547 lines
20 KiB
547 lines
20 KiB
* This file includes most utilized functions to manipulate LUTs,
* especially their truth tables, in the OpenFPGA context
#include <cmath>
/* Headers from vtrutil library */
#include "vtr_assert.h"
#include "vtr_log.h"
/* Headers from openfpgautil library */
#include "lut_utils.h"
#include "openfpga_decode.h"
/* begin namespace openfpga */
namespace openfpga {
* This function aims to adapt the truth table to a mapped physical LUT
* subject to a pin rotation map
* The modification is applied to line by line
* - For unused inputs : insert dont care
* - For used inputs : find the bit in the truth table rows and move it by the
*given mapping
* The rotated pin map is the reference to adapt the truth table.
* Each element of the map represents the input index in the original truth
*table The sequence of the rotate pin map is the final sequence of how each
*line of the original truth table should be shuffled Example: output_value(we
*do not modify)
* |
* v
* Truth table line: 00111
* rotated_pin_map: 2310
* Adapt truth table line: 11001
* An illustrative example:
* Original Truth Table Post VPR Truth Table
* +-------+ +-------+
* net0 --->| | net1--->| |
* net1 --->| LUT | net0--->| LUT |
* ... | | ... | |
* +-------+ +-------+
* Truth table line Truth table line
* .names net0 net1 out .names net1 net0 out
* 01 1 10 1
AtomNetlist::TruthTable lut_truth_table_adaption(
const AtomNetlist::TruthTable& orig_tt,
const std::vector<int>& rotated_pin_map) {
AtomNetlist::TruthTable tt;
for (auto row : orig_tt) {
VTR_ASSERT(row.size() - 1 <= rotated_pin_map.size());
std::vector<vtr::LogicValue> tt_line;
/* We do not care about the last digit, which is the output value */
for (size_t i = 0; i < rotated_pin_map.size(); ++i) {
if (-1 == rotated_pin_map[i]) {
} else {
/* Ensure we never access the last digit, i.e., the output value! */
VTR_ASSERT((size_t)rotated_pin_map[i] < row.size() - 1);
/* Do not miss the last digit in the final result */
return tt;
* Convert a truth table to strings, which are ready to be printed out
std::vector<std::string> truth_table_to_string(
const AtomNetlist::TruthTable& tt) {
std::vector<std::string> tt_str;
for (auto row : tt) {
std::string row_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < row.size(); ++i) {
/* Add a gap between inputs and outputs */
if (i == row.size() - 1) {
row_str += std::string(" ");
switch (row[i]) {
case vtr::LogicValue::TRUE:
row_str += std::string("1");
case vtr::LogicValue::FALSE:
row_str += std::string("0");
case vtr::LogicValue::DONT_CARE:
row_str += std::string("-");
VTR_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Valid single-output cover logic value");
return tt_str;
* Adapt the truth table from the short-wire connection
* from the input nets of a LUT to an output of a LUT
* +-------------+
* lut_input--->|----+ |
* | | |
* | +------->|---> lut_output
* | |
* +-------------+
* In this case, LUT is configured as a wiring module
* This function will generate a truth for the wiring LUT
* For example:
* The truth table of the case where the 3rd input of
* a 4-input LUT is wired to output
* --1- 1
AtomNetlist::TruthTable build_wired_lut_truth_table(
const size_t& lut_size, const size_t& wire_input_id) {
AtomNetlist::TruthTable tt;
/* There is always only one line in this truth table */
/* Pre-allocate the truth table:
* Each truth table line is organized in BLIF format:
* |<---LUT size--->|
* < a string of 0 or 1> <0 or 1>
* The first <lut_size> of characters represent the input values of each LUT
* input Here, we add 2 characters, which denote the space and a digit (0|1)
* By default, we set all the inputs as don't care value '-'
* For more details, please refer to the BLIF format documentation
tt[0].resize(lut_size, vtr::LogicValue::DONT_CARE);
/* Fill the truth table !!! */
VTR_ASSERT(wire_input_id < lut_size);
tt[0][wire_input_id] = vtr::LogicValue::TRUE;
return tt;
* Adapt truth table for a fracturable LUT
* Determine fixed input bits for this truth table:
* 1. input bits within frac_level (all '-' if not specified)
* 2. input bits outside frac_level, decoded to its output mask (0 -> first part
*-> all '1')
* For example:
* A 4-input function is mapped to input[0..3] of a 6-input fracturable LUT
* Plus, it uses the 2nd output of the fracturable LUT
* The truth table of the 4-input function is
* 1001 1
* while truth table of a 6-input LUT requires 6 characters
* Therefore, it must be adapted by adding mask bits, which are
* a number of fixed digits to configure the fracturable LUT to
* operate in a 4-input LUT mode
* The mask bits can be decoded from the index of output used in the
*fracturable LUT For the 2nd output, it will be '01', the binary representation
*of index '1' Now the truth table will be adapt to 100101 1 where the first 4
*digits come from the original truth table the 2 following digits are mask bits
AtomNetlist::TruthTable adapt_truth_table_for_frac_lut(
const size_t& lut_frac_level, const size_t& lut_output_mask,
const AtomNetlist::TruthTable& truth_table) {
/* No adaption required for when the lut_frac_level is not set */
if (size_t(OPEN) == lut_frac_level) {
return truth_table;
AtomNetlist::TruthTable adapt_truth_table;
/* Apply modification to the truth table */
for (const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line : truth_table) {
/* Last element is the output */
size_t lut_size = tt_line.size() - 1;
/* Get the number of bits to be masked (modified) */
int num_mask_bits = lut_size - lut_frac_level;
/* Check if we need to modify any bits */
VTR_ASSERT(0 <= num_mask_bits);
if (0 == num_mask_bits) {
/* No modification needed, push to adapted truth table */
/* Modify bits starting from lut_frac_level */
/* Decode the lut_output_mask to LUT input codes */
int temp = pow(2., num_mask_bits) - 1 - lut_output_mask;
VTR_ASSERT(0 <= temp);
std::vector<size_t> mask_bits_vec = itobin_vec(temp, num_mask_bits);
/* Copy the bits to the truth table line */
std::vector<vtr::LogicValue> adapt_tt_line = tt_line;
for (size_t itt = lut_frac_level;
itt < lut_frac_level + mask_bits_vec.size(); ++itt) {
vtr::LogicValue logic_val = vtr::LogicValue::FALSE;
VTR_ASSERT((1 == mask_bits_vec[itt - lut_frac_level]) ||
(0 == mask_bits_vec[itt - lut_frac_level]));
if (1 == mask_bits_vec[itt - lut_frac_level]) {
logic_val = vtr::LogicValue::TRUE;
adapt_tt_line[itt] = logic_val;
/* Push to adapted truth table */
return adapt_truth_table;
* Determine if the truth table of a LUT is a on-set or a off-set
* - An on-set is defined as the truth table lines are ended with logic '1'
* - An off-set is defined as the truth table lines are ended with logic '0'
bool lut_truth_table_use_on_set(const AtomNetlist::TruthTable& truth_table) {
bool on_set = false;
bool off_set = false;
for (const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line : truth_table) {
switch (tt_line.back()) {
case vtr::LogicValue::TRUE:
on_set = true;
case vtr::LogicValue::FALSE:
off_set = true;
"Invalid truth_table_line ending '%s'!\n",
/* Prefer on_set if both are true */
if (true == on_set && true == off_set) {
on_set = true;
off_set = false;
VTR_ASSERT(on_set == !off_set);
return on_set;
* Complete a line in truth table with a given lut size
* Due to the size of truth table may be less than the lut size.
* i.e. in LUT-6 architecture, there exists LUT1-6 in technology-mapped netlists
* So, in truth table line, there may be 10- 1
* In this case, we should complete it by --10- 1
static std::vector<vtr::LogicValue> complete_truth_table_line(
const size_t& lut_size, const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line) {
std::vector<vtr::LogicValue> ret;
VTR_ASSERT(0 < tt_line.size());
/* Complete the truth table line*/
size_t cover_len = tt_line.size() - 1;
VTR_ASSERT(cover_len <= lut_size);
/* Copy the original truth table line */
ret = tt_line;
/* Kick out the last value for now as it is the output value */
/* Add the number of '-' we should add in the back !!! */
for (size_t j = cover_len; j < lut_size; ++j) {
/* Copy the original truth table line */
/* Check if the size of ret matches our expectation */
VTR_ASSERT(lut_size + 1 == ret.size());
return ret;
* For each lut_bit_lines, we should recover the truth table,
* and then set the sram bits to "1" if the truth table defines so.
* Start_point: the position we start converting don't care sign '-'
* to explicit '0' or '1'
static void rec_build_lut_bitstream_per_line(
std::vector<bool>& lut_bitstream, const size_t& lut_size,
const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line, const size_t& start_point) {
std::vector<vtr::LogicValue> temp_line = tt_line;
/* Check the length of sram bits and truth table line */
VTR_ASSERT(lut_size + 1 == tt_line.size()); /* lut_size + '1|0' */
/* End of truth_table_line should be "space" and "1" */
VTR_ASSERT((vtr::LogicValue::TRUE == tt_line.back()) ||
(vtr::LogicValue::FALSE == tt_line.back()));
/* Make sure before start point there is no '-' */
VTR_ASSERT(start_point < tt_line.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < start_point; ++i) {
VTR_ASSERT(vtr::LogicValue::DONT_CARE != tt_line[i]);
/* Configure sram bits recursively */
for (size_t i = start_point; i < lut_size; ++i) {
if (vtr::LogicValue::DONT_CARE == tt_line[i]) {
/* if we find a dont_care, we don't do configure now but recursively*/
/* '0' branch */
temp_line[i] = vtr::LogicValue::FALSE;
rec_build_lut_bitstream_per_line(lut_bitstream, lut_size, temp_line,
start_point + 1);
/* '1' branch */
temp_line[i] = vtr::LogicValue::TRUE;
rec_build_lut_bitstream_per_line(lut_bitstream, lut_size, temp_line,
start_point + 1);
/* TODO: Use MuxGraph to decode this!!! */
/* Decode bitstream only when there are only 0 or 1 in the truth table */
size_t sram_id = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lut_size; ++i) {
/* Should be either '0' or '1' */
switch (tt_line[i]) {
case vtr::LogicValue::FALSE:
/* We assume the 1-lut pass sram1 when input = 0 */
sram_id += (size_t)pow(2., (double)(i));
case vtr::LogicValue::TRUE:
/* We assume the 1-lut pass sram0 when input = 1 */
case vtr::LogicValue::DONT_CARE:
"Invalid truth_table bit '%s', should be [0|1|]!\n",
/* Set the sram bit to '1'*/
VTR_ASSERT(sram_id < lut_bitstream.size());
if (vtr::LogicValue::TRUE == tt_line.back()) {
lut_bitstream[sram_id] = true; /* on set*/
} else if (vtr::LogicValue::FALSE == tt_line.back()) {
lut_bitstream[sram_id] = false; /* off set */
} else {
"Invalid truth_table_line ending '%s'!\n",
* Generate the bitstream for a single-output LUT with a given truth table
* As truth tables may come from different logic blocks, truth tables could be
*in on and off sets We first build a base SRAM bits, where different parts are
*set to tbe on/off sets Then, we can decode SRAM bits as regular process
static std::vector<bool> build_single_output_lut_bitstream(
const AtomNetlist::TruthTable& truth_table, const MuxGraph& lut_mux_graph,
const size_t& default_sram_bit_value) {
size_t lut_size = lut_mux_graph.num_memory_bits();
size_t bitstream_size = lut_mux_graph.num_inputs();
std::vector<bool> lut_bitstream(bitstream_size, false);
AtomNetlist::TruthTable completed_truth_table;
bool on_set = false;
bool off_set = false;
/* if No truth_table, do default*/
if (0 == truth_table.size()) {
switch (default_sram_bit_value) {
case 0:
on_set = true;
off_set = false;
case 1:
on_set = false;
off_set = true;
"Invalid default_signal_init_value '%lu'!\n",
} else {
on_set = lut_truth_table_use_on_set(truth_table);
off_set = !on_set;
/* Read in truth table lines, decode one by one */
for (const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line : truth_table) {
/* Complete the truth table line by line*/
complete_truth_table_line(lut_size, tt_line));
/* Initial all the bits in the bitstream */
if (true == off_set) {
/* By default, the lut_bitstream is initialize for on_set
* For off set, it should be flipped
lut_bitstream.resize(bitstream_size, true);
for (const std::vector<vtr::LogicValue>& tt_line : completed_truth_table) {
/* Update the truth table, sram_bits */
rec_build_lut_bitstream_per_line(lut_bitstream, lut_size, tt_line, 0);
return lut_bitstream;
* Generate bitstream for a fracturable LUT (also applicable to single-output
*LUT) Check type of truth table of each mapped logical block if it is on-set,
*we give a all 0 base bitstream if it is off-set, we give a all 1 base
std::vector<bool> build_frac_lut_bitstream(
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib, const MuxGraph& lut_mux_graph,
const VprDeviceAnnotation& device_annotation,
const std::map<const t_pb_graph_pin*, AtomNetlist::TruthTable>& truth_tables,
const size_t& default_sram_bit_value) {
/* Initialization */
std::vector<bool> lut_bitstream(lut_mux_graph.num_inputs(),
for (std::pair<const t_pb_graph_pin*, AtomNetlist::TruthTable> element :
truth_tables) {
/* Find the corresponding circuit model output port and assoicated
* lut_output_mask */
CircuitPortId lut_model_output_port =
size_t lut_frac_level =
/* By default, lut_frac_level will be the lut_size, i.e., number of levels
* of the mux graph */
if (size_t(-1) == lut_frac_level) {
lut_frac_level = lut_mux_graph.num_levels();
/* Find the corresponding circuit model output port and assoicated
* lut_output_mask */
size_t lut_output_mask = circuit_lib.port_lut_output_mask(
/* Decode lut sram bits */
std::vector<bool> temp_bitstream = build_single_output_lut_bitstream(
element.second, lut_mux_graph, default_sram_bit_value);
/* Depending on the frac-level, we get the location(starting/end points) of
* sram bits */
size_t length_of_temp_bitstream_to_copy =
(size_t)pow(2., (double)(lut_frac_level));
size_t bitstream_offset =
length_of_temp_bitstream_to_copy * lut_output_mask;
/* Ensure the offset is in range */
VTR_ASSERT(bitstream_offset < lut_bitstream.size());
VTR_ASSERT(bitstream_offset + length_of_temp_bitstream_to_copy <=
/* Print debug information
bool verbose = true;
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Full truth table\n");
for (const std::string& tt_line : truth_table_to_string(element.second)) {
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\t%s\n", tt_line.c_str());
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\n");
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Bitstream (size = %ld)\n", temp_bitstream.size());
for (const bool& bit : temp_bitstream) {
if (true == bit) {
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "1");
} else {
VTR_ASSERT(false == bit);
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "0");
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "\n");
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Bitstream offset = %d\n", bitstream_offset);
VTR_LOGV(verbose, "Bitstream length to be used = %d\n",
/* Copy to the segment of bitstream */
for (size_t bit = bitstream_offset;
bit < bitstream_offset + length_of_temp_bitstream_to_copy; ++bit) {
lut_bitstream[bit] = temp_bitstream[bit];
return lut_bitstream;
* Identify if LUT is used as wiring
* In this case, LUT functions as a buffer
* +------+
* in0 -->|--- |
* | \ |
* in1 -->| --|--->out
* ...
* Note that this function judge the LUT operating mode from the input nets and
*output nets that are mapped to inputs and outputs. If the output net appear in
*the list of input nets, this LUT is used as a wire
bool is_wired_lut(const std::vector<AtomNetId>& input_nets,
const AtomNetId& output_net) {
for (const AtomNetId& input_net : input_nets) {
if (input_net == output_net) {
return true;
return false;
} /* end namespace openfpga */