
240 lines
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Executable File

//<<<<<<< .mine
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
#define GRAPHICS_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "easygl_constants.h"
using namespace std;
// Set X11 by default, if neither NO_GRAPHICS nor WIN32 are defined
#ifndef WIN32
#ifndef X11
#define X11
#endif // !WIN32
#endif // !NO_GRAPHICS
/* Graphics.h
* Originally written by Vaughn Betz (
* Win32 port by Paul Leventis (
* Enhanced version by William Chow (
* Minor updates by Guy Lemieux (
* More updates by Vaughn Betz to make win32 cleaner and more robust.
/******* Constants and enums ******************************************/
/* Data structure below is for debugging. Lets you get a bunch
* of info about the low-level graphics state.
* xmult, ymult: world to pixel coordinate multiplier for screen
* ps_xmult, ps_ymult: world to pixel coordinate multiplier for postscript
* xleft, xright, ytop, yleft: current world coordinates of user-graphics display corners
* top_width, top_height: size (in pixels) of top-level window
typedef struct {
float xmult, ymult;
float ps_xmult, ps_ymult;
float xleft, xright, ytop, ybot;
int top_width, top_height;
} t_report;
/************** ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS ******************/
/* This is the main routine for the graphics. When event_loop is
* called, it will continue executing until the Proceed button is
* pressed.
* Whenever the graphics need to be redrawn, drawscreen will be called;
* you must pass in a function pointer to a routine you write that can
* draw the picture you want.
* You can also pass in event handlers for user input if you wish.
* act_on_mouse_button() will be called whenever the user left-clicks
* in the graphics area.
* act_on_keypress() and act_on_mousemove() will be called whenever a
* keyboard key is pressed or the mouse is moved, respectively, in the
* graphics area. You can turn keypress input and mouse_move input
* on or off using the set_mouse_move_input () and set_keypress_input ()
* functions (default for both: off).
void event_loop (void (*act_on_mousebutton) (float x, float y),
void (*act_on_mousemove) (float x, float y),
void (*act_on_keypress) (char key_pressed),
void (*drawscreen) (void));
/* Opens up the graphics; the window will have window_name in its
* title bar and the specified background colour.
* Known bug: can't re-open graphics after closing them.
void init_graphics (const char *window_name, int cindex_background);
/* Sets world coordinates of the graphics window so that the
* upper-left corner has virtual coordinate (xl, yt) and the
* bottom-right corner has virtual coordinate (xr, yb).
* Call this function before you call event_loop. Do not call it
* in your drawscreen () callback function, since it will undo any
* panning or zooming the user has done.
void init_world (float xl, float yt, float xr, float yb);
/* Closes the graphics */
void close_graphics (void);
/* Changes the status bar message to msg. */
void update_message (const char *msg);
/* Creates a button on the menu bar below the button with text
* prev_button_text. The button will have text button_text,
* and when clicked will call function button_func.
* button_func is a function that accepts a void function as
* an argument; this argument is set to the drawscreen routine
* as passed into the event loop.
void create_button (const char *prev_button_text , const char *button_text,
void (*button_func) (void (*drawscreen) (void)));
/* Destroys the button with the given text; i.e. removes it from
* the display.
void destroy_button (const char *button_text);
/*************** PostScript Routines *****************/
/* Opens file for postscript commands and initializes it. All subsequent
* drawing commands go to this file until close_postscript is called.
* You can generate postscript output by explicitly calling
* this routine, and then calling drawscreen. More commonly you'll
* just click on the "PostScript" button though, and that button
* calls this routine and drawscreen to generate a postscript file
* that exactly matches the graphics area display on the screen.
int init_postscript (const char *fname); /* Returns 1 if successful */
/* Closes file and directs output to screen again. */
void close_postscript (void);
/*************** DRAWING ROUTINES ******************/
/* Clears the screen. Should normally be the first call in your
* screen redrawing function.
void clearscreen (void);
/* The following routines draw to SCREEN if disp_type = SCREEN
* and to a PostScript file if disp_type = POSTSCRIPT
/* Set the current draw colour to the supplied colour index from color_types */
void setcolor (int cindex);
/* Set the color with a string instead of an enumerated constant */
void setcolor (string cname);
/* Get the current color */
int getcolor(void);
/* Sets the line style to the specified line_style */
void setlinestyle (int linestyle);
/* Sets the line width in pixels (for screen output) or points (1/72 of an inch)
* for PostScript output. A value of 0 means thinnest possible line.
void setlinewidth (int linewidth);
/* Sets the font size, in points. 72 points is 1 inch high. I allow
* fonts from 1 to 24 points in size; change MAX_FONT_SIZE if you want
* bigger fonts still.
void setfontsize (int pointsize);
/* Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in world coordinates */
void drawline (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
/* Draws a rectangle from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in world coordinates, using
* the current line style, colour and width.
void drawrect (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
/* Draws a filled rectangle with the specified corners, in world coordinates. */
void fillrect (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
/* Draws a filled polygon */
void fillpoly (t_point *points, int npoints);
/* Draw or fill a circular arc or elliptical arc. Angles in degrees.
* startang is measured from positive x-axis of Window.
* A positive angextent means a counterclockwise arc; a negative
* angextent means clockwise.
void drawarc (float xcen, float ycen, float rad, float startang,
float angextent);
void fillarc (float xcen, float ycen, float rad, float startang,
float angextent);
void drawellipticarc (float xc, float yc, float radx, float rady, float startang, float angextent);
void fillellipticarc (float xc, float yc, float radx, float rady, float startang, float angextent);
/* boundx specifies horizontal bounding box. If text won't fit in
* the space specified by boundx (world coordinates) the text isn't drawn.
* That avoids text going everywhere for high zoom levels.
* If you always want the text to display (even if it overwrites lots of
* stuff at high zoom levels), just specify a huge boundx.
void drawtext (float xc, float yc, const char *text, float boundx);
/* Control what buttons are active (default: all enabled) and
* whether mouse movements and keypresses are sent to callback
* functions (default: disabled).
void set_mouse_move_input (bool turn_on);
void set_keypress_input (bool turn_on);
void enable_or_disable_button (int ibutton, bool enabled);
/*************** ADVANCED FUNCTIONS *****************/
/* Normal users shouldn't have to use draw_message. Should only be
* useful if using non-interactive graphics and you want to redraw
* yourself because of an expose. i
void draw_message (void);
/* Empties event queue. Can be useful with non-interactive graphics to make
* sure things display.
void flushinput (void);
/* DRAW_NORMAL is the default mode (overwrite, also known as copy_pen).
* Can use DRAW_XOR for fast rubber-banding.
enum e_draw_mode {DRAW_NORMAL = 0, DRAW_XOR};
void set_draw_mode (enum e_draw_mode draw_mode);
/* Change the text on a button.
void change_button_text(const char *button_text, const char *new_button_text);
/* For debugging only. Get window size etc. */
void report_structure(t_report*);
/**************** Extra functions available only in WIN32. *******/
#ifdef WIN32
/* VB: TODO: I should make any generally useful functions below work in
* X11 as well, and probably delete anything else.
/* Added by William to provide double buffering in Windows */
void drawtobuffer(void);
void drawtoscreen(void);
void displaybuffer(void);
void drawcurve(t_point *points, int npoints);
void fillcurve(t_point *points, int npoints);
void object_start(int all);
void object_end();
int pt_on_object(int all, float x, float y);
int findfontsize(float ymax);
#endif // WIN32
#endif // GRAPHICS_H