470 lines
16 KiB
470 lines
16 KiB
/* SPICE Modeling for VPR */
/* Xifan TANG, EPFL/LSI */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Include vpr structs*/
#include "util.h"
#include "physical_types.h"
#include "vpr_types.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "rr_graph.h"
#include "rr_graph_swseg.h"
#include "vpr_utils.h"
/* Include spice support headers*/
#include "linkedlist.h"
#include "fpga_spice_globals.h"
#include "spice_globals.h"
#include "fpga_spice_utils.h"
#include "spice_utils.h"
#include "spice_pbtypes.h"
#include "spice_primitives.h"
enum e_ff_trigger_type {
/* Subroutines */
void fprint_pb_primitive_ff(FILE* fp,
char* subckt_prefix,
t_logical_block* mapped_logical_block,
t_pb_graph_node* prim_pb_graph_node,
int index,
t_spice_model* spice_model) {
int i;
/* Default FF settings, applied when this FF is idle*/
enum e_ff_trigger_type trigger_type = FF_RE;
int init_val = 0;
int num_input_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** input_ports = NULL;
int num_output_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL;
int num_clock_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** clock_ports = NULL;
int iport, ipin;
int num_pb_type_output_port = 0;
t_port** pb_type_output_ports = NULL;
char* formatted_subckt_prefix = format_spice_node_prefix(subckt_prefix); /* Complete a "_" at the end if needed*/
t_pb_type* prim_pb_type = NULL;
char* port_prefix = NULL;
/* Ensure a valid file handler*/
if (NULL == fp) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid file handler!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Ensure a valid pb_graph_node */
if (NULL == prim_pb_graph_node) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid prim_pb_graph_node!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Find ports*/
input_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_input_port, FALSE);
output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_port, TRUE);
clock_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK, &num_clock_port, FALSE);
/* Asserts */
assert(3 == num_input_port); /* D, Set and Reset*/
for (i = 0; i < num_input_port; i++) {
assert(1 == input_ports[i]->size);
assert(1 == num_output_port);
assert(1 == output_ports[0]->size);
assert(1 == num_clock_port);
assert(1 == clock_ports[0]->size);
assert(SPICE_MODEL_FF == spice_model->type);
/* Initialize */
prim_pb_type = prim_pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
fprintf(fp, "***** Logical block mapped to this FF: %s *****\n",
/* Generate Subckt for pb_type*/
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(formatted_subckt_prefix) + strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s%s[%d]", formatted_subckt_prefix, prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Simplify the port prefix, make SPICE netlist readable */
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s[%d]", prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Definition line */
fprintf(fp, ".subckt %s%s ", formatted_subckt_prefix, port_prefix);
/* print ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type);
/* Local vdd and gnd*/
fprintf(fp, "svdd sgnd\n");
/* Definition ends*/
/* Call the dff subckt*/
fprintf(fp, "X%s[%d] ", spice_model->prefix, spice_model->cnt);
/* Global ports */
if (0 < rec_fprint_spice_model_global_ports(fp, spice_model, FALSE)) {
fprintf(fp, "+ ");
/* print ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type); /* Use global clock for each DFF...*/
/* Local vdd and gnd, spice_model name
* global vdd for ff
fprintf(fp, "%s_%s[%d] sgnd %s\n",
/* Apply rising edge, and init value to the ff*/
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
/* Consider the rising edge|falling edge */
if (0 == strcmp("re", mapped_logical_block->trigger_type)) {
trigger_type = FF_RE;
} else if (0 == strcmp("fe", mapped_logical_block->trigger_type)) {
trigger_type = FF_FE;
} else {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid ff trigger type! Should be [re|fe].\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Assign initial value */
if (1 == mapped_logical_block->init_val) {
init_val = 1;
} else {
init_val = 0;
/* Back-annotate to logical block */
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model = spice_model;
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model_index = spice_model->cnt;
} else {
trigger_type = FF_RE;
init_val = 0;
/* TODO: apply falling edge, initial value to FF!!!*/
/*fprintf(fp, "\n");*/
/* Add nodeset */
pb_type_output_ports = find_pb_type_ports_match_spice_model_port_type(prim_pb_type, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_pb_type_output_port);
for (iport = 0; iport < num_pb_type_output_port; iport++) {
for (ipin = 0; ipin < pb_type_output_ports[iport]->num_pins; ipin++) {
fprintf(fp, ".nodeset V(%s->%s[%d]) ", port_prefix, pb_type_output_ports[iport]->name, ipin);
if (0 == init_val) {
fprintf(fp, "0\n");
} else {
assert(1 == init_val);
fprintf(fp, "vsp\n");
/* End */
fprintf(fp, ".eom\n");
/* Print hardlogic SPICE subckt*/
void fprint_pb_primitive_hardlogic(FILE* fp,
char* subckt_prefix,
t_logical_block* mapped_logical_block,
t_pb_graph_node* prim_pb_graph_node,
int index,
t_spice_model* spice_model) {
int num_input_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** input_ports = NULL;
int num_output_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL;
int num_clock_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** clock_ports = NULL;
char* formatted_subckt_prefix = format_spice_node_prefix(subckt_prefix); /* Complete a "_" at the end if needed*/
t_pb_type* prim_pb_type = NULL;
char* port_prefix = NULL;
/* Ensure a valid file handler*/
if (NULL == fp) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid file handler!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Ensure a valid pb_graph_node */
if (NULL == prim_pb_graph_node) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid prim_pb_graph_node!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Find ports*/
input_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_input_port, TRUE);
output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_port, TRUE);
clock_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK, &num_clock_port, TRUE);
/* Asserts */
assert(SPICE_MODEL_HARDLOGIC == spice_model->type);
/* Initialize */
prim_pb_type = prim_pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
fprintf(fp, "***** Logical block mapped to this hardlogic: %s *****\n",
/* Generate Subckt for pb_type*/
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(formatted_subckt_prefix) + strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s%s[%d]", formatted_subckt_prefix, prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Simplify the port prefix, make SPICE netlist readable */
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s[%d]", prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Definition line */
fprintf(fp, ".subckt %s%s ", formatted_subckt_prefix, port_prefix);
/* print ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type);
/* Local vdd and gnd*/
fprintf(fp, "svdd sgnd\n");
/* Definition ends*/
/* Back-annotate to logical block */
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model = spice_model;
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model_index = spice_model->cnt;
/* Call the dff subckt*/
fprintf(fp, "X%s[%d] ", spice_model->prefix, spice_model->cnt);
/* print ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type);
/* Local vdd and gnd, spice_model name,
* Global vdd for hardlogic to split
fprintf(fp, "gvdd_%s[%d] sgnd %s\n", spice_model->prefix, spice_model->cnt, spice_model->name);
/* End */
fprintf(fp, ".eom\n");
void fprint_pb_primitive_io(FILE* fp,
char* subckt_prefix,
t_logical_block* mapped_logical_block,
t_pb_graph_node* prim_pb_graph_node,
int index,
t_spice_model* spice_model) {
int num_pad_port = 0; /* INOUT port */
t_spice_model_port** pad_ports = NULL;
int num_input_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** input_ports = NULL;
int num_output_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** output_ports = NULL;
int num_clock_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** clock_ports = NULL;
int num_sram_port = 0;
t_spice_model_port** sram_ports = NULL;
int i;
int num_sram = 0;
int expected_num_sram = 0;
int* sram_bits = NULL;
int cur_num_sram = 0;
t_spice_model* mem_model = NULL;
char* formatted_subckt_prefix = format_spice_node_prefix(subckt_prefix); /* Complete a "_" at the end if needed*/
t_pb_type* prim_pb_type = NULL;
char* port_prefix = NULL;
char* sram_vdd_port_name = NULL;
/* Ensure a valid file handler*/
if (NULL == fp) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid file handler!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Ensure a valid pb_graph_node */
if (NULL == prim_pb_graph_node) {
vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid prim_pb_graph_node!\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Find ports*/
pad_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INOUT, &num_pad_port, TRUE);
input_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, &num_input_port, TRUE);
output_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, &num_output_port, TRUE);
clock_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_CLOCK, &num_clock_port, TRUE);
sram_ports = find_spice_model_ports(spice_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_SRAM, &num_sram_port, TRUE);
/* Asserts */
assert(SPICE_MODEL_IOPAD == spice_model->type);
/* Initialize */
prim_pb_type = prim_pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
fprintf(fp, "***** Logical block mapped to this IO: %s *****\n",
/* Generate Subckt for pb_type*/
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(formatted_subckt_prefix) + strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s%s[%d]", formatted_subckt_prefix, prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Simplify the port prefix, make SPICE netlist readable */
port_prefix = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
(strlen(prim_pb_type->name) + 1
+ strlen(my_itoa(index)) + 1 + 1));
sprintf(port_prefix, "%s[%d]", prim_pb_type->name, index);
/* Decode SRAM bits */
assert((1 == num_sram_port)&&(NULL != sram_ports)&&(1 == sram_ports[0]->size));
num_sram = count_num_sram_bits_one_spice_model(spice_model, -1);
/* what is the SRAM bit of a mode? */
/* If logical block is not NULL, we need to decode the sram bit */
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
assert(NULL != mapped_logical_block->pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->mode_bits);
sram_bits = decode_mode_bits(mapped_logical_block->pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->mode_bits, &expected_num_sram);
assert(expected_num_sram == num_sram);
} else {
/* Initialize */
sram_bits = (int*)my_calloc(num_sram, sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) {
sram_bits[i] = sram_ports[0]->default_val;
/* Get current counter of mem_bits, bl and wl */
cur_num_sram = get_sram_orgz_info_num_mem_bit(sram_spice_orgz_info);
/* Definition line */
fprintf(fp, ".subckt %s%s ", formatted_subckt_prefix, port_prefix);
/* print ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type);
/* Local vdd and gnd*/
fprintf(fp, "svdd sgnd\n");
/* Definition ends*/
/* Call the iopad subckt*/
fprintf(fp, "X%s[%d] ", spice_model->prefix, spice_model->cnt);
/* Only dump the global ports belonging to a spice_model
* Do not go recursive, we can freely define global ports anywhere in SPICE netlist
if (0 < rec_fprint_spice_model_global_ports(fp, spice_model, FALSE)) {
fprintf(fp, "+ ");
/* print regular ports*/
fprint_pb_type_ports(fp, port_prefix, 0, prim_pb_type);
/* Print inout port */
fprintf(fp, " %s%s[%d] ",
/* Print SRAM ports */
for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) {
fprint_spice_sram_one_outport(fp, sram_spice_orgz_info, cur_num_sram + i, sram_bits[i]);
/* We need the invertered signal for better convergency */
fprint_spice_sram_one_outport(fp, sram_spice_orgz_info, cur_num_sram + i, 1 - sram_bits[i]);
/* Local vdd and gnd, spice_model name,
* TODO: Global vdd for i/o pad to split?
fprintf(fp, "%s_%s[%d] sgnd %s\n",
/* Print the encoding in SPICE netlist for debugging */
fprintf(fp, "***** SRAM bits for IOPAD[%d] *****\n",
fprintf(fp, "*****");
for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d", sram_bits[i]);
fprintf(fp, "*****\n");
/* Call SRAM subckts*/
/* Give the VDD port name for SRAMs */
sram_vdd_port_name = (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*
+ 1 ));
sprintf(sram_vdd_port_name, "%s",
/* Now Print SRAMs one by one */
for (i = 0; i < num_sram; i++) {
fprint_spice_one_sram_subckt(fp, sram_spice_orgz_info, spice_model, sram_vdd_port_name);
/* Store the configuraion bit to linked-list */
add_sram_conf_bits_to_llist(sram_spice_orgz_info, cur_num_sram,
num_sram, sram_bits);
/* End */
fprintf(fp, ".eom\n");
/* Back-annotate to logical block */
if (NULL != mapped_logical_block) {
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model = spice_model;
mapped_logical_block->mapped_spice_model_index = spice_model->cnt;
/* Update the spice_model counter */