72 lines
2.6 KiB
72 lines
2.6 KiB
* This file includes functions that outputs an OpenFPGAArch
* data structure to XML format
#include <fstream>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_time.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "openfpga_digest.h"
/* Headers from readarchopenfpga library */
#include "write_xml_circuit_library.h"
#include "write_xml_technology_library.h"
#include "write_xml_simulation_setting.h"
#include "write_xml_config_protocol.h"
#include "write_xml_routing_circuit.h"
#include "write_xml_pb_type_annotation.h"
#include "write_xml_openfpga_arch.h"
* A writer to output an OpenFPGAArch to XML format
void write_xml_openfpga_arch(const char* fname,
const openfpga::Arch& openfpga_arch) {
vtr::ScopedStartFinishTimer timer("Write OpenFPGA architecture");
/* Create a file handler */
std::fstream fp;
/* Open the file stream */
fp.open(std::string(fname), std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
/* Validate the file stream */
openfpga::check_file_stream(fname, fp);
/* Write the root node for openfpga_arch */
fp << "<openfpga_architecture>" << "\n";
/* Write the technology library */
write_xml_technology_library(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.tech_lib);
/* Write the circuit library */
write_xml_circuit_library(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib);
/* Write the configuration protocol */
write_xml_config_protocol(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.config_protocol, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib);
/* Write the connection block circuit definition */
write_xml_cb_switch_circuit(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib, openfpga_arch.cb_switch2circuit);
/* Write the switch block circuit definition */
write_xml_sb_switch_circuit(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib, openfpga_arch.sb_switch2circuit);
/* Write the routing segment circuit definition */
write_xml_routing_segment_circuit(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib, openfpga_arch.routing_seg2circuit);
/* Write the direct connection circuit definition */
write_xml_direct_circuit(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.circuit_lib, openfpga_arch.arch_direct);
/* Write the pb_type annotations */
openfpga::write_xml_pb_type_annotations(fp, fname, openfpga_arch. pb_type_annotations);
fp << "</openfpga_architecture>" << "\n";
/* Write the simulation */
write_xml_simulation_setting(fp, fname, openfpga_arch.sim_setting);
/* Close the file stream */