 *  The following code is part of the power modelling feature of VTR.
 * For support:
 * http://code.google.com/p/vtr-verilog-to-routing/wiki/Power
 * or email:
 * vtr.power.estimation@gmail.com
 * If you are using power estimation for your researach please cite:
 * Jeffrey Goeders and Steven Wilton.  VersaPower: Power Estimation
 * for Diverse FPGA Architectures.  In International Conference on
 * Field Programmable Technology, 2012.

 * This file provides utility functions used by power estimation.

#ifndef __POWER_UTIL_H__
#define __POWER_UTIL_H__

/************************* INCLUDES *********************************/
#include "power.h"
#include "power_components.h"

/************************* FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ********************/

/* Pins */
float pin_dens(t_pb * pb, t_pb_graph_pin * pin);
float pin_prob(t_pb * pb, t_pb_graph_pin * pin);
int power_calc_pin_fanout(t_pb_graph_pin * pin, int mode_idx);
void pb_foreach_pin(t_pb_graph_node * pb_node,
		void (*fn)(t_pb_graph_pin *, void *), void * context);

/* Power Usage */
void power_zero_usage(t_power_usage * power_usage);
void power_add_usage(t_power_usage * dest, const t_power_usage * src);
void power_scale_usage(t_power_usage * power_usage, float scale_factor);
float power_sum_usage(t_power_usage * power_usage);
float power_perc_dynamic(t_power_usage * power_usage);

/* Message Logger */
void power_log_msg(e_power_log_type log_type, char * msg);

/* Buffers */
int power_calc_buffer_num_stages(float final_stage_size, float desired_stage_effort);
float calc_buffer_stage_effort(int N, float final_stage_size);
float power_buffer_size_from_logical_effort(float C_load);

/* Multiplexers */
boolean mux_find_selector_values(int * selector_values, t_mux_node * mux_node,
		int selected_input_pin);
t_mux_arch * power_get_mux_arch(int num_mux_inputs, float transistor_size);
void mux_arch_fix_levels(t_mux_arch * mux_arch);

/* Power Methods */
boolean power_method_is_transistor_level(
		e_power_estimation_method estimation_method);
boolean power_method_is_recursive(
		e_power_estimation_method method);

char * transistor_type_name(e_tx_type type);
char * alloc_SRAM_values_from_truth_table(int LUT_size,
		t_linked_vptr * truth_table);
float clb_net_density(int net_idx);
char * interconnect_type_name(enum e_interconnect type);
float clb_net_prob(int net_idx);

void output_log(t_log * log_ptr, FILE * fp);

void output_logs(FILE * fp, t_log * logs, int num_logs);

void power_print_title(FILE * fp, char * title);
