3527 lines
171 KiB
3527 lines
171 KiB
* Main clustering algorithm
* Author(s): Vaughn Betz (first revision - VPack), Alexander Marquardt (second revision - T-VPack), Jason Luu (third revision - AAPack)
* June 8, 2011
* The clusterer uses several key data structures:
* t_pb_type (and related types):
* Represent the architecture as described in the architecture file.
* t_pb_graph_node (and related types):
* Represents a flattened version of the architecture with t_pb_types
* expanded (according to num_pb) into unique t_pb_graph_node instances,
* and the routing connectivity converted to a graph of t_pb_graph_pin (nodes)
* and t_pb_graph_edge.
* t_pb:
* Represents a clustered instance of a t_pb_graph_node containing netlist primitives
* t_pb_type and t_pb_graph_node (and related types) describe the targetted FPGA architecture, while t_pb represents
* the actual clustering of the user netlist.
* For example:
* Consider an architecture where CLBs contain 4 BLEs, and each BLE is a LUT + FF pair.
* We wish to map a netlist of 400 LUTs and 400 FFs.
* A BLE corresponds to one t_pb_type (which has num_pb = 4).
* Each of the 4 BLE positions corresponds to a t_pb_graph_node (each of which references the BLE t_pb_type).
* The output of clustering is 400 t_pb of type BLE which represent the clustered user netlist.
* Each of the 400 t_pb will reference one of the 4 BLE-type t_pb_graph_nodes.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
#include "vtr_math.h"
#include "vtr_memory.h"
#include "vpr_types.h"
#include "vpr_error.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "atom_netlist.h"
#include "pack_types.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include "output_clustering.h"
#include "SetupGrid.h"
#include "read_xml_arch_file.h"
#include "vpr_utils.h"
#include "cluster_placement.h"
#include "echo_files.h"
#include "cluster_router.h"
#include "lb_type_rr_graph.h"
#include "timing_info.h"
#include "timing_reports.h"
#include "PreClusterDelayCalculator.h"
#include "PreClusterTimingGraphResolver.h"
#include "tatum/echo_writer.hpp"
#include "tatum/report/graphviz_dot_writer.hpp"
#include "tatum/TimingReporter.hpp"
#define AAPACK_MAX_HIGH_FANOUT_EXPLORE 10 /* For high-fanout nets that are ignored, consider a maximum of this many sinks, must be less than packer_opts.feasible_block_array_size */
#define AAPACK_MAX_TRANSITIVE_EXPLORE 40 /* When investigating transitive fanout connections in packing, consider a maximum of this many molecules, must be less than packer_opts.feasible_block_array_size */
//Constant allowing all cluster pins to be used
const t_ext_pin_util FULL_EXTERNAL_PIN_UTIL(1., 1.);
enum e_gain_update {
enum e_feasibility {
enum e_gain_type {
enum e_removal_policy {
/* TODO: REMOVE_CLUSTERED no longer used, remove */
enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block {
enum e_detailed_routing_stages {
/* Linked list structure. Stores one integer (iblk). */
struct t_molecule_link {
t_pack_molecule* moleculeptr;
t_molecule_link* next;
struct t_molecule_stats {
int num_blocks = 0; //Number of blocks across all primitives in molecule
int num_pins = 0; //Number of pins across all primitives in molecule
int num_input_pins = 0; //Number of input pins across all primitives in molecule
int num_output_pins = 0; //Number of output pins across all primitives in molecule
int num_used_ext_pins = 0; //Number of *used external* pins across all primitives in molecule
int num_used_ext_inputs = 0; //Number of *used external* input pins across all primitives in molecule
int num_used_ext_outputs = 0; //Number of *used external* output pins across all primitives in molecule
/* Keeps a linked list of the unclustered blocks to speed up looking for *
* unclustered blocks with a certain number of *external* inputs. *
* [0..lut_size]. Unclustered_list_head[i] points to the head of the *
* list of blocks with i inputs to be hooked up via external interconnect. */
static t_molecule_link* unclustered_list_head;
int unclustered_list_head_size;
static t_molecule_link* memory_pool; /*Declared here so I can free easily.*/
/* Does the atom block that drives the output of this atom net also appear as a *
* receiver (input) pin of the atom net? If so, then by how much?
* This is used in the gain routines to avoid double counting the connections from *
* the current cluster to other blocks (hence yielding better clusterings). *
* The only time an atom block should connect to the same atom net *
* twice is when one connection is an output and the other is an input, *
* so this should take care of all multiple connections. */
static std::unordered_map<AtomNetId, int> net_output_feeds_driving_block_input;
/*local functions*/
#if 0
static void check_for_duplicate_inputs ();
static bool is_atom_blk_in_pb(const AtomBlockId blk_id, const t_pb* pb);
static void add_molecule_to_pb_stats_candidates(t_pack_molecule* molecule,
std::map<AtomBlockId, float>& gain,
t_pb* pb,
int max_queue_size);
static void alloc_and_init_clustering(const t_molecule_stats& max_molecule_stats,
t_cluster_placement_stats** cluster_placement_stats,
t_pb_graph_node*** primitives_list,
t_pack_molecule* molecules_head,
int num_molecules);
static void free_pb_stats_recursive(t_pb* pb);
static void try_update_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb);
static void reset_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb);
static void compute_and_mark_lookahead_pins_used(const AtomBlockId blk_id);
static void compute_and_mark_lookahead_pins_used_for_pin(const t_pb_graph_pin* pb_graph_pin,
const t_pb* primitive_pb,
const AtomNetId net_id);
static void commit_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb);
static bool check_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb, t_ext_pin_util max_external_pin_util);
static bool primitive_feasible(const AtomBlockId blk_id, t_pb* cur_pb);
static bool primitive_memory_sibling_feasible(const AtomBlockId blk_id, const t_pb_type* cur_pb_type, const AtomBlockId sibling_memory_blk);
static t_pack_molecule* get_molecule_by_num_ext_inputs(const int ext_inps,
const enum e_removal_policy remove_flag,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr);
static t_pack_molecule* get_free_molecule_with_most_ext_inputs_for_cluster(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr);
static enum e_block_pack_status try_pack_molecule(t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
t_pack_molecule* molecule,
t_pb_graph_node** primitives_list,
t_pb* pb,
const int max_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const int detailed_routing_stage,
t_lb_router_data* router_data,
int verbosity,
bool enable_pin_feasibility_filter,
const int feasible_block_array_size,
t_ext_pin_util max_external_pin_util);
static enum e_block_pack_status try_place_atom_block_rec(const t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_node,
const AtomBlockId blk_id,
t_pb* cb,
t_pb** parent,
const int max_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
t_lb_router_data* router_data,
int verbosity,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
static void revert_place_atom_block(const AtomBlockId blk_id, t_lb_router_data* router_data, const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules);
static void update_connection_gain_values(const AtomNetId net_id, const AtomBlockId clustered_blk_id, t_pb* cur_pb, enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block);
static void update_timing_gain_values(const AtomNetId net_id,
t_pb* cur_pb,
enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block,
const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global);
static void mark_and_update_partial_gain(const AtomNetId inet, enum e_gain_update gain_flag, const AtomBlockId clustered_blk_id, bool timing_driven, bool connection_driven, enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block, const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info, const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global, const int high_fanout_net_threshold);
static void update_total_gain(float alpha, float beta, bool timing_driven, bool connection_driven, t_pb* pb);
static void update_cluster_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_clock,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global,
const bool global_clocks,
const float alpha,
const float beta,
const bool timing_driven,
const bool connection_driven,
const int high_fanout_net_threshold,
const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info);
static void start_new_cluster(t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats,
t_pb_graph_node** primitives_list,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
ClusterBlockId clb_index,
t_pack_molecule* molecule,
std::map<t_logical_block_type_ptr, size_t>& num_used_type_instances,
const float target_device_utilization,
const int num_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const t_arch* arch,
std::string device_layout_name,
std::vector<t_lb_type_rr_node>* lb_type_rr_graphs,
t_lb_router_data** router_data,
const int detailed_routing_stage,
ClusteredNetlist* clb_nlist,
const std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>>& primitive_candidate_block_types,
int verbosity,
bool enable_pin_feasibility_filter,
bool balance_block_type_utilization,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
static t_pack_molecule* get_highest_gain_molecule(t_pb* cur_pb,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const enum e_gain_type gain_mode,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
const ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
bool prioritize_transitive_connectivity,
int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_connectivity_and_timing(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_highfanout_connectivity(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_transitive_connectivity(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
const ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size);
static t_pack_molecule* get_molecule_for_cluster(t_pb* cur_pb,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const bool allow_unrelated_clustering,
const bool prioritize_transitive_connectivity,
const int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size,
int* num_unrelated_clustering_attempts,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
int verbosity);
static void check_clustering();
static void check_cluster_atom_blocks(t_pb* pb, std::unordered_set<AtomBlockId>& blocks_checked);
static void mark_all_molecules_valid(t_pack_molecule* molecule_head);
static int count_molecules(t_pack_molecule* molecule_head);
static t_molecule_stats calc_molecule_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule);
static t_molecule_stats calc_max_molecules_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule_head);
static std::vector<AtomBlockId> initialize_seed_atoms(const e_cluster_seed seed_type,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const t_molecule_stats& max_molecule_stats,
const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_criticality);
static t_pack_molecule* get_highest_gain_seed_molecule(int* seedindex, const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules, const std::vector<AtomBlockId> seed_atoms);
static float get_molecule_gain(t_pack_molecule* molecule, std::map<AtomBlockId, float>& blk_gain);
static int compare_molecule_gain(const void* a, const void* b);
int net_sinks_reachable_in_cluster(const t_pb_graph_pin* driver_pb_gpin, const int depth, const AtomNetId net_id);
static void print_seed_gains(const char* fname, const std::vector<AtomBlockId>& seed_atoms, const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_gain, const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_criticality);
static void load_transitive_fanout_candidates(ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
t_pb_stats* pb_stats,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
int transitive_fanout_threshold);
static std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>> identify_primitive_candidate_block_types();
static void update_molecule_chain_info(t_pack_molecule* chain_molecule, const t_pb_graph_node* root_primitive);
static enum e_block_pack_status check_chain_root_placement_feasibility(const t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_node,
const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
const AtomBlockId blk_id);
static t_pb_graph_pin* get_driver_pb_graph_pin(const t_pb* driver_pb, const AtomPinId driver_pin_id);
static void update_pb_type_count(const t_pb* pb, std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& pb_type_count);
static void update_le_count(const t_pb* pb, const t_logical_block_type_ptr logic_block_type, const t_pb_type* le_pb_type, std::vector<int>& le_count);
static void print_pb_type_count(std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& pb_type_count);
static t_logical_block_type_ptr identify_logic_block_type(std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>>& primitive_candidate_block_types);
static t_pb_type* identify_le_block_type(t_logical_block_type_ptr logic_block_type);
static bool pb_used_for_blif_model(const t_pb* pb, std::string blif_model_name);
static void print_le_count(std::vector<int>& le_count, const t_pb_type* le_pb_type);
/*globally accessible function*/
std::map<t_logical_block_type_ptr, size_t> do_clustering(const t_packer_opts& packer_opts,
const t_analysis_opts& analysis_opts,
const t_arch* arch,
t_pack_molecule* molecule_head,
int num_models,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_clock,
std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const std::unordered_map<AtomBlockId, t_pb_graph_node*>& expected_lowest_cost_pb_gnode,
bool allow_unrelated_clustering,
bool balance_block_type_utilization,
std::vector<t_lb_type_rr_node>* lb_type_rr_graphs,
const t_ext_pin_util_targets& ext_pin_util_targets,
const t_pack_high_fanout_thresholds& high_fanout_thresholds) {
/* Does the actual work of clustering multiple netlist blocks *
* into clusters. */
/* Algorithm employed
* 1. Find type that can legally hold block and create cluster with pb info
* 2. Populate started cluster
* 3. Repeat 1 until no more blocks need to be clustered
* Initialization
VTR_ASSERT(packer_opts.packer_algorithm == PACK_GREEDY);
int num_molecules, blocks_since_last_analysis, num_clb,
num_blocks_hill_added, max_cluster_size, cur_cluster_size,
max_pb_depth, cur_pb_depth, num_unrelated_clustering_attempts,
seedindex, savedseedindex /* index of next most timing critical block */,
detailed_routing_stage, *hill_climbing_inputs_avail;
const int verbosity = packer_opts.pack_verbosity;
std::map<t_logical_block_type_ptr, size_t> num_used_type_instances;
bool is_cluster_legal;
enum e_block_pack_status block_pack_status;
t_cluster_placement_stats *cluster_placement_stats, *cur_cluster_placement_stats_ptr;
t_pb_graph_node** primitives_list;
t_lb_router_data* router_data = nullptr;
t_pack_molecule *istart, *next_molecule, *prev_molecule;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
auto& device_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_device();
auto& cluster_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_clustering();
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<t_intra_lb_net>*> intra_lb_routing;
std::shared_ptr<PreClusterDelayCalculator> clustering_delay_calc;
std::shared_ptr<SetupTimingInfo> timing_info;
// this data structure is used to track the total number of physical blocks
// used for each physical block type defined in the architecture file.
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> pb_type_count;
// this data structure tracks the number of Logic Elements (LEs) used. It is
// populated only for architectures which has LEs. The architecture is assumed
// to have LEs only iff it has a logic block that contains LUT primitives and is
// the first pb_block to have more than one instance from the top of the hierarchy
// (All parent pb_block have one instance only and one mode only). Index 0 holds
// the number of LEs that are used for both logic (LUTs/adders) and registers.
// Index 1 holds the number of LEs that are used for logic (LUTs/adders) only.
// Index 2 holds the number of LEs that are used for registers only.
std::vector<int> le_count(3, 0);
num_clb = 0;
/* TODO: This is memory inefficient, fix if causes problems */
/* Store stats on nets used by packed block, useful for determining transitively connected blocks
* (eg. [A1, A2, ..]->[B1, B2, ..]->C implies cluster [A1, A2, ...] and C have a weak link) */
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>> clb_inter_blk_nets(atom_ctx.nlist.blocks().size());
istart = nullptr;
/* determine bound on cluster size and primitive input size */
max_cluster_size = 0;
max_pb_depth = 0;
seedindex = 0;
const t_molecule_stats max_molecule_stats = calc_max_molecules_stats(molecule_head);
num_molecules = count_molecules(molecule_head);
for (const auto& type : device_ctx.logical_block_types) {
if (is_empty_type(&type))
cur_cluster_size = get_max_primitives_in_pb_type(type.pb_type);
cur_pb_depth = get_max_depth_of_pb_type(type.pb_type);
if (cur_cluster_size > max_cluster_size) {
max_cluster_size = cur_cluster_size;
if (cur_pb_depth > max_pb_depth) {
max_pb_depth = cur_pb_depth;
if (packer_opts.hill_climbing_flag) {
hill_climbing_inputs_avail = (int*)vtr::calloc(max_cluster_size + 1,
} else {
hill_climbing_inputs_avail = nullptr; /* if used, die hard */
#if 0
check_for_duplicate_inputs ();
&cluster_placement_stats, &primitives_list, molecule_head,
auto primitive_candidate_block_types = identify_primitive_candidate_block_types();
// find the cluster type that has lut primitives
auto logic_block_type = identify_logic_block_type(primitive_candidate_block_types);
// find a LE pb_type within the found logic_block_type
auto le_pb_type = identify_le_block_type(logic_block_type);
blocks_since_last_analysis = 0;
num_blocks_hill_added = 0;
VTR_ASSERT(max_cluster_size < MAX_SHORT);
/* Limit maximum number of elements for each cluster */
//Default criticalities set to zero (e.g. if not timing driven)
vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float> atom_criticality(atom_ctx.nlist.blocks().size(), 0.);
if (packer_opts.timing_driven) {
* Initialize the timing analyzer
clustering_delay_calc = std::make_shared<PreClusterDelayCalculator>(atom_ctx.nlist, atom_ctx.lookup, packer_opts.inter_cluster_net_delay, expected_lowest_cost_pb_gnode);
timing_info = make_setup_timing_info(clustering_delay_calc);
//Calculate the initial timing
auto& timing_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.timing();
*timing_ctx.graph, *timing_ctx.constraints, *clustering_delay_calc, timing_info->analyzer());
auto& timing_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.timing();
PreClusterTimingGraphResolver resolver(atom_ctx.nlist,
atom_ctx.lookup, *timing_ctx.graph, *clustering_delay_calc);
tatum::TimingReporter timing_reporter(resolver, *timing_ctx.graph,
//Calculate true criticalities of each block
for (AtomBlockId blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
for (AtomPinId in_pin : atom_ctx.nlist.block_input_pins(blk)) {
//Max criticality over incoming nets
float crit = timing_info->setup_pin_criticality(in_pin);
atom_criticality[blk] = std::max(atom_criticality[blk], crit);
auto seed_atoms = initialize_seed_atoms(packer_opts.cluster_seed_type, atom_molecules, max_molecule_stats, atom_criticality);
istart = get_highest_gain_seed_molecule(&seedindex, atom_molecules, seed_atoms);
* Clustering
while (istart != nullptr) {
is_cluster_legal = false;
savedseedindex = seedindex;
for (detailed_routing_stage = (int)E_DETAILED_ROUTE_AT_END_ONLY; !is_cluster_legal && detailed_routing_stage != (int)E_DETAILED_ROUTE_INVALID; detailed_routing_stage++) {
ClusterBlockId clb_index(num_clb);
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 2, "Complex block %d:\n", num_clb);
start_new_cluster(cluster_placement_stats, primitives_list,
atom_molecules, clb_index, istart,
num_models, max_cluster_size,
arch, packer_opts.device_layout,
lb_type_rr_graphs, &router_data,
detailed_routing_stage, &cluster_ctx.clb_nlist,
VTR_LOGV(verbosity == 2,
"Complex block %d: '%s' (%s) ", num_clb,
VTR_LOGV(verbosity == 2, "."); //Progress dot for seed-block
t_ext_pin_util target_ext_pin_util = ext_pin_util_targets.get_pin_util(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_type(clb_index)->name);
int high_fanout_threshold = high_fanout_thresholds.get_threshold(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_type(clb_index)->name);
update_cluster_stats(istart, clb_index,
is_clock, //Set of clock nets
is_clock, //Set of global nets (currently all clocks)
packer_opts.alpha, packer_opts.beta,
packer_opts.timing_driven, packer_opts.connection_driven,
if (packer_opts.timing_driven) {
/*it doesn't make sense to do a timing analysis here since there*
*is only one atom block clustered it would not change anything */
cur_cluster_placement_stats_ptr = &cluster_placement_stats[cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_type(clb_index)->index];
num_unrelated_clustering_attempts = 0;
next_molecule = get_molecule_for_cluster(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index),
prev_molecule = istart;
while (next_molecule != nullptr && prev_molecule != next_molecule) {
block_pack_status = try_pack_molecule(cur_cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
prev_molecule = next_molecule;
auto blk_id = next_molecule->atom_block_ids[next_molecule->root];
std::string blk_name = atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id);
const t_model* blk_model = atom_ctx.nlist.block_model(blk_id);
if (block_pack_status != BLK_PASSED) {
if (verbosity > 2) {
if (block_pack_status == BLK_FAILED_ROUTE) {
VTR_LOG("\tNO_ROUTE: '%s' (%s)", blk_name.c_str(), blk_model->name);
VTR_LOGV(next_molecule->pack_pattern, " molecule %s molecule_size %zu",
next_molecule->pack_pattern->name, next_molecule->atom_block_ids.size());
} else {
VTR_LOG("\tFAILED_FEASIBILITY_CHECK: '%s' (%s)", blk_name.c_str(), blk_model->name, block_pack_status);
VTR_LOGV(next_molecule->pack_pattern, " molecule %s molecule_size %zu",
next_molecule->pack_pattern->name, next_molecule->atom_block_ids.size());
next_molecule = get_molecule_for_cluster(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index),
clb_index, packer_opts.pack_verbosity);
/* Continue packing by filling smallest cluster */
if (verbosity > 2) {
VTR_LOG("\tPASSED: '%s' (%s)", blk_name.c_str(), blk_model->name);
VTR_LOGV(next_molecule->pack_pattern, " molecule %s molecule_size %zu",
next_molecule->pack_pattern->name, next_molecule->atom_block_ids.size());
VTR_LOGV(verbosity == 2, ".");
update_cluster_stats(next_molecule, clb_index,
is_clock, //Set of all clocks
is_clock, //Set of all global signals (currently clocks)
packer_opts.global_clocks, packer_opts.alpha, packer_opts.beta, packer_opts.timing_driven,
num_unrelated_clustering_attempts = 0;
if (packer_opts.timing_driven) {
blocks_since_last_analysis++; /* historically, timing slacks were recomputed after X number of blocks were packed, but this doesn't significantly alter results so I (jluu) did not port the code */
next_molecule = get_molecule_for_cluster(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index),
VTR_LOGV(verbosity == 2, "\n");
if (detailed_routing_stage == (int)E_DETAILED_ROUTE_AT_END_ONLY) {
/* is_mode_conflict does not affect this stage. It is needed when trying to route the packed clusters.
* It holds a flag that is used to verify whether try_intra_lb_route ended in a mode conflict issue.
* If the value is TRUE the cluster has to be repacked, and its internal pb_graph_nodes will have more restrict choices
* for what regards the mode that has to be selected
t_mode_selection_status mode_status;
is_cluster_legal = try_intra_lb_route(router_data, packer_opts.pack_verbosity, &mode_status);
if (is_cluster_legal) {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 2, "\tPassed route at end.\n");
} else {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 0, "Failed route at end, repack cluster trying detailed routing at each stage.\n");
} else {
is_cluster_legal = true;
if (is_cluster_legal) {
VTR_ASSERT((int)intra_lb_routing.size() == num_clb);
router_data->saved_lb_nets = nullptr;
//Pick a new seed
istart = get_highest_gain_seed_molecule(&seedindex, atom_molecules, seed_atoms);
if (packer_opts.timing_driven) {
if (num_blocks_hill_added > 0) {
blocks_since_last_analysis += num_blocks_hill_added;
/* store info that will be used later in packing from pb_stats and free the rest */
t_pb_stats* pb_stats = cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index)->pb_stats;
for (const AtomNetId mnet_id : pb_stats->marked_nets) {
int external_terminals = atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(mnet_id).size() - pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb[mnet_id];
/* Check if external terminals of net is within the fanout limit and that there exists external terminals */
if (external_terminals < packer_opts.transitive_fanout_threshold && external_terminals > 0) {
auto cur_pb = cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index);
// update the pb type count by counting the used pb types in this packed cluster
update_pb_type_count(cur_pb, pb_type_count);
// update the data structure holding the LE counts
update_le_count(cur_pb, logic_block_type, le_pb_type, le_count);
} else {
/* Free up data structures and requeue used molecules */
revalid_molecules(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index), atom_molecules);
seedindex = savedseedindex;
router_data = nullptr;
// print the total number of used physical blocks for each
// physical block type after finishing the packing stage
// if this architecture has LE physical block, report its usage
if (le_pb_type) {
print_le_count(le_count, le_pb_type);
* Free Data Structures
VTR_ASSERT(num_clb == (int)cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks().size());
output_clustering(intra_lb_routing, packer_opts.global_clocks, is_clock, arch->architecture_id, packer_opts.output_file.c_str(), false);
VTR_ASSERT(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks().size() == intra_lb_routing.size());
for (auto blk_id : cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks())
if (packer_opts.hill_climbing_flag)
for (auto blk_id : cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks())
cluster_ctx.clb_nlist = ClusteredNetlist();
return num_used_type_instances;
/* Determine if atom block is in pb */
static bool is_atom_blk_in_pb(const AtomBlockId blk_id, const t_pb* pb) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
const t_pb* cur_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id);
while (cur_pb) {
if (cur_pb == pb) {
return true;
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
return false;
/* Add blk to list of feasible blocks sorted according to gain */
static void add_molecule_to_pb_stats_candidates(t_pack_molecule* molecule,
std::map<AtomBlockId, float>& gain,
t_pb* pb,
int max_queue_size) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks; i++) {
if (pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[i] == molecule) {
return; /* already in queue, do nothing */
if (pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks >= max_queue_size - 1) {
/* maximum size for array, remove smallest gain element and sort */
if (get_molecule_gain(molecule, gain) > get_molecule_gain(pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[0], gain)) {
/* single loop insertion sort */
for (j = 0; j < pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks - 1; j++) {
if (get_molecule_gain(molecule, gain) <= get_molecule_gain(pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j + 1], gain)) {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j] = molecule;
} else {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j] = pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j + 1];
if (j == pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks - 1) {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j] = molecule;
} else {
/* Expand array and single loop insertion sort */
for (j = pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (get_molecule_gain(pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j], gain) > get_molecule_gain(molecule, gain)) {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j + 1] = pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j];
} else {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[j + 1] = molecule;
if (j < 0) {
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[0] = molecule;
static void alloc_and_init_clustering(const t_molecule_stats& max_molecule_stats,
t_cluster_placement_stats** cluster_placement_stats,
t_pb_graph_node*** primitives_list,
t_pack_molecule* molecules_head,
int num_molecules) {
/* Allocates the main data structures used for clustering and properly *
* initializes them. */
t_molecule_link* next_ptr;
t_pack_molecule* cur_molecule;
t_pack_molecule** molecule_array;
int max_molecule_size;
/* alloc and load list of molecules to pack */
unclustered_list_head = (t_molecule_link*)vtr::calloc(max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs + 1, sizeof(t_molecule_link));
unclustered_list_head_size = max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs + 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs; i++) {
unclustered_list_head[i].next = nullptr;
molecule_array = (t_pack_molecule**)vtr::malloc(num_molecules * sizeof(t_pack_molecule*));
cur_molecule = molecules_head;
for (int i = 0; i < num_molecules; i++) {
VTR_ASSERT(cur_molecule != nullptr);
molecule_array[i] = cur_molecule;
cur_molecule = cur_molecule->next;
VTR_ASSERT(cur_molecule == nullptr);
qsort((void*)molecule_array, num_molecules, sizeof(t_pack_molecule*),
memory_pool = (t_molecule_link*)vtr::malloc(num_molecules * sizeof(t_molecule_link));
next_ptr = memory_pool;
for (int i = 0; i < num_molecules; i++) {
//Figure out how many external inputs are used by this molecule
t_molecule_stats molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(molecule_array[i]);
int ext_inps = molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs;
//Insert the molecule into the unclustered lists by number of external inputs
next_ptr->moleculeptr = molecule_array[i];
next_ptr->next = unclustered_list_head[ext_inps].next;
unclustered_list_head[ext_inps].next = next_ptr;
/* load net info */
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
for (AtomNetId net : atom_ctx.nlist.nets()) {
AtomPinId driver_pin = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver(net);
AtomBlockId driver_block = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(driver_pin);
for (AtomPinId sink_pin : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net)) {
AtomBlockId sink_block = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(sink_pin);
if (driver_block == sink_block) {
/* alloc and load cluster placement info */
*cluster_placement_stats = alloc_and_load_cluster_placement_stats();
/* alloc array that will store primitives that a molecule gets placed to,
* primitive_list is referenced by index, for example a atom block in index 2 of a molecule matches to a primitive in index 2 in primitive_list
* this array must be the size of the biggest molecule
max_molecule_size = 1;
cur_molecule = molecules_head;
while (cur_molecule != nullptr) {
if (cur_molecule->num_blocks > max_molecule_size) {
max_molecule_size = cur_molecule->num_blocks;
cur_molecule = cur_molecule->next;
*primitives_list = (t_pb_graph_node**)vtr::calloc(max_molecule_size, sizeof(t_pb_graph_node*));
static void free_pb_stats_recursive(t_pb* pb) {
int i, j;
/* Releases all the memory used by clustering data structures. */
if (pb) {
if (pb->pb_graph_node != nullptr) {
if (!pb->pb_graph_node->is_primitive()) {
for (i = 0; i < pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
if (pb->child_pbs && pb->child_pbs[i]) {
static bool primitive_feasible(const AtomBlockId blk_id, t_pb* cur_pb) {
const t_pb_type* cur_pb_type = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb_type->num_modes == 0); /* primitive */
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
AtomBlockId cur_pb_blk_id = atom_ctx.lookup.pb_atom(cur_pb);
if (cur_pb_blk_id && cur_pb_blk_id != blk_id) {
/* This pb already has a different logical block */
return false;
if (cur_pb_type->class_type == MEMORY_CLASS) {
/* Memory class has additional feasibility requirements:
* - all siblings must share all nets, including open nets, with the exception of data nets */
/* find sibling if one exists */
AtomBlockId sibling_memory_blk_id = find_memory_sibling(cur_pb);
if (sibling_memory_blk_id) {
//There is a sibling, see if the current block is feasible with it
bool sibling_feasible = primitive_memory_sibling_feasible(blk_id, cur_pb_type, sibling_memory_blk_id);
if (!sibling_feasible) {
return false;
//Generic feasibility check
return primitive_type_feasible(blk_id, cur_pb_type);
static bool primitive_memory_sibling_feasible(const AtomBlockId blk_id, const t_pb_type* cur_pb_type, const AtomBlockId sibling_blk_id) {
/* Check that the two atom blocks blk_id and sibling_blk_id (which should both be memory slices)
* are feasible, in the sence that they have precicely the same net connections (with the
* exception of nets in data port classes).
* Note that this routine does not check pin feasibility against the cur_pb_type; so
* primitive_type_feasible() should also be called on blk_id before concluding it is feasible.
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb_type->class_type == MEMORY_CLASS);
//First, identify the 'data' ports by looking at the cur_pb_type
std::unordered_set<t_model_ports*> data_ports;
for (int iport = 0; iport < cur_pb_type->num_ports; ++iport) {
const char* port_class = cur_pb_type->ports[iport].port_class;
if (port_class && strstr(port_class, "data") == port_class) {
//The port_class starts with "data", so it is a data port
//Record the port
//Now verify that all nets (except those connected to data ports) are equivalent
//between blk_id and sibling_blk_id
//Since the atom netlist stores only in-use ports, we iterate over the model to ensure
//all ports are compared
const t_model* model = cur_pb_type->model;
for (t_model_ports* port : {model->inputs, model->outputs}) {
for (; port; port = port->next) {
if (data_ports.count(port)) {
//Don't check data ports
//Note: VPR doesn't support multi-driven nets, so all outputs
//should be data ports, otherwise the siblings will both be
//driving the output net
//Get the ports from each primitive
auto blk_port_id = atom_ctx.nlist.find_atom_port(blk_id, port);
auto sib_port_id = atom_ctx.nlist.find_atom_port(sibling_blk_id, port);
//Check that all nets (including unconnected nets) match
for (int ipin = 0; ipin < port->size; ++ipin) {
//The nets are initialized as invalid (i.e. disconnected)
AtomNetId blk_net_id;
AtomNetId sib_net_id;
//We can get the actual net provided the port exists
//Note that if the port did not exist, the net is left
//as invalid/disconneced
if (blk_port_id) {
blk_net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.port_net(blk_port_id, ipin);
if (sib_port_id) {
sib_net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.port_net(sib_port_id, ipin);
//The sibling and block must have the same (possibly disconnected)
//net on this pin
if (blk_net_id != sib_net_id) {
//Nets do not match, not feasible
return false;
return true;
static t_pack_molecule* get_molecule_by_num_ext_inputs(const int ext_inps,
const enum e_removal_policy remove_flag,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr) {
/* This routine returns an atom block which has not been clustered, has *
* no connection to the current cluster, satisfies the cluster *
* clock constraints, is a valid subblock inside the cluster, does not exceed the cluster subblock units available,
* and has ext_inps external inputs. If *
* there is no such atom block it returns ClusterBlockId::INVALID(). Remove_flag *
* controls whether or not blocks that have already been clustered *
* are removed from the unclustered_list data structures. NB: *
* to get a atom block regardless of clock constraints just set clocks_ *
* avail > 0. */
t_molecule_link *ptr, *prev_ptr;
int i;
bool success;
prev_ptr = &unclustered_list_head[ext_inps];
ptr = unclustered_list_head[ext_inps].next;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
/* TODO: Get better candidate atom block in future, eg. return most timing critical or some other smarter metric */
if (ptr->moleculeptr->valid) {
success = true;
for (i = 0; i < get_array_size_of_molecule(ptr->moleculeptr); i++) {
if (ptr->moleculeptr->atom_block_ids[i]) {
auto blk_id = ptr->moleculeptr->atom_block_ids[i];
if (!exists_free_primitive_for_atom_block(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, blk_id)) {
/* TODO: I should be using a better filtering check especially when I'm
* dealing with multiple clock/multiple global reset signals where the clock/reset
* packed in matters, need to do later when I have the circuits to check my work */
success = false;
if (success == true) {
return ptr->moleculeptr;
prev_ptr = ptr;
else if (remove_flag == REMOVE_CLUSTERED) {
VTR_ASSERT(0); /* this doesn't work right now with 2 the pass packing for each complex block */
prev_ptr->next = ptr->next;
ptr = ptr->next;
return nullptr;
static t_pack_molecule* get_free_molecule_with_most_ext_inputs_for_cluster(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr) {
/* This routine is used to find new blocks for clustering when there are no feasible *
* blocks with any attraction to the current cluster (i.e. it finds *
* blocks which are unconnected from the current cluster). It returns *
* the atom block with the largest number of used inputs that satisfies the *
* clocking and number of inputs constraints. If no suitable atom block is *
* found, the routine returns ClusterBlockId::INVALID().
* TODO: Analyze if this function is useful in more detail, also, should probably not include clock in input count
int inputs_avail = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class; i++) {
inputs_avail += cur_pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used[i].size();
t_pack_molecule* molecule = nullptr;
if (inputs_avail >= unclustered_list_head_size) {
inputs_avail = unclustered_list_head_size - 1;
for (int ext_inps = inputs_avail; ext_inps >= 0; ext_inps--) {
molecule = get_molecule_by_num_ext_inputs(ext_inps, LEAVE_CLUSTERED, cluster_placement_stats_ptr);
if (molecule != nullptr) {
return molecule;
static void alloc_and_load_pb_stats(t_pb* pb, const int feasible_block_array_size) {
/* Call this routine when starting to fill up a new cluster. It resets *
* the gain vector, etc. */
pb->pb_stats = new t_pb_stats;
/* If statement below is for speed. If nets are reasonably low-fanout, *
* only a relatively small number of blocks will be marked, and updating *
* only those atom block structures will be fastest. If almost all blocks *
* have been touched it should be faster to just run through them all *
* in order (less addressing and better cache locality). */
pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used = std::vector<std::unordered_map<size_t, AtomNetId>>(pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class);
pb->pb_stats->output_pins_used = std::vector<std::unordered_map<size_t, AtomNetId>>(pb->pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class);
pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used = std::vector<std::vector<AtomNetId>>(pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class);
pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used = std::vector<std::vector<AtomNetId>>(pb->pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class);
pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks = NOT_VALID;
pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks = (t_pack_molecule**)vtr::calloc(feasible_block_array_size, sizeof(t_pack_molecule*));
pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net = AtomNetId::INVALID();
pb->pb_stats->num_child_blocks_in_pb = 0;
pb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout = true;
* Try pack molecule into current cluster
static enum e_block_pack_status try_pack_molecule(t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
t_pack_molecule* molecule,
t_pb_graph_node** primitives_list,
t_pb* pb,
const int max_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const int detailed_routing_stage,
t_lb_router_data* router_data,
int verbosity,
bool enable_pin_feasibility_filter,
const int feasible_block_array_size,
t_ext_pin_util max_external_pin_util) {
int molecule_size, failed_location;
int i;
enum e_block_pack_status block_pack_status;
t_pb* parent;
t_pb* cur_pb;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
parent = nullptr;
block_pack_status = BLK_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
molecule_size = get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule);
failed_location = 0;
if (verbosity > 3) {
AtomBlockId root_atom = molecule->atom_block_ids[molecule->root];
VTR_LOG("\t\tTry pack molecule: '%s' (%s)",
" molecule_type %s molecule_size %zu",
// if this cluster has a molecule placed in it that is part of a long chain
// (a chain that consists of more than one molecule), don't allow more long chain
// molecules to be placed in this cluster. To avoid possibly creating cluster level
// blocks that have incompatible placement constraints or form very long placement
// macros that limit placement flexibility.
if (cluster_placement_stats_ptr->has_long_chain && molecule->is_chain() && molecule->chain_info->is_long_chain) {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 4, "\t\t\tFAILED Placement Feasibility Filter: Only one long chain per cluster is allowed\n");
while (block_pack_status != BLK_PASSED) {
if (get_next_primitive_list(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, molecule,
primitives_list)) {
block_pack_status = BLK_PASSED;
for (i = 0; i < molecule_size && block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED; i++) {
VTR_ASSERT((primitives_list[i] == nullptr) == (!molecule->atom_block_ids[i]));
failed_location = i + 1;
// try place atom block if it exists
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[i]) {
block_pack_status = try_place_atom_block_rec(primitives_list[i],
molecule->atom_block_ids[i], pb, &parent,
max_models, max_cluster_size, clb_index,
cluster_placement_stats_ptr, molecule, router_data,
verbosity, feasible_block_array_size);
if (enable_pin_feasibility_filter && block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED) {
/* Check if pin usage is feasible for the current packing assignment */
if (!check_lookahead_pins_used(pb, max_external_pin_util)) {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 4, "\t\t\tFAILED Pin Feasibility Filter\n");
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_FEASIBLE;
if (block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED) {
* during the clustering step of `do_clustering`, `detailed_routing_stage` is incremented at each iteration until it a cluster
* is correctly generated or `detailed_routing_stage` assumes an invalid value (E_DETAILED_ROUTE_INVALID).
* depending on its value we have different behaviors:
* - E_DETAILED_ROUTE_AT_END_ONLY: Skip routing if heuristic is to route at the end of packing complex block.
* - E_DETAILED_ROUTE_FOR_EACH_ATOM: Try to route if heuristic is to route for every atom. If the clusterer arrives at this stage,
* it means that more checks have to be performed as the previous stage failed to generate a new cluster.
* mode_status is a data structure containing the status of the mode selection. Its members are:
* - bool is_mode_conflict
* - bool try_expand_all_modes
* - bool expand_all_modes
* is_mode_conflict affects this stage. Its value determines whether the cluster failed to pack after a mode conflict issue.
* It holds a flag that is used to verify whether try_intra_lb_route ended in a mode conflict issue.
* Until is_mode_conflict is set to FALSE by try_intra_lb_route, the loop re-iterates. If all the available modes are exhausted
* an error will be thrown during mode conflicts checks (this to prevent infinite loops).
* If the value is TRUE the cluster has to be re-routed, and its internal pb_graph_nodes will have more restrict choices
* for what regards the mode that has to be selected.
* is_mode_conflict is initially set to TRUE, and, unless a mode conflict is found, it is set to false in `try_intra_lb_route`.
* try_expand_all_modes is set if the node expansion failed to find a valid routing path. The clusterer tries to find another route
* by using all the modes during node expansion.
* expand_all_modes is used to enable the expansion of all the nodes using all the possible modes.
t_mode_selection_status mode_status;
bool is_routed = false;
bool do_detailed_routing_stage = detailed_routing_stage == (int)E_DETAILED_ROUTE_FOR_EACH_ATOM;
if (do_detailed_routing_stage) {
do {
is_routed = try_intra_lb_route(router_data, verbosity, &mode_status);
} while (do_detailed_routing_stage && mode_status.is_mode_issue());
if (do_detailed_routing_stage && is_routed == false) {
/* Cannot pack */
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 4, "\t\t\tFAILED Detailed Routing Legality\n");
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_ROUTE;
} else {
/* Pack successful, commit
* TODO: SW Engineering note - may want to update cluster stats here too instead of doing it outside
VTR_ASSERT(block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED);
if (molecule->is_chain()) {
/* Chained molecules often take up lots of area and are important,
* if a chain is packed in, want to rename logic block to match chain name */
AtomBlockId chain_root_blk_id = molecule->atom_block_ids[molecule->pack_pattern->root_block->block_id];
cur_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(chain_root_blk_id)->parent_pb;
while (cur_pb != nullptr) {
cur_pb->name = vtr::strdup(atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(chain_root_blk_id).c_str());
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
// if this molecule is part of a chain, mark the cluster as having a long chain
// molecule. Also check if it's the first molecule in the chain to be packed.
// If so, update the chain id for this chain of molecules to make sure all
// molecules will be packed to the same chain id and can reach each other using
// the chain direct links between clusters
if (molecule->chain_info->is_long_chain) {
cluster_placement_stats_ptr->has_long_chain = true;
if (molecule->chain_info->chain_id == -1) {
update_molecule_chain_info(molecule, primitives_list[molecule->root]);
for (i = 0; i < molecule_size; i++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[i]) {
/* invalidate all molecules that share atom block with current molecule */
auto rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(molecule->atom_block_ids[i]);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(rng.first, rng.second)) {
t_pack_molecule* cur_molecule = kv.second;
cur_molecule->valid = false;
commit_primitive(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, primitives_list[i]);
if (block_pack_status != BLK_PASSED) {
for (i = 0; i < failed_location; i++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[i]) {
remove_atom_from_target(router_data, molecule->atom_block_ids[i]);
for (i = 0; i < failed_location; i++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[i]) {
revert_place_atom_block(molecule->atom_block_ids[i], router_data, atom_molecules);
} else {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 3, "\t\tPASSED pack molecule\n");
} else {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 3, "\t\tFAILED No candidate primitives available\n");
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_FEASIBLE;
break; /* no more candidate primitives available, this molecule will not pack, return fail */
return block_pack_status;
* Try place atom block into current primitive location
static enum e_block_pack_status try_place_atom_block_rec(const t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_node,
const AtomBlockId blk_id,
t_pb* cb,
t_pb** parent,
const int max_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
t_lb_router_data* router_data,
int verbosity,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
int i, j;
bool is_primitive;
enum e_block_pack_status block_pack_status;
t_pb* my_parent;
t_pb *pb, *parent_pb;
const t_pb_type* pb_type;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_atom();
my_parent = nullptr;
block_pack_status = BLK_PASSED;
/* Discover parent */
if (pb_graph_node->parent_pb_graph_node != cb->pb_graph_node) {
block_pack_status = try_place_atom_block_rec(pb_graph_node->parent_pb_graph_node, blk_id, cb,
&my_parent, max_models, max_cluster_size, clb_index,
cluster_placement_stats_ptr, molecule, router_data,
verbosity, feasible_block_array_size);
parent_pb = my_parent;
} else {
parent_pb = cb;
/* Create siblings if siblings are not allocated */
if (parent_pb->child_pbs == nullptr) {
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_pb(AtomBlockId::INVALID(), parent_pb);
VTR_ASSERT(parent_pb->name == nullptr);
parent_pb->name = vtr::strdup(atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id).c_str());
parent_pb->mode = pb_graph_node->pb_type->parent_mode->index;
set_reset_pb_modes(router_data, parent_pb, true);
const t_mode* mode = &parent_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[parent_pb->mode];
parent_pb->child_pbs = new t_pb*[mode->num_pb_type_children];
for (i = 0; i < mode->num_pb_type_children; i++) {
parent_pb->child_pbs[i] = new t_pb[mode->pb_type_children[i].num_pb];
for (j = 0; j < mode->pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
parent_pb->child_pbs[i][j].parent_pb = parent_pb;
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_pb(AtomBlockId::INVALID(), &parent_pb->child_pbs[i][j]);
parent_pb->child_pbs[i][j].pb_graph_node = &(parent_pb->pb_graph_node->child_pb_graph_nodes[parent_pb->mode][i][j]);
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(parent_pb->mode == pb_graph_node->pb_type->parent_mode->index);
const t_mode* mode = &parent_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[parent_pb->mode];
for (i = 0; i < mode->num_pb_type_children; i++) {
if (pb_graph_node->pb_type == &mode->pb_type_children[i]) {
VTR_ASSERT(i < mode->num_pb_type_children);
pb = &parent_pb->child_pbs[i][pb_graph_node->placement_index];
*parent = pb; /* this pb is parent of it's child that called this function */
VTR_ASSERT(pb->pb_graph_node == pb_graph_node);
if (pb->pb_stats == nullptr) {
alloc_and_load_pb_stats(pb, feasible_block_array_size);
pb_type = pb_graph_node->pb_type;
/* Xifan Tang: bypass unpackable modes */
if (false == pb_type->parent_mode->packable) {
is_primitive = (pb_type->num_modes == 0);
if (is_primitive) {
&& atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id) == nullptr
&& atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID());
/* try pack to location */
VTR_ASSERT(pb->name == nullptr);
pb->name = vtr::strdup(atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id).c_str());
//Update the atom netlist mappings
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_clb(blk_id, clb_index);
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_pb(blk_id, pb);
add_atom_as_target(router_data, blk_id);
if (!primitive_feasible(blk_id, pb)) {
/* failed location feasibility check, revert pack */
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_FEASIBLE;
// if this block passed and is part of a chained molecule
if (block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED && molecule->is_chain()) {
auto molecule_root_block = molecule->atom_block_ids[molecule->root];
// if this is the root block of the chain molecule check its placmeent feasibility
if (blk_id == molecule_root_block) {
block_pack_status = check_chain_root_placement_feasibility(pb_graph_node, molecule, blk_id);
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 4 && block_pack_status == BLK_PASSED,
"\t\t\tPlaced atom '%s' (%s) at %s\n",
if (block_pack_status != BLK_PASSED) {
pb->name = nullptr;
return block_pack_status;
/* Revert trial atom block iblock and free up memory space accordingly
static void revert_place_atom_block(const AtomBlockId blk_id, t_lb_router_data* router_data, const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_atom();
//We cast away const here since we may free the pb, and it is
//being removed from the active mapping.
//In general most code works fine accessing cosnt t_pb*,
//which is why we store them as such in atom_ctx.lookup
t_pb* pb = const_cast<t_pb*>(atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id));
//Update the atom netlist mapping
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_clb(blk_id, ClusterBlockId::INVALID());
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_pb(blk_id, nullptr);
if (pb != nullptr) {
/* When freeing molecules, the current block might already have been freed by a prior revert
* When this happens, no need to do anything beyond basic book keeping at the atom block
t_pb* next = pb->parent_pb;
revalid_molecules(pb, atom_molecules);
pb = next;
while (pb != nullptr) {
/* If this is pb is created only for the purposes of holding new molecule, remove it
* Must check if cluster is already freed (which can be the case)
next = pb->parent_pb;
if (pb->child_pbs != nullptr && pb->pb_stats != nullptr
&& pb->pb_stats->num_child_blocks_in_pb == 0) {
set_reset_pb_modes(router_data, pb, false);
if (next != nullptr) {
/* If the code gets here, then that means that placing the initial seed molecule
* failed, don't free the actual complex block itself as the seed needs to find
* another placement */
revalid_molecules(pb, atom_molecules);
pb = next;
static void update_connection_gain_values(const AtomNetId net_id, const AtomBlockId clustered_blk_id, t_pb* cur_pb, enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block) {
/*This function is called when the connectiongain values on the net net_id*
*require updating. */
int num_internal_connections, num_open_connections, num_stuck_connections;
num_internal_connections = num_open_connections = num_stuck_connections = 0;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
ClusterBlockId clb_index = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(clustered_blk_id);
/* may wish to speed things up by ignoring clock nets since they are high fanout */
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id)) {
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == clb_index
&& is_atom_blk_in_pb(blk_id, atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(clustered_blk_id))) {
} else if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
} else {
if (net_relation_to_clustered_block == OUTPUT) {
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id)) {
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
/* TODO: Gain function accurate only if net has one connection to block,
* TODO: Should we handle case where net has multi-connection to block?
* Gain computation is only off by a bit in this case */
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] = 0;
if (num_internal_connections > 1) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] -= 1 / (float)(num_open_connections + 1.5 * num_stuck_connections + 1 + 0.1);
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] += 1 / (float)(num_open_connections + 1.5 * num_stuck_connections + 0.1);
if (net_relation_to_clustered_block == INPUT) {
/*Calculate the connectiongain for the atom block which is driving *
*the atom net that is an input to an atom block in the cluster */
auto driver_pin_id = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver(net_id);
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(driver_pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] = 0;
if (num_internal_connections > 1) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] -= 1 / (float)(num_open_connections + 1.5 * num_stuck_connections + 0.1 + 1);
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] += 1 / (float)(num_open_connections + 1.5 * num_stuck_connections + 0.1);
static void update_timing_gain_values(const AtomNetId net_id,
t_pb* cur_pb,
enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block,
const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global) {
/*This function is called when the timing_gain values on the atom net*
*net_id requires updating. */
float timinggain;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
/* Check if this atom net lists its driving atom block twice. If so, avoid *
* double counting this atom block by skipping the first (driving) pin. */
auto pins = atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id);
if (net_output_feeds_driving_block_input[net_id] != 0)
pins = atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id);
if (net_relation_to_clustered_block == OUTPUT
&& !is_global.count(net_id)) {
for (auto pin_id : pins) {
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
timinggain = timing_info.setup_pin_criticality(pin_id);
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[blk_id] = 0;
if (timinggain > cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[blk_id])
cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[blk_id] = timinggain;
if (net_relation_to_clustered_block == INPUT
&& !is_global.count(net_id)) {
/*Calculate the timing gain for the atom block which is driving *
*the atom net that is an input to a atom block in the cluster */
auto driver_pin = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver(net_id);
auto new_blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(driver_pin);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(new_blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id)) {
timinggain = timing_info.setup_pin_criticality(pin_id);
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain.count(new_blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[new_blk_id] = 0;
if (timinggain > cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[new_blk_id])
cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[new_blk_id] = timinggain;
static void mark_and_update_partial_gain(const AtomNetId net_id, enum e_gain_update gain_flag, const AtomBlockId clustered_blk_id, bool timing_driven, bool connection_driven, enum e_net_relation_to_clustered_block net_relation_to_clustered_block, const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info, const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global, const int high_fanout_net_threshold) {
/* Updates the marked data structures, and if gain_flag is GAIN, *
* the gain when an atom block is added to a cluster. The *
* sharinggain is the number of inputs that a atom block shares with *
* blocks that are already in the cluster. Hillgain is the *
* reduction in number of pins-required by adding a atom block to the *
* cluster. The timinggain is the criticality of the most critical*
* atom net between this atom block and an atom block in the cluster. */
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
t_pb* cur_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(clustered_blk_id)->parent_pb;
if (int(atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id).size()) > high_fanout_net_threshold) {
/* Optimization: It can be too runtime costly for marking all sinks for
* a high fanout-net that probably has no hope of ever getting packed,
* thus ignore those high fanout nets */
if (!is_global.count(net_id)) {
/* If no low/medium fanout nets, we may need to consider
* high fan-out nets for packing, so select one and store it */
while (cur_pb->parent_pb != nullptr) {
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
AtomNetId stored_net = cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net;
if (!stored_net || atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id).size() < atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(stored_net).size()) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net = net_id;
while (cur_pb) {
/* Mark atom net as being visited, if necessary. */
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb.count(net_id) == 0) {
/* Update gains of affected blocks. */
if (gain_flag == GAIN) {
/* Check if this net is connected to it's driver block multiple times (i.e. as both an output and input)
* If so, avoid double counting by skipping the first (driving) pin. */
auto pins = atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id);
if (net_output_feeds_driving_block_input[net_id] != 0)
//We implicitly assume here that net_output_feeds_driver_block_input[net_id] is 2
//(i.e. the net loops back to the block only once)
pins = atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id);
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb.count(net_id) == 0) {
for (auto pin_id : pins) {
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain[blk_id] = 1;
cur_pb->pb_stats->hillgain[blk_id] = 1 - num_ext_inputs_atom_block(blk_id);
} else {
if (connection_driven) {
update_connection_gain_values(net_id, clustered_blk_id, cur_pb,
if (timing_driven) {
update_timing_gain_values(net_id, cur_pb,
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb.count(net_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb[net_id] = 0;
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
static void update_total_gain(float alpha, float beta, bool timing_driven, bool connection_driven, t_pb* pb) {
/*Updates the total gain array to reflect the desired tradeoff between*
*input sharing (sharinggain) and path_length minimization (timinggain)*/
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
t_pb* cur_pb = pb;
while (cur_pb) {
for (AtomBlockId blk_id : cur_pb->pb_stats->marked_blocks) {
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id] = 0;
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain[blk_id] = 0;
/* Todo: This was used to explore different normalization options, can
* be made more efficient once we decide on which one to use*/
int num_used_input_pins = atom_ctx.nlist.block_input_pins(blk_id).size();
int num_used_output_pins = atom_ctx.nlist.block_output_pins(blk_id).size();
/* end todo */
/* Calculate area-only cost function */
int num_used_pins = num_used_input_pins + num_used_output_pins;
VTR_ASSERT(num_used_pins > 0);
if (connection_driven) {
/*try to absorb as many connections as possible*/
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain[blk_id] = ((1 - beta)
* (float)cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain[blk_id]
+ beta * (float)cur_pb->pb_stats->connectiongain[blk_id])
/ (num_used_pins);
} else {
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain[blk_id] = ((float)cur_pb->pb_stats->sharinggain[blk_id])
/ (num_used_pins);
/* Add in timing driven cost into cost function */
if (timing_driven) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain[blk_id] = alpha
* cur_pb->pb_stats->timinggain[blk_id]
+ (1.0 - alpha) * (float)cur_pb->pb_stats->gain[blk_id];
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
static void update_cluster_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
const ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_clock,
const std::unordered_set<AtomNetId>& is_global,
const bool global_clocks,
const float alpha,
const float beta,
const bool timing_driven,
const bool connection_driven,
const int high_fanout_net_threshold,
const SetupTimingInfo& timing_info) {
/* Updates cluster stats such as gain, used pins, and clock structures. */
int molecule_size;
int iblock;
t_pb *cur_pb, *cb;
/* TODO: what a scary comment from Vaughn, we'll have to watch out for this causing problems */
/* Output can be open so the check is necessary. I don't change *
* the gain for clock outputs when clocks are globally distributed *
* because I assume there is no real need to pack similarly clocked *
* FFs together then. Note that by updating the gain when the *
* clock driver is placed in a cluster implies that the output of *
* LUTs can be connected to clock inputs internally. Probably not *
* true, but it doesn't make much difference, since it will still *
* make local routing of this clock very short, and none of my *
* benchmarks actually generate local clocks (all come from pads). */
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_atom();
molecule_size = get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule);
cb = nullptr;
for (iblock = 0; iblock < molecule_size; iblock++) {
auto blk_id = molecule->atom_block_ids[iblock];
if (!blk_id) {
//Update atom netlist mapping
atom_ctx.lookup.set_atom_clb(blk_id, clb_index);
const t_pb* atom_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id);
cur_pb = atom_pb->parent_pb;
while (cur_pb) {
/* reset list of feasible blocks */
if (cur_pb->is_root()) {
cb = cur_pb;
cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks = NOT_VALID;
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
/* Outputs first */
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.block_output_pins(blk_id)) {
auto net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin_id);
if (!is_clock.count(net_id) || !global_clocks) {
mark_and_update_partial_gain(net_id, GAIN, blk_id,
connection_driven, OUTPUT,
} else {
mark_and_update_partial_gain(net_id, NO_GAIN, blk_id,
connection_driven, OUTPUT,
/* Next Inputs */
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.block_input_pins(blk_id)) {
auto net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin_id);
mark_and_update_partial_gain(net_id, GAIN, blk_id,
timing_driven, connection_driven,
/* Finally Clocks */
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.block_clock_pins(blk_id)) {
auto net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin_id);
if (global_clocks) {
mark_and_update_partial_gain(net_id, NO_GAIN, blk_id,
timing_driven, connection_driven, INPUT,
} else {
mark_and_update_partial_gain(net_id, GAIN, blk_id,
timing_driven, connection_driven, INPUT,
update_total_gain(alpha, beta, timing_driven, connection_driven,
// if this molecule came from the transitive fanout candidates remove it
if (cb) {
cb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout = true;
static void start_new_cluster(t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats,
t_pb_graph_node** primitives_list,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
ClusterBlockId clb_index,
t_pack_molecule* molecule,
std::map<t_logical_block_type_ptr, size_t>& num_used_type_instances,
const float target_device_utilization,
const int num_models,
const int max_cluster_size,
const t_arch* arch,
std::string device_layout_name,
std::vector<t_lb_type_rr_node>* lb_type_rr_graphs,
t_lb_router_data** router_data,
const int detailed_routing_stage,
ClusteredNetlist* clb_nlist,
const std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>>& primitive_candidate_block_types,
int verbosity,
bool enable_pin_feasibility_filter,
bool balance_block_type_utilization,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
/* Given a starting seed block, start_new_cluster determines the next cluster type to use
* It expands the FPGA if it cannot find a legal cluster for the atom block
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
auto& device_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.mutable_device();
/* Allocate a dummy initial cluster and load a atom block as a seed and check if it is legal */
AtomBlockId root_atom = molecule->atom_block_ids[molecule->root];
const std::string& root_atom_name = atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(root_atom);
const t_model* root_model = atom_ctx.nlist.block_model(root_atom);
auto itr = primitive_candidate_block_types.find(root_model);
VTR_ASSERT(itr != primitive_candidate_block_types.end());
std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr> candidate_types = itr->second;
if (balance_block_type_utilization) {
//We sort the candidate types in ascending order by their current utilization.
//This means that the packer will prefer to use types with lower utilization.
//This is a naive approach to try balancing utilization when multiple types can
//support the same primitive(s).
std::stable_sort(candidate_types.begin(), candidate_types.end(),
[&](t_logical_block_type_ptr lhs, t_logical_block_type_ptr rhs) {
int lhs_num_instances = 0;
int rhs_num_instances = 0;
// Count number of instances for each type
for (auto type : lhs->equivalent_tiles)
lhs_num_instances += device_ctx.grid.num_instances(type);
for (auto type : rhs->equivalent_tiles)
rhs_num_instances += device_ctx.grid.num_instances(type);
float lhs_util = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(num_used_type_instances[lhs], lhs_num_instances);
float rhs_util = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(num_used_type_instances[rhs], rhs_num_instances);
//Lower util first
return lhs_util < rhs_util;
if (verbosity > 2) {
VTR_LOG("\tSeed: '%s' (%s)", root_atom_name.c_str(), root_model->name);
VTR_LOGV(molecule->pack_pattern, " molecule_type %s molecule_size %zu",
molecule->pack_pattern->name, molecule->atom_block_ids.size());
//Try packing into each candidate type
bool success = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < candidate_types.size(); i++) {
auto type = candidate_types[i];
t_pb* pb = new t_pb;
pb->pb_graph_node = type->pb_graph_head;
alloc_and_load_pb_stats(pb, feasible_block_array_size);
pb->parent_pb = nullptr;
*router_data = alloc_and_load_router_data(&lb_type_rr_graphs[type->index], type);
//Try packing into each mode
e_block_pack_status pack_result = BLK_STATUS_UNDEFINED;
for (int j = 0; j < type->pb_graph_head->pb_type->num_modes && !success; j++) {
pb->mode = j;
set_mode_cluster_placement_stats(pb->pb_graph_node, j);
//Note that since we are starting a new cluster, we use FULL_EXTERNAL_PIN_UTIL,
//which allows all cluster pins to be used. This ensures that if we have a large
//molecule which would otherwise exceed the external pin utilization targets it
//can use the full set of cluster pins when selected as the seed block -- ensuring
//it is still implementable.
pack_result = try_pack_molecule(&cluster_placement_stats[type->index],
molecule, primitives_list, pb,
num_models, max_cluster_size, clb_index,
detailed_routing_stage, *router_data,
success = (pack_result == BLK_PASSED);
if (success) {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 2, "\tPASSED_SEED: Block Type %s\n", type->name);
//Once clustering succeeds, add it to the clb netlist
if (pb->name != nullptr) {
pb->name = vtr::strdup(root_atom_name.c_str());
clb_index = clb_nlist->create_block(root_atom_name.c_str(), pb, type);
} else {
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 2, "\tFAILED_SEED: Block Type %s\n", type->name);
//Free failed clustering and try again
delete pb;
*router_data = nullptr;
if (!success) {
//Explored all candidates
if (molecule->type == MOLECULE_FORCED_PACK) {
"Can not find any logic block that can implement molecule.\n"
"\tPattern %s %s\n",
} else {
"Can not find any logic block that can implement molecule.\n"
"\tAtom %s (%s)\n",
root_atom_name.c_str(), root_model->name);
//Successfully create cluster
auto block_type = clb_nlist->block_type(clb_index);
/* Expand FPGA size if needed */
// Check used type instances against the possible equivalent physical locations
unsigned int num_instances = 0;
for (auto equivalent_tile : block_type->equivalent_tiles) {
num_instances += device_ctx.grid.num_instances(equivalent_tile);
if (num_used_type_instances[block_type] > num_instances) {
device_ctx.grid = create_device_grid(device_layout_name, arch->grid_layouts, num_used_type_instances, target_device_utilization);
VTR_LOGV(verbosity > 0, "Not enough resources expand FPGA size to (%d x %d)\n",
device_ctx.grid.width(), device_ctx.grid.height());
* Get candidate molecule to pack into currently open cluster
* Molecule selection priority:
* 1. Find unpacked molecule based on criticality and strong connectedness (connected by low fanout nets) with current cluster
* 2. Find unpacked molecule based on transitive connections (eg. 2 hops away) with current cluster
* 3. Find unpacked molecule based on weak connectedness (connected by high fanout nets) with current cluster
static t_pack_molecule* get_highest_gain_molecule(t_pb* cur_pb,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const enum e_gain_type gain_mode,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
const ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
bool prioritize_transitive_connectivity,
int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
/* This routine populates a list of feasible blocks outside the cluster then returns the best one for the list *
* not currently in a cluster and satisfies the feasibility *
* function passed in as is_feasible. If there are no feasible *
* blocks it returns ClusterBlockId::INVALID(). */
if (gain_mode == HILL_CLIMBING) {
"Hill climbing not supported yet, error out.\n");
// 1. Find unpacked molecule based on criticality and strong connectedness (connected by low fanout nets) with current cluster
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == NOT_VALID) {
add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_connectivity_and_timing(cur_pb, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, atom_molecules, feasible_block_array_size);
if (prioritize_transitive_connectivity) {
// 2. Find unpacked molecule based on transitive connections (eg. 2 hops away) with current cluster
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == 0 && cur_pb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout) {
add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_transitive_connectivity(cur_pb, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, atom_molecules, clb_inter_blk_nets,
cluster_index, transitive_fanout_threshold, feasible_block_array_size);
// 3. Find unpacked molecule based on weak connectedness (connected by high fanout nets) with current cluster
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == 0 && cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net) {
add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_highfanout_connectivity(cur_pb, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, atom_molecules, feasible_block_array_size);
} else { //Reverse order
// 3. Find unpacked molecule based on weak connectedness (connected by high fanout nets) with current cluster
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == 0 && cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net) {
add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_highfanout_connectivity(cur_pb, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, atom_molecules, feasible_block_array_size);
// 2. Find unpacked molecule based on transitive connections (eg. 2 hops away) with current cluster
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == 0 && cur_pb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout) {
add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_transitive_connectivity(cur_pb, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, atom_molecules, clb_inter_blk_nets,
cluster_index, transitive_fanout_threshold, feasible_block_array_size);
/* Grab highest gain molecule */
t_pack_molecule* molecule = nullptr;
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks > 0) {
int index = cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks;
molecule = cur_pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks[index];
VTR_ASSERT(molecule->valid == true);
return molecule;
return molecule;
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_connectivity_and_timing(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks == NOT_VALID);
cur_pb->pb_stats->num_feasible_blocks = 0;
cur_pb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout = true; /* If no legal molecules found, enable exploration of molecules two hops away */
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
for (AtomBlockId blk_id : cur_pb->pb_stats->marked_blocks) {
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
auto rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk_id);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(rng.first, rng.second)) {
t_pack_molecule* molecule = kv.second;
if (molecule->valid) {
bool success = true;
for (int j = 0; j < get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule); j++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) {
VTR_ASSERT(atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID());
auto blk_id2 = molecule->atom_block_ids[j];
if (!exists_free_primitive_for_atom_block(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, blk_id2)) {
/* TODO: debating whether to check if placement exists for molecule
* (more robust) or individual atom blocks (faster) */
success = false;
if (success) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain, cur_pb, feasible_block_array_size);
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_highfanout_connectivity(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
/* Because the packer ignores high fanout nets when marking what blocks
* to consider, use one of the ignored high fanout net to fill up lightly
* related blocks */
AtomNetId net_id = cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
int count = 0;
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id)) {
AtomBlockId blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
auto rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk_id);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(rng.first, rng.second)) {
t_pack_molecule* molecule = kv.second;
if (molecule->valid) {
bool success = true;
for (int j = 0; j < get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule); j++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) {
VTR_ASSERT(atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID());
auto blk_id2 = molecule->atom_block_ids[j];
if (!exists_free_primitive_for_atom_block(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, blk_id2)) {
/* TODO: debating whether to check if placement exists for molecule (more
* robust) or individual atom blocks (faster) */
success = false;
if (success) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain, cur_pb, std::min(feasible_block_array_size, AAPACK_MAX_HIGH_FANOUT_EXPLORE));
cur_pb->pb_stats->tie_break_high_fanout_net = AtomNetId::INVALID(); /* Mark off that this high fanout net has been considered */
void add_cluster_molecule_candidates_by_transitive_connectivity(t_pb* cur_pb,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
const ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size) {
//TODO: For now, only done by fan-out; should also consider fan-in
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
cur_pb->pb_stats->explore_transitive_fanout = false;
/* First time finding transitive fanout candidates therefore alloc and load them */
/* Only consider candidates that pass a very simple legality check */
for (const auto& transitive_candidate : cur_pb->pb_stats->transitive_fanout_candidates) {
t_pack_molecule* molecule = transitive_candidate.second;
if (molecule->valid) {
bool success = true;
for (int j = 0; j < get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule); j++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) {
VTR_ASSERT(atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(molecule->atom_block_ids[j]) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID());
auto blk_id = molecule->atom_block_ids[j];
if (!exists_free_primitive_for_atom_block(cluster_placement_stats_ptr, blk_id)) {
/* TODO: debating whether to check if placement exists for molecule (more
* robust) or individual atom blocks (faster) */
success = false;
if (success) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->gain, cur_pb, std::min(feasible_block_array_size, AAPACK_MAX_TRANSITIVE_EXPLORE));
static t_pack_molecule* get_molecule_for_cluster(t_pb* cur_pb,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const bool allow_unrelated_clustering,
const bool prioritize_transitive_connectivity,
const int transitive_fanout_threshold,
const int feasible_block_array_size,
int* num_unrelated_clustering_attempts,
t_cluster_placement_stats* cluster_placement_stats_ptr,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
ClusterBlockId cluster_index,
int verbosity) {
/* Finds the block with the greatest gain that satisfies the
* input, clock and capacity constraints of a cluster that are
* passed in. If no suitable block is found it returns ClusterBlockId::INVALID().
/* If cannot pack into primitive, try packing into cluster */
auto best_molecule = get_highest_gain_molecule(cur_pb, atom_molecules,
NOT_HILL_CLIMBING, cluster_placement_stats_ptr, clb_inter_blk_nets,
cluster_index, prioritize_transitive_connectivity,
transitive_fanout_threshold, feasible_block_array_size);
/* If no blocks have any gain to the current cluster, the code above *
* will not find anything. However, another atom block with no inputs in *
* common with the cluster may still be inserted into the cluster. */
if (allow_unrelated_clustering) {
if (best_molecule == nullptr) {
if (*num_unrelated_clustering_attempts == 0) {
best_molecule = get_free_molecule_with_most_ext_inputs_for_cluster(cur_pb,
VTR_LOGV(best_molecule && verbosity > 2, "\tFound unrelated molecule to cluster\n");
} else {
*num_unrelated_clustering_attempts = 0;
} else {
VTR_LOGV(!best_molecule && verbosity > 2, "\tNo related molecule found and unrelated clustering disabled\n");
return best_molecule;
/* TODO: Add more error checking! */
static void check_clustering() {
std::unordered_set<AtomBlockId> atoms_checked;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
auto& cluster_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.clustering();
if (cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks().size() == 0) {
VTR_LOG_WARN("Packing produced no clustered blocks");
* Check that each atom block connects to one physical primitive and that the primitive links up to the parent clb
for (auto blk_id : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
//Each atom should be part of a pb
const t_pb* atom_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id);
if (!atom_pb) {
"Atom block %s is not mapped to a pb\n",
//Check the reverse mapping is consistent
if (atom_ctx.lookup.pb_atom(atom_pb) != blk_id) {
"pb %s does not contain atom block %s but atom block %s maps to pb.\n",
VTR_ASSERT(atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id) == atom_pb->name);
const t_pb* cur_pb = atom_pb;
while (cur_pb->parent_pb) {
cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb;
ClusterBlockId clb_index = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id);
if (clb_index == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
"Atom %s is not mapped to a CLB\n",
if (cur_pb != cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(clb_index)) {
"CLB %s does not match CLB contained by pb %s.\n",
cur_pb->name, atom_pb->name);
/* Check that I do not have spurious links in children pbs */
for (auto blk_id : cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.blocks()) {
check_cluster_atom_blocks(cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_pb(blk_id), atoms_checked);
for (auto blk_id : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
if (!atoms_checked.count(blk_id)) {
"Atom block %s not found in any cluster.\n",
/* TODO: May want to check that all atom blocks are actually reached */
static void check_cluster_atom_blocks(t_pb* pb, std::unordered_set<AtomBlockId>& blocks_checked) {
int i, j;
const t_pb_type* pb_type;
bool has_child = false;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
pb_type = pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (pb_type->num_modes == 0) {
/* primitive */
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.lookup.pb_atom(pb);
if (blk_id) {
if (blocks_checked.count(blk_id)) {
"pb %s contains atom block %s but atom block is already contained in another pb.\n",
pb->name, atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id).c_str());
if (pb != atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id)) {
"pb %s contains atom block %s but atom block does not link to pb.\n",
pb->name, atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id).c_str());
} else {
/* this is a container pb, all container pbs must contain children */
for (i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
if (pb->child_pbs[i] != nullptr) {
if (pb->child_pbs[i][j].name != nullptr) {
has_child = true;
check_cluster_atom_blocks(&pb->child_pbs[i][j], blocks_checked);
static void mark_all_molecules_valid(t_pack_molecule* molecule_head) {
for (auto cur_molecule = molecule_head; cur_molecule != nullptr; cur_molecule = cur_molecule->next) {
cur_molecule->valid = true;
static int count_molecules(t_pack_molecule* molecule_head) {
int num_molecules = 0;
for (auto cur_molecule = molecule_head; cur_molecule != nullptr; cur_molecule = cur_molecule->next) {
return num_molecules;
//Calculates molecule statistics for a single molecule
static t_molecule_stats calc_molecule_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule) {
t_molecule_stats molecule_stats;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
//Calculate the number of available pins on primitives within the molecule
for (auto blk : molecule->atom_block_ids) {
if (!blk) continue;
++molecule_stats.num_blocks; //Record number of valid blocks in molecule
const t_model* model = atom_ctx.nlist.block_model(blk);
for (const t_model_ports* input_port = model->inputs; input_port != nullptr; input_port = input_port->next) {
molecule_stats.num_input_pins += input_port->size;
for (const t_model_ports* output_port = model->outputs; output_port != nullptr; output_port = output_port->next) {
molecule_stats.num_output_pins += output_port->size;
molecule_stats.num_pins = molecule_stats.num_input_pins + molecule_stats.num_output_pins;
//Calculate the number of externally used pins
std::set<AtomBlockId> molecule_atoms(molecule->atom_block_ids.begin(), molecule->atom_block_ids.end());
for (auto blk : molecule->atom_block_ids) {
if (!blk) continue;
for (auto pin : atom_ctx.nlist.block_pins(blk)) {
auto net = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin);
auto pin_type = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_type(pin);
if (pin_type == PinType::SINK) {
auto driver_blk = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver_block(net);
if (molecule_atoms.count(driver_blk)) {
//Pin driven by a block within the molecule
//Does not count as an external connection
} else {
//Pin driven by a block outside the molecule
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(pin_type == PinType::DRIVER);
bool net_leaves_molecule = false;
for (auto sink_pin : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net)) {
auto sink_blk = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(sink_pin);
if (!molecule_atoms.count(sink_blk)) {
//There is at least one sink outside of the current molecule
net_leaves_molecule = true;
//We assume that any fanout occurs outside of the molecule, hence we only
//count one used output (even if there are multiple sinks outside the molecule)
if (net_leaves_molecule) {
molecule_stats.num_used_ext_pins = molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs + molecule_stats.num_used_ext_outputs;
return molecule_stats;
//Calculates maximum molecule statistics accross all molecules in linked list
static t_molecule_stats calc_max_molecules_stats(const t_pack_molecule* molecule_head) {
t_molecule_stats max_molecules_stats;
for (auto cur_molecule = molecule_head; cur_molecule != nullptr; cur_molecule = cur_molecule->next) {
//Calculate per-molecule statistics
t_molecule_stats cur_molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(cur_molecule);
//Record the maximums (member-wise) over all molecules
max_molecules_stats.num_blocks = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_blocks, cur_molecule_stats.num_blocks);
max_molecules_stats.num_pins = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_pins, cur_molecule_stats.num_pins);
max_molecules_stats.num_input_pins = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_input_pins, cur_molecule_stats.num_input_pins);
max_molecules_stats.num_output_pins = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_output_pins, cur_molecule_stats.num_output_pins);
max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_pins = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_pins, cur_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_pins);
max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_inputs = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_inputs, cur_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs);
max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_outputs = std::max(max_molecules_stats.num_used_ext_outputs, cur_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_outputs);
return max_molecules_stats;
static std::vector<AtomBlockId> initialize_seed_atoms(const e_cluster_seed seed_type,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
const t_molecule_stats& max_molecule_stats,
const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_criticality) {
std::vector<AtomBlockId> seed_atoms;
//Put all atoms in seed list
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
for (auto blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
//Initially all gains are zero
vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float> atom_gains(atom_ctx.nlist.blocks().size(), 0.);
if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::TIMING) {
VTR_ASSERT(atom_gains.size() == atom_criticality.size());
//By criticality
atom_gains = atom_criticality;
} else if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::MAX_INPUTS) {
//By number of used molecule input pins
for (auto blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
int max_molecule_inputs = 0;
auto molecule_rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(molecule_rng.first, molecule_rng.second)) {
const t_pack_molecule* blk_mol = kv.second;
const t_molecule_stats molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(blk_mol);
//Keep the max over all molecules associated with the atom
max_molecule_inputs = std::max(max_molecule_inputs, molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs);
atom_gains[blk] = max_molecule_inputs;
} else if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::BLEND) {
//By blended gain (criticality and inputs used)
for (auto blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
/* Score seed gain of each block as a weighted sum of timing criticality,
* number of tightly coupled blocks connected to it, and number of external inputs */
float seed_blend_fac = 0.5;
float max_blend_gain = 0;
auto molecule_rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(molecule_rng.first, molecule_rng.second)) {
const t_pack_molecule* blk_mol = kv.second;
const t_molecule_stats molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(blk_mol);
VTR_ASSERT(max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs > 0);
float blend_gain = (seed_blend_fac * atom_criticality[blk]
+ (1 - seed_blend_fac) * (molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs / max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs));
blend_gain *= (1 + 0.2 * (molecule_stats.num_blocks - 1));
//Keep the max over all molecules associated with the atom
max_blend_gain = std::max(max_blend_gain, blend_gain);
atom_gains[blk] = max_blend_gain;
} else if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::MAX_PINS || seed_type == e_cluster_seed::MAX_INPUT_PINS) {
//By pins per molecule (i.e. available pins on primitives, not pins in use)
for (auto blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
int max_molecule_pins = 0;
auto molecule_rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(molecule_rng.first, molecule_rng.second)) {
const t_pack_molecule* mol = kv.second;
const t_molecule_stats molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(mol);
//Keep the max over all molecules associated with the atom
int molecule_pins = 0;
if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::MAX_PINS) {
//All pins
molecule_pins = molecule_stats.num_pins;
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(seed_type == e_cluster_seed::MAX_INPUT_PINS);
//Input pins only
molecule_pins = molecule_stats.num_input_pins;
//Keep the max over all molecules associated with the atom
max_molecule_pins = std::max(max_molecule_pins, molecule_pins);
atom_gains[blk] = max_molecule_pins;
} else if (seed_type == e_cluster_seed::BLEND2) {
for (auto blk : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
float max_gain = 0;
auto molecule_rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(molecule_rng.first, molecule_rng.second)) {
const t_pack_molecule* mol = kv.second;
const t_molecule_stats molecule_stats = calc_molecule_stats(mol);
float pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_pins, max_molecule_stats.num_pins);
float input_pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_input_pins, max_molecule_stats.num_input_pins);
float output_pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_output_pins, max_molecule_stats.num_output_pins);
float used_ext_pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_used_ext_pins, max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_pins);
float used_ext_input_pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs, max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_inputs);
float used_ext_output_pin_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_used_ext_outputs, max_molecule_stats.num_used_ext_outputs);
float num_blocks_ratio = vtr::safe_ratio<float>(molecule_stats.num_blocks, max_molecule_stats.num_blocks);
float criticality = atom_criticality[blk];
constexpr float PIN_WEIGHT = 0.;
constexpr float INPUT_PIN_WEIGHT = 0.5;
constexpr float OUTPUT_PIN_WEIGHT = 0.;
constexpr float USED_PIN_WEIGHT = 0.;
constexpr float USED_INPUT_PIN_WEIGHT = 0.2;
constexpr float USED_OUTPUT_PIN_WEIGHT = 0.;
constexpr float BLOCKS_WEIGHT = 0.2;
constexpr float CRITICALITY_WEIGHT = 0.1;
float gain = PIN_WEIGHT * pin_ratio
+ INPUT_PIN_WEIGHT * input_pin_ratio
+ OUTPUT_PIN_WEIGHT * output_pin_ratio
+ USED_PIN_WEIGHT * used_ext_pin_ratio
+ USED_INPUT_PIN_WEIGHT * used_ext_input_pin_ratio
+ USED_OUTPUT_PIN_WEIGHT * used_ext_output_pin_ratio
+ BLOCKS_WEIGHT * num_blocks_ratio
+ CRITICALITY_WEIGHT * criticality;
max_gain = std::max(max_gain, gain);
atom_gains[blk] = max_gain;
} else {
VPR_FATAL_ERROR(VPR_ERROR_PACK, "Unrecognized cluster seed type");
//Sort seeds in descending order of gain (i.e. highest gain first)
// Note that we use a *stable* sort here. It has been observed that different
// standard library implementations (e.g. gcc-4.9 vs gcc-5) use sorting algorithms
// which produce different orderings for seeds of equal gain (which is allowed with
// std::sort which does not specify how equal values are handled). Using a stable
// sort ensures that regardless of the underlying sorting algorithm the same seed
// order is produced regardless of compiler.
auto by_descending_gain = [&](const AtomBlockId lhs, const AtomBlockId rhs) {
return atom_gains[lhs] > atom_gains[rhs];
std::stable_sort(seed_atoms.begin(), seed_atoms.end(), by_descending_gain);
if (getEchoEnabled() && isEchoFileEnabled(E_ECHO_CLUSTERING_BLOCK_CRITICALITIES)) {
print_seed_gains(getEchoFileName(E_ECHO_CLUSTERING_BLOCK_CRITICALITIES), seed_atoms, atom_gains, atom_criticality);
return seed_atoms;
static t_pack_molecule* get_highest_gain_seed_molecule(int* seedindex, const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules, const std::vector<AtomBlockId> seed_atoms) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
while (*seedindex < static_cast<int>(seed_atoms.size())) {
AtomBlockId blk_id = seed_atoms[(*seedindex)++];
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
t_pack_molecule* best = nullptr;
auto rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk_id);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(rng.first, rng.second)) {
t_pack_molecule* molecule = kv.second;
if (molecule->valid) {
if (best == nullptr || (best->base_gain) < (molecule->base_gain)) {
best = molecule;
VTR_ASSERT(best != nullptr);
return best;
/*if it makes it to here , there are no more blocks available*/
return nullptr;
/* get gain of packing molecule into current cluster
* gain is equal to:
* total_block_gain
* + molecule_base_gain*some_factor
* - introduced_input_nets_of_unrelated_blocks_pulled_in_by_molecule*some_other_factor
static float get_molecule_gain(t_pack_molecule* molecule, std::map<AtomBlockId, float>& blk_gain) {
float gain;
int i;
int num_introduced_inputs_of_indirectly_related_block;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
gain = 0;
num_introduced_inputs_of_indirectly_related_block = 0;
for (i = 0; i < get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule); i++) {
auto blk_id = molecule->atom_block_ids[i];
if (blk_id) {
if (blk_gain.count(blk_id) > 0) {
gain += blk_gain[blk_id];
} else {
/* This block has no connection with current cluster, penalize molecule for having this block
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.block_input_pins(blk_id)) {
auto net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin_id);
auto driver_pin_id = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver(net_id);
auto driver_blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(driver_pin_id);
for (int iblk = 0; iblk < get_array_size_of_molecule(molecule); iblk++) {
if (molecule->atom_block_ids[iblk] && driver_blk_id == molecule->atom_block_ids[iblk]) {
//valid block which is driver (and hence not an input)
gain += molecule->base_gain * 0.0001; /* Use base gain as tie breaker TODO: need to sweep this value and perhaps normalize */
gain -= num_introduced_inputs_of_indirectly_related_block * (0.001);
return gain;
static int compare_molecule_gain(const void* a, const void* b) {
float base_gain_a, base_gain_b, diff;
const t_pack_molecule *molecule_a, *molecule_b;
molecule_a = (*(const t_pack_molecule* const*)a);
molecule_b = (*(const t_pack_molecule* const*)b);
base_gain_a = molecule_a->base_gain;
base_gain_b = molecule_b->base_gain;
diff = base_gain_a - base_gain_b;
if (diff > 0) {
return 1;
if (diff < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
/* Determine if speculatively packed cur_pb is pin feasible
* Runtime is actually not that bad for this. It's worst case O(k^2) where k is the
* number of pb_graph pins. Can use hash tables or make incremental if becomes an issue.
static void try_update_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb) {
int i, j;
const t_pb_type* pb_type = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
// run recursively till a leaf (primitive) pb block is reached
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0 && cur_pb->name != nullptr) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs != nullptr) {
for (i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs[i] != nullptr) {
for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
} else {
// find if this child (primitive) pb block has an atom mapped to it,
// if yes compute and mark lookahead pins used for that pb block
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
AtomBlockId blk_id = atom_ctx.lookup.pb_atom(cur_pb);
if (pb_type->blif_model != nullptr && blk_id) {
/* Resets nets used at different pin classes for determining pin feasibility */
static void reset_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb) {
int i, j;
const t_pb_type* pb_type = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (cur_pb->pb_stats == nullptr) {
return; /* No pins used, no need to continue */
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0 && cur_pb->name != nullptr) {
for (i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class; i++) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs != nullptr) {
for (i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs[i] != nullptr) {
for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
/* Determine if pins of speculatively packed pb are legal */
static void compute_and_mark_lookahead_pins_used(const AtomBlockId blk_id) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
const t_pb* cur_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(blk_id);
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb != nullptr);
/* Walk through inputs, outputs, and clocks marking pins off of the same class */
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.block_pins(blk_id)) {
auto net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_net(pin_id);
const t_pb_graph_pin* pb_graph_pin = find_pb_graph_pin(atom_ctx.nlist, atom_ctx.lookup, pin_id);
compute_and_mark_lookahead_pins_used_for_pin(pb_graph_pin, cur_pb, net_id);
* Given a pin and its assigned net, mark all pin classes that are affected.
* Check if connecting this pin to it's driver pin or to all sink pins will
* require leaving a pb_block starting from the parent pb_block of the
* primitive till the root block (depth = 0). If leaving a pb_block is
* required add this net to the pin class (to increment the number of used
* pins from this class) that should be used to leave the pb_block.
static void compute_and_mark_lookahead_pins_used_for_pin(const t_pb_graph_pin* pb_graph_pin, const t_pb* primitive_pb, const AtomNetId net_id) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
// starting from the parent pb of the input primitive go up in the hierarchy till the root block
for (auto cur_pb = primitive_pb->parent_pb; cur_pb; cur_pb = cur_pb->parent_pb) {
const auto depth = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type->depth;
const auto pin_class = pb_graph_pin->parent_pin_class[depth];
VTR_ASSERT(pin_class != OPEN);
const auto driver_blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver_block(net_id);
// if this primitive pin is an input pin
if (pb_graph_pin->port->type == IN_PORT) {
/* find location of net driver if exist in clb, NULL otherwise */
// find the driver of the input net connected to the pin being studied
const auto driver_pin_id = atom_ctx.nlist.net_driver(net_id);
// find the id of the atom occupying the input primitive_pb
const auto prim_blk_id = atom_ctx.lookup.pb_atom(primitive_pb);
// find the pb block occupied by the driving atom
const auto driver_pb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_pb(driver_blk_id);
// pb_graph_pin driving net_id in the driver pb block
t_pb_graph_pin* output_pb_graph_pin = nullptr;
// if the driver block is in the same clb as the input primitive block
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(driver_blk_id) == atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(prim_blk_id)) {
// get pb_graph_pin driving the given net
output_pb_graph_pin = get_driver_pb_graph_pin(driver_pb, driver_pin_id);
bool is_reachable = false;
// if the driver pin is within the cluster
if (output_pb_graph_pin) {
// find if the driver pin can reach the input pin of the primitive or not
const t_pb* check_pb = driver_pb;
while (check_pb && check_pb != cur_pb) {
check_pb = check_pb->parent_pb;
if (check_pb) {
for (int i = 0; i < output_pb_graph_pin->num_connectable_primitive_input_pins[depth]; i++) {
if (pb_graph_pin == output_pb_graph_pin->list_of_connectable_input_pin_ptrs[depth][i]) {
is_reachable = true;
// Must use an input pin to connect the driver to the input pin of the given primitive, either the
// driver atom is not contained in the cluster or is contained but cannot reach the primitive pin
if (!is_reachable) {
// add net to lookahead_input_pins_used if not already added
auto it = std::find(cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[pin_class].begin(),
cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[pin_class].end(), net_id);
if (it == cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[pin_class].end()) {
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(pb_graph_pin->port->type == OUT_PORT);
* Determine if this net (which is driven from within this cluster) leaves this cluster
* (and hence uses an output pin).
bool net_exits_cluster = true;
int num_net_sinks = static_cast<int>(atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id).size());
if (pb_graph_pin->num_connectable_primitive_input_pins[depth] >= num_net_sinks) {
//It is possible the net is completely absorbed in the cluster,
//since this pin could (potentially) drive all the net's sinks
/* Important: This runtime penalty looks a lot scarier than it really is.
* For high fan-out nets, I at most look at the number of pins within the
* cluster which limits runtime.
* Key Observation:
* For LUT-based designs it is impossible for the average fanout to exceed
* the number of LUT inputs so it's usually around 4-5 (pigeon-hole argument,
* if the average fanout is greater than the number of LUT inputs, where do
* the extra connections go? Therefore, average fanout must be capped to a
* small constant where the constant is equal to the number of LUT inputs).
* The real danger to runtime is when the number of sinks of a net gets doubled
//Check if all the net sinks are, in fact, inside this cluster
bool all_sinks_in_cur_cluster = true;
ClusterBlockId driver_clb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(driver_blk_id);
for (auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id)) {
auto sink_blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(sink_blk_id) != driver_clb) {
all_sinks_in_cur_cluster = false;
if (all_sinks_in_cur_cluster) {
//All the sinks are part of this cluster, so the net may be fully absorbed.
//Verify this, by counting the number of net sinks reachable from the driver pin.
//If the count equals the number of net sinks then the net is fully absorbed and
//the net does not exit the cluster
/* TODO: I should cache the absorbed outputs, once net is absorbed,
* net is forever absorbed, no point in rechecking every time */
if (net_sinks_reachable_in_cluster(pb_graph_pin, depth, net_id)) {
//All the sinks are reachable inside the cluster
net_exits_cluster = false;
if (net_exits_cluster) {
/* This output must exit this cluster */
int net_sinks_reachable_in_cluster(const t_pb_graph_pin* driver_pb_gpin, const int depth, const AtomNetId net_id) {
size_t num_reachable_sinks = 0;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
//Record the sink pb graph pins we are looking for
std::unordered_set<const t_pb_graph_pin*> sink_pb_gpins;
for (const AtomPinId pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id)) {
const t_pb_graph_pin* sink_pb_gpin = find_pb_graph_pin(atom_ctx.nlist, atom_ctx.lookup, pin_id);
//Count how many sink pins are reachable
for (int i_prim_pin = 0; i_prim_pin < driver_pb_gpin->num_connectable_primitive_input_pins[depth]; ++i_prim_pin) {
const t_pb_graph_pin* reachable_pb_gpin = driver_pb_gpin->list_of_connectable_input_pin_ptrs[depth][i_prim_pin];
if (sink_pb_gpins.count(reachable_pb_gpin)) {
if (num_reachable_sinks == atom_ctx.nlist.net_sinks(net_id).size()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the pb_graph_pin of the atom pin defined by the driver_pin_id in the driver_pb
static t_pb_graph_pin* get_driver_pb_graph_pin(const t_pb* driver_pb, const AtomPinId driver_pin_id) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
const auto driver_pb_type = driver_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
int output_port = 0;
// find the port of the pin driving the net as well as the port model
auto driver_port_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_port(driver_pin_id);
auto driver_model_port = atom_ctx.nlist.port_model(driver_port_id);
// find the port id of the port containing the driving pin in the driver_pb_type
for (int i = 0; i < driver_pb_type->num_ports; i++) {
auto& prim_port = driver_pb_type->ports[i];
if (prim_port.type == OUT_PORT) {
if (prim_port.model_port == driver_model_port) {
// get the output pb_graph_pin driving this input net
return &(driver_pb->pb_graph_node->output_pins[output_port][atom_ctx.nlist.pin_port_bit(driver_pin_id)]);
// the pin should be found
return nullptr;
/* Check if the number of available inputs/outputs for a pin class is sufficient for speculatively packed blocks */
static bool check_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb, t_ext_pin_util max_external_pin_util) {
const t_pb_type* pb_type = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0 && cur_pb->name) {
for (int i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class; i++) {
size_t class_size = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->input_pin_class_size[i];
if (cur_pb->is_root()) {
// Scale the class size by the maximum external pin utilization factor
// Use ceil to avoid classes of size 1 from being scaled to zero
class_size = std::ceil(max_external_pin_util.input_pin_util * class_size);
// if the number of pins already used is larger than class size, then the number of
// cluster inputs already used should be our constraint. Why is this needed? This is
// needed since when packing the seed block the maximum external pin utilization is
// used as 1.0 allowing molecules that are using up to all the cluster inputs to be
// packed legally. Therefore, if the seed block is already using more inputs than
// the allowed maximum utilization, this should become the new maximum pin utilization.
class_size = std::max<size_t>(class_size, cur_pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used[i].size());
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[i].size() > class_size) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class; i++) {
size_t class_size = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->output_pin_class_size[i];
if (cur_pb->is_root()) {
// Scale the class size by the maximum external pin utilization factor
// Use ceil to avoid classes of size 1 from being scaled to zero
class_size = std::ceil(max_external_pin_util.output_pin_util * class_size);
// if the number of pins already used is larger than class size, then the number of
// cluster outputs already used should be our constraint. Why is this needed? This is
// needed since when packing the seed block the maximum external pin utilization is
// used as 1.0 allowing molecules that are using up to all the cluster inputs to be
// packed legally. Therefore, if the seed block is already using more inputs than
// the allowed maximum utilization, this should become the new maximum pin utilization.
class_size = std::max<size_t>(class_size, cur_pb->pb_stats->output_pins_used[i].size());
if (cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used[i].size() > class_size) {
return false;
if (cur_pb->child_pbs) {
for (int i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs[i]) {
for (int j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
if (!check_lookahead_pins_used(&cur_pb->child_pbs[i][j], max_external_pin_util))
return false;
return true;
/* Speculation successful, commit input/output pins used */
static void commit_lookahead_pins_used(t_pb* cur_pb) {
const t_pb_type* pb_type = cur_pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type;
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0 && cur_pb->name) {
for (int i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class; i++) {
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[i].size() <= (unsigned int)cur_pb->pb_graph_node->input_pin_class_size[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[i].size(); j++) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used[i].insert({j, cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[i][j]});
for (int i = 0; i < cur_pb->pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class; i++) {
VTR_ASSERT(cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used[i].size() <= (unsigned int)cur_pb->pb_graph_node->output_pin_class_size[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used[i].size(); j++) {
cur_pb->pb_stats->output_pins_used[i].insert({j, cur_pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used[i][j]});
if (cur_pb->child_pbs) {
for (int i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].num_pb_type_children; i++) {
if (cur_pb->child_pbs[i]) {
for (int j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[cur_pb->mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
* Score unclustered atoms that are two hops away from current cluster
* For example, consider a cluster that has a FF feeding an adder in another
* cluster. Since this FF is feeding an adder that is packed in another cluster
* this function should find other FFs that are feeding other inputs of this adder
* since they are two hops away from the FF packed in this cluster
static void load_transitive_fanout_candidates(ClusterBlockId clb_index,
const std::multimap<AtomBlockId, t_pack_molecule*>& atom_molecules,
t_pb_stats* pb_stats,
vtr::vector<ClusterBlockId, std::vector<AtomNetId>>& clb_inter_blk_nets,
int transitive_fanout_threshold) {
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
// iterate over all the nets that have pins in this cluster
for (const auto net_id : pb_stats->marked_nets) {
// only consider small nets to constrain runtime
if (int(atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id).size()) < transitive_fanout_threshold + 1) {
// iterate over all the pins of the net
for (const auto pin_id : atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(net_id)) {
AtomBlockId atom_blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(pin_id);
// get the transitive cluster
ClusterBlockId tclb = atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(atom_blk_id);
// if the block connected to this pin is packed in another cluster
if (tclb != clb_index && tclb != ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
// explore transitive nets from already packed cluster
for (AtomNetId tnet : clb_inter_blk_nets[tclb]) {
// iterate over all the pins of the net
for (AtomPinId tpin : atom_ctx.nlist.net_pins(tnet)) {
auto blk_id = atom_ctx.nlist.pin_block(tpin);
// This transitive atom is not packed, score and add
if (atom_ctx.lookup.atom_clb(blk_id) == ClusterBlockId::INVALID()) {
auto& transitive_fanout_candidates = pb_stats->transitive_fanout_candidates;
if (pb_stats->gain.count(blk_id) == 0) {
pb_stats->gain[blk_id] = 0.001;
} else {
pb_stats->gain[blk_id] += 0.001;
auto rng = atom_molecules.equal_range(blk_id);
for (const auto& kv : vtr::make_range(rng.first, rng.second)) {
t_pack_molecule* molecule = kv.second;
if (molecule->valid) {
transitive_fanout_candidates.insert({molecule->atom_block_ids[molecule->root], molecule});
static std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>> identify_primitive_candidate_block_types() {
std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>> model_candidates;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
auto& atom_nlist = atom_ctx.nlist;
auto& device_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.device();
std::set<const t_model*> unique_models;
for (auto blk : atom_nlist.blocks()) {
auto model = atom_nlist.block_model(blk);
for (auto model : unique_models) {
model_candidates[model] = {};
for (auto const& type : device_ctx.logical_block_types) {
if (block_type_contains_blif_model(&type, model->name)) {
return model_candidates;
static void print_seed_gains(const char* fname, const std::vector<AtomBlockId>& seed_atoms, const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_gain, const vtr::vector<AtomBlockId, float>& atom_criticality) {
FILE* fp = vtr::fopen(fname, "w");
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
//For prett formatting determine the maximum name length
int max_name_len = strlen("atom_block_name");
int max_type_len = strlen("atom_block_type");
for (auto blk_id : atom_ctx.nlist.blocks()) {
max_name_len = std::max(max_name_len, (int)atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id).size());
const t_model* model = atom_ctx.nlist.block_model(blk_id);
max_type_len = std::max(max_type_len, (int)strlen(model->name));
fprintf(fp, "%-*s %-*s %8s %8s\n", max_name_len, "atom_block_name", max_type_len, "atom_block_type", "gain", "criticality");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
for (auto blk_id : seed_atoms) {
std::string name = atom_ctx.nlist.block_name(blk_id);
fprintf(fp, "%-*s ", max_name_len, name.c_str());
const t_model* model = atom_ctx.nlist.block_model(blk_id);
fprintf(fp, "%-*s ", max_type_len, model->name);
fprintf(fp, "%*f ", std::max((int)strlen("gain"), 8), atom_gain[blk_id]);
fprintf(fp, "%*f ", std::max((int)strlen("criticality"), 8), atom_criticality[blk_id]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
* This function takes a chain molecule, and the pb_graph_node that is chosen
* for packing the molecule's root block. Using the given root_primitive, this
* function will identify which chain id this molecule is being mapped to and
* will update the chain id value inside the chain info data structure of this
* molecule
static void update_molecule_chain_info(t_pack_molecule* chain_molecule, const t_pb_graph_node* root_primitive) {
VTR_ASSERT(chain_molecule->chain_info->chain_id == -1 && chain_molecule->chain_info->is_long_chain);
auto chain_root_pins = chain_molecule->pack_pattern->chain_root_pins;
// long chains should only be placed at the beginning of the chain
// Since for long chains the molecule size is already equal to the
// total number of adders in the cluster. Therefore, it should
// always be placed at the very first adder in this cluster.
for (size_t chainId = 0; chainId < chain_root_pins.size(); chainId++) {
if (chain_root_pins[chainId][0]->parent_node == root_primitive) {
chain_molecule->chain_info->chain_id = chainId;
chain_molecule->chain_info->first_packed_molecule = chain_molecule;
* This function takes the root block of a chain molecule and a proposed
* placement primitive for this block. The function then checks if this
* chain root block has a placement constraint (such as being driven from
* outside the cluster) and returns the status of the placement accordingly.
static enum e_block_pack_status check_chain_root_placement_feasibility(const t_pb_graph_node* pb_graph_node,
const t_pack_molecule* molecule,
const AtomBlockId blk_id) {
enum e_block_pack_status block_pack_status = BLK_PASSED;
auto& atom_ctx = g_vpr_ctx.atom();
bool is_long_chain = molecule->chain_info->is_long_chain;
const auto& chain_root_pins = molecule->pack_pattern->chain_root_pins;
t_model_ports* root_port = chain_root_pins[0][0]->port->model_port;
AtomNetId chain_net_id;
auto port_id = atom_ctx.nlist.find_atom_port(blk_id, root_port);
if (port_id) {
chain_net_id = atom_ctx.nlist.port_net(port_id, chain_root_pins[0][0]->pin_number);
// if this block is part of a long chain or it is driven by a cluster
// input pin we need to check the placement legality of this block
// Depending on the logic synthesis even small chains that can fit within one
// cluster might need to start at the top of the cluster as their input can be
// driven by a global gnd or vdd. Therefore even if this is not a long chain
// but its input pin is driven by a net, the placement legality is checked.
if (is_long_chain || chain_net_id) {
auto chain_id = molecule->chain_info->chain_id;
// if this chain has a chain id assigned to it (implies is_long_chain too)
if (chain_id != -1) {
// the chosen primitive should be a valid starting point for the chain
// long chains should only be placed at the top of the chain tieOff = 0
if (pb_graph_node != chain_root_pins[chain_id][0]->parent_node) {
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_FEASIBLE;
// the chain doesn't have an assigned chain_id yet
} else {
block_pack_status = BLK_FAILED_FEASIBLE;
for (const auto& chain : chain_root_pins) {
for (size_t tieOff = 0; tieOff < chain.size(); tieOff++) {
// check if this chosen primitive is one of the possible
// starting points for this chain.
if (pb_graph_node == chain[tieOff]->parent_node) {
// this location matches with the one of the dedicated chain
// input from outside logic block, therefore it is feasible
block_pack_status = BLK_PASSED;
// long chains should only be placed at the top of the chain tieOff = 0
if (is_long_chain) break;
return block_pack_status;
* This function update the pb_type_count data structure by incrementing
* the number of used pb_types in the given packed cluster t_pb
static void update_pb_type_count(const t_pb* pb, std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& pb_type_count) {
auto pb_graph_node = pb->pb_graph_node;
auto pb_type = pb_graph_node->pb_type;
auto mode = &pb_type->modes[pb->mode];
std::string pb_type_name(pb_type->name);
auto it = pb_type_count.find(pb_type_name);
// if this pb type is in the list increment its
// count by 1 otherwise initialize the count to 1
if (it == pb_type_count.end())
pb_type_count[pb_type_name] = 1;
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < mode->num_pb_type_children; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mode->pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
if (pb->child_pbs[i] && pb->child_pbs[i][j].name)
update_pb_type_count(&pb->child_pbs[i][j], pb_type_count);
* Print the total number of used physical blocks for each pb type in the architecture
static void print_pb_type_count(std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& pb_type_count) {
VTR_LOG("\nPb types usage...\n");
for (auto& pb_type : pb_type_count) {
VTR_LOG(" %-12s : %d\n", pb_type.first.c_str(), pb_type.second);
* This function identifies the logic block type which is
* defined by the block type which has a lut primitive
static t_logical_block_type_ptr identify_logic_block_type(std::map<const t_model*, std::vector<t_logical_block_type_ptr>>& primitive_candidate_block_types) {
std::string lut_name = ".names";
for (auto& model : primitive_candidate_block_types) {
std::string model_name(model.first->name);
if (model_name == lut_name)
return model.second[0];
return nullptr;
* This function returns the pb_type that is similar to Logic Element (LE) in an FPGA
* The LE is defined as a physical block that contains a LUT primitive and
* is found by searching a cluster type to find the first pb_type (from the top
* of the hierarchy clb->LE) that has more than one instance within the cluster.
static t_pb_type* identify_le_block_type(t_logical_block_type_ptr logic_block_type) {
// if there is no CLB-like cluster, then there is no LE pb_block
if (!logic_block_type)
return nullptr;
// search down the hierarchy starting from the pb_graph_head
auto pb_graph_node = logic_block_type->pb_graph_head;
while (pb_graph_node->child_pb_graph_nodes) {
// if this pb_graph_node has more than one mode or more than one pb_type in the default mode return
// nullptr since the logic block of this architecture is not a CLB-like logic block
if (pb_graph_node->pb_type->num_modes > 1 || pb_graph_node->pb_type->modes[0].num_pb_type_children > 1)
return nullptr;
// explore the only child of this pb_graph_node
pb_graph_node = &pb_graph_node->child_pb_graph_nodes[0][0][0];
// if the child node has more than one instance in the
// cluster then this is the pb_type similar to a LE
if (pb_graph_node->pb_type->num_pb > 1)
return pb_graph_node->pb_type;
return nullptr;
* This function updates the le_count data structure from the given packed cluster
static void update_le_count(const t_pb* pb, const t_logical_block_type_ptr logic_block_type, const t_pb_type* le_pb_type, std::vector<int>& le_count) {
// if this cluster doesn't contain LEs or there
// are no les in this architecture, ignore it
if (!logic_block_type || pb->pb_graph_node != logic_block_type->pb_graph_head || !le_pb_type)
const std::string lut(".names");
const std::string ff(".latch");
const std::string adder("adder");
auto parent_pb = pb;
// go down the hierarchy till the parent physical block of the LE is found
while (parent_pb->child_pbs[0][0].pb_graph_node->pb_type != le_pb_type) {
parent_pb = &parent_pb->child_pbs[0][0];
// iterate over all the LEs and update the LE count accordingly
for (int ile = 0; ile < parent_pb->get_num_children_of_type(0); ile++) {
if (!parent_pb->child_pbs[0][ile].name)
auto has_used_lut = pb_used_for_blif_model(&parent_pb->child_pbs[0][ile], lut);
auto has_used_adder = pb_used_for_blif_model(&parent_pb->child_pbs[0][ile], adder);
auto has_used_ff = pb_used_for_blif_model(&parent_pb->child_pbs[0][ile], ff);
// First type of LEs: used for logic and registers
if ((has_used_lut || has_used_adder) && has_used_ff) {
// Second type of LEs: used for logic only
} else if (has_used_lut || has_used_adder) {
// Third type of LEs: used for registers only
} else if (has_used_ff) {
* This function returns true if the given physical block has
* a primitive matching the given blif model and is used
static bool pb_used_for_blif_model(const t_pb* pb, std::string blif_model_name) {
auto pb_graph_node = pb->pb_graph_node;
auto pb_type = pb_graph_node->pb_type;
auto mode = &pb_type->modes[pb->mode];
// if this is a primitive check if it matches the given blif model name
if (pb_type->blif_model) {
if (blif_model_name == pb_type->blif_model || ".subckt " + blif_model_name == pb_type->blif_model) {
return true;
if (pb_type->num_modes > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < mode->num_pb_type_children; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mode->pb_type_children[i].num_pb; j++) {
if (pb->child_pbs[i] && pb->child_pbs[i][j].name) {
if (pb_used_for_blif_model(&pb->child_pbs[i][j], blif_model_name)) {
return true;
return false;
* Print the LE count data strurture
static void print_le_count(std::vector<int>& le_count, const t_pb_type* le_pb_type) {
VTR_LOG("\nLogic Element (%s) detailed count:\n", le_pb_type->name);
VTR_LOG(" Total number of Logic Elements used : %d\n", le_count[0] + le_count[1] + le_count[2]);
VTR_LOG(" LEs used for logic and registers : %d\n", le_count[0]);
VTR_LOG(" LEs used for logic only : %d\n", le_count[1]);
VTR_LOG(" LEs used for registers only : %d\n\n", le_count[2]);