/***********************************/ /* Synthesizable Verilog Dumping */ /* Xifan TANG, EPFL/LSI */ /***********************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Include vpr structs*/ #include "util.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "rr_graph.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" #include "path_delay.h" #include "stats.h" /* Include FPGA-SPICE utils */ #include "read_xml_spice_util.h" #include "linkedlist.h" #include "fpga_spice_utils.h" #include "fpga_spice_backannotate_utils.h" #include "fpga_spice_globals.h" #include "fpga_spice_bitstream.h" /* Include SynVerilog headers */ #include "verilog_global.h" #include "verilog_utils.h" #include "verilog_submodules.h" #include "verilog_decoder.h" #include "verilog_pbtypes.h" #include "verilog_routing.h" #include "verilog_top_netlist.h" /* Global Variants available only in this source file */ static char* default_verilog_dir_name = "syn_verilogs/"; static char* default_lb_dir_name = "lb/"; static char* default_rr_dir_name = "routing/"; static char* default_submodule_dir_name = "sub_module/"; /***** Subroutines *****/ /* Alloc array that records Configuration bits for : * (1) Switch blocks * (2) Connection boxes * TODO: Can be improved in alloc strategy to be more memory efficient! */ static void alloc_global_routing_conf_bits() { int i; /* Alloc array for Switch blocks */ num_conf_bits_sb = (int**)my_malloc((nx+1)*sizeof(int*)); for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { num_conf_bits_sb[i] = (int*)my_calloc((ny+1), sizeof(int)); } /* Alloc array for Connection blocks */ num_conf_bits_cbx = (int**)my_malloc((nx+1)*sizeof(int*)); for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { num_conf_bits_cbx[i] = (int*)my_calloc((ny+1), sizeof(int)); } num_conf_bits_cby = (int**)my_malloc((nx+1)*sizeof(int*)); for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { num_conf_bits_cby[i] = (int*)my_calloc((ny+1), sizeof(int)); } return; } static void free_global_routing_conf_bits() { int i; /* Free array for Switch blocks */ for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { my_free(num_conf_bits_sb[i]); } my_free(num_conf_bits_sb); /* Free array for Connection box */ for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { my_free(num_conf_bits_cbx[i]); } my_free(num_conf_bits_cbx); for (i = 0; i < (nx + 1); i++) { my_free(num_conf_bits_cby[i]); } my_free(num_conf_bits_cby); return; } /* Top-level function*/ void vpr_dump_syn_verilog(t_vpr_setup vpr_setup, t_arch Arch, char* circuit_name) { /* Timer */ clock_t t_start; clock_t t_end; float run_time_sec; int num_clocks = Arch.spice->spice_params.stimulate_params.num_clocks; /* int vpr_crit_path_delay = Arch.spice->spice_params.stimulate_params.vpr_crit_path_delay; */ /* Directory paths */ char* verilog_dir_formatted = NULL; char* submodule_dir_path= NULL; char* lb_dir_path = NULL; char* rr_dir_path = NULL; char* top_netlist_file = NULL; char* top_netlist_path = NULL; char* bitstream_file_name = NULL; char* bitstream_file_path = NULL; char* top_testbench_file_name = NULL; char* top_testbench_file_path = NULL; char* blif_testbench_file_name = NULL; char* blif_testbench_file_path = NULL; char* chomped_parent_dir = NULL; char* chomped_circuit_name = NULL; /* Check if the routing architecture we support*/ if (UNI_DIRECTIONAL != vpr_setup.RoutingArch.directionality) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "FPGA synthesizable Verilog dumping only support uni-directional routing architecture!\n"); exit(1); } /* We don't support mrFPGA */ #ifdef MRFPGA_H if (is_mrFPGA) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "FPGA synthesizable verilog dumping do not support mrFPGA!\n"); exit(1); } #endif assert ( TRUE == vpr_setup.FPGA_SPICE_Opts.SynVerilogOpts.dump_syn_verilog); /* VerilogGenerator formally starts*/ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "\nFPGA synthesizable verilog generator starts...\n"); /* Start time count */ t_start = clock(); /* Format the directory paths */ split_path_prog_name(circuit_name, '/', &chomped_parent_dir, &chomped_circuit_name); if (NULL != vpr_setup.FPGA_SPICE_Opts.SynVerilogOpts.syn_verilog_dump_dir) { verilog_dir_formatted = format_dir_path(vpr_setup.FPGA_SPICE_Opts.SynVerilogOpts.syn_verilog_dump_dir); } else { verilog_dir_formatted = format_dir_path(my_strcat(format_dir_path(chomped_parent_dir),default_verilog_dir_name)); } /* lb directory */ (lb_dir_path) = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, default_lb_dir_name); /* routing resources directory */ (rr_dir_path) = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, default_rr_dir_name); /* submodule_dir_path */ (submodule_dir_path) = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, default_submodule_dir_name); /* Top netlists dir_path */ top_netlist_file = my_strcat(chomped_circuit_name, verilog_top_postfix); top_netlist_path = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, top_netlist_file); bitstream_file_name = my_strcat(chomped_circuit_name, bitstream_verilog_file_postfix); bitstream_file_path = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, bitstream_file_name); top_testbench_file_name = my_strcat(chomped_circuit_name, top_testbench_verilog_file_postfix); top_testbench_file_path = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, top_testbench_file_name); blif_testbench_file_name = my_strcat(chomped_circuit_name, blif_testbench_verilog_file_postfix); blif_testbench_file_path = my_strcat(verilog_dir_formatted, blif_testbench_file_name); /* Create directories */ create_dir_path(verilog_dir_formatted); create_dir_path(lb_dir_path); create_dir_path(rr_dir_path); create_dir_path(submodule_dir_path); /* assign the global variable of SRAM model */ assert(NULL != Arch.sram_inf.verilog_sram_inf_orgz); /* Check !*/ sram_verilog_model = Arch.sram_inf.verilog_sram_inf_orgz->spice_model; sram_verilog_orgz_type = Arch.sram_inf.verilog_sram_inf_orgz->type; /* initialize the SRAM organization information struct */ sram_verilog_orgz_info = alloc_one_sram_orgz_info(); init_sram_orgz_info(sram_verilog_orgz_info, sram_verilog_orgz_type, sram_verilog_model, nx + 2, ny + 2); /* Check all the SRAM port is using the correct SRAM SPICE MODEL */ config_spice_models_sram_port_spice_model(Arch.spice->num_spice_model, Arch.spice->spice_models, Arch.sram_inf.verilog_sram_inf_orgz->spice_model); /* Assign global variables of input and output pads */ iopad_verilog_model = find_iopad_spice_model(Arch.spice->num_spice_model, Arch.spice->spice_models); assert(NULL != iopad_verilog_model); /* zero the counter of each spice_model */ zero_spice_models_cnt(Arch.spice->num_spice_model, Arch.spice->spice_models); /* Initialize the user-defined verilog netlists to be included */ init_list_include_verilog_netlists(Arch.spice); /* Dump internal structures of submodules */ dump_verilog_submodules(submodule_dir_path, Arch, &vpr_setup.RoutingArch); /* Initial global variables about configuration bits */ alloc_global_routing_conf_bits(); /* Initialize the number of configuration bits of all the grids */ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Count the number of configuration bits, IO pads in each logic block...\n"); /* init_grids_num_conf_bits(sram_verilog_orgz_type); */ init_grids_num_conf_bits(sram_verilog_orgz_info); init_grids_num_iopads(); /* init_grids_num_mode_bits(); */ /* Dump routing resources: switch blocks, connection blocks and channel tracks */ dump_verilog_routing_resources(rr_dir_path, Arch, &vpr_setup.RoutingArch, num_rr_nodes, rr_node, rr_node_indices); /* Dump logic blocks */ dump_verilog_logic_blocks(lb_dir_path, &Arch); /* Dump decoder modules only when memory bank is required */ switch(sram_verilog_orgz_type) { case SPICE_SRAM_STANDALONE: case SPICE_SRAM_SCAN_CHAIN: break; case SPICE_SRAM_MEMORY_BANK: /* Dump verilog decoder */ dump_verilog_decoder(submodule_dir_path); break; default: vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR,"(File:%s,[LINE%d])Invalid type of SRAM organization in Verilog Generator!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } /* Dump top-level verilog */ dump_verilog_top_netlist(chomped_circuit_name, top_netlist_path, lb_dir_path, rr_dir_path, num_rr_nodes, rr_node, rr_node_indices, num_clocks, *(Arch.spice)); /* Dump SDC constraints */ // dump_verilog_sdc_file(); /* dump verilog testbench only for top-level */ dump_verilog_top_testbench(chomped_circuit_name, top_testbench_file_path, num_clocks, vpr_setup.FPGA_SPICE_Opts.SynVerilogOpts, *(Arch.spice)); /* dump verilog testbench only for input blif */ dump_verilog_input_blif_testbench(chomped_circuit_name, blif_testbench_file_path, num_clocks, vpr_setup.FPGA_SPICE_Opts.SynVerilogOpts, *(Arch.spice)); /* Dump bitstream file */ dump_fpga_spice_bitstream(bitstream_file_path, chomped_circuit_name, sram_verilog_orgz_info); /* End time count */ t_end = clock(); run_time_sec = (float)(t_end - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_INFO, "Synthesizable verilog dumping took %g seconds\n", run_time_sec); /* Free global array */ free_global_routing_conf_bits(); /* Free sram_orgz_info */ free_sram_orgz_info(sram_verilog_orgz_info, sram_verilog_orgz_info->type, nx + 2, ny + 2); /* Free */ my_free(verilog_dir_formatted); my_free(lb_dir_path); my_free(rr_dir_path); my_free(top_netlist_file); my_free(top_netlist_path); my_free(submodule_dir_path); return; }