
199 lines
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* This file contains utilities for the PUGI XML parser.
* They primarily relate to:
* - Checking for node/attribute exitance and reporting errors if not
* - Misc. utilities like counting tags
* Using these utilities simplifies error handling while manipulating XML
* since the user doesn't need to explicitly check for node/attribute existance
* (by default most of these functions will raise exceptions with useful error
* messages if the requested item does not exists).
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstdio>
#include "pugixml.hpp"
#include "pugixml_loc.hpp"
namespace pugiutil {
//An error produced while getting an XML node/attribute
class XmlError : public std::runtime_error {
XmlError(std::string msg = "", std::string new_filename = "", size_t new_linenumber = -1)
: std::runtime_error(msg)
, filename_(new_filename)
, linenumber_(new_linenumber) {}
//Returns the filename associated with this error
//returns an empty string if none is specified
std::string filename() const { return filename_; }
const char* filename_c_str() const { return filename_.c_str(); }
//Returns the line number associated with this error
//returns zero if none is specified
size_t line() const { return linenumber_; }
std::string filename_;
size_t linenumber_;
//Loads the XML file specified by filename into the passed pugi::xml_docment
//Returns loc_data look-up for xml node line numbers
loc_data load_xml(pugi::xml_document& doc, //Document object to be loaded with file contents
const std::string filename); //Filename to load from
//Defines whether something (e.g. a node/attribute) is optional or required.
// We use this to improve clarity at the function call site (compared to just
// using boolean values).
// For example:
// auto node = get_first_child(node, "port", loc_data, true);
// is ambiguous without looking up what the 4th argument represents, where as:
// auto node = get_first_child(node, "port", loc_data, REQUIRED);
// is much more explicit.
enum ReqOpt {
//Gets the first child element of the given name and returns it.
// node - The parent xml node
// child_name - The child tag name
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the child tag is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
pugi::xml_node get_first_child(const pugi::xml_node node,
const std::string& child_name,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
//Gets the child element of the given name and returns it.
//Errors if more than one matching child is found.
// node - The parent xml node
// child_name - The child tag name
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the child tag is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
pugi::xml_node get_single_child(const pugi::xml_node node,
const std::string& child_name,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
//Counts the number of child nodes of type 'child_name'
// node - The parent xml node
// child_name - The child tag name
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the child tag is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
size_t count_children(const pugi::xml_node node,
const std::string& child_name,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
//Counts the number of child nodes (any type)
// node - The parent xml node
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the child tag is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
size_t count_children(const pugi::xml_node node,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt);
//Throws a well formatted error if the actual count of child nodes named 'child_name' does not equal the 'expected_count'
// node - The parent xml node
// loc_data - XML file location data
// expected_count - The expected number of child nodes
void expect_child_node_count(const pugi::xml_node node,
std::string child_name,
size_t expected_count,
const loc_data& loc_data);
//Throws a well formatted error if the actual child count does not equal the 'expected_count'
// node - The parent xml node
// loc_data - XML file location data
// expected_count - The expected number of child nodes
void expect_child_node_count(const pugi::xml_node node,
size_t expected_count,
const loc_data& loc_data);
//Throws a well formatted error if any of node's children are not part of child_names.
//Note this does not check whether the nodes in 'child_names' actually exist.
// node - The parent xml node
// child_names - expected attribute names
// loc_data - XML file location data
void expect_only_children(const pugi::xml_node node,
std::vector<std::string> child_names,
const loc_data& loc_data);
//Throws a well formatted error if any attribute other than those named in 'attribute_names' are found on 'node'.
//Note this does not check whether the attribues in 'attribute_names' actually exist.
// node - The parent xml node
// attribute_names - expected attribute names
// loc_data - XML file location data
void expect_only_attributes(const pugi::xml_node node,
std::vector<std::string> attribute_names,
const loc_data& loc_data);
//Throws a well formatted error if any attribute other than those named in 'attribute_names' are found on 'node' with an additional explanation.
//Note this does not check whether the attribues in 'attribute_names' actually exist.
// node - The parent xml node
// attribute_names - expected attribute names
// loc_data - XML file location data
void expect_only_attributes(const pugi::xml_node node,
std::vector<std::string> attribute_names,
std::string explanation,
const loc_data& loc_data);
//Counts the number of attributes on the specified node
// node - The xml node
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether any attributes are required (will error if required and none are found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
size_t count_attributes(const pugi::xml_node node,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
//Gets a named property on an node and returns it.
// node - The xml node
// attr_name - The attribute name
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the attribute is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
pugi::xml_attribute get_attribute(const pugi::xml_node node,
const std::string& attr_name,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
//Checks that the given node matches the given tag name.
// node - The xml node
// tag_name - The expected tag name
// loc_data - XML file location data
// req_opt - Whether the tag name is required (will error if required and not found) or optional. Defaults to REQUIRED
bool check_node(const pugi::xml_node node,
const std::string& tag_name,
const loc_data& loc_data,
const ReqOpt req_opt = REQUIRED);
} // namespace pugiutil