687 lines
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687 lines
13 KiB
# phttpd.tcl --
# Simple Sample httpd/1.0 server in 250 lines of Tcl.
# Stephen Uhler / Brent Welch (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems.
# Modified to use namespaces, direct url-to-procedure access
# and thread pool package. Grown little larger since ;)
# Usage:
# phttpd::create port
# port Tcp port where the server listens
# Example:
# # tclsh8.6
# % source phttpd.tcl
# % phttpd::create 5000
# % vwait forever
# Starts the server on the port 5000. Also, look at the Httpd array
# definition in the "phttpd" namespace declaration to find out
# about other options you may put on the command line.
# You can use: http://localhost:5000/monitor URL to test the
# server functionality.
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Zoran Vasiljevic.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package require Tcl 8.4
package require Thread 2.5
# Modify the following in order to load the
# example Tcl implementation of threadpools.
# Per default, the C-level threadpool is used.
if {0} {
eval [set TCL_TPOOL {source ../tpool/tpool.tcl}]
namespace eval phttpd {
variable Httpd; # Internal server state and config params
variable MimeTypes; # Cache of file-extension/mime-type
variable HttpCodes; # Portion of well-known http return codes
variable ErrorPage; # Format of error response page in html
array set Httpd {
-name phttpd
-vers 1.0
-root "."
-index index.htm
array set HttpCodes {
400 "Bad Request"
401 "Not Authorized"
404 "Not Found"
500 "Server error"
array set MimeTypes {
{} "text/plain"
.txt "text/plain"
.htm "text/html"
.htm "text/html"
.gif "image/gif"
.jpg "image/jpeg"
.png "image/png"
set ErrorPage {
<title>Error: %1$s %2$s</title>
<p>Problem in accessing "%4$s" on this server.</p>
<i>%5$s/%6$s Server at %7$s Port %8$s</i>
# phttpd::create --
# Start the server by listening for connections on the desired port.
# Arguments:
# port
# args
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::create {port args} {
variable Httpd
set arglen [llength $args]
if {$arglen} {
if {$arglen % 2} {
error "wrong \# args, should be: key1 val1 key2 val2..."
set opts [array names Httpd]
foreach {arg val} $args {
if {[lsearch $opts $arg] == -1} {
error "unknown option \"$arg\""
set Httpd($arg) $val
# Create thread pool with max 8 worker threads.
if {[info exists ::TCL_TPOOL] == 0} {
# Using the internal C-based thread pool
set initcmd "source ../phttpd/phttpd.tcl"
} else {
# Using the Tcl-level hand-crafted thread pool
append initcmd "source ../phttpd/phttpd.tcl" \n $::TCL_TPOOL
set Httpd(tpid) [tpool::create -maxworkers 8 -initcmd $initcmd]
# Start the server on the given port. Note that we wrap
# the actual accept with a helper after/idle callback.
# This is a workaround for a well-known Tcl bug.
socket -server [namespace current]::_Accept $port
# phttpd::_Accept --
# Helper procedure to solve Tcl shared-channel bug when responding
# to incoming connection and transfering the channel to other thread(s).
# Arguments:
# sock incoming socket
# ipaddr IP address of the remote peer
# port Tcp port used for this connection
# Side Effects:
# None.
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::_Accept {sock ipaddr port} {
after idle [list [namespace current]::Accept $sock $ipaddr $port]
# phttpd::Accept --
# Accept a new connection from the client.
# Arguments:
# sock
# ipaddr
# port
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Accept {sock ipaddr port} {
variable Httpd
# Setup the socket for sane operation
fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -translation {auto crlf}
# Detach the socket from current interpreter/tnread.
# One of the worker threads will attach it again.
thread::detach $sock
# Send the work ticket to threadpool.
tpool::post -detached $Httpd(tpid) [list [namespace current]::Ticket $sock]
# phttpd::Ticket --
# Job ticket to run in the thread pool thread.
# Arguments:
# sock
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Ticket {sock} {
thread::attach $sock
fileevent $sock readable [list [namespace current]::Read $sock]
# End of processing is signalized here.
# This will release the worker thread.
vwait [namespace current]::done
# phttpd::Read --
# Read data from client and parse incoming http request.
# Arguments:
# sock
# Side Effects:
# None.
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Read {sock} {
variable Httpd
variable data
set data(sock) $sock
while {1} {
if {[catch {gets $data(sock) line} readCount] || [eof $data(sock)]} {
return [Done]
if {![info exists data(state)]} {
set pat {(POST|GET) ([^?]+)\??([^ ]*) HTTP/1\.[0-9]}
if {[regexp $pat $line x data(proto) data(url) data(query)]} {
set data(state) mime
} else {
Log error "bad request line: (%s)" $line
Error 400
return [Done]
# string compare $readCount 0 maps -1 to -1, 0 to 0, and > 0 to 1
set state [string compare $readCount 0],$data(state),$data(proto)
switch -- $state {
"0,mime,GET" - "0,query,POST" {
return [Done]
"0,mime,POST" {
set data(state) query
set data(query) ""
"1,mime,POST" - "1,mime,GET" {
if [regexp {([^:]+):[ ]*(.*)} $line dummy key value] {
set data(mime,[string tolower $key]) $value
"1,query,POST" {
append data(query) $line
set clen $data(mime,content-length)
if {($clen - [string length $data(query)]) <= 0} {
return [Done]
default {
if [eof $data(sock)] {
Log error "unexpected eof; client closed connection"
return [Done]
} else {
Log error "bad http protocol state: %s" $state
Error 400
return [Done]
# phttpd::Done --
# Close the connection socket
# Arguments:
# s
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Done {} {
variable done
variable data
close $data(sock)
if {[info exists data]} {
unset data
set done 1 ; # Releases the request thread (See Ticket procedure)
# phttpd::Respond --
# Respond to the query.
# Arguments:
# s
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Respond {} {
variable data
if {[info commands $data(url)] == $data(url)} {
# Service URL-procedure
if {[catch {
puts $data(sock) "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
puts $data(sock) "Date: [Date]"
puts $data(sock) "Last-Modified: [Date]"
} err]} {
Log error "client closed connection prematurely: %s" $err
if {[catch {$data(url) data} err]} {
Log error "%s: %s" $data(url) $err
} else {
# Service regular file path
set mypath [Url2File $data(url)]
if {![catch {open $mypath} i]} {
if {[catch {
puts $data(sock) "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
puts $data(sock) "Date: [Date]"
puts $data(sock) "Last-Modified: [Date [file mtime $mypath]]"
puts $data(sock) "Content-Type: [ContentType $mypath]"
puts $data(sock) "Content-Length: [file size $mypath]"
puts $data(sock) ""
fconfigure $data(sock) -translation binary -blocking 0
fconfigure $i -translation binary
fcopy $i $data(sock)
close $i
} err]} {
Log error "client closed connection prematurely: %s" $err
} else {
Log error "%s: %s" $data(url) $i
Error 404
# phttpd::ContentType --
# Convert the file suffix into a mime type.
# Arguments:
# path
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::ContentType {path} {
# @c Convert the file suffix into a mime type.
variable MimeTypes
set type "text/plain"
catch {set type $MimeTypes([file extension $path])}
return $type
# phttpd::Error --
# Emit error page
# Arguments:
# s
# code
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Error {code} {
variable Httpd
variable HttpCodes
variable ErrorPage
variable data
append data(url) ""
set msg \
[format $ErrorPage \
$code \
$HttpCodes($code) \
$HttpCodes($code) \
$data(url) \
$Httpd(-name) \
$Httpd(-vers) \
[info hostname] \
80 \
if {[catch {
puts $data(sock) "HTTP/1.0 $code $HttpCodes($code)"
puts $data(sock) "Date: [Date]"
puts $data(sock) "Content-Length: [string length $msg]"
puts $data(sock) ""
puts $data(sock) $msg
} err]} {
Log error "client closed connection prematurely: %s" $err
# phttpd::Date --
# Generate a date string in HTTP format.
# Arguments:
# seconds
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Date {{seconds 0}} {
# @c Generate a date string in HTTP format.
if {$seconds == 0} {
set seconds [clock seconds]
clock format $seconds -format {%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z} -gmt 1
# phttpd::Log --
# Log an httpd transaction.
# Arguments:
# reason
# format
# args
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Log {reason format args} {
set messg [eval format [list $format] $args]
set stamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S"]
puts stderr "\[$stamp\]\[-thread[thread::id]-\] $reason: $messg"
# phttpd::Url2File --
# Convert a url into a pathname.
# Arguments:
# url
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::Url2File {url} {
variable Httpd
lappend pathlist $Httpd(-root)
set level 0
foreach part [split $url /] {
set part [CgiMap $part]
if [regexp {[:/]} $part] {
return ""
switch -- $part {
"." { }
".." {incr level -1}
default {incr level}
if {$level <= 0} {
return ""
lappend pathlist $part
set file [eval file join $pathlist]
if {[file isdirectory $file]} {
return [file join $file $Httpd(-index)]
} else {
return $file
# phttpd::CgiMap --
# Decode url-encoded strings.
# Arguments:
# data
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::CgiMap {data} {
regsub -all {\+} $data { } data
regsub -all {([][$\\])} $data {\\\1} data
regsub -all {%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])} $data {[format %c 0x\1]} data
return [subst $data]
# phttpd::QueryMap --
# Decode url-encoded query into key/value pairs.
# Arguments:
# query
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc phttpd::QueryMap {query} {
set res [list]
regsub -all {[&=]} $query { } query
regsub -all { } $query { {} } query; # Othewise we lose empty values
foreach {key val} $query {
lappend res [CgiMap $key] [CgiMap $val]
return $res
# monitor --
# Procedure used to test the phttpd server. It responds on the
# http://<hostname>:<port>/monitor
# Arguments:
# array
# Side Effects:
# None..
# Results:
# None.
proc /monitor {array} {
upvar $array data ; # Holds the socket to remote client
# Emit headers
puts $data(sock) "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
puts $data(sock) "Date: [phttpd::Date]"
puts $data(sock) "Content-Type: text/html"
puts $data(sock) ""
# Emit body
puts $data(sock) [subst {
<h3>[clock format [clock seconds]]</h3>
after 1 ; # Simulate blocking call
puts $data(sock) [subst {
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# Emacs Setup Variables
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# mode: Tcl
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