236 lines
10 KiB
236 lines
10 KiB
* This file includes functions to generate
* Verilog submodules for wires.
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "util.h"
#include "vtr_assert.h"
/* Device-level header files */
#include "module_manager.h"
#include "module_manager_utils.h"
#include "physical_types.h"
#include "vpr_types.h"
/* FPGA-X2P context header files */
#include "spice_types.h"
#include "fpga_x2p_naming.h"
#include "fpga_x2p_utils.h"
/* FPGA-Verilog context header files */
#include "verilog_global.h"
#include "verilog_submodule_utils.h"
#include "verilog_writer_utils.h"
#include "verilog_wire.h"
* Print a Verilog module of a regular wire segment
* Regular wire, which is 1-input and 1-output
* This type of wires are used in the local routing architecture
* +------+
* input --->| wire |---> output
* +------+
void print_verilog_wire_module(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::fstream& fp,
const CircuitModelId& wire_model) {
/* Ensure a valid file handler*/
/* Find the input port, output port*/
std::vector<CircuitPortId> input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(wire_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(wire_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> global_ports = circuit_lib.model_global_ports_by_type(wire_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true, true);
/* Makre sure the port size is what we want */
VTR_ASSERT (1 == input_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT (1 == output_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT (1 == circuit_lib.port_size(input_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT (1 == circuit_lib.port_size(output_ports[0]));
/* Create a Verilog Module based on the circuit model, and add to module manager */
ModuleId module_id = add_circuit_model_to_module_manager(module_manager, circuit_lib, wire_model);
/* dump module definition + ports */
print_verilog_module_declaration(fp, module_manager, module_id);
/* Finish dumping ports */
/* Print the internal logic of Verilog module */
/* Find the input port of the module */
ModulePortId module_input_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, circuit_lib.port_lib_name(input_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != module_input_port_id);
BasicPort module_input_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_input_port_id);
/* Find the output port of the module */
ModulePortId module_output_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, circuit_lib.port_lib_name(output_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != module_output_port_id);
BasicPort module_output_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_output_port_id);
/* Print wire declaration for the inputs and outputs */
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_WIRE, module_input_port) << ";" << std::endl;
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_WIRE, module_output_port) << ";" << std::endl;
/* Direct shortcut */
print_verilog_wire_connection(fp, module_output_port, module_input_port, false);
/* Print timing info */
print_verilog_submodule_timing(fp, circuit_lib, wire_model);
/* Put an end to the Verilog module */
print_verilog_module_end(fp, circuit_lib.model_name(wire_model));
/* Add an empty line as a splitter */
fp << std::endl;
* Print a Verilog module of a routing track wire segment
* Routing track wire, which is 1-input and dual output
* This type of wires are used in the global routing architecture.
* One of the output is wired to another Switch block multiplexer,
* while the mid-output is wired to a Connection block multiplexer.
* | CLB |
* +------------+
* ^
* |
* +------------------------------+
* | Connection block multiplexer |
* +------------------------------+
* ^
* | mid-output +--------------
* +--------------------+ |
* input --->| Routing track wire |--------->| Switch Block
* +--------------------+ output |
* +--------------
void print_verilog_routing_wire_module(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::fstream& fp,
const CircuitModelId& wire_model,
const std::string& wire_subckt_name) {
/* Ensure a valid file handler*/
/* Find the input port, output port*/
std::vector<CircuitPortId> input_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(wire_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_INPUT, true);
std::vector<CircuitPortId> output_ports = circuit_lib.model_ports_by_type(wire_model, SPICE_MODEL_PORT_OUTPUT, true);
/* Make sure the port size is what we want */
VTR_ASSERT (1 == input_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT (1 == output_ports.size());
VTR_ASSERT (1 == circuit_lib.port_size(input_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT (1 == circuit_lib.port_size(output_ports[0]));
/* Create a Verilog Module based on the circuit model, and add to module manager */
ModuleId module_id = add_circuit_model_to_module_manager(module_manager, circuit_lib, wire_model, wire_subckt_name);
/* Add a mid-output port to the module */
BasicPort module_mid_output_port(generate_segment_wire_mid_output_name(circuit_lib.port_lib_name(output_ports[0])), circuit_lib.port_size(output_ports[0]));
module_manager.add_port(module_id, module_mid_output_port, ModuleManager::MODULE_OUTPUT_PORT);
/* dump module definition + ports */
print_verilog_module_declaration(fp, module_manager, module_id);
/* Finish dumping ports */
/* Print the internal logic of Verilog module */
/* Find the input port of the module */
ModulePortId module_input_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, circuit_lib.port_lib_name(input_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != module_input_port_id);
BasicPort module_input_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_input_port_id);
/* Find the output port of the module */
ModulePortId module_output_port_id = module_manager.find_module_port(module_id, circuit_lib.port_lib_name(output_ports[0]));
VTR_ASSERT(ModulePortId::INVALID() != module_output_port_id);
BasicPort module_output_port = module_manager.module_port(module_id, module_output_port_id);
/* Print wire declaration for the inputs and outputs */
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_WIRE, module_input_port) << ";" << std::endl;
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_WIRE, module_output_port) << ";" << std::endl;
fp << generate_verilog_port(VERILOG_PORT_WIRE, module_mid_output_port) << ";" << std::endl;
/* Direct shortcut */
print_verilog_wire_connection(fp, module_output_port, module_input_port, false);
print_verilog_wire_connection(fp, module_mid_output_port, module_input_port, false);
/* Print timing info */
print_verilog_submodule_timing(fp, circuit_lib, wire_model);
/* Put an end to the Verilog module */
print_verilog_module_end(fp, circuit_lib.model_name(wire_model));
/* Add an empty line as a splitter */
fp << std::endl;
void print_verilog_submodule_wires(ModuleManager& module_manager,
const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
std::vector<t_segment_inf> routing_segments,
const std::string& verilog_dir,
const std::string& submodule_dir) {
std::string verilog_fname(submodule_dir + wires_verilog_file_name);
/* Create the file stream */
std::fstream fp;
fp.open(verilog_fname, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
/* Print out debugging information for if the file is not opened/created properly */
"Creating Verilog netlist for wires (%s)...\n",
print_verilog_file_header(fp, "Wires");
print_verilog_include_defines_preproc_file(fp, verilog_dir);
/* Print Verilog models for regular wires*/
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("----- BEGIN Verilog modules for regular wires -----"));
for (const auto& model : circuit_lib.models_by_type(SPICE_MODEL_WIRE)) {
/* Bypass user-defined circuit models */
if (!circuit_lib.model_verilog_netlist(model).empty()) {
print_verilog_wire_module(module_manager, circuit_lib, fp, model);
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("----- END Verilog modules for regular wires -----"));
/* Create wire models for routing segments*/
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("----- BEGIN Verilog modules for routing track wires -----"));
for (const auto& seg : routing_segments) {
VTR_ASSERT( CircuitModelId::INVALID() != seg.circuit_model);
VTR_ASSERT( SPICE_MODEL_CHAN_WIRE == circuit_lib.model_type(seg.circuit_model));
/* Bypass user-defined circuit models */
if (!circuit_lib.model_verilog_netlist(seg.circuit_model).empty()) {
/* Give a unique name for subckt of wire_model of segment,
* circuit_model name is unique, and segment id is unique as well
std::string segment_wire_subckt_name = generate_segment_wire_subckt_name(circuit_lib.model_name(seg.circuit_model), &seg - &routing_segments[0]);
/* Print a Verilog module */
print_verilog_routing_wire_module(module_manager, circuit_lib, fp, seg.circuit_model, segment_wire_subckt_name);
print_verilog_comment(fp, std::string("----- END Verilog modules for routing track wires -----"));
/* Close the file stream */
/* Add fname to the linked list */
/* Uncomment this when it is ready to be plugged in
submodule_verilog_subckt_file_path_head = add_one_subckt_file_name_to_llist(submodule_verilog_subckt_file_path_head, verilog_fname.c_str());