} {
string wordend "one .&# three" 5
} 6
test string-21.8 {string wordend} {
string worde "x.y" 0
} 1
test string-21.9 {string wordend} {
string worde "x.y" end-1
} 2
test string-21.10 {string wordend, unicode} {
string wordend "xyz\u00C7de fg" 0
} 6
test string-21.11 {string wordend, unicode} {
string wordend "xyz\uC700de fg" 0
} 6
test string-21.12 {string wordend, unicode} {
string wordend "xyz\u203Fde fg" 0
} 6
test string-21.13 {string wordend, unicode} {
string wordend "xyz\u2045de fg" 0
} 3
test string-21.14 {string wordend, unicode} {
string wordend "\uC700\uC700 abc" 8
} 6
test string-21.17 {string trim, unicode} {
string trim "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD83D\uDE02
} "Hello world!"
test string-21.18 {string trimleft, unicode} {
string trimleft "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD83D\uDE02
} "Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02"
test string-21.19 {string trimright, unicode} {
string trimright "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD83D\uDE02
} "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!"
test string-21.20 {string trim, unicode} {
string trim "\uF602Hello world!\uF602" \uD83D\uDE02
} "\uF602Hello world!\uF602"
test string-21.21 {string trimleft, unicode} {
string trimleft "\uF602Hello world!\uF602" \uD83D\uDE02
} "\uF602Hello world!\uF602"
test string-21.22 {string trimright, unicode} {
string trimright "\uF602Hello world!\uF602" \uD83D\uDE02
} "\uF602Hello world!\uF602"
test string-21.23 {string trim, unicode} {
string trim "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD93D\uDE02
} "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02"
test string-21.24 {string trimleft, unicode} {
string trimleft "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD93D\uDE02
} "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02"
test string-21.25 {string trimright, unicode} {
string trimright "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02" \uD93D\uDE02
} "\uD83D\uDE02Hello world!\uD83D\uDE02"
test string-22.1 {string wordstart} {
list [catch {string word a} msg] $msg
} {1 {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "word": must be bytelength, cat, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length, map, match, range, repeat, replace, reverse, tolower, totitle, toupper, trim, trimleft, trimright, wordend, or wordstart}}
test string-22.2 {string wordstart} {
list [catch {string wordstart a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string wordstart string index"}}
test string-22.3 {string wordstart} {
list [catch {string wordstart a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "string wordstart string index"}}
test string-22.4 {string wordstart} {
list [catch {string wordstart a gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "gorp": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?}}
test string-22.5 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one two three_words" 400
} 8
test string-22.6 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one two three_words" 2
} 0
test string-22.7 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one two three_words" -2
} 0
test string-22.8 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one .*&^ three" 6
} 6
test string-22.9 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one two three" 4
} 4
test string-22.10 {string wordstart} {
string wordstart "one two three" end-5
} 7
test string-22.11 {string wordstart, unicode} {
string wordstart "one tw\u00C7o three" 7
} 4
test string-22.12 {string wordstart, unicode} {
string wordstart "ab\uC700\uC700 cdef ghi" 12
} 10
test string-22.13 {string wordstart, unicode} {
string wordstart "\uC700\uC700 abc" 8
} 3
test string-22.14 {string wordstart, invalid UTF-8} testbytestring {
# See Bug c61818e4c9
set demo [testbytestring "abc def\xE0\xA9ghi"]
string index $demo [string wordstart $demo 10]
} g
test string-23.0 {string is boolean, Bug 1187123} testindexobj {
set x 5
catch {testindexobj $x foo bar soom}
string is boolean $x
} 0
test string-23.1 {string is command with empty string} {
set s ""
list \
[string is alnum $s] \
[string is alpha $s] \
[string is ascii $s] \
[string is control $s] \
[string is boolean $s] \
[string is digit $s] \
[string is double $s] \
[string is false $s] \
[string is graph $s] \
[string is integer $s] \
[string is lower $s] \
[string is print $s] \
[string is punct $s] \
[string is space $s] \
[string is true $s] \
[string is upper $s] \
[string is wordchar $s] \
[string is xdigit $s] \
} {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
test string-23.2 {string is command with empty string} {
set s ""
list \
[string is alnum -strict $s] \
[string is alpha -strict $s] \
[string is ascii -strict $s] \
[string is control -strict $s] \
[string is boolean -strict $s] \
[string is digit -strict $s] \
[string is double -strict $s] \
[string is false -strict $s] \
[string is graph -strict $s] \
[string is integer -strict $s] \
[string is lower -strict $s] \
[string is print -strict $s] \
[string is punct -strict $s] \
[string is space -strict $s] \
[string is true -strict $s] \
[string is upper -strict $s] \
[string is wordchar -strict $s] \
[string is xdigit -strict $s] \
} {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
test string-24.1 {string reverse command} -body {
string reverse
} -returnCodes error -result "wrong # args: should be \"string reverse string\""
test string-24.2 {string reverse command} -body {
string reverse a b
} -returnCodes error -result "wrong # args: should be \"string reverse string\""
test string-24.3 {string reverse command - shared string} {
set x abcde
string reverse $x
} edcba
test string-24.4 {string reverse command - unshared string} {
set x abc
set y de
string reverse $x$y
} edcba
test string-24.5 {string reverse command - shared unicode string} {
set x abcde\uD0AD
string reverse $x
} \uD0ADedcba
test string-24.6 {string reverse command - unshared string} {
set x abc
set y de\uD0AD
string reverse $x$y
} \uD0ADedcba
test string-24.7 {string reverse command - simple case} {
string reverse a
} a
test string-24.8 {string reverse command - simple case} {
string reverse \uD0AD
} \uD0AD
test string-24.9 {string reverse command - simple case} {
string reverse {}
} {}
test string-24.10 {string reverse command - corner case} {
set x \uBEEF\uD0AD
string reverse $x
} \uD0AD\uBEEF
test string-24.11 {string reverse command - corner case} {
set x \uBEEF
set y \uD0AD
string reverse $x$y
} \uD0AD\uBEEF
test string-24.12 {string reverse command - corner case} {
set x \uBEEF
set y \uD0AD
string is ascii [string reverse $x$y]
} 0
test string-24.13 {string reverse command - pure Unicode string} {
string reverse [string range \uBEEF\uD0AD\uBEEF\uD0AD\uBEEF\uD0AD 1 5]
test string-24.14 {string reverse command - pure bytearray} {
binary scan [string reverse [binary format H* 010203]] H* x
set x
} 030201
test string-24.15 {string reverse command - pure bytearray} {
binary scan [tcl::string::reverse [binary format H* 010203]] H* x
set x
} 030201
test string-24.16 {string reverse command - surrogates} {
string reverse \u0444bulb\uD83D\uDE02
} \uD83D\uDE02blub\u0444
test string-24.17 {string reverse command - surrogates} {
string reverse \uD83D\uDE02hello\uD83D\uDE02
} \uD83D\uDE02olleh\uD83D\uDE02
test string-24.18 {string reverse command - surrogates} {
set s \u0444bulb\uD83D\uDE02
# shim shimmery ...
string index $s 0
string reverse $s
} \uD83D\uDE02blub\u0444
test string-24.19 {string reverse command - surrogates} {
set s \uD83D\uDE02hello\uD83D\uDE02
# shim shimmery ...
string index $s 0
string reverse $s
} \uD83D\uDE02olleh\uD83D\uDE02
test string-25.1 {string is list} {
string is list {a b c}
} 1
test string-25.2 {string is list} {
string is list "a \{b c"
} 0
test string-25.3 {string is list} {
string is list {a {b c}d e}
} 0
test string-25.4 {string is list} {
string is list {}
} 1
test string-25.5 {string is list} {
string is list -strict {a b c}
} 1
test string-25.6 {string is list} {
string is list -strict "a \{b c"
} 0
test string-25.7 {string is list} {
string is list -strict {a {b c}d e}
} 0
test string-25.8 {string is list} {
string is list -strict {}
} 1
test string-25.9 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x {a b c}] $x
} {1 {}}
test string-25.10 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x "a \{b c"] $x
} {0 2}
test string-25.11 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x {a b {b c}d e}] $x
} {0 4}
test string-25.12 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x {}] $x
} {1 {}}
test string-25.13 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x { {b c}d e}] $x
} {0 2}
test string-25.14 {string is list} {
set x {}
list [string is list -failindex x "\uABCD {b c}d e"] $x
} {0 2}
test string-26.1 {tcl::prefix, not enough args} -body {
tcl::prefix match a
} -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::prefix match ?options? table string"}
test string-26.2 {tcl::prefix, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix match a b c
} -returnCodes 1 -result {bad option "a": must be -error, -exact, or -message}
test string-26.2.1 {tcl::prefix, empty table} -body {
tcl::prefix match {} foo
} -returnCodes 1 -result {bad option "foo": no valid options}
test string-26.3 {tcl::prefix, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix match -error "{}x" -exact str1 str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {list element in braces followed by "x" instead of space}
test string-26.3.1 {tcl::prefix, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix match -error "x" -exact str1 str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {error options must have an even number of elements}
test string-26.3.2 {tcl::prefix, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix match -error str1 str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {missing value for -error}
test string-26.4 {tcl::prefix, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix match -message str1 str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {missing value for -message}
test string-26.5 {tcl::prefix} {
tcl::prefix match {apa bepa cepa depa} cepa
} cepa
test string-26.6 {tcl::prefix} {
tcl::prefix match {apa bepa cepa depa} be
} bepa
test string-26.7 {tcl::prefix} -body {
tcl::prefix match -exact {apa bepa cepa depa} be
} -returnCodes 1 -result {bad option "be": must be apa, bepa, cepa, or depa}
test string-26.8 {tcl::prefix} -body {
tcl::prefix match -message wombat {apa bepa bear depa} be
} -returnCodes 1 -result {ambiguous wombat "be": must be apa, bepa, bear, or depa}
test string-26.9 {tcl::prefix} -body {
tcl::prefix match -error {} {apa bepa bear depa} be
} -returnCodes 0 -result {}
test string-26.10 {tcl::prefix} -body {
tcl::prefix match -error {-level 1} {apa bepa bear depa} be
} -returnCodes 2 -result {ambiguous option "be": must be apa, bepa, bear, or depa}
test string-26.10.1 {tcl::prefix} -setup {
proc _testprefix {args} {
array set opts {-a x -b y -c y}
foreach {opt val} $args {
set opt [tcl::prefix match -error {-level 1} {-a -b -c} $opt]
set opts($opt) $val
array get opts
} -body {
set a [catch {_testprefix -x u} result options]
dict get $options -errorinfo
} -cleanup {
rename _testprefix {}
} -result {bad option "-x": must be -a, -b, or -c
while executing
"_testprefix -x u"}
# Helper for memory stress tests
# Repeat each body in a local space checking that memory does not increase
proc MemStress {args} {
set res {}
foreach body $args {
set end 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
proc MemStress_Body {} $body
uplevel 1 MemStress_Body
rename MemStress_Body {}
set tmp $end
set end [lindex [lindex [split [memory info] "\n"] 3] 3]
lappend res [expr {$end - $tmp}]
return $res
test string-26.11 {tcl::prefix: testing for leaks} -body {
# This test is made to stress object reference management
MemStress {
set table {hejj miff gurk}
set item [lindex $table 1]
# If not careful, this can cause a circular reference
# that will cause a leak.
tcl::prefix match $table $item
} {
# A similar case with nested lists
set table2 {hejj {miff maff} gurk}
set item [lindex [lindex $table2 1] 0]
tcl::prefix match $table2 $item
} {
# A similar case with dict
set table3 {hejj {miff maff} gurk2}
set item [lindex [dict keys [lindex $table3 1]] 0]
tcl::prefix match $table3 $item
} -constraints memory -result {0 0 0}
test string-26.12 {tcl::prefix: testing for leaks} -body {
# This is a memory leak test in a form that might actually happen
# in real code. The shared literal "miff" causes a connection
# between the item and the table.
MemStress {
proc stress1 {item} {
set table [list hejj miff gurk]
tcl::prefix match $table $item
proc stress2 {} {
stress1 miff
rename stress1 {}
rename stress2 {}
} -constraints memory -result 0
test string-26.13 {tcl::prefix: testing for leaks} -body {
# This test is made to stress object reference management
MemStress {
set table [list hejj miff]
set item $table
set error $table
# Use the same objects in all places
catch {
tcl::prefix match -error $error $table $item
} -constraints memory -result {0}
test string-27.1 {tcl::prefix all, not enough args} -body {
tcl::prefix all a
} -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::prefix all table string"}
test string-27.2 {tcl::prefix all, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix all a b c
} -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::prefix all table string"}
test string-27.3 {tcl::prefix all, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix all "{}x" str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {list element in braces followed by "x" instead of space}
test string-27.4 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa bepa cepa depa} c
} cepa
test string-27.5 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa bepa cepa depa} cepa
} cepa
test string-27.6 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa bepa cepa depa} cepax
} {}
test string-27.7 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa aska appa} a
} {apa aska appa}
test string-27.8 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa aska appa} ap
} {apa appa}
test string-27.9 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa aska appa} p
} {}
test string-27.10 {tcl::prefix all} {
tcl::prefix all {apa aska appa} {}
} {apa aska appa}
test string-28.1 {tcl::prefix longest, not enough args} -body {
tcl::prefix longest a
} -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::prefix longest table string"}
test string-28.2 {tcl::prefix longest, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix longest a b c
} -returnCodes 1 -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::prefix longest table string"}
test string-28.3 {tcl::prefix longest, bad args} -body {
tcl::prefix longest "{}x" str2
} -returnCodes 1 -result {list element in braces followed by "x" instead of space}
test string-28.4 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa bepa cepa depa} c
} cepa
test string-28.5 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa bepa cepa depa} cepa
} cepa
test string-28.6 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa bepa cepa depa} cepax
} {}
test string-28.7 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa aska appa} a
} a
test string-28.8 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa aska appa} ap
} ap
test string-28.9 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa bska appa} a
} ap
test string-28.10 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa bska appa} {}
} {}
test string-28.11 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {{} bska appa} {}
} {}
test string-28.12 {tcl::prefix longest} {
tcl::prefix longest {apa {} appa} {}
} {}
test string-28.13 {tcl::prefix longest} {
# Test utf-8 handling
tcl::prefix longest {ax\x90 bep ax\x91} a
} ax
test string-29.1 {string cat, no arg} {
string cat
} ""
test string-29.2 {string cat, single arg} {
set x FOO
string compare $x [string cat $x]
} 0
test string-29.3 {string cat, two args} {
set x FOO
string compare $x$x [string cat $x $x]
} 0
test string-29.4 {string cat, many args} {
set x FOO
set n 260
set xx [string repeat $x $n]
set vv [string repeat {$x} $n]
set vvs [string repeat {$x } $n]
set r1 [string compare $xx [subst $vv]]
set r2 [string compare $xx [eval "string cat $vvs"]]
list $r1 $r2
} {0 0}
test string-30.1.1 {[Bug ba921a8d98]: string cat} {
string cat [set data [binary format a* hello]] [encoding convertto $data] [unset data]
} hellohello
test string-30.1.2 {[Bug ba921a8d98]: inplace cat by subst (compiled to "strcat" instruction)} {
set x "[set data [binary format a* hello]][encoding convertto $data][unset data]"
} hellohello
# cleanup
rename MemStress {}
catch {rename foo {}}
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: