
263 lines
8.7 KiB

// Purpose : Template versions of generic 'min/max/compare' functions.
// Inline functions include:
// - TCT_Min, TCT_Max
// Functions include:
// - TCT_Rand
// - TCT_FloatToUnit
// - TCT_UnitToFloat
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#if defined( SUN8 ) || defined( SUN10 )
#include <time.h>
#include "TC_Typedefs.h"
// Purpose : Function prototypes
// Author : Jeff Rudolph
// Version history
// 05/01/12 jeffr : Original
template< class T > T TCT_Min( T i, T j, T k );
template< class T > T TCT_Min( T i, T j );
template< class T > T TCT_Max( T i, T j, T k );
template< class T > T TCT_Max( T i, T j );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsEQ( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsNEQ( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsLE( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsLT( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsGE( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsGT( T n, T o );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsZE( T n );
template< class T > bool TCTF_IsNZE( T n );
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T i, T j, T units );
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T i, T j );
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T len );
template< class T > T TCT_FloatToUnit( double val, T* punit,
int dbUnits = 0 );
template< class T > double TCT_UnitToFloat( T val, double* pval,
int dbUnits = 0 );
// Purpose : Function inline defintions
// Author : Jeff Rudolph
// Version history
// 05/01/12 jeffr : Original
template< class T > inline T TCT_Min( T i, T j, T k )
return( TCT_Min( TCT_Min( i, j ), k ));
template< class T > inline T TCT_Min( T i, T j )
return( i < j ? i : j );
template< class T > inline T TCT_Max( T i, T j, T k )
return( TCT_Max( TCT_Max( i, j ), k ));
template< class T > inline T TCT_Max( T i, T j )
return( i > j ? i : j );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsEQ( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( fabs( f - g ) <= TC_FLT_EPSILON ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsNEQ( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( fabs( f - g ) > TC_FLT_EPSILON ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsLE( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( f <= ( g + TC_FLT_EPSILON ) ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsLT( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( f < ( g - TC_FLT_EPSILON ) ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsGE( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( f >= ( g - TC_FLT_EPSILON ) ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsGT( T n, T o )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
double g = static_cast< double >( o );
return( f > ( g + TC_FLT_EPSILON ) ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsZE( T n )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
return( fabs( f ) <= TC_FLT_EPSILON ? true : false );
template< class T > inline bool TCTF_IsNZE( T n )
double f = static_cast< double >( n );
return( fabs( f ) > TC_FLT_EPSILON ? true : false );
// Function : TCT_Rand
// Author : Jeff Rudolph
// Version history
// 05/01/12 jeffr : Original
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T i, T j, T units )
// Check units to prevent divide by zero error
if ( TCTF_IsZE( static_cast< double >( units )))
units = static_cast< T >( 1 );
// Get next random number and max number
int r = rand( );
int max = TC_RAND_MAX;
// Normalize random number into double range [0.0-1.0]
double r_normal = static_cast< double >( r ) / static_cast< double >( max );
// Apply given unit to transform (i,j) into long values
double i_double = static_cast< double >( i ) / static_cast< double >( units );
double j_double = static_cast< double >( j ) / static_cast< double >( units );
long i_long = static_cast< long >( i_double + TC_FLT_EPSILON );
long j_long = static_cast< long >( j_double + TC_FLT_EPSILON );
long o_long = j_long - i_long + 1;
// Apply normalized random number to long value range for random value
double r_double = static_cast< double >( o_long ) * r_normal;
// Check and adjust random value for special case (ie. max random number)
long r_long = static_cast< long >( r_double );
r_long = ( r_long <= o_long - 1 ? r_long : o_long - 1 );
// Apply given unit again to transform random value into (i,j) offset
double o_double = static_cast< double >( r_long ) *
static_cast< double >( units );
o_double += ( units < static_cast< double >( 1.0 ) ? 0.0 : TC_FLT_EPSILON );
// And return random value based on (i,j) interval and random offset
return( i + static_cast< T >( o_double ));
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T i, T j )
return( TCT_Rand( i, j, static_cast< T >( 1 )));
template< class T > T TCT_Rand( T len )
T i = static_cast< T >( 0 );
T j = len - static_cast< T >( 1 );
return( TCT_Rand( i, j, static_cast< T >( 1 )));
// Function : TCT_FloatToUnit
// Author : Jeff Rudolph
// Version history
// 05/01/12 jeffr : Original
template< class T > T TCT_FloatToUnit(
double val,
T* punit,
int dbUnits )
double units = static_cast< double >( dbUnits > 1 ? dbUnits : 1 );
double epsilon = ( val >= -1.0E-4 ? 1.0E-4 : -1.0E-4 );
T unit = static_cast< T >(( val + epsilon ) * units );
if ( punit )
*punit = unit;
return( unit );
// Function : TCT_UnitToFloat
// Author : Jeff Rudolph
// Version history
// 05/01/12 jeffr : Original
template< class T > double TCT_UnitToFloat(
T unit,
double* pval,
int dbUnits )
double units = static_cast< double >( dbUnits > 1 ? dbUnits : 1 );
double val = static_cast< double >( unit ) / units;
if ( pval )
*pval = val;
return( val );