
1449 lines
52 KiB

# Commands covered: (test)thread
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Joe Mistachkin. All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# when thread::release is used, -wait is passed in order allow the thread to
# be fully finalized, which avoids valgrind "still reachable" reports.
package require tcltests
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
# Some tests require the testthread command
testConstraint testthread [expr {[info commands testthread] ne {}}]
set threadSuperKillScript {
rename catch ""
rename while ""
rename unknown ""
rename update ""
proc getThreadErrorFromInfo { info } {
set list [split $info \n]
set idx [lsearch -glob $list "*eval*unwound*"]
if {$idx >= 0} then {
return [lindex $list $idx]
set idx [lsearch -glob $list "*eval*canceled*"]
if {$idx >= 0} then {
return [lindex $list $idx]
return ""; # some other error we do not care about.
proc findThreadError { info } {
foreach error [lreverse $info] {
set error [getThreadErrorFromInfo $error]
if {[string length $error] > 0} then {
return $error
return ""; # some other error we do not care about.
proc ThreadError {id info} {
global threadSawError
if {[string length [getThreadErrorFromInfo $info]] > 0} then {
global threadId threadError
set threadId $id
lappend threadError($id) $info
set threadSawError($id) true; # signal main thread to exit [vwait].
proc threadSuperKill id {
variable threadSuperKillScript
try {
thread::send $id $::threadSuperKillScript
} on error {tres topts} {
if {$tres ne {target thread died}} {
return -options $topts $tres
if {[testConstraint thread]} {
thread::errorproc ThreadError
if {[testConstraint testthread]} {
proc drainEventQueue {} {
while {[set x [testthread event]]} {
#puts "WARNING: drained $x event(s) on main thread"
testthread errorproc ThreadError
# Some tests require manual draining of the event queue
testConstraint drainEventQueue [expr {[info commands drainEventQueue] != {}}]
test thread-1.3 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: initial thread list} {thread} {
llength [thread::names]
} 1
test thread-1.4 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: thread create } {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
set numthreads [llength [thread::names]]
thread::release -wait $serverthread
set numthreads
} 2
test thread-1.5 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: thread create one shot} {thread} {
thread::create {set x 5}
foreach try {0 1 2 4 5 6} {
# Try various ways to yield
after 10
set l [llength [thread::names]]
if {$l == 1} {
set l
} 1
test thread-1.6 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: thread exit} {thread} {
thread::create {{*}{}}
after 10
llength [thread::names]
} {1}
test thread-1.13 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: send args} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
set five [thread::send $serverthread {set x 5}]
thread::release -wait $serverthread
set five
} 5
test thread-1.15 {Tcl_ThreadObjCmd: wait} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved {set z 5 ; thread::wait}]
set five [thread::send $serverthread {set z}]
thread::release -wait $serverthread
set five
} 5
# The tests above also cover:
# TclCreateThread, except when pthread_create fails
# NewThread, safe and regular
# ThreadErrorProc, except for printing to standard error
test thread-2.1 {ListUpdateInner and ListRemove} {thread} {
catch {unset tid}
foreach t {0 1 2} {
upvar #0 t$t tid
set tid [thread::create -preserved]
foreach t {0 1 2} {
upvar #0 t$t tid
thread::release $tid
llength [thread::names]
} 1
test thread-3.1 {TclThreadList} {thread} {
catch {unset tid}
set len [llength [thread::names]]
set l1 {}
foreach t {0 1 2} {
lappend l1 [thread::create -preserved]
set l2 [thread::names]
set c [string compare [lsort [concat [thread::id] $l1]] [lsort $l2]]
foreach t $l1 {
thread::release -wait $t
list $len $c
} {1 0}
test thread-4.1 {TclThreadSend to self} {thread} {
catch {unset x}
thread::send [thread::id] {
set x 4
set x
} {4}
test thread-4.2 {TclThreadSend -async} {thread} {
set len [llength [thread::names]]
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
thread::send -async $serverthread {
after 1 {thread::release}
set two [llength [thread::names]]
after 100 {set done 1}
vwait done
list $len [llength [thread::names]] $two
} {1 1 2}
test thread-4.3 {TclThreadSend preserve errorInfo} {thread} {
set len [llength [thread::names]]
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
set x [catch {thread::send $serverthread {set undef}} msg]
set savedErrorInfo $::errorInfo
thread::release $serverthread
list $len $x $msg $savedErrorInfo
} {1 1 {can't read "undef": no such variable} {can't read "undef": no such variable
while executing
"set undef"
invoked from within
"thread::send $serverthread {set undef}"}}
test thread-4.4 {TclThreadSend preserve code} {thread} {
set len [llength [thread::names]]
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
set ::errorInfo {}
set x [catch {thread::send $serverthread {set ::errorInfo {}; break}} msg]
set savedErrorInfo $::errorInfo
thread::release $serverthread
list $len $x $msg $savedErrorInfo
} {1 3 {} {}}
test thread-4.5 {TclThreadSend preserve errorCode} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create]
set x [catch {thread::send $serverthread {error ERR INFO CODE}} msg]
set savedErrorCode $::errorCode
thread::release $serverthread
list $x $msg $savedErrorCode
} {1 ERR CODE}
test thread-5.0 {Joining threads} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable -preserved]
thread::send -async $serverthread {after 1000 ; thread::release}
thread::join $serverthread
} {0}
test thread-5.1 {Joining threads after the fact} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable -preserved]
thread::send -async $serverthread {thread::release}
after 2000
thread::join $serverthread
} {0}
test thread-5.2 {Try to join a detached thread} {thread} {
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
thread::send -async $serverthread {after 1000 ; thread::release}
catch {set res [thread::join $serverthread]} msg
while {[llength [thread::names]] > 1} {
after 20
lrange $msg 0 2
} {cannot join thread}
test thread-6.1 {freeing very large object trees in a thread} thread {
# conceptual duplicate of obj-32.1
set serverthread [thread::create -preserved]
thread::send -async $serverthread {
set x {}
for {set i 0} {$i<100000} {incr i} {
set x [list $x {}]
unset x
thread::release -wait $serverthread
} 0
# TIP #285: Script cancellation support
test thread-7.4 {cancel: pure bytecode loop} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.5 {cancel: pure inside-command loop} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
set while while
$while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.6 {cancel: pure bytecode loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.7 {cancel: pure inside-command loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
set while while
$while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.8 {cancel: pure bytecode loop custom result} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread "the eval was canceled"]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {the eval was canceled}}
test thread-7.9 {cancel: pure inside-command loop custom result} -constraints {
} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
set while while
$while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread "the eval was canceled"]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {the eval was canceled}}
test thread-7.10 {cancel: pure bytecode loop custom result -unwind} -constraints {
} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread "the eval was unwound"]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {the eval was unwound}}
test thread-7.11 {cancel: pure inside-command loop custom result -unwind} -constraints {
} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
set while while
$while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread "the eval was unwound"]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {the eval was unwound}}
test thread-7.12 {cancel: after} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
after 30000
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.13 {cancel: after -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
after 30000
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.14 {cancel: vwait} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
vwait forever
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.15 {cancel: vwait -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
vwait forever
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.16 {cancel: expr} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
expr {[while {1} {incr x}]}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.17 {cancel: expr -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
expr {[while {1} {incr x}]}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.18 {cancel: expr bignum} {thread drainEventQueue knownBug} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
# BUGBUG: This will not cancel because libtommath
# does not check Tcl_Canceled.
expr {2**99999}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread); # WARNING: Never returns (see above).
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue; # WARNING: Never returns (see above).
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 0 {}}
test thread-7.19 {cancel: expr bignum -unwind} {thread drainEventQueue knownBug} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
# BUGBUG: This will not cancel because libtommath
# does not check Tcl_Canceled.
expr {2**99999}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread); # WARNING: Never returns (see above).
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue; # WARNING: Never returns (see above).
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 0 {}}
test thread-7.20 {cancel: subst} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
subst {[while {1} {incr x}]}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.21 {cancel: subst -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
subst {[while {1} {incr x}]}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.22 {cancel: child interp} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
while {1} {}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.23 {cancel: child interp -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
set while while; $while {1} {}
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.24 {cancel: nested catch inside pure bytecode loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 0 {}}
test thread-7.25 {cancel: nested catch inside pure inside-command loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::cancel $serverthread]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 0 {}}
test thread-7.26 {cancel: send async cancel bad interp path} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
catch {thread::send $serverthread {interp cancel -- bad}} msg
thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel -unwind}
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] $msg
} {1 {could not find interpreter "bad"}}
test thread-7.27 {cancel: send async cancel -- switch} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
set i [interp create -- -unwind]
$i eval "package require -exact Thread [package present Thread]"
$i eval {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel -- -unwind}]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.28 {cancel: send async cancel nested catch inside pure bytecode loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel}]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.29 {cancel: send async cancel nested catch pure inside-command loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel}]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.30 {cancel: send async thread cancel nested catch inside pure bytecode loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {thread::cancel [thread::id]}]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.31 {cancel: send async thread cancel nested catch pure inside-command loop} {thread drainEventQueue} {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted; after 1000
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {thread::cancel [thread::id]}]
threadSuperKill $serverthread
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {[info exists ::threadIdStarted] ? \
$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} {{} 1 1 {eval canceled}}
test thread-7.32 {cancel: nested catch inside pure bytecode loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.33 {cancel: nested catch inside pure inside-command loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# No bytecode at all here...
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::cancel -unwind $serverthread]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.34 {cancel: send async cancel nested catch inside pure bytecode loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel -unwind}]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.35 {cancel: send async cancel nested catch inside pure inside-command loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {interp cancel -unwind}]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.36 {cancel: send async thread cancel nested catch inside pure bytecode loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
catch {
while {1} {
catch {
while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {thread::cancel -unwind [thread::id]}]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-7.37 {cancel: send async thread cancel nested catch inside pure inside-command loop -unwind} -constraints {thread drainEventQueue} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -body {
set serverthread [thread::create -joinable \
[string map [list %ID% [thread::id]] {
proc foobar {} {
set catch catch
set while while
$while {1} {
if {![info exists foo]} then {
# signal the primary thread that we are ready
# to be canceled now (we are running).
thread::send %ID% [list set ::threadIdStarted [thread::id]]
set foo 1
$catch {
$while {1} {
$catch {
$while {1} {
# we must call update here because otherwise
# the thread cannot even be forced to exit.
# wait for other thread to signal "ready to cancel"
vwait ::threadIdStarted
set res [thread::send -async $serverthread {thread::cancel -unwind [thread::id]}]
vwait ::threadSawError($serverthread)
thread::join $serverthread; drainEventQueue
list $res [expr {$::threadIdStarted == $serverthread}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadId] ? \
$::threadId == $serverthread : 0}] \
[expr {[info exists ::threadError($serverthread)] ? \
[findThreadError $::threadError($serverthread)] : ""}]
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadSawError ::threadError ::threadId ::threadIdStarted
} -result {{} 1 1 {eval unwound}}
test thread-8.1 {threaded fork stress} -constraints {thread} -setup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadCount ::execCount ::threads ::thread
set ::threadCount 10
set ::execCount 10
} -body {
set ::threads [list]
for {set i 0} {$i < $::threadCount} {incr i} {
lappend ::threads [thread::create -joinable [string map \
[list %execCount% $::execCount] {
proc execLs {} {
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} then {
return [exec $::env(COMSPEC) /c DIR]
} else {
return [exec /bin/ls]
set j {%execCount%}; while {[incr j -1]} {execLs}
foreach ::thread $::threads {
thread::join $::thread
} -cleanup {
unset -nocomplain ::threadCount ::execCount ::threads ::thread
} -result {}
# cleanup