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Hierarchy of Verilog Output Files
All the generated Verilog Netlists are located in the <verilog_dir>/SRC as you specify in the command-line options. Under the <verilog_dir>/SRC, FPGA-Verilog creates the top file name_top.v and some folders: lb (logic blocks), routing and sub_modules.
.. csv-table:: Folder hierarchy of FPGA-Verilog
:header: "File/Folder", "Content"
:widths: 10, 20
"name_top.v", "Contains the top module and calls all the other .v files"
"name.bitstream", "Only if --fpga_verilog_print_top_testbench or --fpga_verilog_print_top_auto_testbench is chosen. Contains the bitstream programming the generated FPGA."
"name_top_tb.v", "Only if --fpga_verilog_print_top_testbench. Contains a testbench used for the simulation."
"name_autocheck_top_tb.v", "Only if --fpga_verilog_print_autocheck_top_testbench is chosen. Contains a testbench used for the simulation."
"name_formal_random_top_tb.v", "Only if --fpga_verilog_print_formal_verification_top_netlist is chosen. Contains a testbench used for the simulation."
"name_top_formal_verification.v", "Only if --fpga_verilog_print_formal_verification_top_netlist is chosen. Contains a top fil used for formal verification and by name_formal_random_top_tb.v."
"fpga_defines.v", "Contains all the defines set as 'include_timing'"
"name_include_netlists.v", "Contains all the netlists and defines paths used for the simulation."
"lb", "Logic Block. Contains all the CLBs. The logic_block.v includes all the CLB and is called by the top module afterward."
"routing", "Contains all the routing in the circuit. You can find in it the Switch Boxes, the Connection Blocks and the routing needed to connect the different blocks. The routing.v file packs them all and is called by the top module."
"sub_modules", "Contains the modules generated by the flow to build the CLBs."