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FPGA flow
This tutorial will help the user to understand how to use OpenFPGA flow.
During this tutorial we consider the user start in the OpenFPGA folder and we'll use tips and informations provided in tutorial index. Details on how the folder is organized are available here.
Running fpga_flow.pl
A script example can be found at OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/fpga_flow/tuto_fpga_flow.sh.
cd fpga_flow
By running this script we took an architecture description file, generated its netlist, generated a bitstream to implement a benchmark on it and verified this implementation.
When you open this file you can see that 2 scripts are called. The first one is rewrite_path_in_file.pl which allow us to make this tutorial generic by generating full path to dependancies.
The second one is fpga_flow.pl. This script launch OpenFPGA flow and can be used with a lot of options. In this example we activated all FPGA-Verilog options
Any script provides help if launch without argument
fpga_flow.pl has dependencies which need to be configured. They are:
- configuration file, which provides dependencies path and flow type
- benchmark list file
Configuration file
In this file paths have to be full path. Relative path could lead to errors.
The file is organized in 3 parts:
- dir_path: provides all the tools and repository path
- flow_conf: provides information on how the flow run
- csv_tags: to complete
While empty the file is as follow:
script_base = OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/fpga_flow/scripts
benchmark_dir =
yosys_path = OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/yosys
odin2_path = not_used
cirkit_path = not_used
abc_mccl_path = OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/abc
abc_with_bb_support_path = OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/abc
mpack1_path = not_used
m2net_path = not_used
mpack2_path = not_used
vpr_path = OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/vpr7_x2p/vpr
rpt_dir =
flow_type = yosys_vpr to use verilog input
vpr_arch =
mpack1_abc_stdlib = DRLC7T_SiNWFET.genlib # Use relative path under ABC folder is OK
m2net_conf = not_used
mpack2_arch = not_used
power_tech_xml =
[csv_tags] to complete
mpack1_tags = Global mapping efficiency:|efficiency:|occupancy wo buf:|efficiency wo buf:
mpack2_tags = BLE Number:|BLE Fill Rate:
vpr_tags = Netlist clb blocks:|Final critical path:|Total logic delay:|total net delay:|Total routing area:|Total used logic block area:|Total wirelength:|Packing took|Placement took|Routing took|Average net density:|Median net density:|Recommend no. of clock cycles:
vpr_power_tags = PB Types|Routing|Switch Box|Connection Box|Primitives|Interc Structures|lut6|ff
An example of this file can be found at OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/fpga_flow/configs/tutorial/tuto.conf
Benchmark list
The benchmark folder contains 3 sub-folders:
- Blif: contains .blif and .act of benchmarks
- List: contains all benchmark list files
- Verilog: contains Verilog designs
Blif and Verilog folders are organized by folders with the name of projects. Folder, top module and top module file must share the same name.
The benchmark list file can contain as many benchmarks as available in the same folder targetted by "benchmark_dir" variable from the configuration file. It's written as:
top_module/*.v,<int_value>; where <int_value> is the number of channel/wire between each block.
An example of this file can be found at OPENFPGAPATHKEYWORD/fpga_flow/benchmarks/List/tuto_benchmark.txt