
171 lines
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* This file includes a data structure to describe
* the internal structure of a multiplexer
* using a generic graph representation
* A Branch is a N:1 MUX in the part of MUX graph
* branch_input --->+
* |
* branch_input --->|
* |--> branch_out
* ... |
* |
* branch_input --->+
* A short example of how a two-level MUX is organized by branches
* +-----------+ +--------+
* mux_inputs--->| Branch[0] |--->| |
* +-----------+ | |
* ... | Branch |---> mux_out
* +-----------+ | [N+1] |
* mux_inputs--->| Branch[N] |--->| |
* +-----------+ +--------+
#ifndef MUX_GRAPH_H
#define MUX_GRAPH_H
#include "vtr_vector.h"
#include "vtr_range.h"
#include "mux_graph_fwd.h"
#include "circuit_library.h"
class MuxGraph {
private: /* data types used only in this class */
enum e_mux_graph_node_type {
public: /* Types and ranges */
typedef vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, MuxNodeId>::const_iterator node_iterator;
typedef vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, MuxEdgeId>::const_iterator edge_iterator;
typedef vtr::vector<MuxMemId, MuxMemId>::const_iterator mem_iterator;
typedef vtr::Range<node_iterator> node_range;
typedef vtr::Range<edge_iterator> edge_range;
typedef vtr::Range<mem_iterator> mem_range;
public: /* Public Constructors */
/* Create an object based on a Circuit Model which is MUX */
MuxGraph(const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& circuit_model,
const size_t& mux_size);
private: /* Private Constructors*/
/* Create an empty graph */
public: /* Public accessors: Aggregates */
node_range nodes() const;
/* Find the non-input nodes */
std::vector<MuxNodeId> non_input_nodes() const;
edge_range edges() const;
mem_range memories() const;
public: /* Public accessors: Data query */
/* Find the number of inputs in the MUX graph */
size_t num_inputs() const;
std::vector<MuxNodeId> inputs() const;
/* Find the number of outputs in the MUX graph */
size_t num_outputs() const;
std::vector<MuxNodeId> outputs() const;
/* Find the edge between two MUX nodes */
std::vector<MuxEdgeId> find_edges(const MuxNodeId& from_node, const MuxNodeId& to_node) const;
/* Find the number of levels in the MUX graph */
size_t num_levels() const;
size_t num_node_levels() const;
/* Find the number of SRAMs in the MUX graph */
size_t num_memory_bits() const;
/* Find the number of nodes at a given level in the MUX graph */
size_t num_nodes_at_level(const size_t& level) const;
/* Find the level of a node */
size_t node_level(const MuxNodeId& node) const;
/* Find the index of a node at its level */
size_t node_index_at_level(const MuxNodeId& node) const;
/* Find the input edges for a node */
std::vector<MuxEdgeId> node_in_edges(const MuxNodeId& node) const;
/* Find the input nodes for a edge */
std::vector<MuxNodeId> edge_src_nodes(const MuxEdgeId& edge) const;
/* Find the mem that control the edge */
MuxMemId find_edge_mem(const MuxEdgeId& edge) const;
/* Identify if the edge is controlled by the inverted output of a mem */
bool is_edge_use_inv_mem(const MuxEdgeId& edge) const;
/* Find the sizes of each branch of a MUX */
std::vector<size_t> branch_sizes() const;
/* Generate MUX graphs for its branches */
MuxGraph subgraph(const MuxNodeId& node) const;
std::vector<MuxGraph> build_mux_branch_graphs() const;
/* Get the node id of a given input */
MuxNodeId node_id(const MuxInputId& input_id) const;
/* Get the node id w.r.t. the node level and node_index at the level */
MuxNodeId node_id(const size_t& node_level, const size_t& node_index_at_level) const;
/* Get the input id of a given node */
MuxInputId input_id(const MuxNodeId& node_id) const;
/* Get the output id of a given node */
MuxOutputId output_id(const MuxNodeId& node_id) const;
/* Decode memory bits based on an input id */
std::vector<size_t> decode_memory_bits(const MuxInputId& input_id) const;
private: /* Private mutators : basic operations */
/* Add a unconfigured node to the MuxGraph */
MuxNodeId add_node(const enum e_mux_graph_node_type& node_type);
/* Add a edge connecting two nodes */
MuxEdgeId add_edge(const MuxNodeId& from_node, const MuxNodeId& to_node);
/* Add a memory bit to the MuxGraph */
MuxMemId add_mem();
/* Link an edge to a mem */
void set_edge_mem_id(const MuxEdgeId& edge, const MuxMemId& mem);
private: /* Private mutators : graph builders */
void build_multilevel_mux_graph(const size_t& mux_size,
const size_t& num_levels, const size_t& num_inputs_per_branch,
const CircuitModelId& pgl_model) ;
/* Build the graph for a given one-level multiplexer implementation */
void build_onelevel_mux_graph(const size_t& mux_size,
const CircuitModelId& pgl_model) ;
/* Build the graph for a given multiplexer model */
void build_mux_graph(const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& circuit_model,
const size_t& mux_size);
/* Convert some internal node to outputs according to fracturable LUT circuit design specifications */
void add_fracturable_outputs(const CircuitLibrary& circuit_lib,
const CircuitModelId& circuit_model);
/* Build fast node lookup */
void build_node_lookup();
private: /* Private validators */
/* valid ids */
bool valid_node_id(const MuxNodeId& node) const;
bool valid_edge_id(const MuxEdgeId& edge) const;
bool valid_mem_id(const MuxMemId& mem) const;
bool valid_input_id(const MuxInputId& input_id) const;
bool valid_output_id(const MuxOutputId& output_id) const;
bool valid_level(const size_t& level) const;
/* validate/invalidate node lookup */
bool valid_node_lookup() const;
void invalidate_node_lookup();
/* validate graph */
bool valid_mux_graph() const;
private: /* Internal data */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, MuxNodeId> node_ids_; /* Unique ids for each node */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, enum e_mux_graph_node_type> node_types_; /* type of each node, input/output/internal */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, MuxInputId> node_input_ids_; /* Unique ids for each node as an input of the MUX */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, MuxOutputId> node_output_ids_; /* Unique ids for each node as an input of the MUX */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, size_t> node_levels_; /* at which level, each node belongs to */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, size_t> node_ids_at_level_; /* the index at the level that each node belongs to */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, std::vector<MuxEdgeId>> node_in_edges_; /* ids of incoming edges to each node */
vtr::vector<MuxNodeId, std::vector<MuxEdgeId>> node_out_edges_; /* ids of outgoing edges from each node */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, MuxEdgeId> edge_ids_; /* Unique ids for each edge */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, std::vector<MuxNodeId>> edge_src_nodes_; /* source nodes drive this edge */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, std::vector<MuxNodeId>> edge_sink_nodes_; /* sink nodes this edge drives */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, CircuitModelId> edge_models_; /* type of each edge: tgate/pass-gate */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, MuxMemId> edge_mem_ids_; /* ids of memory bit that control the edge */
vtr::vector<MuxEdgeId, bool> edge_inv_mem_; /* if the edge is controlled by an inverted output of a memory bit */
vtr::vector<MuxMemId, MuxMemId> mem_ids_; /* ids of configuration memories */
/* fast look-up */
typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<MuxNodeId>>> NodeLookup;
mutable NodeLookup node_lookup_; /* [num_levels][num_types][num_nodes_per_level] */