#include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "util.h" #include "vpr_types.h" #include "physical_types.h" #include "globals.h" #include "vpr_utils.h" #include "cluster_placement.h" #include "place_macro.h" #include "string.h" /* This module contains subroutines that are used in several unrelated parts * * of VPR. They are VPR-specific utility routines. */ /* This defines the maximum string length that could be parsed by functions * * in vpr_utils. */ #define MAX_STRING_LEN 128 /******************** File-scope variables delcarations **********************/ /* These three mappings are needed since there are two different netlist * * conventions - in the cluster level, ports and port pins are used * * while in the post-pack level, block pins are used. The reason block * * type is used instead of blocks is to save memories. */ /* f_port_from_blk_pin array allow us to quickly find what port a block * * pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...blk_pin_count-1] * * */ static int ** f_port_from_blk_pin = NULL; /* f_port_pin_from_blk_pin array allow us to quickly find what port pin a* * block pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...blk_pin_count-1] */ static int ** f_port_pin_from_blk_pin = NULL; /* f_port_pin_to_block_pin array allows us to quickly find what block * * pin a port pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...num_ports-1][0...num_port_pins-1] */ static int *** f_blk_pin_from_port_pin = NULL; /******************** Subroutine declarations ********************************/ /* Allocates and loads f_port_from_blk_pin and f_port_pin_from_blk_pin * * arrays. * * The arrays are freed in free_placement_structs() */ static void alloc_and_load_port_pin_from_blk_pin(void); /* Allocates and loads blk_pin_from_port_pin array. * * The arrays are freed in free_placement_structs() */ static void alloc_and_load_blk_pin_from_port_pin(void); /* Go through all the ports in all the blocks to find the port that has the same * * name as port_name and belongs to the block type that has the name pb_type_name. * * Then, check that whether start_pin_index and end_pin_index are specified. If * * they are, mark down the pins from start_pin_index to end_pin_index, inclusive. * * Otherwise, mark down all the pins in that port. */ static void mark_direct_of_ports (int idirect, int direct_type, char * pb_type_name, char * port_name, int end_pin_index, int start_pin_index, char * src_string, int line, int ** idirect_from_blk_pin, int ** direct_type_from_blk_pin); /* Mark the pin entry in idirect_from_blk_pin with idirect and the pin entry in * * direct_type_from_blk_pin with direct_type from start_pin_index to * * end_pin_index. */ static void mark_direct_of_pins(int start_pin_index, int end_pin_index, int itype, int iport, int ** idirect_from_blk_pin, int idirect, int ** direct_type_from_blk_pin, int direct_type, int line, char * src_string); /******************** Subroutine definitions *********************************/ /** * print tabs given number of tabs to file */ void print_tabs(FILE * fpout, int num_tab) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_tab; i++) { fprintf(fpout, "\t"); } } /* Points the grid structure back to the blocks list */ void sync_grid_to_blocks(INP int L_num_blocks, INP const struct s_block block_list[], INP int L_nx, INP int L_ny, INOUTP struct s_grid_tile **L_grid) { int i, j, k; /* Reset usage and allocate blocks list if needed */ for (j = 0; j <= (L_ny + 1); ++j) { for (i = 0; i <= (L_nx + 1); ++i) { L_grid[i][j].usage = 0; if (L_grid[i][j].type) { /* If already allocated, leave it since size doesn't change */ if (NULL == L_grid[i][j].blocks) { L_grid[i][j].blocks = (int *) my_malloc( sizeof(int) * L_grid[i][j].type->capacity); /* Set them as unconnected */ for (k = 0; k < L_grid[i][j].type->capacity; ++k) { L_grid[i][j].blocks[k] = OPEN; } } } } } /* Go through each block */ for (i = 0; i < L_num_blocks; ++i) { /* Check range of block coords */ if (block[i].x < 0 || block[i].x > (L_nx + 1) || block[i].y < 0 || (block[i].y + block[i].type->height - 1) > (L_ny + 1) || block[i].z < 0 || block[i].z > (block[i].type->capacity)) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Block %d is at invalid location (%d, %d, %d).\n", i, block[i].x, block[i].y, block[i].z); exit(1); } /* Check types match */ if (block[i].type != L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y].type) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "A block is in a grid location (%d x %d) with a conflicting type.\n", block[i].x, block[i].y); exit(1); } /* Check already in use */ if (OPEN != L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y].blocks[block[i].z]) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Location (%d, %d, %d) is used more than once.\n", block[i].x, block[i].y, block[i].z); exit(1); } if (L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y].offset != 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Large block not aligned in placment for block %d at (%d, %d, %d).", i, block[i].x, block[i].y, block[i].z); exit(1); } /* Set the block */ for (j = 0; j < block[i].type->height; j++) { L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y + j].blocks[block[i].z] = i; L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y + j].usage++; assert(L_grid[block[i].x][block[i].y + j].offset == j); } } } boolean is_opin(int ipin, t_type_ptr type) { /* Returns TRUE if this clb pin is an output, FALSE otherwise. */ int iclass; iclass = type->pin_class[ipin]; if (type->class_inf[iclass].type == DRIVER) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } void get_class_range_for_block(INP int iblk, OUTP int *class_low, OUTP int *class_high) { /* Assumes that the placement has been done so each block has a set of pins allocated to it */ t_type_ptr type; type = block[iblk].type; assert(type->num_class % type->capacity == 0); *class_low = block[iblk].z * (type->num_class / type->capacity); *class_high = (block[iblk].z + 1) * (type->num_class / type->capacity) - 1; } int get_max_primitives_in_pb_type(t_pb_type *pb_type) { int i, j; int max_size, temp_size; if (pb_type->modes == 0) { max_size = 1; } else { max_size = 0; temp_size = 0; for (i = 0; i < pb_type->num_modes; i++) { for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[i].num_pb_type_children; j++) { temp_size += pb_type->modes[i].pb_type_children[j].num_pb * get_max_primitives_in_pb_type( &pb_type->modes[i].pb_type_children[j]); } if (temp_size > max_size) { max_size = temp_size; } } } return max_size; } /* finds maximum number of nets that can be contained in pb_type, this is bounded by the number of driving pins */ int get_max_nets_in_pb_type(const t_pb_type *pb_type) { int i, j; int max_nets, temp_nets; if (pb_type->modes == 0) { max_nets = pb_type->num_output_pins; } else { max_nets = 0; for (i = 0; i < pb_type->num_modes; i++) { temp_nets = 0; for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[i].num_pb_type_children; j++) { temp_nets += pb_type->modes[i].pb_type_children[j].num_pb * get_max_nets_in_pb_type( &pb_type->modes[i].pb_type_children[j]); } if (temp_nets > max_nets) { max_nets = temp_nets; } } } if (pb_type->parent_mode == NULL) { max_nets += pb_type->num_input_pins + pb_type->num_output_pins + pb_type->num_clock_pins; } return max_nets; } int get_max_depth_of_pb_type(t_pb_type *pb_type) { int i, j; int max_depth, temp_depth; max_depth = pb_type->depth; for (i = 0; i < pb_type->num_modes; i++) { for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[i].num_pb_type_children; j++) { temp_depth = get_max_depth_of_pb_type( &pb_type->modes[i].pb_type_children[j]); if (temp_depth > max_depth) { max_depth = temp_depth; } } } return max_depth; } /** * given a primitive type and a logical block, is the mapping legal */ boolean primitive_type_feasible(int iblk, const t_pb_type *cur_pb_type) { t_model_ports *port; int i, j; boolean second_pass; if (cur_pb_type == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* Xifan Tang: return false if this primitive is disabled in the packing */ if (TRUE == cur_pb_type->parent_mode->disabled_in_packing) { return FALSE; } /* END */ /* check if ports are big enough */ port = logical_block[iblk].model->inputs; second_pass = FALSE; while (port || !second_pass) { /* TODO: This is slow if the number of ports are large, fix if becomes a problem */ if (!port) { second_pass = TRUE; port = logical_block[iblk].model->outputs; } for (i = 0; i < cur_pb_type->num_ports; i++) { if (cur_pb_type->ports[i].model_port == port) { for (j = cur_pb_type->ports[i].num_pins; j < port->size; j++) { if (port->dir == IN_PORT && !port->is_clock) { if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets[port->index][j] != OPEN) { return FALSE; } } else if (port->dir == OUT_PORT) { if (logical_block[iblk].output_nets[port->index][j] != OPEN) { return FALSE; } } else { assert(port->dir == IN_PORT && port->is_clock); assert(j == 0); if (logical_block[iblk].clock_net != OPEN) { return FALSE; } } } break; } } if (i == cur_pb_type->num_ports) { if ((logical_block[iblk].model->inputs != NULL && !second_pass) || (logical_block[iblk].model->outputs != NULL && second_pass)) { /* physical port not found */ return FALSE; } } if (port) { port = port->next; } } return TRUE; } /** * Return pb_graph_node pin from model port and pin * NULL if not found */ t_pb_graph_pin* get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_model_port_pin(t_model_ports *model_port, int model_pin, t_pb_graph_node *pb_graph_node) { int i; if(model_port->dir == IN_PORT) { if(model_port->is_clock == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_input_ports; i++) { if (pb_graph_node->input_pins[i][0].port->model_port == model_port) { if(pb_graph_node->num_input_pins[i] > model_pin) { return &pb_graph_node->input_pins[i][model_pin]; } else { return NULL; } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_clock_ports; i++) { if (pb_graph_node->clock_pins[i][0].port->model_port == model_port) { if(pb_graph_node->num_clock_pins[i] > model_pin) { return &pb_graph_node->clock_pins[i][model_pin]; } else { return NULL; } } } } } else { assert(model_port->dir == OUT_PORT); for (i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_output_ports; i++) { if (pb_graph_node->output_pins[i][0].port->model_port == model_port) { if(pb_graph_node->num_output_pins[i] > model_pin) { return &pb_graph_node->output_pins[i][model_pin]; } else { return NULL; } } } } return NULL; } t_pb_graph_pin* get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_vpack_net(int inet, int ipin) { int ilogical_block; t_model_ports *port; ilogical_block = vpack_net[inet].node_block[ipin]; assert(ilogical_block != OPEN); if(logical_block[ilogical_block].pb == NULL) { /* This net has not been packed yet thus pb_graph_pin does not exist */ return NULL; } if(ipin > 0) { port = logical_block[ilogical_block].model->inputs; if(vpack_net[inet].is_global) { while(port != NULL) { if(port->is_clock) { if(port->index == vpack_net[inet].node_block_port[ipin]) { break; } } port = port->next; } } else { while(port != NULL) { if(!port->is_clock) { if(port->index == vpack_net[inet].node_block_port[ipin]) { break; } } port = port->next; } } } else { /* This is an output pin */ port = logical_block[ilogical_block].model->outputs; while(port != NULL) { if(port->index == vpack_net[inet].node_block_port[ipin]) { break; } port = port->next; } } assert(port != NULL); return get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_model_port_pin(port, vpack_net[inet].node_block_pin[ipin], logical_block[ilogical_block].pb->pb_graph_node); } t_pb_graph_pin* get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_clb_net(int inet, int ipin) { int iblock, target_pin; iblock = clb_net[inet].node_block[ipin]; target_pin = clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[ipin]; return get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_block_pin(iblock, target_pin); } t_pb_graph_pin* get_pb_graph_node_pin_from_block_pin(int iblock, int ipin) { int i, count; const t_pb_type *pb_type; t_pb_graph_node *pb_graph_node; pb_graph_node = block[iblock].pb->pb_graph_node; pb_type = pb_graph_node->pb_type; /* If this is post-placed, then the ipin may have been shuffled up by the z * num_pins, bring it back down to 0..num_pins-1 range for easier analysis */ ipin %= (pb_type->num_input_pins + pb_type->num_output_pins + pb_type->num_clock_pins); if(ipin < pb_type->num_input_pins) { count = ipin; for(i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_input_ports; i++) { if(count - pb_graph_node->num_input_pins[i] >= 0) { count -= pb_graph_node->num_input_pins[i]; } else { return &pb_graph_node->input_pins[i][count]; } } } else if (ipin < pb_type->num_input_pins + pb_type->num_output_pins) { count = ipin - pb_type->num_input_pins; for(i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_output_ports; i++) { if(count - pb_graph_node->num_output_pins[i] >= 0) { count -= pb_graph_node->num_output_pins[i]; } else { return &pb_graph_node->output_pins[i][count]; } } } else { count = ipin - pb_type->num_input_pins - pb_type->num_output_pins; for(i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_clock_ports; i++) { if(count - pb_graph_node->num_clock_pins[i] >= 0) { count -= pb_graph_node->num_clock_pins[i]; } else { return &pb_graph_node->clock_pins[i][count]; } } } assert(0); return NULL; } /** * Determine cost for using primitive within a complex block, should use primitives of low cost before selecting primitives of high cost For now, assume primitives that have a lot of pins are scarcer than those without so use primitives with less pins before those with more */ float compute_primitive_base_cost(INP t_pb_graph_node *primitive) { return (primitive->pb_type->num_input_pins + primitive->pb_type->num_output_pins + primitive->pb_type->num_clock_pins); } int num_ext_inputs_logical_block(int iblk) { /* Returns the number of input pins on this logical_block that must be hooked * * up through external interconnect. That is, the number of input * * pins used - the number which connect (internally) to the outputs. */ int ext_inps, output_net, ipin, opin; t_model_ports *port, *out_port; /* TODO: process to get ext_inps is slow, should cache in lookup table */ ext_inps = 0; port = logical_block[iblk].model->inputs; while (port) { if (port->is_clock == FALSE) { for (ipin = 0; ipin < port->size; ipin++) { if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets[port->index][ipin] != OPEN) { ext_inps++; } out_port = logical_block[iblk].model->outputs; while (out_port) { for (opin = 0; opin < out_port->size; opin++) { output_net = logical_block[iblk].output_nets[out_port->index][opin]; if (output_net == OPEN) continue; /* TODO: I could speed things up a bit by computing the number of inputs * * and number of external inputs for each logic logical_block at the start of * * clustering and storing them in arrays. Look into if speed is a * * problem. */ if (logical_block[iblk].input_nets[port->index][ipin] == output_net) { ext_inps--; break; } } out_port = out_port->next; } } } port = port->next; } assert(ext_inps >= 0); return (ext_inps); } void free_cb(t_pb *pb) { const t_pb_type * pb_type; int i, total_nodes; pb_type = pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type; total_nodes = pb->pb_graph_node->total_pb_pins + pb_type->num_input_pins + pb_type->num_output_pins + pb_type->num_clock_pins; for (i = 0; i < total_nodes; i++) { if (pb->rr_graph[i].edges != NULL) { free(pb->rr_graph[i].edges); } if (pb->rr_graph[i].switches != NULL) { free(pb->rr_graph[i].switches); } } free(pb->rr_graph); free_pb(pb); } void free_pb(t_pb *pb) { const t_pb_type * pb_type; int i, j, mode; struct s_linked_vptr *revalid_molecule; t_pack_molecule *cur_molecule; pb_type = pb->pb_graph_node->pb_type; if (pb_type->blif_model == NULL) { mode = pb->mode; for (i = 0; i < pb_type->modes[mode].num_pb_type_children && pb->child_pbs != NULL; i++) { for (j = 0; j < pb_type->modes[mode].pb_type_children[i].num_pb && pb->child_pbs[i] != NULL; j++) { if (pb->child_pbs[i][j].name != NULL || pb->child_pbs[i][j].child_pbs != NULL) { free_pb(&pb->child_pbs[i][j]); } } if (pb->child_pbs[i]) free(pb->child_pbs[i]); } if (pb->child_pbs) free(pb->child_pbs); pb->child_pbs = NULL; if (pb->local_nets != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pb->num_local_nets; i++) { free(pb->local_nets[i].node_block); free(pb->local_nets[i].node_block_port); free(pb->local_nets[i].node_block_pin); if (pb->local_nets[i].name != NULL) { free(pb->local_nets[i].name); } } free(pb->local_nets); pb->local_nets = NULL; } if (pb->rr_node_to_pb_mapping != NULL) { free(pb->rr_node_to_pb_mapping); pb->rr_node_to_pb_mapping = NULL; } if (pb->name) free(pb->name); pb->name = NULL; } else { /* Primitive */ if (pb->name) free(pb->name); pb->name = NULL; if (pb->lut_pin_remap) { free(pb->lut_pin_remap); } pb->lut_pin_remap = NULL; if (pb->logical_block != OPEN && logical_block != NULL) { logical_block[pb->logical_block].clb_index = NO_CLUSTER; logical_block[pb->logical_block].pb = NULL; /* If any molecules were marked invalid because of this logic block getting packed, mark them valid */ revalid_molecule = logical_block[pb->logical_block].packed_molecules; while (revalid_molecule != NULL) { cur_molecule = (t_pack_molecule*)revalid_molecule->data_vptr; if (cur_molecule->valid == FALSE) { for (i = 0; i < get_array_size_of_molecule(cur_molecule); i++) { if (cur_molecule->logical_block_ptrs[i] != NULL) { if (cur_molecule->logical_block_ptrs[i]->clb_index != OPEN) { break; } } } /* All logical blocks are open for this molecule, place back in queue */ if (i == get_array_size_of_molecule(cur_molecule)) { cur_molecule->valid = TRUE; } } revalid_molecule = revalid_molecule->next; } } pb->logical_block = OPEN; } free_pb_stats(pb); } void free_pb_stats(t_pb *pb) { int i; t_pb_graph_node *pb_graph_node = pb->pb_graph_node; if(pb->pb_stats == NULL) { return; } pb->pb_stats->gain.clear(); pb->pb_stats->timinggain.clear(); pb->pb_stats->sharinggain.clear(); pb->pb_stats->hillgain.clear(); pb->pb_stats->connectiongain.clear(); pb->pb_stats->num_pins_of_net_in_pb.clear(); if(pb->pb_stats->marked_blocks != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_input_pin_class; i++) { free(pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used[i]); free(pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used[i]); } free(pb->pb_stats->input_pins_used); free(pb->pb_stats->lookahead_input_pins_used); for (i = 0; i < pb_graph_node->num_output_pin_class; i++) { free(pb->pb_stats->output_pins_used[i]); free(pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used[i]); } free(pb->pb_stats->output_pins_used); free(pb->pb_stats->lookahead_output_pins_used); free(pb->pb_stats->feasible_blocks); free(pb->pb_stats->marked_nets); free(pb->pb_stats->marked_blocks); } pb->pb_stats->marked_blocks = NULL; delete pb->pb_stats; pb->pb_stats = NULL; } int ** alloc_and_load_net_pin_index() { /* Allocates and loads net_pin_index array, this array allows us to quickly * * find what pin on the net a block pin corresponds to. Returns the pointer * * to the 2D net_pin_index array. */ int inet, netpin, blk, iblk, ipin, itype, **temp_net_pin_index, max_pins_per_clb = 0; t_type_ptr type; /* Compute required size. */ for (itype = 0; itype < num_types; itype++) max_pins_per_clb = std::max(max_pins_per_clb, type_descriptors[itype].num_pins); /* Allocate for maximum size. */ temp_net_pin_index = (int **) alloc_matrix(0, num_blocks - 1, 0, max_pins_per_clb - 1, sizeof(int)); /* Initialize values to OPEN */ for (iblk = 0; iblk < num_blocks; iblk++) { type = block[iblk].type; for (ipin = 0; ipin < type->num_pins; ipin++) { temp_net_pin_index[iblk][ipin] = OPEN; } } /* Load the values */ for (inet = 0; inet < num_nets; inet++) { if (clb_net[inet].is_global) continue; for (netpin = 0; netpin <= clb_net[inet].num_sinks; netpin++) { blk = clb_net[inet].node_block[netpin]; temp_net_pin_index[blk][clb_net[inet].node_block_pin[netpin]] = netpin; } } /* Returns the pointers to the 2D array. */ return temp_net_pin_index; } /*************************************************************************************** Y.G.THIEN 29 AUG 2012 * The following functions maps the block pins indices for all block types to the * * corresponding port indices and port_pin indices. This is necessary since there are * * different netlist conventions - in the cluster level, ports and port pins are used * * while in the post-pack level, block pins are used. * * * ***************************************************************************************/ void get_port_pin_from_blk_pin(int blk_type_index, int blk_pin, int * port, int * port_pin) { /* These two mappings are needed since there are two different netlist * * conventions - in the cluster level, ports and port pins are used * * while in the post-pack level, block pins are used. The reason block * * type is used instead of blocks is that the mapping is the same for * * blocks belonging to the same block type. * * * * f_port_from_blk_pin array allow us to quickly find what port a * * block pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...blk_pin_count-1] * * * * f_port_pin_from_blk_pin array allow us to quickly find what port * * pin a block pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...blk_pin_count-1] */ /* If either one of the arrays is not allocated and loaded, it is * * corrupted, so free both of them. */ if ((f_port_from_blk_pin == NULL && f_port_pin_from_blk_pin != NULL) || (f_port_from_blk_pin != NULL && f_port_pin_from_blk_pin == NULL)){ free_port_pin_from_blk_pin(); } /* If the arrays are not allocated and loaded, allocate it. */ if (f_port_from_blk_pin == NULL && f_port_pin_from_blk_pin == NULL) { alloc_and_load_port_pin_from_blk_pin(); } /* Return the port and port_pin for the pin. */ *port = f_port_from_blk_pin[blk_type_index][blk_pin]; *port_pin = f_port_pin_from_blk_pin[blk_type_index][blk_pin]; } void free_port_pin_from_blk_pin(void) { /* Frees the f_port_from_blk_pin and f_port_pin_from_blk_pin arrays. * * * * This function is called when the file-scope arrays are corrupted. * * Otherwise, the arrays are freed in free_placement_structs() */ int itype; if (f_port_from_blk_pin != NULL) { for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { free(f_port_from_blk_pin[itype]); } free(f_port_from_blk_pin); f_port_from_blk_pin = NULL; } if (f_port_pin_from_blk_pin != NULL) { for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { free(f_port_pin_from_blk_pin[itype]); } free(f_port_pin_from_blk_pin); f_port_pin_from_blk_pin = NULL; } } static void alloc_and_load_port_pin_from_blk_pin(void) { /* Allocates and loads f_port_from_blk_pin and f_port_pin_from_blk_pin * * arrays. * * * * The arrays are freed in free_placement_structs() */ int ** temp_port_from_blk_pin = NULL; int ** temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin = NULL; int itype, iblk_pin, iport, iport_pin; int blk_pin_count, num_port_pins, num_ports; /* Allocate and initialize the values to OPEN (-1). */ temp_port_from_blk_pin = (int **) my_malloc(num_types* sizeof(int*)); temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin = (int **) my_malloc(num_types* sizeof(int*)); for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { blk_pin_count = type_descriptors[itype].num_pins; temp_port_from_blk_pin[itype] = (int *) my_malloc(blk_pin_count* sizeof(int)); temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin[itype] = (int *) my_malloc(blk_pin_count* sizeof(int)); for (iblk_pin = 0; iblk_pin < blk_pin_count; iblk_pin++) { temp_port_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = OPEN; temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = OPEN; } } /* Load the values */ /* itype starts from 1 since type_descriptors[0] is the EMPTY_TYPE. */ for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { blk_pin_count = 0; num_ports = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->num_ports; for (iport = 0; iport < num_ports; iport++) { num_port_pins = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->ports[iport].num_pins; for (iport_pin = 0; iport_pin < num_port_pins; iport_pin++) { temp_port_from_blk_pin[itype][blk_pin_count] = iport; temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin[itype][blk_pin_count] = iport_pin; blk_pin_count++; } } } /* Sets the file_scope variables to point at the arrays. */ f_port_from_blk_pin = temp_port_from_blk_pin; f_port_pin_from_blk_pin = temp_port_pin_from_blk_pin; } void get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(int blk_type_index, int port,int port_pin, int * blk_pin) { /* This mapping is needed since there are two different netlist * * conventions - in the cluster level, ports and port pins are used * * while in the post-pack level, block pins are used. The reason block * * type is used instead of blocks is to save memories. * * * * f_port_pin_to_block_pin array allows us to quickly find what block * * pin a port pin corresponds to. * * [0...num_types-1][0...num_ports-1][0...num_port_pins-1] */ /* If the array is not allocated and loaded, allocate it. */ if (f_blk_pin_from_port_pin == NULL) { alloc_and_load_blk_pin_from_port_pin(); } /* Return the port and port_pin for the pin. */ *blk_pin = f_blk_pin_from_port_pin[blk_type_index][port][port_pin]; } void free_blk_pin_from_port_pin(void) { /* Frees the f_blk_pin_from_port_pin array. * * * * This function is called when the arrays are freed in * * free_placement_structs() */ int itype, iport, num_ports; if (f_blk_pin_from_port_pin != NULL) { for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { num_ports = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->num_ports; for (iport = 0; iport < num_ports; iport++) { free(f_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype][iport]); } free(f_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype]); } free(f_blk_pin_from_port_pin); f_blk_pin_from_port_pin = NULL; } } static void alloc_and_load_blk_pin_from_port_pin(void) { /* Allocates and loads blk_pin_from_port_pin array. * * * * The arrays are freed in free_placement_structs() */ int *** temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin = NULL; int itype, iport, iport_pin; int blk_pin_count, num_port_pins, num_ports; /* Allocate and initialize the values to OPEN (-1). */ temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin = (int ***) my_malloc(num_types * sizeof(int**)); for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { num_ports = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->num_ports; temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype] = (int **) my_malloc(num_ports * sizeof(int*)); for (iport = 0; iport < num_ports; iport++) { num_port_pins = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->ports[iport].num_pins; temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype][iport] = (int *) my_malloc(num_port_pins * sizeof(int)); for(iport_pin = 0; iport_pin < num_port_pins; iport_pin ++) { temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype][iport][iport_pin] = OPEN; } } } /* Load the values */ /* itype starts from 1 since type_descriptors[0] is the EMPTY_TYPE. */ for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { blk_pin_count = 0; num_ports = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->num_ports; for (iport = 0; iport < num_ports; iport++) { num_port_pins = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->ports[iport].num_pins; for (iport_pin = 0; iport_pin < num_port_pins; iport_pin++) { temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin[itype][iport][iport_pin] = blk_pin_count; blk_pin_count++; } } } /* Sets the file_scope variables to point at the arrays. */ f_blk_pin_from_port_pin = temp_blk_pin_from_port_pin; } /*************************************************************************************** Y.G.THIEN 30 AUG 2012 * The following functions parses the direct connections' information obtained from * * the arch file. Then, the functions map the block pins indices for all block types * * to the corresponding idirect (the index of the direct connection as specified in * * the arch file) and direct type (whether this pin is a SOURCE or a SINK for the * * direct connection). If a pin is not part of any direct connections, the value * * OPEN (-1) is stored in both entries. * * * * The mapping arrays are freed by the caller. Currently, this mapping is only used to * * load placement macros in place_macro.c * * * ***************************************************************************************/ void parse_direct_pin_name(char * src_string, int line, int * start_pin_index, int * end_pin_index, char * pb_type_name, char * port_name){ /* Parses out the pb_type_name and port_name from the direct passed in. * * If the start_pin_index and end_pin_index is specified, parse them too. * * Return the values parsed by reference. */ char source_string[MAX_STRING_LEN+1]; char * find_format = NULL; int ichar, match_count; // parse out the pb_type and port name, possibly pin_indices find_format = strstr(src_string,"["); if (find_format == NULL) { /* Format "pb_type_name.port_name" */ *start_pin_index = *end_pin_index = -1; strcpy (source_string, src_string); for (ichar = 0; ichar < (int)(strlen(source_string)); ichar++) { if (source_string[ichar] == '.') source_string[ichar] = ' '; } match_count = sscanf(source_string, "%s %s", pb_type_name, port_name); if (match_count != 2){ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid pin - %s, " "name should be in the format \"pb_type_name\".\"port_name\" or " "\"pb_type_name\".\"port_name [end_pin_index:start_pin_index]\". " " The end_pin_index and start_pin_index can be the same.\n", line, src_string); exit(1); } } else { /* Format "pb_type_name.port_name [end_pin_index:start_pin_index]" */ strcpy (source_string, src_string); for (ichar = 0; ichar < (int)(strlen(source_string)); ichar++) { if (source_string[ichar] == '.') source_string[ichar] = ' '; } match_count = sscanf(source_string, "%s %s [%d:%d]", pb_type_name, port_name, end_pin_index, start_pin_index); if (match_count != 4){ vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid pin - %s, " "name should be in the format \"pb_type_name\".\"port_name\" or " "\"pb_type_name\".\"port_name [end_pin_index:start_pin_index]\". " " The end_pin_index and start_pin_index can be the same.\n", line, src_string); exit(1); } if (*end_pin_index < 0 || *start_pin_index < 0) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid pin - %s, " "the pin_index [end_pin_index:start_pin_index] should not " "be a negative value.\n", line, src_string); exit(1); } if ( *end_pin_index < *start_pin_index) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid from_pin - %s, " "the end_pin_index in [end_pin_index:start_pin_index] should " "not be less than start_pin_index.\n", line, src_string); exit(1); } } } static void mark_direct_of_pins(int start_pin_index, int end_pin_index, int itype, int iport, int ** idirect_from_blk_pin, int idirect, int ** direct_type_from_blk_pin, int direct_type, int line, char * src_string) { /* Mark the pin entry in idirect_from_blk_pin with idirect and the pin entry in * * direct_type_from_blk_pin with direct_type from start_pin_index to * * end_pin_index. */ int iport_pin, iblk_pin; // Mark pins with indices from start_pin_index to end_pin_index, inclusive for (iport_pin = start_pin_index; iport_pin <= end_pin_index; iport_pin++) { get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(itype, iport, iport_pin, &iblk_pin); // Check the fc for the pin, direct chain link only if fc == 0 if (type_descriptors[itype].Fc[iblk_pin] == 0) { idirect_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = idirect; // Check whether the pins are marked, errors out if so if (direct_type_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] != OPEN) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid pin - %s, " "this pin is in more than one direct connection.\n", line, src_string); exit(1); } else { direct_type_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = direct_type; } } } // Finish marking all the pins } static void mark_direct_of_ports (int idirect, int direct_type, char * pb_type_name, char * port_name, int end_pin_index, int start_pin_index, char * src_string, int line, int ** idirect_from_blk_pin, int ** direct_type_from_blk_pin) { /* Go through all the ports in all the blocks to find the port that has the same * * name as port_name and belongs to the block type that has the name pb_type_name. * * Then, check that whether start_pin_index and end_pin_index are specified. If * * they are, mark down the pins from start_pin_index to end_pin_index, inclusive. * * Otherwise, mark down all the pins in that port. */ int num_ports, num_port_pins; int itype, iport; // Go through all the block types for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { // Find blocks with the same pb_type_name if (strcmp(type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->name, pb_type_name) == 0) { num_ports = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->num_ports; for (iport = 0; iport < num_ports; iport++) { // Find ports with the same port_name if (strcmp(type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->ports[iport].name, port_name) == 0) { num_port_pins = type_descriptors[itype].pb_type->ports[iport].num_pins; // Check whether the end_pin_index is valid if (end_pin_index > num_port_pins) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Invalid pin - %s, " "the end_pin_index in [end_pin_index:start_pin_index] should " "be less than the num_port_pins %d.\n", line, src_string, num_port_pins); exit(1); } // Check whether the pin indices are specified if (start_pin_index >= 0 || end_pin_index >= 0) { mark_direct_of_pins(start_pin_index, end_pin_index, itype, iport, idirect_from_blk_pin, idirect, direct_type_from_blk_pin, direct_type, line, src_string); } else { mark_direct_of_pins(0, num_port_pins-1, itype, iport, idirect_from_blk_pin, idirect, direct_type_from_blk_pin, direct_type, line, src_string); } } // Do nothing if port_name does not match } // Finish going through all the ports } // Do nothing if pb_type_name does not match } // Finish going through all the blocks } void alloc_and_load_idirect_from_blk_pin(t_direct_inf* directs, int num_directs, int *** idirect_from_blk_pin, int *** direct_type_from_blk_pin) { /* Allocates and loads idirect_from_blk_pin and direct_type_from_blk_pin arrays. * * * * For a bus (multiple bits) direct connection, all the pins in the bus are marked. * * * * idirect_from_blk_pin array allow us to quickly find pins that could be in a * * direct connection. Values stored is the index of the possible direct connection * * as specified in the arch file, OPEN (-1) is stored for pins that could not be * * part of a direct chain conneciton. * * * * direct_type_from_blk_pin array stores the value SOURCE if the pin is the * * from_pin, SINK if the pin is the to_pin in the direct connection as specified in * * the arch file, OPEN (-1) is stored for pins that could not be part of a direct * * chain conneciton. * * * * Stores the pointers to the two 2D arrays in the addresses passed in. * * * * The two arrays are freed by the caller(s). */ int itype, iblk_pin, idirect, num_type_pins; int ** temp_idirect_from_blk_pin, ** temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin; char to_pb_type_name[MAX_STRING_LEN+1], to_port_name[MAX_STRING_LEN+1], from_pb_type_name[MAX_STRING_LEN+1], from_port_name[MAX_STRING_LEN+1]; int to_start_pin_index = -1, to_end_pin_index = -1; int from_start_pin_index = -1, from_end_pin_index = -1; /* Allocate and initialize the values to OPEN (-1). */ temp_idirect_from_blk_pin = (int **) my_malloc(num_types * sizeof(int *)); temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin = (int **) my_malloc(num_types * sizeof(int *)); for (itype = 1; itype < num_types; itype++) { num_type_pins = type_descriptors[itype].num_pins; temp_idirect_from_blk_pin[itype] = (int *) my_malloc(num_type_pins * sizeof(int)); temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin[itype] = (int *) my_malloc(num_type_pins * sizeof(int)); /* Initialize values to OPEN */ for (iblk_pin = 0; iblk_pin < num_type_pins; iblk_pin++) { temp_idirect_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = OPEN; temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin[itype][iblk_pin] = OPEN; } } /* Load the values */ // Go through directs and find pins with possible direct connections for (idirect = 0; idirect < num_directs; idirect++) { // Parse out the pb_type and port name, possibly pin_indices from from_pin parse_direct_pin_name(directs[idirect].from_pin, directs[idirect].line, &from_end_pin_index, &from_start_pin_index, from_pb_type_name, from_port_name); // Parse out the pb_type and port name, possibly pin_indices from to_pin parse_direct_pin_name(directs[idirect].to_pin, directs[idirect].line, &to_end_pin_index, &to_start_pin_index, to_pb_type_name, to_port_name); /* Now I have all the data that I need, I could go through all the block pins * * in all the blocks to find all the pins that could have possible direct * * connections. Mark all down all those pins with the idirect the pins belong * * to and whether it is a source or a sink of the direct connection. */ // Find blocks with the same name as from_pb_type_name and from_port_name mark_direct_of_ports (idirect, SOURCE, from_pb_type_name, from_port_name, from_end_pin_index, from_start_pin_index, directs[idirect].from_pin, directs[idirect].line, temp_idirect_from_blk_pin, temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin); // Then, find blocks with the same name as to_pb_type_name and from_port_name mark_direct_of_ports (idirect, SINK, to_pb_type_name, to_port_name, to_end_pin_index, to_start_pin_index, directs[idirect].to_pin, directs[idirect].line, temp_idirect_from_blk_pin, temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin); } // Finish going through all the directs /* Returns the pointer to the 2D arrays by reference. */ *idirect_from_blk_pin = temp_idirect_from_blk_pin; *direct_type_from_blk_pin = temp_direct_type_from_blk_pin; } /** * Xifan Tang: Move this function from rr_graph.c * since it is useful and general to parse clb to clb directs * Parse out which CLB pins should connect directly to which other CLB pins then store that in a clb_to_clb_directs data structure * This data structure supplements the the info in the "directs" data structure * TODO: The function that does this parsing in placement is poorly done because it lacks generality on heterogeniety, should replace with this one */ t_clb_to_clb_directs * alloc_and_load_clb_to_clb_directs(INP const t_direct_inf *directs, INP const int num_directs) { int i, j; t_clb_to_clb_directs *clb_to_clb_directs; char *pb_type_name, *port_name; int start_pin_index, end_pin_index; t_pb_type *pb_type; clb_to_clb_directs = (t_clb_to_clb_directs*)my_calloc(num_directs, sizeof(t_clb_to_clb_directs)); pb_type_name = NULL; port_name = NULL; for(i = 0; i < num_directs; i++) { pb_type_name = (char*)my_malloc((strlen(directs[i].from_pin) + strlen(directs[i].to_pin)) * sizeof(char)); port_name = (char*)my_malloc((strlen(directs[i].from_pin) + strlen(directs[i].to_pin)) * sizeof(char)); // Load from pins // Parse out the pb_type name, port name, and pin range parse_direct_pin_name(directs[i].from_pin, directs[i].line, &start_pin_index, &end_pin_index, pb_type_name, port_name); // Figure out which type, port, and pin is used for(j = 0; j < num_types; j++) { if(strcmp(type_descriptors[j].name, pb_type_name) == 0) { break; } } assert(j < num_types); clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_type = &type_descriptors[j]; pb_type = clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_type->pb_type; for(j = 0; j < pb_type->num_ports; j++) { if(strcmp(pb_type->ports[j].name, port_name) == 0) { break; } } assert(j < pb_type->num_ports); if(start_pin_index == OPEN) { assert(start_pin_index == end_pin_index); start_pin_index = 0; end_pin_index = pb_type->ports[j].num_pins - 1; } get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_type->index, j, start_pin_index, &clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_pin_start_index); get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_type->index, j, end_pin_index, &clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_pin_end_index); // Load to pins // Parse out the pb_type name, port name, and pin range parse_direct_pin_name(directs[i].to_pin, directs[i].line, &start_pin_index, &end_pin_index, pb_type_name, port_name); // Figure out which type, port, and pin is used for(j = 0; j < num_types; j++) { if(strcmp(type_descriptors[j].name, pb_type_name) == 0) { break; } } assert(j < num_types); clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_type = &type_descriptors[j]; pb_type = clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_type->pb_type; for(j = 0; j < pb_type->num_ports; j++) { if(strcmp(pb_type->ports[j].name, port_name) == 0) { break; } } assert(j < pb_type->num_ports); if(start_pin_index == OPEN) { assert(start_pin_index == end_pin_index); start_pin_index = 0; end_pin_index = pb_type->ports[j].num_pins - 1; } get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_type->index, j, start_pin_index, &clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_pin_start_index); get_blk_pin_from_port_pin(clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_type->index, j, end_pin_index, &clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_pin_end_index); if(abs(clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_pin_start_index - clb_to_clb_directs[i].from_clb_pin_end_index) != abs(clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_pin_start_index - clb_to_clb_directs[i].to_clb_pin_end_index)) { vpr_printf(TIO_MESSAGE_ERROR, "[LINE %d] Range mismatch from %s to %s.\n", directs[i].line, directs[i].from_pin, directs[i].to_pin); exit(1); } /* Aurelien: assign point to point parameters */ clb_to_clb_directs[i].interconnection_type = directs[i].interconnection_type; clb_to_clb_directs[i].x_dir = directs[i].x_dir; clb_to_clb_directs[i].y_dir = directs[i].y_dir; /* Xifan Tang: assign values to x,y,z_offset */ clb_to_clb_directs[i].x_offset = directs[i].x_offset; clb_to_clb_directs[i].y_offset = directs[i].y_offset; clb_to_clb_directs[i].z_offset = directs[i].z_offset; /* Xifan Tang: give the name */ clb_to_clb_directs[i].name = my_strdup(directs[i].name); free(pb_type_name); free(port_name); } return clb_to_clb_directs; }