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# -*- tcl -*-
# Commands covered: transform, and stacking in general
# This file contains a collection of tests for Giot
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Copyright (c) 2000 Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 Andreas Kupries.
# All rights reserved.
if {[catch {package require tcltest 2.1}]} {
puts stderr "Skipping tests in [info script]. tcltest 2.1 required."
catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]
namespace eval ::tcl::test::iogt {
namespace import ::tcltest::*
testConstraint testchannel [llength [info commands testchannel]]
set path(dummy) [makeFile {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789,./?><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=
} dummy]
# " capture coloring of quotes
set path(dummyout) [makeFile {} dummyout]
set path(__echo_srv__.tcl) [makeFile {
# -*- tcl -*-
# echo server
# arguments, options: port to listen on for connections.
# delay till echo of first block
# delay between blocks
# blocksize ...
set port [lindex $argv 0]
set fdelay [lindex $argv 1]
set idelay [lindex $argv 2]
set bsizes [lrange $argv 3 end]
set c 0
proc newconn {sock rhost rport} {
variable fdelay
variable c
incr c
namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn
#puts stdout "C $sock $rhost $rport / $fdelay" ; flush stdout
set conn(after) {}
set conn(state) 0
set conn(size) 0
set conn(data) ""
set conn(delay) $fdelay
fileevent $sock readable [list echoGet $c $sock]
fconfigure $sock -translation binary -buffering none -blocking 0
proc echoGet {c sock} {
variable fdelay
namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn
if {[eof $sock]} {
# one-shot echo
append conn(data) [read $sock]
#puts stdout "G $c $sock $conn(data) <<$conn(data)>>" ; flush stdout
if {$conn(after) == {}} {
set conn(after) [after $conn(delay) [list echoPut $c $sock]]
proc echoPut {c sock} {
variable idelay
variable fdelay
variable bsizes
namespace upvar [namespace current] c$c conn
if {[string length $conn(data)] == 0} {
#puts stdout "C $c $sock" ; flush stdout
# auto terminate
close $sock
#set conn(delay) $fdelay
set conn(delay) $idelay
set n [lindex $bsizes $conn(size)]
#puts stdout "P $c $sock $n >>" ; flush stdout
#puts __________________________________________
#parray conn
#puts n=<$n>
if {[string length $conn(data)] >= $n} {
puts -nonewline $sock [string range $conn(data) 0 $n]
set conn(data) [string range $conn(data) [incr n] end]
incr conn(size)
if {$conn(size) >= [llength $bsizes]} {
set conn(size) [expr {[llength $bsizes]-1}]
set conn(after) [after $conn(delay) [list echoPut $c $sock]]
#fileevent stdin readable {exit ;#cut}
# main
socket -server newconn -myaddr $port
vwait forever
} __echo_srv__.tcl]
proc fevent {fdelay idelay blocks script data} {
# Start and initialize an echo server, prepare data transmission, then
# hand over to the test script. This has to start real transmission via
# 'flush'. The server is stopped after completion of the test.
upvar 1 sock sk
# Fixed port, not so good. Lets hope for the best, for now.
set port 4000
exec tclsh __echo_srv__.tcl $port $fdelay $idelay {*}$blocks >@stdout &
after 500
#puts stdout "> $port"; flush stdout
set sk [socket localhost $port]
fconfigure $sk -blocking 0 -buffering full \
-buffersize [expr {10+[llength $data]}]
puts -nonewline $sk $data
# The channel is prepared to go off.
#puts stdout ">>>>>"; flush stdout
set res [uplevel 1 $script]
catch {close $sk}
return $res
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# utility transformations ...
proc id {op data} {
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
flush/write - flush/read - write - read {
return $data
query/maxRead {
return -1
proc id_optrail {var op data} {
variable $var
upvar 0 $var trail
lappend trail $op
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read -
flush/read - clear/read {
flush/write - write - read {
return $data
query/maxRead {
return -1
default {
lappend trail "error $op"
error $op
proc id_fulltrail {var op data} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var trail
#puts stdout ">> $var $op $data" ; flush stdout
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
set res *ignored*
flush/write - flush/read - write - read {
set res $data
query/maxRead {
set res -1
#catch {puts stdout "\t>* $res" ; flush stdout}
#catch {puts stdout "x$res"} msg
lappend trail [list $op $data $res]
return $res
proc id_torture {chan op data} {
switch -- $op {
create/write -
create/read -
delete/write -
delete/read -
clear_read {;#ignore}
flush/write -
flush/read {}
write {
global level
if {$level} {
incr level
testchannel unstack $chan
testchannel transform $chan \
-command [namespace code [list id_torture $chan]]
return $data
read {
testchannel unstack $chan
testchannel transform $chan \
-command [namespace code [list id_torture $chan]]
return $data
query/maxRead {return -1}
proc counter {var op data} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var n
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
flush/write - flush/read {
return {}
write {
return $data
read {
if {$n > 0} {
incr n -[string length $data]
if {$n < 0} {
set n 0
return $data
query/maxRead {
return $n
proc counter_audit {var vtrail op data} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var n $vtrail trail
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
set res {}
flush/write - flush/read {
set res {}
write {
set res $data
read {
if {$n > 0} {
incr n -[string length $data]
if {$n < 0} {
set n 0
set res $data
query/maxRead {
set res $n
lappend trail [list counter:$op $data $res]
return $res
proc rblocks {var vtrail n op data} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var buf $vtrail trail
set res {}
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
set buf {}
flush/write {
flush/read {
set res $buf
set buf {}
write {
set data
read {
append buf $data
set b [expr {$n * ([string length $buf] / $n)}]
append op " $n [string length $buf] :- $b"
set res [string range $buf 0 [incr b -1]]
set buf [string range $buf [incr b] end]
#return $res
query/maxRead {
set res -1
lappend trail [list rblock | $op $data $res | $buf]
return $res
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# ... and convenience procedures to stack them
proc identity {-attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code id]
proc audit_ops {var -attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list id_optrail $var]]
proc audit_flow {var -attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list id_fulltrail $var]]
proc torture {-attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list id_torture $channel]]
proc stopafter {var n -attach channel} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var vn
set vn $n
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list counter $var]]
proc stopafter_audit {var trail n -attach channel} {
namespace upvar [namespace current] $var vn
set vn $n
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list counter_audit $var $trail]]
proc rblocks_t {var trail n -attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code [list rblocks $var $trail $n]]
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# serialize an array, with keys in sorted order.
proc array_sget {v} {
upvar $v a
set res [list]
foreach n [lsort [array names a]] {
lappend res $n $a($n)
set res
proc asort {alist} {
# sort a list of key/value pairs by key, removes duplicates too.
array set a $alist
array_sget a
test iogt-1.1 {stack/unstack} testchannel {
set fh [open $path(dummy) r]
identity -attach $fh
testchannel unstack $fh
close $fh
} {}
test iogt-1.2 {stack/close} testchannel {
set fh [open $path(dummy) r]
identity -attach $fh
close $fh
} {}
test iogt-1.3 {stack/unstack, configuration, options} testchannel {
set fh [open $path(dummy) r]
set ca [asort [fconfigure $fh]]
identity -attach $fh
set cb [asort [fconfigure $fh]]
testchannel unstack $fh
set cc [asort [fconfigure $fh]]
close $fh
# With this system none of the buffering, translation and encoding option
# may change their values with channels stacked upon each other or not.
# cb == ca == cc
list [string equal $ca $cb] [string equal $cb $cc] [string equal $ca $cc]
} {1 1 1}
test iogt-1.4 {stack/unstack, configuration} -setup {
set fh [open $path(dummy) r]
} -constraints testchannel -body {
set ca [asort [fconfigure $fh]]
identity -attach $fh
fconfigure $fh -buffering line -translation cr -encoding shiftjis
testchannel unstack $fh
set cc [asort [fconfigure $fh]]
list [string equal $ca $cc] [fconfigure $fh -buffering] \
[fconfigure $fh -translation] [fconfigure $fh -encoding]
} -cleanup {
close $fh
} -result {0 line cr shiftjis}
test iogt-2.0 {basic I/O going through transform} -setup {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) w]
} -constraints testchannel -body {
identity -attach $fin
identity -attach $fout
fcopy $fin $fout
close $fin
close $fout
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) r]
list [string equal [set in [read $fin]] [set out [read $fout]]] \
[string length $in] [string length $out]
} -cleanup {
close $fin
close $fout
} -result {1 71 71}
test iogt-2.1 {basic I/O, operation trail} {testchannel unix} {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) w]
set ain [list]; set aout [list]
audit_ops ain -attach $fin
audit_ops aout -attach $fout
fconfigure $fin -buffersize 10
fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10
fcopy $fin $fout
close $fin
close $fout
set res "[join $ain \n]\n--------\n[join $aout \n]"
} {create/read
test iogt-2.2 {basic I/O, data trail} {testchannel unix} {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) w]
set ain [list]; set aout [list]
audit_flow ain -attach $fin
audit_flow aout -attach $fout
fconfigure $fin -buffersize 10
fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10
fcopy $fin $fout
close $fin
close $fout
set res "[join $ain \n]\n--------\n[join $aout \n]"
} {create/read {} *ignored*
query/maxRead {} -1
read abcdefghij abcdefghij
query/maxRead {} -1
read klmnopqrst klmnopqrst
query/maxRead {} -1
read uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123
query/maxRead {} -1
read 456789,./? 456789,./?
query/maxRead {} -1
read {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]}
query/maxRead {} -1
read {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$}
query/maxRead {} -1
read %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-=
query/maxRead {} -1
read {
} {
query/maxRead {} -1
flush/read {} {}
query/maxRead {} -1
delete/read {} *ignored*
create/write {} *ignored*
write abcdefghij abcdefghij
write klmnopqrst klmnopqrst
write uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123
write 456789,./? 456789,./?
write {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]}
write {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$}
write %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-=
write {
} {
flush/write {} {}
delete/write {} *ignored*}
test iogt-2.3 {basic I/O, mixed trail} {testchannel unix} {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) w]
set trail [list]
audit_flow trail -attach $fin
audit_flow trail -attach $fout
fconfigure $fin -buffersize 20
fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10
fcopy $fin $fout
close $fin
close $fout
join $trail \n
} {create/read {} *ignored*
create/write {} *ignored*
query/maxRead {} -1
read abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst
write abcdefghij abcdefghij
write klmnopqrst klmnopqrst
query/maxRead {} -1
read uvwxyz0123456789,./? uvwxyz0123456789,./?
write uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123
write 456789,./? 456789,./?
query/maxRead {} -1
read {><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$} {><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$}
write {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]}
write {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$}
query/maxRead {} -1
read {%^&*()_+-=
} {%^&*()_+-=
query/maxRead {} -1
flush/read {} {}
write %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-=
write {
} {
query/maxRead {} -1
delete/read {} *ignored*
flush/write {} {}
delete/write {} *ignored*}
test iogt-2.4 {basic I/O, mixed trail} {testchannel} {
set fh [open $path(dummy) r]
torture -attach $fh
chan configure $fh -buffersize 2
set x [read $fh]
testchannel unstack $fh
close $fh
set x
} {}
test iogt-2.5 {basic I/O, mixed trail} {testchannel} {
set ::level 0
set fh [open $path(dummyout) w]
torture -attach $fh
puts -nonewline $fh abcdef
flush $fh
testchannel unstack $fh
close $fh
} {}
test iogt-3.0 {Tcl_Channel valid after stack/unstack, fevent handling} -setup {
proc DoneCopy {n {err {}}} {
variable copy 1
} -constraints {testchannel knownBug} -body {
# This test to check the validity of acquired Tcl_Channel references is not
# possible because even a backgrounded fcopy will immediately start to
# copy data, without waiting for the event loop. This is done only in case
# of an underflow on the read size!. So stacking transforms after the
# fcopy will miss information, or are not used at all.
# I was able to circumvent this by using the echo.tcl server with a big
# delay, causing the fcopy to underflow immediately.
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
fevent 1000 500 {20 20 20 10 1 1} {
variable copy
close $fin
set fout [open dummyout w]
flush $sock; # now, or fcopy will error us out
# But the 1 second delay should be enough to initialize everything
# else here.
fcopy $sock $fout -command [namespace code DoneCopy]
# Transform after fcopy got its handles! They should be still valid
# for fcopy.
set trail [list]
audit_ops trail -attach $fout
vwait [namespace which -variable copy]
} [read $fin]; # {}
close $fout
# Check result of copy.
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) r]
set res [string equal [read $fin] [read $fout]]
close $fin
close $fout
list $res $trail
} -cleanup {
rename DoneCopy {}
} -result {1 {create/write create/read write flush/write flush/read delete/write delete/read}}
test iogt-4.0 {fileevent readable, after transform} -setup {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set data [read $fin]
close $fin
set trail [list]
set got [list]
proc Done {args} {
variable stop 1
proc Get {sock} {
variable trail
variable got
if {[eof $sock]} {
lappend trail "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
close $sock
lappend trail "vvvvvvvvvvvvv"
lappend trail "\tgot: [lappend got "\[\[[read $sock]\]\]"]"
lappend trail "============="
#puts stdout $__ ; flush stdout
#read $sock
} -constraints {testchannel knownBug} -body {
fevent 1000 500 {20 20 20 10 1} {
variable stop
audit_flow trail -attach $sock
rblocks_t rbuf trail 23 -attach $sock
fileevent $sock readable [namespace code [list Get $sock]]
flush $sock; # Now, or fcopy will error us out
# But the 1 second delay should be enough to initialize everything
# else here.
vwait [namespace which -variable stop]
} $data
join [list [join $got \n] ~~~~~~~~ [join $trail \n]] \n
} -cleanup {
rename Done {}
rename Get {}
} -result {[[]]
create/write {} *ignored*
create/read {} *ignored*
rblock | create/write {} {} | {}
rblock | create/read {} {} | {}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {}
query/maxRead {} -1
read abcdefghijklmnopqrstu abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
query/maxRead {} -1
rblock | {read 23 21 :- 0} abcdefghijklmnopqrstu {} | abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
query/maxRead {} -1
read vwxyz0123456789,./?>< vwxyz0123456789,./?><
query/maxRead {} -1
rblock | {read 23 42 :- 23} vwxyz0123456789,./?>< abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw | xyz0123456789,./?><
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | xyz0123456789,./?><
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | xyz0123456789,./?><
query/maxRead {} -1
read {;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&} {;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&}
query/maxRead {} -1
rblock | {read 23 40 :- 23} {;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&} {xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|} | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&}
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]} {[[xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&}
query/maxRead {} -1
read *( *(
query/maxRead {} -1
rblock | {read 23 19 :- 0} *( {} | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*(}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*(}
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]} {[[xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|]]} {[[]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*(}
query/maxRead {} -1
read ) )
query/maxRead {} -1
rblock | {read 23 20 :- 0} ) {} | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()}
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]} {[[xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|]]} {[[]]} {[[]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()}
query/maxRead {} -1
flush/read {} {}
rblock | flush/read {} {":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()} | {}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {}
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]} {[[xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|]]} {[[]]} {[[]]} {[[":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()]]}
rblock | query/maxRead {} -1 | {}
query/maxRead {} -1
got: {[[]]} {[[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]]} {[[xyz0123456789,./?><;'\|]]} {[[]]} {[[]]} {[[":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()]]} {[[]]}
rblock | flush/write {} {} | {}
rblock | delete/write {} {} | {}
rblock | delete/read {} {} | {}
flush/write {} {}
delete/write {} *ignored*
delete/read {} *ignored*}; # catch unescaped quote "
test iogt-5.0 {EOF simulation} -setup {
set fin [open $path(dummy) r]
set fout [open $path(dummyout) w]
set trail [list]
} -constraints {testchannel knownBug} -result {
audit_flow trail -attach $fin
stopafter_audit d trail 20 -attach $fin
audit_flow trail -attach $fout
fconfigure $fin -buffersize 20
fconfigure $fout -buffersize 10
fcopy $fin $fout
testchannel unstack $fin
# now copy the rest in the channel
lappend trail {**after unstack**}
fcopy $fin $fout
close $fin
close $fout
join $trail \n
} -result {create/read {} *ignored*
counter:create/read {} {}
create/write {} *ignored*
counter:query/maxRead {} 20
query/maxRead {} -1
read {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789,./?><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=
} {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789,./?><;'\|":[]\}\{`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=
query/maxRead {} -1
flush/read {} {}
counter:read abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst
write abcdefghij abcdefghij
write klmnopqrst klmnopqrst
counter:query/maxRead {} 0
counter:flush/read {} {}
counter:delete/read {} {}
**after unstack**
query/maxRead {} -1
write uvwxyz0123 uvwxyz0123
write 456789,./? 456789,./?
write {><;'\|":[]} {><;'\|":[]}
write {\}\{`~!@#$} {\}\{`~!@#$}
write %^&*()_+-= %^&*()_+-=
write {
} {
query/maxRead {} -1
delete/read {} *ignored*
flush/write {} {}
delete/write {} *ignored*}
proc constX {op data} {
# replace anything coming in with a same-length string of x'es.
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read - delete/write - delete/read - clear_read {
flush/write - flush/read - write - read {
return [string repeat x [string length $data]]
query/maxRead {
return -1
proc constx {-attach channel} {
testchannel transform $channel -command [namespace code constX]
test iogt-6.0 {Push back} -constraints testchannel -body {
set f [open $path(dummy) r]
# contents of dummy = "abcdefghi..."
read $f 3; # skip behind "abc"
constx -attach $f
# expect to get "xxx" from the transform because of unread "def" input to
# transform which returns "xxx".
# Actually the IO layer pre-read the whole file and will read "def"
# directly from the buffer without bothering to consult the newly stacked
# transformation. This is wrong.
read $f 3
} -cleanup {
close $f
} -result {xxx}
test iogt-6.1 {Push back and up} -constraints {testchannel knownBug} -body {
# This test demonstrates the bug/misfeature in the stacked
# channel implementation that data can be discarded if it is
# read into the buffers of one channel in the stack, and then
# that channel is popped before anything above it reads.
# This bug can be worked around by always setting -buffersize
# to 1, but who wants to do that?
set f [open $path(dummy) r]
# contents of dummy = "abcdefghi..."
read $f 3; # skip behind "abc"
constx -attach $f
set res [read $f 3]
testchannel unstack $f
append res [read $f 3]
} -cleanup {
close $f
} -result {xxxghi}
# Driver for a base channel that emits several short "files"
# with each terminated by a fleeting EOF
proc driver {cmd args} {
variable buffer
variable index
set chan [lindex $args 0]
switch -- $cmd {
initialize {
set index($chan) 0
set buffer($chan) .....
return {initialize finalize watch read}
finalize {
if {![info exists index($chan)]} {return}
unset index($chan) buffer($chan)
watch {}
read {
set n [lindex $args 1]
if {![info exists index($chan)]} {
driver initialize $chan
set new [expr {$index($chan) + $n}]
set result [string range $buffer($chan) $index($chan) $new-1]
set index($chan) $new
if {[string length $result] == 0} {
driver finalize $chan
return $result
test iogt-7.0 {Handle fleeting EOF} -constraints {testchannel} -body {
set chan [chan create read [namespace which driver]]
identity -attach $chan
list [eof $chan] [read $chan] [eof $chan] [read $chan 0] [eof $chan] \
[read $chan] [eof $chan]
} -cleanup {
close $chan
} -result {0 ..... 1 {} 0 ..... 1}
proc delay {op data} {
variable store
switch -- $op {
create/write - create/read -
delete/write - delete/read -
flush/write - write -
clear_read {;#ignore}
flush/read -
read {
if {![info exists store]} {set store {}}
set reply $store
set store $data
return $reply
query/maxRead {return -1}
test iogt-7.1 {Handle fleeting EOF} -constraints {testchannel} -body {
set chan [chan create read [namespace which driver]]
testchannel transform $chan -command [namespace code delay]
list [eof $chan] [read $chan] [eof $chan] [read $chan 0] [eof $chan] \
[read $chan] [eof $chan]
} -cleanup {
close $chan
} -result {0 ..... 1 {} 0 ..... 1}
rename delay {}
rename driver {}
# cleanup
foreach file [list dummy dummyout __echo_srv__.tcl] {
removeFile $file
namespace delete ::tcl::test::iogt